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Co r on i s Fusi on 6M P User Guide MDCC -6230 K5902055/04 14/11/2014[...]
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Barco nv Pres ident Kenne dypark 35 , 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium Phone: +32 56.23 .32.11 Fax: +32 56.26.2 2.62 Support: www.barco.com /esup port Visit us at the web: www.barco.com P r i n t e di nB e l g i u m[...]
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Table of contents T ABLE OF CON TEN TS 1 . W e l c o m e ! ................ ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. 3 1 . 1 A b o u t t h e p r o d u c t ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... 3 1 . 2 W h a t ’ s i n t h e b o x.... ......[...]
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Table of co ntent s 5 . 2 6 G r a y s c a l e c o n v e r s i o n m o d e s ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ....3 2 5 . 2 7 E D I D t i m i n g s ... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ....3 3 5 . 2 8 D i s p l a y i n f[...]
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1. Welcome! 1. WELCOME! 1.1 About t he product Overvi ew Thank y ou for cho osin g th is Cor onis Fusi on 6MP ! Coronis Fusi on 6MP is an ingenious P ACS dis play syste m designed to furt her enhance fl exibilit y and product ivity in diagno stic imagi ng. Featur ing the industry ’s fi rs t 30- inch color LCD that can be use d as two seamles s [...]
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1. Welcome! 4 K5902055 CORONIS FUSION 6MP 14/11/201 4[...]
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2. P arts, cont rols and connector s 2. P ARTS, CONTROLS AND CONNECT ORS 2.1 Display front view Overvi ew 1 8 3 2 4 5 6 7 Image 2-1 Front view 1 USB downs tream co nnect ors 2 Left/Up key 3 Righ t/D own key 4 Menu /Ent er key 5 Stand-by /Cancel key 6 Powe r sta tus i ndicat or li ght 7 Control wheel 8 Ambient lig ht sen sor K590205 5 C ORON IS F US[...]
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2. Parts, cont rols and connector s 2.2 Display rear vi ew Overvi ew 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Image 2-2 Rear view 1 +24 VDC power input 2 +5 VDC , 0.5 A pow er output 3 DVI 2 vi deo i nput 4 DisplayP ort 2 vi deo inpu t 5 Connector c ompartme nt cover 6 Neck cover 7 Disp layPor t 1 video in put 8 Dis play stand co ver 9 DVI 1 vi deo i nput 10 Eth[...]
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3. Di spla y i nsta llati on 3. DISPLA Y I NST ALLA TION Prior to installing your C oronis Fusion 6M P an d connecting all necessary cables, make sure to have a suitable display controller physically installed in your computer . If you are using a Barco display controller , please consult the user guide delivered with it to do this. 3.1 R emo v ing[...]
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3. Display inst allation 2. Slide t he c over upwa rds wh ile hol ding th e clip s pre ssed. 3.2 Unlockin g the heigh t mechani s m In the factory , the height-positioning system in the displa y stand is locked with a red hook to prevent damage during transporta tion. Y ou’ll have to remove this hook before adjusting your di splay height position[...]
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3. Di spla y i nsta llati on 3. Keep the clip in the dedi cated hole in case the dis play need s to be shipped later . T o retain the hook for possible future tr ansportation, insert the short, red end of th e hook back into the s tand of your dis play . 3.3 Adjus ting th e disp lay po siti on Now that the height-positioning system of your display [...]
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3. Display inst allation C AUTION : Do not try to pivot y our display when attached to the stand. T rying to do so could cause serious damage t o your display and its stand. 3.4 Conn ecting the sign al cables T o get access to the connectors, remove the connector compartment cover . See "Re- moving the covers", page 7 . Each side of your [...]
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3. Di spla y i nsta llati on 3.5 Con necting th e pow er cable T o connec t t he powe r c able to t he displ ay: 1. Connec t the s upplied externa l DC p ower supp ly to th e +24 VDC po wer in put of your Cor onis F usion 6MP display . 2. Plug the other end of th e exter nal DC po wer su pply into a grounded power outlet by m eans of t he prop er p[...]
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3. Display inst allation Pay attention th at all cables stay in the cable channel while re-attaching the cover . T o re-attach the connector compartment cover 1. Slide the cove r ’s t op i n pos ition and then p ush t he co ver ’ s bottom . Y ou’ll hear a “cli ck” s ound of the cover ’ s clips when the c onnecto r compar tment co ver is[...]
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3. Di spla y i nsta llati on 1. Gently pull open both lower sides of the cover . 2. Slide the c over up wards wh ile holdi ng the low er side s pulled open. 3. Lift th e pl astic frame tha t covers t he fi x ation of the panel to the stand. Turn it for 45 degrees to uncov er the fi xation screws. 4. Unscrew the four fi xation scre ws fi xing t [...]
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3. Display inst allation W ARNING : N eve r move a display attached to an arm by pulling or pushing the di splay itself. Instead, make sure that the arm is equipped with a VESA approved handle and use this to move t he display . Please refer to the i nstru ction man ual of the arm f or more i nformat ion and instructions . 3.9 F irst time starting [...]
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4. Daily oper atio n 4. DAIL Y OPERA TION 4.1 Recommen dations for d aily operation Optimize the lifetime of your display Enablin g the Displ ay Power Management Syste m ( DPMS ) o f y our di spla y wi ll optimize its d iagno stic life- time by auto matic ally switching off the backlig ht when the disp lay i s not used for a spec i fi ed period of[...]
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4. Daily oper ation Maximize quality assurance The ’MediCal QAW eb’ system offers online service for high-grad e Quality Assuranc e, provid ing maximum diagno stic c on fi de nce and uptim e. Barco recommends to install MediCal QA Web Agent and apply the default QA Web policy at least. This policy i ncludes c alibration on regular intervals. C[...]
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4. Daily oper atio n Switching on the display while it is in stand-by mode or vice versa can both be done by using the keys or by using the control wheel. T o switch your display on using the key s: 1. Lig ht up t he keys indica tor l ights as pr evi ously descr ibed. 2. While the ke ys are light up, touch the Stand-b y/Cance l key for approxim ate[...]
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4. Daily oper ation How to bring up the OSD menus using the control wheel 1. If no t already do ne so, switch o n the disp lay a s previ ously d escri bed. 2. Short ly t urn the contr ol wheel . As a result, the OSD main menu comes up in the bottom right corner of the screen. If no further actio ns are taken within the foll owing 90 seconds howe ve[...]
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5. Advanced oper ation 5. ADV ANCED OPERA TION 5.1 OSD menu position About the OSD menu position By de fault, the OSD m enu comes up in the bottom cen ter positio n of the screen . This pos ition can be modi fi ed howe ver . There ’s choice from a number of pr ede fi ned pos ition s. T o change the position of the OSD m enu: 1. Brin g u p the O[...]
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5. Advance d operation 5.4 Pow er status indicator ligh t About the power status indicator light By defau lt, when the di spla y is swit ched on, th e power sta tus indi cator lig ht is di mmed. This behavior c an be changed so that the power sta tus indicator light will be blue when the display is switch ed on. When the di splay is in stand-by mod[...]
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5. Advanced oper ation 5.7 Keys sound About keys sound By default , the keys will ma ke a “ beep” sou nd on e very tou ch. Howev er , t his sound c an b e disable d so that no so und wi ll be hea rd whe n u sing the keys. T o enable/disable the keys sound: 1. Brin g u p the OS D main men u. 2. Naviga te to the Con fi gur ation > User Inter [...]
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5. Advance d operation Enabling the USB endpoint is only recommended when you are using a non-Barco dis- play controller . If you are using a Barco display controll er , this communic ation will au- tomatically be done ov er the connected video cable(s). T o enable/disa ble USB: 1. Brin g u p the OS D main men u. 2. Naviga te to the Con fi gurati [...]
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5. Advanced oper ation T o enable/disable hibernation on your display: 1. Brin g u p the OS D main men u. 2. Naviga te to the Con fi guratio n > Po wer Man agemen t menu . 3. Enter the Hibernate sub menu. 4. Select Enab led/Disa bled as desire d an d con fi rm. T o spec ify th e hibernate timeout: 1. Brin g u p the OS D main men u. 2. Naviga t[...]
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5. Advance d operation 3. Enter the Color P rese ts submenu . 4. Selec t one of th e avai lable Color P resets and con fi rm . 5.14 Color temperatu re About color temperature: It is p ossibl e to chang e the co lor t empera ture of your displ ay . Color temperature can only be changed on your di splay when color presets is set to user . Ther efore[...]
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5. Advanced oper ation Diagnos tic This mo de prov ides th e ful l calibr ated lum inance and is intende d for using the disp lay for diagno stic purpo ses. T ext In this mode, t he luminance is reduced to approx imately half of the lumi nance . This is inte nded fo r using the disp lay wi th of fi ce applica tio ns such as wo rd proce ssi ng. Ple[...]
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5. Advance d operation User This display funct ion will be auto matical ly selected when disp lay func tions are de fi ned b y M ediCal QA Web. Gamma 1.8 Gamma 2.2 Sele ct one of thes e disp lay fun ction s in cas e the display is to replac e a CRT d ispl ay with a gam ma of 1.8 or 2.2 respe ctively . T o selec t a display function: 1. Brin g u p [...]
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5. Advanced oper ation The avai lable r eadin g rooms fo r your Coronis Fusion 6MP ar e: CR/DR/ MAMM O Correspon ds to l ight c onditions i n di agnostic reading rooms for c ompute d radio logy , digital radiology or mammo grap hy . Th is setting has the lowe st maxi mum ambient light. CT/MR/NM Correspon ds to lig ht c onditions in diagn ostic read[...]
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5. Advance d operation • DICOM e rror thres hold 5.21. 1 About Embe dded QA About Embed ded QA allows you to run a d isplay calibrati on or com plian ce test dir ectly from the dis play using the OSD me nus des cribe d in the next section s. Em bedde d QA wil l use the f ront se nsor / I-Guard to mea sure the nec essar y lumina nce le vels for ei[...]
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5. Advanced oper ation Display functi on Shows th e current di splay function . Ambie nt Light Compen sation Shows the am bient light compens ation status . Current DICOM S etti ngs Reading room Shows the sele cted r eadin g room . T o retrieve the DICOM status report: 1. Brin g u p the OS D main men u. 2. Naviga te to the Con fi gur ation > C [...]
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5. Advance d operation 5.21. 6 DICOM error threshold About DICOM error threshold The thres hold to de fi n et h eD I C O Mc o m p l i a n c e c a nb em o d i fi ed in s teps of 5% sta rting from 5 to 30%. When the m axim um devi ation is n ot bigge r than the s elect ed thres hold, t he comp liance check will be OK . T o set the DICOM error thres[...]
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5. Advanced oper ation Automat ic In this mo de, your display automatica lly detects the conne cted video input signals , a ttache s them to the corre ct displ ay sid e and appl ies the c orrect v ideo sett ings to it (res oluti on, video encod ing mode, refresh rate,. ..). No video setti ngs are a vailable when t his mode is select ed. One Image S[...]
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5. Advance d operation 5.25 V ideo encoding m od es Y our Coronis Fusion 6MP displa y automatically dete cts the connected video input sig- nals and applies the correct video e ncoding settings. Manually sele cting a video encod- ing mode is possible, but then your display’ s image source selection mode should be set t o a llow this. Please refer[...]
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5. Advanced oper ation About grayscale conversion modes Gray scale conver sion mo des specify how colo r gen erated on the display contr oller is conv erted to graysc ale in y our disp lay . The availab le graysc ale conv ersion mo des a re: No Conversio n Use Red Channel This mode is in tended for g raysc ale displays wher e gray is s ent over t h[...]
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5. Advance d operation 5.28 Display in fo About display info Y our d isplay seria l num ber , color type, nativ e res olution, fi rmware ve rsions , etc. are avail able in a ded i- cated su bmenu of the O SD menu. T o retrieve inf o about your display: 1. Brin g u p the OS D main men u. 2. Naviga te to the Ab out this Dis play menu to make the inf[...]
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6. Cleaning your d isplay 6. CLEANING YOUR DISPLA Y 6.1 Cle ani ng ins truc tion s T o clean the display Clean the di spla y using a sponge, clea ning cloth or soft t issue, l ightly m oist ened with a recogniz ed clean- ing produc t for medic al equi pment. Read and follow all l abel ins tructions on the cleaning pr oduct . In case of doubt about [...]
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6. Cleaning your d isplay 36 K5902055 CORONIS FUSION 6MP 14/11/201 4[...]
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7. Repackaging instr uctions 7. REP ACKAGING INSTRUCTIONS Overview of th e pac kaging 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Image 7-1 Repack instructions 1 Box 5 Coronis Fusion 6MP d isplay 2 Syst em CD, Docume ntat ion CD and Us er gui de 6 To p b u f f e r 3 Bottom buffer 7 Displa y controll er box 4 Power supply 8 Cables (vid eo, USB, power) K590205 5 C ORON IS F USI[...]
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7. Repackaging instru ctions 7.1 Rep ackin g yo ur display How to repack your display 1. Place the empty box on a stabl e surfa ce. 2. Slide the system CD, doc umenta tion CD and user guide in the dedicate d ba g a ttache d at the inside o f the box. 3. Place the bot tom buffer in the box. 4. Put the power supp ly in th e dedica ted ca vity of the [...]
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8. Impor tant info rmation 8. IMPORT ANT INFORMA TION 8.1 Safety information General recommendations Read the saf ety and oper ating instr uctions before op erating t he device. Retain s afety an d opera ting instructi ons for f uture r eferenc e. Adhere to all warn ings on th e device and in th e operatin g instruc tions man ual. Follow all instru[...]
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8. Important inf ormati on T o fully diseng age the power to the de vice, please disco nnect the power cord from the AC inle t. Power cords: • Utilize a UL-lis ted det achable power cor d, 3- wire , type SJ o r equiv alent , 18 AWG min., rated 250 V min., p rovide d with a hospit al-gr ade typ e plug 5- 15P co n fi gur ation for 120V a pplicati [...]
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8. Impor tant info rmation recycli ng of waste electri cal a nd elec tronic equip ment. T o pr event p ossibl e har m to t he env ironmen t or human heal th fr om uncon trolled was te dispos al, ple ase separa te t hese ite ms from other types of wa ste and recycle the m respons ibly to prom ote the sust ainable reu se of materia l resources . For [...]
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8. Important inf ormati on 零件 项 目 ( 名称 ) Component name 有毒有害物 质 或元素 Hazardous substances and elements 铅 Pb 汞 Hg 镉 Cd 六 价 铬 Cr6+ 多 溴联 苯 PBB 多 溴 二苯 醚 PBDE 文件 说 明 书 Paper Manual s oo o o oo 光 盘说 明 书 CD m anual oo o o oo O: 表示 该 有毒有害物 质 在 该 部件所?[...]
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8. Impor tant info rmation 8.3 Regul ator y compli ance in format ion Indications for use The Coro nis Fusio n 6MP (MDC C-6230 ) display is a disp lay devi ce capab le of displ ayin g two 3MP display image s ele ctronic ally fu sed to gether on the one pane l. It i s in tended to be use d in di spla ying and viewing digi tal images for review and a[...]
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8. Important inf ormati on Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment – Guidance RF emissions CISPR 1 1 Group 1 The Cor onis Fusion 6MP us es RF energy only for its interna l function. Therefore, its RF emissi ons are ve ry low and are not lik ely to c ause an y interfe rence in nearby electro nic equipmen t. RF emissions CISPR 1 1 Cla[...]
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8. Impor tant info rmation Immunity t est IEC 60601 T e st lev els Compliance level Electr omagnet ic enviro nment – guidance V o ltage dip s, shor t interrup tions and volt age variat ions on power sup ply input l ines IEC 6100 0-4-1 1 <5 %U T 1 (> 95% dip in U T ) for 0.5 cyc le 40% U T ( 6 0 %d i pi nU T ) for 5 cycles 70% U T ( 3 0 %d i[...]
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8. Important inf ormati on Immunity t est IEC 60601 T e st lev els Compliance level Electr omagnet ic enviro nment – guidance than the com plian ce leve l i n each freq uency range. 4 Interfer ence m ay occ ur in the vicinity of equip ment marked with symbo l: At 80 MHz a nd 800 MHz, the higher freque ncy range applies. These guide lines may n ot[...]
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8. Impor tant info rmation These guide lines may n ot apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propaga tion is af- fected by absor ption and re fl ectio n form structur es, object and peop le. 8.5 Exp lanation of sym bo ls Symbols on the device On the device or po wer supply , y ou may fi nd the following symbols (nonrest ricti ve lis t): Indicat[...]
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8. Important inf ormati on Indi cates the Disp layPor t conn ectors on the device Indicate s the manufa cturing date Indicate s the tem peratur e l imita tions 6 for th e d evice to s afely operate within sp ecs Indi cates the devi ce serial no. Wa rn i n g : dange rous voltag e Caution Consult the opera ting i nstruc tions Indicate s t his device [...]
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8. Impor tant info rmation Barco Inc. and the licen see. No oth er use, dupli cation, or dis closur e of a Ba rco softwa re produc t, in any form, is authorized. The speci fi cation s of Barco prod ucts are subject t o chang e withou t notic e. T rademarks All trademar ks and regis tered tradem arks are p roperty of thei r respectiv e owners. Copy[...]
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8. Important inf ormati on Maximu m lum inance 720 cd/m² DICOM calibra ted luminanc e (UL T off) 500 cd/m² Contras t ratio (typical) 1000:1 (pane l typical) Respons e time (Tr + Tf) 18 ms Scanning fre quency (H; V) 30-150 kHz ; 15-80 Hz Housin g c olor Black / Silver Video input s ignal s DVI-D Dual Lin k (2x), Displ ayPo rt (2x) Video inout term[...]
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8. Impor tant info rmation Optio nal acce ssories None QA s oftware MediCal Q A Web Units per pa llet NA Pallet dim ensions (W x H) NA W arrant y 5y e a r s Opera ting tem peratur e 0°C t o 35°C ( 15°C to 30 °C w ithin s pecs) Storag e tempera ture -20°C t o 60 °C Opera ting h umidity 8% - 80 % (non -conden sing ) Storag e hum idity 5% - 95 %[...]