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User’s Guide Publication number E 2625-97003 Mar ch 2 002 F o r S a f e t y in f o r m a t i o n an d R e g u l a t o r y i n f o r m a t i o n , s e e t h e p a g e s a t t h e e n d o f this manual. © Copyright Ag ilent T echnologie s 1999-2002 All Rights Reser ved Infiniium Option 100 and E2625A Telecommunications Mask Template Kit[...]
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ii In This Boo k This T elecom muni catio ns Mask T emplat e K it Us er’ s Guide co ntains the foll owing inf ormati on: Introduct ion to Option 100 and E2625A Telecommu nications Mask Template Kit Chap ter 1 introd uces spec ific pro duct in forma tion abo ut the Mask T emplat e Kit. It al so discus ses the recommended osci llosco pe configurat [...]
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Contents Contents-1 1 Introduction to Option 100 and E2625A Telecommunications Mask Template Kit Addin g Opt ion 100 to an existin g Infini ium Oscillo scop e 1-2 Supplie d it ems 1- 3 Recomm ended acc essories 1- 3 What n ot to do 1- 3 Osci llosc ope mod els 1- 4 To acc ess the Mask Test Setup dial og box 1-5 Overvi ew of the Mas k Test Setu p dia[...]
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1 Introd uction to Opti on 100 and E2625A Telecom munic ations Ma sk Tem plate Kit[...]
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1- 2 Introduction to Option 100 and E2625A Telecommunications Mask Template Kit The Infiniiu m Oscilloscopes Option 10 0 Telecommunications Mask Template Kit includes t he materials necessary for you t o verify that your instrumen t waveforms compl y with industry stand a rds. Option 100 provides a quick method for you to ce rtify waveform integrit[...]
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1- 3 Introduction to Option 100 and E26 25A T elecommunications Mask T emplate Kit Supplied items Supplied items The Option 10 0 Telecommunications Mask Template Kit contains the following items: Recommende d accessories Other Agilent accessories r ecommended for use in mask testing include: What n ot to do You should not use the Mask Test master d[...]
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1- 4 Introduction to Option 100 and E 2625A T elecommunic ations Mask T emplate Kit Oscillo scope models Oscilloscope models You can use the T elecommunications Mask Tem plate Kit with these Infiniium O scilloscopes: 1 Requir es system softw are ver sion A.03. 00 or lat e r. 2 Requir es system softw are ver sion A.02. 00 or lat e r. Agilent Model C[...]
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1- 5 Introduction to Option 100 and E26 25A T elecommunications Mask T emplate Kit T o access the Mask T est Setup d ialog box To access the Mask Test Set up dialog box Select Analyze , th en Mask T est... from the oscill oscope m ain m enu, as s hown here, to access the M ask T es t Se tup dial og box :[...]
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1- 6 Introduction to Option 100 and E 2625A T elecommunic ations Mask T emplate Kit Overview of the Mask T est Setup dialo g box Overview of the Mask Tes t Setup dialog box You will use the Mask Test Setup dialog box shown here to load and use masks with the Infi niium Oscilloscope. St andard masks ar e shown in Chapter 3. How to load and use a mas[...]
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2 Gett ing Star ted and Us ing Masks[...]
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2- 2 Getting Started and Using Masks Telecommu nications (telecom) and data communications (d at acom) industries have establi shed standards for equipment manufacture r s. One of t hese standards defines the electrical parameters for waveforms. By applying these standards, both telecom and datacom equipment manufacturers can en sure that their equ[...]
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2- 3 Gett ing Sta rted and Us ing Mas ks Make a copy of the Mask T est disk How Infiniiu m d oes Mask Testing When you star t the mas k test, Infi niium creat es a dat abase th at has u nique locat ions for ever y pixel in the wavef orm viewing are a. Each lo cation in the databa se h as a 21 -bit c ount er f or a m axi mum c ount of 2,097 ,15 1. E[...]
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2- 4 Getting Started and Using Masks T o install the Standa rd Masks To install the Standard Masks Use the copy of the Mask T est disk to instal l stan dard masks o nto the Infinii um hard drive. The Mask T est disk co ntains many of the available standard masks tha t you may ne ed to use during mask test ing. 1 Insert the c opy of the Mask Test d [...]
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2- 5 Gett ing Sta rted and Us ing Mas ks T o c al ibra te th e o scil losc ope To calibrate the oscilloscope Y our I nfini ium s hould b e at optimum perfo rmance when perfor ming mask testi ng. If yo ur Infi niium has not been calib rated in the last year or if the Calibration ∆ Te m p i s g r e a t e r t h a n ± 5 ° C , y o u s h o u l d r e [...]
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2- 6 Getting Started and Using Masks T o choose a proper p robe for Mask T esting To choose a proper probe for Mask Testing Y ou can u se any os cill oscope probe th at fits y our app licati on. Dep endi ng on the type of w avefo rm y ou ar e tes ting, y ou may n eed t o use o ne o f the p robe adapter s. Cali brat ing the probe adapter Depend ing [...]
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2- 7 Gett ing Sta rted and Us ing Mas ks T o get your wavef orm on the oscilloscope display To get your wave form on the oscilloscope displa y When doin g m ask test ing, y ou will try to fit t he m as k to you r wa vefo rm. This is h ow yo u w ill veri fy whe ther you r w avef orm m eets the acce pta ble e lectr ical parame ters defined by the sta[...]
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2- 8 Getting Started and Using Masks T o enable the Mask T est To enable the Mask T est 1 Click Analyze , then Mask T est to acc ess the Mask Test Se tup dialog bo x. 2 In the M ask Test Setup dialog box, click Enable Mask T est to checkmark the box. When enable d, a Mask T est tab ap pears b enea th t he wav efor m vie wing area. Checkma rk to en [...]
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2- 9 Gett ing Sta rted and Us ing Mas ks T o load a Mask To load a Mask 1 Click Analyze , then Mask T est to access the Mask Test Setup d i alog box. 2 Make sure the mask t est is enabled. 3 Click the Load Mask ... button. 4 In t he Load Mask dialog box, click the Mask T est Source f i e l d t o s e l e c t a n oscill oscope channel for the mas k t[...]
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2- 10 Getting Started and Using Masks T o alig n a Mask to th e waveform To align a Mask to the wave form 1 Access the Mask T est Setup dialog box an d make sure the mask test is enable d. 2 Loca te th e Use File Setup When Aligning option. When aligni ng a mask to the wavefo rm, th ese se ttin gs are us ed: • Channel range and offs et • Time b[...]
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2- 1 1 Gett ing Sta rted and Us ing Mas ks T o start and stop th e Mask T est To start and stop the Mask Te st 1 Access the Mask T est Setup dialog box and make sur e the mask test is enable d. 2 At the bott om of the Mask Test Setup dial og box, locate the start and stop mask te st buttons. • The green triang le star ts the mask test. • The re[...]
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2- 12 Getting Started and Using Masks T o understan d the Mask T est tab descripti on area To understand the Mask Test t ab description area After you have enabled t he mask tes t in the M ask T est S etup d ialo g box , you will see a M ask T es t tab on t he l ower left of the o scil losc ope scre en, benea th the wa veform vie wing area. The des[...]
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2- 1 3 Gett ing Sta rted and Us ing Mas ks T o run the Mask T est con ditionally To run the Mask Test conditionall y 1 Access the Mask T est Setup dialog box and make sur e the mask test is enable d. 2 Click the Run Until selection arrow to view the options . a If Stop on Failu re is disabled, you can stop the mask test based on the following cond [...]
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2- 14 Getting Started and Using Masks T o stop the M ask T e st on the first fai lure To stop the Mask Test on the first fa ilure 1 Access the Mask T est Setup dialog box an d make sure the mask test is enable d. 2 Click Stop On Fai lur e to checkmark the box. 3 Run the mask te st. When the mask tes t enco unter s th e fir st fa ilure, the test wil[...]
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3 Standa rd Masks[...]
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3- 2 Standard Masks The Infiniiu m Option 100 and the E262 5A Telecommunications Mask Template Kit di sk contains standard masks used by the telecommunications and data communications industries. These are the masks you can load into t he oscilloscope to test your wavefo rm’s compliance agai nst industry standards. To use any of these masks, foll[...]
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3- 3 Standard Masks ANSI T1. 102 North Amer ican Standard Masks FCC Part 68.308 Option s A, B, and C Masks Pre- Compl iance SON ET Masks IEEE 802.3 Masks Mask File Name Line Imped ance B it Rate DS1_ANSI. msk 100 Ω twist ed pai r 1.544 Mbps DS1A_A NSI.msk 100 Ω twisted pai r 2.048 Mb ps DS1C_A NSI.msk 100 Ω twist ed pai r 3.152 Mbps DS2_ANSI.[...]
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3- 4 Standard Masks ITU G.703 Inte rnational Standard Ma sks ITU G.703 Intern ational Standard Masks The ITU G.703 Inte rnational St andard Masks rese mble the followi ng: 1544kb_ITU _DS1.msk 2Mb_ITU_ 120.ms k[...]
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3- 5 Standard Masks ITU G.703 International Standard Ma sks 2Mb_ITU_ 75.msk 6312kb_ITU _110_D S2.msk[...]
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3- 6 Standard Masks ITU G.703 Inte rnational Standard Ma sks 6312kb_ITU _75_DS2. msk 8Mb_ITU.msk[...]
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3- 7 Standard Masks ITU G.703 International Standard Ma sks 34Mb_ITU .msk 44736kb_I TU_D S3.msk[...]
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3- 8 Standard Masks ITU G.703 Inte rnational Standard Ma sks 140Mb_I TU_0 .msk 140Mb_I TU_1 .msk[...]
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3- 9 Standard Masks ITU G.703 International Standard Ma sks 140Mb_I TU_1 _INV.msk 155Mb_I TU_0 .msk[...]
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3- 10 Standard Masks ITU G.703 Inte rnational Standard Ma sks 155Mb_I TU_1 .msk 155Mb_I TU_1 _INV.msk[...]
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3- 1 1 Standard Masks ANSI T1.102 North American Standard Masks ANSI T1.102 N orth American Standard M asks The AN SI T1.1 02 No rth Amer ican Standa rd Mas ks rese mble the foll owing : DS1_ANSI.msk DS1A_A NSI.msk[...]
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3- 12 Standard Masks ANSI T1. 102 North Amer ican Standard Masks DS1C_A NSI.msk DS2_ANSI.msk[...]
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3- 1 3 Standard Masks ANSI T1.102 North American Standard Masks DS3_ANSI.msk DS4NA_A NSI.msk[...]
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3- 14 Standard Masks ANSI T1. 102 North Amer ican Standard Masks DS4NA_A NSI_MAX.msk STS1 _ANS I_EYE. msk[...]
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3- 1 5 Standard Masks ANSI T1.102 North American Standard Masks STS1_ ANSI_PU L SE.m sk STS 3_ANS I.m sk[...]
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3- 16 Standard Masks ANSI T1. 102 North Amer ican Standard Masks STS3_ANSI _MAX.msk[...]
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3- 1 7 Standard Masks FCC Part 68.308 Options A, B, and C Masks FCC Part 68.308 O ptions A, B , and C Masks FCC_68_O PT_A.msk FCC_68_O PT_B.msk[...]
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3- 18 Standard Masks FCC Part 68.308 Option s A, B, and C Masks FCC_68_OPT _C.msk[...]
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3- 1 9 Standard Masks Pre-Com pliance S ONET Masks Pre-Compliance SON ET Masks The Pr e-Compl iance SONET Masks resem ble th e following: OC1_SONET .msk OC3_SONET .msk[...]
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3- 20 Standard Masks Pre- Compl iance SON ET Masks OC12_SO NET.msk[...]
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3- 2 1 Standard Masks IEEE 802.3 Masks IEEE 802.3 Masks The IEEE 802.3 Masks resembl es the followi ng: 10BAS E_T_IDL .msk 10BAS E_T_LINK.m sk[...]
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3- 22 Standard Masks IEEE 802.3 Masks 100B ASE_TX_ STP 100BA SE_TX_ UTP[...]
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Agilent T echnol ogies Inc. P .O. Bo x 2197 1900 Gard en of th e Gods Road Colo rado S pring s, CO 8 0901-2197 , U.S .A. Safety Notices This apparat us has bee n designed and tested i n accor- dance with IEC Public ation 1010, Safe ty Requ iremen ts for Mea- suring A pparatus , and has be en supplied in a safe condition. This is a Safet y Class I i[...]
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Notices © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 1999-2002 No part of thi s manual may be reprodu ced in any f orm o r by any mea ns (includ ing elec tronic storage an d retriev al or trans la- tion in to a f oreign languag e) without pri or agreem ent and written consent fr om Agi lent Technolo gies, Inc . as governed by Unit ed Stat es and intern a- tional [...]