Sunrise Medical 931150 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Sunrise Medical 931150, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Sunrise Medical 931150 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Sunrise Medical 931150. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Sunrise Medical 931150 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Sunrise Medical 931150
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Sunrise Medical 931150 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Sunrise Medical 931150 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Sunrise Medical 931150 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Sunrise Medical 931150, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Sunrise Medical service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Sunrise Medical 931150.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Sunrise Medical 931150 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    G uar dian ® Escort U ser I nstruction Manual & W arranty G uar dian ® Escort Manual de I nstruciones Y Garantia G uar dian ® Escort Guide de l'U tilisateur et Garantie[...]

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    F or eword / T able of Contents 931150 Rev . A 2 English FOREWORD Dear Customer , W e are very happy that you have decid ed in favor of a high-quality produ ct from SUNRISE MEDICAL. This user’s manu al will provid e num erous tips and id eas so that your new wheel- chair can become a trustworthy and reli able prod uct in your life. Main taining c[...]

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    931150 Rev . A Safety T ips 3 English SAFETY TIPS The engineerin g and constru ction of this wheelchair has been design ed to provid e maxim um safety . Internati onal safety standar ds currently in force have either been fulfilled or exceed- ed. Nevertheless , users may put them selves at risk by improperly using their wheelchairs. For your own sa[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 4 English Wheelchair Components WHEELCHAIR COMPONENTS SUNRISE MEDICAL has been awarded the ISO 9001 Certificate , which affirms the quality of our prod ucts at every stage , from R & D to prod ucti on. This prod uct complies with ALL ANSI-RESNA testing guid elines . Option al equipmen t and accessories are available at extr a cha[...]

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    931150 Rev . A H andling 5 English FOLDING OF WHEELCHAIR (Fig 1) Do not attempt to close the wheelchair frame by pushing the back canes towards each other! Damage to the folding mechanism and frame may result. Step 1: Remove any cushions or other obstructi ons (i.e. backrest supports, backpacks, etc.) that would interfer e with the folding mechanis[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 6 English F eatures, Options, & Accessories REAR AXLE The Guardi an Escort comes with a number of axle plate option s and configurati ons . Each is depen den t upon the chair model and user need. • All axle plates are interchan geable within the same base frame . • Always consult a healthcare professi onal or authorized servi[...]

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    931150 Rev . A F eatur es, Options, & Accessories 7 English ARMREST All Guar dian Escort Armrests come with our ex clusive 3-point mountin g system. This unique desi gn incr eases the lateral stability of the arm and mak es the attachment/d etachmen t quick, easy and trouble free . Armrest Styles Ther e are three types of armrests available: St[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 8 English F eatures, Options, & Accessories WHEEL LOCKS Y our chair comes equipped with 1 pair of wheel locks. When properly engaged , the wheel locks preven t the movemen t of the rear wheels of the wheelchair . • Proper and regular mainten ance is required and should be cond ucted each month to preven t accid ental movemen t [...]

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    931150 Rev . A F eatur es, Options, & Accessories 9 English SWING-A W A Y FOOTREST (Fig 14) Attachment Step 1: The footrest pivot saddle should be fully inserted into the fron t fram e section (Fig. 14). Step 2: • The mountin g should always occur offset of the chair (i.e. to the inside or outsid e of the sidefr ame - never in direct alignm e[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 10 English F eatures, Options, & Accessories Calf P ad (Fig. 15) The contoured calf pad can be depth adjusted to allow the calf to sit in a high er or lower position. Removal of the mountin g bolt from the hinge assembly and calf pad will allow depth adjustments to be mad e . The contoured calf pad can be adjusted up or down the [...]

  • Page 11

    931150 Rev . A T roubleshooting / Maintenance 11 English TROUBLESHOOTING MAINTENANCE • Check all of the tires for wear or damag e . • Check the brak es appro ximately every 4 weeks to make sure that they are working properly and easy to use. • All of the joints that are critical to safe using your wheelchair safely are self-locking. Please ch[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 12 English T echnical Data TECHNICAL DA T A Specifications Seat Wid th ..............................................................................16", 18" & 20" Seat Depth ..............................................................................................16" Chair W eigh t .......................[...]

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    931150 Rev . A W arranty 13 English W ARRANTY Y our Guardi an Escort wheelchair was mad e with the most technologically advanced materi- als available to ensur e you receive the highest quality prod uct available. W e take pride in every prod uct we build. The following is a list of the warran ty available for this produ ct: • 5 year limited warr[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 14 Espa ñ ol I ntroducci ó n INTRODUCCIÓN (1.11) Estimad o clien te , Nos alegra que se haya decidi do por una silla de ruedas de SUNRISE MEDICAL. Este man ual de instrucci ones le propor cion ará soluci ones e ideas para que pueda obtener el mejor ren dimien to de su nueva silla de ruedas . Man tener lazos de unión con nuestros[...]

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    931150 Rev . A Consejos de Seguridad 15 Espa ñ ol CONSEJOS DE SEGURIDAD (3.2.1) Esta silla de ruedas ha sido diseñada para proporci onar la máxima seguridad conforme a las norm ativas intern acion ales de seguridad actualm ente en vigor . No obstante los usuarios pueden incurrir en riesgos por un uso inapropi ado de su silla. Por su propia segur[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 16 Espa ñ ol Componentes de la S illa COMPONENTES DE LA SILLA (4.1) SUNRISE MEDICAL ha obtenido el certificado de calidad ISO 9001, el cual confirma la cali- dad de los produ ctos en todo momen to, desd e el inici o del proceso de desarr ollo del pro- du c-to, hasta su posterior produ cción. Este prod ucto cumple con todos los requ[...]

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    931150 Rev . A Sillas de Ruedas de T ranspor te 17 Espa ñ ol SILLAS DE RUEDAS DE TRANSPORTE Plegado (6.1) En primer lugar pliegue las plataformas de los reposapiés . Coja la tela del asiento por la mitad y tire de ella hacia arriba. La silla se plegará. P ara plegar la silla lo más compacta posible , por ejemplo para meterla en el maletero del [...]

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    931150 Rev . A 18 Espa ñ ol Opciones TUBOS DE COLA Los tubos de cola se utilizan por la persona que empuja la silla, para ayudar a que la silla suba un escalón. Simplemente haga presión con el pié sobre estos tubos, para ayudar a que la silla suba un obstáculo o escalón. FRENOS Frenos (7.10) Su silla de ruedas dispone de dos fren os , que se [...]

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    931150 Rev . A Opciones 19 Espa ñ ol PLA T AFORMAS DE REPOSAPIÉS Plataformas de reposapiés (7.21.1) Las plataform as se pueden abatir hacia arriba para facilitar las transfer enci as. Longitud del reposapiés Sacand o los tornillos (1), el reposapiés se puede ajustar hasta alcanzar la longitud deseada. Retire los tornillos, coloque el tubo del [...]

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    931150 Rev . A 20 Espa ñ ol Opciones SISTEMA DE AMPUT ADO Sistema de amputado (7.56.1) Cuan to mayor sea la base de la silla, mayor estabilid ad tend rá. Gire la pletina (1) para aumen tar la base de la silla hacia atrás. En combinación con el soporte de amputado (accesorio) (fig. 1) la base de la silla puede aumentar hasta 7 cm. Asegúr ese al[...]

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    931150 Rev . A Opciones 21 Espa ñ ol CINTURÓN Cinturón (7.92) El cinturón proporci ona segurid ad a la silla. El cinturón se sujeta al armazón tal y como muestr a la foto. Ruedas antivuelco (7.93.1) Las ruedas antivuelco (1) dan mayor seguridad a los usuarios ine xpertos cuan do todavía están apren dien do a manejar la silla. Las ruedas ant[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 22 Espa ñ ol P osibles Problemas / Mantenimiento POSIBLES PROBLEMAS CONTROLES Y MANTENIMIENTO (9.9) • Compruebe la presión de los neumáti cos cada 4 semanas . Compruebe si están desgas- tados o dañados . • Compruebe los frenos apro ximad amen te cada 4 semanas para asegurarse de que fun- cion an correctam ente . • Cambie l[...]

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    931150 Rev . A Datos T é cnicos / G arant í a / P resion 23 Espa ñ ol DA TOS TÉCNICOS (10.200) Anchura total: • Con ruedas standar d, y aros + 21 cm • Con ruedas traseras de 12” + 15 cm • Con ruedas con frenos de tambor , y aros + 24 cm Medidas plegada: • Con ruedas traseras: 35 cm • Sin ruedas traseras: 17 cm • Con ruedas de 12?[...]

  • Page 24

    931150 Rev . A 24 Fran ç ais A vant-propos Chère cliente , Cher client, V ous avez choisi un produit de SUNRISE MEDICAL de grand e qualité. Nous nous en réjouis- sons . Cette noti ce d‘utilisation vous fournira de nombreux conseils et suggestion s de sorte que votre produit devi end ra pour vous un partenaire familier dign e de confiance . P [...]

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    931150 Rev . A Consignes de S é curit é 25 Fran ç ais CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ (3.21) La concepti on et la constru ction du fauteuil sont réalisées pour garantir une sécurité maxi- male . A l’échelle internati onale , toutes les exig ences applicables en matière de normes de sécurité sont respectées, voire dépassées. T outef ois, l?[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 26 Fran ç ais Pr é sentation G é n é rale PRÉSENT A TION GÉNÉRALE (4.1) Nous , la société SUNRISE MEDICAL, sommes certifiés ISO 9001, ce qui garantit la qualité de nos produits à tous les stades , du développement jusqu’à la produ ction. Ce prod uit est con- form e aux exi gen ces des directives CE. Options ou accesso[...]

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    931150 Rev . A Manipulation / Options 27 Fran ç ais MANIPULA TION Plier (5.1) Retirez d’abord le coussin du fauteuil roulant et rabattez le ou les repose-pied(s) (mon obloc) en position haute. Saisissez le toile du fauteuil par le des-sous , au milieu et tirez-le vers le haut. Le fauteuil se plie . Afin de plier votre fauteuil roulant pour le re[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 28 Fran ç ais Options FREINS Freins d’immobilisation (6.10) Le fauteuil est équipé de deux frein s d’immobilisati on. Les frein s agissent directemen t sur les pneus . P our immobiliser votre fauteuil, serrez les deux leviers de freinag e jusqu’à la butée avant (Fig. 1). Tirez le levier de frein age en arrière pour le rel[...]

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    931150 Rev . A Options 29 Fran ç ais REPOSE-PIED Repose-pied (6.21.1) Les repose-pi ed peuvent être rabattus pour faciliter la montée ou la descente . Longueur de la jambe inférieure La partie inférieure de la potence peut être réglée en desserran t les vis de serrag e (1). Desserrez les vis, réglez le tube et le repose-pied à la position[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 30 Fran ç ais Options PLAQUE DE DÉPORT Plaque de déport (6.56.1) Plus le déport arrière est important, plus la stabilité du fauteuil est grand e . P our mon ter l’adaptateur d’axe (1) permettant d’allonger l’empattement, tournez-le vers l’arrière . Avec le plaque de déport (acces-soire) (Fig. 1), l’empattement peu[...]

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    931150 Rev . A Options 31 Fran ç ais CEINTURE DE SÉCURITÉ Ceinture de sécurité (6.92) La ceintur e de sécurité, fixée au niveau du bassin, contribue à la sécurité du fau-teuil roulan t. La ceintur e de sécurité est fixée sur le châssis comme représenté dans l’illustration. Roulette anti-bascule (6.93.1) Grâce à la roulette anti[...]

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    931150 Rev . A 32 Fran ç ais P r obl è mes Constat é s / Maintenance PROBLÈMES CONST A TÉS MAINTENANCE (9.9) • Vérifiez la pression des pneus environ toutes les 4 semaines . Vérifiez l’usure ou l’en- domm agem ent de tous les pneus. • Vérifiez environ toutes les 4 semain es que les frein s fon ctionn ent correctemen t et sont facile[...]

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    931150 Rev . A Caract é ristiques T echniques / G arantie / Couples de S errage 33 Fran ç ais CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES (10.200) Largeur totale: • Avec des roues standar ds, main courante , montag e étroit: SB + 21 cm • Avec des roues arrière 12": SB + 15 cm • Avec des roues équipées de freins à tambour , main courante , mon ta[...]

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    © 2001 Sunrise Medical Inc. 9.01 931150 Rev . A Sunrise Medical 7477 East Dry Creek Parkway Longmon t, CO 80503 USA 303-218-4600 800-333-4000 Sunrise Medical Canada, Inc. 237 Romina Drive, Unit 3 Concord , Ontario L4K 4V3 CANADA 905-660-2459 Sunrise Medical Ltd. Sunrise Business Park High Street W ollaston, West Midlan ds DY8 4PS ENGLAND 44-138-44[...]