Sitecom WL-309 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Sitecom WL-309, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Sitecom WL-309 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Sitecom WL-309. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Sitecom WL-309 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Sitecom WL-309
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Sitecom WL-309 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Sitecom WL-309 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Sitecom WL-309 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Sitecom WL-309, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Sitecom service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Sitecom WL-309.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Sitecom WL-309 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Wireless Gaming R outer II WL -309 Full Manual[...]

  • Page 2

    W L-309 W ireless Gaming router II Full Manual INTRODUCTION........ .......... .......... .......... ..... ............... .......... .......... .......... .... 4 F EA TURES & B ENEFITS ............ .......... .......... ............... .... ........... .......... .......... ..... 5 P ACKAGE C ONTENTS ............... .......... .......... .....[...]

  • Page 3

    W L-309 W ireless Gaming router II Full Manual Time Configuration .... .......... .......... ............ ........ .......... .......... ............... ... 66 System Setting s ........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............... ... 67 Firmware .................. .......... .......... ....... ............. ...[...]

  • Page 4

    A GE Introdu ction The WL -309 i s a draft 802. 11n c ompl iant d evice that d el ivers up to 6x faster speeds than 802.11 g whi le staying backward compatibl e with 802. 11g and 802.1 1b d evice s. It is not o nly a Wi rel ess Acc ess Point, w hic h lets you co nnect to the n etwork without wi res. There's also a bui lt-in 4- port ful l-dupl [...]

  • Page 5

    A GE Feature s & Ben efits Fe atures Benefits High Sp eed D ata Rate Up to 300Mbps Capable of handli ng heavy data payloads such as MPEG video streaming Concurrent Dual band (2.4GHz and 5GH z) Connect your client devices via the 2.4GHz b and, whi le streaming media on the clean 5 GHz band. IEEE 80 2.1 1n draft Compl iant and backward compat ib [...]

  • Page 6

    A GE Packag e Contents Open th e package caref ul ly , and make sure that none of t he items listed below are missi ng. Do not d is card the packing material s; i n case of return, the device must be sh ip ped in its origi nal packag e. - One WL -309 W irel ess Gami ng router II - One 12V/1. 25A P ower A dapter - UTP Cable - One CD-ROM wi th Us er?[...]

  • Page 7

    A GE Product Layout Item Label Descript ion 1 LAN Ports (yellow) Use an Ethernet cabl e t o connect each port to a computer on your Lo cal Area Network (LAN). 2 WAN Port (blue) Use a n Ethernet cabl e t o connect this port to your WAN router/modem. 3 DC Connector Use the power cabl e an d conne ct the adapter t o the power socket on the wal l, an d[...]

  • Page 8

    A GE Back lab el The back l abel descr ibe s the I P address, l ogin detail s, SSI D, security c ode a nd WPS button fu nctiona lit y . Button Descript ion WPS BUTT O N Press 0-5 sec onds f or 2. 4 GHz WPS mo de Press 5-10 s econds f or 5 GHz WPS mo de Press 10 sec onds t o reset th e router Press 15 Se conds t o reset th e router to factory defaul[...]

  • Page 9

    A GE LED Definition From left to r ight. Port Description Po wer ( Blu e ) Shows the devi ce is tur ned on. USB ( Blue ) Shows an USB devi ce is co nnected . WiFi 2.4 GH z ( Blue ) Shows WiF i act ivit y on the 2.4 GH z band. WiFi 2.4 GH z ( Blue ) Shows WiF i act ivit y on the 2.4 GH z band. WAN ( Blue ) Shows the ca bl e is conn ected. LAN ( Bl u[...]

  • Page 10

    10 A GE 10 Syste m Requi rements The foll owi ng are the mi nimum s ystem req ui rements in order conf igure the device: - PC/Notebook - Operating System – M icrosoft Wi ndows X P/200 0/Vista/Se ven - 1 Free Ethernet p ort - Wi-Fi card/USB don gle ( 802. 11 b/ g/n) – opti onal - External xDSL (A DSL) o r Cable mo dem wi th an Ethernet port (RJ-[...]

  • Page 11

    1 1 A GE 1 1 - 1 Understan ding t he Hard ware Hardware Instal lation Y ou ca n pla ce the WL -3 09 on a desk or other fl at surface, or you can mount i t on a wal l. For opt imal performance , place your Wireless Broadband Router i n the center o f your off i ce (or your h ome) in a lo catio n t hat is away fr om any potentia l source of interf er[...]

  • Page 12

    12 A GE 12 IP Add ress Co nfiguration This d evic e can be confi gured as a Br id ge/Router or Access Point. The default IP address of the dev ice is 192.168 .0. 1. In order to l og into thi s device, you must f irst confi gure the T CP/IP set ting s of your PC/Notebook. 1. In the c ontrol pane l, do uble cl i ck N etwork Connectio ns and then doub[...]

  • Page 13

    13 A GE 13 2 Internet C onnecti on W izard This devi ce offers a qu ick and s impl e conf ig uration through the use of a wi zard. This ch apter d escrib es ho w to use the w izard to co nfi gure t he i nterne t settings . Please refer t o Chapter 6 in order to c onfi gure the more advanced f eatures of the device. Loggi ng In T o confi gure the de[...]

  • Page 14

    14 A GE 14 Select yo ur country from t he Country l ist. Se le ct your internet provid er . C lick Next. Dependi ng on t he chos en pro vi der , you m ay need to enter your u ser name and password, M AC a ddress or host name i n t he fo ll owi ng win dow. After you have entered the c orrect i nfo rmation, c li ck Next . Click AP PLY to com pl ete t[...]

  • Page 15

    15 A GE 15 3 Wi-F i Pr otected S etup Wizard Wi-Fi Protecte d Setup is a f eature that lo cks the wi reless se curity set tings a nd prevents t he settin gs from being chan ged by any new external registrar us in g its PIN. Devic es can stil l be added to the w irel ess n etwork usi ng Wi-Fi Protected Setup. Please refer t o Chapter 5 in order to c[...]

  • Page 16

    16 A GE 16 Add a Wirele ss D evice Click o n Basic -> Wireless and click on t he Add Wireless Device Wizard button. The wirel ess w izard w i ll i nform you that t here are two major steps in th e proce ss. o Select the co nfi guration metho d for your wirel ess network o Connect your wireles s dev ice Click on the Ne xt butto n to cont in ue. Y[...]

  • Page 17

    17 A GE 17 Protected Setup and ha s a conf iguration button, you can a dd it to the network by pressin g the confi guration button on th e dev ice and then the on the router w ithi n 60 sec onds. The status LED on the router wi ll f l ash three tim es if the device has been succ essf ull y add ed to t he netw ork. There are several ways to add a wi[...]

  • Page 18

    18 A GE 18 Using t he Push Button WPS is used for Wi -Fi Protecte d S etup. By pressin g t he WPS button on the top panel of the device, the security settin gs of the devic e w i ll automatical ly synchronize wi th ot her wire les s devi ces o n your network that s upport Wi-Fi Protected Setu p If the dev ice sup ports Wi-Fi Protected S etu p and h[...]

  • Page 19

    19 A GE 19 4 Adv anced W eb Configur ation Loggi ng In Open a web b rows er and type in t he IP addres s (defaul t: ), the web-brow ser wi ll d is play the lo gin page. Fil l i n the username and password . The defau lt crede ntial s are sh own b elow: After logg in g in you wil l see the graphical user i nterface (GUI) of the d [...]

  • Page 20

    20 A GE 20 4.1 Hom e Device All of your Internet and network co nnecti on d etails are dis played on thi s pa ge. The firmware versio n is als o di spl ayed here. Wireles s Click on the Wireless l ink i n t he navigation menu. The wirel ess sec tion allows you to view t he w irel ess c li ents that are connecte d to the devic e.[...]

  • Page 21

    21 A GE 21 - MAC Address : The Ethernet ID (MAC a ddress) of the w ire less c li ent. - IP Address : The LAN-s ide IP address of th e c lient . - Mode : The transmission standar d bei ng used by t he c lie nt. V al ues are 11a, 11b, 11g, or 11n for 80 2.11 a, 80 2.11 b, 802. 11g, or 8 02.1 1n respecti vel y . - Rate : The actual transmissio n rate [...]

  • Page 22

    22 A GE 22 o LA : Last ACK -- W aitin g f or a s hort time whi le a co nnecti on t hat was in Close W ait is f ul ly close d. o CL : Closed -- Th e con nectio n is n o lon ger active b ut the session is being tracked i n cas e there are a ny retransmitted packets sti ll pen di ng. - Priority : The pri ority gi ven to packets s ent wirel essl y over[...]

  • Page 23

    23 A GE 23 Stats Click on the Statistics link in the navigatio n menu. This page di spl ays the transmitted a nd rec eived packet statist ics of the wired (LAN & WAN) and wir eless interface. Cl ick on the Refresh button t o refresh t he statist ics.[...]

  • Page 24

    24 A GE 24 DHCP Click on the DHC P l in k i n the n avigation m enu. This page di spl ays the routin g detail s conf i gured f or your router .  Local : The IP address and, wh ere appropriate, port n umber o f the l ocal appli cation.  NAT : The port numb er of the LAN -sid e ap pli catio n as vi ewe d by t he WAN-side appli cation.  Inter[...]

  • Page 25

    25 A GE 25 Firewal l Click on the Firewall link in the navigation menu. T hi s pag e displ ays the detail s about fi rewall hol es i n your router .[...]

  • Page 26

    26 A GE 26 4.2 BA SIC Network This d evi ce ca n be co nfi gured as a Router or a Bri dge . Select Router mode i f the WAN port is co nnected to th e Internet. Sel ect Bridg e if the devic e is connected t o a l ocal network downstream from another rout er . Bridge Mode In this mode, t he devic e functi ons as a brid ge betwee n the network on it s[...]

  • Page 27

    27 A GE 27 Router Mode In t his m ode, t he devi ce functi ons as a NA T router and i s co nnected to the Internet. Se lect t he Rou ter Mode ra dio b utton.  WAN Port Mode : Select the Router Mode radio butto n.  Router IP Address : Specif y the IP address of this devic e.  Subnet Mask : Specify the s ubnet mask for the IP address.  Lo[...]

  • Page 28

    28 A GE 28 Wireles s These options a ll ow y ou to ena ble/disa bl e t he wireless interface, switc h betw een the 11n, 11 b/g an d 11 b radio ban d and channel frequenc y . These setti ngs can be made f or 2. 4Ghz and 5GH Z o n the correspo ndi ng tabs.  Enable Wireles s: P lace a check in this box to enab le the wirele ss interface. It is e na[...]

  • Page 29

    29 A GE 29  Wireless Channel : S elect a channel from th e drop-dow n list. T he channels av a il abl e a re based on the country’s regulati on. A wireless networ k uses specif ic chan nels in th e wirel ess spectrum to handl e communicat ion between cli ents. Some c hannel s i n your area may have i nterference fro m other electroni c dev ice[...]

  • Page 30

    30 A GE 30  WEP Key Length : Sele ct a 64-bit or 128-bit WEP key l ength from the drop- down l ist.  WEP Key 1-4: Y ou may enter f our di ff erent WEP keys.  Default WEP K ey: Y ou ma y use up to f our d ifferent keys f or fo ur d iff erent networks. S elect the cur rent key that w ill be used.  Authentication: Select Open , or Shared K[...]

  • Page 31

    31 A GE 31  WPA Mode : Select t he Au to WPA / WPA2 from th e drop- down l i st.  Cipher Type : Select TKIP and AES as the c iph er suit e. Th e enc ryption algorith m use d to sec ure the data c ommuni cation. o TKIP . Use TKIP onl y . T KIP (T emporal Key I nte grity Protocol) provi des per-packet key generation and is ba sed o n WEP . o AE[...]

  • Page 32

    32 A GE 32 This option w orks w ith a RADIUS Server to authenticate wi reless cli ents. Wirel ess cli ents shoul d have establis hed the nece ssary credential s before attemptin g to authenticate to th e Server through th is Gateway . Furthermor e, it may be necessary t o config ure the RA DIUS Server to allo w this Gatewa y t o a uthenti cate user[...]

  • Page 33

    33 A GE 33 WAN The devic e off ers se ver al types of W AN co nnecti ons i n order to connect to the Internet. - Static IP A ddress - Dynamic IP A ddress - PPP oE - PPTP Select t he type o f I nternet Conne ctio n from the drop-down l ist. Static IP Address Configuration The WAN i nterface can be co nfi gured as St atic IP address . In thi s type o[...]

  • Page 34

    34 A GE 34  IP A ddress: S peci fy the IP a ddress for t his devi ce, w hich is a ssi gned by your ISP .  Subnet Mask: S pecif y the sub net mask for thi s IP address, whic h is assi gned by your ISP .  Default Gateway: Speci fy t he IP a ddress of the d efaul t gate way , which is assigne d by your IS P .  Primary / Secondary DNS Addre[...]

  • Page 35

    35 A GE 35 Dynamic IP Address (DHCP) Configuration The WAN interface can be c onf igure d as a DHCP C li ent i n whi ch the ISP pr ovides the IP address t o the devi ce. T his is a lso known as Dynamic IP . Select t he Dynamic IP (DHCP) from the My I nternet Connectio n drop-d own list.  Host Name : Specify a host name to def in e your system or[...]

  • Page 36

    36 A GE 36 PPP oE connecti on. If the ro uter's MTU i s set too hi gh, packets w i ll be fragmented d ownstream. If the router's MT U is set too low , t he router wil l fragment packets unnecessari ly an d in e xtreme cases may be unab le to establi sh som e con nection s. In eit her case, network performance ca n suff er .  MAC Addres[...]

  • Page 37

    37 A GE 37 PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) The WAN i nterface can b e conf i gured a s PPPoE. This type of connecti on is usually used for a DS L s ervice a nd req uires a username an d passw ord to conn ect. Select t he PPPo E from the My Internet Connection drop-down l ist .  Address Mod e : PPPoE can be use d w ith a dynamic or [...]

  • Page 38

    38 A GE 38  Primary / Secondary DNS Address: Spe cify the primary and seco ndary IP address, w hic h is a ssi gne d by your ISP .  MTU : The Maximum T ran smi ssio n Unit (MTU) is a parameter that dete rmines the largest packet size (in bytes) that the router wil l send to the WAN. If LA N devices send larger packe ts, the router w il l break[...]

  • Page 39

    39 A GE 39 PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) The WAN i nterfac e can be conf igur ed as PPTP . PPT P (Point to P oint T unne li ng Protocol) u ses a v irtual private network to connect to your ISP . T his method of connecti on is primarily used in Europe. Th is me thod of c onnecti on requ ires you to enter a username and p assw ord (pro vi [...]

  • Page 40

    40 A GE 40 o Alway s on : A conn ecti on to th e Internet is always mainta ined. o On dem and : A connect ion t o the I nternet is m ade as ne eded . o Ma nual : Y ou hav e to open up the W eb-based management interface and c li ck t he Connect butto n m anual l y any t ime that you wish to conne ct to th e Internet.  Maximum Idle Time : S pecif[...]

  • Page 41

    41 A GE 41 Advanc ed Wi reless This page allow s you t o config ure the fra gmentati on threshold, RTS threshold, beacon period , transmit power , DTIM interv al, wire less is olat ion, WMM and WDS (wirel ess d istri butio n system).  Transmit Power : Y o u may co ntrol the outp ut p ower of the devi ce by select ing a value from the d rop-down [...]

  • Page 42

    42 A GE 42  DTIM In terval : A DTIM i s a c ountd own i nformi ng cl ients o f the n ext win dow for listen ing to broadcast and m ult icast messag es. When the wire less Access Point has buff ered broadcast or mult icast mes sages for associate d cl ients, i t sends the next D TIM w ith a DTIM I nterv al value. W irel ess cl ient s detect t he [...]

  • Page 43

    43 A GE 43  WAN Port Speed : Y ou may s ele ct a WAN port speed f rom th e drop- down list. It is rec ommended that you se lect Au to .  Enable Multica st Str eams : Place a check in this box to enable multicast streams. Th e router uses the IGMP protocol to sup port effici ent multic asti ng - - transmission of i de ntical conte nt, such as [...]

  • Page 44

    44 A GE 44 4.3 Fi rewa ll Virtual S erver The Virtual Server opti on gives Internet users acc ess to serv ices on your LAN. This feature is usef ul for hosti ng onli ne servi ces such as FTP , W eb, or game servers. For each Virtu al Server , you defi ne a pub lic port on your router for redirecti on to an int ernal LA N IP A ddress an d LAN port. [...]

  • Page 45

    45 A GE 45 Special Applica tion An appli cati on rule is used to open sin gl e or multi pl e ports on your router when the ro uter se nses data sent to the Internet on a trig ger port or port range. An appli cation r ule appl i es to al l computers on your i nternal network.  Enable : Place a ch eck i n thi s b ox to ena ble t he s pecial app li[...]

  • Page 46

    46 A GE 46 Port Fo rwardin g Multi pl e connecti ons are require d by some applicat ion s, such as internet games, video co nferenc ing, Internet tel epho ny , and others. These a ppl icatio ns have diffi cul ti es worki ng through NA T (Network A ddress T r anslati on). Thi s secti on is used to open mult ip le p orts or a r ange of ports in your [...]

  • Page 47

    47 A GE 47 Access Control The Acc ess Control section allows you to control access in an d out of devices on your net work. Use this feature as P arental Controls to only gran t access to approved sites, l imit w eb access bas ed on time or dates, and/ or block access from appli cati ons s uch as peer-to-peer uti li ties or games. When Acc ess Cont[...]

  • Page 48

    48 A GE 48  Select a sch edul e fro m the dro p-dow n l ist: Always or Never , or you may defin e a new sche dul e. Clic k on th e Next button to conti nue.  Select a ma chi ne to w hich t he poli cy ap pli es.  Address Type : Sele ct the IP a ddress or MAC a ddress radio button.  IP Ad dress : If you s elected IP address above, then sp[...]

  • Page 49

    49 A GE 49  Select a f i lteri ng m ethod:  Log Web Access Only : Select th is radi o but in order to l og w eb acc ess.  Block All Access : Select this radio but in order t o block a ll web access.  Block Some A ccess : Select this radio but in order to block so me web access. Click on the Ap ply button to store the chang es.[...]

  • Page 50

    50 A GE 50 Websit e Filte r This is a type of parental control feature used to restrict c ertain w ebsi tes form being a ccessed t hrough your network. Th ese fi l ters can be use d for securi ng and restricti ng your netw ork.  Website/URL/Domain : Specify the web address that you would like t o filt er . Do not use “http://” Click on the S[...]

  • Page 51

    51 A GE 51 Schedul es Click on the Sch edules link in t he navigation m enu. Sched ul es can be created for use w it h enforcin g r ules . F or example, if you want to restrict web acce ss to Mon- Fri f rom 3pm t o 8pm, you could create a schedu le select in g M on, T ue, W ed, Thu, and Fri and enter a Start Ti me of 3p m and End Tim e of 8pm.  [...]

  • Page 52

    52 A GE 52 4.4 A dvance d Sett ings Dynamic D NS The Dynami c DN S feat ure al lows you t o host a server (Web , F TP , G ame Server , etc.) usin g a domain name that you hav e purchased wi th your dynamicall y assigne d IP addre ss. M ost broadban d Internet Servic e Provid ers assig n dynami c (changing) IP a ddress es. W hen y ou us e a Dynamic [...]

  • Page 53

    53 A GE 53 Stream Engine The S treamEngi ne feature helps im prove th e n etwork performance by p rioriti zi ng appli cation s.  Enable Traffic Shaping : Place a check i n the box t o e nable traffic shaping . When thi s optio n is enabled , th e router restri cts the flow of outbo und t raffic so as not to exceed t he WAN upl ink bandwi dth. ?[...]

  • Page 54

    54 A GE 54 the u pl ink spe ed man uall y . U pl ink s peed is the s pe ed at w hich data can be transferred from the router to your ISP .  Connection Type : By defau lt, t he router automatical ly determin es whet her the underly in g connecti on i s an xDSL/Frame -relay netw ork or som e other connecti on type (s uch a s cabl e mod em or Ether[...]

  • Page 55

    55 A GE 55 MAC Add res s Filter This feature is used to restrict certain MAC addre ss f rom ac cessi ng the I nternet. These fi lt ers can b e use d for sec uring and restr icti ng your network.  Configure MAC Filte ring : Select o ne of t he o ptions from th e drop-down li st. o Turn MAC Filtering OFF: When "OFF" i s s ele cted, MAC a[...]

  • Page 56

    56 A GE 56 Firewal l Setting s The devic e provi des a t ig ht fire wall by virt ue of th e way NA T works. Unl ess you confi gure t he router t o the contrary , the NA T d oes not respo nd t o unso li ci ted incomi ng requests o n an y port, thereby maki ng your LAN invisib le to Internet cyber attac ks. How ever , some n etwork appl icati ons can[...]

  • Page 57

    57 A GE 57 appli cation to send d ata back thro ugh a port diff erent from the one used wh en the outgoi ng se ssi on was created. o Port And Address Restricted The NA T does not fo rward a ny incomi ng co nnecti on r equest s wit h the same port ad dress as an already establ i sh co nnecti on.  Note : Some of the se opti ons can i nteract wit h[...]

  • Page 58

    58 A GE 58  DMZ IP Address : Specif y the IP address of t he DMZ host.  Non-UDP/TCP/ICMP LAN Sessions : P lace a check in t his b ox t o enable this f eature. When a LA N appl icati on t hat uses a protoco l other than UDP , TCP , or ICMP init iates a sessi on to the Internet, th e router's NA T can track such a session, even thoug h i t[...]

  • Page 59

    59 A GE 59 o RTSP : A llows appli cati ons that use Real Time S treamin g Prot ocol to receive streami ng medi a from the int ernet. Qui ckTime and Real Player are some of th e common a ppl icat ions usi ng thi s protoc ol. o Windows/MSN Messenger : Supp orts use on LAN computers of Microsoft Win dows M esseng er (the Int ernet mes sagin g cli ent [...]

  • Page 60

    60 A GE 60 WISH WISH is s hort for Wirel ess Inte ll i gent Stream Handl i ng, a technol ogy d evelop ed to enhanc e your e xp erience of usin g a wirele ss n etwork by prioriti zing t he traffic of dif ferent a ppl icati ons.  Enable WISH : Place a ch eck i n thi s box to enabl e the WISH f eature.  HTTP : Place a c heck in thi s box to add [...]

  • Page 61

    61 A GE 61 appli cation s, the priority classifi ers ensure t he right priorities and sp eci fic WISH Rules are n ot require d. WISH supports overlaps between rul es. If more than one rule matches for a specifi c messag e flo w , the rul e with th e hi ghest priority w il l be u sed.  Name : Assi gn a meani ngfu l name to the WIS H rul e.  Pr[...]

  • Page 62

    62 A GE 62 Inbound Filt er When you use t he V irtua l Serve r , Port Forw ardin g, or Remote A dmi ni stration features to open spec ific ports to traffic f rom the Internet, you co ul d be increasin g the ex posure of your LAN to cyber attacks from the I nternet. In th ese cases, you can use In boun d F ilt ers t o limi t t hat ex posure by sp ec[...]

  • Page 63

    63 A GE 63 Disk This pag e shows i nform ation regardin g the attache d storage devices. Fi l e system type, total space on the devic e, a nd availabl e s pace is s hown in th e tabl e. Click t he “ Safely remove ” b utton, to s afel y remove the USB di sk. Note: Only F A T1 2, F A T16, and F AT32 drives are s upported . For informati on regard[...]

  • Page 64

    64 A GE 64 Share On t hi s page, t he s haring mod e can b e chang ed. Choos e to share all fo ld ers wit h all users, or to restrict the s haring of fold ers. When Sharin g-mode is set to “restrict” , shares can be added a nd chan ged.[...]

  • Page 65

    65 A GE 65 Users Y ou can ad d new users and conf i gure user ri ght s for th e storage devic e.  Password : Enter a pa ssword f or the sel ected user .  Share Name : S ele ct a share d f older . Th e S hared fol ders can be c onfi gured on the “S hare” tab.  Access : S el ect “Read Only” to allow t he user to read fi les in the se[...]

  • Page 66

    66 A GE 66 4.5 To olbo x Time Co nfiguration Click on the Time l i nk in the navigat ion men u. T his feature al l ows you to confi gure, update, a nd maintain the correct time o n the device’s i nternal system clock as we ll as confi gure the t ime zone. The date and t ime of th e dev ice can be confi gured man uall y or by sy nchronizi ng with [...]

  • Page 67

    67 A GE 67 you are usi ng sch edul es or logs, t his i s the best way to ensure that the schedul es an d l ogs are kept accurate.  NTP Server Used : Spe cify the NTP server or se lect one from t he drop -down list.  Set the Date and Tim e : Select a date a nd ti me f rom the drop-down li st or do to use com puter’s time an d d ate cl ick on[...]

  • Page 68

    68 A GE 68 Load From Local Hard Driv e This option allows you to restore a backup co nfi guration from a fil e t o the d evice. Click on the B rowse butto n t o sele ct t he fi l e and the n cl ick o n Restore Configuration from a File bu tton. The system the n prompts you to rebo ot the d evic e. Click on the OK butto n to co ntin ue. Y ou wi ll t[...]

  • Page 69

    69 A GE 69 Restore To Fac tory Defaul t Click on th e Restore all Settings to Facto ry Defaults b utton. This option restores all c onf iguration s ettin gs back to the settin gs that were i n effect at t he time whe n the devi ce was sh ip ped from t he factory . Once the d ial og box appears, cli ck o n the OK button t o conf irm the a ctio n. No[...]

  • Page 70

    70 A GE 70 Please wait whi le t he s ystem i s reb ooti ng. Note : Do no unpl ug the d evice duri ng thi s process as th is may cause permanent damage.[...]

  • Page 71

    71 A GE 71 Firmwa re Click on t he Firmware li nk in the navig atio n menu . T his page al lows you to upgrade the firmware of t he d evice in order to im prove th e fu ncti onali ty a nd performance. T his page also dis pl ays the current fi rmware versio n an d i ts rel ease date. Ensure that you ha ve down load ed the appropri ate firmware from [...]

  • Page 72

    72 A GE 72  Enable Logging to a Syslog Server: Place a c heck i n t his box to enabl e Syslog l oggi ng.  Syslog Server IP Addre ss: Speci fy the IP address of th e Syslo g server . Click on the Ap ply button o nce you h ave modif ied the setti ngs. Administ rato r Setting s Admin Password Y ou can change the pas sword require d to log i nto [...]

  • Page 73

    73 A GE 73 System Name Gateway Name : Name of your router . Remote Managem ent The remote manageme nt fu nction a ll ows yo u to co nfigur e the Broad band router from a remote sit e. Inactivity Time Out : Time after whic h you wi l l b e automati call y l ogged out of the web-i nterface. HTTPS Server : Enable HT TPS conn ecti on for th e we b-inte[...]

  • Page 74

    74 A GE 74 Appendix A FCC Interference Statement Fede ral Communi cation Commis sion Inte rferen ce Stateme nt This eq ui pment has been test ed a nd fo und to comply w ith t he l im its f or a C lass B dig ital device, pursuant to Part 15 o f the FCC Rul es. The se l imit s are d esigned t o provide reaso nabl e protection a gai nst h armfu l inte[...]