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www .axi s .com Axi s Communication s T echnical Support User’s Manual AXIS 250S P art No: 19194 Revision: 1.0 Date: May 2002 Mobile Printing ©2002, Axis Communications AB. Axis and the Axis logo are registered trademarks of Axis Communications AB. All other company names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective c[...]
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AXIS COMMUNICATIONS <Product Name> Quick User’s Guide AXIS 25 0S Us er’ s M anua l 2 About This Document This manual i s intended for administr ators and operators of t he AXIS 25 0S MPEG-2 Video Server, and is a pplica ble fo r fi rmware release 3 . 0. Lat er ver si ons o f the d ocument will be posted to the Axi s Web site, as requi r e[...]
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AX IS 2 50S U ser’ s M anual 3 Table Of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
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AXIS 250 S User’s M anua l 4 Appendix C - Updating the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Obtaining Updated firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Updating the firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
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AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Introdu ction 5 Introduction The AXIS 250S MPEG -2 Vi deo Serve r is a one- po rt MPE G-2 vide o serv er that al lows real-t ime c omp ressio n and transm iss ion o f DVD qual ity MP EG-2 vide o st reams ove r a TCP/ IP networ k (LAN). The v ideo s trea m uses app roximatel y a thir d of th e bandw idth requ ired by a M [...]
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Intr oduc tion AXIS 250S User ’s Manua l 6 The on- board AXIS ETRA X 10 0-LX pr ocess or pr ovid es up to 25/3 0 frames /se cond ov er 10Mb ps or 100M bps netwo r ks. Configurable event types - Remot e sto rage of MPEG- 2 vide o rec ording s to FTP -serve rs, an d/or activa tion of exte rnal dev i ces. Poss ible to enable a pre-a larm vi deo buff[...]
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AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Introdu ction 7 Applic ation s The AXIS 250S MPEG- 2 Vi deo Se rver can be use d in a wi de r ange o f surv eillanc e and monitoring ap plications, and is the perfect choice wh ere an applic ation requires a high- quality vide o and au dio stre am to b e distrib uted at a fixed f rame ra te over a lo cal are a netwo rk ([...]
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Prod uc t De s cr ipt i on AXIS 250S User’s M anu al 8 Product Descrip tion Read the f ollo wing infor mat ion to f amil iariz e yo urself with the AXIS 250S , ma king particular note of where th e connecto rs and indi cators are located. AXIS 250S Front Panel AXIS 250S Rear Panel ❶ Fact ory Defau lt Bu tton - Pres s this button to restore the [...]
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AXIS 250S Use r’s Man ual Produc t Desc ription 9 Hardware I nv ent ory Chec k the item s suppli ed with your AXIS 250S aga inst the f ollowing lis t: Notes: •*The label on the carton contain ing your AXIS 250S will show the part n umber for the country of purchase. •**The power supply for your AXIS 250S is coun try-specific. Please check th [...]
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Instal li ng th e AX IS 250 S AXIS 2 50S User ’s Manu al 10 Installing the AXIS 250S This s ection is in tende d for u se by t he pr oduct admin ist rator . Oper ators and v iewer s shou ld read Operating the AXIS 250S, on page 1 4. • Quick installation - Follow the instructions b elow to quic kly install on an Ethernet network. • Easy instal[...]
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AXIS 250S U ser’s M an ual Inst allin g the AXIS 25 0S 11 ❼ Ap p r ox i m a t e l y 1 0 - 1 5 se c o n d s a f ter con n ect i n g t h e p o w e r s u p p l y , t h e m e ss a g e ‘ Reply from ’ - or similar , is returned within the window . Ensure that the Power Indicator is permanently l it and that the Network Indi cator [...]
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Instal li ng th e AX IS 250 S AXIS 2 50S User ’s Manu al 12 Installing the AXIS MPEG-2 Viewer (Client) The fir st time th e AXIS 25 0S is acces sed from a bro wser , the AXI S MPEG -2 Vie wer wi ll automati cally be inst alled . This c o mponent is requi red f or view ing the vi deo stream in the brows er. Simpl y accept th e license agre ement d[...]
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AXIS 250S U ser’s M an ual Inst allin g the AXIS 25 0S 13 Accessing th e AXIS 250S from Internet Expl orer Import ant! Configuring the video source and audio equipment You sh ould now confi g ure th e connecte d video sou r ce an d audio equi pment: 1. Fr om the admini stration tools, open the Vi deo setti ngs pag e. 2. Sel ect the physi cal con [...]
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Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 14 Oper atin g the AXIS 250S This sec tion is inten ded mainl y for sys tem Operators, that is, pers onnel r esponsi ble fo r usin g the AXIS 250S a s part of e. g. an int egrated su rveill ance system or simil ar. Althoug h the topics covered here relate to the eve ryday running of the syste[...]
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AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 15 Access from a br ow ser The video stream and the se tup tools in the AXI S 250S can be acces sed using Micros oft Inte rnet E xpl orer 5 .5 on W indow s 20 00 o r Wi ndo ws XP . Foll ow t he in st ructio ns b elo w to a cc ess y ou r ima ges: 1. Sta rt In tern et E xplore r . 2. E nte r th e n[...]
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Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 16 Disconnected V ideo Source Any probl em with the cam era or vide o so urce is i ndi cate d by a bla nk d isp lay. Th is may indi cate a bre ak i n the signal tran smis sion or t he cable , and any such inc ide nt sh ould b e immed iately ref erred to your sy stem ad ministrato r. Positiona[...]
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AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 17 Events and Event Types Your AXIS 250S MPEG- 2 Vi deo Server is c apa ble o f pe rfor ming variou s action s when certa in t ype s of even ts o ccu r. The ter minol ogy us ed to desc ribe thi s is as fo llow s: • Event type - a defi ned set of par ameters t hat specify how and whe n somethi n[...]
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Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 18 Click the Add button. Thi s launches the Even t Type Setup dialo g. De pendi ng on the event type you requi re, y ou wil l the n ne ed to prov ide s om e or a ll of the f ollo wing inf orma tion: General • Name - Give the e vent type a suitable name. Respond to T rigger... This set ting [...]
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AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 19 • Manua l T rig ger - This is used for manually starting and stopping th e event . It is also possible t o use this option to trigger th e event via the se rver’s API. When Triggered... These setti ngs describ e the actions to take whe n the event typ e is tr iggered. One or more action s [...]
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Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 20 Importa nt! • Send email no tifi cati on to - Chec k this b ox to enable the sendin g of e mail to n otif y recipi ents of events. Ent er the email address(es) in the field provided. Multiple addresses must be sepa- rated by semicolons ( ;) To add your own te xt, che ck the Include text [...]
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AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 21 Notification S ervers To allow your event types to send HTTP and TCP notifica tions, the necess a ry servers must first b e configu red. T he Notif ication Server li st sho ws th e se rv er s cu rre n tl y co n fi gu r e d. These se vers are sho w n as the alternatives when selecti ng this typ[...]
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Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 22 The following information should be provided for a TCP notification server: • Name - This can be any descriptive name you like. • Networ k addr ess - Provide t he address of the server here. This may be an IP address or a host name. Not e that to use a h ost name, a D NS server must be[...]
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AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 23 Exactl y how much pre- trigger reco rding w ill be pr odu ced depend s mainly on the bit rate setting. A hig h-quality vi deo stream will occupy more of the internal memo ry and thus shor ten the dur ation of the rec ordin g. Th e length of the pre- trigger reco rding in seco nds can be roug h[...]
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Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 24 Devices This se ction allo ws yo u to co nfigure and use Pa n/Ti lt/Zo om devices w ith you r AXIS 250S . Click the Modify button to open a new window allo wing you to create/e dit prese t posit ion s. No te t ha t devi ces m ust have prev ious ly be en added and c onf igure d by the produ[...]
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AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 25 Live View Layout The home p age f or t he AXIS 25 0S MP EG-2 Video Serv er can be al tere d to yo ur own requir ements. Cl ick the link to Live View Layout to open t he Personal S ettings. Most of the f eatu res on the Live V iew pag e can be customi zed. For e xample, yo u can quickl y change[...]
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Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 26 Administration & System Options This sec tion lists and de scribes the admini stration tool s used fo r the ge neral c onfig uration of th e AX IS 25 0S - the System Optio ns . The topics covered are, for exampl e, network sett ings , date and ti me set ting s, use rs, e t[...]
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AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Adm inist ration & System Options 27 System Options Overview The tabl e b elow pr ov id es a brie f overview of th e Sy stem O ption s. Ea ch sect io n is exp lai ned in more detail in the pages that follo w. Users To prevent any una uthor ized us e of the pr oduc t, the A X IS 250 S s uppo rts mult i-level and mul t[...]
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Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 28 Adding Users Click Add to ad d a new user . The fo llowing f ields must th en be comp leted: • User Name - M ust contai n at lea st one, but not more than fourteen charact ers. • Password - Mus t c o n tai n a t le as t o n e, bu t not m ore t han e i g h t c h aract ers. [...]
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AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Adm inist ration & System Options 29 Allowed Po rts - Check th e boxes for th e protoco ls that the us er (IP addres s) will be al lowed to use to access the server. Th ese can be FT P and/or HTTP . If you have partic ular req uire ment s conc er ning wh ich port s a cce ss w il l be allo wed on, en ter t hes e in th[...]
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Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 30 TCP/IP Networ k Settings From the Network Settin g s, configure the TCP/IP net w ork setting s as follows : Automatic IP C onfiguration DHCP - Dynamic Ho st Configuration Proto co l (DHCP) is a pr oto c ol that lets network administrators centrally manage and automate the assi[...]
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AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Adm inist ration & System Options 31 Manual IP Configu ration IP A dd re ss - Sp ecify a unique 32-bi t IP addres s for your se rve r, to establish communic ation with your network. Written as four numbers separated by periods, each number withi n the addr ess mus t be in the rang e 0 - 255. For exampl e: 17 2.21 .1.[...]
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Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 32 Network Traffic This can b e used to chang e the network spee d for your server. Normall y, there is no need to use anything o ther than A uto -nego tiate , which will automati call y sel ect t he corr ect media type . Howe ver, i f you are usi ng a switc h or s imila r devi c[...]
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AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Adm inist ration & System Options 33 COM-Port The CO M port on the AXIS 250S is ac cess ed via the R S-2 32 serial connecto r on the re a r o f the uni t, or via the RS -485 on terminal bl ock B. Select the p ort from the Physical port drop -down l ist . Device s connected to the COM-p ort on t h e AXIS 2 5 0S can be[...]
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Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 34 As w ell as the log file s, t he fo llowi ng a re als o avai lable : •T h e Server Repor t - The Server Report displays a listing of important inform ation about the AXIS 250S. If you need to contact the Axis Support desk for help with a problem, please include this report w[...]
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AXIS 250S Use r’s Ma nual Other I P Se tup Method s 35 Appendi x A - Other IP Setup Methods Import ant! As an alterna tive to the ARP command (as describ ed on page 10), you ca n set the IP a ddress for your AX IS 250S usi ng any of the fo llowing me thods - as a pprop riate for your networ k operati ng syst em: Notes: • Make sure the AXIS 25 0[...]
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Othe r IP Set up Met hod s AXIS 2 50S User ’s Manu al 36 Setup_IPInstaller .exe prog ram to start the installa tion. 2. The AXIS IP Inst aller - Setup dialog i s display ed on t he scr een. 3. Fo llow th e in st ructio ns as the y app ear . Click Finis h to c omp let e th e instal la tion . Setting the IP A ddress with the AXIS IP In staller: 1. [...]
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AXIS 250S U ser’s Manual Troubl eshooting 37 Appendi x B - Tro ubleshooting This appe ndix prov id es use ful i nfo rmatio n t o hel p yo u to resolv e any dif fic ulty you mi gh t have with your AXIS 250S. Sympto ms, p ossib le ca uses an d rem edia l acti ons a re prov ided in a qui ck refe rence tabl e. Checking the Firmware One of your first [...]
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Troubl eshooting AXIS 250S Us er’s M anual 38 PINGing Yo ur IP Addr ess By sendin g a packet to the sp ecified addres s and waiting for a repl y, the PING uti lity ca n determine whether a spe cific IP ad dress is accessib le. It al so prov ides a usef ul method for confir ming add ressing conf licts wi th your A XIS 250S on th e network. Fol low[...]
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AXIS 250S U ser’s Manual Troubl eshooting 39 Symptoms, Possible Causes and Remedial Actions Sym ptoms Possible ca uses Remed ial action s The AXIS 250S cann ot be accessed from a browser. The IP address is already being used by another de vice. Run the PING ut ility (as described abo ve) and follow the appropria te recommendations. The IP address[...]
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Troubl eshooting AXIS 250S Us er’s M anual 40 Note : If you still have a problem after rea din g this information, please con t ac t your reseller or visit the Axis Support W eb at www.axis.com/techsup/ Slow video Outdated driv ers for graph ics car d. Obtain and in stall the latest device driv er for your graphics c ard from the ma nufa cturer?[...]
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AXIS 250S Use r’s Ma nual Updatin g th e Firm ware 41 Appendix C - Updating the Fi rmwa re The AXIS 250S fi rmware i s st ored in Flash me mory. T his mem ory i s pro vide d by a sil icon chip that, just like any other ROM device, retains data content eve n after power is removed. Flash memory i s unique because it al lows its data to be erased a[...]
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Customizin g The AXIS 250S AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 42 Appendix D - Cu stomizing The AXIS 2 50S Modifying the File System The Linu x-based operat ing system and flas h memory fi le system make i t possible for advan ced use rs and a ppli c ati on deve lopers to custo mize the AXIS 25 0S by adding additional fi les to the read- write area of the[...]
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AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Cust omizi ng The AXIS 250S 43 Custom Web Pages The AXIS 250S contains a re-writab le flash memory file system that allows some direct ories and f iles to be chang ed by the root u ser, us ing FTP. Th is str ict ly non- suppo r ted prod uct funct ion ality, ma kes it poss ible for advan ced use rs and a pp licati on d eve[...]
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Customizin g The AXIS 250S AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 44 7. Sta rt your browser an d view the W eb pages you upl oaded, by ente ring the fol l owing URL in the lo cation/A ddress fi eld: Example ! The images are now updated in your browser. 8. Enter bye in the command window to exi t the ftp program. Note : You can change the html files as and wh[...]
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AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Cust omizi ng The AXIS 250S 45 Creating a New Home Page Havin g cr eate d and stor ed y our new c ustom Web pag es in prod uct memo ry, pr oce ed to assig n o n e of the s e pa ge s a s you r de fau lt Home page in the AXI S 25 0S , a s de scr i bed belo w : Caution! 1. Sta rt a n ew f tp se ssio n t o th e AX IS 250S, by[...]
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Uni t Co nnec ti ons AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 46 Appendix E - Unit Connecti ons The D-Sub Connec tor The AX IS 250S provides one 9-pi n D-sub co nnector , prov iding the phy sical interfa ce for an RS-232 port, used for co nnecting accessory equ ipment; such as stand- alone Pan/T ilt de vices for t he r emo te posi tioni ng o f co nn ect ed vid[...]
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AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Unit C onnection s 47 Schematic Diagram - Terminal Connectors A & B o o Mode Power Supp ly 3.3V ! ! ! ! ! o Switch A1 o ! ! COM ! GND PIN 5 o ! ! o o Infrared Senso r - + AXIS 250S PS-K 9 W o A2 o o ! ! o A3 A4 ! ! ! ! ! ! o B2 o B1 o B3 o B4 RS-4 85 ! De vice o o o o o ! ! ! A B (e.g. door switch) ! Cent er pin + Ri[...]
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Uni t Co nnec ti ons AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 48 Co n nec t i ng P an/ Til t De v ic es The AXIS 2 50S support s a ra nge of Pan Tilt de vice dri vers. The driv er is selecte d from t he COM Por t settings , w hic h are fou nd unde r System o ptions - P orts & Devices . Please see the online help or www.axis.com for a comple te list of supp[...]
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AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Unit C onnection s 49 Control li ng and Monito ri ng By enter ing http r equests i n your browser’ s URL fiel d, you can: • drive the t ransistor output hi gh or low • monitor the status of t he 4 digit al inputs This re quires y ou to have root ac cess to the AXIS 250S and conseq uently, to su pply a user name and[...]
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Uni t Co nnec ti ons AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 50 The AXIS 250S th en displays th e stat us of the in pu ts, as follo ws: Inpu t1=0 Inpu t2=1 Inpu t3=0 Inpu t4=0[...]
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AXIS 25 0S Us er ’ s Manu al Te c h nical Sp eci f ic atio ns 51 Appen d ix F - Tec h ni cal S pe c if i c atio n s System Requirements - The AX IS 25 0S uses the sta ndard Interne t TCP/IP suit e of pr otocols and can be use d with Win dows 2000 or XP. Micr osof t Inter net Ex plore r 5.5, Di rectX 8.1 and Wind ows Med ia Play er 7.1 are req uir[...]
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Tec hnical Specific ations AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 52 Ap pro vals - EMC • EN 55022:19 98 (CISPR 22 :1997), Class B - Emission, Eur ope. • EN 55024:19 98 - I mmunity, Europe. (Line input only. The Mic input may be su bj ect to int e rfer- ence from nearby radio transmitters. ) • EN 61000- 3-2:1995+A 1+A2+Corrig.+A14 - Power, Harmonic cu r[...]
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AXIS 250S User’s M anua l Bandwi dth 53 Appendix G - Bandwidth As dif ferent net work s have dif ferent charact erist ics and di ffe rent a mount s of b andwi dth avai lable, the AXIS 250S ’s vi deo an d audi o settin gs may need to be ad justed to suit th e prevaili ng condi tions. The Video Bit Rate The vi de o bit rate de s cribe s how much [...]
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Bandwidth AXIS 250S User ’s Manua l 54 Other Considerations • Event types th at perform uploads sh ould be kept to the absolute minimum requir ed for your application. There is a limit of 3 simu ltaneous uploads at any one time, alt hough more may be configured. • If installing multiple units on the same network, the bandwidth requireme n ts [...]
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AXIS 250S User ’s Man ual Index 55 Inde x A Act io ns 17 Acti va te o utp u t port 19 Add ing Allowed IP addresses 28 Notifi cation servers 21 Upload servers 20 Users 27 Additional informatio n - upload servers 20 Administr ator - user grou p 28 Allowed IP addresses 28 Anonymous viewers 27 Audio Equipment 13 Audio input 13 Automatic IP Configurat[...]
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Index AXI S 25 0S U ser’ s M anua l 56 IP address notification 30 IP addresses - allowed 28 IP setup m ethods 35 K Keep ac t iv e duri n g ev e nt 19 Keep ac t ive for 19 L Log files 33, 37 Log files - event triggering 18 Loss of video - event triggering 18 M Mail settings 32 Maintenance 33 Manual I P Configuration 31 Manual trigger 19 Microsoft [...]
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AXIS 250S User ’s Man ual Index 57 Uploading to FTP servers 19 User groups 28 Users 27 Using the Video Ser ver 35 V Video bit rate 53 Video Sou rces 13 View er - user gr oup 28 W Warning Log 33 When triggere d... 19 Windows 11[...]