Smeg ST337 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Smeg ST337, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Smeg ST337 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Smeg ST337. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Smeg ST337 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Smeg ST337
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Smeg ST337 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Smeg ST337 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Smeg ST337 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Smeg ST337, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Smeg service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Smeg ST337.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Smeg ST337 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    Conten ts 1 1. Description of the controls ________ ________ ________ ________ 2 2. Operating instructions ________ ________ ________ ________ ___ 1 4 3. Cleaning and maintenance ________ ________ ________ _______ 30 4. Troubleshooting ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ 34 Thank you for choosing one of our products. You are advised to read[...]

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    User instructio ns 2 1. Description of the controls 1.1 Upper panel All the dishwasher c ontrols are grou ped o n the uppe r panel. Switch-on , programming , switch-off, etc. procedu res are only possi ble when the door is open. The panel shown is only a guideline example: the form of the lights and buttons may vary depending on the model. 1 ON/OFF[...]

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    User instructio ns 3 Inf orm ati on di spl ay ed no Sch edu led pr ogr am dur ati on ye s no R em aini ng pr ogr am time ye s 1 - 9 hou rs Del ay ed sta rt 1 - 24 ho ur s E Err or me ssag e Er r <<OPTIONS(8)>> Depending on the mod el, this zone may contain one or more of the following options, identified by the relative symbols and desc[...]

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    User instructio ns 4 PR OGRA MS TAB LE Th e manua l conta in s the pro gr ams table fo r seve ral mode ls. To find the tab le for yo ur dishw as her , compa re the pro gra m sym bo ls at the top of the tab le w ith th ose on y our co ntr ol pa nel . SETTING THE WASHING PROGRAM AND SWITCHING ON After i dentifying the most suitable p rogram with th e[...]

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    User instructio ns 5 PROGR A MS T ABLE PROGRAMME NUMBER & SYMBOL LOAD CROCKER Y AND CUTLERY PROGRAM PROGRESS DURA TION CONSUMPTION MINUTES (1) WATER LITRES POWER KWh (1) 1 SOAK Pa ns a n d d i sh es aw aiti ng comp l et ion of t he l oa d Cold prew ash 15 (4) 3,5 0,02 2 GLASS Gla ss , chi na and mi xe d dis he s w ith l ig ht di rt . Wash at 45[...]

  • Page 8

    User instructio ns 6 QUICK TIME PROGRAMS (see relevant sec tion for explan ation of funct ioning mo des) PROGRAMME NUMBER E SYMBOL LOAD CROCKER Y AND CUTLERY PROGRAM PROGRESS DURATION CONSUMPTION MINUTI (1) WATER LITRES POWER KWh (1) 6 RAPID 27’ + Di she s w ith li ght di r t, w ash ed im me di ate ly a ft er use Wash at 38° C Rinse at 50° C 27[...]

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    User instructio ns 7 PROGR A MS T ABLE PROGRAMME NUMBER & SYMBOL LOAD CROCKER Y AND CUTLERY PROGRAM PROGRESS DURA TION CONSUMPTION MINUTES (1) WATER LITRES POWER KWh (1) 1 SOAK Pa ns a n d d i sh es aw aiti ng comp l et ion of t he l oa d Cold prew ash 15 (4) 3,5 0,02 2 GLASS Gla ss , chi na and mi xe d dis he s w ith l ig ht di rt . Wash at 45[...]

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    User instructio ns 8 QUICK TIME PROGRAMS (see relevant sec tion for explan ation of funct ioning mo des) PROGRAMME NUMBER E SYMBOL LOAD CROCKER Y AND CUTLERY PROGRAM PROGRESS DURATION CONSUMPTION MINUTI (1) WATER LITRES POWER KWh (1) 6 RAPID 27’ + Di she s w ith li ght di r t, w ash ed im me di ate ly a ft er use Wash at 38° C Rinse at 50° C 27[...]

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    User instructio ns 9 NOTES AND REFERENCES On ly ru n the so a k p rog ra m w it h h a lf loa ds . Op tio ns c ann ot b e u se d w ith t he soa k pr og ram . * Sta nda rd pr ogr amme u nd er EN 50 242 . ** See information sheet provided ** * For 3 d igi t mod els , see di sp lay . ** ** IEC/DIN reference programme. ** *** Reference program for labor[...]

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    User instructio ns 10 1.2 Washing program s Before starting a washing program make sure that: • The water supply tap is open . • The softener container contains regenerating salt . • The correct amount of detergent has been a dded to the dispenser . • The baskets have been correctly loaded . • The spray arms are able to rotate freely and [...]

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    User instructio ns 11 QUICK TIME OPTION Sel ect this op tio n tog eth er w ith an y wash ing prog ra m (ex ce pt th e soa k pro gra m) to SH OR TEN the cy cle . To act iv ate this opt ion , pre ss butt on (li ght co me s on ) aft er sel ec tin g th e p rog ram re qui red . Th e o pti on is aut oma ti call y dea ct iv at ed at the en d o f t he pr o[...]

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    User instructio ns 12 SPREAD HALF LOAD Suitable when th ere are not many dishes to be washed, it saves energy and reduces the program duration. Place dishes in both baskets then load the detergent dispenser than less than the normal amount for a full load. DELAYED START Th e star t of the wash ing progra m can be delay ed to progra m the dish w ash[...]

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    User instructio ns 13 TO SA VE ON EN ERG Y! … AND P ROT EC T TH E EN VIR ONM EN T • Alw ays tr y t o run th e d is hw ash er fu ll y l oad ed . • Do not w ash th e d ish es in ru nni ng w ate r. • Use the was hing prog ram that is mos t app rop ri ate for each type of loa d. • Do not ca rr y o ut any pr el im ina ry rin sin g. • If ava [...]

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    User instructio ns 14 2. Operating instructions Once the dishwasher has been correctly installed, prepare for use as follows: • Adjust the water softening system; • Add the regenerating salt; • Add the rinse aid and detergent. 2.1 Using the water soft ening system The amo unt of scale co ntained in the water (water hardness index) can cause w[...]

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    User instructio ns 15 • Do not use table salt as it con tains i nsoluble substances whic h, over time, may damage the water softening system. • When necessary, refill the regenerating salt container before starting the washing program . In this way, the excess saline solution will be immediately removed by the water; the prolonged presence of s[...]

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    User instructio ns 16 WATER HARDNESS TABLE WATER HA RDNESS SETTING German degrees (° dH) French Degrees (° dF) 0 - 4 0 - 7 All lights off (no salt) 5 - 15 8 - 25 One light on 16 - 23 26 - 40 Two lights on 24 - 31 41 - 60 Three lights on 32 - 47 61 - 80 Four lights on 48 - 58 81 - 100 Five lights on Contact your local water board for i nformation [...]

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    User instructio ns 17 ADDING THE RINSE AID The rins e aid helps t he dishes dry faster and prevents the fo rmation of scale deposits and staining; it is automatically added to the w ater during the final rinse cyc le, from the co ntainer situated on the inner side of the door. To add rinse aid: • Open the door. • Rotate the container cap anticl[...]

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    User instructio ns 18 ADDING THE DETERGENT To open the detergent dispenser cap, lightly press the button P . Add the detergent a nd close the cap carefully. During the washing c ycle, the dispenser will be opened automatically. • When a pro gra m with hot pr ew ash is sel ect ed (see progr am table) , ext ra de ter ge nt m ust be pl ac ed in t he[...]

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    User instructio ns 19 The introduction of detergent into the rins e aid dispenser, even in liquid form, will damage the dishwasher. 2.3 General warnings and recommen dations Before using the d ishwasher for the first time, it i s advisable to read the following recommendations conce rning dish types to be wash ed and their loading. There are genera[...]

  • Page 22

    User instructio ns 20 WARNING! • Make sure that the dishes are securely in p lace so that they can not tip ov er or o bstruct the rotation of the spray a rms during t he washing cycle. • Do not place very small objects in the baskets as these c ould fall and obstruct the spray arms or the wash pump. • Containers such as cups, b owls, glasses [...]

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    User instructio ns 21 2.4 Using the baskets The dis hwasher has a capacity of 14 place -settings , including se rving dishes. LOWER BASKET The lower b asket receives the full force of the lower s pray arm, and should therefore be used for the “toughest” items with a heavier degree of soiling. All types and combinations of loads are permitted, p[...]

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    User instructio ns 22 Supports for c ups and long objects (ladles, spoons, etc.), in the re ar; can be tipped to the vertical position when not in use. G lass holder. Support for long- stem glasses. W hen li fted out of the s towed position (0) i t snaps into three different positions (1-2-3). 2-position fold-down supports (1-2). In position 1 (ver[...]

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    User instructio ns 23 To lie completely flat, lift the end and turn it towards you so that the retainer F rotates into place above point S . LOADING THE LOWER BASKET Carefully load flat plates, soup plates, dessert and ser ving dishes, positioning them vertically. Pots, pans and their covers m ust be loaded upside d own. W hen loading soup plates a[...]

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    User instructio ns 24 TOP CUTLERY BASKET The basket is desi gned t o take cutlery, placed in the spac es provided, and long utensils, positioned lengthwise. The “dra wer” e xtraction system m akes the basket easier to load, but it can also be taken completely off its runners by removin g the retainers (as shown here). Take gre at c are to repla[...]

  • Page 27

    User instructio ns 25 CUTLERY BASKET The ba sket has removable top grids into which items of cutlery should be inserted to keep them properly s paced and allow water to pass between them effectively. The top grids and central lid a re in the bag of accessories . The central lid functions as a lid only . The top grids can be detached and used separa[...]

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    User instructio ns 26 UPPER BASKET It is recommended to load the u pper basket with small- or medium-sized items such as glasses, small plates, tea or coffee cups, shallow bowls and light objects made from heat resistant plastic. If the upper basket is used in the lowermost position, i t can also be loaded with serving dishes, provided they are onl[...]

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    User instructio ns 27 Examples of loading for intensive dirt :[...]

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    User instructio ns 28 Depending o n the m odels, the bas ket may be equipped with some or all of the following accessories: - Supports for cups or long objects (ladles, spoons…), on the left; can be tipped to the vertical position when not in use. - Long-stemmed glass holder, on the left; to use, simply lift and fix onto the hooks provided. - Cut[...]

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    User instructio ns 29 ADJUSTING THE UPPER BASKET The hei ght of the top b asket can b e adjusted to allow large dishes or pans to be placed in the bottom basket. The a djustment procedure may be type A or B , depen ding on the dishwasher model purchased. Version A: pull - out with adjustment in two positions. • Pull out both the basket guides. ?[...]

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    User instructio ns 30 3. Cleaning and maintenance Before carrying out a ny work, always unplug the appliance from the electrical supply or switch off the all-pole disconnection device. 3.1 General warnings and recommen dations Avoid the use of acidic or abrasive detergents. Clean the outer surfaces a nd door-lining of the dishwasher regularly using[...]

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    User instructio ns 31 CLEANING THE FILTER UNIT • It is ad visable to periodically inspect the cen tre filter C and, if necessary, to clean it. To remove the filter, grip the tabs, turn them anticlockwise and lift upwards; • push the centre filter D from the underside to remove it from the micro-filter: • separate the two p arts which make up [...]

  • Page 34

    User instructio ns 32 BEFORE STARTING THE DISHWASHER AFTER PROLONGED DISUSE: • Check that there are no deposits of s ludge or ru st i nside the water pipe: if there are, allow the water to run fro m the water supply tap for a few minutes. • Plug the power cord back into the socket. • Reconnect the water intake hose and open the tap again. TRO[...]

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    User instructio ns 33 If the dishes fail to dry or remain dull, check that: • there is rinse aid inside the special container; • the rinse aid dispenser setting is correct; • the detergent used is of good q uality and has not l ost its effectiveness (for example, through in correct storage, with the box left open). If the dishes show signs of[...]

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    User instructio ns 34 4. T roubleshooting The dishwasher is able to indicate a series of malfunctions by illuminating a number of lights simultaneously (see key below); “E” o r “Err” (depending on the model) also appears on the display in the event of a malfunction. FAULT DESCRIPTION E1 Acquastop failure The anti-f looding system has been a[...]

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    User instructio ns 35 FAULT DESCRIPTION E7 Turbine flow-regula tor malfunction (for the relevant mod els only) The appliance is not able t o "measure" the amount of water loaded a ccurately. Interrupt the prog ram and switch off the dishwasher. Switch the dishwasher ba ck on, pro gram it again an d start the washing cycle. If the problem [...]

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    User instructio ns 36 TECHNICAL DATA Width 597 ÷ 599 mm Depth measure d flush with the outer edge of the control panel 550 mm Height ( d e pe nd i n g o n m o d e ls ) from 820 mm to 89 0 mm from 860 mm to 93 0 mm Capacity 14 Standard p lace settings Water supply p ressure min. 0,05 - max . 0,9 MPa (min. 0.5 – max . 9 bar) Electrical chara cteri[...]