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Avaya B 1 5 9 C o nf e r en ce P h o n e U ser Gui de EN G LISH 1 6 - 6 0391 4 Issu e 1 March 2 0 11[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 2 © 201 1 Avaya Inc. All Rights Rese r ved. Notice While reas onable ef for t s have be en made to en sure that the inform ation in this document is co mplete and accura te at the time of printing, Avaya a ssum es no liability for any er ror s. Av aya re se r ve s the right to make change s and cor rec tio[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 3 the Sof t war e at any given time. A “Unit” me ans the unit on which Avaya, a t its s ole discretion, b ase s the pricing of its licens es and c an be , without limitation, an agent, p or t o r use r , an e -mail or voic e mail account in the name of a pe rs on or c orp ora te function (e.g., webmas t[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide D The patented aud io tech nolog y OmniSou nd ® 2.0 provides impressive aud io qual ity for your di st ance meeti ng s. F ul l- dupl ex audio vi a the hypers ensit ive microp hone and power ful speakers enables spe ech in both d irection s. This natural l oudspe aker sound q uali t y is crit ical for effec[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 1 T AB LE O F C O NT ENT S Description 2 Genera l .................................................. 2 Maintenanc e .......................................... 2 keyp ad ................................................... 4 Navigation and selection i n menus ........... 5 Co nnect ions 6 Unp a ckin g .......[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 2 DE S CRIP TI O N GENER AL The Avaya B 15 9 conference phone offers a hos t of in novative features: • Omni Sound ® audio t echnology. • USB con nectivity al lows the phone to be used to make V oIP cal ls. • The li ne mode enables you to combi ne and switc h easily between connectivity tech nologies[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide Exp ansion microp hone p or t Securit y lo ck por t AUX por t 3 DE S CRIP TI O N Power su pply po rt Analo g line connection Mob ile / DEC T phone connecti on Mini USB por t for PC co nnec tion Ex pansio n microp hone port SD memo ry c ard port Display scr een Speake r Microphone Keypad LED s LEDs Flashing [...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide (space) . - 1 G H I 4 P Q R S 7 D E F É È 3 M N O Ö Ø Ñ 6 W X Y Z 9 A B C Å Ä Á À 2 J K L 5 T U V Ü Ú 8 0 Alphanum eric al but tons Hold do wn a but ton f or 2 se conds to op en the ph oneb oo k Increa se volum e Decr eas e volume Mute HOLD LINE MOD E Connectivity options MENU, Set tings m enu UP[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 6 UNPACKING Check that a ll part s are inc luded in t he package. If any part s are missing , pleas e contact your retai ler . • The Avaya B 15 9 conference phone • Power adapter wit h uni ver sal so cket compat ibi li t y • 7 .5 metre cable for electri c powe r and l ine connect ion • 1 .5 metr[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 7 C O NNEC TIO NS Select the l anguage you want. Cl ick OK t o conrm your s electi on. Select MENU > SE T TING S if you want t o set the date and ti me or make other adj ustments. C ON NEC TIVIT Y O P TI O NS An analog phone l ine is t he pre -pro grammed option, but i t is pos sibl e to switc[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 8 ANSWER ING CA LLS A ri ng tone is heard and the bl ue LEDs s tar t ashing . Pres s to answer . T he LE Ds show a steady blu e light . The d urat ion of the ca ll is shown on t he displ ay screen. E ND IN G CA LLS End t he call by pressing . MAKI NG CALLS Di al the num ber . Pres s . T h[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 9 MA K I NG T HR E E -W A Y CAL LS ON A N AN AL OG L I NE The sim ples t way to set up a mu lti-par ty c al l is to use the conference gu ide ( s ee page 1 3) . You can con nect another par t y to an on- going cal l a s fol lows. During a cal l, the button acts a s R-pu lse (ash) , which means it transm [...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 10 Answ erin g a Vo IP cal l Pres s . T he Avaya B 1 59 has now been put i nto cal l mode and the L EDs show a steady b lue lig ht. I ndicate whet her you want to star t the call by a nswe ri ng in the comput er’s Vo IP sof tw are. T he Avaya B 1 59 f unct ions as a speaker and micr ophone for t h[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 11 AD J U ST I NG T HE S PEA KE R VOL U ME Ad just the speaker volu me using the b ut tons and . Ad justi ng the speak er vol ume when two l ines a re connected If you ha ve selected double l ines, you can adj ust the volume le vel for ea ch l ine. Th is is useful i f the li nes have different vol ume l[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 12 S W IT CH IN G L I N ES D UR I NG C AL LS Connecti ng a new l ine d urin g a cal l Y ou can add another l ine or switc h bet ween connected li nes during a cal l. Pres s the LI NE MODE button duri ng the cal l. An ind icator appears on t he display scr een in fr ont of t he selected li ne( s) . U[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 13 The conference gu ide al lows you to create 20 conf erence groups with up t o six people in each. Y ou c an now cal l the par tic ipants in a meeti ng by si mply pres sing a f ew but tons. Y ou may need to adj ust s ome set ti ng s in you r Avaya B 1 59 to mak e it compati ble wit h your PBX. Please turn[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 14 MA K I NG M U L TI -P AR T Y CAL LS Pres s the ( Confer ence ) button. Select QU ICK GUI DE with t he arro w buttons. Pre ss OK to conrm. T he Quick Gui de asks you to di al the r st number . Di al the rs t per son’ s telephone n umber . P res s OK to conrm. Pres s OK when t[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 15 DE LET I NG CO NF E R E NC E GR OU PS Select MENU > CONF GUI DE > ERASE GROUP . Mark the grou p you want to delet e and pre ss OK . Conrm that you real ly want to delet e the group by pres sing OK or cancel t he dele- tion of a grou p by pre ssing C . DE LET E ALL C ON FE RE NC E GR [...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 16 C O N FE REN C E GUID E DI S PLA YI NG CON FE R E NC E G U I DE S T A TU S Select MENU > CONF GUI DE > S TAT U S . T he display scr een indi cates the n umber of confer ence groups al ready st ored plus how man y more gr oups can be added.[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 17 The Avaya B 15 9 has a phonebook that holds up t o 50 entries. S ee page 8 for making cal ls via the phonebook. Ent erin g text with th e keypad Please turn to page 4 for instruct ions on using t he keypad to ent er tex t. S EAR CH I NG F OR CO NT A CTS The simp les t way to search for a contact in the a[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 18 DEL ETI NG C ONT A CTS Select MENU > PHONE BOOK > ERASE CONT ACT . Mark the con ta ct you want to de lete and pres s OK . Conrm that you real ly want to delet e the contact by pre ssing OK or cancel the delet ion of a contact by pre ssing C . DE LET I NG AL L CON FE RE NC E GR OU PS [...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 19 It is possible t o reco rd a phone conference on an S D (Secure Dig ital) memor y card so you can li sten to it lat er on. A ashi ng symbol appe ars on the displ ay screen duri ng reco rdi ng. A beep is heard ever y 20 seconds s o that oth er pa r ties in t he call know i t is being recorded. The beep[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 20 L I ST EN I NG T O A R E COR DI NG Y ou can li sten to a recorded phone conference on your Avaya B 1 59 or a computer usi ng an SD memor y card rea der . Recordings are saved in . wav format and can be played back on your cho ice of media pl ayer . Listen ing to recordi ngs on the Avaya B 15 9: Selec[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 21 MA N AG IN G RE C O RD IN G S Ed iti ng the name of a rec ording The recording i s named by defaul t with the t ime at whi ch the recordi ng st ar ted. Select MENU > REC O RDIN G > RENAME F ILE . Mark the f older you want and pres s OK to conrm. Mark the record ing to be edit ed [...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 22 SELEC TING L AN GUAGES Select MENU > SE T TIN GS > L A N GUA GE . Select the l anguage you want and pres s OK to conrm. SELEC T REGIO N The rs t time t he Avaya B 1 59 is star ted, you w il l be required to sel ect the region in whic h you are located. The Avaya B 15 9 then automat ic[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 23 AD J U ST I NG R I NG L EVE L VOL U ME Select MENU > SE T TIN GS > RING L EVEL . Select your c hoice and pres s OK to conrm. There are six vol ume levels p lus a si lent mode. Y ou wi ll hear the ri ng tone for each level you select. I f you select si lent mode, an LED on the phone ?[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 24 AD J U ST I NG M IC ROP HON E V OL UM E WI TH MO B I LE P HON E C ON NECT ED The Avaya B 15 9 microphone h as s even vol ume set ti ng s, so if the vol ume of call s via DECT /mobi le phones is too s oft or to o loud, you can easi ly adj ust it to the righ t level. Select MENU > SE T TIN GS > M[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 25 SE T TIN G S T o ensure maximu m audio q ual it y , do not use the int ernal speakers and ex ternal speakers connected via the P A int er face box at the same time. C HA NG I NG T EXT ON TH E DI SP LA Y S CR EE N The text on the disp lay screen can be changed when the Avaya B 1 59 is on hook. Sel[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 26 SE T TIN G S S ETT I NG S DU R IN G A CA LL The HEAD SET / PA, PHONE BOOK, MOBI LE LE VEL and E QUALI ZER menus may be acces s ed duri ng a call a nd are displ ayed when the MENU but ton is pres sed. The r st option i s either HEADSE T or PA de pending on whet her PA is acti vated or not. Thes e H[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 27 The Avaya B 15 9 is conti nual ly b ei ng developed with smart feature s. Y ou wi ll rst ne ed to i nst al l Avaya Upgrade Uti lity on your computer before you can upgrade your Avaya B 1 59. Fi nd out more at w w w.avaya. com /suppor t. I N ST AL L I NG A V A Y A U PGRA DE U T I L ITY Go to the we[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 28 Siz e Diameter 2 40 mm, height 7 7 mm Wei ght 1 k g Color Charcoal bl ack Displ ay screen I ll umi nated graphics (LCD ) , 128x64 Keypad Alph anumerical 0– 9, * , off hook / F , on hoo k, mute, ho ld, vol ume up, vo lume down, 5 buttons for men u navigation , li ne mode, conference gui de Anti-theft pr[...]
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Avaya B159 Confere nce Ph one Use r Guide 29 Rel ative h umid ity 20 – 80% c ondensation free Recommended acoustic cond ition s Reverberation period: 0 .5 S Rt 60 B ackground noise: 45 dBA Approvals T elecommun ication TBR2 1, 4 7 CFR Par t 6 8 / TIA, IC C S - 03 Issue 1999/0 1/ 0 1 EMC EN30 1 4 89 - 1,3 . EN 300 220 - 1 ,2, FCC subpar ts B and C[...]
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