Compex Technologies WP11A+ manual


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As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto Compex Technologies WP11A+. A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoCompex Technologies WP11A+ vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual Compex Technologies WP11A+ você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual Compex Technologies WP11A+, e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual Compex Technologies WP11A+ deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo Compex Technologies WP11A+
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo Compex Technologies WP11A+
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo Compex Technologies WP11A+
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque Compex Technologies WP11A+ não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos Compex Technologies WP11A+ e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço Compex Technologies na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas Compex Technologies WP11A+, como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo Compex Technologies WP11A+, uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual Compex Technologies WP11A+. Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1


  • Página 2

    i Co pyrights © 2002 Co m pex System s P te Ltd A ll Rig hts R eserv ed This do c ument co nta ins info rmat ion, whic h is prot ec ted by copy right . Rep roduc tion, ad aptatio n or tr a ns l ati on w it h ou t pr i or p er mi s si on is pr oh ib it ed, e x ce pt as al l ow e d u n der th e cop yri gh t laws . Trademark Information Compex ® , R[...]

  • Página 3

    ii F CC NOTI CE This d evice h as be en t ested a nd f ound to c om pl y with the limi ts for a C lass B dig ital device, purs uant to Par t 15 of the FC C Ru les. T hese lim its a re des ig ned to pro vide rea sonab le pro tectio n ag ains t harmf ul inte rfere nce in a res ident ial insta lla tion . T h is d ev ice ge ner ates , us es and can rad[...]

  • Página 4

    iii Declaration o f Co nformity Co mpex, I nc. dec l ares the fo llowing : Produc t Name: Co mpex 11Mbps Wireless LA N A cc ess Point Model No . : WP11A + c onf orms to the f ollowing Pr oduc t St andards: This dev ice c om plie s wi th the E lect r o mag netic C omp atib ili t y Direc tive (89/3 36/E EC) is sued by the Co mmissio n of the Euro pea[...]

  • Página 5

    iv Technica l Support Information The warranty i nfo rmation and registration f orm are fo und in the Quick I nstall Guide. For t echnica l suppo rt, y ou may co ntact Co mpex o r it s subs idiarie s. For y our c onv enience, y ou may also s eek t echnic al a ssis tance f r o m the lo cal d ist rib uto r, o r fro m th e au tho riz ed dealer / res e[...]

  • Página 6

    v About Thi s Documen t The pro duct d escr ibed i n th i s do cument , Com pex Ne tPassag e Se ries, C om pex W P11A + is a licen sed produc t of C om pex Sy stems P te Ltd . Thi s doc ument co ntains in struct ions fo r i n st al li n g, con f i gu r i n g a nd us i n g Com p e x WP 11 A+. It a l s o gi ve s an ove r vi e w of t h e k e y applic [...]

  • Página 7

    Tabl e of Conte nts Co py rig hts © 2002 Co mpex Sy stems P te L td .................................................................. i Trad emar k I nf o rmatio n ................................................................................................... i Disc laimer ......................................................................[...]

  • Página 8

    Tabl e of Conte nts 4.1.2 Ga teway a nd W ireless Ro uting Client Mo de .............................................. 15 C h a pt er 5 C on f i gu r e C om p ex W P 11A + U si n g W eb In te rf a ce ........... 17 5.1 Cha ng ing th e I P A ddress o f C om pex W P11A + ....................................................... 18 5.2 Co nfig uring DHC[...]

  • Página 9

    Tabl e of Conte nts C h a pt er 10 R ou t in g ............................................................................. 6 2 10.1 Co nf ig uring Ro uting Pro toc ol ................................................................................. 62 10.2 A dding Static Ro utes ....................................................................[...]

  • Página 10

    Tabl e of Conte nts Ap pe n dix III Con fi gur ati on an d C om m an ds on Tel n et In terf ac e ......... 86 AIII- 1 T e l n e t In t e r fa c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n .......................................................................... 86 AIII- 2 C o m m a n d Li n e In t e r f a c e C om m a n d s L i s t ...............................[...]

  • Página 11

    Chapter 1 Pr oduct Overview 1 Chap t er 1 P rodu ct Overvi ew 1. 1 In t r od uc t i on A wireles s ne t wo rk is a c onv eni ent w ay of set ting up a n etwork bot h at ho me and in the of fi ce . The la ck of a ph y s i ca l in fr as tr u ct ur e, s uch as LAN ca b l e s, re d u ces t he cost of implementing a network env ironment. A s a hom e use[...]

  • Página 12

    Chapter 1 Pr oduct Overview 2 1. 3 Fea tures a nd B e nef it s Com p e x WP 1 1A+ i s de si gn e d t o gi ve you a com p l e t e s ol uti on of a wi r e le ss ne t w or k b y esta bli shing co nnec tion w ith a w irel ess c lien t. T he l i s t be low id ent ifie s so me o f th e features and benef its of C om pex WP11A +. 1.3.1 IEEE 802.11 Complia[...]

  • Página 13

    Chapter 1 Pr oduct Overview 3 1.3 .6 LA N-to -LAN Bridging Co mpex WP11A + may also be c onfig ured as an Exten ded S ervic e S et (ESS) Clie nt, wo rking in co njunc tion with ano ther ESS Ac cess P o int (A P) to fu nc tio n as a L AN -to -L AN Wireless Bridg e. 1.3.7 Upgradeable F irmware Co mpex W P11A + is sp ecia lly desig ned w ith a fla sh [...]

  • Página 14

    Chapter 1 Pr oduct Overview 4 Figure 1.4b Si de view o f Compex WP11A+ (Secti on #1) Figure 1.4c Si de view o f Compex WP11A+ (Secti on #2) Figure 1.4dCo nnecti on to indoo r ant enna 10 13 1 1 12 WA - HGA - 5+ (sold separa tely) Co nnec ting W A- HGA -5 + to WP1 1A + will inc rease the wireless netwo r k c ov era g e.[...]

  • Página 15

    Chapter 1 Pr oduct Overview 5 1. 5 Panel De scr i pti on In dicato r Desc r ipt ion 1 Power LED Steady Gre en Light Pow er is suppl ied to Co mpex WP11A +. 2 WL AN L ED Steady Gre en Light A link is connec ted. F lashing Gree n Light A n activ ity is g o ing on. 3 10M L ED Steady Gre en Light L A N c onnec ti ng at 10Mbps. 4 100M L ED Steady Gre en[...]

  • Página 16

    Chapter 1 Pr oduct Overview 6 In dicato r Desc r ipt ion 9 A P M o de LE D Steady Gre en Light Th e d e vice i s i n AP Br i d ge M ode or AP C li e n t Mod e. No Light The d ev ice is in G ateway mo de. 10 Wireless I nterfac e Buil t-in 11Mbp s Wi rele ss LA N PCMC IA Card to suppo rt wirel ess client. 11 5V DC/2.1A A cc epts 5V DC/2.1A input. 12 [...]

  • Página 17

    Chapter 1 Pr oduct Overview 7 1.6 Techn ical S pecificatio ns Items Specificatio ns I ndustr y Standards • I EEE 802. 3 10Base-T; • I EEE 802. 3u 100Base-TX; • I EEE 802. 11 DSSS; • I EEE 802. 11b High Rate; • I EEE 802. 1d LA N Bridging Safety Cert ificat ions CE Mar k, FCC Clas s B, Gost, C-Tick, UL Radio Tec hnolog y Direct Sequenc e S[...]

  • Página 18

    Chapter 1 Pr oduct Overview 8 Items Specificatio ns Media A cc ess Method Carr ier Sense Mu ltip le A cce ss w ith Co llis io n A vo idance (CSMA /CA) Gatewa y Mode (Selec table) Wired I nterf ace Wireless Pseudo VL A N Private Subnet Built- I n DHCP Serv er Virtual S erv er Time- based Ac cess Co ntrol I P Pac ket Filtering Router’ s Cl oc k Co [...]

  • Página 19

    Chapter 2 Getting Star ted 9 Chap t er 2 Gettin g S tarted This c hapter outline s the basic requi rement s befo re y ou beg in any inst allatio n and co nfig ur atio n of Com pex WP11A +. 2.1 P ack age Co ntent Th a n k you for p u r ch a si n g Com p e x WP 11 A+. T h e pa ck a ge s h ou ld con t a in th e fo llo wing : • Co mpex WP 11A+ uni t [...]

  • Página 20

    Chapter 3 Har dware Ins tall ation 10 Chapt er 3 H ardwa re Installation Fi gure 3a Co mpex WP11A+ Connectio ns To begin setting up the Co mpex W P11A +, please fo llow the steps listed belo w: 1. Snap the Co mpex WP11A + o nto the c lip holder stand as show n in Figure 3b. Figure 3b Illustratio n on using C lip ho lder Stand Clip it d irec tly o n[...]

  • Página 21

    Chapter 3 Har dware Ins tall ation 11 2. Plac e the Co mpex WP 11A + in a w ell ven tilated are a. 3. Plac e the dev ice in a stan ding po sition. 4. Co nnect y o ur PC to the Etherne t por t of Compex W P11A + usi ng an MDI X UTP RJ45 cable . Plea se no te tha t bef ore y our PC c an acc ess to the I ntern et, the N I C adapte r and TCP/I P protoc[...]

  • Página 22

    Chapter 4 Softwar e Configur ation 12 Chapt er 4 S oftware Conf ig ura t ion Af ter se tting up the hard wa re , in stal l a bro wser o n th e P C o r w o rkstat ion. Make sur e th at t he TCP/I P protoc ol is install ed and co nfigured f or I nt ernet acc ess. Please r efer to A ppendix I I . 4. 1 Login i nto We b-base d Inte r fac e Co mpex has d[...]

  • Página 23

    Chapter 4 Softwar e Configur ation 13 This w ill auto matic ally launch th e p ro g ram and y o u will be g reet ed w ith the uConf i g application pag e as shown in Fig ure 4.1a. Figur e 4 .1a Utility Co nfiguratio n GUI 3. Clic k o n th e “O penW eb” but to n and th e sy stem w ill auto matic ally link y ou to Co mpex WP 11A +’s authenticat[...]

  • Página 24

    Chapter 4 Softwar e Configur ation 14 4. Click on t he “L og ON ! ’ button to acc ess t he w eb b ased c onfig uration i nterf ace o f the Co mpex WP11A +. The defa ult passw ord f or the l og in co nfiguration in terfac e i s pa ssword . You will be a ble to c hange th e lo gin passw ord w hich w ill be elabo rated in “Ch ange Password” se[...]

  • Página 25

    Chapter 4 Softwar e Configur ation 15 4.1.1 AP B ridge and AP Client M ode Exit uConfig Mode menu – End the U tility Co nfig uratio n Pro gra m • Exitu Co nfig CONF IG URATIO N men u – Basic Ethernet and Wireless setup • Mo de Se lec tio n • Management Po rt Setup SYSTEM TO OLS menu –Edit v arious intern al setting s o f Co mpex WP11A +[...]

  • Página 26

    Chapter 4 Softwar e Configur ation 16 • Re b oot S yst e m • Ch a n ge P a s s w or d • Logout HELP menu • Get Technic al Support • Ab ou t S yst e m With thi s us er-f rien d ly web based co nfig uratio n in terf ace, all c on fig uratio ns on the Co mpex W P11A + c an now easily be achi eved, al l ow i ng y ou to conf igure y our netwo [...]

  • Página 27

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 17 Chapt er 5 Conf igure Com pex WP 1 1A+ Us in g Web Interf ace This c hapter ex pl ain s the C onf i gurat i on M enu too l of C om pe x WP11A + the w eb-ba sed c onf ig uratio n inte rfac e. To c om munic ate w ith t he netwo rk, D HCP Gat eway I P Add ress s ho uld be comm on t o the AP C[...]

  • Página 28

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 18 5.1 Changing th e IP Ad dress of C om pex WP 11A+ You ca n al s o as si gn a s peci fi c IP a d dr e ss to th e Com p e x W P1 1 A+. T o ch a n ge t he IP address, 1. Enter the new I P address in IP Address entry . 2. C lick “Sav e” button and rebo ot the dev i ce to updat e the co nfi[...]

  • Página 29

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 19 To reserve a certain IP address fo r a specific work station 1. Click on “DHCP Server Reser vatio ns” but ton in the Management Po r t Setup Me nu. 2. E nter the specif ic I P address to be assigned to y our desig nated PC. 3. A ssign a nam e for the H o st of t he design ated PC. 4. F[...]

  • Página 30

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 20 5. 3 Set ti ng up Wir e le ss Per G roup P seudo LAN u si ng AP B r i dge Mode Wi t h m or e wi re le ss n et w or k s b ei n g d e pl oyed i n p u bl i c pr e mi s es, pr i va c y pr ot e ct i on ag ainst unknow n use rs has been a n incre asingly g rave co ncern. The W irele ss Pse udo V[...]

  • Página 31

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 21 The ph y sical setu p o f P er Gro up Pseudo VL AN is illustrated as sho wn. Figur e 5. 3b P hysical Setup fo r Wireless to Ethern et Bridging Starting P oint The d efault mo de fo r Comp ex WP11A + is in AP B ridg e, th erefo re no furth er co nfiguratio n is re quired. 1. A ctiv ate uCo [...]

  • Página 32

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 22 2. Click “A pply ” butto n fro m the Netwo rk Mode Setup GUI and t he web page f or A cc ess Point S etup as sho wn in F igu re 5.3d will ap pear. Figure 5.3d Sel ection o f Network M ode 3. Ente r th e Acc ess Poin t Se tup parame ters fo r y our netwo r k . An exa mple is sho wn in F[...]

  • Página 33

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 23 Figure 5.3e Access P oint Setup Elaboration o f Com pex WP 11A+ ESSID T his is a n ide nti fi er tha t th e de vic es u se to ass o ci a te with the access point. It helps t o d is ting uish be twee n m ul tip le w ire less netwo rk s in the s a me vicinity. Channe l T he D SS S te ch no l[...]

  • Página 34

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 24 4. Selec t Per Group in t he Pseudo VL A N pull- down men u as sho wn belo w and c lick the “A pply ” but ton. Figure 5.3f Defining Access Co nt rol 5. Ad d in the MA C A ddres s o f t ho se w irel ess clie nts into th e v ar io u s g ro ups . Fo r t he examp le il lust rated in F ig u[...]

  • Página 35

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 25 6. Click “Add” b utton. Choo se yo ur Gro upI D and key in the clien t’s MA C addres s as show n below . Click on “A pply ” but ton as sho wn in Figure 5.4h. Figure 5.3h Adding M AC address 7. Next, y ou hav e the opt ion to choo se either 64- bits o r 128- bits WE P Encry ption.[...]

  • Página 36

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 26 NOTE Yo u can s tore up to 4 E ncry ption key s in Co mpex W P11A+ . Ho wever, o nly one key can be used at any time. For 128- bit WE P encry pt ion , en ter yo ur 26 hexad ecimal encryptio n key and clic k on the “Save” butto n. Rebo ot the dev i ce. Figure 5.3k Def ining the key for [...]

  • Página 37

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 27 Yo u can also hav e a c om binatio n of encry ption se tting s in each Ps eudo VLA N sett ing . The c om binatio ns can b e summ arized in th e table belo w: No. Pseudo VLAN WEP encrypt ion m etho d 1 Disable Disable 2 Disable 64 bit 3 Disable 128 bit 4 Per node Disable 5 Per node 64 bit 6[...]

  • Página 38

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 28 5.4 Setting up Wire less LAN-to -LAN B ridge Network us ing AP C lie nt Mod e Co mpex WP 11A + may be c onf i gured as a w ireless clien t , f unctio ni ng in co njunction with ano ther I EEE 802.11b- com plia nt Ac cess Point to perfo rm transpar ent Bridg ing between two Fast Ethernet ne[...]

  • Página 39

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 29 Starting P oint With Co mpex W P11A + in its d ef ault setting , 1. A ctiv ate uConfig prog ram, click o n the “OpenWeb” button. 2. Go to the CONFIGURATION me n u a n d cl i ck on M ode Selection . I n the Ne t work Mode Setup , selec t Access Poin t Client as sho wn in Figure 5.4b. Fi[...]

  • Página 40

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 30 Figure 5.4c Access Point Client Setup 7. Next, yo u have the option t o c hoo se ei t her 64-bit or 128-bit fo r W EP Encry pti on from th e WE P Se tup as s hown be l ow . Select y o ur option and c lick o n the “A pply ” button. Figure 5.4d Sel ecting WEP encryption m ethod Channe l [...]

  • Página 41

    Chapter 5 Configur e Compex WP11A Us ing W eb Inter face 31 8. Enter y our enc r y ption key . The parameter s take in hexadecimals. Figure 5.4e Encryption entries for 64-bit Figure 5.4f Encryption entries for 128-bit 9. Clic k o n the “S ave” b utto n and then rebo ot to take ef fec t.[...]

  • Página 42

    Chapter 6 Setting up Wide Ar ea Networ k using Gate way M ode 32 Chap t er 6 Settin g up Wid e Area Networ k u s in g Gatew ay M ode This c hapte r will elabo rate on ho w th e C om pex WP11A + c an be set as a Broadb and I nternet Gateway . A s the C om pex WP1 1A+ suppo rts dif ferent ty pes of br o adband co nnectio ns, it i s impo rtant that y [...]

  • Página 43

    Chapter 6 Setting up Wide Ar ea Networ k using Gate way M ode 33 NOTE If you a re s ub s cr ib er s of O P TU S i n Aust r al i a, ple a se s el e ct Dynamic IP a s you r WA N ty pe and co nfig ure the ro uter’s Sy stem N ame w ith the DH CP Cl ient I D, refe r to sec tion o n Sy stem Identity of this User Man ual o n Pag e 68. 6.2 Set up on Co m[...]

  • Página 44

    Chapter 6 Setting up Wide Ar ea Networ k using Gate way M ode 34 6. Next, remo ve c able fro m y our w orks t atio n and insert it into y our mo dem’s Ethe rnet port. Figure 6.2b Connect Co mpex WP 11A+ to mo dem 7. Po wer o n y our bro adband mo dem and w ai t fo r it to co mplete the init ia liza tion proc ess which may t ake a minute or m ore.[...]

  • Página 45

    Chapter 6 Setting up Wide Ar ea Networ k using Gate way M ode 35 6.3 Co nfig u re Co mp ex WP 11A+ u sin g Web I nterfa ce Figur e 6.3a P hysical lay ou t for Wireless Bro adband Internet Gateway A ssuming that Co mpex W P11A + is in the def ault setting . 1. A ctiv ate the uConfig pr og ram, click o n the “OpenWeb” button. 2. G o to th e CONFI[...]

  • Página 46

    Chapter 6 Setting up Wide Ar ea Networ k using Gate way M ode 36 3. Go to uConfig pro gram and c lic k o n the “OpenWe b” b utto n. L ogon again and now Co mpex W P11A + is in Gat ew ay Mo de. Figure 6.3b Sel ection o f Network M ode – Gateway 4. N ext, click o n t he “A pply ” but ton to pr oc eed to the A cc es s Point Setup. Figure 6.3[...]

  • Página 47

    Chapter 6 Setting up Wide Ar ea Networ k using Gate way M ode 37 5. For de t ail s in co nfig ur ing Pse udo VL AN and W EP encry ption met hod, ple a se r efer to th e “Setti ng up Wireles s P er Gro up Pseudo LAN using AP Bridge M ode ” sectio n, Step 4 on Pag e 20. 6. If yo u want to conf igure WA N setup, proc eed to W AN Setup and the fo l[...]

  • Página 48

    Chapter 6 Setting up Wide Ar ea Networ k using Gate way M ode 38 6.3.1 Advanced co nfigurati on in Gateway Mo de uCo nfig IP Setup By select ing u C on f i g IP Set up functio n fro m th e Com mand windo w, yo u can ch ange the I P address whic h t he uConfig pro gram will trace . Figure 6.3e uCo nfi g IP Set up More advanc ed f eatu res c an a lso[...]

  • Página 49

    Chapter 7 Setting up WAN using Wir ele ss Routing Cl ient 39 C ha p t e r 7 S e t t i ng up W A N us i ng W ir e l e s s R o ut i ng C l i e nt Set ting Com pex WP11A + a s a w irel ess ro uting cli ent e nable s y ou to acc ess to the in tern et t h r ough wi re le s s me t h od . Th e PCM C IA L AN ca r d wil l a ct as a WAN p or t . It w ill com[...]

  • Página 50

    Chapter 7 Setting up WAN using Wir ele ss Routing Cl ient 40 Figure 7.1b P hysical layo ut f or setting Co mpex WP 11A+ as Wi reless Routing Client 4. P ower on the broa d ban d mode m a nd wai t for it to compl et e the in itia li zat i on pr oces s wh i ch ma y ta k e a mi nu te or m or e, d ep e nd i n g on th e br an d an d d esi gn of in d i v[...]

  • Página 51

    Chapter 7 Setting up WAN using Wir ele ss Routing Cl ient 41 7.2 Con f iguring Co mpex WP11A+ as Wirel ess Ro uting Client throu gh Web In terface A ssuming that Co mpex W P11A + is in the def ault setting . 1. A ctiv ate the uConfig pr og ram, click o n the “OpenWeb” button. 2. Go to the CONFIGURATIO N m e nu an d cl i ck on Network Mode Selec[...]

  • Página 52

    Chapter 7 Setting up WAN using Wir ele ss Routing Cl ient 42 4. Next, click o n the “Apply ” button to proc eed to the Wireless Rou ting Clien t Setup. Figure 7.2b W ireless Ro uting Cli ent Setup 5. Next, yo u have the option t o c hoo se ei t her 64-bit or 128-bit fo r W EP Encry pti on from th e WE P Se tup as s hown be l ow . Select y o ur [...]

  • Página 53

    Chapter 7 Setting up WAN using Wir ele ss Routing Cl ient 43 6. Enter y our enc r y ption key . The parameter s take in hexadecimals. Figure 7.2d Encryption entries for 64-bit Figure 7.2e Encryption entries for 128-bit 7. Clic k o n the “S ave” b utto n and then rebo ot to take ef fec t. 8. If yo u want to conf igure WA N setup, proc eed to W A[...]

  • Página 54

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 44 Ch apter 8 Con f igu rati on on V ari ou s WAN Typ e This sec tion ex plains ho w to co nfigure th e Co mpex WP11A + as a W i reles s Bro adband I nternet Gateway to distribute Broadband I nternet Ac cess to a wireless network. Besides Dy namic I P connec ti on, Co mpex WP1 1A+ also supports Static I[...]

  • Página 55

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 45 3. The WAN Se tup screen show s a Stat ic IP Configur ation th at a llo ws y ou to co nfigure y o ur Stat ic I P co nnection to yo ur ISP. Figure 8.1b W AN Static IP Address Co nfigurat ion 4. Fill in the req uired f ield fo r the I P address, Netw ork Mask and Gatew ay . 5. A ll these i nfo r mation[...]

  • Página 56

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 46 8. 2 Config uring Dy namic IP Connecti on The Co mpex WP11A + is pre-co nfigured w ith WA N co nnection us ing Dy namic I P. Henc e, if yo u are us ing C able I nterne t ac cess, y ou do not need to c onfig ure t he W AN co nnection. Ho wever, if y our ac count r equires a DH CP Cli e nt I D in o r d[...]

  • Página 57

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 47 8.2.2 How to Con figure @HO ME Cable Serv i ce Many br o adband se rvic es requ i re a simp le DH CP re quest f or c onnec tion. Two such cable serv ices are O ptus@Ho me and Ro ger@H ome. To co nfig ure the @HOME Cable S ervic e, 1. Fo llow t he s tep s sta ted in the p rev io us “ Conf iguring fo[...]

  • Página 58

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 48 8. 3 Confi g uri ng PPP ove r E t he r ne t Se ss i on (PPPoE ) For Bro adband serv i ce p rov iders s uch a s Pacif i c I nternet Broa dband a nd Sing Net Broadband , y ou hav e t o selec t the PPPoE W AN co n figurat ion. T his inc ludes users i n Germany who use T-1 c onnec tion. NOTE Cert ain A D[...]

  • Página 59

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 49 The WAN Setu p sc reen be low dis play s the PPPoE co nf ig urat io n tha t allo ws y ou to conf igure y our A DSL ac cess. Fi gur e 8 .3 b WA N PPPo E C on fig ura tio n NOTE Sing apo re users should f ollo w the fo rm at below to enter their usernam es: Pacif i c I nternet Broadband: username@pac i[...]

  • Página 60

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 50 8. 4 Config uring f or Si ngTe l Mag ix SuperSurf With y our A DS L modem and PC , yo u can co nfigure y our WA N using th e log i n acc ount fro m SingTel Magix broadband serv i ce. 1. Selec t WAN Type and clic k on the “Chang e” button. 2. Chec k the radio button next to the Si ngapore A DSL an[...]

  • Página 61

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 51 4. Ente r U sername , Passwo rd , S ervic e Nam e (opt i onal) and Idle Tim eout (d isab led at default). 5. Clic k fir st t he “S ave” and t hen on t he “R eboo t” but ton to c omplete the W AN co nfiguratio n. I f all c o nnec tions ar e p ro per ly establ ished a n I nter net r eque s t, t[...]

  • Página 62

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 52 2. Click on “Save” and the Australia BP A Ca ble WAN Se tup scr een wi ll app e ar for y o u to set the c o nfig uratio n. Figure 8.5b Austral ia B igP ond Cable Australia BPA Cable c onf igura tio n a llo ws Au stral ian u se rs to c o nf ig ure the co nnec tio n for B i gPon d C a b l e Int e r[...]

  • Página 63

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 53 8. 6 Point t o Point T unnel i n g Pr ot ocol ( PPTP) PPTP en ab les imp leme ntat i o n o f sec ure, mu lti- proto co l Virtua l Pr ivate Netw orks (VPNs) throug h publi c data netwo rks, such as I nternet. 1. Clic k on W AN Se tup and clic k on the “Chang e” to selec t WA N ty pe as PPTP . 2. P[...]

  • Página 64

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 54 3. Chec k the PP TP ra di o bu tt on a n d pr es s t h e Save bu tton. The co nfigurat ion p age fo r PPT P will be d isplay ed. Figure 8.6b Co nfigurat ion o n P P TP 4. Fill in the p arameters f or y o ur PPTP serv ice: Co nnect IP Key in the I P A ddress of y our Serv i ce Pro vider. Username Ente[...]

  • Página 65

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 55 5. Pr e ss t he Sav e b u tton fo llo wed by the Re b oot bu tton to c om plet e t he c onf igura tio n pro cess. 6. Enter all necessary info rmation in the individual fields and press the Save button. 7. Press the Re b oot butt on to co mplete the co nfig ur ation pro cess. 8.7 JTB Bru Net e-S peed [...]

  • Página 66

    Chapter 8 Configur ation on Var ious WAN Type 56 3. Chec k the JT B BruNet e- Speed (Brunei) ra di o b ut t on a nd pr es s t h e Save butto n. The co nfiguratio n page f or e-Speed will b e display ed as fo llow s. E-Speed serv es both business and residenti al custo mers. Figur e 8. 7b T ypes o f Service fo r JTB B ruNet e-Speed 4. Selec t the ty[...]

  • Página 67

    Chapter 9 Configur ing Networ k Addr ess Tr ansl ation 57 Ch apter 9 Co n figu ri n g Network Ad dr ess Tra nsl atio n I n this c hap ter, we w ill illus trat e on ho w y ou c an ho st som e I ntern et S erv ers o n y o ur LA N v ia the use of Compex W P11A+ co nfig uration interfac e. Be for e you a t t e mp t an y N AT or F i l t er in g con fi g[...]

  • Página 68

    Chapter 9 Configur ing Networ k Addr ess Tr ansl ation 58 9.2 Def inin g P ort- Fo rwa rdin g Virt ua l Serv er Port Forwarding redi r ect s any inco ming Public IP I nterne t reque st to anothe r co mputer on a Priv at e I P based on its TCP/UDP Po rt number. He n ce , w h en a WAN us er se nd s a re qu e st t o your n et wor k, the Com p e x WP 1[...]

  • Página 69

    Chapter 9 Configur ing Networ k Addr ess Tr ansl ation 59 2. Cl i ck on t h e “ P or t F or w ar di n g” b u tt on t o d is p l a y t h e NAT Static Port Base d Entri es G UI . Figure 9.3b NAT Static P ort Based Entri es 3. C lick o n the “A dd” button. Figure 9.3c Add in new P ort Bas ed Entry 4. Enter the inf orm atio n, fo r example: Pri[...]

  • Página 70

    Chapter 9 Configur ing Networ k Addr ess Tr ansl ation 60 If y ou req uir e a ssig ning mo re PC s in y our L A N as serv ers , us e the “Ad d” bu tto n to define the po r t-f orw arding v i rtual ser ver. To utiliz e NA T, yo u hav e to en ter th e Priv ate I P A ddress of the V irtua l Serv er and the Serv er Ty pe (e.g . HTT P). Fo r those I[...]

  • Página 71

    Chapter 9 Configur ing Networ k Addr ess Tr ansl ation 61 3. C lick o n “I P Forwarding” butto n. Figure 9.4b Adding New NAT I P addres s Entr y Enter the inf orm atio n in the respec tive param eter fields, f or examp le: Private I P Address: Public I P A ddress: 203.100.10. 99 4. Clic k add button to add the address into the I [...]

  • Página 72

    Chapter 10 Routing 62 Ch apter 10 Rou tin g 10 . 1 Con f i g ur i n g Rout i n g Pr ot oc ol Yo u can c onf igure Co mpex WP11A + to either Dy namic o r Stati c R outing Proto co l. I n d y namic ro uti ng , RI P1 and R I P2 will b e ch osen w hen th ere a re m ult i ple route s on y o ur netwo rk. T he bro adband I nternet G ate way will keep o n [...]

  • Página 73

    Chapter 10 Routing 63 Yo u will set the desired D estination I P A ddress and the G ateway I P A ddress. 2. Cl i ck “ App l y” b ut t on to sa ve your ch a n ge s . Y ou n e ed t o sa ve an d re b oot your ga t e wa y. Figure 10.2b Addi ng Stati c IP Routing Destina tion IP A ddress A r em ot e n et w ork I P a ddr es s t o wh ich yo u wa nt to[...]

  • Página 74

    Chapter 11 Packet Fil tering 64 Chapt er 11 Pa cket F iltering 11.1 F ilte ring Co mpex W P11A + allow s Pac ket Fil tering r ules to be defin ed ba sed on three f actors, Sou r ce IP Ad d r e ss , TCP P or t an d Ti m e . IP Pa ck e t Fi l t eri n g exa m i n es th e ou t goi n g packet s and deci des wh et her t o by pass or to b loc k them. A ft[...]

  • Página 75

    Chapter 11 Packet Fil tering 65 To add a new rule 1. Press “A dd” button. The sc reen fac ilitates the users to add rules f or I P Pac ket Filtering . Figure 11.1b IP F ilt ering Configuration 2. E nte r th e app rop riat e da ta in the resp ect ive entr ies fo r Rule Name , IP Addr ess , Destina tio n Port , Da y o f the Week and Time of the D[...]

  • Página 76

    Chapter 11 Packet Fil tering 66 To delete a r ule 1. Selec t the required rule o n the Select to Edit col u mn . 2. Clic k on De le te to ac ti vate the ac ti on. To edit a rule 1. Selec t the required rule o n the Select to Edit col u mn . 2. Clic k o n “Ed it” butto n to ac tiv ate the a ctio n, 3. Clic k “A pply ” butto n to ac c ept the[...]

  • Página 77

    Chapter 12 Remote M anagement 67 Chap t er 12 Rem ote M an age m en t 12.1 Rem ote Management Th e Re m ot e Man a ge m e nt fea t ur e i s a u se fu l fu n ct i on f or th os e p eop l e w ho w or k fr om hom e or sa le s pe r s on ne l w h o ar e m os tl y aw a y from t h e offi ce . As l on g you h a ve I nternet ac c ess at y o ur Rem o te site[...]

  • Página 78

    Chapter 13 Using SYSTE M TOOLS m enu 68 Ch apter 13 Usin g SYSTEM TOOLS m en u 13. 1 Syste m Identit y If yo u hav e multipl e Co mpex WP 11A +s in y our netwo rk, it w i ll b e usefu l if y ou def ine the respec tive Co mpex W P11A + identities f or ease o f identif icatio n. I n some c ases, y our I SP may require y o u to def i ne a System Name [...]

  • Página 79

    Chapter 13 Using SYSTE M TOOLS m enu 69 13. 2 Se t Sy ste m Time I t is rec om mend ed th at y o u co nf igu re th e Co mpex WP 11A +’s t ime r to sy nc hroniz e with y o ur PC so that y ou ca n utiliz e the time-b ased f unc tions. NOTE To manag e and utiliz e th e tim e-base d funct ions prov ided in the Co mpex WP11A +, (such as t he Filt erin[...]

  • Página 80

    Chapter 13 Using SYSTE M TOOLS m enu 70 13.3 F irmware Upgrade Yo u can do wnload th e new Firmw are upgrade f rom http://www .compex. com . sg for th e lates t f irmware rev ision. H ere, y ou c an dow nload all f uture releas e of updated F irmwar e by simp ly clic king on th e links .. Figure 13.3a To upgrade Fi rmware To perf orm the upgrade, 1[...]

  • Página 81

    Chapter 13 Using SYSTE M TOOLS m enu 71 13 . 4 Sa ve or Re s e t S e t t i n g s Th i s f u nct i on a ll ow s th e us er s t o per for m t as k s on th e con fi gu r a ti on set ti n gs . Y ou ma y save the c onf iguration that yo u have m ade to the Comp ex W P11A+, bac kup the c onf ig uratio n o n a fil e, re store the c o nf igu ratio n fro m [...]

  • Página 82

    Chapter 13 Using SYSTE M TOOLS m enu 72 To Backup To bac kup Com pex WP11A +’s co nfiguratio n into a f ile, clic k on the “Bac kup” butt on. To Restore Click o n the “Restore” button to r estore the o ld co nfiguration f rom y o ur backup f i le. To Clear and Reset y our setting B y cli c ki ng on t hi s b utt on , you w il l r e st or e[...]

  • Página 83

    Chapter 13 Using SYSTE M TOOLS m enu 73 13.6 Ch ange Pas swo r d Th i s op t i on al l ows t he Syst em Ad mi ni st ra t or t o a me n d th e cu r r en t p as s w or d. Th e de f a u lt pa s s w or d is pas sword . This pa ssword is being used fo r th e web- based c on fig uratio n interf ace as w ell as in the Telnet sessio n. NOTE Adm i n i s tr [...]

  • Página 84

    Chapter 13 Using SYSTE M TOOLS m enu 74 13.7 Lo gou t Wi t h the w eb br ow s e r, loggi n g ou t h a s ne ve r be en ea si er . S i mpl y cl i ck on th e “ Logou t ” butto n and yo u will ex it the w eb-based env i ronm ent. The sy st em w ill pro mpt y ou to log in ag ain as sho wn in Fig ure 1 3.7a . If yo u need acc ess to the C om pex WP11[...]

  • Página 85

    Chapter 13 Using SYSTE M TOOLS m enu 75 Figure 13.8a uCon fig i con at the task bar uC on fi g i con wi l l disappe ar aft e r c lic king on the exituCo nfig bar.[...]

  • Página 86

    Chapter 14 Using HELP m enu 76 Ch apter 14 Usin g HELP m en u 14.1 Get Tech nica l Help For m ore i nfo r mation o n Com pex’s technic al su pport a r ound the w orld, click o n the Ge t Technic al Support in the HELP Menu. Figure 14.1a Technical Support Information[...]

  • Página 87

    Chapter 14 Using HELP m enu 77 14 . 2 Ab out Sy st e m Yo u can chec k the v arious co nfig ur atio n of the C om pex WP 11A+ by clicki ng o n th e About Syste m men u. Af ter yo u have upg r aded y our firmw are in th e Compex W P11A+, y ou c an check f or the versio n. 14.2 .1 AP Bridge/A P Client Mo de Figure 14.2a B ridge/Cli ent Mode Sy stem I[...]

  • Página 88

    Chapter 15 Har dware Reset of Compex WP11A 78 Ch apter 15 Hard ware Rese t of Com pex WP 11A+ Th e C omp e x WP 1 1 A+ is de si gn e d wit h a re s et b utt on loca t e d at th e ba ck of th e cove r . Th is fa c ilitat es th e res etti ng o f th e Co mpex W P11A + to fac tory defau lt s ettin gs , o r to swi tc h be twee n the wo rk mo des of Comp[...]

  • Página 89

    Appendix I Login to Web-bas ed Inter face manuall y 79 Appen dix I Lo gin to Web-base d Interfa ce m anu ally AI-1 Configura ti on o f Compex WP11A+ using We b-base d Inte r fac e An ot h e r m et h od of l oggi n g t o w e b -b as e d int e r f a ce is to k e y in the I P Ad d r es s ma nu al l y. This is quite tedio us as t he def ault I P A ddre[...]

  • Página 90

    Appendix I Login to Web-bas ed Inter face manuall y 80 In Netsc ape Com municator 1. Selec t the File menu, and t hen clic k on the Open Page . 2. I n the Ope n P a ge di a l og b ox , ke y in th e IP a d dr es s of t h e C om pe x W P1 1 A+. Thi s address is set at the f acto ry to : htt p://192. 168.168.1 . 3. Make sure the Nav igato r radio butt[...]

  • Página 91

    Appendix II TCP/I P Confi gur ation 81 A p pe nd i x I I T C P/ I P C o nfi g ur at i o n This section disc usses t he co nfig urati on o f y our TCP/I P c onnec ti on o f y our Co mpex WP11A +. Upo n t he succ essful ins t al lation o f the Co mpex WP11A +, the n et w ork adap ter wi ll be added to yo ur network fo lder. To c onfig ur e yo ur TCP/[...]

  • Página 92

    Appendix II TCP/I P Confi gur ation 82 3. C h e ck you r li st of N e t wor k Com p on e n t s in t he Ne t w or k w in d ow Con fi gu r a t i on tab. I f TCP/I P is not in stalled, c lic k o n the “A dd” butto n to start th e installatio n. 4. Selec t P r ot oc ol and click o n the “Add “butto n. Figure A11-2 Select Netwo rk C ompo nent Ty[...]

  • Página 93

    Appendix II TCP/I P Confi gur ation 83 6. Aft e r T CP/ IP is i ns t a ll ed , go b a ck to t h e Net w or k sc r e e n an d sel ect T C P/ IP i n the list o f Netw o rk Co mpo nents. 7. Cl i ck on th e “P r op er ti es ’ bu tt on , a nd con fi gu r e th e s e tti n gs i n ea ch of th e TCP/I P Propertie s window. Figure A II-4 Selec t TC P/IP [...]

  • Página 94

    Appendix II TCP/I P Confi gur ation 84 AII-2 TCP/ IP networ k pr otocol c onfigurat ion for Wi ndows XP/20 00 For W i ndow s XP/2000 users, y o u do not need t o inst all the TCP/I P proto co l as it is a l re a d y inst al l ed w h en you fi rs t i nst all a ne t w or k car d . As su ch , on l y the co nfiguration f or TCP/I P i s shown. 1. Fro m [...]

  • Página 95

    Appendix II TCP/I P Confi gur ation 85 3. Selec t the I nternet Pro to co l (TCP/I P) item and click o n the “Pr operties” button. Figure AII-8 IP Address Co nfiguration 4. C onf igure yo ur I P address and t he re st of th e param eters so that you c an co nnect to the netw ork. NOTE Plea se ch eck wi th y ou r sy stem admi nist ra tor o r I n[...]

  • Página 96

    Ap pe nd ix III C on figu rat ion an d Co mman d s on Telne t In t erface 86 Ap pe n dix III C on fi gu ra tion a nd Com m an ds on Teln et In terf ac e AIII-1 Tel net Inte rf ac e Confi gurati on Th i s fe at ur e con n e ct s the C omp e x WP 1 1 A+ Gat e w a y Loca l LAN por t to you r network . Yo u can direc tly connec t yo ur PC to Ga teway L[...]

  • Página 97

    Ap pe nd ix III C on figu rat ion an d Co mman d s on Telne t In t erface 87 AIII-2 Co mm and Li ne Int er fa ce Comm a nds Li st Comma n d Exam ples ping <d.d.d.d> sho w ip sho w ip stat sho w ip ro uting ta ble show arp table sho w icmp stat show udp stat[...]

  • Página 98

    Ap pe nd ix III C on figu rat ion an d Co mman d s on Telne t In t erface 88 Comma n d Exam ples sho w tcp stat sho w ethernet ad dress show gateway set ga tewa y <d.d.d .d There are also some o ther co mmands suc h as: set ip p rivate <d.d.d .d> <d.d .d.d> set ip la n <d.d .d.d> <d .d.d.d > add ip ro uting <d .d.d.d&g[...]

  • Página 99

    Ap pe nd ix III C on figu rat ion an d Co mman d s on Telne t In t erface 89 5. Go to R eco very f older and ac tivate wp11arcv .bat . The sy stem w ill go to DO S P rompt a utom atic ally . Pre ss an y key to res tore the firm ware. I t will run th e co mman d f rom the batc h fil e: TFTP -i 1 92.168 . 168.1 P UT W p11a286. img as shown belo w. Fi[...]

  • Página 100

    Ap pe nd ix III C on figu rat ion an d Co mman d s on Telne t In t erface 90 Wait un til the DI A G LE D star ts blin king slo wly wh ich may takes abou t 1 0 s econ d s . Th is i ndi cat es t hat t he fir m wa re ha s b e en l oad e d s u cce s sfu l l y . Pow e r of f and o n to rebo ot Co mpex WP11A +. Th e D IAG LED s h ou l d be sw it ch e d o[...]

  • Página 101

    Ap pe nd ix III C on figu rat ion an d Co mman d s on Telne t In t erface 91 If yo u hav e the co rrect I P add ress bu t is st ill u n able to c onn ect to a Web si te, then cl ick o n Mo re Info bu tton. Ch eck t he D NS Server s bo x. Make s ur e they are the co rrect D NS I P address fro m y our I SP. Fr om you r P C t o op e n a DO S en vi r o[...]