Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S manual


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Bom manual de uso

As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S. A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoCisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S, e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço Cisco Systems na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S, como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S, uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S. Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1

    Americas Headquarters: © 20 06–20 07 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch Read this document before i nstalling or servicing th e follo wing systems: • ME-C6524GS-8S(=) • ME-C65[...]

  • Página 2

    2 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings • Documentation Feedback , page 41 • Cisco Product Security Ov erview , page 41 • Product Alerts and Field Notices, page 42 • Obtaining T echnical Assistance, page 43 • Obtaining Addition al Publications and [...]

  • Página 3

    3 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Statement 37—Restricted Area Warning Avi so Para evitar sobreaqu ecimento do interruptor , não ut ilize o equipamen to numa àrea que exced a uma temperatura máxima de 40°C. Para evitar o bloqueamento da circu la?[...]

  • Página 4

    4 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 39—Grounded Equipment Warning Avi so Esta unidade foi concebida p ara instalação em áreas de acesso restrito. Uma áre a de acesso restrito é uma área à qual apenas tem acesso o pe ssoal de serviço a[...]

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    5 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Statement 43—Jewelry Removal Warning War ni ng Before working on equipment that is connected to power lines, remove jewelry (including rings, necklaces, and watches). Metal objects will heat up when connecte d to pow[...]

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    6 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings tatement 48—Stacking the Chassis Warning Avi so Antes de trabalhar em equipamento que esteja ligado a linhas de corren te, retire todas as jóias que estiver a usar (incluindo anéis, fi os e relógios). Os objectos [...]

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    7 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Statement 148—Installation Warning Avertissement Ne placez pas ce châssis sur un autre appareil. En cas de chute, il pourrait provoquer de graves blessures corporelles et d'importa nts dommages. Achtung Das Geh[...]

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    8 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 171—Ethernet Cable Shielding in Offices Attention Il est vivement recomma ndé de confier l'installation , le remplacement et l a maintenance de ces équipements à des personnels qualifiés et expéri[...]

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    9 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Statement 258—Fan Tray Removal Warning War ni ng When removing the fan tray , keep your hands an d fingers away from the spin ning fan blades. Let the fan blades completely stop before you remove the fan tray . Waars[...]

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    10 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 322—DC Power Off Warning War ni ng Before performing any of t he following procedures, ensure th at power is removed from the DC circuits. T o ensure that all power is removed, locate the circuit breakers [...]

  • Página 11

    11 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Statement 1001—Work During Lightning Activity Avvertenza Prima di eseguire una delle proce dure seguenti, assi curarsi di aver disattivato l'alimentazione dei circuiti CC. A questo scopo, individuare gli interr[...]

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    12 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 1004—Installation Instructions ¡Advertencia! No operar el sistema ni co nectar o desconectar ca bles durante el transcurso de descargas eléctricas en la atm ósfera. Va r n i n g ! Vid åska skall du ald[...]

  • Página 13

    13 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Statement 1006—Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and Servicing War ni ng T o pr event bodily injury when m ounting or servic in g this unit in a rack, you m ust take special precautions to ensu re that the sy stem r[...]

  • Página 14

    14 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Warnung Zur V ermeidung von Körperverletzung beim Anbringen ode r Warten dieser Einheit in einem Gestell müssen Sie besondere V orkehrungen treffen, um sicherzustellen, daß das Sy stem stabil bleibt. Die folgenden [...]

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    15 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Va r n i n g ! För att undvika kroppsskad a när du installerar eller utför underhållsarbete på denna enhet på en ställning måste du vi dta särskilda försiktighetsåtgärder för a tt försäkra dig om att sy[...]

  • Página 16

    16 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Avis o Para evitar lesões corporais ao montar ou dar manutenção a esta unidade em um rack, é necessário tomar todas as precauções para garantir a estabilida de do sistema. As seguintes orie ntações são forne[...]

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    17 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings[...]

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    18 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 1008—Class 1 Laser Product War ni ng Class 1 laser product. Waarschuwing Klasse-1 laser produkt. V a roitus Luokan 1 lasertuote. Attention Produit laser de classe 1. Warnung Laserprodukt der Klasse 1. Avve[...]

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    19 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Statement 1012—Laser Beam Exposure Avis o Produto a laser de classe 1. Advarsel Klasse 1 laserprodukt. War ni ng Avoid direct expo sure to the laser beam. Waarschuwing V oorkom rechtstreekse blootstelling aan de las[...]

  • Página 20

    20 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 1017—Restricted Area Attention Éviter toute exposition directe au faisceau. Warnung Schützen Sie sich vor direkter La serbestrahlung. Avvertenza Evitare l'esposizione diretta al raggio laser . Advar[...]

  • Página 21

    21 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Avvertenza Questa unità è prevista per essere installata in un'a rea ad accesso limitato, vale a dire un'area accessibile solo mediante l 'uso di un attrezzo speciale, come luc chetto e chiave, o altr[...]

  • Página 22

    22 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 1030—Equipment Installation War ni ng Only trained and qualified p ersonnel should be a llowed to install, replace , or service this equipment. Waarschuwing Deze apparatuur mag alleen worden geïnstalleerd[...]

  • Página 23

    23 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings War nu ng Das Installieren, Ersetzen oder Bedienen dieser Au srüstung sollte nur geschultem, qu alifiziertem Personal gestattet werden. Avvertenza Questo apparato può e ssere installato, sostituito o mantenu to unic[...]

  • Página 24

    24 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 1040—Product Disposal War ni ng Ultimate disposal of th is product should be han dled according to all national laws and regulation s. Waarschuwing Het uiteindelijke wegruimen van dit product dient te g es[...]

  • Página 25

    25 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Avis o O descarte definitivo deste produto deve estar de acordo com todas as leis e regulamentações nacionais. Advarsel Endelig bortskaffelse af dette produkt skal ske i h enhold til gældende love og regler .[...]

  • Página 26

    26 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 1045—Short-Circuit Protection War ni ng This product requires sh ort-circuit (overcurrent) protection, to be provided as part of the building installation. Install only in acc ordance with national and loc[...]

  • Página 27

    27 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Avis o Este produto requer u ma proteção contra curto-circuito (sobrecorrente) qu e deve fazer parte da instalação do edifício. Faça a instalação somente de acordo com as regulamentações de cabeamento nacion[...]

  • Página 28

    28 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 1046—Installing or Replacing the Unit War ni ng When installing or replacing t he unit, the ground con nection must alway s be made first and disconnected last. Waarschuwing Bij installatie of vervangi ng [...]

  • Página 29

    29 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Statement 1051—Laser Radiation Advarsel V ed installation og genmontering af enhe den, skal jordforbindelsen altid i nstalleres først og afinstalleres sidst. War ni ng Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from [...]

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    30 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Warnung Unterbrochene Fasern oder Steckerverbind ungenkönnen unsichtbare Laserstrahlung abgeben. Blicken Sie weder mi t bloßem Auge noch m it optischen Instru menten direkt in Lase rstrahlen. Avvertenza Le fibre ott[...]

  • Página 31

    31 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safety W arnings Statement 1074—Comply with Local and National Electrical Codes War ni ng Installation of the e quipment must comply with loca l and national elect rical codes. Waarschuwing Bij installatie van de apparatuur moet wor[...]

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    32 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Translated Safe ty Warnings Statement 1075—Hazardous Voltage or Ener gy Present on DC Power Terminals War ni ng Hazardous voltage or en ergy may be present on DC power terminals. Alway s replace cover when terminals are not in service. Be sure[...]

  • Página 33

    33 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 European Directive s European Directives Statement 287—Declaration of Conformity to R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC for the European Community, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein ¡Advertencia! Puede haber energía o voltaje peligros[...]

  • Página 34

    34 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 European Di rectives Statement 275—Declaration of Conformity with Regard to the Directives 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC For specif ics about which standards ha ve been applied, refer to the Declaration of Conformi[...]

  • Página 35

    35 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 California Perchlora te Contamination Prevention Act (Title 22, Californ ia Code of Regulations, Chapte r 33) California Perchlorate Contamination Prevention Act (Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 33) The battery inside this prod[...]

  • Página 36

    36 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Standards Compliance Standards Compliance This section includes all regulatory , safet y , EMC (Class A or Class B ), telecom, and NEBS standards. The Cisco ME 6500 series Ethernet switch is in co mpliance with national and international standar[...]

  • Página 37

    37 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 EMC Environmental Conditions for Pro ducts Installed in the E uropean Union For specif ic details about the years, re visions, and relev ant amendments, refer to the applicable declaration of conformity av ailable at http://www . The [...]

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    38 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 EMC Class A Notices and W arnings EMC Class A Notices and Warnings This section includes the EMC Cl ass A warnings for the Cisco ME 6500 series Ethernet switch. Class A Notice for FCC Modifying the equipment without Cisco’ s au thorization may[...]

  • Página 39

    39 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 EMC Class A Notices and Warnings Statement 256—Class A Warning for Hungary Statement 294—Class A Warning for Korea War ni ng This equipment is a class A prod uct and should be used and installed properly accord ing to the Hungarian EMC Class[...]

  • Página 40

    40 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Optional Cautions Optional Cautions This section includes addition al cautions that m ight apply to your p roducts. GR-1089-Core Intrabuilding Li ghtning—Immunity Requirements Caution T o comply with GR-1089-Core intrab uilding lightning-im mu[...]

  • Página 41

    41 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Documentation Feedback Product Documentation DVD The Product Documentati on D VD is a library of tec hnical product document ation on a portable medium. The D VD e nables you to access instal lation, configu ration, and command guides for Cisco [...]

  • Página 42

    42 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Product Alerts and Field Notices Reporting Security Problems in Cisco Products Cisco is committed to deli vering secure products. W e te st our products internally before we release them, and we stri ve to correct all vulnerabilit ies quickly . [...]

  • Página 43

    43 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Obtaining Technical Assista nce Obtaining Technical Assistance Cisco T echnical Sup port prov ides 24-hour -a-d ay award-winning technical assistance. The Cisco Support website on Ci features e xtensi ve online support resources. In add [...]

  • Página 44

    44 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Obtaining Technica l Assistance Submitting a Service Request Using the online T A C Service Request T ool is the fastest w ay to open S3 and S4 service requests. (S3 and S4 service requests are those i n which your network i s minimally impaired[...]

  • Página 45

    45 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Obtaining Additional Publ ications and Information Obtaining Additional Publications and Information Information about Cisco products, techno logies, and networ k solutions is av ailable from v arious online and printed sources. • The Cisco On[...]

  • Página 46

    46 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch 78-17361-02 Obtaining Additional Pub lications and Information This document is to be used in co njunction with th e documents listed i n the Cisco ME 6500 Series E thernet Switc h Installation Guide . © 2006–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights re serv e[...]