Tricity Bendix RE50GC manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Tricity Bendix RE50GC, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Tricity Bendix RE50GC one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Tricity Bendix RE50GC. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Tricity Bendix RE50GC should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Tricity Bendix RE50GC
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Tricity Bendix RE50GC item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Tricity Bendix RE50GC item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Tricity Bendix RE50GC alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Tricity Bendix RE50GC, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Tricity Bendix service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Tricity Bendix RE50GC.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Tricity Bendix RE50GC item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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  • Page 2

    2 MODEL NO. RE50GC Voltage: 230-240 V olts AC 50Hz W attage : 9. 4-1 0.3 k W Height: 900 mm W idth: 50 0mm Depth: 600m m W eig ht: 55kg This appli ance com plies w ith: Euro pean Co uncil Dir ective 73/2 3/EEC. EMC Dir ective 89/336 /EEC. CE Marking Dire ctive 93/68/ EEC. TECHNIC AL DET AILS[...]

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    3 Techn ical Details .............................................................................................................................. ...... 2 Contents .............................................................................................................................. .................... 3 Preface ..........................[...]

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    4 Defrost Featu re ............................................................................................................................... ........ 24 Uses of Defrost Feature ....................................................................................................... ........... 24 Selectin g D efros t ...........................[...]

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    5 Dear Custo mer, Thank you for buy ing a Tri city Bendix appli ance. With our 80 years exper ience in developi ng and m anufacturi ng the v ery best in U .K. appl iances, y ou can be assured that you hav e purchased a hard w orking , reliabl e, quality produc t. Tricity Bendix appl iances co mply with Briti sh Standard safety and performa nce requ[...]

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    6 THESE WA RNINGS A RE PROVIDED IN THE INTER ESTS OF YOUR SAFETY. ENSURE TH AT YOU UNDERST AND THEM A LL BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE A PPLI ANCE. PLEA SE READ CA REFU LLY BEFORE INSTALLA TION This appliance is hea vy and care must be tak en when m oving it. Ensure that a ll pack aging, both inside and outs ide t he app lianc e has been rem oved [...]

  • Page 7

    7 T a k e c a r e t o f o l l o w t h e recom mendatio ns gi ven f or ten ding the food whe n grill ing. Do not leave the handl e in position when grilling as it will bec om e hot . Alw a ys use ov en gl oves to remov e and repl ace the gr ill pa n handle when grilli ng. Recomm endations given on page 16 Ensure that you support the gri ll pan when [...]

  • Page 8

    8 WARNING: THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE E ARTHED RA TING PLA TE This is situate d on th e front f ram e of the applianc e and can be seen upon o penin g the do or. Alt ernativ el y the rating plate m ay also be f ound on the back or top of som e models (where applic abl e). The appl iance m us t be protecte d b y a suitab ly ra ted fuse or circ uit break[...]

  • Page 9

    9 GENERAL NOTES ON USING YOUR APPLI ANCE W e suggest that you run the oven elem ents f or 10 – 15 minutes at 22 0 o C to burn off any residue fr om their surf aces . The proc edur e sho uld be r epeated with the grill for appr oxim ately 5 – 10 m inutes. During th is peri od an odour m a y be emitted, it is therefor e advisabl e to op en a wind[...]

  • Page 10

    10 E THE CONTROL PANEL FEATURES A - Main Oven T em perature Contr ol B - Main Oven I ndicator Neon C - Top O ven/Grill Contr ol D - Top Oven I ndica tor Neon E Hot pla te Co ntro ls GETTING TO KNOW YOUR APPLIA NCE A C B D[...]

  • Page 11

    11 1 = (-) DECRE ASE CONTROL & MINUT E MINDER 2 = (+) INCREASE CONTROL ( ) COOKPO T SYM BO L The electron ic m inute m inder can in dicat e the tim e of day, operate as a m inute m inder and it c an b e used to time and s witc h of f the m ain oven . Please note t hat th is is a 24 h our cl ock , for ex ample 2.00pm is s hown as 14.00. In the f[...]

  • Page 12

    12 2. THE MINUTE MINDE R IMPO RT A NT The minute m inder can be us ed t o tim e a set c ook ing period. At the e nd of the cook tim e the m inute minder will autom atic all y switch of f the m ain oven if in use. The m inute m inder gives an au dible r em inder at the end of any period of c ook ing up to 23 hours and 59 minutes . To s et press butt[...]

  • Page 13

    13 5) LOCK FEATURE - MAIN OVEN ONLY Please r ead th e foll owing infor m ation with car e. TO LOCK THE OVEN USING THE TIMER Press and hold Buttons (1) a nd (2) o n your tim er for 3 - 8 seconds . See Fig. 12 . ON ' will appe ar in the displa y. Se e Fig. 1 3. Press Butt on (2) t o cha nge the displa y to 'O f'. The k ey symbo l ( ) a[...]

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  • Page 15

    15 · To prolong the l ife of the hotp lates:- · DO NOT place f oil and plas tic ves sels on th e hot surface of the c eram ic hob and DO NOT use the s urfac e for s torage purp oses. · Never us e utensi ls with a sk irt, e.g. a buck et. · Never us e an asb estos m at. · Never le ave the h otplates O N whe n not covered with a s aucep an. · En[...]

  • Page 16

    16 CA UTION – AC CESSIBLE PA RTS MAY B ECOME HOT WHEN THE GRILL IS IN USE. CHILDREN SHOULD BE KEPT A W AY. SELECTING THE GRILL · To operate t he gr ill, open the grill do or an d turn the top o ven/gr ill contro l cl ock wise so that ‘0’ on the contr ol knob lines up with setting 1, 2 or 3. · Setting 3 repr esents t he grill on F ull. At se[...]

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    17 To corr ectly locate th e gril l pan o n the s helf , ensure that the cut out on the unders ide of the handle brack et locates o ver the f ront b ar of the s helf . To c heck the pr ogress of the f ood being gri lled, the grill p an shoul d be withdrawn o n the s helf to te nd t he food duri ng cook ing. HINTS AND TIPS · Food sho uld be th orou[...]

  • Page 18

    18 USES OF THE T OP OVEN The top o ven is th e sm aller of the t wo ove ns. It is heate d b y elements in the top ove n and bottom of the oven. I t is designed f or cook ing s m aller quan tities of f ood. It g ives espec ial ly go od res ults if used to cook f ruit cak es, sweet or savour y flans or quic he. The top o ven is a lso ide al f or use [...]

  • Page 19

    19 HINTS AND TIPS · All cook ing sh ould b e carr ied out us ing a n o ven shelf pos ition ed in one of the sh elf runn ers. · Stand dis hes o n a suita bl y sized bak ing tray on the shel f to p reven t spill age onto the ov en base and to h elp reduc e clea ning. · There should alwa ys be at least 2.5cm (1”) between the top of the food and t[...]

  • Page 20

    20 USES OF THE FA N OVEN PREHE A TI NG The fan oven quic kl y reaches its temper ature, so it is no t usua ll y necessar y to pre heat th e oven . W ithout preheati ng howe ver, you ma y find you need to ad d an ex tra 5 – 1 0 m inutes on the recom m ended cook ing tim es. For rec ipes need ing h igh tem peratures , e.g. bre ad, pas tries , scone[...]

  • Page 21

    21 HINTS AND TIPS · Arrange the she lves in the r equ ired posit ions before switc hing the oven ON. Shelv es posit ions are num bered fr om the bottom upwards. · W hen cooking mor e than one dish i n the f an oven, place dis hes c entrall y on d iff erent shel ves rather than c luster sever al d ishes on on e s helf , this wil l allow th e heat [...]

  • Page 22

    22 The oven tem peratures ar e int ended as a gui de onl y. It m ay be neces sar y to increas e or dec rease the tem perature by 10°C to s uit individ ual pref erences and re quir em ents Shelf pos itions are c ounted f rom the bottom of the oven. FAN OVEN TO P OVEN FOOD SHELF POSIT ION COOKING TEM P °C SHELF POSIT ION COOKING TEM P °C APPROX CO[...]

  • Page 23

    23 ROASTING CHART INTERNAL T EMPERAT URE S – Rare : 50-60 °C; Med ium : 60-70°C; W ell done : 70- 80°C MEAT SECON D/FAN OVEN COOKING TIME Beef 160-180°C 20-35 m inutes per ½k g (1l b) and 20-35 m inutes over Beef, bo ned 160-180°C 25-35 m inutes per ½kg ( 1lb) and 25-35 m inutes over Mutton and L am b 160-180°C 25- 35 m inutes per ½kg ( [...]

  • Page 24

    24 USES OF DEFROST FEATURE This fan oven f unct ion def ros ts m os t foods f aster than mor e convent ional m ethods. It is part icularl y suitable for delicate f rozen f oods which ar e to be served co ld e.g. c ream f illed ga teaux, cak es cover ed with icings or fros tings, chee sec akes , biscu its, scones, etc . It is preferable t o tha w fi[...]

  • Page 25

    25 BEFORE CLEANING THE A PPLI ANCE, A LW AYS A LLOW THE COOLING FA N TO COOL THE A PP LI ANCE DOWN BEFORE SWITCHING OFF THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY. CLEANING MATERI ALS Before us ing an y cleani ng m aterials on your applianc e, check that t he y are suita ble a nd t hat t heir use is rec omm ended b y the m anufac turer. Cleaners that contai n bleach s[...]

  • Page 26

    26 HINTS AND TIPS TO REDUCE HOB SOIL AGE: · Make s ure the bott om of the s aucepan and the cook ing area are clean and dr y before c ooking begins. · Ensure sauc epans are large enoug h to accomm odate f ood to avoi d boil o vers. · If possible, wipe u p spil ls and s platters as the y occur, but t ak e care to avo id steam bur ns. · Avoid us [...]

  • Page 27

    27 CLEANING INSIDE THE OVEN AND GRILL COMPARTMENTS The s ides and bac k pane l of the m ain ov en are coated with spec ial Sta yclean coat ing. The Sta yclean s urfac es insid e the ove n sho uld not be cleane d m anually. See be low ‘Care of Sta yclean Surfac es’. The vitre ous en am el in the t op ov en, grill compar tment and fan o ven base [...]

  • Page 28

    28 CLEANING THE DOOR GLA SS To preven t damaging or w eakening of the door glass panels avoid the use of the following: · Household dete rgents and bleach es · Impregnated pads unsuitable for non- stick saucep ans · Brillo/Ajax p ads or steel w ool pads · Chemical oven pads or aerosols · Rust removers · Bath/Sink stain remov ers CLEANING BETW[...]

  • Page 29

    29 W e strongly recom m end that you carr y out the follo wing check s on your app liance b efor e callin g a Service Engin eer. It m ay be that t he prob lem is a sim ple one which you c an sol ve yourself without the expense of a Ser vice ca ll. If our Ser vice Engin eer finds that the prob lem is listed below you will be char ged for th e call w[...]

  • Page 30

    30 SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS In the event of your appl iance requir ing ser vice, or if you wis h to purc hase sp are par ts, p lease co ntact your loca l Service F orce C entre b y telephonin g:- 0870 5 929929 Your tel ephone ca ll will be aut om aticall y routed to the Servic e Forc e Centre cov ering your pos t code ar ea. For the address of your [...]

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    31 Standard guarantee conditions W e, Tr icit y Bend ix, undertak e that if withi n 12 m onths of the date of the p urchas e this T ric ity Ben dix a pplia nce or any part thereof is proved to be defec tive by reason only of f aulty wor km anship or m ater ials, we will, a t our opt ion repair or replac e the sa me F REE OF C HARG E for labour, m a[...]

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    Tricity Bendix , 55-77 Hi gh Street , Slough, B erkshir e SL1 1DZ Consumer care telephone number 08705 95 0950 IMP OR TA NT NOTI CE In line with our c ontinu ing po lic y of resear ch and d evel opm ent, we reser ve the r ight to alter m odels and specif icatio ns wit hout pri or not ice. This instruction book let is accurate at the date of printin[...]