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T226 July , 2 003 (Revi sion C)[...]
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T226 Whi te Pape r Jul y 2003 (Rev. C) 1 Co nte nt s Preface ........... ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ....................... .......... 3 Purpose of this document ..... ................. ................. ................. ................. ................ 3 Product overview ...........[...]
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T226 Whi te Pape r Jul y 2003 (Rev. C) 2 Email client t echnical data ............ ................. ................. ................ ................. ...... 53 ............ ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ............ .. 54 USSD technical dat a ...................... ..[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 3 Pr eface Pu rpose o f this documen t The Son y Eric sson T226 Whit e Paper is de signed to give the r eader a de eper t echnic al unde rstandi ng of how t his pho ne is des igned, and of ho w it i ntera cts wi th other media . This document will make it easier to inte- grat e thi s phone wit h the I T and co m[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 4 Pr oduc t ov erv iew The T226 mobil e phone is desig ned to i nclude an impres sive s et of featu res for a very r easona ble pr ice. Th e fo cu s is on m e ss agi n g, mu si c , ga mi ng , im ag ing , and con necti vity . EMS pi cture messagi ng (text messagi ng with pi cture s and sounds ), em ail, M MS (Mul[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 5 Imaging W ith a digi tal c amera att ached t o your phone, you can take , view , store a nd send high- quality pictures over the air t o an oth er mobi le phone, as MMS mes sa ges, or you can send t hem to an email addre ss or W eb ph oto albu m. Downloa ding ima ges from t he W eb i s another alt ernativ e. T[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 6 possi ble fo r users t o send enhance d text m essages t o users of other makes o f mobile p hones. EMS m akes it possi ble f or the user to use te xt f ormatt ing ( style, size, align ment and paragr aphs) in a text mes sage. At purcha se , t he p hone i s loaded with sev eral pre -defi ne d imag es and ani m[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 7 Multimedia in the T226 The T226 i s a mult imedia phone. The color display toge ther wi th th e audio functio nalit y give s the u ser seve ral mul timedia p ossibi litie s. For ex ample, s ounds can b e reco rded an d stor ed. By us ing th emes, it is e asy to c hange t he appea rance of the di splay . Pi ctu[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 8 MMS (Mult i media Messaging Service) One o f the key f eatur es in the T22 6 is t he Multi media M es sa g ing Ser vi ce ( MM S ). M M S is exp ect ed t o become t he pre ferred m essag ing met hod of mobil e termi nal us er s, si nce ther e a re vi rt uall y n o lim i ts t o the co nt en t of an MM S tra n sm[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 9 Audio MMS pr ovides the ab ility t o send a nd rec eive f ull sound (iMelo dy , MIDI and AMR) message s. Not only can u sers s hare a favor ite s ong or rin g signa l with a fri end, they c an als o use the m obile p hone to recor d sound and s end it alon g with a me ssage. Because sound incl udes s peech a s[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 10 The MMS se rver , throu gh which MMS messag es are sent, supp ort s fl exi ble addre ssi ng (t o both norma l phone nu mbers ( MSISDN) and email ac counts ), which mak es the user i nterfac e more f riendly and allows greate r contr ol fo r ope rat or s. The M MS serve r , more over , is respon sible for t he[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 11 EMS (Enhanced Messaging Service) Enhanc ed Messa ging Ser vice (EMS) adds new power ful fu nctional ity to t he well -known SMS sta ndard. W i th it, m obile pho ne user s can add l ife to SMS text messag ing in the fo rm of pi ctures, anima tions , sound a nd formatt ed tex t. This gi ves the user s new ways[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 12 Compa tible with SMS standards Users wi ll find EMS as eas y to us e as SMS. Over 15 bill ion SMS mess ages, a re sen t every mont h worldwi de. Rough ly 80% of t his tr af fic i s use r- to-us er , i.e. mo bile phone us ers sending shor t messages to each other using the keypad of the phone t o ente r text. [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 13 Using W eb, W AP and SMS for d ownload Alre ady tod ay ser vices exist on the Int ernet where user s can c reate mel odies, view ic ons, pi ctures, a nd subs cribe to enter tainmen t and i nforma tions services . These may devel op fur ther in the future t o suppo rt Int ernet ac cess by a PC conne cted to a [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 14 W AP servi ces The T226 supp orts W AP 1. 2.1 browser and pro tocol stack, as wel l as W AP 2.0 browser (WML 1.3). W AP 2.0 opt imizes usage o f higher b andwidt hs and p acket- based c onnect ions of wi reles s networks . Th e ty pi cal W AP cl ie n t is a sm all , po rt abl e d e vi ce connec ted to a wir e[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 15 broa d range of wirel ess netw orks. Exis ting s ervic es can be adapt ed to W AP . The nece ssary binary encodi ng is hand led by a W AP Gateway , allo wing HTML-ba sed se rvice s t o be vi ewed on th e W AP browser o f the T 226. An XHTML page can b e viewed in both t he W AP browser and in a ny sta ndard W[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 16 Server authe ntica tion r equir es a s erver certif icate store d at the se rv er sid e and a t ruste d ce rtif ic ate st or ed at th e cli ent side. Client authenti cation r equir es a clien t certif icate st ored at th e cli ent side a nd a tr usted cert ific ate st ored at t he serve r side . A W irel ess [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 17 of cont acts , meeting r equest s etc. • Smar t card e- cash. • Inter acti ve games . In t he T226, t he use r sel ects wh ether to allow push messa ges or not. Ther e ar e two di f f er ent for m s of Pu sh serv ice s : Servi ce Indica tion ( SI) An SI ser vi ce se nds to t he br owser a te xt messa ge w[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 18 General Pa cket Radio Services The int roducti on of GPRS (G eneral Pa cket Radio Servi ces) is o ne of t he key s teps i n the evol utio n of today’ s GS M networks for e nhanci ng the capa bili ties of dat a commu nicat ion. D ata tra ff ic is incre asing enormous ly (ov er bot h wired and wirel ess netw [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 19 Usin g GPRS in th e T2 26 Inst ead of occupying an ent ire vo ice ch annel fo r the dura tion o f a data s ession , th e T226 se nds/r eceive s d ata in s mall pa ckets, as need ed, much l ike I P on the Inte rne t. B eca use of th is , the T2 2 6 main t ain s a co nst ant onli ne conn ectio n. Its data t ran[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 20 thus reduc ing cos ts. • W AP over GPRS Acces s the I ntern et via W AP at high s peed an d with a const ant conne ction . • Em ail ove r GPRS • Da ta and voice • Pr ovide setting s Recei ve GPRS con figurat ion set tings f rom the prov ider o ver th e air , OT A, ma king manu al conf igura tion unnec[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 21 In-phone functions and features *Subs cript ion and/or networ k-depe ndent A AMR Y e s (AHS and AFS) Antenna connect or , exte rnal for HF kits No Auto matic Be arer Selectio n Y e s B Backgro und li ght Y e s Backgro und pic tures, pr e-def ined Y e s Backgro und pic tures, downl oadable Y e s, only limited [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 22 Camera appli catio n Y es. The applicat ion su pports the Commun icam MCA-25 a nd othe r camer as. The us er can browse, view , sen d and st ore pict ures. It is al so possi ble to set di ffer ent pict ure s izes. Chat a pplicat ion Y es, SMS as radio bea rer , d evelop ed in- house . Clo c k Y e s, w ith Au [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 23 G Games Y e s. Othe rs can be down loaded. Number only limit ed by a vaila ble mem ory . GPRS (Gener al Packet Radio S ervic es)* Y e s, up to 40.2 kbps wit h mult islot cl ass 4 using 3+1 times lots in CS- 2. Up to 64.2 kbps wi th m u lt is lot c la s s 4 us in g 3+ 1 tim es lo t s in CS-4. H High Spee d Dat[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 24 Maximum number of ADN read fr om the S IM 255 Maximum number of FDN read f rom the SIM 55 Phone book user g roups Y es, 10 Phone loc k Y es Pict ures T ota l storag e capac ity Limit ed by t he memo ry Number of pre -exis ting pic tures TBD Pos si b ility to d o w nlo ad Y e s, s tor ag e ca p ac it y l imi t[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 25 SMS Cell Br oadcast* Y es SMS cou nter Y e s SMS te mplates Y e s, up to 10 tem plates of 30 ch aract ers e ach Sound browse r Y es. Gives the use r ac ce ss t o sounds st or ed i n the ph one. Sound han dling Y e s (iMelody , MIDI, vM el, an d AMR) So u nd r eco rd e r Y es, th e to tal t ime is on l y l imi[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 26 Net wor k-de pen de nt f eat ur e s SMS and EMS me ssag ing The T226 is capable of sendi ng and rece iving SMS and EMS messages, a nd link ed messa ges. • W ith the Short Me ssaging Se rvice , a user can send text me ssages conta ining up t o 160 cha r- act ers to and fr om GSM mobile stati ons • W ith th[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 27 HR, and EF R) in that it of fers mult iple speech and cha nne l co de c ra te s r ath er th a n a fi xe d ra ti o . Bo th h alf and f ull rat e chann el types are de fined for AMR. Ei ght codec rate s are defined f or the full rate channel and 6 for the ha lf ra te. AMR of fe rs capaci ty adva ntage s over t [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 28 SIM application toolki t The SIM Applicat ion T ool kit (SIM A T) is a smart card- cen tr ic method of deployi ng pro gram s that appl y only t o GSM and to SMS and USSD tr anspor ts. Progra ms must be dist ributed o n smart cards. W AP is an Int er net -c entri c m e tho d of deploy ing progr am s t hat is i[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 29 GET INPUT General: No. of hidden input characters 20 bit 1: 0 = d igits (0-9 , *, # and +) only 1 = al ph ab et se t Ye s Ye s bit 2: 0 = S MS defaul t alp habet 1 = UCS2 al phabet Ye s Ye s bit 3: 0 = ME may ech o user input on the dis play 1 = user inpu t not to be reveal ed in any way (see note ) Ye s Ye s[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 30 SEND SHOR T MESSAGE bit 1 : 0 = packi ng not r equired 1 = SMS pa cking b y the ME re quire d Ye s Ye s SEN D S S Ye s SEN D U SS D Ye s SET UP CALL General: Capa bili ty config uration Y e s Set-u p speec h call CallPart y No Subaddr ess DTMF sup port Y es '00' = set up c all, bu t only if not curr[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 31 Use r in te ra ctio n wi th SIM A T DISPLA Y TEXT T ext of up to 240 charac ters (80 UCS co ded) is suppo rted. ‘Ke y ’ re sp on se s • ‘Long NO’ – Proacti ve sessi on terminat ed by user . • ‘NO’ – Bac kward move in proact ive sess ion. Any othe r key c lears di splay if th e command i s [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 32 ‘Key ’ r esponse s • Do w n a r r o w – Sc ro ll d own l ist . • Up arr o w – Scroll up list . • Sid e k e y: S cr o lls th e me nu . • ‘ YES’ – Enve lope ( Menu Sele ction). Secu rity and M-co mmer ce techni ca l data Feat ure Support in the T226 for m-commer ce Dual-slot No Ass oci at [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 33 T erm inol og y and abbr evia tions 3G PP 3rd Ge neration Partners hip Pr oject. AMR Adapt ive Mult i Rate . For sp eech so unds and spe ech codi ng. API Appli cation Pr ogramm ing In terface . ASP Acti ve Serv er Page. Ser ver t echnology t hat ge nerates web pag es dyna micall y . Bea rer The met hod for ac[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 34 Gateway A W AP G ate wa y ty pi c al ly in clu d es th e fo ll owi n g funct ions: • A Pr otoco l Gateway – t he protoc ol gateway tra nslates reques ts fr om the W AP prot ocol sta ck to the WWW p rotocol s tack (HTTP a nd TCP/IP). • Con tent Encoder s and Dec oders – the co ntent encod ers t ransl a[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 35 SMS-C Serv ice Center (for SMS). Servi ce prov ider A co mpany th at pro vides servi ces and subscr ipti ons to mobil e phone users. SI Serv ice In dicat ion. SL Ser vic e L o ad i ng . SIM card Subsc riber Ident ity Modu le car d – a card that mu st be inse rted in any GSM- based mob ile phone. It con tain[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 36 WML Scr ipt WMLScri pt can be used to enhance the f unctio nalit y of a s ervic e, just as, fo r exam ple, J avaScr ipt may be util ized in HTM L. It ma kes it pos sible to add proced ura l lo gic and compu tati onal fun ction s to W AP- based s ervi ces. WSP W irel ess Sessi on Protoco l. WTLS W irel ess T r[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 37 Related information Documents • The T226 User’ s gui de • W AP June 20 00 (W AP 2.0) Spec ific ation Links • http:/ /www . SonyEricss on.com/ • htt p:// wa p.S on yEr ic sso n. com/ • htt p:// ww w .Eric s son .co m/ mobi li tyw orl d • htt p:// ww w .imc .org/ • http:/ /www . 3gpp.or g/ • h[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 38 T echnic al specifications The cons umer pac k include s • Mobi le Pho ne T226 • S tan dard Batte ry (670mAh, Lithi um Ion ) • S tan dard Char ger • Use r ’ s gu ide , in c l u din g b a tt ery info rm at ion • I nbox le afle t • Se rvice and Supp ort l eaflet •S A R L e a f l e t Genera l tec[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 39 Ambi en t te m per at ures Supp orte d Man- Machin e Inte rfa ce (MMI ) langua ges Langua ges fo r GSM 850/1900 marke ts Current cons ump tion, t alk and s tandb y ti mes Embe dd ed gam es T ext size A selec tion of t ext size s T ext rows V aries dep ending on text si ze use d Colors Pacifi c Blue Ba tter y [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 40 Down load able games Spee ch codi ng T echnical pl atfor m inform ation A VR m icro-c ontroll er 13 Mhz frequ ency V ideo man agement memory Y e s, 8 Kb API ( Applica tion Prog ram Int erfac e) Y e s Feat ure Support in the T226 Send/ rece ive vi a TCP/IP li nk Y es Send/ rece ive vi a SMS Y es V ibrator on/o[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 41 Cell broadc ast se rvic e Short Mes sagi ng S erv ice AMR Full ra te (A FS) Half r ate (AHS) 12.2 kbps 7.95 kbp s 10.2 kbps 7.40 kbp s 7.95 kbps 6.70 kbp s 7.40 kbps 5.90 kbp s 6.70 kbps 5.15 kbp s 5.90 kbps 4.75 kbp s 5.15 kbps 4.75 kbps Featur e Suppor t in the T226 User no ti fi cat ion of th e r ecepti on[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 42 Inpu t metho ds Pred icti ve text i nput or Mult itap Repl y to mess ages Y es Enhan ced pre dicti ve writi ng metho d by: copy , cut and pas te word s No teach ing o f predict ive wo rds tha t are not in the predi ctive diction ary Ye s Pos sib ili ties wh en c re a tin g a m es sa g e: save a sent m essa ge[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 43 via W AP call (go t o the W AP a ddres s cont ained i n the me ssage body) Ye s via US SD session No Possi bility to of fer the user the abi lity of sendi ng an SMS to a lis t of r ecipient s Y es , u si ng P h one b oo k gr ou ps Possi bil i ty to w ri te an em ai l a ddr ess as a recip ien t addre ss Y es, [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 44 Enha nc ed Me ss ag ing Ser vi ce Feat ure Support in t he T226 Level of co mplianc e support ed by th e hands et reg arding the sp ecifi cati ons des crib ed in re lease 4. Enhanced Messagi ng Servi ce (EMS) accor ding to the s tan- dard 3GPP T S 23.040 v4 .3.0, wit h the addi tion o f the ODI fe at ure fr o[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 45 Mult imedia Me ssaging Se rvice Animati ons The han dset s upport s the f ollowing anim ations: I am a ngry , I am glad, I am s keptical, I a m sad, WOW!, I am crying. Plu s the o ther 9 def ined i n 23.040 v4.3.0. It is pos si b le to .. . • send a nd rece ive an imati ons. • downloa d animat ions from W[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 46 Perf orm ance an d tec hnic al ch arac teri sti cs Suppl ier i ndicati on if MMS User Agent will be abl e to ha ndle a net work-ba sed add ress b ook No Pos sib ility for s ent m essa ge s t o be mem ori zed into a fol der in han dse t me mo ry Ye s Acti ons th at the user can per form af ter mes sage noti fi[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 47 W A P b rowser te ch nica l dat a GSM 850 GSM 19 00 Freq uency r ange TX: 82 4 – 849 MHz RX: 869 – 894 MH z TX: 1850 – 1910 RX: 1930 – 1990 Chann el spa cing 200 kHz 200 kHz Number of chan nels 124 Car riers * 8 (TDMA) 299 Carr iers *8 (TDMA) Mod ulati on GMSK G MSK TX Phas e Accur acy < 5º RMS Ph[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 48 W A P oper ator te chni cal d ata Home pag e Y e s, up to 5 d if ferent, o ne for each W AP profi le HTML ve rsio n for W AP bro wse r xHTML Mobile Pro file and Basic, iHTM L, WML Hyper links in T ext Y e s, highli ghted by inve rse video Hyper links in Imag es Y e s, indica ted by a frame Ima g e An im atio [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 49 Pa ram e te r s et lis t Name S tart page IP s ettings: CSD phone n o., CSD Data rate, CSD di al type GPRS APN, password request, al low calls, authe ntication, dat a comp ression, head er compr essio n, qual ity of servi ces IP a ddress , datamod e (conn.le ss or o riented ) UserId a nd password Secur ity o [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 50 Openwave OT A No Othe r Y e s. The Eric sson-No kia sol ution. Prov ision ing bea rer SMS Para mete r set s avai lable 5 Para mete r set s for OT A modifi cati on 5 PU SH Conte nt type s Serv ice I ndicat ion ( SI) Y es Serv ice L oadin g (SL) Y es Cache Operat ion (CO) conte nt typ e Y e s Sess ion In itia t[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 51 WT AI WT A Make Call Y es WT A Send DTMF Y es WT A Add Phone Book Y es Other WT A/WT AI No DOWNLOAD WA P s o l u t i o n s SAR/WSP/HTTP GET s olution to downloa d conte nt ove r W AP Ye s Download Fun f rom Openwave No Other download content o ver W A P Y es. Content limi ted to 3kB i s downl oaded witho ut u[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 52 GPRS te chni cal da ta “htt p:// ” str ing disp lay e d a uto ma tica ll y when ente ring URLs Not d is p lay ed b ut th e "h tt p :// " is a d ded aut om atic ally to t he U RL . Elemen ts Number of dis play l ines for a W AP conn ectio n 4 to 7 plus T itl e, depe nding on the se lected f ont s[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 53 Email clie nt tech nical data Suppor t of po wer cont rol Uplink and Downlink Upli nk = yes, Downl ink is a network feat ure Suppor t of ci phering algor ithms GEA1 Suppor t of co mpressi on algor ithms No Suppor t of the QoS modifi cati on proc edure Y es, when in itiate d by the networ k (not by th e hands [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 54 USSD tec hni cal data Im age f or mat t ech nica l da ta Im ages – dow nl oadin g to ph one Char acter sets US ASCI I (All variant s) ISO8859 -1 WIN1252 UTF7 UTF8 OT A Sup port Y e s Suppo rted p rotocols POP3, IMAP4, SMTP Feat ure Support in T226 USSD sup port GSM Phase 1/ 2 (Cross -phas e compatibi lit y)[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 55 M-co mmer ce techni cal da ta MMS GIF , WBMP , JPG Limited by the m emo r y Ye s Ye s Y e s Backgr ound GI F , WBMP; JPG Limit ed by the m emo r y Ye s Ye s Y e s MM S te mp la te Sen d 30k , Recei ve 50k No No Y es Animations Animated GIF Lim ited by the m emo r y Ye s Ye s Y e s Th em es GIF (pr oprie ty , [...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2003 (Re v C) 56 Nu m ber of smart car d readers in the h and s et 1 Prov ision ing of the fo llowin g SA TK commands: Perform Card APDU, Power Off Card, Power On Card, Ge t Reader St a t u s No DRM so lution Possi ble with c opyri ght prote ction via EMS and MMS Info rm atio n to the us er w hil e i n sec ured mode (WTLS) Ye[...]
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T226 Whit e Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 57[...]
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T226 Whi te Paper July 2003 (R ev C) 58 Index Numeri cs 3GPP 12 A Ab bre via ti ons 33 Acknowle dgement 37 Ambie nt tem p eratu res 39 AMR 26 Arch itectur e 10 MMS Center 10 Audio 9 C Ce ll br oad cas t s e rvic e 41 Compat ibil ity 12 Compatib le wit h old p hones 12 Curren t consu mption, talk a nd sta ndby tim es 39 D Documents 37 Downloadabl e [...]
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T226 Whi te Paper July 2 003 (Rev C) 59 T Techni cal speci fica tions 38 Termino logy an d abbre viati ons 33 Text 8 Themes 6 Trademar ks and acknowl edgement s 37 U User-t o-use r 12 US S D te ch ni cal d ata 54 V Vehicl e posi tioning 12 Video 9 W W A P br ow se r tec h ni c al da ta 47 WAP oper ator technica l data 48 WAP servi ces 14 W A P, s e[...]