Tascam M-164UF manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Tascam M-164UF, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Tascam M-164UF one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Tascam M-164UF. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Tascam M-164UF should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Tascam M-164UF
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Tascam M-164UF item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Tascam M-164UF item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Tascam M-164UF alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Tascam M-164UF, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Tascam service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Tascam M-164UF.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Tascam M-164UF item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    D01083020A M-164 M-164FX M-164UF Analog Mixer OWNER' S MANU AL[...]

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    2 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF IM PORT ANT S A FET Y PREC A UTIONS The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance. The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within equilateral triangle, i[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 3 IM PORT ANT S A FET Y INSTR UC TIONS Do not expos e this appa ratus to drips o r splas hes. • Do n ot p lac e any o bje ct s fi lle d wit h liq uid s, s uch • as vase s, on the appa ratus. Do n ot in st all this app ar atu s in a con fin ed spa ce • such a s a book c ase or sim ilar unit. T h e a p p a r a t u [...]

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    4 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF Conte nt s 1 − Introduction ......................................... 5 Main features .................................................. 5 Include d items ................................................. 5 Abo ut this manual .......................................... 5 T rademark s ................................[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 5 1 − Introducti on Th an k you ver y much for purcha sing t h is T ASC A M M- 1 6 4 ser ies m i xer . Before using t he un it, please r ead t h is Ow ne r’ s Manu al car efu lly so t hat you wil l u nder sta nd t he cor re ct ope rat i ng proce du res. W e hope th at you will e njo y usi ng th is prod uct for many[...]

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    6 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 1 − Introducti on Explanation of actions in special situation and supplement. CAUTION Instructions that should be followed to avoid injury , damage to the unit or other equipment, and loss of data. T rademarks T ASC A M is a reg iste red t r ade ma rk of TEA C • Cor p orat ion. Micro soft a nd Windows are eit her[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 7 2 − Name s and F unctions o f P art s 1 ** USB i ndic ator Lights when t he mi xer is con ne cte d to a comput er by USB. 2 Inpu t cha nn el mete r s Display the i nput leve l of each i nput chan nel (levels af te r signal s pass t h roug h t he EQ sect ion ) . 3 MO NITOR ( L , R) me ter s Display the out put sign [...]

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    8 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 2 − Name s and F unctions o f P art s 8 HPF swi tch (cha nn els 1– 6) Pu sh t his sw itch i n to t u r n ON the h igh -pas s f ilte r , which cut s f reque ncies belo w 80 H z by 1 2 d B/ oct av e. The h igh -pas s f ilte rs af fect i nputs f rom both MIC and LINE i nput jacks. 9 EQ kn obs (ch ann els 1– 6) The[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 9 2 − Name s and F unctions o f P art s k TO ST swi tch T u r n t his sw itch ON ( push sw itch in ) to s end the SU B bus out put sign al to t he ste reo bu s. l TO AUX 1 switc h(es) The M- 1 64 has one s witch for chan nels 13- 1 4. The M- 1 64FX has one sw itch ea ch for both cha n nel 1 3- 1 4 a nd 1 5- 1 6 p ai [...]

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    10 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 2 − Name s and F unctions o f P art s Rear panel x AUX SE ND 1 a nd 2 jac ks (st and ar d ja cks) The se a re bala nced out put s for the A UX bu s 1 and 2 signa ls. Unbalance d con nec tions a re a lso possible. U se wit h exter nal effect s or mon itor ing sy stem s. c LIN E inp ut ja cks (st an dar d ja cks) Th[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 11 $ * USB po r t (M - 1 64U F ON L Y ) Con nec t the m ixer t o a compute r f rom th is por t using the i ncluded USB cab le. % 7 -8 in put j acks (s ta nda rd j ack s) The out put s of e lect ron ic i nst r ument s, aud io equipme nt and ot her l ine level s ig nals ca n be c on nect ed to t hese input jack s. Both 3[...]

  • Page 12

    12 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 3 − Prep ar ati on for Us e Th is cha pter explai n s how to con nect ext er n al equ ipment and t he power cord, a s well as how to ma ke other pre pa ra- tions b efore tu r n i ng on the p ow er. See “ 5 – Using wit h a Compute r (M- 1 64UF)” for an explan ation of ho w to con - nect a n M- 1 6 4UF m ixer [...]

  • Page 13

    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 13 3 − Prep ar ati on for Us e Conne ct ion exampl e 1 : Usin g an M - 1 64 wit h multipl e mics an d for backgroun d music in a c lub Headphones iPod Connect mics to MIC (1-6) External effect unit Ste re o amplifier Record player CD player[...]

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    14 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 3 − Prep ar ati on for Us e Conne ct ion exampl e 2: Usin g an M - 16 4UF for re cordin g in a home stu dio Headphones Connect mics to MIC (1-6) External effect unit Computer USB Electronic keyboa rd 7-8 (L, R) Stereo amplifier Stereo amplifier CD player Rhythm machine Stereo amplifier[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 15 3 − Prep ar ati on for Us e Making stereo output connections CAUTION T urn the power OFF on all equipment to be connected and set the mixer to standby before making connections. The m i xer ster eo bus out put is u su ally u sed a s the ma in out put and con ne cte d to a n exte r na l amplif ier or spea ker syste[...]

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    16 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF CAUTION Connecting a dynamic mic with an unbalanced • connection could damage it if the PHANTOM (+48V) switch is ON. Do not connect or disconnect mics when the • PHANTOM (+48V) switch is ON. Doing so could cause loud noise or damage the equipment. When the PHANTOM (+48V) switch is ON (and the • mixer power is [...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 17 15 -16 STER EO IN jack on t he top pa nel, select chan nels 1 3- 1 4 a s the r et u r n cha n nels by set ti ng t he INT . EFFECT RTN switch so t hat it is not pushed i n. STEREO IN jack When using channels 13-14 as the return channels, do not use the channel 13-14 input jacks on the rear panel. When using channels [...]

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    18 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 4 − Usi ng the mi x er Adjusting lev els Af t er t u r n i ng on the p ow er, adjust the level o f each input sig nal. T he fo llowi ng explanat ion ass ume s th at the STEREO OUTPUTS a re bei ng use d as t he mai n out puts. 1 Prepare headphones or an ampl i f ic ation s ystem to output the sound i n advance. If [...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 19 5 Ra ise the chan nel fader . CAUTION Even if there is no meter indication or no signal is being output despite the fact that a signal is being input, do not raise the faders carelessly . The operation of other switches or features could cause a loud signal to be output suddenly , possibly damaging speakers or other[...]

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    20 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF Cha n nels 7 -8 a nd 9- 1 0 have 2-band EQ wit h HI a nd LO W shelving f re quency b oost a nd cut adjus t ment ra nges of ± 1 5 d B. Use the EQ HI k nob to b oost or cut t he f re quency ba nd above 1 2 k Hz , and u se t he EQ LOW knob t o boost or cut the f re quency b and below 1 0 0 H z. AU X sends The m i xer [...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 21 Pan And Balance F or cha n nels 1 – 6, u se t he PA N knob t o set t he left-rig ht ste reo po sition o f the ch an nel sign al sent to t he ste reo a nd SUB bu sse s. F or ste reo cha n nels 7 -8 a nd 9- 1 0, use the BA L k nob to set the lef t-right ba lance of the st ere o chan ne l sign als se nt to the st ere[...]

  • Page 22

    22 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF M-164 Series mixer AUX SEND 1 jack AMP PHONES jack Stage monitor 1 T urn ON ( push i n ) the PRE sw it ch under the AUX 1 k nob of each channel that y ou want to monitor . 2 Use each channel’ s AUX 1 k nob to adjust the signa l level sent fo r monit ori ng. 3 Use the AUX MASTE R 1 k nob to adj ust the ov eral l le[...]

  • Page 23

    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 23 Using the internal effec ts ( M- 1 64F X and M -1 6 4 U F ) M- 1 64FX a nd M- 1 6 4UF u n its have an i nter nal effect s capabil ity t hat a llows the use of an ef fect wit hout con nect- ing a n exte r na l effect u n it. The se i nter nal effect s ca n be applied by send i ng signal s f rom cha n nels 1 – 6 , 7[...]

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    24 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 4 Sele ct the i nput channel for the retur n sig nal . Push the IN T . E FFECT RTN s w itch in t o send the ret urn s ig nal to channe ls 15 -1 6. Leave the switch out ( do not press it in) to send the retu rn si gna l to chan- nels 13 -1 4. CAUTION Do not connect anything to the STEREO IN jack when using channels 1[...]

  • Page 25

    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 25 Using a reco rd play er A n an alog record player can be d i rect ly con nect ed to m i xer chan nels 9 - 1 0. Make t he fo llowi ng con nect ions a nd set t ings t o use a n an alog record player with t hi s mi xer . Con nec t the re cord play er au dio out put to t he chan nel • 9- 1 0 input jack s on the re ar [...]

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    26 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 5 − Usi ng w i th a Computer ( M - 1 6 4UF) W hen con ne cte d wit h a compute r by U SB, the M- 1 6 4UF mi xer ca n f u nction a s a US B 2.0 inte r face. Using the included C ubas e LE4 or a nothe r aud io application, you can easi ly creat e music on yo u r compute r . I n add ition, you can input a sou nd t ha[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 27 5 − Usi ng w i th a Computer ( M - 1 6 4UF) W hen i nst al li ng the d r iver, sta r t wit h the M- 1 6 4UF m i xer dis con nect ed. CAUTION Handle the enclosed CD-ROM with care. If the disc • becomes scratched or dirty , your computer may be unable to read it and you ma y be unable to install the software. If t[...]

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    28 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 5 − Usi ng w i th a Computer ( M - 1 6 4UF) 6 Read the contents of the License A gre ement, then select I acce pt the agree ment i f you agree t o the term s. Cl ick the I nstal l butt on to sta rt i nst al lat ion. 7 When the fol lowi ng scre en appear s, us e the includ- ed USB cable to con nect the m i xer (M-1[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 29 5 − Usi ng w i th a Computer ( M - 1 6 4UF) How to update the firmware By con nect i ng the M- 1 6 4UF w ith a com puter by USB, y ou can over w r ite t he mi xer f i r mwar e. The lat est f ir mwa re upd ate r ca n be down loade d f rom ou r htt p :/ /ww w . ta sca m.com website. Pre pa rat ion 1 : I n sta ll t h[...]

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    30 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 5 − Usi ng w i th a Computer ( M - 1 6 4UF) Control panel settings Ove r v ie w M- 1 64U F f u nct ions ca n be set f rom t he cont rol panel. On Wi ndows XP , the M- 1 64UF Cont rol Panel can b e acc esse d f rom shor tcut s i n the follo w ing locat ions. Sta r t menu • Cont rol panels • Pro grams/T ASC A M/[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 31 6 − T roubl eshoo ti ng Rel ated to mixer s et tings Q: The re is no so und from th e spea kers conne cte d to the ST EREO OU TPU TS ja cks . A: T u r n t he MON ITOR ST sw itch ON and check the MONITOR mete rs. If the m eter indic ator s are chan ging: Check t he set t ings a nd vo lu me of the con nect ed a mpli[...]

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    32 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 7 − Speci f i ca ti ons and Bl ock Di agr ams Rating s Int er n al ope rat ion lev el: – 2 d Bu Inputs MI C input jack s (channel s 1– 6) Con nec tors: X LR - 3- 3 1 Circu it t y pe: el ect r onical ly bala nced ( # 1 : g rou nd , #2: h ot, #3 : cold) In put impe da nce: 2.4 kΩ Nomi nal i nput leve l ( TRIM k[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 33 7 − Speci f i ca ti ons and Bl ock Di agr ams AUX SEND ( 1, 2 ) jack s Con nec tors: 3-p ole stand a rd jacks Circu it t y pe: Pseudo balanc ed ( tip: ho t, r i ng: cold, sleeve : g rou nd) Out put i mpe da nce: 1 5 0 Ω Nomi nal out put level : +4 d Bu Max i mum out put level : + 20 d Bu PHON ES jack Con nec tor:[...]

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    34 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 7 − Speci f i ca ti ons and Bl ock Di agr ams Dimensional dr awing 390 mm 349.3 mm 344.5 mm 112 mm[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 35 Block diagram LINE P MIC L R L R L R L/MONO R L R P P P L/MONO R L R P P M-164 Block Diagram P 7 − Speci f i ca ti ons and Bl ock Di agr ams[...]

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    36 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF Lev el diagr am 7 − Speci f i ca ti ons and Bl ock Di agr ams[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 37 Note s[...]

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    38 T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF Note s[...]

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    T ASCAM M-164/M-164FX/M-164UF 39 Note s[...]

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    M -1 6 4 TE A C CORPORA TION ww w . tascam. jp Phone : + 81 - 42 -3 56 -91 43 1 - 4 7 Ochi ai, T a ma- shi, T okyo 20 6 -8 530, J apan TE AC AMERICA , INC. ww w . tascam. com Phone : +1 -323- 726- 0 30 3 7733 T e leg rap h Road, M onteb ello, Cali forn ia 90 6 40 USA TE AC CANADA L TD. ww w . tascam. com Phone : +1 9 0 5- 89 0 - 80 0 8 Facsimi le :[...]