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WEST BEND AUTOMATIC BREAD AND DOU GH MAKER WITH ONE HOUR BR EAD CYC LE TABLE OF C ONTENTS Important Safeguards……………………….1-2 Using Timer……………………………..12 Quick Start Steps for the First Loaf……….…..2 Cleanup………………………………….12 Tips on Using Machine……………………..3-4 Break[...]
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2 IMPOR TANT INFORMATION ON PROTECTING ELECTRONIC C ONTROL To prot ect bread maker’s electro nic con trol again st possible damag e caused by surges in electrical p ower line, we reco mmend u si ng a surg e protec tor devic e, ava ilable in the e lectronic s depa rtme nt of most discount/ hardw are stor es. Sim ply plug sur ge protec tor int o th[...]
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3 2. HOW TO MEAS URE Measuri n g ingredi ents the righ t way with th e co rrect measuring cu ps and spo on s is not import ant when making b read. See measu ri ng sec tion for more inf ormation. REMEMBER TO: • Alw ays measure liq uid i ngredi e nts in s e e-t hro ugh me asuri ng c up w i th gr adu ate d mar kings . Liquid should ju st reach marki[...]
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4 7. DO NOT EXCEED the ingredie nt capacity of the bre ad maker. Se e “KNOW YOUR INGR EDIENTS” section in t his booklet on page s 4 to 7. Use only fres h ingredie nts. 8. ALWAYS ADD INGREDIENT S in the orde r listed in re cipes. A dd liquid ingredients f irst, the but ter or m argarine ne xt, followed b y the dry ingredients a nd finally the y [...]
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5 • MIL K en hances flav or and incre ases the nutritio nal value of bre ad. A ny ty pe of milk (w hole, 2%, 1% sk im, butterm ilk or c anned evaporat ed milk) can b e u sed in making br ead. Refriger at ed milk must al ways be warmed t o 75-85 ° F. DO NOT HEAT MILK ABOV E 100 ° F AS T HIS COULD AFFECT THE YEAST. • WATER used in c ombinatio n[...]
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6 Or, you c an use a large egg as a substitute for vita l gluten as it too w ill increa se the protein c ontent. If using an egg, a dd it to the li quid in bottom of pa n and red uce the r ecomme nded amo unt of liq uid in r ecipe by two ( 2) ounces (1/4 cu p). Aga in, check the conditio n of the dou gh during the kn ead cycle for any mino r adju s[...]
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7 MAKE YOUR OWN MIXES To sav e time, money and ener gy, y ou can prepar e your ow n bread mixes and store them in the refrig erator until re ady to use . Si m ply measure all dry ingred ients in recipes, EXCEPT YEAST, in to a plastic b ag or sealable cont ai ner. Label as to th e type of bread and lo af size. Wh en ready to use, let the flour mix t[...]
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8 MEASUREM ENT EQUIVALENT CHART CUP = FLUID OUNCE = TBSP. = TSP. 1 = 8 = 16 = 48 7/8 = 7 = 14 = 42 3/4 = 6 = 12 = 36 2/3 = 5-1/3 = 10-2/3 = 32 5/8 = 5 = 10 = 30 ½ = 4 = 8 = 24 3/8 = 3 = 6 = 18 1/3 = 2-2/3 = 5-1/3 = 16 ¼ = 2 = 4 = 12 ¼ = 1 = 2 = 6 1/8 = 1 = 1 = 3 ½ = 1 = 3 ¼ = 1-2 = 1-1/2 ADAPTING YOUR FAVORITE BREAD/DOUGH RECIPES Afte r you ha[...]
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9 The select settings offered ar e: Bas ic W hi te 0 Extend bake Whole Wheat 4 Regula r 1 lb. S pecialty 7 French 1 Regula r 5 L arge 1-1/2 lb 8 Swee t 2 Larg e 1-1/2 l b 6 Larg e rapid 9 Dough 3 Larg e dark 1-1/2 lb 10 Quick bread 1 1 J a m 12 One hour bread cycle The ex tend b ake (0) setting allow s you to leng then bak ing tim e after com pleti[...]
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10 Typic ally E-H will appe ar in disp lay when y ou mak e consecutiv e loaves and f orget to tur n mac hine off between loave s. Allow cha mber to c ool down w ith cove r open 1 0 to 15 m inutes. Plug cord bac k into ou tlet, re progra m control a nd tur n bread m aker on. OTHER WARNINGS If E-L or E-S appe ar in d i[...]
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11 4. Plug bread m aker c ord into a 120 volt AC e lectrical outlet ONL Y. SEL w ill flash in dis play. Press s elect button for ty pe of bread be ing m ade. Pr ogr a m timer if being used. Se e instruct ions on page s 12. 5. Press start button once to turn ma chine on. W hen on, pr ocess time f or setting w ill appear in d ispla y and col on betw [...]
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12 5. Press start button once to turn ma chine on. W hen turne d on, the dough w ill be m ixed, kne aded and allowe d to rise. At this t ime , “End” w i ll appear in display and audible aler t will soun d to let y ou know the doug h is done . Unlock pan and remove from ma chine. Com plet e recipe follow ing instructio ns. The bre ad m aker will[...]
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14 * T oo much y east. * Use am ount re comm ended in re cipe 5. Gnar ly, k notted top, not sm ooth * Not eno ugh liqu id. * T oo much f lour * T ops of loav es may not all be pe rf ectly shaped , however, this do es not affect wonde rful f lavor of brea d. * Increa se liquid by 1 tables poon. * Measu r e flo ur accurat ely, levelin g off mea surin[...]
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15 19. WHOOP S ! Machine un plugged b y mistake or pow er lost dur ing use . How can I sa ve the br ead? * If machine in k nead cy cle, reprog ram to the sam e bread se tting and turn m achine ba ck on, * If machi n e in rise cycle, re move do u gh from pan, sh ape and place in greased 9 x5-in ch l o af pan, cove r and a llow to r ise unt il double[...]
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16 OLD FA SHIONED WHITE BREAD Made w ith milk for a tende r crust and fine texture . Bread just lik e a G randma use d to make that now you ca n make , too! 1 Pound Loaf INGR EDIENT S 1-1/2 Po und L oaf 6 ounce s (3/4 c up) MILK, 75- 85 ° ° ° ° F 9 ounce s (1 c up + 2 T bsp.) 1 tablesp oon BUTTER or MARGARINE 2 tablesp oons 2 cups BREAD FLOUR 3[...]
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17 EGG BREAD 1 Poun d Loaf ** INGR EDIDENT S 1- 1/2 Pou nd Lo af 5-1/2 o unces ( 2/3 c up) MILK, 75- 85 ° ° ° ° F 5-1/2 o unces ( 2/3 c up) 1 EGG, large 2 1 tablesp oon BUTTER or MARGARINE 1-1/2 ta blespoo ns 2-1/4 c ups BREAD FLOUR 3 cups 1 teas poon SALT 1-1/2 te aspo ons 1-1/2 ta blespoo ns SUGAR 2- 1/2 table spoons 1-1/2 te aspo ons ACTIVE [...]
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18 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD A dense bread , packed with fib er since all who l e wheat flour is u sed. Lon ger rise t ime at wheat settin gs provid e great results . If brea d collapse s during baking pe riod, a dd 1 or 1-1/2 ta blespoons vital w heat gl uten to re cipe f or respe ctive loa f size to preve nt this from hap peni ng. Vital w heat glute[...]
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19 FRENCH BREAD Crusty on the outs ide, c hewy on the insi de. Just the w ay it shou ld be! 1 Pound Loaf INGR EDIENT S 1-1/2 Po und L oaf 7 ounce s (3/4 c up + 2 Tbsp.) WAT ER, 75-85 ° ° ° ° F 9-1/2 o unces ( 1 cup + 3 Tbsp .) 1 tablesp oon BUTTER or MARGARINE 1 tablesp oon 2-1/2 c ups BREAD FLOUR 3-1/2 c ups 1 teas poon SUGAR 1-1/2 te aspo ons[...]
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20 RAISIN BREAD What bett er b read to wake up to in the morning! Warm fro m the bread maker o r toasted , a great way to start th e day. 1 Poun d Loaf INGR EDIDENT S 1-1/ 2 Pou nd Lo af 6-1/2 o unces ( 3/4 c up + 1 T bsp) WAT ER, 75-85 ° ° ° ° F 9-1/2 ounc es (1 cup + 3 T bsp.) 1 tablesp oon BUTTER or MARGARINE 2 tablesp oons 2 cups BREAD FLOU[...]
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21 DOUGH SETTIN G • The recipes in this secti on can be made at the doug h setting. The dou gh setting w ill prepare the dough f or you by kneading it and the n letting it rise a bout 6 0 minutes. T hen the d ough is re move d from the pan, sha ped as desire d and al low ed to rise at room tem per ature before baking in your own ov en. • The ti[...]
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22 BASIC DINNER ROLL S/BREAD STICKS Make this basic do ugh an d shape into y our fa vorite dinner r olls, su ch as clov erleaf , cres cent and par ker or even bre ad stick s f or f un! Mak es betw een 2 and 3 do zen rolls depend ing on shape made. Freeze an y left-over rolls for ano ther time. INGREDIENTS 8 ounce s (1 c up) WAT ER, 75-85 ° ° ° ?[...]
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23 HOW TO SHAPE DINNER ROLLS USING BASIC AND WHEAT DOUGH FOR CRESCENT ROLLS: FOR CLOVERLEAF ROLLS Divide d ough into 4 equal pieces Divid e dough i nto 54 equ al sized pieces Roll each piece into a ci rcl e ¼-inch th i ck. Rol l each piece in t o a ball. 1. Cut each circle i n to 6 pie shaped wedges 1. Place 3 ball s int o a greased muffin cu p . [...]
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24 PIZZA DOUGH The s ingle curst re cipe w ill make e nough do ugh for a 12- to 14 i nch pi zza. Crust will be thicker in a 12-inche pan, thinner in a 1 4-inch pan, or use a large cookie she et. The dou ble cr ust recipe will m ake enoug h doug h for tw o 12- or 14 inch pi zzas, ag ain, the cru st will be thicker in the smaller pan, or use t wo coo[...]
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25 CINNAMON ROLLS No one can resi st these tast e-t emp ting ro l ls, especially when war m from the oven . Can be made the nigh t before, refriger ated a nd then ba ked in t he morning if desired. Just let r olls sit at room tem perature at le ast 30 m inutes bef ore baking . Makes 12 la rge rolls. INGREDIENTS 6-1/2 o unces ( 3/4 c up + 1 T bsp.) [...]
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26 TRADITIONAL FRENCH BRE AD Shape doug h int o a traditi onal sha ped loaf and bak e in y our own ov en. Mak es 1 larg e loaf . INGREDIENTS 9 ounce s (1 c up + 2 T bsp.) WAT ER, 75-85 ° ° ° ° F 1 tablesp oon BUTTER or MARGARINE 3 cups BREAD FLOUR 1-1/2 te aspo ons SUGAR 1-1/4 te aspo on SALT 2 teas poons ACTIVE DRY YEAST - or - - or - 1-1/2 te[...]
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27 NUT BREAD This is th e master re ci p e of which variati o ns can b e creat ed as provided b elow. Always make sure to greas e t h e insid e of pan a nd knead b ar with shorteni ng bef ore addi ng ingre dients a nd allow bread t o cool i n pan on rack for a t least 15 m inutes to ensure g ood rele ase. INGREDIENTS 4 tablesp oons VEGETAB LE OIL 6[...]
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28 MAKING YOUR OWN QUICK BRE AD RECIPES: Your ow n quick bread re cipe s may be pre pared in y our brea d mak er at the quick brea d setting follow ing these g uidelines. • Ge nerously greas e inside of pan a nd knead bar w ith veg etable s hortening . • If using bu tter or margarine, it mu st be soften ed and cut into small p ieces for th o ro[...]
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29 ONE HOUR BREAD CYCLE Your bread maker has a special cycl e for making fresh, ho t bread in ju st one hour. For b est results, follo w th ese gu ideli n es f or the one ho ur brea d cyc le as it i s used different l y than the o ther bread set t ings on your machin e. • Use fa st rising , instant blending or bre ad ma chine yea st. Use 3 teaspo[...]
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30 OLD FASHION WHITE BREAD Made w ith milk for a tender crust and fine texture. Bread just like Gra ndma used to m ake. Now you c an ma ke it too! 1 Poun d Loaf INGR EDIDENT S 1-1/ 2 Pou nd Lo af 6 ounce s (3/4 c up) MILK, 75- 85 ° ° ° ° F 9 ounce s (1 c ups + 2 T bsp.) 1 tablesp oon BUTTER or MARGARINE 2 tablesp oons 2 cups BREAD FLOUR 3 cups [...]
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31 RAISIN BREAD Warm from the b read maker or t oast ed . A great way to st art the d ay. 1 Poun d Loaf INGR EDIDENT S 1-1/ 2 Pou nd Lo af 6 ounce s (3/4 c up) WAT ER, 75-85 ° ° ° ° F 9 ounces ( 1 cups + 2 Tbs p.) 1 tablesp oon BUTTER or MARGARINE 2 tablesp oons 2 cups BREAD FLOUR 3 cups 1-1/2 ta blespoo ns DRY MILK 2 tablesp oons 1-1/2 ta bles[...]
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32 FRENCH BREAD Crusty on the outs ide, c hewy on the insi de. Just the w ay it shou ld be. 1 Poun d Loaf INGR EDIDENT S 1-1/ 2 Pou nd Lo af 6 ounce s (3/4 c up) WAT ER, 75-85 ° ° ° ° F 9 ounces ( 1 cups + 2 Tbs p.) 1 tablesp oon BUTTER or MARGARINE 1 tablesp oon 2 cups BREAD FLOUR 3 cups 1-1/2 te aspo ons SUGAR 1tablesp oon ½ tea spoon SALT ?[...]
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33 90 DAY WARRANTY Your W est Be nd Warra nty cove rs f ailures in the m aterials a nd workma nship of this Brea d Maker for 90 day s from the date of origin al purcha se. Any failed part of the Bread Maker w ill be repaired o r replaced without charge. This wa rranty gives y ou specif ic legal r ights and y ou may also hav e other rig hts whic[...]