Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Xtrememac service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Xtrememac Incharge Mobile ipp-im4-11 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    ip p- im 4- 11 ip p- im 4- 13 i n c h a r g e ™ m o b i l e use r’ s g uid e gui de de l ’ut ili sa teu r IPP-IM4-XX_user_guide_23951083C.indd 1 10/4/10 4:19 PM[...]

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    2 3 C on gr at ul at io ns on y ou r p ur c ha se ! Thank you fo r purch asing I nCharge Mobil e - the rechar geable battery case with viewing stand for iPh one 4. The follo wing pa ges exp lain th e featu res and o perati on of InCharg e Mobil e, so pleas e take a few m oments to read throu gh this instru ction manual P ackage con tents : • InCh[...]

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    gett Ing st arte d InCharge Mobile can be used ri ght out of the packag e, but for best results it is recomme nded that you fully c harge the internal battery . Please see “Charging I nCharge Mob ile” for further instruction s. Battery configura tion: 1. Battery p ack 2. Battery s tatus indic ators 3. Battery s tatus butto n 4. On/off sw itch [...]

  • Page 4

    6 swIt chIn g In charg e mo bIle to s t andby mode If you w ould like t o keep InCh arge Mobil e on your i Phone, but not use its int ernal batte ry , simply sw itch the bu tton on the bott om of the u nit to “ off ” for st and by mode . The LEDs on the b ack of the unit will l ight up an d then quic kly turn off and your iPhone will no lo nger[...]

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    8 9 Fé li c it at io ns ! Merci d’ avoir acheté InChar ge Mobi le, l’ étui a vec bat terie r echarge able et suppo rt de v isualis ation p our iPh one 4. Pr enez qu elques instant s pour parco urir ce guide d’ utilisat ion. Le s pages qui su ivent v ous pré sentent les cara ctérist iques et le f onction nement d’InC harge M obile. cont[...]

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    10 11 Prem Iers con ta cts V ous pouvez déballer In Charge Mob ile et l’ utiliser immédiat ement mais, pour un me illeur résu ltat, il est recomman dé de recha rger complè tement sa batterie interne. Pour p lus d’inst ructions à ce sujet, repor tez-vous à « Char gement d’In Charge Mobi le ». Configur ation « b atterie » 1. Batteri[...]

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    12 13 actI va tIon du mo de d e veI lle d’In charg e mobI le Si vous souhaitez g arder InCha rge Mobile sur votre iPhone, mais san s utiliser sa batterie interne, il suffit de placer l’interr upteur situ é en bas du dispositi f sur « off » (arrêt) afin d’ activer le mode de veille. Le s voyants s itués à l’ arrière du dispo sitif s[...]

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    14 15 C om pl im en ti p e r il v os tr o a cq ui st o! Grazie p er aver acqui stato InCha rge Mob ile - l a custo dia con batte ria ric aricabi le e su pporto di visua lizzazione per iPh one 4. Le segue nti pa gine spiegan o le funzio ni e il fu nzionam ento di InChar ge Mobi le, perta nto vi preghia mo di d edicare alcun i istan ti a le ggerle in[...]

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    16 17 Per InIz Iare Pote te utilizza re InCharg e Mobile no n appena lo estraet e dalla co nfezione, m a per risul tati ottim ali è consi gliabile eseguire una carica completa d ella batte ria interna. Consulta re “Carica di InCharge Mobile” p er ulterior i istruzio ni. Configur azione batter ia: 1. Pacch etto batter ia 2. Indicator i di stat[...]

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    18 19 moda lIt à st and -by d I In char ge mo bIle Se volet e continuar e a tenere InCharge M obile sul v ostro iPhone m a senza uti lizzare la sua batter ia interna, por tate il pulsa nte nella p arte inferi ore dell’ unità in posizione “off” (spento) per metter lo in stand -by . I LED su lla parte posterio re dell’ unità si a ccender a[...]

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    20 21 Wi r g ra tu l ie re n Ih ne n zu I hr em Ka uf ! Vi ele n Dan k, da ss Si e I nCh ar ge Mob il e ge kau ft ha ben - di e wie der aufl adb are Ba tte ri eta sch e mit B etr ach tun gss tän de r fü r d as iP hon e 4. Au f d en fo lge nde n Se ite n wer den d ie Fu nkt ion en un d di e V erw en dun g v on In Ch arg e Mo bil e erk lär t. Neh[...]

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    22 23 erst e sc hrIt te InCharge Mobile kan n direkt au s der V erpacku ng verwende t werden. Die besten Ergebnisse erzielen S ie allerdin gs, wenn Sie die interne Bat terie zunäc hst vollst ändig auflad en. W eitere Anle itungen find en Sie unt er “So lade n Sie InCha rge Mobile a uf ”. Batterie konfigura tion: 1. Batteriep aket 2. Batter[...]

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    24 25 so w echs eln sIe I ncha rge mobIl e In den st andby-m odus W enn Sie InC harge Mobil e an Ihrem iPhone beh alten, aber nic ht dessen i nterne Batt erie verwe nden möchte n, schieben Sie den Sc halter an d er Unterse ite des Ger äts einfach auf “ Aus” , u m in den St andby-Modu s zu wechse ln. Die LEDs auf der Rü ckseite des Geräts le[...]

  • Page 14

    26 27 ¡E nh o ra bu e na p or s u co mp ra ! Gr acia s p or adqu iri r In Cha rge Mob ile , la fun da c on bate ría re carg abl e y sop ort e d e v isua liz ació n p ar a i Phon e 4 . En las pág ina s si gui ent es s e d escr ibe n las ca rac ter ísti cas y e l f unc iona mie nto de InC harg e M obil e. Es impo rta nte que de diqu e u nos min [...]

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    28 29 PrIm eros P asos Puede ut ilizar InCh arge Mobile nada más sacarlo de la caja, aunque p ara obte ner un mejo r resultad o, es acons ejable recargar la batería interna po r completo . Consulte “Recarga de InCha rge Mobile” para ve r más inst rucciones. . Configur ación de la batería: 1. Paque te de bater ía 2. Indicador es de estad [...]

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    30 31 actI var el modo en r ePos o de Inch arge mobI le Si desea mantener I nCharge Mob ile conect ado al iPho ne pero sin utilizar s u batería i nterna, solo t iene que co locar el botón de la part e inferior de la unida d en la po sición “off” para activar el modo en rep oso. Las l uces de la parte po sterior de la unidad s e encender án [...]

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    32 33 P ar ab én s pe la c om pr a! Ob rig ado po r adq uir ir o I nCh ar ge Mo bil e, o e st ojo de ba ter ia re car reg áve l co m s upo rte d e v isu ali zaç ão pa ra iP hon e 4 . A s pág ina s a se gui r for nec em ex pli caç ões s obr e o s r ecu rso s e fu nci ona men to do In Cha rge Mo bi le. As sim , p or fa vor , re ser ve alg un s[...]

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    34 35 Intr oduç ão O InChar ge Mobile p ode ser usa do assim q ue retir ado da embal agem, mas, para obt er os melh ores result ados, recomend amos que vo cê carregue completam ente a bate ria interna. Con sulte o tóp ico “Como c arregar o I nCharge Mobile” para obt er mais ins truções. Configur ação da b ateria: 1. Pacot e de bateri a[...]

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    36 37 como col ocar o In charg e mo bIle no m odo de e sPer a Se você quiser mant er o InChar ge Mobile n o iPhone, mas não quis er usar a b ateria inte rna do mes mo, simples mente mova o b otão que fic a na parte inferior d a unidade p ara a posição “off” (desligado) para co locar a uni dade no mo do de esper a. Os indica dores lumin os[...]

  • Page 20

    Made i n China | Fa briqué e n Chine . Desig ned in the USA. © I mation Corp. Xtreme Mac, InCh arge and the “X” logo are trad emarks of Imation Cor p. “Made for iPhone ” means that an electroni c accessory has been desig ned to connect specifi cally to iPhone, and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple perfor mance standards [...]