Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Termozeta service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Termozeta Milord 7800 Professional item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Libr etto Istruzioni Instruction Booklet Mode D’emploi Gebrauchsanweisung Libr o De Instrucciones Instruçoes[...]

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    - DA TI TECNICI - TECHNICAL DA T A - DONNÉES TECHNIQUES - TECHNISCHE DA TEN - DA TOS TÉCNICOS - DADOS TÉCNICOS Milord 7800 Pr ofessional Steam Iron T ype: 103024 220-240V ~ 50/60Hz 1800-2200W Made in China[...]

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    DESCRIZIONE 1 Piastra 2 Nebulizzatore 3 Coperchio for o riempimento serbatoio 4 Comando di regolazione vapor e 5 T asto super vapore 6 T asto spray 7 Cavo di alimentazione 8 Spia termostato 9 Manopola di regolazione della temperatura 10 Indicator e per manopola temperatura 11 Riferimento di massimo livello acqua nel serbatoio (MAX) 12 T asto dispos[...]

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    DESCRIPCIÓN 1 Suela 2 Pulverizador 3 T apa para el oricio de llenado del depósito 4 Mando de ajuste vapor , autolimpieza 5 Botón super vapor 6 Botón spray 7 Cable de alimentación 8 Piloto luminoso termostato 9 Manopla de regulación de la temperatura 10 Indicador para la rueda de regulación temperatura 11 Indicador de llenado máximo del d[...]

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    Il presente libretto è parte integrante dell’apparecchio e deve essere letto attentamente prima dell’utilizzo poiché fornisce importanti indicazioni riguardanti la sicurezza d’installazione, d’uso e di manutenzione. Conser v are quindi con cura. • Dopo aver tolto l’imballaggio assicurarsi dell’integrità  dell?[...]

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    garanzia. • L ’apparecchio è destinato esclusivamente ad uso domestico per lastiraturadeitessuti.  • Permotividisicurezzafareattenzionea:  -nonusarel’apparecchioapiedinudieconmaniopiedibagnati -nonusarel’apparecchioaldi[...]

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    centro assistenza autorizzato da TERMOZET A o a persone professionalmentequalicate.  • In caso di guasto e/o di cattivo funzionamento dell’a pparecchio,  spegnerlo e non manometterlo.  Per l’eventuale riparazione  rivolgersi a un centro assistenza autorizza to da[...]

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    SIMBOLO FUNZIONE DESCRIZIONE Stiratura a secco No vapore Stiratura a vapore Livello vapore minimo Stiratura a vapore Livelllo vapore massimo max Stiratura a vapore ad alta temperatura (cotone, lino) Stiratura a media temperatura (lana, seta) Stiratura a bassa temperatura (bre sintetiche) SCEL T A DELLA TEMPERA TURA DEL FERRO T abella A T abella [...]

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    T abella A • Riempite con acqua il serbatoio. • Scegliete attraverso il comando di regolazione vapore (4) l’erogazione di vapore desiderata (consultare tabella A). NOT A • Quando il ferro da stiro viene posto in verticale durante le pause di stiratura l’erogazione del vapore si interrompe automaticamente. • Al primo utilizzo insieme al [...]

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    Per “ravvivare” gli indumenti appesi ai portabiti, le tende, ecc. potete usare il ferro in verticale: • Impostate la manopola di regolazione della temperatura (9) sull’indicazione MAX. • T enete il ferro in posizione verticale ad una distanza di circa 15-20 cm dal tessuto. • Premete il tasto del super vapore (5) ad impulsi. NOT A • No[...]

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    • Scollegare la spina dalla presa di corrente. • Svuotare il serbatoio. • Mettete sempre il comando di regolazione vapore (4) in posizione di stiratura a secco. • Lasciare raffreddare completamente il ferro. • Riporre il ferro in posizione verticale. DOPO L ’USO IMPORT ANTE ! Prima di effettuare qualsiasi operazione di pulizia, scollega[...]

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    SAFETY PRESCRIPTIONS The present manual is an integral part of the appliance and must be carefully read before using it as it gives important indications with regard to safety of installation, use and maintenance. Keep it with care. • After taking off the packing make sure that the appliance is intact.  In?[...]

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    ENGLISH • Forsafetyreasonspayattentionand:  - do not use the appliance when you are barefoot or ha ving wet handsorfeet -donotusetheapplianceoutsidethedomesticenvironment - do not leave the a ppliance exposed to atmospheric a ge[...]

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    and do not tamper with it.  For any repairs contact an assistance centre authorised byTERMOZET A and askfor theuse of orig inal spareparts.  • At the end of the life cycle of the appliance,  put it out of ser vice by cutti[...]

  • Page 15

    ISTRUCTIONS FOR USE ENGLISH FIGURE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Dry ironing No vapore Steam ironing Steam level: medium Steam ironing Steam level: maximun max Ironing using steam at high temperature (cotton, linen) Ironing at medium temperature (wool, silk) Ironing at low temperature (synthetic bres) GUIDE FOR IRONING Chart A Chart B T ANK FILLING • A[...]

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    ENGLISH • Fill the tank with water . • Through the steam adjustment command (4) choose the desired steam supply (see chart A). NOTE : • When the iron is placed vertically during the ironing pauses the steam supply is automatically cut off. • When used for the rst time, some water drops can come out together with the steam. This is to be [...]

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    ENGLISH • T o “liven up” the clothes hung on coat hangers, curtains etc. you can vertically use the iron: • Set the temperature adjustment knob (9) on MAX indication. • Hold the iron in vertical position at a distance of about 15-20 cm from the fabric. • Push the super-steam button (5) several times. Note: • Don’t consecutively push[...]

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    ENGLISH • Disconnect the plug from the current socket. • Empty the tank. • Always put the steam adjustment command (4) in dry ironing position. • Leave the iron to completely cool down. • Place the iron in vertical position. AFTER USE IMPORT ANT ! • Before effectuating any cleaning operation, disconnect the plug from the current socket [...]

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    FRANÇAIS MODE D’EMPLOI Le présent livret d’instructions f ait partie intégrante de l’appareil et doit être lu attentivement avant l’utilisation car il fournit des indications importantes concernant la sécurité d’installation, d’utilisation et d’entretien. Il doit être conser vé avec soin. • Après avoir enlevé l[...]

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    FRANÇAIS • L ’appareil est exclusivement destiné à un usage domestique pour lerepassagedestissus.  • Pourdesraisonsdesécurité, faitesattentionà:  - ne pas utiliser l’a ppareil les pieds nus et a vec les mains et les piedsm[...]

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    FRANÇAIS substitué par l’utilisateur . En cas de besoin, s’adresser à un centre d’assistance par TERMOZET A ou à un professionnel qualié.  • Encas depanne et/oude mauvaisfonctionnement del’a ppareil,  l’éteindre et ne pas essayer de le réparer vous-même.  Pour [...]

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    FRANÇAIS INSTRUCTIONS FIGURE FONCTION DESCRIPTION Repassage à sec Pas de vapeur Repassage vapeur Niveau vapeur: intermédiaire Repassage vapeur Niveau vapeur: maximal max Repassage vapeur à température élevée (coton, lin) Repassage à température moyenne (laine, soie) Repassage à basse température (bres synthétiques) GUIDE DE REP ASSAG[...]

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    FRANÇAIS • Remplissez le réservoir avec de l’eau. • Utilisez la commande de réglage de la vapeur (4) pour choisir le niveau de vapeur voulu (consulter le tableau A). REMARQUE • Quand le fer à repasser est mis en position verticale pendant les pauses de repassage, la vapeur s’interrompt automatiquement. • À la première utilisation,[...]

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    FRANÇAIS • Pour “raviver” les vêtements accrochés sur des cintres, les rideaux, etc., vous pouvez utiliser le fer en position verticale: • Placer le bouton de réglage de la température (10) sur MAX. • T enez le fer en position verticale à une distance d’environ 15-20 cm du tissu. • Appuyez sur la touche de la super vapeur (5) pa[...]

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    T ermozeta S.p.A. se réserve le dr oit d’apporter des modications techniques et/ou esthétiques à ses pro - pres pr oduits an d’en améliorer les pr estations. T ermozeta is an international trademark. Copyright © 1995. All rights reserved. T ermozeta S.p.A. - Via Magenta, 41/43 - 20010 Bar eggio (MI) Italy INFORMA TIONS AUX USAGERS Au[...]

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    DEUTSCH SICHERHEITSBESTIMMUNGEN Dieses Heft ist ein wichtiger T eil des Geräts; es muss vor der Benutzung aufmerksam gelesen werden, weil es wichtige Angaben für seine sichere Installation, Benutzung und W artung liefert. Bewahren sie es sorgf ältig auf. • Kontrollieren Sie nachEntfernen der Verpackung, dass dasGerä[...]

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    DEUTSCH verf allen. • Das Gerät ist ausschließlich für den Hausgebrauch zum Bügeln vonStoffenvorgesehen. • AusSicherheitsgründenachtenSiedarauf: - das Gerät nicht barfuß oder mit nassen Händen oder Füßen benutzen -dasGerätnichtimFrei[...]

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    DEUTSCH ausgewechselt werden. W enn erforderlich, wenden Sie sich an ein autorisiertes Kundendienstzentrum von TERMOZET A oder an einen F achmann. • Bei Beschädigung und/oder nicht einwandfreiem Funktionieren das Gerät ausschalten und nicht selber Hand anlegen.  Für eventuelleReparaturen we[...]

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    DEUTSCH GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG ABBILDUNG FUNKTION BESCHREIBUNG T rockenbügeln Kein Dampf Dampfbügeln Dampfniveau: Mittel Dampfbügeln D ampfniveau: Maximal max Bügeln mit Dampf bei hoher T emperatur (Baumwolle, Leinen)) Bügeln bei mittlerer T emperatur (Wolle, Seide) Bügeln bei geringer T emperatur (synthetische Fasern) BÜGELANLEITUNG T abelle A [...]

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    DEUTSCH • Füllen Sie den Behälter mit W asser . • Wählen Sie über den Schalter für die Regulierung des Dampfes (4) die Ausgabe des gewünschten Dampfes (siehe T abelle A). ANMERKUNG • Wenn das Eisen während der Bügelpausen vertikal aufgestellt wird, wird die Ausgabe des Dampfes automatisch unterbrochen. • Bei der ersten Benutzung mit[...]

  • Page 31

    DEUTSCH Um aufgehängte Kleidungsstücke, V orhänge usw . “aufzufrischen”, können Sie das Bügeleisen vertikal verwenden: • Stellen Sie den Drehgriff für die T emperatureinstellung (10) auf die Anzeige MAX. • Halten Sie das Eisen in vertikaler Position mit einem Abstand von circa 15-20 cm vom Stoff. • Drücken Sie die immer wieder die [...]

  • Page 32

    T ermozeta S.p.A. behält sich das Recht vor , an den Produkten technische und/oder ästhetische Änderungen zur V erbesserung der Leistungen vorzunehmen. T ermozeta is an international trademark. Copyright © 1995. All rights reserved. T ermozeta S.p.A. - Via Magenta, 41/43 - 20010 Bar eggio (MI) Italy INFORMA TIONEN FÜR DIE BENUTZER Gemäß den [...]

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    PRESCRIPCIONES DE SEGURIDAD este manual es parte integrante del aparato y debe ser leído atentamente antes de su uso, y a que proporciona importantes indica ciones relativ as a la seguridad, instalación, uso y mantenimiento. Conser v ar cuidadosamente. • Retirar el embalaje y vericar la integridad del aparato.  [...]

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    ESP ANÕL • Este aparato sólo puede ser destinado al uso doméstico para el planchadodetejidos.  • Pormotivosdeseguridad, prestaratencióna:  -no utilizarel aparatocon lospiesdescalzos ycon lasmanos olos piesmojados -no[...]

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    ESP ANÕL • En caso de avería y/o mal funcionamiento del aparato,  a pagarlo y no manipularlo.  Para su reparación,  dirigirse a un centro de asistencia autorizado TERMOZET A y solicitar que se utilicen piezas  derecambiooriginales.  • Una[...]

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    INSTRUCCIONES DE USO ESP ANÕL Figura Función Descripción Planchado En SECO NO V APOR Planchado Con V apor Nivel V apor: Intermedi P lanchado Con V apor Nivel V apor: Máximo max Planchado con vapor a temperatura alta (algodón, lino) Planchado a temperatura media (lana, seda) Planchado a temperatura baja (bras sintéticas) Guía de planchado [...]

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    ESP ANÕL • Llene el depósito con agua. • Seleccione con el mando de regulación de vapor (4) el caudal de vapor deseado (consultar tabla A). NOT A • Cuando durante las pausas en el planchado la plancha se coloca en posición vertical, el caudal de vapor se interrumpe automáticamente. • Durante el primer uso pueden salir pequeñas gotas d[...]

  • Page 38

    ESP ANÕL • Para “reavivar” prendas colgadas en percheros, cortinas, etc., se puede utilizar la plancha en vertical: • Sitúe el mando de regulación de la temperatura (9) en el indicador MAX. • Mantenga la plancha en po sición vertical a una distancia de unos 15-20 cm del tejido. • Pulse la tecla super vapor (5) repetidas veces. NOT A[...]

  • Page 39

    T ermozeta se reserva el der echo de aportar modicaciones estéticas y/o técnicas sin aviso previo, para mejorar sus productos. T ermozeta is an international trademark. Copyright © 1995. All rights reserved. T ermozeta S.p.A. - Via Magenta, 41/43 - 20010 Bar eggio (MI) Italy INFORMACIÓN A LOS USUARIOS Según las Directivas europeas 2002/95/C[...]

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    O presente manual é parte integrante do aparelho e deve ser lido com atenção antes da utilização, por que fornece importantes indicações referentes à segurança de instalação, de uso e de manutenção. Conser v ar com cuidado. • Após ter tirado a embalagem,  deve-se ter a certeza de que o a parelh[...]

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    PORTUGUÊS • Qualquer utilização não conforme com quanto indicado pode prejudicar a vossa segurança e anula a garantia. • O aparelho destina-se exclusivamente a uso doméstico para passar  tecidosaferro.  • Porrazõesdesegurança, tenhacuidadocom:  -nãoutilizar o?[...]

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    PORTUGUÊS centro de assistência autorizado TERMOZET A ou a pessoal prossionalmenteautorizado. • Em caso de avaria e/ou mau funcionamento do aparelho,  desliga-lo sem alteralo.  Para eventuais reparações dirigir -se a um centro de assistênciaautorizadoTERMOZET A e?[...]

  • Page 43

    FIGURA FUNÇÃO DESCRIÇÃO Passagem a ferro a seco V apor nulo Passagem a ferro a vapor Nível vapor: intermédio Passagem a ferro a vapor Nível vapor: máximo max Passagem a ferro a vapor de elevada temperatura (algodão, linho) Passagem a ferro a temperatura média (lã, seda) Passagem a ferro a temperatura baixa (tecidos sintéticos) GUIA P AR[...]

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    • Encher o depósito com água. • Mediante o botão de regulação do vapor (4) escolher o jacto de vapor desejado (consultar tabela A). NOT A • Quando se coloca o ferro de engomar na posição vertical durante as pausas, o jacto do vapor pára automaticamente. • Durante a primeira utilização poderá haver saída de gotas de água junto c[...]

  • Page 45

    • Para passar a roupa pendurada, as cortinas, etc. pode-se utilizar o ferro de engomar em vertical: • Programar o botão de regulação da temperatura (9) na posição MAX. • Manter o ferro de engomar na posição vertical a uma distância de cerca de 15-20 cm do tecido. • Premir o botão do super vapor (5) mediante impulsos. NOT A • Não[...]

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    • Desligar a cha da tomada da corrente eléctrica. • Esvaziar o depósito. • Colocar sempre o comando de regulação vapor (4) na posição passagem a ferro a seco. • Deixar arrefecer completamente o ferro de engomar . • V oltar a colocar o ferro de engomar na posição vertical. APÓS A UTILIZAÇÃO IMPORT ANTE ! • Antes de realizar[...]

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