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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA http://www.ci sco.com Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Installation and Upgrade Guide f or Cisco Unif ied Vid eoconferencing 351 5 MCU1 2 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 August 20 08 Text Pa rt Numbe r: OL -17012-0 1[...]
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iii Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Functio nalit y 1-1 Abou t th e Ci sco Unifi ed Videoco nfere ncing 3515 MCU 1-1 About Cis co Unif ied Vide oconf erencin g 3515 MCU Us er s 1-1 Admi nist rato rs 1-1 Mode rat ors an d Oper ator s 1-[...]
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Cont ent s iv Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Connect ing th e EMP to the LAN 2-12 About Ma naging and Mo nito ring t he Cisco Unified Videoc onfer encing 35 15 MCU Unit 2-13 SNMP Manage ment 2-13 Local Po rt Moni toring Co nnect ions 2-13 Perfo rmi ng S o[...]
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CH A P T E R 1-1 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 1 Functionality • About the Cisco Uni fied V ideocon ferenc ing 3515 MCU, pag e 1-1 • About Cisco Un ified V i deocon ferenc ing 3515 MCU Users, page 1- 1 • Main Feat ures , pa ge 1-2 • Port Capaciti[...]
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1-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapt er 1 Function alit y Main Feature s Moderato rs and Op erators Modera tors and Ope rators c an use the Conferenc e Contro l interface for contro lling aud io, vide o and dat a connect ions, f or selectin g adv ance[...]
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1-3 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 1 Functional ity Main Featur es Support ed prot ocols • H.323 versio n 4 • SIP RFC 3261 for the Session Initiation Protoc ol • SCC P • H.24 3 for c onfere nce cont rol • RFC 2833 f or i n-band D TMF wit[...]
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1-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapt er 1 Function alit y Port Capacitie s Port Capacities The Cisc o Unified V ideoconf erencin g 3515 MCU 12 and Cisco Unified V ide ocon fer enc ing 3515 MCU24 are delivered with a pr edete rmine d numb er o f por ts[...]
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1-5 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 1 Functional ity Port Capacities Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 Port Capacity Cisco Unified V ideoconfe rencing 3 515 MCU12 s uppo rts a f ix ed numbe r of por ts: • 72 ports of full y transcode d a[...]
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1-6 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapt er 1 Function alit y About Cisco Unified Vi deoconfe rencin g 3515 MCU Architect ure Note When using a High Defin ition Switched V ideo service type, only a single scr een layout is av ailable . High definition par[...]
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1-7 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 1 Functional ity About Cisco Unifi ed Vide oconferen cing 3515 MCU Topolog ies About Cisco Unified Vid eoconferencing 3515 MCU Topologies The Cisco Unified V ideoconf eren cing 3 515 MCU can wo rk in a centrali z[...]
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1-8 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapt er 1 Function alit y About Cisco Unified Vi deoconfe rencin g 3515 MCU Topologi es The ca scad ed conf ere nce in Figure 1-3 minimizes the use of network bandwi dth while di stributing processi ng amo ng t he part [...]
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CH A P T E R 2-1 Installati on and Upgra de Guide f or Cisco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3 515 MCU • Phy sica l Des cri pti on, pa ge 2-1 • V erif ying the Package Contents , page 2-2 • Mounting the Cisco Unified V ide oconfer enci ng 35 [...]
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2-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5. 6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your C isco Unified Vide oconfer encing 3515 MCU Verifying the Pack age C ontents Figur e 2-1 Cisco Unified V ideo conf erencin g 3515 MCU Fron t Pan e l Verifying th e Package Con tents Proc edure S[...]
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2-3 Installati on and Upgra de Guide f or Cisco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisc o Unified Videoc onferenci ng 3515 M CU Mounting th e Cisco Unified Videoconf erenci ng 3515 MCU Unit in a 19- inch Rack Mounting the Cisco Unified Videoc onferencing 3515 MCU Unit in a 1[...]
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2-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5. 6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your C isco Unified Vide oconfer encing 3515 MCU How to Perfor m the Cis co Unified Vi deoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Unit Initia l Config uration Figur e 2-2 Fittin g a Br ack et for Rac k Mounting Step [...]
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2-5 Installati on and Upgra de Guide f or Cisco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisc o Unified Videoc onferenci ng 3515 M CU How to Perform the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU U nit Initial Configuration Note Y o u ca n perfor m seria l port configurati on of the[...]
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2-6 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5. 6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your C isco Unified Vide oconfer encing 3515 MCU How to Perfor m the Cis co Unified Vi deoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Unit Initia l Config uration Proc edure Step 1 Connect t he RS-232 term inal cable to [...]
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2-7 Installati on and Upgra de Guide f or Cisco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisc o Unified Videoc onferenci ng 3515 M CU How to Perform the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU U nit Initial Configuration Step 11 At the network configurati on Main menu, en ter Q t[...]
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2-8 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5. 6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your C isco Unified Vide oconfer encing 3515 MCU How to Perfor m the Vi deo Process ing Mo dule Initia l Configurat ion • Enter the letter fo r the set of paramete rs that you want to configure. ?[...]
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2-9 Installati on and Upgra de Guide f or Cisco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisc o Unified Videoc onferenci ng 3515 M CU How to Perform the Video Processing Module Initial Configuration • Modify the Cis co Unified V i deoconfe renci ng 35 15 MCU unit IP ad dress. ?[...]
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2-10 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5. 6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your C isco Unified Vide oconfer encing 3515 MCU How to Perfor m the Vi deo Process ing Mo dule Initia l Configurat ion Cautio n Configurati on of any of the para meters other than N : Configure def[...]
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2-11 Installati on and Upgra de Guide f or Cisco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisc o Unified Videoc onferenci ng 3515 M CU How to Perform the Video Processing Module Initial Configuration Pointing the EMP to the Controlling C isco Unified Videocon ferencing 3515 MCU Y [...]
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2-12 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5. 6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your C isco Unified Vide oconfer encing 3515 MCU How to Perfor m the Vi deo Process ing Mo dule Initia l Configurat ion The netw ork in terface card se ttings scree n appear s as fol lo ws: Choose :[...]
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2-13 Installati on and Upgra de Guide f or Cisco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisc o Unified Videoc onferenci ng 3515 M CU Abou t M anagi ng and Moni tori ng t he C isco Un ified Vide oco nfer enc ing 3 515 MCU Uni t About Managing and Monitoring th e Cisco Unified Vid[...]
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2-14 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5. 6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your C isco Unified Vide oconfer encing 3515 MCU Accessi ng the Ci sco Unified Vi deoconf erencing 35 15 MCU Admin istrato r Interfac e Y ou c an use y our web browser from any re mote PC s tation t[...]
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2-15 Installati on and Upgra de Guide f or Cisco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisc o Unified Videoc onferenci ng 3515 M CU Registering the Online Help for the 3515 MCU Registering the Online Help for the 3515 MCU The online h elp f iles fo r the Cisco Unified V ideocon[...]
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2-16 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU 24 Releases 5. 6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your C isco Unified Vide oconfer encing 3515 MCU Registerin g the Online Help fo r the 3515 MCU[...]
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CH A P T E R 3-1 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 3 Using the Cisco Software Upgrade Utility • About the Cisco Softw are Upgrade Utili ty , page 3-1 • Launching t he Cisco Softw are Upgra de Utility , page 3-1 • Upgrad ing Soft ware, page 3-2 About th[...]
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3-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 3 Using the Cisco Software Upg rade Utility Upgradin g Softwar e Upgrading Software Y ou use the Softwa re Upgrade Utility t o upgrade Cisc o softwa re installed on Cisco de vices. Proc edure Step 1 In the Gen er[...]
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CH A P T E R 4-1 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 4 Cable Connections and Pin-outs • RS-232 9-Pin Serial Port, page 4-1 • RJ-45 8-Pin IP Networ k Port, page 4-2 RS-232 9-Pin Serial Port Ta b l e 4-1 describes the Cisco Unified V ide oconf erenc ing 3 51[...]
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4-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 4 Cable Co nnecti ons and P in-out s RJ-45 8-Pin IP Ne twork Port RJ-45 8-Pin IP Network Port Ta b l e 4-2 describes th e pin-out co nfiguration of the RJ-45 IP network port. Ta b l e 4-2 Pin-out Configu ratio n [...]
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CH A P T E R 5-1 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 5 Technical Specifications Ta b l e 5-1 Cisco U nified V ideo conf erenci ng 3515 MCU Unit T ec hnical Spe cifications Unit Dimensions • Height : 1U (1.7 5 inche s or 44.45 mm) • W idth: 17.25 inche s (4[...]
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5-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 5 Techni cal Sp ecifica tions Failsafe • W atchdog timer b uilt in Powe r S uppl y • Input 100-2 40V AC autoswitch ed • Output + 3.3V DC, + 5VDC, + 12 VDC • Maximu m power load 150W T able 5-1 Cisco Unifi[...]
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CH A P T E R 6-1 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 6 Safety • Electric al Safety , page 6- 1 • ESD Procedur es, page 6-2 • Batteries, pa ge 6-2 Electrical Safety T o avoid an elec tric sho ck or dam age to the Cisc o Unif ied V ide ocon fere nci ng 351[...]
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6-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 6 Safety ESD Procedur es Cautio n This is a cla ss I unit. In Denmark, u se this unit with an A C cord suited to Da nish specif icati ons. Th e cord should include an earthing conductor . Plug the unit into a wal[...]
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CH A P T E R 7-1 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 7 Compliance and Certifica tions • Safety Compliance, page 7-1 • EMC , page 7-1 • T eleco m, pa ge 7-2 • En v ironmenta l Compliance, page 7- 3 Safety Compliance The Cisc o Unified V ideoconf erencin[...]
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7-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapte r 7 Compli anc e and Cert ifi cation s Telecom • EN 61000- 3-3 • EN 61000- 6-1 War ni n g This is a class A product. In a domestic environmen t this product may cause radio interference in which case the user [...]
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7-3 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified Vi deocon ferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapter 7 Compliance and Certificatio ns Environmental Compliance • The telephone com pany may make changes in its facil ities, equipmen t, operations or proced ures that could af fec t the operation of the eq uipment.[...]
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7-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onfe rencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Release s 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 Chapte r 7 Compli anc e and Cert ifi cation s Environme ntal Compli ance[...]
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IN-1 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 INDEX Numerics 19-inch rack 2-3 mount u nit 2-3 6-second cou ntdown 2-4, 2-6 9-pin se rial-p ort 2-1 A ACT LED See LED indic ators Administrato r interface 1-1, 2-13 Advanced Confi gurat ion me nu 2-7, 2-9, 2-11 ALRM [...]
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Index IN-2 Installatio n and Upgr ade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onferencin g 3515 MCU12 and MC U24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 H H.235 1-3 H.239 1-3 H.243 1-4 High Defin ition 1-4 High Defin ition Switched Video 1-5 HTTP 2-10 I initial config uration 2-4 initializ ation 2-4 installati on procedures access adm inistrator interface 2-14 ch[...]
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Inde x IN-3 Installati on and Upgra de Guide for C isco Unified V ideo con ferencing 3515 MC U12 and MCU24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01 pin-out co nfigu ration RJ-45 IP networ k port 4-2 RS-232 9- pin D- type se rial po rt 4-1 ports RJ-45 IP 4-2 RS-232 9-pi n serial 4-1 power suppl y 5-2 privac y 1-4 protoc ols 1-3 push but tons 5-1 R remote co[...]
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Index IN-4 Installatio n and Upgr ade Guide for Cisco Unified V ideoc onferencin g 3515 MCU12 and MC U24 Releases 5.6 and 5.7 OL-17012-01[...]