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www.c ompatible .eu +31 35 628 14 14 info@compatible.eu Se r ve r Re mot e Control SV4 4 1HDIE SV8 4 1HDIE SV16 4 1HDIE Instruction Manual Actual product may vary fro m photo[...]
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www.c ompatible .eu +31 35 628 14 14 info@compatible.eu FCC Complian ce Statement This equipment has been tested and f ound to comply with the limits for a Class B digital devic e, pursua nt to pa r t 15 o f the FCC Ru le s. T hese li mits are design ed to p rovide reasona ble protection against ha r mful inter ference in a residential installation[...]
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Instruction Manual www.c ompatible .eu +31 35 628 14 14 info@compatible.eu Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Fea tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Conte nts . . . [...]
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Instruction Manual www.c ompatible .eu +31 35 628 14 14 info@compatible.eu Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Vir tKeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Video tuning me nu . . . . . . . . . .[...]
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Instruction Manual 1 Introductio n Thank you for purchasing a Star T ech.c om Se r ver Remote Co ntrol. Using the Inte r net or your TCP/IP ena bled ne t work , you c an n ow re motely mon itor and control cr itica l PC se r vers and wor kstat ion s, using a n indust r y- standard W eb br owser or VNC clie nt. Features • Suppo r ts indust r y- st[...]
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Instruction Manual 2 Installing the KVM Re mote Cont rol Connecting the Unit to the Host Com puter and Net work *SV841HDIE rear panel shown 1. P ower d own the comput er to which the KVM Remote Contro l will be conne cted ( host computer ). I f p urchase d, install th e uni t in y ou r ra ck o r cabine t foll owing t he inst ructions that came with[...]
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Instruction Manual 3 Connecting a Local Keyboa rd, M ous e , and M onitor 1 2 3 4 *SV841HDIE rear panel shown 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 DC In 2 Link 3 Se ria l P or t 4 VG A Out 5 R-Por t 6 LAN 7 PS/2 Ke yboard 8 PS/2 Mouse 9 - 16 Remote connections SVxx 41HDIE has t he cap ability to c onnect a loca l keyboard, mou se, and m onitor to the h[...]
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Instruction Manual 4 Disa bli ng Mou se Accelerati on on the Hos t Compu ter Many ope rating systems o ffer a feature c alled m ouse accel e ration, all owing the user to adjust the respon si veness of the cu rsor on the sc reen in relati on t o physical m ovements of the mous e. W hile this is usually a beneficial inter face enhancement, it can in[...]
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Instruction Manual 5 Configuring SVxx4 1HDIE SVxx 41HDIE offers four distinct me thods for configu ri ng the unit for y our net wor k. W hi ch method will wor k best will depe nd on your level of exper ienc e a nd your specifi c n et work configu ration. Please note : Connecting the remo te co mputers pr ior to following th e steps ou tlined bel ow[...]
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Instruction Manual 6 any tim e, you can retu r n to the pr eviou s m e nu by press ing the Page Up ke y . Please note: Although it is not a required ste p, changing the Admin Password adds se cu rity to yo ur configu ration setting s. By default, the Admin Password is set to Admin . Web Configuration Using DHCP This m ethod require s that your net [...]
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Instruction Manual 7 The eas iest way to identify your SVxx41HDIE on the n et work i s by its MAC ad dres s, a unique hard ware identifier that is specific to your unit. The MAC address of the unit c an be found on a white st icker on the bottom of the SVxx41HDIE. W r ite d own this num ber and keep it f or future re ferenc e. Once you lo cate th e[...]
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Instruction Manual 8 T erm inal Configuration Using a Serial Ca ble Configu rin g the SVxx 41HDIE using a se r ial ca ble is the best choic e if you nee d to pre - configu re the unit before a ttachin g it to a ne t work , i.e. when send ing to a b ranch offic e, custom er sit e, etc. In gen e ral, the W eb configu ration is pre ferable be cause of[...]
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Instruction Manual 9 The Login Sc reen Be fore y ou can a ccess the W eb confi gu ration int er fac e, y ou must ent er a user nam e and pas sword. The de fault u se r nam e and pas sword as shipped from th e facto r y is use r na me admin, with a pas sword of admin . NOTE: Before the login s creen a ppear s, your W eb browser m ay displ ay a war n[...]
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Instruction Manual 10 Name: At the top of the scre en, th e name of the ma chine bei ng c ontrolled is displ ay ed Main Me nu: At the le ft -mos t sid e of each p ag e, the Main Me nu is di spl ay ed, all owing users to choose functi ons of fered by the W eb Inter fac e. Help area: The ri ght -m ost colum n of fers an optional he lp summa r y for e[...]
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Instruction Manual 11 Snapshots: The Snap shots scree n all ows you to vi ew and save a screensho t of the controlled computer in its current s tat e. This screenshot will update pe r iodically (automat ically). S av ed imag e files are stored in .PNG for mat. Logout: Cli cking on Logout will ter m inate your W eb In ter face section. T o re- initi[...]
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Instruction Manual 12 Cli cking the Com mit button applie s a ny chang es made o n th is pag e, but l eaves the old settings a cti ve until the next time the unit res ta r ts. Cli cking Mak e chan g es e ffective now app lies the chan ges and res ta r ts SVxx 41HDIE so the new settings ta ke ef fect immed iatel y . Ethernet Address (M A C Address )[...]
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Instruction Manual 13 Security : This me nu all ows you to confi gure a num ber of sett ing s, including changing the de fault pas sw ord for admin (recommended). Read and consider the com ments and in st r uction s on th is me nu be fore ma king any ch ange s, as changin g these features c ould ma ke the unit inacce ssi ble through W eb configu ra[...]
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Instruction Manual 14 RADIUS: The RADIUS se r ver requi res the IP addres s, the UDP p or t numb er (1812 - d efault or 164 5) and the shared secret. The shared sec ret is used to enc r ypt c om m unicat ions and co rresponds to a shared pas sword for the RADIUS se r ver and the client m achin e . T wo additi onal s e r vers m ay be defined for ba [...]
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Instruction Manual 15 Firmw are: The fi r m ware on the Se r ver Remote Control is field up gradea ble. T o up grade to anoth er version, login as admin . A uto Sel f Upgra de: The SVxx 41HDIE unit inc ludes an inn ovative feature all owing it to up grade itself over the Inte r ne t. Simply c li ck on the button l abeled Upgrade to Latest and the u[...]
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Instruction Manual 16 Status: The Status screen displ ays a system sec u r ity log, various syst em s etting s, an d the ab ility to gene rate a copy of the syste m co nfigu ratio n in plain text f or m at. Port Num be rs: Port Num be rs pr ovides a ta ble all owing you to change TCP po r t values for se r vice s av aila ble on the SVxx41HDIE. By d[...]
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Instruction Manual 17 Using the T erminal Interface via Serial Por t The ter minal inte r face you can access via the se r ial po r t pe r mits the co nfigu ratio n of the basic s ettings of t he SVxx41HDIE. W hile not intende d to be a s ubstitu te for t he W eb inter fac e, it do es all ow you to conf igure so me of th e s ame func tion s . T he [...]
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Instruction Manual 18 Native VNC Clie nt This syst em im plemen ts the VNC protoc ol, so a ny off the shelf VNC client ca n be use d. There are o ver 17 dif ferent VNC cli ents available an d th ey shou ld all work with this system. This syste m aut omatica lly detec ts an d m a kes use of ce r tain ex tension s to the basic RFB protoc ol that is p[...]
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Instruction Manual 19 Using the V NC Me nu One o f the un ique features of th is p roduct i s the VNC me nu system . W hen ever y ou see a wind ow with a dar k blue ba ck ground and grey edge s, this wind ow has been i nse r ted into the VNC da ta stream so tha t it i s ef fecti vely la id over the ex isting vide o. These me nus all ow you to contr[...]
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Instruction Manual 20 Resy nc: Re- aligns the remot e and loca l mou se poi nts so th ey are on top of eac h othe r . Redr aw : Red raws the entire s creen contents ; occu rs imm ediatel y . PS/2: Resets the PS/2 keyboard and mouse e mul ation. Use ful to re c over failed mouse and/or keyboard c onnecti ons in PS/2 mod e. ÷4, ÷8 : Switches to thu[...]
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Instruction Manual 21 Main Me nu T o access the m ain m e nu, qui ckly press F7 twice qu i ckly . Y ou must pres s th e key twice within on e seco nd. If you press it once or too sl owly , then the F7 key(s) are sent to the host, jus t like any other key . This is the only way to get into th e me nu system, if the Br ibar is disa bled. Here is the [...]
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Instruction Manual 22 work ing. • T ake Cont rol: W hen mu ltiple u sers are connec ted t o the sam e system , us e this button to ta ke con trol away from a nother use r. Only one us er may contro l the keyboard and mouse at a ny tim e. All us ers see the same pict ur e. • Thumbnail s: Switch to s maller thumb nail s ize scre en im ages (cli c[...]
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Instruction Manual 23 Vir t Key s Men u Cli cking a ny button in the top ha lf of the wind ow simula tes pres sing and releas ing the indicat ed key . In the bottom area of the sc reen, cli cking will si mul ate the i ndicate d Meta key being pressed. Y ou may then cli ck in t he top pa r t to send another key and re lease the Meta key at the same [...]
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Instruction Manual 24 Chan ge s/frame indicates the number of 16x16 blocks of video that are being sent, on av erag e, for every f rame of vide o. W ith a s tatic ima ge bein g displ ay ed by the ser ver , thi s number will b e zero (sh own as -nil - ). Movin g th e m ous e, for ex ampl e, will c ause th e number t o jump to abou t 2 or 3. Y ou may[...]
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Instruction Manual 25 Getting Peak Performance Choose the best video mo de • W e recom mend usin g 60Hz refresh rate an d 10 24x768 resolu tion. Using a sma ller resolut i on like this all ows you to fit multiple wind o ws on y our remot e des kto p. Highe r refresh rates stress the video card's qua lity and do n ot pr ovide any ad ditional [...]
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Instruction Manual 26 Using the Advanced Video T uning feature The Adv anced Video T uning me nu all ows y ou to adjust the qu alities o f the video in your VNC s ession s, and can be ac cess ed by cli cking the Advan ced button on the Vi deo T u ning VNC me nu. W hile m a ny users will proba bly all ow th e SVxx41HDIE to automat ically co nfigure [...]
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Instruction Manual 27 Using the Mo dem feature Ba ckground The mod em feature all ows the SVxx 41HDIE to act a s an In te r net connec tion se r ver f or increas ed sec u r ity and fl ex ibility in connecti ng with the host compu te r. Unli ke the TCP/IP connec tion used with th e standard W eb config u ration and VNC c lient s, the modem creates a[...]
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Instruction Manual 28 in its document ation. The o pposite e nd o f the modem ’s data ca ble sh ould b e a DB9 female se r ial conn ection. Connect that end o f the ca ble to the Se ri al conne ction on the rear p anel of the SVxx 41HDIE. Modem con figuration Although most conne ctions will work app rop ri ately with th e de fault sett ings on SV[...]
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Instruction Manual 29 5. Select Connect to the Intern et a nd c li ck Next . 6. Select Set up my connec tion ma nual ly and cli ck Next . 7. Select Connect using a dial -up mo dem and cli ck Next . 8. In the spac e pr ovided under I SP Name , type an appro p ri ate name of your choosi ng for the co nnectio n. Cli ck Next . 9. In th e space provid e[...]
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Instruction Manual 30 users are conne cted while a PPP sess ion is acti v e, their screens will b e in grayscale as well. W hen PPP in i nacti ve, color is auto matical ly re- ena bled. • Some areas of the screen may not be updated as frequently as other s, and animations or other auto -upd ating area s of the sc reen m ay appear out -o f-focus o[...]
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Instruction Manual 31 Saw PPP s ta r tup from client A PPP authentication has oc curred an d a session has sta r ted. Phone li ne rings An i ncomin g call has been detec ted by the m odem. Modem an sw e rs: xxxxxx xxx The connec tion speed an d protoco l u sed for a connection, as repo r te d by the mode m. The ex act co ntents of the me ssage will[...]
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Instruction Manual 32 # : Y o u can assi gn a value ( 1 ~ 99 ) to eac h attached ser ial remote control modu l e. T his does not affect th e con figu ration o r ope ration of th e device in a ny w ay , but is simp ly a means to s or t this list for ease of m anagem ent. Name/Descri ption: An identif ier for the R-P or t mo dul e. Like the number as[...]
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Instruction Manual 33 Advanced Config uration Using the Inte grated SSH Shell In most c ase s , configu r ing the SVxx41HDIE to the sam e s ettings as the R -Por t devices you are connec t ing should all ow the devices to wor k with a m ini m um a mount of configu ration. Howev er , y ou c an a lso change the de fault s ettings on each R- P or t d [...]
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Instruction Manual 34 Operating Notes • If the po wer supply to th e R -P or t modules you h av e connect ed be comes faulty (sho r t, overload ) then the R -P or t LED on the front pane l of the SVxx41HDIE will sh ow red. Under no r ma l op e ration s, this light shou ld rem ain gree n. The R-Por t co nnector on the rear panel also has an LED th[...]
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Instruction Manual 35 Can I prevent the w arning from occurring? Y es. Y ou h av e two options that m ay prev ent th e war ni ng from occur r ing. Firs t, if the W eb browser you are using o ffers the opti on to ignore the war ning for future vis it s, the browser will no longer gene rate a war ning if that option is selected. Second, if you instal[...]
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Instruction Manual 36 T rou bleshoot ing Fo rgotten master pa s swo rd. Y ou can reset th e master pas sword using th e se ria l inter face on the uni t. Use the S comma nd, a nd type a n ew pas sword. The ol d pas sword is not required for this procedur e. Remote mou se and local mouse don't line up. Use th e Mouse resync comm and in the mai [...]
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Instruction Manual 37 Specification s Maxi mum suppo r ted video mode 1600 x 1200 @85Hz Standa rd video modes suppo rt ed 640x 400 @ 85Hz 720x 400 @ 85Hz 640x 480 @ 60Hz, 72Hz, 75H z, 85Hz 800x 600 @ 56Hz, 60Hz, 72H z, 75Hz, 85 Hz 1024x 768 @ 6 0Hz, 70Hz , 75Hz, 85Hz 1152x 864 @ 75Hz 1280x 960 @ 60Hz, 85Hz 1280x 1024 @ 6 0Hz, 75Hz, 8 5Hz 1600x 1 20[...]
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Instruction Manual 38 Se rvice Description Benefit SSH Secure Shell May be us ed to secu r ely “tu nnel” VNC and HTTP protocol s. HTTP W eb re director (to HTTPS) Co nv enience se r ver to redirec t al l web traffic to enc r ypted po r t. Cle ar -t ext HTTP is not s uppo r te d SNMP SNMP agent (UDP) All ows inte gration with existing SNMP net w[...]
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About StarT ech.com Star T ech.co m is “The Pro fessionals’ Source for Hard -to -Fin d Computer Par ts”. Since 1985 , we hav e been pr oviding IT pro fessio nals with the quality p roducts th ey n eed to com plete th eir solution s. W e offer an unmatc hed selectio n of c omputer par ts, c able s, se r ver manag ement solutio ns and A/V produ[...]