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Important Inf ormat i on Misuse of this equipm ent can result in pr operty damage or human inj ury. Because c ontrolled system applic ations vary w i dely , y ou should satis fy y ourself as to the acceptability of this equipm ent for y our intended purpose. In no event will Toshiba Cor poration be respons ible or liable for either indirect or cons[...]
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User’s Manual 1 Safety Precautions Safety Precautions • This module ( AS311) has been desig ned for Toshiba’s Prog rammable Cont r o ller PROSEC-T 3 ( her eaf ter called T 3). Use t his m odule only on the T 3’s rack. • Read the Saf et y Precaut ions descr ibed on t he T3 User’s Manual befor e using the T3 and this module. • Follow th[...]
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2 ASCII Int er f ace Module (AS311) A bout This Manual A bout This Manual This manual explains the specif ications and operat ions of the ASCI I I nterf ace Module (AS311) f or Prog r ammable Contr oller T3. Read t his manual caref ully before using the AS311 module. Inside This Manual This manual consist s of six sections and an appendix as follow[...]
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User’s Manual 3 A bout This Manual Related Manuals The f ollowing related manuals are available f or T3. Besides this manual, r ead t he following manuals f or your bett er understanding . T3 U ser’s Manua l - Hardware This manual covers the T3’s mai n body and basi c I/O - their specifications, handling, maintenance and services. T3 User’s[...]
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4 ASCII Int er f ace Module (AS311) Contents Contents Safety Precautions .................................................................................. 1 A bout This Manual .................................................................................. 2 1. A S311 Overv iew ....................................................................[...]
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User’s Manual 5 Contents 6. RA S Information ......................................................................... 51 6.1 LE D indica tion .................................................................................. 52 6.2 Bu f fer memory i nf ormation ................................................................ 53 6.2.1 Module stat[...]
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6 ASCII Int er f ace Module (AS311)[...]
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User’s Manual 7 Section 1 AS311 Overview 1.1 Intr oduction 1.2 AS311 functions 1.3 External f eatures[...]
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8 ASCII Int er f ace Module (AS311) 1. A S311 Overview 1.1 Introduction The ASCII inter face m odule AS311 ( her eaf ter called AS311) is a g eneral purpose data communication module f or Toshiba’s Pr og ramm able Cont r oller PROSEC-T 3 (hereaf ter called T3). By using the AS311, T3 can communicat e with external devices, such as a micro compute[...]
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User’s Manual 9 1. A S311 Overview 1.2 A S311 functions From the point of view of T 3, the AS311 works as com m unicat ions driver. The followings are the simplif ied explanations f or T3 and AS311 f unctions. W hen a messag e ( one set of tr ansm ission charact ers) is received by AS311, the f lag w hich indicates the receiving com plete will co[...]
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10 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 1. A S311 Overview 1.3 External features Status LEDs AS311 • RUN • TX1 • RX1 • TX2 • RX2 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SW 3 SW 2 SW 1 ON → ON → 1 2 3 → ↓ RSW 2 RSW 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RESE T CH2 CH1 Channel 1 transmission param et er setting switches Channel 2 transmission param et er setting switches RS-232C/R[...]
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User’s Manual 11 1. A S311 Overview Status LEDs RUN: Lit when AS311 is operating normally TX1: Lit while transmitt ing dat a fr om channel 1 RX1: Lit w hile receiving data t o channel 1 TX2: Lit while transmitt ing dat a fr om channel 2 RX2: Lit w hile receiving data t o channel 2 SW1 channel 1 transmissi on paramet er setting sw [...]
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12 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 1. A S311 Overview SW3 RS-232C/RS-422 sel ect i on sw i tches (for channel 1) RSW1/RSW2 Optiona l rotary sw itches SW 3 ON → 3 2 1 Used to select the int er face of the channel 1 either RS-232C or RS-422. No.1 OFF ON Interf ace RS-232C RS-422 Used to connect the t er m inat ing r[...]
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User’s Manual 13 1. A S311 Overview Hardware reset sw i t ch W hen this switch is pressed, t he AS311 will be reset. Use this switch when you have changed the switch settings. Channel 1 and channel 2 serial ports Used to connect the serial tr ansm ission line (RS-232C or RS-422) . D- Sub 25-pin female connector s ar e pr ovided on the AS311. The [...]
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14 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311)[...]
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User’s Manual 15 Section 2 Specifications 2.1 General specif ications 2.2 Functional specificat ions 2.3 Transmission specificat ions[...]
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16 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 2. Specifications 2.1 General specifications Item Specif ications Remark s Power voltage 5 Vdc (supplied f r om back plane bus) Current consum pt ion 1.0 A (5 Vdc) m aximum Note (1) Environmental conditions Conform s t o T 3 specificat ions Insulation resistance 10 M Ω (500 Vdc) Note (2 ) W ithst and voltage 50[...]
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User’s Manual 17 2. Specifications 2.3 Transmission specifications Item Channel 1 Channel 2 Inter f ace RS-232C or RS-422 RS-232C Transm ission mode Full-duplex Synchronizing Start- st op m ethod (asynchronous) Transmission speed 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 bps Frame f ormat Start bit Data Parity Stop bit 1 bit 7 or 8 bits even / odd [...]
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18 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311)[...]
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User’s Manual 19 Section 3 Cable Connections 3.1 RS-232C connection 3.2 RS-422 connection[...]
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20 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 3. Cable Connecti ons 3.1 RS-232C connection The following f igure shows the RS-232C connection. AS311 Shielded cable RS-232C device (1) DSR is supported only on the channel 2. (2) Connect SG each other . (3) Use shielded cable. The cable shield should be connect ed t o FG at one end. (4) It is recom mended to us[...]
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User’s Manual 21 3. Cable Connecti ons 3.2 RS-422 connection The channel 1 can be selected either RS- 232C or RS- 422. The f ollowing fig ur e shows the RS-422 connection. AS311 Shielded cable RS-422 device (1) On the AS311, connect the built-in t er m inat ing resist or s ( 120 Ω ) bet ween RXDA and RXDB and between CTSA and CTSB by setting sw[...]
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22 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311)[...]
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User’s Manual 23 Section 4 Register Configuration 4.1 I/O allocation and I/O regi sters 4.2 AS311 buffer memory[...]
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24 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 4. Register Confi gur ation 4.1 I/O allocation and I/O registers The AS311 has the I/O ty pe ‘ i X+Y 4W ’ for I/O allocation. W hen the automatic I/O allocation is performed with mounting the AS311, the following I/O allocation table will be created in the T3. (T-PDS screen example - in t he case t hat AS311 [...]
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User’s Manual 25 4. Register Confi gur ation The following table show s the f unctions of I/O registers assigned to the AS311. XW (n) CH1 status XW (n+1) CH2 statu s YW ( n+2) CH1 command YW ( n+3) CH2 command Register Bit Name Description F W rite ready 1: ready to write data ( t r ansm it) f o r channel 1 E Tr ansm it complete 1: transm it t in[...]
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26 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 4. Register Confi gur ation 4.2 A S311 buffer memory As ex plained in the prev ious section, the I/O registers that are assigned to AS311 are used to control the r eading and writing t im ing s (handshake) bet ween T3 and AS311. On the other hand, f or exchanging the transm ission dat a bet ween T3 and AS311, t h[...]
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User’s Manual 27 4. Register Confi gur ation 4.2.2 Buff e r memory access T3 can read the AS311’s buf fer m em ory contents by using READ instr uct ion ( FUN237). Also, T3 can write data into t he buff er mem or y by using W RIT E inst ruction (FUN238) . REA D inst ruct ion (FUN237) Expression: [ (A) RE AD (B ) → (C) ] Operands: (A): [...]
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28 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 4. Register Confi gur ation WRITE instruction ( FUN238) Expression: [ (A) W RITE (B ) → (C) ] Operands: (A) : St arting r eg ister of the source (B) : Starting address of the buf f er m em or y to be written (B) + 1: Number of words to be written (m ax. 256) (C): I/O register (XW /YW ) assigned to the A[...]
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User’s Manual 29 4. Register Confi gur ation 4.2.3 Parameter area The parameter ar ea of the buf fer m emory contains the f ollowing contents. Address A ddress 0 CH1 status 64 1 CH2 st atus Status and 65 2 CH1 command command 66 3 CH2 command 67 4 Status 1 68 5 RSW 1/ 2 infor mation 69 6 SW 1 inf ormat ion 70 7 SW 2 inf ormat ion 71 Reserved 8 CH[...]
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30 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 4. Register Confi gur ation Status and command (0 - 3) The addresses 0 to 3 store the same data as the I/O registers that are assigned to the AS311. Refer t o sect ion 4.1 f or det ails. 0 CH1 status = XW (n) 1 CH2 status = XW (n+1) 2 CH1 command = YW (n+2) 3 CH2 command = YW (n+3) Status 1 (4) The address 4 show[...]
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User’s Manual 31 4. Register Confi gur ation SW1 info rmation (6) The address 6 stor es t he setting st at us of the channel 1 t ransmission paramet er set t ing swi tches (SW 1). F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW 1 SW 1 OFF ON 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ON: 1 OF F: 0 SW2 info rmation (7) The address 7 stor es t he setting st at us of the[...]
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32 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 4. Register Confi gur ation Command 1 (12) The address 12 is used to r eset the AS311 by T3 prog ram. Two types of reset com m ands ar e available, hot r eset and cold reset. The hot reset is used to change t he t r ailing code and the time- out check time sett ings. The cold reset is used t o init ialize the AS3[...]
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User’s Manual 33 4. Register Confi gur ation CH1 tra nsmit error (17) an d CH2 transmit error ( 81) The address 17 (f or channel 1) and t he address 81 (f or channel 2) indicate t he er r or contents if an error has occur r ed dur ing message t r ansmitting . T his infor m at ion is set during t he write seq uence for m essage tr ansm itt ing. Re[...]
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34 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 4. Register Confi gur ation CH1 receive length (19) and CH2 receive length (83) The address 19 (f or channel 1) and t he address 83 (f or channel 2) indicate t he leng th of the received message ( num ber of bytes). This inf ormation is set dur ing the received message read seq uence. F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 [...]
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User’s Manual 35 4. Register Confi gur ation CH1 time-out check ( 25) and CH2 time-out check ( 89) The address 25 (f or channel 1) and t he addr ess 89 (for channel 2) store t he t ime- out check times. If t he t im e bet ween each receiving charact er exceeds the specif ied time- out check time, it becomes the r eceiving t im e- out er r or. T h[...]
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36 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 4. Register Confi gur ation 4.2.4 Receiv ing and transmitting data area The receiving and transm it t ing data area is provided to exchange t he com m unication characters between T3 and AS311. T he address rang es in t he AS311 buf f er m em ory are as follows. Ad dress W ord data 128 Channel 1 reading ( r e cei[...]
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User’s Manual 37 Section 5 Operation Procedure 5.1 Transmission message f or m at 5.2 Received message read sequence 5.3 Wr it e sequence for message t r ansm it t ing 5.4 Checking the AS311 operat ion st atus 5.5 Resetting t he AS311 by sof t ware 5.6 Setting t he t railing code 5.7 Setting the t ime-out check tim e[...]
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38 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 5. Operation Procedure 5.1 Transmission message format The transmission messag e is composed by ASCII charact ers and a specif ied t r ailing code. The def ault set ting of the tr ailing code is CR (carr iag e return code = H0D) . Refer to sect ion 5. 6 for set t ing the tr ailing code other t han CR. The maximum[...]
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User’s Manual 39 5. Operation Procedure 5.2 Received message read sequence 5.2.1 Flag control timing In case of receiving a m essag e, the f ollowing flag s ar e used f or handshak ing between T3 and AS311. These flags are the bits of the I/O reg isters assigned to the AS311. Refer to sect ion 4. 1. Read ready Bit 7 of X W ( n) f or channel 1 or [...]
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40 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 5. Operation Procedure 5.2.2 T3 sample program for message receiv ing A sample program f or the “ r eceived messag e read sequence” is shown below. This sample prog r am is f or t he channel 1 of the AS311 that is allocated to X W 000 - YW 003. (Main progr am) Operat ion for receiving error Operat ion for nor[...]
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User’s Manual 41 5. Operation Procedure In this sample prog r a m , t he following devices/reg ist ers are used. R0100 AS311 st at us ( O N when ready) - Refer t o sect ion 5.4 R0200 Receiving nor m al complete (c om es O N when receiving is complete norm ally) R0300 Receiving er r or complete (com es O N when receiving error has occurr ed) X0006[...]
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42 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 5. Operation Procedure Explanation for this sam ple pr ogram : (1) T he “received messag e r ead seq uence” is prog r am m ed on Subr outine No. 0. (2) T he Subroutine No. 0 is called f rom Main prog r am with reset t ing R0200 and R0300 to OFF. (3) W hen a message is r eceived norm ally, R0200 will come ON a[...]
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User’s Manual 43 5. Operation Procedure 5.3 Write sequence for message transmit ting 5.3.1 Flag control timing In case of tr ansm it t ing a message, t he following f lag s are used f or handshak ing betw een T3 and AS311. These flag s are the bits of the I/O registers assigned to the AS311. Refer t o sect ion 4.1. Write ready Bit F of XW (n) f o[...]
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44 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 5. Operation Procedure 5.3.2 T3 sample program for message transmit ting A sample program f or the “ write seq uence f or messag e transmit t ing” is shown below. This sample prog r am is f or t he channel 1 of the AS311 that is allocated to X W 000 - YW 003. (Main progr am) Set the transm i ss i on mess age [...]
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User’s Manual 45 5. Operation Procedure In this sample prog r a m , t he following devices/reg ist ers are used. R0100 AS311 st at us ( O N when ready) - Refer t o sect ion 5.4 R0110 I nt er nal f lag t o st ar t transmitt ing R0201 T r ansmitting nor m al com plete (comes O N when transm it t ing is complete normal ly ) R0301 T r ansmitting er r[...]
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46 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 5. Operation Procedure Explanation for this sam ple pr ogram : (1) T he “write sequence f or messag e t r ansm itting” is pr ogramm ed on Subr outine No. 1. (2) T o start t ransmitting , set the m essag e (ASCII char act er s) into D0200 and af t er . Then set R0110 t o O N. The messag e length is m aximum 12[...]
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User’s Manual 47 5. Operation Procedure 5.4 Checking the A S311 operation status AS311 operation status inf ormation is st or ed in t he AS311’s buff er mem or y address 4 (Status 1). T 3 can read this inf ormat ion by using READ inst r uct ion. A sample program is shown below. This sample pr og ram is f or the AS311 t hat is allocated to XW 00[...]
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48 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 5. Operation Procedure 5.5 Resetting th e A S311 by soft w are AS311 can be reset by T3 progr am . Two types of reset t ing are available, cold reset and hot reset. The cold reset is used to r eset t he AS311 er ror stat e. W hen the cold reset is executed, the AS311 will be initialized. The trailing code and t h[...]
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User’s Manual 49 5. Operation Procedure 5.6 Setting the trailing code The default set ting of the tr ailing code is CR (carr iag e return code = H0D). T he t r ailing code can be changed by T3 program . To do this, write desired t railing code int o t he AS311’s buff er mem or y address 24 (CH1 trailing code) and/ or addr ess 88 (CH2 trailing c[...]
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50 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 5. Operation Procedure 5.7 Setting the time- out check time The default set t ing of t he t im e- out check time is 1 second. T he time-out check time can be changed by T3 progr am . T he valid setting rang e is 0.1 to 60. 0 seconds in 0. 1 second units. Refer t o section 4.2.3. To change the t im e- out check ti[...]
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User’s Manual 51 Section 6 RAS Information 6.1 LED indication 6.2 Buffer memory inf ormation 6.3 Trouble shooting[...]
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52 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 6. RA S Information 6.1 LED indication On the AS311, f ive stat us LEDs ar e pr ovided as f ollows. These LEDs are usef ul to check the AS311 operation st at us and the communicat ion st at us. RUN TX1 RX1 TX2 RX2 RUN Indicates the AS311 operat ion st at us. Lit when the AS311 is in ready state. Not lit when the [...]
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User’s Manual 53 6. RA S Information 6.2 Buffer memory information Various RAS inform at ion ar e st ored in the AS311’s buf fer m emory. These inf orm at ion can be read by READ instruction. W hen some abnormality has occurred, check these informati on. 6.2.1 Module status Address 4 of the buf f er m em or y stor es t he AS311 m odule st atus.[...]
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54 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 6. RA S Information 6.2.2 Switch setting status Addresses 5, 6 and 7 of t he buf f er m em or y stor e t he switches sett ing status. Check that the inf or mation ag r ees with the physical setting status if some abnormalit y has occurred. F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RSW 1 RSW 2 Bit 7-4 RSW [...]
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User’s Manual 55 6. RA S Information 6.2.3 Error information f or data receiv ing Address 16 for channel 1 and addr ess 80 f or channel 2 stor e t he er r or infor mation f or data receiving. F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 16 or 80 0 0 0 0 BRK PE FE OE Receive error code Bit B BRK (Break) 1 = break detected 0 = normal W hen br eak has been detec[...]
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56 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) 6. RA S Information 6.2.4 Error information for data trans m i tting Address 17 for channel 1 and addr ess 81 f or channel 2 stor e t he er r or infor mation f or data t ransmitting . F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 17 or 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tr ansmit error code Bit 7-0 T r ansm it error code Shows the error code [...]
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User’s Manual 57 6. RA S Information 6.3 Trouble shooting W hen AS311 does not work pr oper ly, check the f ollowing points. W hen AS311’s RUN Does the POW ER LED on If no, check the power LED does not light ; the T 3 power supply module voltage/connect ion. light ? If no, check the inter nal 5 Vdc current consumption. Is the AS311 mount ed Rem[...]
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58 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311)[...]
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User’s Manual 59 Appendix A.1 Specification of the READ instruct ion A.2 Specification of the WRI TE inst ruction[...]
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60 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) A ppendi x A .1 Specification of the REA D instruction FUN 237 Special module data read ( READ) Reads designated r ang e of dat a f rom t he special m odule. Input Execution output [ A RE AD B → C ] Function • This instr uct ion r eads dat a fr om t he buf f er memor y of the special module that is designated[...]
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User’s Manual 61 A ppendi x Note 1) The special module can be desig nated not only by the assigned r eg ister, but also by the mounting posit ion. The mount ing position is designat ed by a constant data f or the oper and A as follows. (Unit num ber) × 256 + ( Slot number) H Slot num ber (hexadecimal) Unit num ber (hexadecimal) For example, if a[...]
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62 ASCII Int erf ace Module (AS311) A ppendi x A .2 Specification of the WRITE instruct ion FUN 238 Special module data write (W RIT E) W r it es desig nated rang e of dat a int o the special module. Input Execution output [ A W RITE B → C ] Function • This instruct ion transf ers data stor ed in T 3’s regist er s st ar t ing with operand A i[...]
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User’s Manual 63 A ppendi x Note 1) The special module can be desig nated not only by the assigned r eg ister, but also by the mounting posit ion. The mount ing position is designat ed by a constant data f or the oper and C as follows. (Unit num ber) × 256 + ( Slot number) H Slot num ber (hexadecimal) Unit num ber (hexadecimal) For example, if a[...]
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TOSHIBA CORPORATION Industrial Equipme nt De partment 1-1, Shibaura 1-c home, Minato- ku Tok yo 105-8001, JAPAN Tel: 03-3457- 4900 Fax: 03-5444-9268[...]