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Party Pub INSTRUCTI ON M ANUAL MANUAL DE INSTRUCCI ONES Model Number / No. de Modelo: CB350S BEER DISPENSER DISPENS ADOR DE CERVE ZA BEFORE USE, PLE ASE RE AD AND FOLLOW ALL S AFETY RULES AND OPER ATING INSTRUCTIONS. La sección en espa ñ o l em piez a e n la p á gina 19 Avanti has a policy of continuous improvement on its products and reserves t[...]
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2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Impor tant Safet y Instructi ons and App li anc e Saf et y 3 Impor tant Safegu ides 4 Help Us He lp You … 5 Parts and F eatures 6 Installat ion Instruc tions 7 Before Us ing Your Applian ce 7 Electr ical C on n ection 8 Installat ion of Your Appl iance 9 Preparing the Keg 9 - 11 Setting up the Keg 11 Setting up the G as Cartri[...]
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3 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INS TRUCTI ONS WARNING To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury when using your appli ance, follow these basic prec autions: • Read all instructions before using the appliance . • Never allow children to operate, play w ith, or cr awl inside the appliance. • Never clean the appliance parts with flamm[...]
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4 IMPORTA NT S AFEGU IDES Before t he a pplianc e is use d, it m ust be pro perl y position ed and ins talled as described in this m anual, s o read the manua l caref ully. T o reduce th e risk of fire, electrica l shock or injur y when usi ng the appli ance , fol low bas ic precaut ion, including t he fol lowing: • Plug into a ground ed 3 - pro [...]
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5 HELP US HEL P YOU ... Read this gu ide ca refull y. It is inte nded to he lp you operate a nd mainta in your new unit pro perl y. Keep it ha nd y to answer your quest ions. If you don't under stand so mething or you nee d mor e assistanc e, please c all: A vanti Cus tome r Servi ce 800 - 220 - 5570 Keep pro of of or iginal purc hase date ( s[...]
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6 PARTS & FE ATURES 1 Safety Latch 9 Regulator with pressure gauge and cartridge holder assembly 2 See – thru window 10 Keg Piercing assembly 3 Leveling Legs 11 Keg support rail 4 Upper Door Hinge 12 Glass mug tr ay 5 Pressure gauge window 13 Cleansing cylinder (Not Show n) 6 Tap with pull handle 14 Keg Seal (Total 2) (Not Shown) 7 Temperatur[...]
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7 INSTAL LATION I NSTRUCTIONS • Remove the exteri or and in terior pac king. Before Using Your A ppliance • Check to be sure you have all of the acces sories. • Clean the i nterior s urfac e with luk ewarm water using a s oft cloth. • Prior to ope r ating the appliance, read the foll o wing ins tru ctions: • Do not use t he app liance[...]
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8 ELECTRIC AL CONNECTIO N This appl iance s hould b e proper ly grou nded f or you r saf ety. T he power c ord of this ap pliance is equipped wit h a three - pro ng plug whic h mates with standard three pron g wall outlets to m inimize the possibili ty of elec trical s hock . Do not under any circum stances cut or remove the t hird ground prong[...]
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9 Install ation of Your Appliance • Take the app liance out of its pac kaging (do not allo w childr en to pla y with p las t ic p ar ts , as this ca n cause a p ossible c hoking hazard ). • Place your Part y Pub o n a stead y and h orizontal f lat sur face, lea ving at l east 5 in ches / 10 cm on either side so as to allow c orrect ventilat[...]
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10 I M PO RT AN T : Before pier cing the plug on the top of the k e g, you must always fo l low the instructi ons marked on the keg to e liminate the excess ga s and ensure that the keg has reste d long enough to avoid foam comi ng out through the tap faucet . a) Heine ken keg: W hen using the H einek en type k eg: Rem ove the spout that is s uppli[...]
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11 C AU T I O N : allow the beer t o rest bef ore p iercing th e pl ug so as t o avoid beer spr ay . Piercing p i n: Prior to i nstalling t he pierc ing pin in the k eg, pla ce it u nder runni ng water so t hat i t is wet at t he tim e of insertion . Fit the b it vertica lly and drive it vigoro usly into t he k eg. Then, sec ure the dis pensi ng he[...]
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12 • Connect the hose by insert ing it i nto the hose outl et (to c heck that the hose is cor rectly connecte d, try to rem ove it by slig htl y pulling it. R esista nce indic ates tha t the hos e is correc tly connecte d. In order to dis connect the hose, push in th e blue plastic c ollar on the hos e outlet while pul ling the h ose). See b elow[...]
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13 OPERATIN G YOUR PAR T Y P U B Setting the Temperature You will need to se t the te m perature to best s uit your taste. The tem peratur e can be se t fr om 38 º to 43 ºF ( 3 ° t o 6 °C) , us ing the tem per ature selec tors ( and ) located below the temperat ure disp lay. Interior L ED Light The Par t y Pub is also equ ip ped with an[...]
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14 • Unlock t he dispens ing hea d from the keg b y pushing t he catch and rem ove the piercin g pin fr om the keg. b) To c lean the beer lines • F ill the clea ning b ottle supp lied w ith your app liance half - wa y with luke warm water. As required, you m ay add a b it of deter gent . P ush it firm l y onto the dispensin g k it . • Reconne[...]
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15 DRAUGHT BEER TR OUBLE GUIDE CLOUDY BEER When beer in glas s appears h azy, an d not cl ear. Causes Corrections FLAT BEER Foamy head d isappe ars quickly: be er lack s usual zestf ul brewer y fresh f lavor. Causes Corrections 1) • Over chill ing beverag e cooler and/or beverage l ines. 1) • Excess ive low tem peratures ma y caus e hazy, cloud[...]
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16 LOOSE F O AM Causes Corrections • Large soap - like bubbl es (sometim es called f ish e yes). Foam settles quic kl y. • This is generall y a Flat Beer condi tion: the C auses and correc tions f or Flat Be er shoul d be foll owed. WILD BEER Beer, when dr awn, is all foam, or too m u c h foam, and not enough liqui d beer. Cause Corrections 1) [...]
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17 YOUR Avanti Pr od uc ts W ARRANTY Staple your sales receipt here . Proof of origina l purchase date is neede d to obtain service und er w arranty. WHAT IS C OVERED For one y ear f rom the date of purchase by the original o wner, Avanti Pr oducts will, at its option, rep air or rep lace an y part of the unit , which prov es to b e defec tive in m[...]
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18 SERVICE F O R YOUR A P PLI ANCE W e are proud of our c ustom er service organi zation a nd the n etwork of prof essional ser vice technicians that provide s ervice on your A vanti ref rigerator s. W ith the purchas e of your A vanti unit , you can b e confid ent that if you e ver need additiona l infor mation or assistanc e, the Avanti Products [...]
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19 INSTRUCCIONE S DE S EGU RI DAD ADVERTENCI A: Para reduc ir el ri esgo de i ncendi o, choque eléc trico, o daños cu ando use electrod om ésticos , siga estas prec auciones : Lea todas las ins trucciones antes de usar su Dispe nsador de Cerv eza. Nunca lim pie el Dis pensad or de Cer veza con líqu idos inflam ables. L os vapores puede n causar[...]
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20 GUI AS DE SEG URI D AD Antes de us ar el D ispensad or de C erveza, pos ición elo c orrectam ente e inst álelo c om o se desc ribe mas adela nte; por f avor le a el m anual cuid adosam ente. Par a reduc ir el ries go de f uego, cho que eléctrico o daños c uando u se el D ispensador de Cer ve za, siga prec aucion es bás icas, inc luyendo las[...]
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21 ANTES DE OPER AR EL DISPENS ADOR, LEA LAS SIGUIENT ES INSTRUCCIONES • No use el electrodom és tico si el c able eléc trico es ta dañad o. Si es este el cas o, debe ser reem plazado por un t écnic o calif icado par a evitar cual quier pe ligro de c hoque e léctric o. • Antes de con ectar l a unida d, verif ique qu e el voltaj e s ea el c[...]
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22 I. IN S T AL AC I O N • Saque la u nidad de la caja (no perm ita que l os niños jueguen c on las partes p lásticas , esto pue de ocasionar el peligr o de as fixia o sof ocac ión ). • Coloque el Part y Pub sobr e una su perfic ie plana y estable, dejando 5 pulgadas / 1 0 cm a cada lado para perm itir la corr ecta vent ilación. • Coloque[...]
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23 IV. COLO CANDO EL CILINDRO DE GAS a. El cilindro de gas CO 2 no está inc luído per o está dis ponible com o acces orio de nuestr o departam ento de partes. • Inserte el c ilindro d e 16 gra m os en la part e larg a (inf erior) del ada pta dor . • Enrosque l as dos p artes de l adaptador hasta q ue esc uche “Po p”, este so nido i ndic [...]
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24 b. Para lim piar la lí neas de c erveza • Llene el r e cipie nte pl ás tico d e lim pie za inc lu ído con esta unid ad has ta la m itad con ag ua tibia. Si es necesar io agr egue un p oco d e deterge nte. Pres ion e f irmem ente en el juego del dispens ador den tro del barril. • Reconecte las m angueras al juego d el disp ensador t al c o[...]
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25 PROBLEM AS CON LA CERVEZA CERVEZA TURBI A Cuando la cerve za parece opaca y no transp a rente. CAUSA S CORRECCIONES 1. La cer veza est á d em asiado fr ía. Tem peraturas ex cesivam ente baj as pueden causar c erveza tur bia, nubl ada, espec ialm ente cuando la cerveza descans a sobre s uperf icies frías por largos p er í odos de tiem po. Ase[...]
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26 ESPUM A SU ELT A CAUSA S CORRECCIONES Burbujas gr andes c omo de jabón (l lamadas ojo de pez). La espum a se as ienta m uy rápid o. Es ta es una c ondic ión sim ilar a la de cerve za sin cuerpo . Seguir las cor recciones pa ra cerveza sin cuerpo . CERVEZ A CON DEM A S I AD A ESPUM A Cuando se s irve la c erve za, ésta t iene dem as iada espu[...]
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27 Registration Inform a tion Thank you for purchas ing t his f ine Avant i product. Ple ase fill out this f orm and return it to the following addres s with in 10 0 days f rom the dat e of pur chase an d recei ve thes e important benef its: A vanti Produ c ts, A Divi sion of The M ackle Co., Inc. P.O.Box 520 604 – M iami, Florida 3 3152 Prot[...]
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28 Ver 1 – 10 - 19 - 2010 PRINTED IN CHIN A[...]