Tefal FV3680 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Tefal FV3680, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Tefal FV3680 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Tefal FV3680. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Tefal FV3680 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Tefal FV3680
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Tefal FV3680 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Tefal FV3680 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Tefal FV3680 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Tefal FV3680, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Tefal service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Tefal FV3680.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Tefal FV3680 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    www.tef al.com E N D E F R N L I T E S P T D A N O S V F I E L C S H U S K H R S L R O S R B G P L T R U K E T L V L T R U H K R C T H K O A R 1800126537 FV23XX-FV25XX FTK_110x154 12/06/12 15:49 Page1[...]

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    * EN Depending on model • DE je nach modell • FR Selon modèle • NL Af hankelijk v an model • IT Secondo il modello • ES S egún el modelo • - PT C onsoante maodelo • D A Afhængig af model • NO Alt etter mode ll • SV Beroende på modell • FI Mallin muk aan • EL ∞Ó¿ÏÔ· Ì ÙÔ ÌÔÓÙ¤ÏÔ • CS Podle modelu • HU[...]

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    1800126537 FV23XX-FV25XX FTK_110x154 12/06/12 15:49 Page3[...]

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    First use* 1800126537 FV23XX-FV25XX FTK_110x154 12/06/12 15:49 Page4[...]

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    1 x4 1 3 1 4 First use* *DE Erstgebr auch • FR P remière utilisa tion • NL V oor het eerst e gebruik • IT P rimo utilizzo • ES P rimer uso • PT P rimeir a utilização • D A Første brug • NO Før første bruk • SV Först a användningen • FI Ensimmäinen käyttökert a • EL ¶ÚÒÙË ¯Ú‹ÛË • CS První pouÏití • HU[...]

  • Page 6

    W ate r tank fi lling* *DE W assertankk apazität • FR R emplissage du réserv oir • NL V ullen van het waterreser voir • IT Riempimento del serba toio • ES Llenado del t anque de agua • PT Encher o rese rvatório de água • D A V andpåfyldning • NO F ylle vannt ank en • SV Påfyllning a v vatt entank • F I V esisäiliön täytt?[...]

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    3.1 + - + O K O K 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 T emperat ure setting* 1800126537 FV23XX-FV25XX FTK_110x154 12/06/12 15:49 Page7[...]

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    EN It is normal f or the indicator light to switch on and off during ir oning. DE Es ist normal, dass die K ontrollleuchte währ end des Bügelns an- und ausgeht. FR Il est normal que le v oyant s’allume et s’éteigne pendant le r epassage. NL Het is normaal dat tijde ns het strijke n het controlelampje aan- en ui tgaat. IT È normale che la sp[...]

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    - + 3.2 + Steam sett ing* *DE V ariable Damp f einste llung • FR R églag e de l a va peur • NL In stel len st oom • IT Imp ost azion e del vapor e • ES Aju ste del v apor • PT R egular o dé bito d e va por • D A Da mpinds tillin g • NO Still e inn d amp • SV Instäl lning av ånga • FI H öyryn säätö • EL ƒ‡ıÌÈ ÛË ?[...]

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    4 5 2 sec. x1 x1 1 2 3 1 2 Extr a st eam* Spr ay* *DE Spr ay • FR Spr ay • NL Spr ay • IT Spr ay • ES Spra y • PT Spr ay • D A Spr ay • NO Spr ay • SV Spr ej • FI Suihk e • EL ™Ú¤È • CS Kropení • HU Spriccelés • SK Kropenie • HR Raspr‰ivaã • SL Razpr‰ilo • RO Jet de apã • SR Sprej • BG Спр ей[...]

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    6 + 10cm x5 x5 10 sec. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V ertic al steam* *DE V ertik aldampf • FR V apeur v erticale • NL V ertical e stoom • IT V apore v erticale • ES V apor v ertical • PT Engomar na v ertical • D A Lodret damp • NO V ertik al damp • SV V ertikal ånga • FI Pystyhöyrytys • EL ∫¿ıÂÙÔ˜ ·ÙÌfi˜ • CS Svislé napa?[...]

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    7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30/ 45 m in. NO Iron stor age* *DE Aufbewahrung des Bügelauto maten • FR Rangement du f er • NL Opbergen van het strijkijzer • IT Alloggio del f erro • ES Almacenamiento de la plancha • PT Arr umar o f erro • D A Opbev aring af strygejern • NO O ppbevaring a v stryk ejernet • SV Förv aring av strykjärnet • FI Si[...]

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    8 1 / 4 OK 30/ 45 m in. NO NO 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 1 1 1 2 8 9 1 0 Anti-ca lc valv e cleaning (once a m onth)* 1800126537 FV23XX-FV25XX FTK_110x154 12/06/12 15:49 Page13[...]

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    8 1 / 4 1 4 1 5 1 6 4 h 1 3 Anti-ca lc valv e cleaning (once a m onth)* *DE R einigung des Anti-Kalk- Stabs (einmal mona tlich) • FR Nettoy age de la tige anti calcaire (une f ois par mois) • NL Anti-k alkstaafje r einigen (1 x per maand) • IT P ulizia della v alvola anticalc (una volt a al mese) • ES Válvul a de limpieza antica l (una vez[...]

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    Self-cleaning (once a month)* 1800126537 FV23XX-FV25XX FTK_110x154 12/06/12 15:49 Page15[...]

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    Self-cleaning (once a month)* *D E S e lb s tr ei ni g un g d ur c hf ü hr en ( e in m al m on at l ic h ) • F R A u to ne t to ya g e ( un e f o i s pa r m oi s) • N L Z el f r e in i gi n g ( 1 x p e r m aa n d) • I T Au t o- p ul i zi a ( u na v o lt a al me s e) • E S A ut o - l im pi e z a ( un a v ez a l m e s) • P T A ut o -l i mp[...]

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    10 + 3 0 m i n . O K NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Soleplate cleaning* *DE R einigung der Bügelsohle • FR Nettoy age de la semelle • NL R einigen van de strijkzool • IT Pul izia della piastr a • ES Única plac a de limpieza • PT Limpez a da base • D A R engøring af strygesål • NO R ensing av stryk esålen • S V R engöring av stryksulan ?[...]

  • Page 18

    18 F or y our saf ety Th i s a pp l ia n ce co m pl i es wi th th e t ec hn i ca l r u le s a n d s t an d ar d s f o r sa f et y c ur r en t ly in f or ce (E l ec t ro m ag n et i c C o mp a ti b il i ty , L o w V o lt ag e, En v ir o nn e me n t) . • P le a se r ea d t h es e i n st r uc t io n s c a r ef ul ly a n d k ee p th e m f or f ut ur [...]

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    PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOL UTION W ater drips f rom the holes in the soleplate. The iron drips when you st art ironing. The chosen temper ature is too low and does not allow f or the f ormation of st eam. Y ou are using st eam while the iron is not hot enough. Y ou are using the Shot of St eam button too often. There is too much steam. Y ou ha ve s[...]

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    20 Für Ihr e Sicherheit L e s e n Si e d i e An w e i su ng e n i n di es e r B e d i en un g s a n l e i tu ng a u f m e r ks am d u r c h u n d be w ah r en S i e d i es e g r i f f b e r e i t a uf . • D i e S ic h er h ei t d ie s es Ge r ät s e n ts p ri c ht de n g ül t ig e n t e ch n is c he n B e st i mm un g en un d N o rm e n ( el e[...]

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    21 Ein P r oblem mit ihr em Bügelautomat en ? S ol l t e n a n de r e P ro b l e me a uf t r e t e n, w e n de n Si e si ch b it t e a n e in e au to ri si er t e K u n de n d ie n s ts t e l le . PROBLEME MÖGLICHE URSACHEN LÖSUNGEN Aus den Öffnungen in der Sohle tritt W asser aus. Aus dem Bügeleisen läuft beim Bügeln anf angs W asser aus[...]

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    22 P our v otr e sécurité P our votre sé curité, cet appareil est conf orme aux normes et réglementations applica bles (Directives Basse T ension, Compatibilité E lectromagnétique, Environnement …). • Merci de lir e attentiv ement ce mode d’emploi et de le conserv er. • C et appareil n’est p as prévu pour être utilisé par des pe[...]

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    23 P our tout autr e problème, adr essez-v ous à un centre service agréé pour f air e vérifier v otre f er. 09 74 50 47 74 (Prix d’un a ppel local) Un pr oblème av ec v otr e f er ? PROBLEMES CAUSES POSSIBLES SOL UTIONS L’eau coule par les trous de la semelle. L e f er coule en début de repassage. La tempér ature choisie ne permet pas d[...]

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    24 V eiligheidsadviezen De veiligheid v an dit apparaat v oldoet aan de geldende t echnische voor schriften en normen (elektromagnetische compatibiliteit, laagspanning, milieu ). • Lees deze gebruiksaanwijzing aanda chtig door en bewaar hem zorgv uldig. • Dit app araat is niet bedoeld om zonder hulp of toezicht gebruikt te worden door kinderen [...]

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    25 P r oblemen met uw strijkijzer ? PROBLEMEN MOGELIJKE OORZAKEN OPL OSSINGEN Er komt water uit de gaatjes in de strijkzool. Het strijkijzer lekt bij aanvang van strijkwerk. B ij d e i n ge s te l de t e mp e r a tu u r k an ge e n st o om g eb r ui kt w or d en . U gebruikt stoom terwijl het strijkijzer niet heet genoeg is. U gebruikt de extra-sto[...]

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    26 P er la v ostr a sicur ezz a La sicurezza del prese nte apparecchio è conf orme alle specif iche tecniche e alle norme vigenti(compa tibilità elettromagnetica, bassa t ensione, ambiente). • Leggere atten tamente l e istruzioni d'uso e conservarle. • Questo app arecchio non deve essere utilizzat o da persone (compresi i bambini) le cui[...]

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    PROBLEMI CAUSE POSSIBILI SOL UZIONI L ’acqua fuoriesce dai f ori della piastr a. Quando si inizia a stir are, il f erro perde acqua. L a temperatur a scelta non permette la f ormazione del vapore. Utili zzate il vap ore ma il f erro da stiro non è abba sta nza caldo. Utilizzate il comando Supervapore troppo spesso. L’erogazione di vapore è ec[...]

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    28 P ar a su segurid ad La seguridad de est e aparat o es conf orme a las reglas técnicas y a las n ormas en vigor (Compatibilidad Electromagnética, Baja T ensión, Medio Ambiente). • Lea detenidamen te este manual de instrucciones y guár delo. • E ste apar ato no está previsto par a que lo utilicen personas (incluso niños) cuy a capacidad[...]

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    PROBLEMAS CAUSAS POSIBLES SOL UCIONES El agua sale por los agujeros de la suela. La plancha pierde agua al empezar a planchar. La temper atura elegida no permite crear vapor. Utiliza vapor mientr as que la plancha no está sufic ientemente caliente. Utiliza el botón de extr a vapor demasiado a menudo. El caudal de vapor es demasiado important e. H[...]

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    30 P ar a sua segur ança A segur ança deste aparelho está em conf ormidade com os regulamentos técnicos e as normas em vigor (C ompatibilidade Electromagnética, Baixa T ensão, Meio Ambiente). • Leia at entament e o manual de instruções e guarde-o par a f uturas utiliz ações. • E ste aparelho não f oi concebido para ser utilizado p or[...]

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    PROBLEMAS CAUSAS POSSÍVEIS SOL UÇÕES A água escorre pelos orifícios da base. O f erro deita água no início da engomagem. A temperatur a seleccionada não permite criar vapor. Utiliza o vapor antes do f erro est ar suf icientement e quente. Utiliza o comando Super V apor com demasiada f requência. O débito de vapor é demasiado elevado. Arr[...]

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    32 Sikk erhedsr egler Dette appar ats sikk erhed er i overensst emmelse med gældende teknisk e f orskrifter og standarder (elektromagnetisk k ompatibilitet, la vspænding, miljøbeskyttelse). • Læs v enligst denne betjeningsv ejledning omh yggeligt og opbe var den. • Dett e appar at er ikke beregne t til at blive brugt af personer (herunder b[...]

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    PROBLEM MULIG ÅRSAG LØSNING Der løber vand ud af strygesålens huller. Der løber vand ud af strygejernet ved begyndelsen af strygningen. Den valgte temperatur giver ikke mulighed f or at lav e damp. Der bruges damp, inden strygejernet er varmt nok. Super-Damp knappen bruges f or ofte. Dampstrømmen er f or stærk. Strygejernet har været opbeva[...]

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    84 1800126537 FV23XX-FV25XX FTK_110x154 12/06/12 15:50 Page84[...]

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    85 1800126537 FV23XX-FV25XX FTK_110x154 12/06/12 15:50 Page85[...]

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    87 1800126537 FV23XX-FV25XX FTK_110x154 12/06/12 15:50 Page87[...]