VTech CS6114-2 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of VTech CS6114-2, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of VTech CS6114-2 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of VTech CS6114-2. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of VTech CS6114-2 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of VTech CS6114-2
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the VTech CS6114-2 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the VTech CS6114-2 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of VTech CS6114-2 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of VTech CS6114-2, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the VTech service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of VTech CS6114-2.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the VTech CS6114-2 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    O n l i n e u s e r ’s m a n u a l Models : CS6 1 1 4/C S6 1 1 4 -2 w w w . v t e c h p h o n e s . c o m[...]

  • Page 2

    i Congratulations on purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this telephone, please read Important safety instructions on page 31 of this manual. This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting necessary to install and operate your new VTech telephone. Please review this manual thoroughly to ensure proper installation and ope[...]

  • Page 3

    ii T able of conten ts Ge tt ing st ar ted .........................1 Part s chec klis t ............................1 T el ephon e base and char ger inst allation..................2 Wall mountin g .............................2 Bat ter y instal lation ......................3 Bat ter y chargi ng .........................4 T el ephon e base layout .[...]

  • Page 4

    1 Par ts che cklist Y o ur telepho ne cont ains th e followin g items. Save your sales r ecei pt and orig inal pack aging in th e event warrant y ser vic e is nec essar y . T o purc hase a re plac emen t batte r y or power ad apter , v isit ou r websi te at w ww. v tech pho nes.c om or ca ll 1 (800) 59 5- 951 1 . In Ca nada, g o to w ww. v tec hcan[...]

  • Page 5

    2 Get ting s t arted T e leph one bas e and char ger inst allat ion Inst all the tele phone b ase and c harger as s hown bel ow . Make sure th at the elec tri cal out let is not c ontroll ed by a wall switc h. If you subs crib e to digit al subs crib er line (DSL) high- spe ed Internet ser v ice throu gh your telep hone lin e, y ou mu st inst all a[...]

  • Page 6

    3 Get ting s t arted 4 Bat ter y inst allatio n After you install the handset battery, the ha ndset wil l prompt you to set t he date and ti me. The hand set will als o prompt you to s et the date and ti me af ter a power failure. For instructions, see Set date and time on page 9. To skip, press OFF /CANCEL . Inst all the bat ter y as shown b elow [...]

  • Page 7

    4 Get ting s t arted Bat ter y cha rging Once you have installed the battery, the screen indicates the battery status (see the table below). If necessary, place the handset in the telephone base or charger to charge the battery. For best performance, keep the handset in the telephone base or charger when not in use. The battery is fully charged aft[...]

  • Page 8

    5 Get ting s t arted CID/VOL- Press to review the call log when the telephone is not in use (page 20). During a call, press to decrease the listening volume. A double beep sounds at the lowest setting (page 11). Press to scroll down while in a menu, or reviewing the directory, call log or redial list. When entering numbers or names in the directory[...]

  • Page 9

    6 Get ting s t arted Han dset layout /VOL + Press to review the directory when the telephone is not in use (page 16). During a call, press to increase the listening volume. A double beep sounds at the highest setting (page 11). Press to scroll up while in a menu, or reviewing the directory, call log or redial list. When entering numbers or names in[...]

  • Page 10

    7 Ringe r volume Y o u can adju st the ri nger volum e or turn the r inger of f. Press M ENU / S ELE CT whe n the hand set is not in us e. Press CID or until t he scree n disp lays Ring ers , th en press ress M EN U /S ELEC T twi ce. The s creen di splays V olum e: with th e current set ting a shing. Pres s CID or to c hoos e Of f , Low or Hig h[...]

  • Page 11

    T elephone settings 8 LCD langu age The LCD lang uage is pre set to English. Y ou can s elec t English, Frenc h or Spani sh to be use d in all sc reen dis plays. T o chang e the s et ting: Press M ENU / S ELE CT whe n the hand set is not in us e. Press CID or until t he scree n disp lays Se tt ings , then pr ess M EN U / SE LECT t wic e. Press CID [...]

  • Page 12

    T elephone settings 9 Key tone Y o u can turn t he key tone on or of f. Press M ENU / S ELE CT whe n the hand set is not in us e. Press CID or until t he scree n disp lays Se tt ings , then pr ess M EN U / SE LECT . Press CID or until t he scree n disp lays Key tone , then p ress M EN U / SE LECT . Press CID or to cho ose On or O f f , the n press [...]

  • Page 13

    T elephone settings 10 Hom e area c ode If you dial l ocal c alls u sing onl y seven digit s ( area co de not req uired), you can pr ogram your ho me area co de so th at when you rec eive a call w ithin your loc al area, t he telep hone num ber is autom aticall y stored in t he call l og with out the are a code. T o chang e the s et ting: Press M E[...]

  • Page 14

    11 Make a c all Press / FL AS H and then u se the dia ling keys ( 0 - 9 ) to dial t he teleph one num ber . Predi al a call Enter the tele phone nu mber usi ng the di aling keys ( 0 - 9 ) , th en press / FL ASH to di al. Answer a ca ll Press / FL AS H or any of the dial ing keys ( 0 - 9 , TO NE or # ). End a ca ll Press O FF/ CAN CE L or put the ha[...]

  • Page 15

    12 T elephone operation T e mpora ry ring er sile ncing When t he telep hone is r inging, you c an tempo rarily si lenc e the rin ger of the hand set with out dis conne ctin g the cal l. The next c all ri ngs nor mally at the preset vol ume. T o silen ce th e hand set rin ger: Press O FF/ CAN CE L or MUT E / D ELE TE an d then Ring er mut ed di spl[...]

  • Page 16

    13 T elephone operation Chain di aling Use thi s feature to initiate a d ialing se quenc e from num bers stor ed in the direc tor y , call l og or redi al while you are o n a call. Chain di aling c an be useful i f you wish to ac cess ot her numb ers (such as bank ac coun t number s or acc ess co des) from the dire ctor y , cal l log or redi al lis[...]

  • Page 17

    14 T elephone operation Dial a r edia l entr y Press R EDI AL / P AU SE when t he hand set is not in us e. Press CID , or R ED IAL / P AU SE rep eatedly unti l the des ired entr y di splays. Press / FL AS H to dial. - OR - Press / FL AS H when the h andset i s not in use. Press R EDI AL / P AU SE and t hen press CID , or RE DI AL / PAUS E repe ated[...]

  • Page 18

    15 T elephone operation Add a dire ctor y entr y Enter the num ber when t he hands et is not in us e. P res s ME NU / SELEC T , then g o to step 3. - OR - Press M ENU / S ELE CT thre e times wh en the han dset is not i n use. 2. Whe n the scr een dis plays Ente r numbe r : Use the d ialing keys to enter the n umber . Press M UT E /D ELE TE to bac k[...]

  • Page 19

    16 T elephone operation Char acte r char t Use the d ialing keys and th e char t bel ow to enter a name (up to 1 5 char acters) . Eac h press of a par ti cular key cause s the char acters to b e dis played in the foll owing ord er: N u m b e r K ey C h a r a c t e r s by n u m b e r o f k ey p r es s e s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 . - ’ ( ) * # [...]

  • Page 20

    17 T elephone operation Alpha betic al sea rch T o star t an a lpha bet ical s ear ch: Follow th e steps in Revi ew th e dire ctor y on pag e 1 6 to enter the dir ector y . Use the d ialing keys to enter the l etter s asso ciated wi th the nam e. F or example, if you have entri es for Jenny , Jes sie, Kris ten and Laur a in your direc tor y , press[...]

  • Page 21

    18 T elephone operation De lete a dir ector y ent ry Searc h for the de sired entr y i n the dire ctor y ( s ee Revie w the di rec tor y on page 16 or Alpha beti cal se arch on p age 1 7) . When t he desir ed entr y app ears, pre ss MU TE / D ELET E . The s creen d isplays De let e Cont act ? and the num ber . Press M EN U / SE LECT to c onrm. T[...]

  • Page 22

    19 T elephone operation Call log If you subscribe to caller ID service, information about each caller appears after the rst or second ring. If you answer a call before the caller information appears on the screen, it will not be saved in the call log. The call log stores up to 30 entries. Each entry has up to 24 digits for the phone number and 1[...]

  • Page 23

    20 T elephone operation Me mor y match When t he inc oming tele phon e number matc hes the l ast seven digi ts of a telep hone num ber in your dire ctor y , the s creen di splays the sto red name of the dir ector y ent r y . For example, if Lin da Jon es call s, her name ap pears a s Linda i f this is h ow you entered it i nto your direc tor y . Re[...]

  • Page 24

    21 T elephone operation Dia l a call log numb er When i n the cal l log (see Review t he ca ll log on pag e 20) , press CID or to browse to t he desire d entr y . Press / FL AS H to call. Save a call log e ntr y to the dir ector y When i n the cal l log (see Review t he ca ll log on pag e 20) , press CID or to browse. When t he desir ed entr y app [...]

  • Page 25

    22 T elephone operation De lete t he call log e ntries T o del ete an e ntr y: When i n the cal l log, pres s CID or to browse. Press M UT E /D ELE TE to del ete the sele cted en tr y . The scr een dis plays De let ing. .. and t hen you hear a co nrmati on tone. T o del ete all e ntri es: Press M ENU / S ELE CT whe n the hand set is not in us e.[...]

  • Page 26

    23 Ca l l l o g empty Ther e are no c all lo g entri es. D irec to ry em pt y The re are no d irec tor y entr ies. D irec to ry f u l l The direc tor y is full. End ed X : X X : XX Y ou have just e nde d a call. I nc omi ng ca l l There is an inc oming call. L ine i n use A system h ands et is in u se, or anot her tel epho ne on the s ame li ne is [...]

  • Page 27

    24 Appendix Han dset an d telep hone ba se indica tors Ha ndse t light CHARGE On wh en the h and set is c hargi ng in th e telep hone b ase or c harg er . T ele phon e base li ght IN USE On wh en the te leph one is i n use. Flas hes qu ick ly whe n ther e is an in comi ng ca ll. Flas hes wh en anot her tel epho ne shar ing t he sam e line i s in us[...]

  • Page 28

    25 Appendix Bat ter y It t ake s up to 16 hour s for t he ba tt er y to be f ully ch arg ed . Whe n it is fu lly cha rg ed, you c an exp ec t the f ollow ing pe r form anc e: Op eratio n Op eratin g time Whi le in us e (talki ng*) S even hour s Whi le not in u se (stand by**) Five d ays *Op eratin g times var y d epe ndin g on your ac tual u se and[...]

  • Page 29

    26 Appendix T r oubles hooting If you have dif cul ty wi th your telep hone, plea se tr y the sug gesti ons below. For customer s er vice, vi sit our webs ite at ww w. v tec hpho nes.com or cal l 1 ( 8 00) 595 -9 5 1 1 . In Canada , go to w ww. vtec hca nada.co m or call 1 (800) 267 - 7377 . My telephone does not work at all. Make sure the batte[...]

  • Page 30

    27 Appendix Low battery shows on the handset screen. Place the handset in the telephone base or ch arger for recharging. Remove and install the battery again and use it until fully depleted, then charge the handset in the telephone base or charger for up to 16 hours. If the above measures do not correct the problem, replace the battery. The battery[...]

  • Page 31

    28 Appendix My handset beeps and is not performing normally. Make sure the power cord is securely plugged into the telephone base. Plug the telephone base into a different working electrical outlet not controlled by a wall switch. Move the handset closer to the telephone base. It may be out of range. Reset the telephone base by unplugging the elect[...]

  • Page 32

    29 Appendix My caller ID features are not working properly. Caller ID is a subscription service. You must subscribe to this service from your telephone service provider for this feature to work on your telephone. The caller may not be calling from an area which supports caller ID. Both your and the caller’s telephone service providers must use eq[...]

  • Page 33

    30 Appendix T r oubles hooting I cannot retrieve voicemail messages. If you su bsc ribe t o voic email s er vic e from you r telep hone s er vic e provi der (charg es may app ly) , c onta ct your te leph one ser v ice p rovid er for mo re info rmati on on how t o acc ess your vo ice mail. I subscribe to a nontraditional telephone service that uses [...]

  • Page 34

    31 Appendix Imp ort ant saf ety i nstruc tions When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of re, electric shock and injury, including the following: Read and understand all instructions. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product. Unplug this product from the wall ou[...]

  • Page 35

    32 Appendix Prec autions for us ers of imp lanted c ardia c pace makers Car diac p ace maker s (appl ies on ly to di git al c ordl ess t elep hon es) : Wir eles s T ec hno log y Rese arc h, LLC (W TR), an in dep end ent re sear ch e ntit y, led a mul tid isc ipl inar y eval uati on of t he inte rf eren ce be twe en por t abl e wire les s tele pho n[...]

  • Page 36

    33 Appendix About c ordle ss tel ephone s Priv acy: T he sam e featu res th at make a c ord les s tele pho ne co nveni ent cr eate so me lim itat ion s. T ele pho ne ca lls ar e tran smi tte d bet wee n the te lep hone b ase a nd th e cor dle ss han dse t by radi o waves, s o ther e is a po ssi bil ity t hat t he cor dl ess te lep hone c onve rsat [...]

  • Page 37

    34 Appendix Warrant y Wh at do es t his li mite d wa rra nt y cover ? The m anu fact urer of t his V T ec h Pro duc t warr ants t o the ho ld er of a vali d pro of of pu rch ase (“ Con sume r” o r “yo u” ) that t he Pro duc t and al l acc es sori es pr ovid ed in t he sa les pa ckag e (“ Prod uc t ”) are f ree fr om def ect s in mat eri[...]

  • Page 38

    35 Appendix Warrant y ( cont inued) ac tivi ty. Y ou mu st pay for t he co st of r epai r and re turn s hip ping c os ts for t he re pair of Pr odu ct s tha t are not c overe d by thi s limi ted wa rran ty. Wh at mus t you r etu rn wit h th e Pro duc t to ge t war ran ty s er vic e? Retu rn th e enti re ori gin al pac kag e and c onten ts in clu di[...]

  • Page 39

    36 Appendix FCC, ACT A a nd IC r egulati ons ( cont inued) handset may be safely held against the ear of the user. The telephone base shall be installed and used such that parts of the user’s body other than the hands are maintained at a distance of approximately 20 cm (8 inches) or more. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES[...]

  • Page 40

    37 Appendix Freque ncy c ontro l Cr yst al con troll ed PLL syn thes izer T ransm it freq uenc y Ha nds et: 1 921 .5 36 - 1 92 8.44 8 MHz T eleph one ba se: 1 921 .5 36 - 1 92 8.44 8MHz Chan nels 5 Nom inal ef fe ctive ran ge Ma xim um power al lowed by FCC an d IC. Actu al ope ratin g rang e may vary a cc ordi ng to envir onme ntal co ndit ions at[...]

  • Page 41

    38 Index A Ab out co rdle ss tel epho nes 3 3 Alp habe tica l sear ch 1 7 Answe r a call 1 1 B Bat ter y 25 Bat ter y cha rgin g 4 Bat ter y ins tall ation 3 C Call er ID 1 8 Call l og 1 9 Call l og dis play sc reen m ess ages 2 2 Call wa iting 1 1 Chai n diali ng 1 3 Char acter c har t 1 6 Char ger ins tall ation 2 Char ging 4 Clea r voice mail 8 [...]

  • Page 42

    39 Index S Safet y ins tru ctio ns 31 Save a cal l log en tr y to the d irec tor y 21 Scr een ic ons 24 Scr een me ssag es 22, 2 3 Set date a nd tim e 9 Shar e an out side c all 12 Sil enc e ring er temp orari ly 1 2 Stor e from re dial 15 T T echn ica l spe ci cati ons 37 T eleph one ba se and c harg er ins tall ation 2 T eleph one ba se layout[...]

  • Page 43

    VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A member of THE VTECH GROUP OF COMPANIES. VTech is the registered trademark of VTech Holdings Limited. Copyright © 2011 for VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. All rights reserved. V ersi on 9 1 1 /11.[...]