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Compatible with most Bluetooth phones & Bluetooth enabled computers (Windows ® or Macintosh ® ) USER GUIDE[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS / GLOSSAR Y SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • Avoidhearingdamage. Setvolumeatlowestcomfortablelevel.Ifyouexperienceringinginyourearsorvoices soundmuffled,stopusingtheheadset. Avoidturningupvolumetoblocknoisy[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 3 T ABLE OF CONTENTS 4 PackageContents 5 OptionalAccessories 6 ProperFitandPlacement 7 ChargingtheHeadset 8 Batter yPowerIndicators 9 Headset Controls 10 On/Standby/Off 11 PairingwithaPhone 12 PairingwithaComputer 13 MultipleD[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 4 P A CKAGE CONTENTS 1. Blue Par rot tX pr ess Wireless Headset 2. Ea rHo okWear ingS t yle 3. Rou nd Ea r Tip s 4. U S B Cor d 5. Aut oDCC harge r 6. Us er Guid e (not sh own) 2 1 4 5 3[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 5 OPTIONAL A CCESSORIES Th e B lueParrot t Xp ress Co nverti ble Wearin g Styl e Kit (sol dsepa ratel y)of fe rst woad dit ional wear ingst y les,be hind-t he-n ecka ndover-the-h ead,tosui tyourp refere nce.A n AC Charger Kit and R eplacement Ear Tips area ls[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 6 PROPER FIT AND PLA CEMENT Positionthemicrophonenearthecornerofyourmouth, toensureyoureceivethefullbenefitof ournoise-cancelingtechnology . Positioningisimportant;smalladjustmentsinmicrophoneplace - mentcanimproveperforman[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 7 CHARGING THE HEADSET Connectchargercordintotheheadset’ scharg - ingport. TheMFB’ sindicatorlightmayturn blueforseveralsecondswhiletheheadset determinesthelevelofchargethebatteryis holding. Do not removetheheads[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 8 BA TTER Y POWER INDICA T ORS Whilecharging, theMFB’ sindicatorlightshows thelevelofbatterypoweronyourBlueParrott Xpressasfollows: Blue light: Fullycharged. Over7hours’ talktime. Red light: Lessthanafullcharge. Forbes[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 9 HEADSET CONTROLS Volume Increase : Quickl ypressandrelease the VolumeUp/Mutebutton. Repeatuntil desiredvolumeisattained. Volume Decrease : Quickl ypressandrelease the VolumeDownbutton. Repeatuntildesired volumeisattained. Micro[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 10 ON / ST ANDBY / OFF T urn Headset On :HolddowntheMFBforapproximately2-3secondsuntilyouhearavoice prompt, “Poweron.” Thebluelightwillflashtwiceever ysecond. Standby Mode : Oncetheheadsetisturnedon(afterthein[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 11 P AIRING WITH A PHONE Keepheadsetandphonenolessthan3inchesandnomorethan3feetapartwhilepairing. Keep otherBluetoothdevicesatleast50feetaway ,orturnthemoff. NOTE: The headset can be paired with up to 8 different device[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 12 P AIRING WITH A COMPUTER Keepheadsetandcomputernolessthan3inchesandnomorethan3feetapartwhilepairing. KeepallotherBluetoothdevicesatleast50feetaway ,orturnthemoff. 1. T urnheadsetoff(page10). 2[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 13 MUL TIPLE DEVICE P AIRING TheBlueParrottXpresscanpairwithupto8devicesatthesametime;however ,onlyonedevice maybeconnectedtotheheadsetatatime, unless the headset is in Multipoint Mode (seepage 14). T opairtheh[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 14 MUL TIPOINT MODE MultipointModeallowsyoutopairandswitchbetweentwoBluetoothdevices. ENABLINGMUL TIPOINTMODE 1. T urntheheadseton(seepage10).Itwilldisplayadouble-blinkingbluelightandyouwill hearavoice?[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 15 MUL TIPOINT MODE P AIRINGtheBlueParrottXpressHEADSETtotheSECONDBLUETOOTHDEVICE 8. RepeatstepsforpairingthesecondBluetoothdevice 9. GetthesecondBluetoothdevicereadytopairtotheheadset. 10. Putthehea[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 16 PRO XIMITY P AIRING ProximityPairingenablestheheadsettofindtheclosest “discoverable”phone. 1. Makesuretheheadsetispoweredon(seepage10). 2. HoldtheMFBdownandquicklypresstheV olumeDownbutton. 3[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 17 MAKING A CALL Ifyouhavenotpairedtheheadsetandphonetogetheryet, youmustdoso(page11). 1. T urnonyourcellphone.BesuretheBluetoothoptionisenabledonyourphone(refertoyour phone’ suserguidefor[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 18 ANSWERING A CALL Inordertoansweracall, theheadsetmustbeinStandbyMode(page10). 1. Putheadseton. Positionthemicrophone(page6). 2. Whenyourcellphonerings, youwillhearringtonesintheheadset. Answer[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 19 OPERA TION WHILE USING THE CHARGER / AD APTER TheXpressheadsetwilloperatefrombatterypowerorfromtheACorDCcharger/adapter . NOTE: Do not attach the charger mid-call. This will cause the headset to reset, and the call will be sent back to the phone. Whentheheadset?[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 20 ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS NOTE: Y our cell phone must support the following functions (consult the phone owner’s manual). LAST NUMBER REDIAL T ore-dialthelastnumberthatwasdialedfromthecellphone,pressandholdthe VolumeDown buttonforapproximately1sec[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 21 ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS NOTE: Y our cell phone must support the following functions (consult the phone owner’s manual). TRANSFER AUDIO T otransferaudiofromtheheadsettothecellphonewhileonacall,pressandholdthe VolumeDown buttonfor1-2seconds. ?[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 22 RESET P AIRED DEVICES LIST Theheadsetmustbeontoperformthisfunction. T oresettheheadset’ sinternalpaireddeviceslist,holdtheheadsetnearyourear . Pressandhold the VolumeUpandthe VolumeDownbuttonssimultaneously[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 23 CALL W AITING / REJECTING A CALL 1. T oacceptanincomingcallwhiletalkingonanactivecall,presstheMFBbuttontwicetoput theactivecallonhold. 2. T oswitchtotheoriginalcall,quicklypresstheMFBbuttono[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 24 SPECIFICA TIONS Range : Upto66feet.Bestrangeisachievedwithline-of-sightpositioningofheadsetandcell phone.Certainconditionsandobstructions, suchaswirelessdevices,placingyourphoneona metals urface(suchasyour?[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 25 FUNCTIONS & INDICA T ORS Function Button/Duration of press LED Indicator Audio Indicator Voice Indicator Power On MFB (2-3 seconds) Blue, double flash (1 second) Short tone “Power on” Power Off MFB (3-4 seconds) All LEDs turn off NONE “Power off” Enable Pairing Mode MFB (5-15 seconds) Blue, rapid [...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 26 FUNCTIONS & INDICA T ORS Function Button/Duration of press LED Indicator Audio Indicator Voice Indicator Mute (On/Off) Volume Up (2 seconds) NONE Single tone NONE Mute reminder n/a n/a Sin gle t one a t 10-second intervals n/a Voice Dial (Start/End) MFB (quick press) NONE Single tone NONE Last Number Redi[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 27 FUNCTIONS & INDICA T ORS Function Button/Duration of press LED Indicator Audio Indicator Voice Indicator T ransfer Audio Volume Down (1-2 seconds) NONE NONE NONE Disable LEDs Volume Up/Volume Down (quick press) All LEDs turn off Short tone NONE Enable LEDs Volume Up/Volume Down (quick press) LEDs turn on [...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 28 FUNCTIONS & INDICA T ORS Function Button/Duration of press LED Indicator Audio Indicator Voice Indicator Incoming Call Hold MFB (press twice) NONE NONE NONE Accept Held Incoming Call MFB (quick press) NONE NONE NONE Reject Held Incoming Call MFB (1-2 seconds) NONE NONE NONE Enable Multipoint Mode MFB / V [...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 29 VXi W ARRANTY (1)VXi warrants that your BlueParrott Xpress headset system will be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date ofpurchase.If, during the first year from the date of[...]
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VXi BlueParrott ® Xpress User Guide 30 FCC NO TICE TO USERS This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any[...]
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T itle VXiBlueParrott ® XpressUserGuide 31 IC NO TICE TO CANADIAN USERS ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustryCanadalicense-exemptRSSstandard(s).Operationissubjectto the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause interference,and (2)This device must?[...]
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