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1 DC-210 xDSL Broadband router[...]
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2 1 Product Layout ..................................... ................................................. 3 Minimum Req uirements ....................... .......... ........... ........... .............. ........... . 3 Package C ontent .............. .............. ......... ............ ........... .............. ........... ...... 3 2 Product L[...]
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3 1 Product Layout Congratu lations on purc hasing this B roadband R outer. This B roadband Router is a cost-effective I P Sharin g Router that e nables multip le users to shar e the Inter net through an ADSL or cabl e modem. S imply configure y our Internet co nnect ion settings in the B road band Router and plug you r PC to the LAN port and yo u&[...]
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4 2 Product Layout Port Description 1 (WAN) Connect the cable from you ADSL/Cab le modem t o this port 2 ~ 5 (LAN) Connect the cable from your PC’s or network devices to this port Reset Push this button for reset to factory default Power connector Connect the Pow er adapter to this po rt[...]
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5 Backlabel The backla bel describes t he correspond ing LED indications and port function ality LED Description POWER Lights up when powe red ON. Blinks on T EST/RESET W AN Blinks on tra ffic LAN Blinks on traffic for specif ic LAN PORT[...]
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6 3 Setup LAN and WAN WAN connection: LAN connection:[...]
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7 4 PC Network Adapter setup Windows 2000/XP • Enter [Star t Menu] se lect [Control pan el] se lect [Network ]. • Select [Local Ar ea Connect ion]) ico n=>select [pro perties] • Select [Inter net Protoc ol (TCP/IP)] =>C lick [Pro perties].[...]
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8 • Select the [Ge neral] tab . The DC -210 supports D HC P funct ion, please sel ect bot h [Obtai n an IP a ddress automatically] and [Obta in DNS server address automatically]. Windows Vista 1. Click the Wi ndows (Start) button. 2. Right-click with the mou se on ‘Network’ , and se lect ‘Properties’. 3. Click ‘statu s’ of your networ[...]
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9 No te : Please ma ke sure that the Broadban d r outer’s DHCP s erver is t he only DHCP server ava ilable on your LAN . 5 Bring up Connect the su pplied power-a dapter to the power inlet port and conn ect it to a wall outlet. The DC- 210 automat ically enters th e self-test phas e. During self-test phase, the Po wer LED will blink briefly, and t[...]
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10 6 Initial Setup 1. OPEN y our browser (i.e. Internet Explorer). 2. Type http://192.168.0 .1 in address bar and press [Enter ][...]
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11 3. Type user name and pa ssw ord (default is admin/ad min). 4. Click OK .[...]
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12 The HOME page screen below will a ppear. 6) Click on Wizard (see cha pter 2) to star t configur ing settings re quired by your ISP so that you can star t accessing th e Internet. The other sect ions (Basic Settings, A dvanced Settin gs, Firewa ll and Toolbox) d o not need to b e configur ed unless yo u wish to impl ement/monitor m ore advan ce f[...]
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13 7 Home 7.1 Status The Status se ction al lows you to mon itor the c urrent status of yo ur router. You can use the Status page to m onitor: the conn ection status of t he Broad band router 's WAN/LAN interfaces, th e current firmwar e and hardware v ersion num bers, any illegal attempts to ac cess your network, a nd informati on on all DHC [...]
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14 7.2 Connection S tatus The Connect ion Status s ection allows you to mon itor the current co nnection sta tus of your router.[...]
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15 7.3 System Log View the op eration log o f the system. Parameters Description System L og This page show s the curr ent system log of the Br oadb and ro uter. At the bottom of the page, t he system log can be save d < Save > t o a local file for further pro cessin g or the system log ca n be clear ed < Clear > or it can be refreshed [...]
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16 7.4 Acti ve DHCP Client View your LAN client's i nformation that is currently l inked to th e Broadban d router's DHCP server Parameters Description Active DHC P Client This page show s all DHC P clients (LAN PC s) currently connected t o your netw ork. The “Active DHCP C lient Table” dis plays the IP ad dress and the M AC address [...]
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17 8 Wizard • Click Wizard to conf igure the router. • The Setup wizard will now be display ed; check that t he modem is connected and click Ne xt . • Select your country from t he Coun try list. • From Servic e, select yo ur internet pr ovider. Cli ck Next .[...]
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18 • Depending on the chose n provider, y ou may ne ed to enter your user name and passwor d, MAC addr ess or hostnam e in the follow ing window. After you have entere d the correct information , click Next . • Wait for ab out 20 seco nds to allow t he router to co nnect to the Int ernet.[...]
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19 9 Basic Settings 9.1 Host Na me This page al lows you to a ssign Host Nam e and Doma in Name to t he router. Yo u can do web co nfiguration from the LAN by ty ping the w hole name you c onfigured here except for th e IP addres s. Parameter Description Host Name Enter the Host Name of this router. Click < App ly> at the b ottom of the scr e[...]
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20 9.2 Time The System Time allows your router to reference or base its time o n the Time Zo ne settings co nfigured here , which wi ll affect funct ions such as Log entries a nd Firewal l settings. Parameter Description Set Time Z one Select the tim e zone of the country you ar e currently i n. The router will set its ti me based o n your selectio[...]
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21 9.3 Password You can cha nge the passwor d require d to log int o the broadband rout er's system web-based ma nageme nt. Passwor ds can conta in 3 to 12 alpha numeric charact ers, and are case sensitive. The remote ma nageme nt function allows you to desi gnate a host in the Int ernet the a bility to co nfigure the Br oadband router from a [...]
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22 9.4 LAN S ettings The LAN Setti ngs allow you to specify a private I P address for your ro uter’ s LAN ports as wel l as a subne t mask for yo ur LAN s egment. You als o can enable t he DHCP server to l et the router manage private IP ad dresses for you automat ically. Parameters Default Description IP address 192.168. 0.1 This is the r outer?[...]
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23 DHCP Start Address 00 The first IP address t he router w ill assign to attached PC’s DHCP End Address 192.1 68.0.200 The last IP a ddress th e router will ass ign to attached PC’s Click < App ly> at the b ottom of the scr een to s ave the above c onfigurations. Yo u can now confi gure ot her advance sect ions or sta rt usin[...]
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24 9.5 DHCP Mapping The DHCP Ma pping a llows you to manua lly assign t he client a IP a ddress mapp ing to a specific MA C address an d let the clients in the list get t he same IP a ddress every time. Parameters Description Client MAC Address The MAC A ddress of the c lient. Assigned Address The IP A ddress that wi ll be assigned to t he clie nt.[...]
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25 10 Advanced Settings 10.1 Static Ro uting Static Routin g allows you to configure th e routing tab le of this router . Parameters Description Type Select NET or HOST. S et HOS T if the destinatio n address is a single HOS T. If the desti nation addre ss is a subn et, set NET. Destination LAN IP The network IP address of the destinat ion LAN. Sub[...]
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26 10.2 UPnP UPnP Sett ings allows you to configure th e basic paramet ers of UPnP. Parameters Description Enable UPnP Check this box to enabl e the UPnP function. Click < App ly> at the b ottom of the scr een to s ave the above c onfigurations. Yo u can now confi gure ot her advance sect ions or sta rt using the rout er (with th e advance se[...]
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27 10.3 D DNS DDNS allows you to ma p the static doma in name to a dynamic IP a ddress. You m ust get an accou nt, passwo rd and your static doma in name from Dy nDNS (http://www .dyndns.co m). Parameters Description Enable / Disable DDNS Select “Enab le” above t he table to ena ble DDNS funct ion. Select “Disa ble” above the table to d isa[...]
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28 11 Firewall 11.1 Hacker Preventi on The Broadba nd router' s firewall can block common ha cker attacks, including D enial of Service, Pin g of Deat h, Port Scan and S ync Flood. If Int ernet atta cks occur t he router can log the ev ents. No te : To enable the Firewa ll settings se lect Enable and click App ly Parameters Description Discard[...]
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29 11.2 Cli ent Filtering If you wa nt to restrict users from a ccessing cert ain Internet app lications/ser vices (e.g. Intern et websites, email, FTP etc.), then this is t he place to set tha t configurat ion. Client Fi ltering allows us ers to de fine the traffic ty pe perm itted in your LAN. You can c ontrol w hich PC client ca n have acc ess t[...]
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30 Day Select the p eriod of wee k day you wa nt to app ly this rule. Time Select the tim e period in a day you wa nt to ap ply this rule. Enable Check this box to enabl e this rule. You can now configure other advance se ctions or start using the router (with the advance s ettings in plac e)[...]
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31 11.3 URL Fil tering You can bloc k access to some Web s ites from pa rticular PCs by entering a ful l URL address or j ust keyword of th e Web s ite. Parameters Description Enable URL Filtering Check this box to enabl e the URL F iltering function. URL filtering string You can enter the full U RL address or t he keyword of t he web site yo u wan[...]
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32 11.4 MAC Fil tering This router provides MAC Address C ontrol, whic h can prevent unauthorized MAC Addresses fr om accessin g the internet.[...]
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33 11.5 DMZ If you have a local clie nt PC that can not run an I nternet applica tion (e. g. Games) properly from behind the N AT firewal l, then you ca n open the cl ient up to unrestricted two-way I nternet acce ss by def ining a DMZ Host. The DMZ functi on allows you t o re-direct a ll packets go ing to your WAN port IP a ddress t o a particular[...]
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34 11.6 Virtua l Server Use the Vir tual Server funct ion when y ou want d ifferent servers/cl ients in your LAN to handle different serv ice/Internet a pplication t ype (e.g. Emai l, FTP, Web ser ver etc.) from the Internet. C omputers use n umbers cal led port numbers t o recognize a particular service/Intern et applicat ion type. The Virtual Ser[...]
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35 Private Port This is the port number (of the above P rivate IP host) that the be low Public Por t number wi ll be chan ged to when the pa cket enters your LAN (to t he LAN Server/Clie nt IP) Click < App ly> at the b ottom of the scr een to s ave the above c onfigurations. Yo u can now confi gure ot her advance sect ions or sta rt using the[...]
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36 12 Toolbox 12.1 Bac k-up The Toolbox screen allo ws you to sav e ( Backup ) the router’s c urrent con figuration setting. Sav ing the conf iguration setti ngs provid es an added protection and convenienc e should pro blems occur w ith the router and you hav e to reset t o factory default. Whe n you save t he configurati on setting (Backu p) yo[...]
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37 12.2 Fi rmware Upgrade This page al lows you to u pgrade the r outer’s firmwar e Parameters Description Firmware Upgrade This tool al lows you to u pgrade th e Broadband r outer’ s system firmwa re. To u pgrade the fir mware of y our Br oadb and ro uter, you need to down load the fir mware file to your l ocal har d disk, and enter that fil e[...]
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38 12.3 Reset You can res et the router ’s system sho uld any pro blem exist. The re set funct ion essentia lly Re-boots your router’s system Parameters Description Reset In the eve nt that the system stops res ponding correctly or in some w ay stops f unctioning or you modify th e configurat ion, you can p erform a r eset. Your setti ngs will [...]
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39 Appendix A How to Manuall y find your PC’s IP and MA C add ress 1) I n Window’s open the Comm and Prom pt progra m 2) Type Ipc onfig / all and <enter> • Your PC’ s IP address is t he one entitled IP address (1 • The router’s IP address is the one entitl ed Defaul t Gateway ([...]
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40 • Your PC’ s MAC Address i s the one ent itled Physi cal Addres s (00-50-F C-FE- 02-DB)[...]
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41 Glossery Default G ateway (Rou ter): Every non-router IP device needs to configure a default gateway’s IP addr ess. When th e device sen ds out a n IP packet, if the destination is not on the same netw ork, the de vice has to sen d the packet to its default gateway, which will then se nd it out towar ds the destinati on. DHCP: D ynamic Host C [...]
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42 It means th e device’s n etwork address is 11011001.1 0110000.100 10000.00000 000, and its h ost ID is, 00000000.0 0000000.000 00000.00000 111. This is a conv enient a nd efficient meth od for routers t o route IP pa ckets to the ir destination. ISP G ateway Address : (see ISP for definitio n). The ISP Gatewa y Address is an IP address for t h[...]
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43 the Point-to-Po int Proto col. It is a comm unications protocol for tra nsmitting information ov er Ethernet between d ifferent manu facturers Protoco l: A protocol is a set of rules for interact ion agreed upon between multi ple parties so tha t when th ey interface w ith each other based on such a protocol, the interpretati on of their b ehavi[...]