Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Sierra Products service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Sierra Products MODEL EFI 4000 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    Si err a Product s I nc. , 5061 Brooks St ., Montcl ai r, CA 91763 P/N 14015 4 R1 1/ 05 rb MODEL EF 5000 PELLET HEA TER MODEL EFI 4000 PELLET INSERT MODEL EF 3800 PELLET HEA TER MODEL EF3801PELLET H EA TER Pell et Heat er Repair Manual Pleas e fam iliar ize y ours elf w ith entir e manua l before a ttem pting a r epair or adju stment o f the h eate[...]

  • Page 2

    2 Table of Contents 1. Intr oduction & S erv ice Phi losophy ............... .....p. 3 2. Tools & S ervice Ki t.............. ......... ......... ......... ..p. 4 3. W arranty & Return Par ts Polic y......... ......... ......p. 5 4. Sample C laim Form.... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..p. 6 5. Ser vic e Calls.. ..............[...]

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    3 1. INTRODUCTION & SERVICE PHILOSOPHY Fol l owing i s a com prehensi ve ser vi ce m anual whi ch wi ll assi st bot h deal er or ser vi ce personnel i n m ai ntai ni ng and ser vi ci ng t he Easy fi re Pel l et St oves. Befor e get ti ng i nt o t he speci fi cs of ser vi ce we woul d l i ke to gi ve an over vi ew of our servi ce phi l osophy an[...]

  • Page 4

    4 i m m ediat el y . To obtai n t his deg ree o f exper ti se y ou m ust acqu ai nt y oursel f wi th ev ery com ponent and st ove funct i on. Never guess! TOOLS & SERVICE KIT The tool s and equi pm ent nee ded f or ser vi cing t he Easy fi re Pel l et Stov e are as f oll ows: a. G ood shop v acuum wi t h bl ower capabi l i ti es. b. Set of sock[...]

  • Page 5

    5 EA SYF I RE LI MI TED L I FE TI M E, TH REE , ONE YE A R WARR ANT Y Sierra P roducts, Inc.(SPI ) w arrants to the original consumer that this stov e w ill be fr ee of defe ctive mater ials and w orkmanshi p for a per iod as lis ted below from the date of pur chase . This w arranty does not ex tend to any parts d amaged throu gh abuse, accident, o[...]

  • Page 6

    6 EasyFi re™ Pel l et Heat er W arra n ty C laim F orm Customer Information: Unit Information: Name:__________________ _______________ RM A Number _________ ___ Address :________________________ _______ Model Number ___________ City /State/Zip:_________ __________________ Serial Number ______ _______ Phone:__________________ ______________ Date o[...]

  • Page 7

    7 SERVICE CA LLS The object i ve when m aki ng a ser vi ce cal l i s t o get t he cust om er up and runni ng as qui ckl y as possi bl e. For t hi s reason the best m ethod of at tack i s t o fi nd t he probl em quickl y and i sol at e t he faul t y com ponent and swap i t out wit h the g ood com ponent i n your deal er ser vi ce kit . The defect i [...]

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    8 T ro u b le S h o o tin g F lo w C h a rt # 1 - Sto ve n o t ru n n in g a t all.[...]

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    9 Tr oubl e Shoo t i ng Fl ow Chart #2 - Fee d motor r uns, but no f an. Trouble Shoot ing Flow Char t #3 - Fa n motor runs, bu t no feed.[...]

  • Page 10

    1 0 Tr oubl e Shoo t i ng Fl ow Chart #4 - Stov e r uns, but s huts down i n 10 mi nute s (M ake s ure st ove i s hot en o u g h - 1 4 0°F ). Tro ub le Sh oo ting Flow C h art #5 - S tove ru ns, b ut sh uts d ow n r a nd o ml y w i t h o v e r - t e mp LED On. S t e a dy Re d = Hi gh Te mp Bl ink ing Red = Bl ocked F lue[...]

  • Page 11

    1 1 Tr oubl e Shoo t i ng Fl ow Chart #6 - St ove r uns, heat out put sta ys Low, eve n on Hi gh se tt ing. Trouble Shooti ng Flow C hart #7 - Stove wi ll not run on batt ery or charge batt ery.[...]

  • Page 12

    1 2 Tro ub le Sh oo ting Flow C h art #8 - Sto ve ru ns in fan o nly m o d e, but w h en turn ed to L o w , Med , or H igh , i t sh u ts off i m m ediat ely. T ro u b le S h o o tin g F lo w C h a rt #9 - F a n alw ay s ve ry h igh , a ll m o des exce p t off. T ro u b le S h o o tin g F lo w C h art #10 - Fe e d alw a y s ve ry hig h , all m o des[...]

  • Page 13

    1 3 Check the f eed “ t ri m ” but t on and adjust to hi gher (clock wise) setti ng . If t he feed is too low, t he stove wi l l cool down and when i t reaches a l ower t em perat ure wi ll shut down aut om ati cal l y. T hi s can be cor rect ed by adj usti ng the f eed s ett ing t o a hi gher set ti ng. Trouble Shooti ng Flow C h art #11 - Sto[...]

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    1 4 20 0 5 a n d n ew e r c o n tro l sw itc h a ss e m b ly P re 2 0 05 c o n tro l sw itc h as s em b ly[...]

  • Page 15

    1 5 EasyFire B Model Pellet Heater Quick Troubleshoot and Technical Guide SPI’ s Easy Fi re pe l l et heat ers ar e desi gned t o oper at e as a seasonal zone heat er bur ning 1 /4" wood pel l et fuel . Uti l i zi ng a 12VDC cont rol and dr iv e sy stem al lows f or ext ended bat ter y oper ati on when AC power f ai ls. T he f ol l owing o u[...]

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    1 6 Bas ic t ools requ i red for troubleshooting - M ult i Volt/ O hm M eter, standa rd and p hil li ps sc rew drivers, standard jew elers screw driver (fan spee d adjus tm en ts on m ain control board). N o pow er - Power i s prov i ded by bot h AC and DC suppl ies. There ar e t wo repl aceabl e fuses l ocat ed near t he power connect ions. T hey [...]

  • Page 17

    1 7 t ri m sett ings may cause t he opposi te pr obl em as the h eat er feeds to much fuel and al lows t he HIGH TEM P contr ol st op the fe ed to c o ol the s tov e. B es t s tartin g trim s etting is the m id po int or 9 :0 0 o -c loc k . High t em p star ts wi ll also occu r i f t he burn po t has addi ti onal fuel pri or t o star t up. T hi s a[...]

  • Page 18

    1 8 C om po n ent Ad justm en ts an d Rep lacem en t: Mai n Contr ol Boar d - M ain control board is l oc ated in the l ow er ri gh t pede stal (3801/5001 ) or l ow er right rear - 4001 insert and r i ght swi tch pl at e for the 5 001U. The cont rol board i s hel d in pl ace wi th sev eral phi l li ps screws. Fan speed adj ustm ent s ar e accom pl [...]

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    1 9[...]

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    2 0[...]

  • Page 21

    2 1 Figure 2 Stov e Conn ecti on Panel Figure 1 I nsert Con necti on Panel Autol it e W i ri ng Diagr am Plea se re ad th is en tire in stru ctio n bef ore att emp ting repair. EF A utoLite Igni ter Repla cement I nstr uction WA RNING - ELECTRIC SHOCK POTENTIA L. A ll repa irs must be acc omplished w ith the 115VAC and 12 DC power disconnected from[...]

  • Page 22

    Si err a Product s, I nc. 5061 Br ooks St . St e. B, Montcl ai r, C A 91763 P/N 1408 04 10/0 7 2 2 ELECTRICA L TROUBLE SHOOTING WA RNI NG: O n ly a trained tech n ician sh o uld attem p t to r e pa i r a p e l l et he a t e r e l e c t r i c a l s y st e m. N o te : A ll te s ts s h o u ld b e a c c o m p lis h e d w ith th e u n it the rm os ta t [...]

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    Si err a Product s, I nc. 5061 Br ooks St . St e. B, Montcl ai r, C A 91763 P/N 1408 04 10/0 7 2 3[...]

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    Si err a Product s, I nc. 5061 Br ooks St . St e. B, Montcl ai r, C A 91763 P/N 1408 04 10/0 7 2 4 P re 2 0 04 P elle t S to v e W irin g D e tail[...]

  • Page 25

    Si err a Product s, I nc. 5061 Br ooks St . St e. B, Montcl ai r, C A 91763 P/N 1408 04 10/0 7 2 5 20 0 5 H A R N E S S W IR IN G D E T A IL[...]

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    5061 Br ooks St. M ont cl ai r, CA 91763 800-527- 4790 Fax 1-909- 399-3357 ww err aproduct si nc. com P/N EF3801 4001 Sensor replacment 4/04 2 6 EF3801/ 4001 V1 Feed Syst em Servi ce or Repai r I nstr ucti on Figure 1 Figure 3 OVERVIEW The EasyFi re f eed sy stem consi sts of four main components, feed m otor and m ount ing p l at e, feed auge[...]

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    5061 Br ooks St. M ont cl ai r, CA 91763 909-399- 3355 Fax 1-909- 399-3357 ww err aproduct si nc. com 2 7 EF 3801 /4001 T-1/T- 2 S enso r Replacement Inst ruct i on OVERVIEW Fi rst product ion 2 005 st oves Seri al #3384 t o #3420 r equi re pr ecaut i onary repl acem ent of bot h T -1 an d T-2 sensor s. The sensors l ocated i n t he stov e bod[...]

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    5061 Br ooks St. M ont cl ai r, CA 91763 909-399- 3355 Fax 1-909- 399-3357 ww err aproduct si nc. com 2 8 REMOVA L AND R EPLA CEMENT OF COMPONENTS W A RNI NG: RI SK OF E LECTRI C SHOCK! REMOVE A LL POWER CORDS F ROM UNI T BEFORE A TTEMPTI NG A NY SERVICE. 1. Circu it Board : The ci rcui t board i s locat ed on t he l ower r ight hand si de of [...]

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    5061 Br ooks St. M ont cl ai r, CA 91763 909-399- 3355 Fax 1-909- 399-3357 ww err aproduct si nc. com 2 9[...]

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    5061 Br ooks St. M ont cl ai r, CA 91763 909-399- 3355 Fax 1-909- 399-3357 ww err aproduct si nc. com 3 0[...]