Brother Version B manual


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Bom manual de uso

As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto Brother Version B. A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoBrother Version B vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual Brother Version B você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual Brother Version B, e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual Brother Version B deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo Brother Version B
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo Brother Version B
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo Brother Version B
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque Brother Version B não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos Brother Version B e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço Brother na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas Brother Version B, como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo Brother Version B, uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual Brother Version B. Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1

    NETWORK USER’S GUIDE M ulti- P rotoc ol On- boa rd E the rn et M ult i-fun ct ion P ri nt Se rv er a nd Wi re less (IEE E 802 .11b /g) Ether ne t Mu lti -func tion P r int Se rver Pl ease read this man ual thoroughly be fore using this machine on you r network. You can print or view this manual from t he CD- ROM at a n y t i me, pl ease ke ep t h[...]

  • Página 2

    i Definitions o f warnings, ca ution s, and not es W e use the follo w ing icon thr oug ho ut this Us er’s G uid e: Trade marks Bro th er a nd the B rot her lo go a re r egi s tered tr ad ema rk s and BRA dm i n Pr ofes sio na l is a t rad ema rk of Bro t her Industr ies, Ltd. UN IX i s a r eg is tered tr adem a rk o f Th e O pen Gr oup . Lin ux [...]

  • Página 3

    ii Compilation and public ation notic e Un de r the s up er visi on of B roth er I n du stri es, Lt d., this man ual ha s be en c omp ile d a nd pu blish ed , cover ing t he latest produc t’s descri pti ons and sp ecifica tio ns. The co nten ts o f t his m a nual an d t he sp eci fic atio ns of th is produ ct a re subj ect to ch ange w i th ou t [...]

  • Página 4

    iii Brother nu mbers IMP ORT ANT For te chni ca l an d op era ti on al as si stan ce, you mu st c all t h e cou nt ry whe re y ou pu r cha se d the mac hin e. Ca lls m ust be made from w ith in that co untry. For Cust omer Se rvice  Service ce nter l ocator ( USA) Fo r the lo c ation of a Br othe r auth ori ze d ser v ice c ente r, ca ll 1-8 77 [...]

  • Página 5

    iv O rder ing ac ces so ries an d su pplie s In USA: 1-87 7-5 52 -M A LL (1 -877 -55 2-6 25 5) 1-80 0-9 47 -14 45 ( fa x) http://www.brotherma In Canada: 1-87 7-B R O TH ER[...]

  • Página 6

    v Tabl e of Co nt en ts 1 Int ro du ctio n 1 Over view .... ... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ....... ..... ..... ..... .. ....1 Netwo rk f eatu res.. .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... .....[...]

  • Página 7

    vi 3 Configu ring your mach in e fo r a wireless n etw ork (Not ava ilab l e for M FC-5490C N an d MFC- 5890CN) 18 Over view .... ... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ....... ..... ..... ..... .. ..18 Wirel ess net wor k terms and conc e pts .[...]

  • Página 8

    vii 6 C o ntr ol pa n el s et up 76 Netwo rk m enu ... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ... .... ....... ..... ... ....76 TCP/IP .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..[...]

  • Página 9

    vi ii 10 LDAP op eratio n (For MFC-68 90CDW) 138 Over view .... ... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ....... ..... ..... ..... ..138 Changing the LD AP configuration using BRAd min Professional (For Windows ® ) ..... .. .. ..... ..... .. ....[...]

  • Página 10

    ix A Append ix A 164 Usi ng servi ces ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. . .. .. ... .... ..... .....1 64 Other ways to set the IP address (f or advanced users and administrators) ........... .......................... .....16 4 Using DHCP to con[...]

  • Página 11

    1 1 1 Ov ervie w 1 Th e Br othe r m ach ine ca n be shar ed on a 1 0/10 0 M B wired or IE E E 80 2.11 b/ 802. 1 1g wir ele s s E th er ne t network using the in ternal n etwork pr int server. The pr int server supports va riou s functi ons and me thods of connectio n dependi ng on t he operati ng s ystem you a re ru nning o n a net work supporti ng[...]

  • Página 12

    Intr oducti on 2 1 Fo r Wire les s U ser s: To ach iev e o ptim um re sult s w ith nor m al eve ry da y do cum e nt p rin ting, p lace t he Brot he r ma c hin e as clo s e to th e ne two rk ac ce ss p oin t (or ro ut er ) as po s sible with mini m al o bst ruct io ns. Large o bje c ts a nd wa lls betw een the t wo devices a s well as i nterfe rence[...]

  • Página 13

    Intr oducti on 3 1 Mana gement ut ilit ies 1 BRAdmin Light 1 BRAdmin Lig ht is a utili ty for initial setup of netwo rk co nnected Bro ther d evices. T h is uti li ty can search for Brother products on your networ k, view the statu s and conf igure basi c network setti ngs, such as IP address. Th e BR Ad m in Li gh t utili ty is av ailab le f or Wi[...]

  • Página 14

    Intr oducti on 4 1 Types of N etwor k Connectio ns 1 Wi re d ne tw or k c on n ect io n e xa m ple 1 Pe er- to- Peer pr int ing usin g TCP /I P 1 In a P eer -to-P ee r en viro nm e nt, ea ch c omp uter dir ec tly send s an d rec eive s data to eac h d evic e. T h ere is no ce ntra l se rver co ntro llin g file ac ce s s or prin t er sha rin g. 1 Sw[...]

  • Página 15

    Intr oducti on 5 1 Netwo rk Shared Printi ng 1 In a Network Shared environmen t, each computer sends data vi a a centrally cont roll ed computer. This type of comput er is o ften ca lled a “Serve r” or a “ Print Server”. It s job is to contr ol the prin tin g of all prin t jo bs. 1 Client computer 2 Also known as “S erver” or “P rint [...]

  • Página 16

    Intr oducti on 6 1 Wir el ess networ k conn ec tio n exam ples 1 Connect ed to a co mp uter wit h an ac cess point on the netw ork ( Infrast ructu re mo de) 1 This type of network has a centr al access point at the heart of the network. The access point can also act as a brid ge or a ga te way to a w ired ne two rk . W hen the Br ot he r wirel ess [...]

  • Página 17

    Intr oducti on 7 1 Protocol s 1 TC P /IP p rot oc ol s and f un ct io ns 1 Pro to cols are the s tand ard ized se ts o f rules for tr ans mit ting da t a on a netw or k. Prot oco ls allo w us ers to gain access to network connected resource s. Th e pr int s erve r us ed on this B roth er pr od uct supp ort s the T CP /IP (T ran sm iss ion Cont rol [...]

  • Página 18

    Intr oducti on 8 1 TELN ET 1 Th e Br othe r pri nt serv er supp orts TEL N ET s er ver f or com man d lin e conf ig urat ion . SNM P 1 Th e Simp le N etw o rk M a nagem e nt P ro to col (SN M P) is u se d to m ana ge ne t work d evice s in clud ing c omp uter s , rout ers a nd B roth er ne twor k re ad y ma chin es. Web Ser vices 1 The Web Services[...]

  • Página 19

    9 2 2 Ov ervie w 2 Bef o re usin g yo ur Br othe r mac hin e in a ne two rk env ir onm en t, you m ust insta ll the Bro t her softw ar e and als o config ure the a ppropr iate TCP/ IP netwo rk setti ngs on the machin e it self. In th is ch apter, yo u will le arn th e basic ste ps req uired t o pri nt over the ne twork using TCP/IP proto col. W e r[...]

  • Página 20

    Confi gurin g y our m achine f or a network wit h an Ether net c able connec tion 10 2 How th e IP add res s is assi gned to your pr int ser ver: 2 If you have a DHCP/BOOTP/RARP serve r in your network (typica lly a UNIX ® /L inux ® , Wi nd ows ® 2000 /XP or Windows Vi sta ® net wor k ) the pr int se rve r w ill au tom atic ally ob tain it s IP[...]

  • Página 21

    Confi gurin g y our m achine f or a network wit h an Ether net c able connec tion 11 2 Step by ste p chart 2 a Configure t he TCP/ IP settin gs . b Cha nge the pri nt ser ver se tt ing s.  Con fi gure the I P add r ess  Co nfigu re the subn et mas k  Con fi gure t h e gat ewa y i i i See pa ge 12 See pa ge 12 See pa ge 12  Usin g t he B[...]

  • Página 22

    Confi gurin g y our m achine f or a network wit h an Ether net c able connec tion 12 2 Setting up th e IP addres s an d sub net mask 2 Usin g the BRAdmi n Ligh t utility to conf igure y our ma chine as a network p rin ter 2 BRAdm in Light 2 Th e BR Ad m in Li gh t utili ty is de sign ed for initia l se tup o f the Bro ther n et wor k co nne c ted d[...]

  • Página 23

    Confi gurin g y our m achine f or a network wit h an Ether net c able connec tion 13 2 c Do ub l e-c l i ck t h e unc o nfi g ur ed d evic e. Windows ® Macintos h ® Note • If th e print server is set to it s facto ry defaul t settin gs (if y o u don’t use a DHCP/BOOTP/RARP serve r), th e dev ice wi ll ap pe ar as Unconfigured in th e B RAd m [...]

  • Página 24

    Confi gurin g y our m achine f or a network wit h an Ether net c able connec tion 14 2 d Choose STA TI C from Boot Method . Enter th e I P Addres s , S ubnet Mask an d Gate wa y ( if nee de d) of your p rint server. Windows ® Macintos h ® e Click OK . f With th e corr ectly progra mmed IP addre ss, you will se e the Brother prin t server i n th e[...]

  • Página 25

    Confi gurin g y our m achine f or a network wit h an Ether net c able connec tion 15 2 Changing the print server settin gs 2 Note For wirel ess netwo rk users, yo u need to confi gure the wirele ss setti ngs t o change the print server setti ngs. (See Co nfigu rin g y o ur ma chin e f or a wir ele s s netw o rk (N o t av ailable f or M FC -54 90 C [...]

  • Página 26

    Confi gurin g y our m achine f or a network wit h an Ether net c able connec tion 16 2 Usin g th e BRAdmin Prof essiona l util ity to ch ang e the wi reles s set ting s (For W ind ows ® ) 2 Note • Ple as e u se th e la test ver s ion of the BRA dm i n Pro fess ion al utilit y tha t is a vaila ble as a do w nlo ad from http: //solutio ns.bro ther[...]

  • Página 27

    Confi gurin g y our m achine f or a network wit h an Ether net c able connec tion 17 2 Us in g the R e mot e S e tup t o ch an ge th e pr in t s erve r set tin g s (N ot avai labl e for DC P mod el s) 2 Re m ote Se tu p for W ind ow s ® 2 Th e Rem o te S et up appl ic ation a llow s yo u to co nf igu re ne twor k se ttin gs fro m a Win do ws ® ap[...]

  • Página 28

    18 3 3 Ov ervie w 3 To connect y o ur machi ne to yo ur wir eless n etwork, you nee d to foll ow th e steps i n th e Quick Setu p Guide . We recommend th at you u se th e Setup Wi zard fr om the ma chine’s c ontr ol pane l Netw ork men u. By usi n g this method, you can easily connect your machine to your wirel ess network. Ple ase follow the ins[...]

  • Página 29

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 19 3 Wirele ss netw ork te rms a nd co nce pts 3 If you want to use your machine in a wi rele ss networ k you must confi gure the machin e to m atch the set tings of the existi ng wir eless network. Th is sect ion provid es some of the main terms and [...]

  • Página 30

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 20 3 Encr yption metho ds 3 Encryptio n is us ed to se cure th e data that is se nt over the wir eless n etwork. The Bro ther wir eless ma chine supports t h e fol lowing e ncrypti on meth ods:  None No encrypti on meth od is u sed.  WE P By usi[...]

  • Página 31

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 21 3 Step by ste p chart for w irele ss n etwork c onfiguration 3 For In fr astr uctu re mo de 3 a Confirm y our network environment. (Se e pa ge 23. ) b Confirm y our wirel ess net work setup method. (S ee pa ge 2 4. ) c Configure y our mac hine for [...]

  • Página 32

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 22 3 For Ad-h oc mode 3 a Confirm y our network environment. (Se e pa ge 23. ) b Confirm y our wirel ess net work setup method. (S ee pa ge 2 4. ) c Configure y our mac hine for a wirel ess network. (Se e pa ge 2 7. ) Wirele ss configurati on a nd ins[...]

  • Página 33

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 23 3 Confirm your ne twork env ironment 3 Co nne ct ed to a com pu ter wit h a n acces s p o int in the ne tw or k (Inf rast ru ct ur e mo de) 3 1 Acc ess po int 2 Wireless network printer (your machine) 3 Wireless capable compute r connect ed to the [...]

  • Página 34

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 24 3 Confirm your w ireless n etwork setup metho d 3 There ar e four methods to confi gure your machi ne for a wirel ess netwo rk; b y usi ng the machine’s contro l pan el (r ec omm ended ), usin g SE S, WP S or A OS S fro m the c on trol pa ne l me[...]

  • Página 35

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 25 3 Con figu ratio n us in g the PIN Met hod of W i-F i Pr otect ed Set up™ (Inf rastru ctur e mo de o nly) 3 If you r wirel ess access p oint (A) supp orts Wi-Fi Protecte d Setup™, y ou can al so confi gure using the PI N M etho d of W i-Fi Pro [...]

  • Página 36

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 26 3 Con figu ratio n us in g the Bro ther inst alle r ap pl icatio n on t he CD-RO M to con fi gur e y our wirel ess n et work m achin e 3 You c an a lso use th e Bro ther in s talle r a ppl icat ion o n th e CD -ROM w e ha ve p rov id ed w ith t he [...]

  • Página 37

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 27 3 Configuri ng your mac hine for a wireless network 3 IMP ORT ANT • If you are g oing t o connect yo ur Brother machine to your n etwork, we recomme nd that you con tact your system admi nistra tor pri or t o insta llati on. You must know your wi[...]

  • Página 38

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 28 3 g The mac hin e will s ea rch f or you r ne two rk and dis pl ay a lis t of ava ilab le S SID s. You shoul d see t he SSID you wrote down e arl ier. If the machine finds more than one n etwork use a or b key to choose your netw ork , th en pre ss[...]

  • Página 39

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 29 3 (For Windo ws ® ) You have compl eted the wir eless network setup. If you would li ke to continue inst alling driv ers and s oftware ne cessary for ope rating y our devi ce, plea se choose Inst all MFL- Pro Sui te or Initi al Ins tallat ion / In[...]

  • Página 40

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 30 3 m Ch oo se an d pr es s th e key op tion KE Y1 : , KEY2: , KE Y3: , KEY4 : . If yo u chose the key wh ich shows *** *******, g o to n . If yo u chose a blan k key, go to o . n If yo u want to change the ke y you c hose in m , pres s Ch an ge . G [...]

  • Página 41

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 31 3 Using th e SES/ WPS/AOSS cont rol p anel me nu to c onfigur e yo ur m achine f o r a w ir ele ss ne tw or k 3 If you r wirel ess access p oint su pports e ither SecureEasyS etup™, Wi- Fi Pro tected S etup™ (PBC 1 ) or AOSS™ (one-push me tho[...]

  • Página 42

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 32 3 h If the LC D s hows Conn ec te d , the ma chi ne has successful ly connected to your rout er or access poi nt. You ca n now use yo ur mach ine i n a wirel ess net work. If th e LCD sho ws Sett i ng WLA N , Conn ec tin g SES ( Co nn ect in g WPS [...]

  • Página 43

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 33 3 For T ouchs creen m odels 3 a Tur n on th e m ach ine b y p lu ggi ng in the po w er co rd. b Press MENU . c Press Netwo rk . d Press WLAN . e Press SES/W PS /A OS S . This f ea ture wil l auto m atic al ly detec t w hich m od e (S ecur eE asy Se[...]

  • Página 44

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 34 3 i Press . (For Windo ws ® ) You have compl eted the wir eless network setup. If you would li ke to continue inst alling driv ers and s oftware ne cessary for ope rating y our devi ce, plea se choose Inst all MFL- Pro Sui te or Initi al Ins talla[...]

  • Página 45

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 35 3 Us in g th e P IN Me th od o f Wi -F i Pr ot ect ed S et up™ 3 If you r wirel ess ac cess poi nt su pports Wi-Fi Protecte d Setup™ (PIN Meth od), you can conf igure t h e machi ne easil y withou t a compu ter. The P IN (Per sonal I dentif ica[...]

  • Página 46

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 36 3 1 Cl ick and t he n Ne twork . 2 Click Add a w ire less d evic e . 3 Choose your ma chine and cl ick Next . 4 Input th e PI N fr om the p rinte d page and then click Next . 5 Choose your n etwork t h at you want t o connect t o , and then cl ick [...]

  • Página 47

    Confi guring your machine f or a wireless net work (Not availab le for MFC-5490CN and M FC-5890CN) 37 3 Note The setti ng page is d iffer ent, depending on th e bra nd of access p oint / r outer. S ee the i nstructi on manual that came with your access point / ro uter. If yo u are using y our Windows V ista ® computer a s a Re gistra r, fol low th[...]

  • Página 48

    38 4 4 IMP ORT ANT • Th e foll ow in g inst ru cti ons w ill ins tall y ou r Br othe r m ach ine in a ne tw ork en v iro nme nt us ing the B rot he r ins talle r ap pli ca tion for W ind ows ® fou nd o n t he CD - ROM we have prov id ed with the m a chin e. • Y ou can also setu p your Brother machine u sing th e machi ne’s co ntrol panel wh [...]

  • Página 49

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 39 4 Conf i gur e th e wi re les s setti ngs 4 a Tur n on th e m ach ine b y p lu ggi ng in the po w er co rd. b Tur n on your c om put e r. c Put the sup plied CD- ROM into yo ur CD-ROM dr ive. The openin g scr e[...]

  • Página 50

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 40 4 f Choose Step by S tep install (Recommended) and then cl ick Next . g Choose With cable (Recommended) and then click Next . h Read th e Im porta nt Notice . Check th e box a fter you con firm the wir eless se[...]

  • Página 51

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 41 4 i Connect the B rother wirel ess device to your access p oint u sing a network cable and click Next . j Choose the machin e you wi sh to config ure, and click Next . If the list is bla nk, check if the a cces[...]

  • Página 52

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 42 4 k The wiz a rd will s e arch for w ire less netw ork s av a ila ble from y ou r ma c hin e. C h oos e the a c ces s po in t yo u wish to associa te th e machine with, and th en cli ck Next . Note • “ SETU[...]

  • Página 53

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 43 4 m If yo ur net work is c o nfigur ed for Authenti cati on and Encr ypti on, the fol lowing scr een wil l appe ar. When conf igurin g your Br other wirel ess machin e, you must config ure you r machine to matc[...]

  • Página 54

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 44 4 o Di sc o nnec t the ne tw ork cab l e be twee n you r a cces s poi nt ( hu b or rou te r) an d the machi ne, and c li ck Next . p Check the box after y ou confir m tha t you have compl eted th e wirele ss se[...]

  • Página 55

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 45 4 Configura tion using the SES/WPS/AOSS control p anel menu (One-Push met hod) 4 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 4 IMP ORT ANT • If you have pre viousl y conf igured the wir eless setti ngs [...]

  • Página 56

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 46 4 e The C D -ROM ma in me nu w ill ap pe ar. Click Initia l Inst allation or A dva n ced . Note • If this wi ndo w do es not ap pe ar, use W in do ws ® Explo re r to run t he star t.e xe pro gra m fr om th e[...]

  • Página 57

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 47 4 g Choose Aut o ma tic i nsta ll (A dv ance d ) and cli ck Next . h Read th e Im porta nt Notice . Check th e box a fter you con firm the wir eless se tting is enab led, a nd the n click Ne xt . i Confir m the[...]

  • Página 58

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 48 4 j Press Menu , a or b to choose Ne tw ork an d pre ss OK . Pre ss a or b to ch oo se WL AN an d th en pr ess OK . Press a or b to choose SES /W PS/ AO SS and pre s s OK . (For Tou chscreen models) 4 Press MEN[...]

  • Página 59

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 49 4 n Click Fi nis h. You have compl eted the wir eless network setup. If you would li ke to continue inst alling driv ers and s oftware ne cessary for ope rating y our devi ce, plea se choose Inst all MFL- Pro S[...]

  • Página 60

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 50 4 Configura tion i n Ad-hoc Mo de 4 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 4 IMP ORT ANT • If you have pre viousl y conf igured the wir eless setti ngs of th e machine , you must rese t the network[...]

  • Página 61

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 51 4 e The C D -ROM ma in me nu w ill ap pe ar. Click Initia l Inst allation or A dva n ced . Note • If this wi ndo w do es not ap pe ar, use W in do ws ® Explo re r to run t he star t.e xe pro gra m fr om th e[...]

  • Página 62

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 52 4 g Choose Step by S tep install (Recommended) and then cl ick Next . h Choose Without cable (Advanced) and then cl ick Next . i Read th e Im porta nt Notice . Check th e box a fter you con firm the wir eless s[...]

  • Página 63

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 53 4 j You n eed to temporaril y cha nge your PC’s wire less s etting s. Pl ease foll ow th e on-sc reen in struction s. Plea se make su re you ta ke note s on all th e se ttin gs such a s SSID or chann el of yo[...]

  • Página 64

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 54 4 Note • If a message to rest art you r PC appe ars afte r the wireless s e tti ngs have b een chang ed, resta rt yo ur PC and then g o back to step d and co ntinue wi th th e instal l ski pping st e ps i , j[...]

  • Página 65

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 55 4 Note The default No de name is “ BRWxxxxxxxx xxxx” ( where “xxxx xxxxxxxx” i s your Ether net addr ess). m The w iza rd will sea rch for wir eless n etworks avai lable from y our machi ne. Choose the [...]

  • Página 66

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 56 4 o If yo ur net work is c o nfigur ed for Authenti cati on and Encr ypti on, the fol lowing scr een wil l appe ar. When conf igurin g your Bro ther wi reles s machine, y o u must e nsure t hat it i s co nfigur[...]

  • Página 67

    Wirel ess co nfigurat i on f or W indows ® usi ng t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 57 4 q To co mm unica te with the config ured wir eless d evice, y o u must co nfigure your co mputer to use t h e same wirele ss setti ngs. Manuall y change th e wi reless setti ngs on your co m pu ter to ma tch [...]

  • Página 68

    58 5 5 IMP ORT ANT • Th e foll ow in g inst ru cti ons w ill ins tall y ou r Br othe r m ach ine in a ne tw ork en v iro nme nt us ing the B rot he r ins ta ll er a ppl ic ati on for Ma cint osh ® found o n th e CD -R OM we hav e pr ovid ed with the m a chin e. • Y ou can also setu p your Brother machine u sing th e machi ne’s co ntrol panel[...]

  • Página 69

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 59 5 Conf i gur e th e wi re les s setti ngs 5 a Tur n on th e m ach ine b y p lu ggi ng in the po w er co rd. b Tur n on your M a cint osh ® . c Put the s upp lie d CD -RO M int o your C D-R O M dr iv e. D ouble [...]

  • Página 70

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 60 5 f Choose Step by S tep install (Recommended) and then cl ick Next . g Choose With cable (Recommended) and then click Next . h Read th e Im porta nt Notice and cl ick Next .[...]

  • Página 71

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 61 5 i Temporar ily connect the Brother wirel ess device to your a ccess point using a network cable and click Next . j Choose the machin e you wi sh to config ure, and click Next . If the list is bla nk, check if [...]

  • Página 72

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 62 5 k The wiz a rd will s e arch for w ire less netw ork s av a ila ble from y ou r ma c hin e. C h oos e the a c ces s po in t yo u wish to associa te th e machine with, and th en cli ck Next . Note • “ SETUP[...]

  • Página 73

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 63 5 m If yo ur net work is c o nfigur ed for Authenti cati on and Encr ypti on, the fol lowing scr een wil l appe ar. When conf igurin g your Bro ther wi reles s machine, y o u must e nsure t hat it i s co nfigure[...]

  • Página 74

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 64 5 o Di sc o nnec t the ne tw ork cab l e be twee n you r a cces s poi nt ( hu b or rou te r) an d the machi ne, and c li ck Next . p Check the box after y ou confir m tha t you have compl eted th e wirele ss set[...]

  • Página 75

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 65 5 Configura tion using the SES/WPS/AOSS control p anel menu (One-Push met hod) 5 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 5 IMP ORT ANT If you have pre viousl y configu red the wirele ss setti ngs of th[...]

  • Página 76

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 66 5 f Dou ble -clic k t he Wi rele ss De vice Se tup W iza rd . g Choose Aut o ma tic i nsta ll (Ad v ance d ) and cli ck Next . h Read th e Im porta nt Notice and cl ick Next .[...]

  • Página 77

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 67 5 i Confir m the on -screen message a nd click Ne xt . j Press Menu , a or b to choose Ne tw ork an d pre ss OK . Pre ss a or b to ch oo se WL AN an d th en pr ess OK . Press a or b to choose SES /W PS/ AO SS an[...]

  • Página 78

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 68 5 m If the LC D s hows Conn ec te d , the ma chi ne has successful ly connected to your rout er or access poi nt. You ca n now use yo ur mach ine i n a wirel ess net work. If the LCD shows Se tt ing W LA N , C o[...]

  • Página 79

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 69 5 Configura tion i n Ad-hoc Mo de 5 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 5 IMP ORT ANT If you have pre viousl y configu red the wirele ss setti ngs of th e machine , you m ust reset th e netwo rk LA[...]

  • Página 80

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 70 5 e Dou ble -clic k t he Utilitie s . f Dou ble -clic k t he Wi rele ss De vice Se tup W iza rd . g Choose Step by S tep install (Recommended) and then cl ick Next .[...]

  • Página 81

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 71 5 h Choose Without c able ( Advanced) and then cl ick Next . i Re ad th e Important Not ice . Che ck the box afte r you co nfi rm the wi rele ss settin g is enabled, a nd t hen click Ne xt . j You n eed to tempo[...]

  • Página 82

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 72 5 k To co mmunicate wi th t he un-co nfigu red wi reless machine, tem porar ily change th e wi reles s settin gs on your co mputer to match the machi ne’s de fault se ttin gs shown on thi s scre en. Chec k the[...]

  • Página 83

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 73 5 m The w izar d will sea rch for wirele ss networ ks avail able from you r machine. Ch oose th e Ad-hoc network you wish to asso ciat e the mac hine with , an d then click Next . Note • If the li st is blank,[...]

  • Página 84

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 74 5 o If yo ur net work is c o nfigur ed for Authenti cation a nd Encrypt ion, th e fo llowi ng scre en will appear. When conf iguring your Bro ther wi reles s machine, y o u must e nsure t hat it is co nfigure d [...]

  • Página 85

    Wirel ess Con figur ation for Maci ntosh ® using t he Brother install er appli catio n (Not avai lable for MFC-5490CN and MFC-58 90CN) 75 5 q To co mm unica te with the config ured wir eless d evice, y ou must co nfigure your co mputer to use t h e same wirele ss setti ngs. Manuall y change th e wi reless set tings o n your computer t o match th e[...]

  • Página 86

    76 6 6 Network me nu 6 Before u sing your B rother p roduct in a network e nviro nment, you need to co nfigu re the correc t TCP/IP setting s. In this ch apt e r, yo u will le arn ho w to co nf igu re the net wo rk se tti ngs u si ng the co ntro l pa nel , loc ated on t he front o f the mac hine. Th e Net wo rk menu se lect io ns of the cont ro l p[...]

  • Página 87

    Contro l panel set up 77 6 e Press a or b to choose BOO T Met ho d . Press OK . f Press d or c to choose Au to 1 , Stat ic 2 , RA RP 3 , BOOT P 4 or DH CP 5 . Press OK . g Press S top/Exit . For MFC-5490CN 6 a Press Me nu , 5 , 1 , 1 . b Press d or c to choose Au to 1 , Stat ic 2 , RA RP 3 , BOOT P 4 or DH CP 5 . Press OK . c Press S top/Exit . For[...]

  • Página 88

    Contro l panel set up 78 6 IP A ddress 6 Th is fie ld d ispla y s the curre nt IP ad dre ss of the mac hi ne. If you hav e chos e n a B OOT Met ho d of St atic , en te r the I P address th at you wi sh to assi gn to th e machi ne (check with your n etwork administr ator f or the IP address to use). If yo u have chosen a method ot her than Stat ic, [...]

  • Página 89

    Contro l panel set up 79 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WL AN . d Press TCP/I P . e Press IP Addr es s . f Enter the IP address. g Press OK . h Press S top/Exit . Subnet M ask 6 This f ield disp lays the cur rent su bnet mas k used by the mach ine. If you ar [...]

  • Página 90

    Contro l panel set up 80 6 For MFC-5490CN 6 a Press Me nu , 5 , 1 , 3 . b Choose 1 t o change. Enter th e Subnet Mask addre ss. Press OK . c Press S top/Exit . For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WL AN . d Press TCP/I P . e Press Subne t Ma sk . f Enter the Subn et [...]

  • Página 91

    Contro l panel set up 81 6 f Enter the Gateway a ddress. Press OK . Note For DCP models, press a or b repe at ed ly to en te r the f irst three -d igit num be r for t he G atew a y add re ss. Pres s c to enter the seco nd three -digit number. Re peat th is ste p unti l you have entere d the f o urth t hree- digit number to complete the Gatewa y add[...]

  • Página 92

    Contro l panel set up 82 6 Node Name 6 You c a n r egis ter th e mac h ine name on the Net wo r k. Thi s na me is oft en re fe rr e d to as a N et BIO S name; it wil l be the name that i s regist e red by t h e WINS serve r on yo ur net work. Brother recommends the name BRNxxxxxxxxxxxx for a wi red n etwork o r BRWxxxxxxxxxxxx fo r a wi rele ss net[...]

  • Página 93

    Contro l panel set up 83 6 WI NS C o nf i g 6 Th is se le ctio n con tr ols ho w th e ma ch in e ob tains the IP add res s of the W IN S serv er. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c (Fo r W ire d) P ress a or b to choose Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press a or b to choose WL AN . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose TCP/[...]

  • Página 94

    Contro l panel set up 84 6 Auto 6 Automatica lly use s a DHCP req uest t o determi ne the IP addre sses fo r th e primary a nd seconda ry WINS servers . You must se t t he BOOT Method to Auto o r DHCP f or t his fea ture to wo rk. Stat ic 6 Use s a spec ifie d I P ad dr ess for the pr im ar y and se cond ar y WINS serv er s. WINS Ser ver 6 Pri mary[...]

  • Página 95

    Contro l panel set up 85 6 For MFC-5490CN 6 a Press Me nu , 5 , 1 , 7 . b Press a or b to choose Prim ary or Seco ndary . Press OK . c Choose 1 t o change. Enter the WINS Ser ver addre ss. Press OK . d Press S top/Exit . For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WL AN . d[...]

  • Página 96

    Contro l panel set up 86 6 d Press a or b to choose TCP/ IP . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose DNS S erv er . Press OK . f Press a or b to choose Prim ary or Seco ndary . Press OK . g Enter the DNS Serve r addre ss. Press OK . Note For DCP models, p ress a or b r epeatedly to enter the fir st thr ee-digit number for th e DNS Server add ress. Pre[...]

  • Página 97

    Contro l panel set up 87 6 APIPA 6 The setti ng of On will c a use the p rint s e rver to auto m atica lly allo cate a L ink-L ocal IP add ress in the range (169 .254 .1.0 - 16 9 .25 4. 254. 25 5) wh en th e pri nt s erv er c a nnot obt ai n an IP a dd re ss t hro ug h t he B OOT Method you have se t (see BO OT M et h od on page 76). Cho osin g Of [...]

  • Página 98

    Contro l panel set up 88 6 IPv6 (F or MF C-549 0CN, MFC-589 0CN, MFC-649 0CW, DCP- 6690C W and MFC-6890 CDW) 6 This mach ine is co mpatible with IPv6, the nex t genera tion int ernet protocol . I f you want to use the I Pv6 protocol , choose On . The defa ult setti ng for IPv6 is Off. Fo r more inf ormation on the IP v6 prot ocol, vi sit http: //so[...]

  • Página 99

    Contro l panel set up 89 6 Se tu p Mis c. (M FC- 54 90CN only) 6 Et her ne t 6 Ethernet link mode . Auto allows the pr int server to operate in 100BaseTX full or half d uplex, o r i n 10BaseT fu ll or ha lf dup le x mo de by aut o n eg otiat io n. You ca n fix the s erve r lin k mo de to 100 BA SE -TX Fu ll Dup lex (1 00 B-FD) or H alf D up lex (1 [...]

  • Página 100

    Contro l panel set up 90 6 WL AN St at us (w irel e ss ne two r k o nly) 6 St atu s 6 This fi eld disp lays the cur rent wi reless n etwork sta tus; Active (11b ) , A cti ve (1 1g ) , or Conn ecti on Fa iled . a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose WLAN . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose WLA N Sta[...]

  • Página 101

    Contro l panel set up 91 6 Sig nal 6 This fi eld disp lays the cur rent wi reless n etwork si gnal streng th; Stro ng , Medi um , Weak or No ne . a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose WLAN . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose WLA N Sta tu s . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Sign al . Press OK .[...]

  • Página 102

    Contro l panel set up 92 6 SSI D 6 This fi eld disp lays the cur rent wi reless n etwork S SID. The d ispla y shows up to 3 2 character s of th e SSID nam e. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose WLAN . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose WLA N Sta tu s . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose SSID . P[...]

  • Página 103

    Contro l panel set up 93 6 Comm.Mode 6 This f ield disp lays the cur rent wi rele ss network co mmunicatio n mode; Ad -h oc or In fras truc tur e . a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose WLAN . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose WLA N Sta tu s . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Comm . Mod e . Pre[...]

  • Página 104

    Contro l panel set up 94 6 Et he rnet (w ir ed n etw ork on ly ) 6 Ethernet link mode . Auto allows the pr int server to operate in 100BaseTX full or half d uplex, o r i n 10BaseT fu ll or ha lf dup le x mo de by aut o n eg otiat io n. You ca n fix the s erve r lin k mo de to 100 BA SE -TX Fu ll Dup lex (1 00 B-FD) or H alf D up lex (1 00 B-H D ) a[...]

  • Página 105

    Contro l panel set up 95 6 E- mail/ I-FAX (F or MF C-6 490 CW and M FC- 68 90C DW ) 6 This menu has fi ve sele ctions: M ai l Addr ess , Setu p S er ve r , Setup M ai l RX , Setu p Ma il T X , an d Setu p Rela y . These se ttings must be co nfigure d for t h e I-Fa x feat ure to work. For mo re de tails a bout Intern et fax, see Int ern et f ax an [...]

  • Página 106

    Contro l panel set up 96 6 Se tup Serv er 6 SMTP S erver 6 This f ield disp lays the node name or IP addr ess of an SMTP mail se rver (outgoi ng E-mail server) o n yo ur network. (Ex, “mai lhost.b rotherma t” or “1 92.000.0 00.001”) a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX [...]

  • Página 107

    Contro l panel set up 97 6 SMTP P ort 6 Thi s f iel d di sp l ays the S MTP po rt nu mber ( for ou tgo i ng E-m a ils ) on your n et wor k. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Ser ve r . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose SMTP P ort . Pr[...]

  • Página 108

    Contro l panel set up 98 6 Auth. for S MTP 6 You can sp ecify the securit y me thod for E- mail n otifica tio n. For det ails o n secur ity me thods fo r E-mail notifi cation, se e Secu rity methods f or E- m ail notifi cati on on pag e 15 3. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . Pr[...]

  • Página 109

    Contro l panel set up 99 6 i Enter the accou nt password for SMTP authenti cati on. Press OK . j Enter the account password again. Press OK . k Press S top/Exit . POP3 Serv er 6 Thi s f iel d di sp l ays t h e n ode name or IP a dd res s of th e POP 3 s er ve r (i n comi ng E -m ai l s e rv er) us ed by the Brother machine. Thi s addr ess is necess[...]

  • Página 110

    Contro l panel set up 100 6 POP3 Port 6 Thi s f iel d di sp l ays t h e P OP3 p ort nu mbe r (f o r inc o min g E- mai l s) u sed by th e Br ot he r mach ine . a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Ser ve r . Press OK . e Press a or b to ch[...]

  • Página 111

    Contro l panel set up 101 6 Mailbox Name 6 You can sp ecify a mailbox n ame on t he POP3 ser ver where the in terne t print j obs are to be ret rieve d. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Ser ve r . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Ma[...]

  • Página 112

    Contro l panel set up 102 6 Mailbox Pwd 6 You can sp ecify th e password for the POP3 s erver account whe re the internet p rint j obs are to b e retr ieved. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Ser ve r . Press OK . e Press a or b to choo[...]

  • Página 113

    Contro l panel set up 103 6 APOP 6 You ca n en ab le o r disa ble the AP OP (Au t he ntic ated Po st O ffice P rot o col). a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Ser ve r . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose APOP . Press OK . f Press a or b[...]

  • Página 114

    Contro l panel set up 104 6 Setup Ma il RX 6 This menu h as five selecti ons: Aut o Po lli ng , P ol l Fr equ en cy , Head er , Del Error M ai l an d Noti fica ti on . Auto Polling 6 When set to On, th e machine automatic ally ch ecks th e POP3 serve r fo r new mes sages. Poll Fre quency 6 Sets t he interva l fo r checki ng for new messa ges on t h[...]

  • Página 115

    Contro l panel set up 105 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Mai l RX . e Press a or b to choose Aut o Pol li ng . f Press On or Of f . If yo u choose On , go to g . If yo u choose Off , go to h . g Choose 1M in , 3M in s , 5M in s [...]

  • Página 116

    Contro l panel set up 106 6 Header 6 Th is se le ctio n al lows the c ont en ts of t he ma il he ad er t o be prin t ed when th e rece ived m ess ag e is pri nt ed. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Mai l RX . Press OK . e Press a or b [...]

  • Página 117

    Contro l panel set up 107 6 Del Error Ma il 6 When set t o On, th e machine automatical ly del etes er ror mail s t hat the machine ca nnot rece ive fr om the POP server. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Mai l RX . Press OK . e Press a[...]

  • Página 118

    Contro l panel set up 108 6 Noti fi ca ti on 6 The notif icatio n featu re al lows a co nfirma tion of r eceip t message to be tr ansmitt e d to th e sendin g stati on when the I- Fax h as been r eceived. This f eature onl y works o n I- Fax machi nes that support th e “MDN” specifica tion. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Pr[...]

  • Página 119

    Contro l panel set up 109 6 Setup Ma il TX 6 This menu h as th ree selecti ons: Sen de r Su bje ct , Size L im it and Noti fi ca tio n . Sender Subject 6 This fie ld display s the subjec t that is a ttach ed to the Int ernet fax d ata being sent f r om the Brother machine to a co mpu t er (d efau lt is “ In te rn et Fax J ob ”). a Press Me nu .[...]

  • Página 120

    Contro l panel set up 110 6 Size Li mit 6 Some E-mail servers d o not a llow yo u to send l arge E-mai l docu ments (th e System Admin istrato r wi ll often place a limit o n the ma ximum E-mai l si ze). W it h this f u nctio n enabled , the machine wi ll displ ay O u to fM e m o r y w h en try ing to se nd E-mai l doc u men ts ove r 1 M byt e in s[...]

  • Página 121

    Contro l panel set up 111 6 Noti fi ca ti on 6 The notif icatio n featu re al lows a co nfirma tion of r eceip t message to be tr ansmitt e d to th e sendin g stati on when the I- Fax h as been r eceived. This f eature onl y works o n I- Fax machi nes that support th e “MDN” specifica tion. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Pr[...]

  • Página 122

    Contro l panel set up 112 6 Se tup Rela y 6 This menu h as th ree selecti ons: Rly B ro ad cas t , Rela y Do ma in and R el ay R epo rt . Fo r more informatio n on Rela y Broadca st, see Relay b roadcasti ng o n p age 14 5 of th is U ser’s G uide. Re lay B ro a dcas t 6 This fun ction al lows the machin e to receive a document o ver the Inter net[...]

  • Página 123

    Contro l panel set up 113 6 Relay Domain 6 You can r egiste r the Domain Names (Max. 5) that ar e all owed to request a Relay B roadcast. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose E-ma il/ IF AX . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Rel ay . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Rela y Dom ai n . P[...]

  • Página 124

    Contro l panel set up 114 6 Relay Repor t 6 A Re l ay Br oa d cast Rep ort can b e pr int ed at the mach ine that will act as a Rel ay Stat io n for a l l Rel a y Br oadc a sts. Its pri mary f unction i s t o print reports o f any r elaye d broadcasts that have been se nt th rough th e machine . Please n ote: In order t o use t h is f unctio n, you[...]

  • Página 125

    Contro l panel set up 115 6 Sc an to FTP (F or M FC- 58 90C N and MF C -6 490 CW) 6 Th e de tails re qu ired to us e Sca n to F TP c a n be enter ed manu all y a t the cont ro l pan el to p re- conf ig ure and store th e deta ils i n an FTP Profile . You ca n confi gure up to five FTP se rver p rofil es. Passive Mod e 6 You c a n set Pass iv e Mod [...]

  • Página 126

    Contro l panel set up 116 6 Creating a user de fined File N ame 6 In additi on to the s even pres et fi le names yo u can st ore two user d efined fi le names th at can b e used for creati ng an FTP S erver Prof ile. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose Scan t o FTP . Press OK . d Press a or b to c[...]

  • Página 127

    Contro l panel set up 117 6 j Press a or b to choose Stor e Dir ec tory . Press OK . k Ent er the des tina t ion folde r whe re y ou r do cum e nt will be sto red on t he FTP serve r (fo r exa m ple /brot her/abc/) (up t o 60 char acters) . Press OK . l Press a or b to choose User nam e . Press OK . m Enter the Userna me that has been registere d w[...]

  • Página 128

    Contro l panel set up 118 6 x Choose the file name yo u want to use for t he scanned d ocument. You can ch oose fr om seven pres et and t wo us e r defin ed Fil e Nam e s. Th e file na m e tha t will be us e d for y our docu men t will be t he file nam e you selected pl us th e last 6 di gits of the f latbed/A DF scanner c o unter p lus t he fil e [...]

  • Página 129

    Contro l panel set up 119 6 Sc an to FTP (For M FC- 68 90C D W) 6 Th e de tails re qu ired to us e Sca n to F TP c a n be enter ed manu all y a t the cont ro l pan el to p re- conf ig ure and store th e deta ils i n an FTP Profile . You ca n confi gure up to five FTP se rver p rofil es. Passive Mode 6 You c a n set Pass iv e Mod e to OFF or ON de p[...]

  • Página 130

    Contro l panel set up 120 6 Pre-configuri ng your FTP profil e s 6 a Press MENU . b Press a or b to choose Netw ork . c Press a or b to choose Scan t o FTP . d Press a or b to choose Setu p Pro fi le . e Press a or b to choose Not R egi st er ed . f Ent er the na m e tha t yo u wan t to us e for th e pr ofile of th e FT P serv er . Th is nam e will[...]

  • Página 131

    Contro l panel set up 121 6 s Press a or b to choose Pass ive M od e . t Press t o choose On or Of f . u Press a or b to choose Por t Num be r . v Ent e r th e po rt n umb er . Press OK . w Choose the file name yo u want to use for t he scanned d ocument. You can ch oose fr om seven pres et and t wo us e r defin ed Fil e Nam e s. Th e file na m e t[...]

  • Página 132

    Contro l panel set up 122 6 Time Zone (F or MFC- 64 90 CW an d MFC-6 89 0CDW ) 6 This f ield disp lays your co untry ti me zo ne. The time shown is th e time dif ference b etween your count ry and Gr een w ich M e an Tim e . Fo r ex amp le, the T ime Z one for Ea ste rn Ti m e in the U SA an d C ana da is UT C-0 5: 00 . a Press Me nu . b Press a or[...]

  • Página 133

    Contro l panel set up 123 6 Ne tw or k I/F (N ot ava ila ble f or M FC- 54 90C N and MF C -589 0C N) 6 You can ch oose the n etwork co nnection ty p e, wir ed networ k connec tion o r wire less network co nnectio n. If you want to use t he wired network connect ion, ch oose Wi re d LA N , and if you w ant to us e the wi rele ss network connectio n,[...]

  • Página 134

    Contro l panel set up 124 6 Restoring the network setti n gs to facto r y defa ult 6 If you wish to reset t h e prin t ser ver back to its d efaul t f actory se ttings (reset ting a ll informatio n such a s the password a nd IP a ddress info rmation) , pl ease fo llow th ese steps: Note This fun ction re stores a ll wired and wirel ess network se t[...]

  • Página 135

    Contro l panel set up 125 6 Printing the Network Configurat ion List 6 Note • No de Nam e : No de Nam e appe ar s in the N etw o rk C onfig ura tion Lis t. Th e de fa ult N od e Na me is “BRNxxxxxxxxxxxx” for a wire d network or “BRWxxxxxxx xxxxx” fo r a wire less ne twork (“ xxxxxx xxxxxx” is your machi ne’s Ethe rnet addr ess). ?[...]

  • Página 136

    126 7 7 Ov ervie w 7 Th e Driv er Deplo y men t Wiz a rd sof tware ca n be use d to ease t he insta llat io n or eve n aut o mat e the in sta llatio n of netwo rk connecte d print ers.The Driver Deploy ment Wizard can al so be u sed to cr eate sel f ru nning exe cu tabl e f ile s wh ich w he n r u n o n a remot e PC, co mple tel y au to m at e th e[...]

  • Página 137

    Driver De pl oyment Wi zard ( Windows ® only ) 127 7 Net w o rk S har ed 7 Th e de vic e is c on nect e d to a ne two rk an d a c en tral p rint qu eue is used to man ag e all p rin t jobs . 1 Client computer 2 Also known as “S erver” or “Print Server” 3 TCP/IP or USB 4 Printer ( your machine) How to ins tall t he Driver Deploymen t Wizard[...]

  • Página 138

    Driver De pl oyment Wi zard ( Windows ® only ) 128 7 Using the Drive r Deployment Wiz ard s oftware 7 a Wh en you run th e Wiz a rd for t he fir st tim e you w ill see a w elco m e scr een. Clic k Next . b Choose MFC , and th en cli ck Ne xt . c Choose your connection type to the machine that you want to p rint to. d Cho ose th e op tion y ou requ[...]

  • Página 139

    Driver De pl oyment Wi zard ( Windows ® only ) 129 7 e Choose the machin e you wish to i nstall .  If th e pri nter d river you wish to use is i nstall ed on your co m puter: Check the box of Currently installe d drivers a nd choose the machine yo u wish to i nstall , an d then click Next .  If th e dri ver you wish to use i s not i nstall e[...]

  • Página 140

    Driver De pl oyment Wi zard ( Windows ® only ) 130 7 Note If yo u wo rk in a “q ue ue ” base d ne tw ork an d y ou crea te an exe cut ab le file fo r ano the r user wh o do es no t have access t o the same pri nter q ueue that you de fine i nto the executa ble fil e, th e dri ver w he n instal led on the remote c omputer wil l defa ult t o LPT[...]

  • Página 141

    131 8 8 Ov ervie w 8 To connect y our mach ine to yo ur net work, you need to foll ow th e steps in the Quick Setu p Guide . W e rec om m en d that you us e the Broth er in s talle r app lica tio n on the C D-R O M w hich we ha v e pr ovid ed w ith the machine. B y using th is app licati on, you can easil y connect yo ur machin e to y our netwo rk [...]

  • Página 142

    Networ k print ing fr om Windows ® basic TCP/ IP Peer-t o-Peer printing 132 8 Configuri ng the stan dard TCP/IP port 8 Pr inte r d rive r not yet in st all ed 8 a Put the suppl ied CD-ROM in to your CD-ROM drive . I f the model na me screen a ppears, cho ose your mac hine . If the lan gu ag e s cree n ap pe ar s, cho os e yo ur la ngu ag e. b The [...]

  • Página 143

    Networ k print ing fr om Windows ® basic TCP/ IP Peer-t o-Peer printing 133 8 Other sou rces of info rmation 8 See Conf ig ur ing yo ur ma c hin e for a n et wor k with an Et h ern et c abl e con nect io n on pag e 9 to le arn ho w to config ure the I P address of th e machine.[...]

  • Página 144

    134 9 9 Ov ervie w 9 Th is c ha pter ex pl ain s ho w to pr int f rom a M a cint osh ® on a N e tw ork u s ing th e S imp le N e tw ork C onf ig ura tion ca pa bili ties on Ma c OS ® X 10. 2. 4 or grea ter. Fo r up da ted in fo rma tion o n pri nt ing from a Ma ci ntos h ® , vi sit t h e Broth er Solu tions Ce nter at: http: //solutio ns.bro the[...]

  • Página 145

    Network pr inti ng from a Macint osh ® 135 9 g Choose Brother MFC-XXXX (XX XX is yo ur mode l na me), an d the n clic k Ad d . (Mac OS ® X 1 0 .4 . x ) 9 h Click t h e prin ter, then cl ick Make Default to set th e print er as th e defa ult pr inter . The pri nter i s now ready. For Mac OS ® X 10.5 .x 9 a Tur n on th e m ach ine b y p lu ggi ng [...]

  • Página 146

    Network pr inti ng from a Macint osh ® 136 9 e Choose Brother MFC-XXXX (XX XX is yo ur mode l na me), an d the n clic k Ad d . f From the D efa ul t Pri nter pull-down list choose you r model t o set as the d efaul t prin ter. The prin ter i s now rea dy.[...]

  • Página 147

    Network pr inti ng from a Macint osh ® 137 9 Changing the print server settin gs 9 Cha nging the c onf igur ation u sing the R em ote S etu p (N ot avai labl e for DC P mod el s) 9 Fr om a M a cint osh ® , you can change th e machine or pri nt serve r par ameters using t he Remote Setu p app lic atio n. ( Se e Using th e Remote S etup to change t[...]

  • Página 148

    138 10 10 Ov ervie w 10 Th e LDA P p rot oco l allo w s yo u to s earc h for inf o rmat io n suc h as fax nu mbe rs an d E-m ail ad dr es ses from you r se rver . Y ou can c onfig ur e LD AP s ett ing s us ing the BR Adm in P rofes sio na l ut ility . Note Th e LD AP prot o col is no t sup port ed for C hin a. Cha nging the LDA P c onfi gur at ion [...]

  • Página 149

    LDAP oper ation (For MFC- 6890CDW) 139 10 e Choose the Network Configurat ion tab and then click LDAP . f Click i tems yo u want t o confi gure.[...]

  • Página 150

    LDAP oper ation (For MFC- 6890CDW) 140 10 LDAP oper at i on us ing the con tr ol pa nel 10 a Press Phone B oo k . b Press to se arch. c Enter init ial ch aracters fo r y our sear ch by usi ng t he butt ons on t he Touchscr een. Note • Y ou can ente r up to 15 charact ers. • Fo r mor e inf o rmat io n on usin g the d ial pa d, see Enterin g Text[...]

  • Página 151

    141 11 11 In t e rn et f ax o v er vie w 11 Intern et fa xing (I- Fax) al lows y ou to se nd and r eceive fax docu ments usi ng the Intern et as the tra nsport mechanism. Do cuments are tra nsmitted in E-mail messages as at tached TI FF-F fi les. This mea ns th at co mpu te rs are als o able to rece iv e an d sen d do c ume nts , prov id ing that t[...]

  • Página 152

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 142 11 Co n tr ol pa ne l k ey fu nc tio n s 11 Shift + 1 (For color LCD m odels) Press then . ( For Touchscre en models) 11 Use d t o chan ge in put m o de . Yo u c a n us e d ial pad key s a s Stan da rd alp ha bet ch ara c ter k e ys (For colo r LC D mo de ls on ly ). Dial Pad [...]

  • Página 153

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 143 11 Se ndin g an Inter n et fa x 11 Sending an Internet fax is the same a s sending a normal fax. If you have already progra mmed the addresses of the destinat ion Interne t fax machines as One To uch or Speed-Dial loca tions, you can send the Intern et fax by load in g the d o[...]

  • Página 154

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 144 11 Rece ivi ng E-m ail o r Inter n et fax 11 There ar e 2 ways yo u can re ceive E-ma il messages:  PO P3 r ec eivi ng (m anu al ly in itiat e d)  PO P3 rec eivi ng a t regu lar int erva ls Usin g P OP 3 re ce ivin g the m a chin e m ust pol l the E- mail s er ver t o re[...]

  • Página 155

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 145 11 Rel ay br oadca sti ng 11 Th is fu nct ion allo ws the Br ot her m ach ine to recei ve a doc ume nt over the Int ernet , and th en re la y it to ot her fax mach ine s t hrou gh co nven ti onal t el eph one l ine s. If you wish to use your machi ne as a relay br oadcast devi[...]

  • Página 156

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 146 11 Se ndi ng to mu lti p le phon e num ber s: 11 If you w an t to have the document r elayed to more th an one standar d fax machin e the ad dress ca n be entere d using the fol lowing me thod: (For co lor LCD models) 11 a Enter the phone number of th e fi rst Fax mac hine UKF[...]

  • Página 157

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 147 11 Relay b roadcast from your computer 11 You can a lso send a n E-mail from yo ur compute r and have it rela yed to a convent ional f ax mach ine. The me tho d o f en terin g the p hon e num ber of the c on ven tion al f a x m ach ine that wi ll re c eive t he rel ay ed E -ma[...]

  • Página 158

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 148 11 TX Ver if ica tion Ma il 11 Transmiss ion Verif icatio n Mail supports two separa te fu nction s. Verifi cati on Mail f o r sen ding al lows you request n otifi cation from t he recei ving st ation that the I-Fa x or E-mail was r eceive d and pr ocessed. Verifica tion Mai l[...]

  • Página 159

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 149 11 I mpo rt an t i nfor m at ion on In ter net fa x 11 Intern et fax communic ation on a LAN syste m is basical ly the same as communi cation via E-mail; h owever, it is d iffe ren t fro m fa x co mm un icat ion us in g st an dar d ph one lin es . Th e foll ow in g is im port [...]

  • Página 160

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 150 11 Scan to E-ma il Server ov ervie w (MFC-64 90CW and MFC-6 890CDW ) 11 W hen you c hoo se Sc a n to E-m ail (E-m a il Se rver) you can sca n a bla ck an d whit e or color do c ume nt and sen d it dire ctly t o an E-ma il address fr om th e machine. You ca n choose P DF or TIF[...]

  • Página 161

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 151 11 h Press a or b to choose . Enter the d estinat ion E-ma il ad dress fr om the di al pad. Note You can also use E-mail add resses you have sto red i n your machine. •P r e s s a or b to c hoose Phon e Bo ok . Pres s c . •P r e s s a or b to c hoose Alph ab et ic al Or de[...]

  • Página 162

    Int ernet fax and Scan to E-mail (Fo r M FC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 152 11 g Press d or c to choose File T ype . Choose the file type you want . If yo u don't want t o change the f ile type , go to h . Note If you a re usin g t he sca nn er gl ass of th e mach ine , choo se the do c ume nt s ize. •P r e s s d or c to c hoose Glas s Sc an Si[...]

  • Página 163

    153 12 12 Ov ervie w 12 Th is ch ap ter ex p lai ns th e sec urit y fe ature s supp ort e d by y our Bro t he r mac hi ne a nd how to c on figur e t he m. You can a lso le arn how to manage yo ur networ k machine securely. Securit y methods for E-ma il notifica tion 12 The Broth er prin t serve r suppor ts t he fol lowing se curity methods f or E-m[...]

  • Página 164

    Securi ty featur es (For MFC-649 0CW and MFC-6890CDW) 154 12 Using E-mail notificatio n with user au thenticatio n 12 To use the E-mail notifi cati on function via secur e SMTP server th at requires a user authenti cati on, you need to use PO P b ef or e SMT P or S MTP -AU TH met h od. T he se m eth od s prev e nt an u na ut ho rized user fro m ac [...]

  • Página 165

    155 13 13 Ov ervie w 13 This cha pter expl ains how to r esolve typi cal network pro blems yo u may enc ounter wh en usi ng the machine. If, afte r reading this chapte r, you are unable to resolve your problem, please visit the Brother Solut ions Center at: h ttp://s oluti ons.broth . This cha pter is d ivi ded into the follo wing secti ons:[...]

  • Página 166

    Troubl esho oting 156 13  For Wi ndows ® The Firewall on your computer may be blockin g the necessar y network connect ion to the machi ne. In this case, y ou will need to d isabl e the Fi rewal l on yo ur compute r and re-inst all th e dri vers. Windows ® XP SP 2 u s ers: 13 a Click th e St art button , Control Panel , Network and Internet Co[...]

  • Página 167

    Troubl esho oting 157 13 Networ k print softwar e installatio n problems 13 The Brother p rint s erver is not f ound duri ng setup of t he ne twork print sof tware instal lati on or from the print er driv er of the Brothe r machine in Windows ® . The Brother p rint s erver is not f ound using t he Si mple Network Configurati on capabili t ies of M[...]

  • Página 168

    Troubl esho oting 158 13 e If you have tried a to d a bove and it does n ot work, then reset the print serve r b ack to the default fact ory settin gs and try fr om th e ini tial setu p again . For infor mation how to res et to the def ault fa ctor y settin gs, see Restori ng the ne twork set tings to f actory d efault on page 1 24 . f Check the fo[...]

  • Página 169

    Troubl esho oting 159 13 Printing problems 13 Print job is not pr inted 13 Make sure th e statu s and co nfigura tion o f the prin t server. Ch eck th e foll owing : a Make s ure that the machin e is powered on, is o n-li ne and r eady to print. b Print th e Network Configu ration List of the machine and check if th e settings suc h as IP address s[...]

  • Página 170

    Troubl esho oting 160 13 Sc a n ni n g an d PC Fa x pr ob l e ms 13 The network scanning feature does not work in Windows ® The network P C Fax fe ature does no t work in W indows ® 13 Firewall se ttin gs on yo ur PC may reje ct the ne cessary network connectio n for n etwork p rintin g, netwo rk sc anni ng and PC Fax . If y ou a re usi ng W i nd[...]

  • Página 171

    Troubl esho oting 161 13 g If yo u sti ll have tr ouble wi th your n etwork co nnecti on, cli ck the Add butto n. h Add po rt 13 7 for b oth Netwo rk sca nning and Network P C-Fax receivi ng by e nteri ng the infor mation below : 1. In Des cri pti on o f s er vice : Enter a ny descri pti on, for example, “ Brother P C Fax rec eiving” . 2. In Na[...]

  • Página 172

    Troubl esho oting 162 13 Wireless n etwork troubles hootin g 13 Wir ele ss setu p probl em s 13 The Brother p rint s erver is not f ound duri ng setup by the Wire less Devi ce Setup Wi zard. 13 a Make s ure that the machin e is powered on, is o n-li ne and r eady to print. b Mov e yo ur com pu ter c lose r to the Br ot he r mac hine and try a gai n[...]

  • Página 173

    Troubl esho oting 163 13 LDAP tr oub les hoo tin g 13 If you are having tr oubl e connecti ng to a LDAP serve r, ple ase cont act your Net work Admin istr ator and check the LDAP Secu rity Opti ons. For more i nformati on, pl ease vi sit http :// soluti .[...]

  • Página 174

    164 A A Using servi ces A A service i s a resou rce that can be acce ssed by comput ers tha t wish t o print t o the Bro ther pri nt se rver. Th e Brot her print se rv er p rov i de s t he fo llow i ng pr edefi ned se r vi ces (do a SHOW S ERV IC E c omm a nd i n th e Brother print se rver r emote co nsole t o see a list o f ava ilable service s): [...]

  • Página 175

    Appendix A 165 A Usin g BOOTP to c onfi gu re t he IP add ress A BO OT P is an alt e rna tive to rar p that ha s the ad vant a ge o f allowi ng c on figu rat io n of t he su bne t m ask and gateway. I n order to u se BOOTP to config ure the IP ad dress make sure that BOOTP is in stalle d and runnin g on your host computer ( it sh ould a ppear i n t[...]

  • Página 176

    Appendix A 166 A Usin g RARP to c onfigu re the IP add ress A Th e B ro ther pri nt ser ve r’s I P ad dre s s c an be con figu red us in g the R ev erse A R P ( RAR P ) fac il ity on y our ho st comp uter . T hi s i s do ne by e di ti ng th e /et c/e th er s file ( if t his file does n ot e xist, you can cre ate it) wi th a n entry simi lar to t [...]

  • Página 177

    Appendix A 167 A Usin g ARP to con fig ure the IP add ress A If you are unable to u se the B RAdmin appl icatio n and y our netwo rk does not use a DHCP server, yo u can als o u se t he A RP co mman d. The ARP co mman d is av ai l ab le on Wi nd ows ® systems th at have TCP/IP ins talle d as we ll as UN IX ® s yste m s. To use arp en te r the f o[...]

  • Página 178

    Appendix A 168 A Us in g the T E LNE T c on so le to con fig ur e the I P ad dre ss A You ca n al so us e the T EL NET com ma nd to ch an ge the IP ad dre ss. TELNET is an eff ectiv e method t o change the machine’ s IP a ddress . But a valid I P addres s must a lrea dy be prog ramm ed i nto the pr i nt ser ve r. Type TE LN ET i pad dr es s a t t[...]

  • Página 179

    Appendix A 169 A Installati on when usin g a Network Print Q ueu e or Sha re (printer d r iver on ly) A Note • Y ou must config ure the I P addre ss on your machi ne bef ore you p roceed wi th t his s ection. If you ha ve not con fi gured the I P ad dres s, se e Co nfig uri ng y o ur ma c hine f or a netw o rk w ith an Et herne t ca ble co nn ect[...]

  • Página 180

    Appendix A 170 A Installati on when usin g Web Servic es (For Window s Vis ta ® us ers) A Note • Y ou must config ure the I P addre ss on your machi ne bef ore you p roceed wi th t his s ection. If you ha ve not con fi gured the I P ad dres s, se e Co nfig uri ng y o ur ma c hine f or a netw o rk w ith an Et herne t ca ble co nn ect ion on pa ge[...]

  • Página 181

    171 B B Print se rver sp ecificati ons B Et he rn et w i re d ne two r k B 1 No t av ai la ble f or DC P m od el s. 2 If yo u req uire mo r e adva nced pri nt er man age ment , use the la test B rot he r BRA dm in Pro fess iona l uti li ty ve r sio n that is av ai la ble a s a downl oad f rom h ttp :// solu tio ns.b ro the r.c om . 3 Web B RAd mi n[...]

  • Página 182

    Appendix B 172 B Et hern et wi re les s net wo rk B Network Board Model na me NC- 180w LAN You can co nnect yo ur machine to a network for Network Pri nting, Ne twork Sc an ni ng, an d PC Fa x Sen d 1 , PC Fa x Receive 1 (Win do ws ® onl y) and Rem ot e Set u p 1 . Also i ncluded is Brother BRAdmin L ight 2 Netwo rk Mana gement software. Su ppor t[...]

  • Página 183

    Appendix B 173 B 1 No t av ai la ble f or DC P m od el s. 2 If yo u req uire mo r e adva nced pri nt er man age ment , use the la test B rot he r BRA dm in Pro fess iona l uti li ty ve r sio n that is av ai la ble a s a downl oad f rom h ttp :// solu tio ns.b ro the r.c om . 3 Web B RAd mi n and B RA dmi n Pr of essi onal are a vai l ab le as a dow[...]

  • Página 184

    Appendix B 174 B Function ta ble and defaul t factory se ttings B For MFC-5490CN B Level 1 Level2 Level 3 Options 5.Network 1.Setup TCP/ IP 1.BOOT Method Auto / Static / RARP / BOOTP / DHCP 2.IP Address [000-255].[000-255].[000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 3.Subnet Mask [000-255].[000-255].[000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1[...]

  • Página 185

    Appendix B 175 B For other ma chines B Level 1 Level 2 Le vel3 Options1 Options2 Network Wired LAN TCP/IP BOOT Method Auto / Static / RARP / BOOTP / DHCP IP Address [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 Subnet Mask [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 Gateway [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255[...]

  • Página 186

    Appendix B 176 B Network (Continue d) WLAN TCP/IP BOOT Method Auto / Static / RARP / BOOTP / DHCP IP Address [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 Subnet Mask [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 Gateway [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] Node Name BRWXX XXX[...]

  • Página 187

    Appendix B 177 B Network (Continue d) E-mail/IFAX (MFC-6490 CW and MFC-689 0CDW only) M ai l Ad dr es s — Se tu p Se rv er SMTP Server Name (Up to 30 characters) IP Address [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. SMTP Port [0001-65535] Auth. for SMTP None / SMTP-AUTH / POP bef.SMTP POP3 Server Name (Up to 30 characters) IP Address [000-255].[00[...]

  • Página 188

    Appendix B 178 B  The facto ry setti ngs ar e shown in bold . 1 On co nnect ion to th e net work, th e ma ch ine w i ll aut o mati cally se t the IP addr e ss an d Sub ne t Mask to v alue approp ria te for your n etw ork . 2 The LD AP prot o co l is no t supp orted fo r Ch ina. Network (Continue d) Scan to FTP (MFC - 5 890CN, MFC - 6490CW and MF[...]

  • Página 189

    Appendix B 179 B Entering Tex t B For Tou chsc reen m odel s B When you are settin g certa in menu se lectio ns, yo u may need to ente r text i nto the mach ine. Pre ss to choose numbers, ch aract ers or sp ecial charact ers. Up to f our let ters are assig ned to each butto n on th e To uch scr ee n. By press ing the c orrect button repeate dly, yo[...]

  • Página 190

    Appendix B 180 B For MFC mo dels B When you are setti ng certa in menu se lectio ns, yo u may need to ente r te xt into the mach ine. Mos t number keys have three or f o ur l etters p ri nted on ke ys. The keys for 0 , # and l do no t h av e p rinte d le tter s b ec a use they ar e used for s p ecial ch aracte rs. By press ing the c orrect number k[...]

  • Página 191

    Appendix B 181 B Repeating lette rs B If you need to enter a letter that is on the same key as the let ter before, pre ss c to move the cursor to the right bef o re you pr es s th e key ag ain . Sp ec ial char a cte rs an d sy mbo ls B Pres s l , # or 0 , and then p ress d or c to move the curso r und er the special character or symbol yo u want. T[...]

  • Página 192

    182 C C Op en Sourc e Li cens ing Re mark s C Part of the soft ware embedded in t hi s product i s gSOAP software . Por tio ns c re ated by gSOA P ar e C op yrigh t © 2001 –2 004 R ob ert A. v an Eng ele n, Ge nivi a inc . All Righ ts Reser ved. THE SOFTWARE IN THIS PRODUCT W AS IN PART PROVIDED BY GE N IVI A INC AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRA[...]

  • Página 193

    Appendi x C 183 C O penS SL st at emen ts C Open S SL Li c ense C Co pyri gh t © 1998-2 00 5 T he Op en SSL Pr oje c t. All righ ts re serv ed. Redistri bution a nd use in source and bin ary forms, wit h or wi thout mo difica tio n, are pe rmitted p rovid ed that th e follo w ing cond it ions are me t : 1. Redi stributi ons of so urce co de must r[...]

  • Página 194

    Appendi x C 184 C Original S SLeay L icense C Copyright © 1995-1998 Eri c Young (e ay@cryptsof All ri ghts re served. This pa ckage is a n SSL i mplementa tion wr itten by Eric Y oung (e ay@cryptsof Th e i mplementat ion wa s written so as to conf orm with Netscapes SSL. Th is libr ary is fr ee for co mm erc ial a nd n on -com me rc[...]

  • Página 195

    Appendi x C 185 C Op en LDA P S tat ement s C This prod uct in cludes s o ftwar e develo ped by th e OpenL DAP Pr ojec t. C Unl e ss ot he r wis e exp re ss ly st at ed he rei n, Th e Op enLD A P P ubl ic L ic ense Versi o n 2.8 sh all b e ap pl ie d to indi vi du al files . Co pyri gh t 19 98 -20 07 T he O pe nL DAP Fo un dati on A ll rig hts rese[...]

  • Página 196

    Appendi x C 186 C The Ope nLDAP Pub lic Licen se Ver sio n 2.8, 17 Au gust 2 003 C Re dist rib utio n an d us e of this softw a re a nd a sso ciat ed do c ume nt atio n ("S oft ware "), wit h or with ou t mo di fica tion , ar e pe rmit ted pro vide d th at t he fol low in g con dit ions are met : 1. Redi stributi ons in source form m ust [...]

  • Página 197

    Appendi x C 187 C The Ope nLDAP Pub lic Licen se C Ver si on 2.0. 1, 21 D e cem b er 19 99 Co pyri gh t 19 99 , Th e Open LD A P Fo und at io n, Red w oo d Cit y, Cal if orn ia, U SA. All Rig ht s Re serv e d. Re dist rib utio n an d us e of this softw a re a nd a sso ciat ed do c ume nt atio n ("S oft ware "), wit h or with ou t mo di fi[...]

  • Página 198

    I ndex 188 D D A Accessori es and suppli es .. .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .iv AES .. ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... 20 AOSS™ ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ...24 , 31 , 45 , 65 , 89 APIPA ... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. ....[...]

  • Página 199

    Index 189 D S SecureEa sySet up™ . ... .. ..... .... ... .... ...2 4 , 31 , 45 , 65 , 89 Servi ce ..... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. 164 Shared key ... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. .... 1 9 Simple Network C onfi guration .... ..... ..... .... ... .... ...[...]