Tascam BB-1000CD manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Tascam BB-1000CD, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Tascam BB-1000CD one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Tascam BB-1000CD. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Tascam BB-1000CD should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Tascam BB-1000CD
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Tascam BB-1000CD item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Tascam BB-1000CD item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Tascam BB-1000CD alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Tascam BB-1000CD, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Tascam service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Tascam BB-1000CD.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Tascam BB-1000CD item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    D01061020A BB-1000CD Portable CD/SD Recorder OWNER'S MANU AL OWNER'S MANU AL BB-1000CD_En.indd 1 BB-1000CD_En.indd 1 09.2.3 2:19:28 PM 09.2.3 2:19:28 PM[...]

  • Page 2

    2 T ASCAM BB-1000CD IMPORT A NT S AF ETY PRECA UT IONS The exclamation point within an eq uilateral triangle is intend ed to aler t the user to the pre se nce of imp or tan t ope rating a nd ma intena nce ( se r vic ing ) in str uc tions in the literature acc ompanying the applia nce. The lightning fla sh with ar rowhead symbol, within equilateral [...]

  • Page 3

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 3 IMPORT A NT S AF ETY INST RU CTIONS 1 Read th es e inst ruc tio ns. 2 Keep the se in str uct ions . 3 He ed a ll war ning s. 4 Follow all ins tru cti ons. 5 Do not u se this a ppa ra tus ne ar water . 6 Clea n onl y with dr y cloth. 7 D o n o t b l o c k a n y v e n t i l a t i o n o p e n i n g s . I n s t a l l i n accordance [...]

  • Page 4

    4 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Cautions about Batte ries Thi s pro duc t us es ba t teri es . Misu se of ba t teri es c oul d cau se a le ak, r upture o r othe r troub le. Al ways abid e by the following p rec auti ons w hen u sing b at teri es. Nev er recharge non-recha rgeable batteries. The bat ter - • ies c ould r uptur e or le ak, c aus ing f ire or in[...]

  • Page 5

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 5 IMPORT A NT S AF ETY PRECA UT IONS Th is prod uct ha s bee n designe d and m anu fac t u re d acc ord- ing t o FD A reg ulat ions “ t itle 2 1, CFR, ch apte r 1 , subchap - ter J, base d on the R ad iat ion Cont rol f or Health a nd Safet y Act o f 1 968” , a nd is classif ied as a class 1 la ser pro duct. The re is no ha z [...]

  • Page 6

    6 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Playback Listening to a disc W hen playi ng back a d isc, i nse r t it and pre ss t he CD key . Y ou can use the unit when. .. list en i ng to a com me rcial ly availabl e audio CD . • list en i ng to a d isc on wh ich y ou recorde d • . « page 1 9 “Playing ba ck a disc ( c om mercial ly av ailable audio CD )” page 36 ?[...]

  • Page 7

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 7 Recor ding Di erence betw een a disc and SD card Same a s a com me rcially available audio CD, sound is rec orded on a d isc i n the CD -D A form at. T he disc ca n be played back on a sta nd a rd CD play er . Y ou ca n rec ord sou nd on an SD card on t he W A V or M P3 for mat. Y ou can rec ord for a long er pe r iod of ti m[...]

  • Page 8

    8 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Recording with the built-in microphones T o record sounds all ar ound the unit by using the front and rear micr ophones Y ou ca n rec ord sou nds a rou nd t he u n it by usi ng the bu ilt-in m icrophones on t he f ront a nd re ar. I t is suit able when record i ng the mu sic pla yed in a ci rcle, placi ng the u n it at t he cent[...]

  • Page 9

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 9 Settings for  exible rec ording Adjusting recording lev el automatically The r ecorde d sou nd may d istor t when t he i nput leve l is too h igh a nd it may bec ome noisy when the level is too low . T he level cont rol fu nc tion s on the u n it adjust t he i nput level automatically a ccord i ng to t he st re ng th of input[...]

  • Page 10

    10 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Assisting practice of an instrument T uning of an instrument Y ou ca n use t he u n it as a ch rom atic t u ne r or oscil lator. « page 4 1 “ Using the T une r ” Practicing with the metronome Y ou ca n use t he u n it as a met ronome. « page 4 1 “ Using t he Metr onome” Changing the playback speed Y ou ca n cha nge th[...]

  • Page 11

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 11 Reducing the volume of a certain part Y ou ca n select a cer t ai n posit ion and re duce t he sou nd vo lume f rom the p osition. It is useful when. .. pra ct icing a song re duci ng t he vocal sound on a CD. • pra ct icing a ce r t a in i n st r u ment i n a n orchest r a by red ucing t he pa r t on a C D . • « page 4 2 [...]

  • Page 12

    12 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Changing the playback order of  les Y ou ca n cha nge the playback order of audio f iles on a n SD card. It is useful when. .. cha ngi ng t he order a s you li ke. • cha ngi ng t he order follo wi ng your pra ct ice order. • « page 46 “Editi ng a f ile” Deleting  les Y ou ca n delete un ne ces sa r y aud io f ile[...]

  • Page 13

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 13 Co n t e n t s IMPORT A NT SAF ETY PREC AUTIONS .................... 2 What you can do with the unit .............................. 6 1 –Int roduction ..................................................... 1 5 Main features ....................................................................................... 1 5 Included i t[...]

  • Page 14

    14 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Co n t e n t s 1 2– Environmental sett ings ................................ 50 Back light Auto OFF set t ing ................................................................... 50 Adjust the disp lay contras t ................................................................... 50 Adjusting t he time of FL ASH BACK ..........[...]

  • Page 15

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 15 1– I n t r o d u c t i o n T ha n k you ver y much for pu rcha sing t he TASC AM BB- 1 0 0 0CD Por t able CD /S D Recorder. P l ease r ead t h is O w n- er’ s Manu al ca ref u lly i n order t o ma xi m i ze your u se of all the u n it’ s feat u re s. W e hop e th at you will e njo y using t h is recorde r for many yea rs [...]

  • Page 16

    16 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 1– I n t r o d u c t i o n Not e A ny dat a , i ncludi ng, but not li m ited t o in for mat ion, de - scr ibe d her ein a r e int ended on ly a s illu st r at ions of such dat a a nd /or infor mat ion and not a s the s pe cif ications for such d at a a nd / or in for m at ion. TEAC CO R POR ATIO N disclai ms a ny wa r r a nt [...]

  • Page 17

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 17 1– I n t r o d u c t i o n CD- R CD- RW Always inse r t t he d isc i nto t he slot with the lab el side • toward you. ( C ompact d iscs ca n be play ed or rec orded only on one side. ) T o remove a disc f rom its st orage ca se, press dow n on • the ce nte r of the case a nd lif t the d isc out , holding it caref u lly by[...]

  • Page 18

    18 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 2– Quick star t guide Here int ro duces pr epa r ation of the u nit a nd basic oper at ions f rom playback to record i ng. Prepar ation Po wering the unit Y ou ca n use t he supplied A C ad apte r or sepa r ately purcha sed AA b a tt e ri e s . Con nec t the AC ad apte r or i nst a ll t he bat te r - ies before use. Connectin[...]

  • Page 19

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 19 2– Quick star t guide Pla ying back a disc ( commercially available audio CD ) Loading a disc NOTE Y ou can load a disc wh ile the uni t is turned on. 1. Insert a disc halfway into the slot facing the label side front, as illustrated. 2. Push the disc into the slot until the disc is automati- cally brought in. CAUTION Y ou ca[...]

  • Page 20

    20 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Recording on an SD card Bef ore record i ng, i nse r t a n SD card i nto t he un it a nd press the SD k ey to cha nge the r ecord i ng med ia to SD ca rd. NOTE It i s rec ommended t o format an S D car d on the un it before r ec ord- ing on the c ar d ( ∑ page 4 9 “Formatting an S D car d”) . Us ing an S D c ar d formatte[...]

  • Page 21

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 21 3. Press the RE C/READ Y [ º ] key to start recording. The REC /READY [ º ] key lights during recording. 4. Recording stops when pressing the STOP key during recording or recording-on-standby. The REC /READY [ º ] key goes off. • Pressing the REC /READY [ º ] key during recording returns the unit on standby for recording.[...]

  • Page 22

    22 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Ejec ting a disc Pre ss t he ø EJEC T key to eject a disc. A f i n ali zat ion con- f i r mat ion message app ea r s when eject i ng a d isc not f i nal- ized y e t. Pre ss t he F1 key to f in al iz e it. Pre ss t he F2 key to eject it wit hout f i n ali z at ion. NOTE Y ou can fi nalize a di sc w ithout i ts ejection ( ∑ p[...]

  • Page 23

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 23 3– Pa rt Names and F unct ions 1 FRON T MIC/ E X T MIC k nob/ Excessiv e input i nd icator Use th is k nob to a djust t he i nput level o f the f ront bu ilt- in m icr ophones ( FRONT M IC ) or exter nal m icrophone s. The i nd icator on t he uppe r left l ight s when t he i nput lev el is too h igh. 2 REAR MIC/LINE k nob/ Ex[...]

  • Page 24

    24 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 3– Pa rt Names and F unct ions y OVE R D UB key Pre ss t h is key when rec ordi ng a m i xed sou nd of CD /S D playback and ot her i nput sig nal s ( overdubbing). The u n it be comes on st a ndby for ov erdubbi ng by pressi ng t he key and t he key lights d u r i ng on st and by . u RE C/READ Y [ º ] ke y Pre ss t h is key [...]

  • Page 25

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 25 3– Pa rt Names and F unct ions F ront Panel Rea r Pan el c FRON T MIC L / R Buil t -in s tereo mi crop ho nes . The lef t m icrophone al so f u nct ions a s t he t u n i ng mi cr op h o n e . v P ow er i ndicator The i nd icator l ights whe n the u n it is t u r ned on . b V o lume/playback /recordi ng ind icator W hen a djus[...]

  • Page 26

    26 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 3– Pa rt Names and F unct ions Lef t side panel . POWER switch Use this sw itch t o t u r n on / off the power . / LINE OUT jack Use this t o con ne ct a n elect ron ic in st r u ment wit h spea ker s, aud io equipme nt, powered spe a kers, et c. ! SPEAKER switch Use this sw itch t o t u r n on /o ff the bu ilt i n sp ea kers[...]

  • Page 27

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 27 Right side panel ( SD card slo t In ser t an SD card i nto t h is slot. ) F orce disc eject ion hol e Use this t o eject a d isc whe n the CD d r ive malf u nc tion s and ca n not eject t he d isc ( ∑ pag e 3 1 “Ejecti ng a disc for c ibl y ” ). Q CD slot In ser t a CD i nto t his slot. Remot e control unit ( RC -BB 1 000[...]

  • Page 28

    28 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Po w ering the unit Y ou ca n use t he sup plied A C a d apte r or sepa r ately pur- chas ed A A bat te r ies as t he p ow er sou rce. Con nect t he A C ad apte r or i nst al l t he bat te r ies before use. CAUTION Y ou cannot rec or d on a di sc when u s ing the uni t with battery power . S upply the power th rough the A C ada[...]

  • Page 29

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 29 T urning the power on and off T urning of the power Slide the POWER switch on the lef t side o f the u n it to ON . The Home scre en w il l be di splay ed af te r t he sta r t-up scree n disa pp ears. Tu r n i n g o  the power Slide the POWER switch to OFF . CAUTION Do not turn off the power while a media indic at or (C D o[...]

  • Page 30

    30 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 4– P r e p a r a t i o n 4. Use the DA T A wheel to adjust the value and press the CURSOR [ ¥ ] key . The cursor moves to the next place. 5. After making the setting, press the F1 key to restart the clock from the newly set value. The display returns to the SETUP screen. NOTE Y ou cannot see the t ime and dat e informa tion [...]

  • Page 31

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 31 Ejecting a disc Pre ss t he ø EJE CT key . The d isc is ejec te d hal f way . D raw it out by hol di ng its e dge. CAUTION Y ou cannot eject a disc w hen the unit i s turned off . NOTE A fi nalizat ion con fi rmation message appears when ejecting a di sc not fi nalized yet. Eject ing a disc forcibly Y ou ca n eject a d isc[...]

  • Page 32

    32 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 5 –S creen Ov er view W hen t he u n it is ordi na r ily playi ng or stopp ed , the Home scre en app ea rs on t he di splay . Sett i ng scre en s appe ar whe n ma k ing va r iou s set ti ngs, a nd t he Record sc ree n appe ar s when t he u nit is re cord i ng or in re cord i ng st and by . Home sc ree n The it ems t hat ap pe[...]

  • Page 33

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 33 Reco r d s c r ee n Th is sc ree n open s when you press t he REC/READ Y [ º ] key to st a r t re cord i ng sta ndby mode a nd st ays open whe n you press t he REC/READ Y [ º ] key agai n to st a r t record i ng. 1 Rec or der operati on º Rec or d i ng π Recordi ng pause d ª Recordi ng stopped 2 Record lev el meter The i n[...]

  • Page 34

    34 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Operation example See a n ope rat ion exa mple belo w: cha ngi ng “ FL AS H BACK ti me” on t he SETUP menu . 1. When the Home screen is displayed, press the MENU key to open the MENU screen. NOTE When the ¶ ic on appears in the lower r ight part of the scr een, a s shown in t he prec eding im age, ther e is addi tional inf[...]

  • Page 35

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 35 6–C o n n e c t i o n Connecting monitor s Y ou ca n con ne ct hea dphone s to t he PHO NES jack ( st er eo mi n i jack ) and a n ext er nal aud io device ( p owered spe a k - er s, audio syste m, et c ) t o the LINE OUT jack ( RC A jack ) f or monit or i ng. NOTE Slide t he SP EAKE R swit ch t o OF F to deactiv at e the buil[...]

  • Page 36

    36 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 7– P l a y b a c k Pla yable f ile format Th is u n it can play back audio CDs a nd M P3 f iles (3 2 - 320 kbps, 4 4. 1 k H z ) a nd W A V f iles ( 44. 1 k H z , 1 6 bit ) on an SD card. Playb ack W hen t he Home scree n is di splay ed, u se t he PL A Y /R E A DY [ ¥/ π ] , μ a nd ≤ keys to oper ate t he BB- 1 0 0 0CD a [...]

  • Page 37

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 37 7– P l a y b a c k nea rest m arker is i nd icated on t he r ight side of the t ra ck nu mbe r . Pre ss t he • MARK k ey whi le pressi ng a nd holding t he LOO P key to delete t he ma rker whose na me is cu r rently indi cate d. Repe at pl aybac k Y ou ca n play a tr ack re peat ed ly . Pre ss t he LO OP key . “ ” appea[...]

  • Page 38

    38 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 8 – Recording Recording environment The t wo pair s of built- in st er eo m icrophone s on the f r ont and re ar e nable y ou to rec ord 360° sound . Y ou ca n also rec ord sou nd usi ng exte r n al e quipme nt con ne cte d to t he LINE IN jack or the E X T MI C A / B (L /R ) ja ck s. Selec ting the input F o llow these proc[...]

  • Page 39

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 39 8 – Recording 1. Press the BALA NCE key to open the BAL ANCE screen. 2. Press the CURSOR [ § / ¶ ] key to select the MIX BAL ANCE item. 3. Use the DA T A wheel to adjust the playback volume of the media. Set the volume between 10 and 10 0 . The maximum playback volume at 10 0 . NOTE Pr ess t he F2 k ey to set M IX BA LANCE [...]

  • Page 40

    40 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 8 – Recording Adjust the bala nce be t ween t he playback vo lume of media and t hat of input t o re cord. 1. Select the playback media and press the  / ¯ keys to select a playback track. 2. Press the PL A Y /R E A DY [ ¥/ π ] key to start playback, and check the volume balance between the playback and the input sounds. [...]

  • Page 41

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 41 9 – F or pr actic ing musical instruments Using the T uner The BB - 1 0 00 CD h as a bu ilt-in t u ne r . By usi ng a m ic to input t he sou nd of an i n st r u ment, you can u se t he t u n i ng meter on t he d isplay to t u ne t hat i n st r u me nt acc u rat ely . In add ition , you can out put a t u ne r sou nd to, for ex[...]

  • Page 42

    42 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 9 – F or pr actic ing musical instruments Starting and stopping the metronome On t he met ronome sc ree n, pre ss the F1 / F2 key to sta r t / stop the m etro n om e . NOTE The indica tor on the fr on t panel lights along w ith the t ime of the • metronome . When us ing t he metronome , you can not return t o the Home • s[...]

  • Page 43

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 43 1 0 – O t her useful f unct ions Backing up audio f iles Y ou ca n copy t ra cks on a CD i nto a n SD card a s audio f iles and w r it e f i les on an SD ca rd on to a d isc on t he COPY screen. Copying a CD onto an S D card Y ou ca n copy t ra cks on a CD ont o an SD card . T he t ra cks ar e copied i nto t he fo lder cu r r[...]

  • Page 44

    44 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 1 0 – O t her useful f unct ions 9. Load a blank disc and press the F2 key. The selected files are written onto the disc. If you want to make another copy, load a new blank disc following the messages on the screen after finishing and press the F2 key. Press the F1 key to finish and return to the COPY screen. Backing up an au[...]

  • Page 45

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 45 1 0 – O t her useful f unct ions 4. Press the HOME key to return to the Home screen. TIP Y ou can skip unnec ess ar y silen t moments duri ng rec or ding by • setting ST ART and ST OP above. If y ou wan t to divi de rec or ding fi les at each si lence bu t requir e no s kipping si lence , activat e DIVIDE only . By the com[...]

  • Page 46

    46 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Editing a file Y ou ca n ed it f iles on a n SD card on t he EDIT screen . Cha nge the re cord ing /playback med ia to SD and i n ser t an SD card before editi ng. NOTE Y ou cannot edit fi les on a disc. 1. Press the MENU key to open the MENU screen. 2. Press the CURSOR [ § / ¶ / ˙ / ¥ ] key to select EDIT and press the EN[...]

  • Page 47

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 47 1 1 –M anaging recording media Y ou ca n f i na li ze/u n f i nal iz e a disc, delete t r ack s on a CD - R W , browse and form at an SD card on t he MEDIA scree n. CAUTION Y ou cannot handle a dis c on the ME DIA sc reen when the un it is run ning by ba tter y power . S upply the power thr ough the A C adapt er . Finalizing [...]

  • Page 48

    48 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 1 1 –M anaging recording media 3. Press the CURSOR [ § / ¶ ] key to select ERASE and press the ENTER key. 4. Use the DA T A wheel to select L AS T TR ACK or ALL TR ACK and press the F1 key. The select ed t r acks a re deleted . Pres s F2 key to cancel the ope rat ion. Browsing an SD card Y ou ca n see fol ders a nd aud io f[...]

  • Page 49

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 49 DELETE A message app ea r s to con f ir m t hat you want to delete t he f i le. Pres s the F1 key to e ra se t he f ile and t he F2 key to cancel the deletion ope rat ion. CAN CEL No operat ion is conduct ed a nd the select ed f ile is left as is. Pre ss t he • PL A Y / R E A DY [ Á / π ] key to ret u r n to t he Home scre [...]

  • Page 50

    50 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 1 2–E n vironmen tal set tings On t he SET UP scre en , you can change va r ious set t i ngs ac - cordi ng t o the e nvi ron me nta l cond itions for your com for t- able use of the u n it. T o open the SET UP scre en 1 . Press the MENU key to open the MENU screen. 2 . Press the CURSOR [ § / ¶ ] key to select SE T UP and pr[...]

  • Page 51

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 51 1 3– Messages The following popup me ssage s aler t you to condit ions th at may ar ise whi le you are usi ng the u n it. Con su lt th is t able if you see someth i ng you do not under st a nd. Messages Meaning and remedy File no t foun d The aud io f i le can not b e found or is cor r upt ed . Che ck the f ile ( using a c om[...]

  • Page 52

    52 T ASCAM BB-1000CD Messages Meaning and remedy Execut e F a iled T he u n it failed t o execute FIN AL IZE / UNFI NA LIZE / ER ASE for some rea sons. C heck di r t or scr atch on the m edi a. Cannot DIVIDE less than 2sec Th is ap pea r s when you t r y t o div ide a W A V f i le whose leng th is 2 se cond s or less. Y ou can not execute DIVIDE on[...]

  • Page 53

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 53 1 4 – T roubleshoot ing If you exper ie nce a ny probl ems w ith t he u n it, please t a ke a moment to look t h roug h th is ch ar t and se e if you can solv e the problem yourself b efore y ou call your dealer or a T EAC ser v ice cente r . No pow er Check t he con ne ct ion to t he A C pow er sou rce. • Check t he polar [...]

  • Page 54

    54 T ASCAM BB-1000CD 15 – S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Specif ic ations CD re co rd er Media type CD-D A CD playback speci  cations Sampli ng f r eque ncy: 44. 1 kH z Qu a nti z ation bit rate: 1 6 bit Chann e l : 2 c hann e ls Audio input and output LINE INP UT (L/R) [ UNB A LANCED ] Ana l og , unb a l an c e d Jack: R C A pin Max i mu m i npu[...]

  • Page 55

    T ASCAM BB-1000CD 55 15 – S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Dimensions BB-1000CD_En.indd 55 BB-1000CD_En.indd 55 09.2.3 2:19:39 PM 09.2.3 2:19:39 PM[...]

  • Page 56

    TE AC CORPORA TION Phon e : + 81 -42-35 6 -91 43 www . t as c am . jp 1 -47 Ochia i, T am a- shi, T okyo 20 6 - 8 53 0 Jap an TEAC AMERIC A , INC. Phon e : + 1 -323 - 72 6 - 0 30 3 ww w . tascam .com 7733 T ele gr aph R oad, Mo ntebe llo, Califo rni a 90 6 40 U.S. A . TEAC CANAD A L TD. Phone : + 1 9 0 5 -8 9 0 - 80 0 8 Facsi mile : +1 9 05 - 89 0 [...]