TP-Link TL-SG5412F manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of TP-Link TL-SG5412F, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of TP-Link TL-SG5412F one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of TP-Link TL-SG5412F. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of TP-Link TL-SG5412F should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of TP-Link TL-SG5412F
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the TP-Link TL-SG5412F item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the TP-Link TL-SG5412F item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of TP-Link TL-SG5412F alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of TP-Link TL-SG5412F, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the TP-Link service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of TP-Link TL-SG5412F.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the TP-Link TL-SG5412F item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    Ins t allation Guide L2 Managed S wit ch TL-SG5428/TL-SG5412F Enterprise Networking Solution[...]

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    I          Spe cif icatio ns are subjec t to change without not ice. i s a r e gi s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k of T P - L I N K TECHN OLOGIES CO. , L TD . Oth er brand s and pro duc t names are t rademark s of the ir res pe ct ive holder s. No par t of the spe cif ic ations may b e [...]

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    II Related Document     The Us er Guid e and CL I Refere nce G uide of the produc t are pr ovided o n the re so urce C D. T o obt ain the lates t pro duc t information, plea se visit t he Of f ic ial Website: ht tp: / /ww w. tp-link .com     [...]

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    III    This Inst allation Guide i s for: Net work Engine er Net work Adminis trator     D u e t o t h e s i m i l a r i t y i n t h e s t r u c t u r e o f t h e L 2 M a n a g e d S w i t c h s e r i e s , i n t h i s Installatio n G uide we t ake T L - SG5428 as an e xample to il[...]

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    IV  Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ———————————— 01 1.1 Product Overview ......................................... 01 1.2 Appearance ................................................. 01 Chapter 2 Installation ————————————— 04 2.1 Package Contents .............................[...]

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    01 L2 Managed Switch     TL -SG5428 and TL -SG5 4 12F are Gi gabit Ether net switc hing pro duc t s rec ently develo pe d by T P-L IN K. TL -SG 5428 p os s es s e s 24 R J45 p or ts an d 4 S FP sl ot s, whil e T L -S G541[...]

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    02 L2 Managed Switch LEDs ( f or TL-SG5 428 ) LED Sta tus Indic ati on PWR On The Swit ch is p ower ed on Of f The Swit ch is p ower ed of f o r power s uppl y is abn ormal Flashi ng Power sup ply i s abno rmal SYS Fla shing Th e Switc h work s pr ope rly On/Of f The Swit ch wor k s impro pe rly 1 00 0Mb ps O n A device is linked to the corr esp on[...]

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    03 L2 Managed Switch Por t Fe atur e Mode l 1 0/ 100/ 1 000 Mbps R J45 Por t SFP Por t Con sole P or t TL -SG 5428 24 4 1 TL -SG 54 12 F 4 12 1 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps R J45 Po r t D e s i g n e d t o c o n n e c t t o t h e d e v i c e w i t h a b a n d w i d t h o f 10 M b p s , 10 0 M b p s o r 1 00 0 Mbp s. F or TL -SG5 428 , ea ch 1 0/ 100/ 1 00 [...]

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    04 L2 Managed Switch     Make s ure that the pac kage co ntains the fo llowing items. If any of the lis ted ite ms is damaged or mis sing, pleas e cont ac t your distr ibutor . One Resource CD One Switch One Power Cord, O[...]

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    05 L2 Managed Switch Please keep a pro per tempe rature and humidit y in the equipme nt r oom. T oo high/low humidit y may lead to b ad insulation, ele c tricit y l eakage, mec hanical prope r t y change s and cor rosio ns. T o o high temp eratur e may acce lerate aging of the ins ulation materials and can t hus signif icantly shor te n the s er vi[...]

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    06 L2 Managed Switch prote c tion mea sures s hould be t aken. Ensure the rac k and device ar e well ear the d. ■ Make sure the power so cket has a go od co ntac t with th e ground. ■ Keep a reas onable c abling sys tem and avoid induce d lightning. ■ Use the s ignal SPD ( Surge Protec ti ve Device ) when wiring outdo or . ■ Not e: For de t[...]

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    07 L2 Managed Switch T urnover t he dev ice an d at t ac h the s upplie d rub be r fee t to t he re ce ss e d area s on 3. the bot tom at each c orne r of the devic e. TL -SG542 8 Feet Bottom of the Device Notch De sk top Ins tallat ion Figure 2- 1 Rack Ins tallation ■ T o i ns t al l t h e de vi c e in an EI A s t a n da r d- s ize d , 19 -i nc [...]

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    08 L2 Managed Switch     In t he ac t ual net wor k e nvi ro nm en t, you may nee d c ab le ou td o or s an d in d oo r s, and the requirem ent s for c abling outdo ors and indoor s are diffe[...]

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    09 L2 Managed Switch Requirement s for the dis t ance be t ween Et herne t c able and ot her pipe lines are shown ■ in the tab le. Oth er Pipe lines Ethe rnet C able Min Parallel Ne t Leng th L ( mm ) Min Parallel- overlapping N et He ight H ( mm ) Down- condu c tor 1000 30 0 PE 50 20 Ser vice pip e 150 20 Comp res se d air pipe 150 20 Ther mal p[...]

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    10 L2 Managed Switch   Co nne c t in g th e d evi ce to g ro und is to q uic k ly rel ea se th e lig htn ing over -volt ag e an d over -c urrent of the devic e, whic h is also a nec es sar y me asure to pr otec t the b ody fro m elec t ric sho ck. In di f fe r e n t e n v i r o n m e n [...]

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    11 L2 Managed Switch Not e: The f igure is to illustrate th e applic ation and principl e. The power c ord you get fro m ■ the pac kage and the so cket in your situation will comply with the re gulation in your countr y , s o they may dif fer fro m the f igure above. If you intend to c onnec t the devi ce to the gro und via the PE (Protec ting Ea[...]

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    12 L2 Managed Switch   Power lightning arres ter and si gnal lightning arrest er are us ed fo r lighting prote ct ion. Power lightning arre st er is used for limiting the voltage surge due to a lightning. If an outdo or AC power co rd sho uld be dire ct ly conne c ted to [...]

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    13 L2 Managed Switch Connection     Conne c t the Ether net por t s of the Switch to the ne t work device s by R J45 c able as the following f igure shown. TL -SG 5428 RJ45 Cable RJ45 Port Conne c ting t he R J45 Por t Figure 4 - 1 ?[...]

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    14 L2 Managed Switch Connection Opt ic al fib er Optic al f ib er can b e u se d a s a medium f or t ele communicati on an d c omputer net work ing. It is esp ec ially advant ageo us for lon g-dis tan ce communic ations, b ec ause light prop agates through the f ibe r with much les s att enuation comp ared to ele c tric al cable s. For shor t dis t[...]

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    15 L2 Managed Switch   CL I ( Command L ine Inter f ace ) enable s you to manage th e Switc h, thus you c an loa d the CL I af ter conne c ting the PC s or T erminals to the con sole p or t on the Switch via the provide d cabl e. Conne c t the con sole p or t of the dev ice with your comput er by the [...]

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    16 L2 Managed Switch Conne c ting t o Power Suppl y Figure 4 -5 Not e: The  gure is to illustrate the applic ation and principle. The p ower cor d you ge t fro m th e pa c kag e and the so c ket in yo ur sit uat ion w ill c omp ly wit h th e re gul atio n in your countr y , s o they may diffe r from t he gure above. ?[...]

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    17 L2 Managed Switch      T o a c c e s s t h e G U I o f t h e S w i t c h , o p e n a w e b b r o w s e r a n d t y p e t h e d e f a u l t 1. man ag em e nt add re s s ht t p: / /1 92. [...]

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    18 L2 Managed Switch    Y ou c an log o n to the Switch an d acce ss t he CL I by the following t wo met hod s: Log on to t he Switch by the c onso le por t o n the Switch. ■ Lo g on t o th e Switc h r em ote ly by a T elne t or S SH con ne c tio n [...]

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    19 L2 Managed Switch Sel ec t the p or t to c onne c t Figure 5-6 Co nf i gur e t he po r t s el ec te d i n th e s t ep ab ove a s t he fo ll owin g F igu re 5- 7 sh own. 5. Conf igure Bits per s eco nd a s 38 40 0, Dat a bits a s 8, Parit y as Non e, Stop bits as 1, Flow contro l as None, and t hen clic k OK . Por t Se t ting s Figure 5- 7 T ype [...]

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    20 L2 Managed Switch Logon by T elne t ■ T o log on t o the switc h by a T elnet c onne ct ion, please t ake the following s teps: Make sure the switc h and the PC ar e in the same L AN. 1. Click St ar t 2. → Run to open th e Run window . Ope n the Run window Figure 5-9 T ype c md in the pro mpt Run window as Figure 5- 1 0 and clic k OK. 3. Run[...]

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    21 L2 Managed Switch T y pe th e U s er nam e a nd Pa ss wo rd (the fa c to r y de fa ult va lue fo r b o th of t he m i s 5. admin ) and pres s the Enter bu t ton, then you can us e the C LI now, wh ich is sh own as Figure 5- 12. Log in th e Switch Figure 5- 1 2 For det ailed CL I configurati on instruc tio ns, please refer to the CLI R ef ere nce[...]

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    22 L2 Managed Switch     Conne ct th e conso le por t[...]

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    23 L2 Managed Switch    Item Content Standar ds IEEE 802.3 1 0 Bas e- T IEEE 802.3u 1 0 0Ba se - T X IEEE 802.3ab 1 0 00 Bas e- T IEEE 802.3 z 1 00 0Ba se - X IEEE 802.3x Flow Control T ransmis sion Me dium 1 0Bas e- T : U TP /STP of Cat. 3 o r abo[...]

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    24 L2 Managed Switch   For mo re help, please go t o : ■ ht tp :/ /ww w. en/ suppor t /faq T o download th e lates t Firmware, Driver , Utilit y and Us er Guid e, go to: ■ http: / /ww w . tp-link. com/ en/ support/do wnload For all othe r tec hni[...]

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    25 L2 Managed Switch Ger many /A us tria T e l: +49 1805 875465 ( Ger man S e r vi ce ) / +49 1805 TPL IN K E-mail : suppor F e e: 0.14 E U R /m i n f r o m t h e G e r m a n f i x e d p h o n e net work and up to 0. 4 2 EUR/min from mobile pho ne Se r v ic e t ime: M on day t o Fr iday 9: 0 0 A M to 6: 00 PM GMT + 1 or G MT + 2 ([...]

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    W ebsite: http://www T el: +86 755 26504400 E-mail: 7106503848 Rev: 2.0.1[...]