TP-Link TL-WDN3800 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of TP-Link TL-WDN3800, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of TP-Link TL-WDN3800 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of TP-Link TL-WDN3800. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of TP-Link TL-WDN3800 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of TP-Link TL-WDN3800
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the TP-Link TL-WDN3800 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the TP-Link TL-WDN3800 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of TP-Link TL-WDN3800 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of TP-Link TL-WDN3800, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the TP-Link service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of TP-Link TL-WDN3800.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the TP-Link TL-WDN3800 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    TL -W DN3800 N600 Wireless Dual Ban d PCI Express Adapter Re v: 1.0.0 1910010 685[...]

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    COPYRIGHT & TRADEM A RKS Specificat ions are sub ject t o change without n otice. is a registered trade mark of TP - LINK TECHNOLOGIES C O., LTD . Other brands and prod uct names a re trademar ks or register ed trademar ks of their res pective ho lders. No part of the s pecificatio ns may be r eproduced in any form or by any means or used t o m[...]

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    FCC ST A TEME NT This equip ment has been t ested and found to co mply with the limits for a Class B digita l device, pursuant to part 15 o f the FCC Rul es. These li mits are de signed to pr ovide reasona ble protectio n against har mful interfer ence in a resident ial insta llation. This e quipment generates, uses and c an radiate ra dio frequen [...]

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    CE Mark Warning This is a class B produ ct. In a domestic env ironment, this product m ay cause radio inter ference, in which cas e the user may be required to ta ke adequate m eas ures. National Restric tions This device is intended f or home and of fice use in all E U countries ( and other count ries followin g the EU direct ive 1999/ 5/EC) wit h[...]

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    (1)This dev ice may not cause interfer ence, and (2)This dev ice must accept any interference, inc luding interfere nce that may cause un desir ed operation o f the device. Cet appare il est confor me aux nor ms CNR ex emptes de licenc e d’Ind ustrie Can ada. Le fonctionne ment est sou mis aux de ux condit ions suiv antes: (1)cet appar eil ne doi[...]

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    低功率射頻電機 之使用不 得影響飛航安全 及干擾合法通信 ;經發現有干 擾現象時, 應立即停用 , 並改善至無干擾 時方得繼 續使用。前項合 法通信,指依電 信法規定作業 之無線電通 信。低功率 射 頻電機須忍受合 法通信或 工業、科學及醫 療用電波輻射性 電[...]

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    TP - LINK TECHNO LOGIES C O., LT D TP - LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO ., LT D. Building 24 (floors 1, 3, 4 , 5) , and 28 (floors 1 - 4) C entral Science and Technology Park , Shennan Rd, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China DECL ARA TION O F CONFORM ITY For the follow ing equip ment: Product Des cription: N6 00 Wirel ess Dual Ba nd PCI Express A dapter Model No.: TL -W[...]

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    CONTENT S Package C ontent s .................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1 Product Overview ................................................................................. 2 1.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 1 Packag e Conten ts Please veri fy that all the p ackage conte nts below ar e availabl e.  One TL - W DN3800 N6 00 Wi reless Dua l B and PCI Express Adapter  Quick Insta llation G uide  One R e source CD for TL -W DN3 800 , includ ing: • TP - LI NK W irele ss C o nf[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 2 Chapt er 1 Product Ov e rv iew 1.1 Intr oduction T he adapter is a dua l band 802.11 n client device designed to deliv er a high - spee d wireless perfor mance for your deskto p . W ith a faster wirele ss connect ion, you can get a bet ter Internet experien ce, such as down l[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 3 Chapt er 2 Installation Please insta ll the PCI Exp ress adapter into y our comp uter before installing t he driver and uti lity software fro m the Resour ce CD. 2.1 Hard ware Ins t alla tion 1. Turn off your co mputer an d unplug t he power cord from the c omputer . 2. Open [...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 4 Figure 2-2 F ound New Hardware Wizard in W indow s V ista 2.2 Sof tware Installation The a dapter ’s Setup W iza rd will guide you thr ough the i nstallati on procedure s f or W indow s 7 , W indow s Vista , and W indows XP . The procedur es in different sy stems are quite [...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 5 2. The InstallShield Wizard window will appear . Click Next to c ontinue. Figure 2-4 3. C hoose a s etup type. It is reco mmended to select Install TP - LINK Wir ele ss C onfiguratio n Utilit y and Driver . Sel ect ing Install D river Onl y can only install driver . Clic k Ne[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 6 4. Clic k Chang e to specify th e destination locatio n for the so ftware or you can leav e it default. C lick Nex t in the screen b elow to cont inue. Figure 2-6 5. Clic k Install to continue t he setup . Figure 2-7[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 7 6. The util ity and driver s will install. It may t ake 1~2 minutes . Figure 2-8 7. After all the st eps above , you will see the scre en below . C lick Finish to co mplete the set up . Figure 2- 10 8. After inst allation, the utility configur ation page will aut omatica lly [...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 8 Figure 2- 11[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 9 Chapt er 3 C onn ect to a Wir eless Netw ork With both t he hardwar e and so ftware s uccessfu lly installed into your c ompute r, y ou can qui ckl y connect t o a wireless net work usin g one of the follo wing meth ods.  Metho d One: To con nect usi ng TWCU (TP - LINK Wir[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 10 Figure 3-2 3. You will be pr ompted di fferent w indow s when y ou choose wir eless networ k of different security type s. 1) Wireles s networ k of W P A/ W P A2 - Personal If you select ed a wirel ess networ k of the secur ity type WPA/ W PA2 - Pe rson al, you wi ll be prom[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 11 Certificate as your auth enticat ion, you nee d to select one spe cific certi ficate fro m the drop - dow n list, as shown in Figur e 3-4 . W i th Pa sswor d as your authentic ation , you should enter the right user name and pas sword in the cor respon ding field, as show n [...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 12 4. Please wa it a few minut e s for the c onnection pr ocess. Figure 3-6 5. You hav e now success fully c onnected to your net work. Clic k C los e to enjoy the Inter net. Figure 3-7 6. To view m ore informat ion about the net work cur rently c onnected, clic k St atu s in t[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 13 Figure 3-8 3.2 T o c onnect usi ng WPS W PS ( Wi - Fi Protec ted Se tup) function a llows y ou to add a new wire less device to an ex isting networ k quickly. If y our wireless Router supports W PS or QSS (Quick Secur ity Setup), you can establish a wireless co nnectio n bet[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 14 2. Open TW CU and cli ck WPS tab. S elect Push t he but ton on my acce ss poi nt or wire les s Rou ter and then click Con nect . Figure 3-9 3. The adapter will be con necting to t he target networ k. Figure 3- 10 4. When the following w indow appears, you hav e success fully[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 15 Figure 3- 11 3.2.2 PIN method There are t wo ways t o configure the W PS by PIN method : 1) Enter the PI N from your R outer or AP devi ce . 2) Enter a PI N into your Rout er or AP device. (  Not e: This method i s available in Windows XP and Window s Vista, not in Window[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 16 2. The adapter will be con necting to t he target networ k. Figure 3- 13 3. W hen Figure 3- 11 app ears, y ou have success fully conne cted to the netw ork. Enter a PIN into y our A P devi ce  No te: T his method is only available in Windows X P and Windows V ist[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 17 Figure 3- 15 3. W hen Connect suc cessfully appears on the scr een (as shown in F igure 3- 16 ) , the W PS configurat ion is complete d. O r you can view the adapter ’ s utilit y page to see whether t he connectio n has been succ e ssfu l ( as shown in Figure 3- 17 ). Figu[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 18 1. Left - cli ck the wireless icon in your system tr ay (lower - right cor ner). The utility will display any available w ireless networ ks in your ar ea. Highlight the wi reless networ k (displayed us ing the S SID) to be connecte d and the n click Con nect . Figure 3- 18 2[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 19 3. You hav e now success fully c onnected to the netw ork. Figure 3- 20 3.3.2 In Windows V ista W indow s Vis ta users may use the built - i n wireless u tility. Follow t he steps bel ow . 1. Open the w ireless utility by right - clic king on the w ireless computer i con in [...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 20 Figure 3- 22 3. If the netw ork you woul d like to conn ect is secur ity - enabled, enter t he same s e curi ty k ey or passphras e that is on your Router . If the net work to be connected is not secure, the connectio n will be built without enteri ng a key. Figure 3- 23[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 21 4. You hav e now success fully c onnected to the net wo rk . Figure 3- 24 3.3.3 In Windows XP Windows X P users may use the built - i n wireless uti lity . Follow the steps be low. 1. Right - cl ick on the util ity icon in y our syst em tray (lower - rig ht corner) . S elect[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 22 Figure 3- 26 Figure 3- 27 2. Right - cl ick on the wireles s computer icon in y our system tray (low er - right corner ). S elect View Av ailable Wi reless Networ ks . Figure 3- 28 3. The utility will display any availa ble wireless net works in y our area. C lick on a netwo[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 23 Figure 3- 29 4. If the netw ork is secur ity - enab led, you will be pr ompt ed to enter the key as sh own below. I f not, y ou will connect to the net work direct ly without entering a key. Figure 3- 30[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 24 Chapt er 4 Man agement This section w ill show you how to configure y our TL - W DN3 800 adapter using t he TP - LINK W irele ss C onfi gur ati on Utility ( TW C U ). The TL - W DN3 800 adapt er uses t he TP - LINK W ireless C onfi gura ti on Utility as the manage ment softw[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 25 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 T he follow ing items ca n be found on the s creen.  Profile Name: Enter a name for your pro file (e.g. Home, Offic e, Coffee Sh op). T he same name is not al lowed. Ple ase also note t hat no space is allowed betw een word s.  SSI D: Select t he [...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 26  Not e: You will see Figure 4 - 2 i f you selected the secur ity type WPA - PSK /W P A2 - PSK ; while, i f you selecte d the security type WP A/ W P A2 , Figure 4 - 3 will be displ ayed.  Encry pt ion Ty pe: From the d rop - down menu, s elect the encryption ty pe that[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 27 A dd a profil e in ad hoc mod e If you are connect ing to another wire less client s uch as an adapter , select ad hoc as the Networ k Type in the scre en that appear s and follow the instruct ions below to finish the s etting. Figure 4-6 T he follow ing items ca n [...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 28  Key I ndex: Y ou can selec t AS C I I or Hexadecimal forma t on the right . ASCII f ormat st ands for any combin ation of key board characters in t he specified len gth. Hexade cimal format stands for any combinat ion of hexad ecimal dig its (0 - 9, a - f, A - F) in the [...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 29 4.1.2 Modify a profile Y ou may edit an existin g profile by clicking t he Modif y butt on from the Pro file page. For instance, y ou may l ike to chan ge the pro file name from Hom e to Hom e1 or you may want t o specify anoth er SSID for profile Hom e. A ft er a ll the cha[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 30 Here you ca n switch to another adapt er instal led in your co mputer. T he adapter s success fully install ed in your co mputer will b e listed in the drop - down list if the adapters ar e support ed by this utility. 3) T o switch to Soft AP mode . ( This option i s only av[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 31 Chapt er 5 A P Mode (For Wind ows 7 o nly ) In S oft AP mode, t he adapter w ill work as an AP. This function is availab le o nly in W indows 7. S uppos e that only on e computer in y our house c an acces s the Internet for various re asons l ike only one W LAN port is av ai[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 32 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4  S oftAP mode: Select t o enable or di sable the function.  Internet Connecting Share (IC S ): Specify a conne ction thro ugh which d evices con nected to your AP can ac cess the I nternet.  SSI D: Enter th e name for y our s oft AP (for ex amp[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 33 Chapt er 6 Uninstall Softw are 6.1 Uninstall the utility sof tw are fr om your PC 1. On the Windows taskbar, clic k the Start button, click All progr ams  TP - L INK , and then cl ick Uninst al l-TP- LI NK Wireless Confi gurati on Utility . Figure 6-1 Unins ta ll Ut ility[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 34 3. Clic k Yes to co ntinue . Figure 6-3 4. It may t ake a few minutes to underg o the whole un - installati on process. Figure 6-4 5. Clic k Finish to complet e the un - insta llation . Figure 6-5[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 35 6.2 Uninstall the driver soft war e from your PC 1. O n the W indows tas kbar, click the Start button, click All program s  TP - L INK , and then cl ick Uninstall - TL -W DN3 800 Dri ver . Figure 6-6 Unins ta ll Dr iver 2. The follow ing screen wi ll appear. Figure 6-7[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 36 3. Clic k Yes to co ntinue. Figure 6-8 4. It may t ake a few minutes to underg o the whole un - installati on process. Figure 6-9 5. Clic k Finish to complet e the un - insta llation. Figure 6- 10[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 37 A ppe ndix A : Sp ecific ation s No rma l Interfac e PCI Expres s (x1) Standards IEEE80 2.11a; IEEE8 02.11b; IEEE802.11g ; IEEE802. 11n; IEEE802. 1x Operatin g System W indo ws XP , W indows Vista , W indows 7 Throughp ut 300 Mbps (Ma ximal ) Radio Data Rate 11a: 6/9/12/ 18/[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 38 A ppend ix B: G lossar y  802.11a - specificat ion for wireless netw orking at 54 Mbps using OFDM modu lation and operating i n radio band at 5 GHz.  802.11b - The 802.1 1b standar d specif ies a wire less produc t networ king at 11 M bps usin g direct - se quence spre[...]

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    TL -W DN3 800 N600 Wireless Dua l B and PCI Expres s Adapter User Guide 39 referred t o as an Ext ended Serv ice Set (ESS). In frastr ucture mo de is use ful at a corpor ation scale, or w hen it is necess ary t o connect the wired a nd wireless n etwor ks.  Spread Spectru m - Spread Sp ectrum tec hnology i s a wideban d radio frequ ency techn iq[...]