TP-Link NC220 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of TP-Link NC220, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of TP-Link NC220 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of TP-Link NC220. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of TP-Link NC220 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of TP-Link NC220
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the TP-Link NC220 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the TP-Link NC220 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of TP-Link NC220 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of TP-Link NC220, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the TP-Link service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of TP-Link NC220.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the TP-Link NC220 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    NC220 Day/Night Cloud Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 191001 1 260 R EV 1.0. 0[...]

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    COPYRIGH T & TR A DEM ARKS S pecificat ions are subject to change without notice. is a registere d trademar k of TP - LINK TECHNOLOGIES C O., L T D. O ther brands and product na m es are t rademarks or registered t rademarks of their r espective hold ers. No par t of the spe cifications may be reproduc ed in any form or by any means or us ed to[...]

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    FCC ST A TEMENT This equi pment has bee n test ed and found to c om ply with the limits for a Cl ass B digit al device, pursuant t o part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits a re designed to pro - v ide reasonable protect ion against har m ful inter ference in a residential inst allation. Th is equipment generat es, uses and can radiate radi o freque[...]

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    Canad ian Comp liance S t atement This device co m plies w i th Industr y Canada license - exe mpt RSS standard( s). Operation is subject to the follow ing two conditi ons: (1) This device may not cause interf erence, and (2)This dev i ce must accept any i nterfere nce, including inter ference that m ay cause undesired operation o f the device. Cet[...]

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    ●清潔本產品之 前請先拔掉電源線。 請勿使用液體、噴霧 清潔劑或濕布進行 清潔。 ●注意防潮,請 勿將水或其他液體潑 灑到本產品上。 ●插槽與開口供 通風使用,以確保本 產品的操作可靠並防 止過熱,請勿堵塞 或覆蓋開口。 ●請勿將本產品 置放於靠近熱源[...]

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    TP - LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., L TD DE CL A R A TION OF CONFORM ITY For the follow ing equipment : Product Des cription: Day /Night Cloud Cam era, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Model No.: NC220 Tradema rk: TP - LIN K We declar e under our own responsib ility that the above produc ts satisfy all the techn ical regulatio ns applicab l e to the prod uct within the sc[...]

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    CONTENTS Chapter 1 A bout this Guide .................................................................................... 1 1.1 Convent i ons ................................................................................................................... 1 1. 2 Ov erview of T his Guide ............................................................[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Chapt er 1 A b out this Guide This User G uide contain s information for set up and managem ent o f N C220 D ay/N igh t Cl oud Camera, 300Mbp s W i - Fi . Please read this guide carefully be f ore operat ion. 1.1 Conventi ons In this Guide t he following conv entions are used:  The c amera or NC[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Chapt er 2 Introduc tion Thanks for c hoosing t he NC 220 Day/Night Cloud Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi ! 2.1 Ove rvi ew NC2 20 is a versati le solution for hom e & office mo nitoring to keep an ey e on your home, kids or wo rkplace; what ever it is that you car e f or most. NC2 20 has a complete sy[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 2.3 Appearance Description 2.3.1 Fr ont Panel Figure 2-1 Fr ont Panel  L ight S en sor : The ca m era has a built - in internal p hotodet ector . It is us ed to identify day or night.  Microp hone: The camera has a built - in int ernal microp hone. This microphone is h idden in the pinhole lo[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 2.3.2 Rear Panel Figure 2-2 Rear Panel  WPS L ED: S ta t u s Indica tion Flash ing Gre en The camera st arts b ooting up. T he camera is connect ing to a netw or k by WPS f unc ti on. T his process will last in the first 2 m inutes. Off T he camera ha s boot up. T he camera failed to be added to[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Used as R ESET but ton: W ith the camera power ed on, pr ess and ho ld the W PS/ R ESET butto n ( more than 5 seconds ) unt il both the S ys t e m LED and W PS LE D turn of f . T hen release the b u tton and wait the came ra to re set to its fac tory default se ttings .  Used as W PS button:[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3. Drill two mounting hol es and fix the mounting ba se. 4. Put the base cov er and camera hea d back. 6[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Chapt er 3 Man aging the Cam era T he camera ’ s built - in web manag ement p age is designe d to allow you to easily access and configure y our camera. 3.1 Login 1. Fi nd the manage ment IP addres s of the camera via one of the foll owing methods :  Run the Setu p W izar d . T he IP address i[...]

  • Page 15

    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 4. C li ck Dow nload to down load and inst all the required plu gi n.  Note : If the instal led plugin doesn't w ork , set y our browser security sett i ngs to allow plugi ns. H ere we ta k e the set tings for IE brow ser as an exampl e. Go to " T ools → I nternet Opt ions → Securi[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Sy mbols Meani ng No te Cli ck to capture a s till image sh ot by the camera . The image file wil l be saved to your loca l computer and i ts def aul t nam e is im age - yy yy - mm - dd - hh - mm -ss. Y ou can sel ect a save p ath and rename the image file. Click to rec ord the cur rent video. The [...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Clic k to choose a camera w orking mode . Y ou can set the ca mera working m ode to Au t o ( ), Day ( ), or Night ( ). Drag the slider to adjust the size of the c urrent image. T he maxim um zoom ratio is 4 ti m es. Mute of f. Y ou can hear th e current soun d by the camera. Clic k and it will bec [...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.3.1 Basi c → Sta t u s T he S ta t u s pag e displays the cur rent configurat i on infor mation of the came ra. Y ou can find out cam era ’ s settings such as wireless connection s ettin gs here. A ll the inf ormation is read - only . 11[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.3.2 Basi c → Ne tw o r k On this pa ge, you can conf i gure your ca m era ’ s IP address whic h is used to access and co nfigure the camera.  Dynamic IP: Sel ec t thi s option when a DHCP ser ver is instal led on the net work to issue IP address as signment. W ith this setting , the IP add[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Primary DNS Server: Enter a DNS addres s in dotted - deci m al not ation .  Secondary DN S Server : Enter a DNS address i n dotted - deci m al not ation . Clic k Save to save and enable t he setting s. 3.3.3 Basi c → W i reles s Connection T he camera ’ s w irel ess func tio n is ena ble[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3. If the wireless netw ork’ s secur ity mode is Non e , si mpl y cl ick Connect . If th e se cu rit y mode requires a p assword, enter the wirele ss network ’ s password a nd then click C onnect . Y ou can select Show p a sswor d t o display what you ’ ve ente r ed. 4. A pop - u p screen wil[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 5. Clic k OK on the pop – up s creen to finish wire less connection pro cedure. 6. T o start using ca mera wirelessly , unplug its Ethernet cable. 3.3.4 Basi c → Cloud Setting A Cloud Ca m era can be viewed anytime an d anywhere over t he Internet w ith TP - LINK Cloud service. O n t his page, [...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Camera N ame: The default value is the camera model. Y ou can change it to an easy - to - reme mber one. C amera na me can contai n up to 30 characters. I t c an onl y cont ain digits, l etters, space and . - _@' . After your camera is regist ered successful ly , y ou can go to www .tplink[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.4 A d vanced Click the A dvanced menu to display the submenus inc l uding S ta t u s , N e two rk , Wi reless Con necti on , Wir eless Extender , Cl oud Set ting , DDNS , Vid eo , Moti on Detection , S ound Detection , Notific ation Delivery , and LED . 3.4.1 Adva nced → S ta tu s Refer to 3 .3[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi IP Address On this section , y ou can configure your camera ’ s IP address which is used to acces s and configure t he camera.  Dynamic IP: Sel ec t thi s option when a DHCP server is installe d on the netw ork to issue I P address as signment. W ith this set ting, the IP addres s of the ca me[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  M AC Ad dr e s s : Di splay s the Ethernet M AC address of the ca mera. T he MAC addres s is read - o n l y.  IP Address: Enter a fixed IP address for the cam era in dotted - deci mal notatio n .  Subnet Mas k: Enter the subnet m a sk i n dotted - decimal notat ion . The default value is [...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  PPPoE: To ena ble or disable the PPPoE service h ere.  S ta t u s: D isplay s the PPPoE connect ion status.  Usernam e: Enter the use rname for PPPoE serv ice provided by y our ISP .  Pa sswo rd: Enter the passw ord for PPPoE serv ice provided by y our ISP . H TT P ( Hypertext T ransfe[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  UPnP Port For w ardi ng: To enab le or disable the UP nP Port Forwar ding service here. If th is function is enab led and your router supports U P n P, the ca m eras and r outer can communicat e with each oth er so that the router know s which port s are used by which ca m era.  UPnP N ame: [...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 1. S ele ct Enable to e nable your ca mera ’ s wireless function . 2. Clic k Manually , and y ou will see the fol lowing scr een. 3. In the W ireless N etwork Name f ield, enter the na me of the wireles s network to wh ich your camera is read y to connect.  N ote : The name must be exactly the[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 5. Clic k Connec t and a scre en will pop up. Click Chang e on the pop - up s creen. 6. Clic k OK on the pop – up s creen to finish wire less connection pro cedure. 7. T o start using ca mera wirelessly , unplug its Ethernet cable . 3.4.4 Advanced → Wireless Extend er On this pa ge, you can set[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Max Cli ents: Set the max imum number of cli ents that ar e allowed to connect to the extended networ k . Clic k Save to save and enable t he setting s. 3.4.5 Advanced → Cloud Setti ng Refer to 3.3. 4 B asic → Cloud Setting . 3.4.6 Advanced → DDNS If your camer a is connec ted to xDSL mod[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Service Prov ider: S ele ct one of the built - in DDNS servers from the dro p - down list : No - IP ( www ), DynDNS ( www ), and Co m exe ( www ).  Note : If you hav e not registered f or any of t he l isted DDNS serv ers, please select one and clic k Go to regi[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Mode : Displ ays the bit rat e mode of the ca m era. This camera uses the VBR (v ar i abl e bit rate ) mod e . In this m ode, t he bit rate varies t o keep consistent v i deo qua l ity . It allows a higher bit rate (and ther efore requires more b andwidth ) to be a llocated to dyna m ic scene s[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi Ena bled Dis abled C li ck Sa ve to save and en able the setting s. 3.4.8 Advanced → Motion Dete ction Motion dete ction allows you to specify areas of your camera’ s video to monitor for motion, which can be used to t rigger snapshot s. Refer to 3. 4.10 Advance d → N otific ation De livery f[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Motion De tection: To enable or disable t he motion detect i on funct i on.  Sensitivit y: Spec if y t he l evel of differenc e between tw o sequential images that would indicat e motion. Sel ect one of the t hree levels of sens itivity from the dro p - down list: High, Mediu m , and Low . D[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.4.10 Advanced → Notifi cation Deli very Notificati on Deli very settings are available only af ter the m otion d etection or s ound d ete cti on function is enab led. It is u sed to inform you imm ediately by sending the snap shots triggered by a detected motion or sound to the speci fied FTP s[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Pa ssive Mo de: Enabling p assive mod e may he lp you reach your F TP serv er if your cam era is behind a router pr otected by a f irewall. T o set up a FTP to receive noti fication, follo w the st eps bel ow: 1. Enter an IP address or do m ain of y our FTP serv er , e.g. 68 2. Rema[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Recipient E - m ail Addre ss: Enter the rece iver ’ s E - mail ad dress that the notif i cation E - ma il will be s ent to. Cli ck Add rec ipient to add receiv er ’ s E - mail addres ses. Y ou can specify up to four recip ient E - mail addresses.  Sender E - mail Addr ess: E nter the sen[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 1. Enter the recei ver ’ s E- mail addre ss in Reci pien t E- mail Addres s , e.g. test@tp - link .c om . 2. Enter your E - mail a ddress in Sender E - mail Address , e.g. test@gmai . 3. E nter the p assword requir ed to access the SM T P server . 4. Enter in SMTP serv e r . [...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3.5.1 Account On this p age, you can ch ange the admin i strator’s p assword and m anag e the user account( s) that are allowed to ac cess to your ca m era.  Usernam e: Displays the na m e of user a ccount.  User Grou p: D i splay s the group that the user acco unt is in. Dif ferent user gr[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 2. Enter a user name for your new accou nt. 3. Enter a pa ssword for your new account. The password shou ld conta in 5 to 20 charac ters. 4. Enter the p assword aga i n to conf irm it. 5. Clic k Save to save and enable t he settings. Change Pass word Y ou can change the p assword of a l l the accou[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 3. Enter the curr ent passwor d in the Old Password t extbox. 4. Enter a new p assword. 5. Enter the new p assword agai n to confirm it. 6. Clic k Save to save and enable t he settings. Delete a User A ccount Y ou can delete a user acc ount except adm i n here. Click a user entry in the lis t and c[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Current Time: Dis pl ays the cur rent date and time o f the camer a .  Ti me Zone: Select the ti m e zon e for the region where the ca m era is inst al led fr om the drop - dow n l ist . A uto Ti me zone is recommend ed.  Enable Day light Sav ing Time: Select this o ption to enable day li[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  NTP S erver : Y ou can either enter a domain name of the NT P server or select one wh i ch will be filled in aut omatically from th e drop - down lis t.  Set NTP Server from Dynamic IP: Y ou can use the N TP server app lied in the DHCP server on t he network.  Set Date and Ti me Manually [...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Reb o ot: Click Re boot and t hen click Reboo t on the pop - up screen to c onfirm. Rebootin g will not change t he camera ’ s setting. Af ter rebooting, you need to l og in to this page aga in.  Ba ckup: Click Back up and follow the instructi ons on the browser t o save the setting dat a [...]

  • Page 46

    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi 2. Clic k Brow se to locate t he latest downlo aded softwar e. 3. Clic k Up grade to up date the camera ’ s software t o the latest ver si on. 4. Wai t fo r the uploading pro cess to com pl ete , and the camera will re boot automatica lly .  Note : 1. We re comm end th at you use a wired conne[...]

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    NC2 20 Day/ N ight Clou d Camera, 300Mbp s Wi - Fi  Tim e: Disp lays t he time when t he log event occurs. The log can get the cor rect time after you configure on t he Date/T ime p age. (go to Advance d → Date/T ime )  Modu le: Displays t he module to which t he log information be longs. Y ou can speci fy the mod ule by sele cting one from[...]