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Owner’ s Manual X-Series ™ Rack Mount Mix ers X 18R ™ / X 20R ™[...]
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1 Sav e the carton and packing mate - rials! Should you ever need t o ship the unit, use only the original factor y packi ng. For replacement packaging, cal l Crest Audio’ s Customer Ser vice Depar tment directly. 2 Read all documentation befor e operating your equipment. Re tai n al l documentation for future reference. 3 F ol lo w al l i nst ru[...]
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Intended to aler t the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’ s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a r isk of electr ic shock to persons. Intended to aler t the user of the presence of impor tant operating and maintenance (ser vicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the[...]
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Impor tant Safety Instructions W ARNING: When using electr ical products, basic cautions should alwa ys be follow ed, including the following: 1. Read these instr uctions. 2. K eep these instr uctions. 3. Heed all war nings. 4. F ollow all instructions. 5. Do not use this apparatus near water . 6. Clean only with a dr y cloth. 7. Do not block any o[...]
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Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise ACHTUNG: Beim Einsatz von Elektrogeräten müssen u.a. grundlegende V orsichtsmaßnahmen befolgt werden: 1. Lesen Sie sich diese Anweisungen durch. 2. Bew ahren Sie diese Anweisungen auf. 3. Beachten Sie alle Warnungen. 4. Bef olgen Sie alle Anweisungen. 5. Setzen Sie dieses Gerät nicht in der Nähe von W asser ein. 6.[...]
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Instructions Impor tantes De Securite A TTENTION: L ’utilisation de tout appareil électr ique doit être soumise aux precautions d’usage incluant: 1. Lire ces instr uctions. 2. Gardez ce manuel pour de futures références . 3. Prétez attention aux messages de précautions de ce manuel. 4. Suivez ces instructions. 5. N’utilisez pas cette un[...]
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Instrucciones Impor tantes P ara Su Seguridad CUIDADO: Cuando use productos electrónicos, debe tomar precauciones básicas, incluyendo las siguientes: 1. Lea estas instr ucciones. 2. Guarde estas instr ucciones. 3. Haga caso de todos los consejos. 4. Siga todas las instr ucciones. 5. No usar este aparato cerca del agua. 6. Limpiar solamente con un[...]
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4 1 2 3 Master Section P .32 Aux masters, groups, main outs, monitor section. Front panel controls and rear panel connectors. Stereo Input Channels P .2 2 Front panel controls and rear panel connections Mono Input Channels P . 12 Front panel controls and rear panel connections T able Of Contents Introduction Thank you and congratulations on your pu[...]
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X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual p. 10 X 18R/20R Block Diagram[...]
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How T o Use This Manual Format T h is ma nu al us es a f orm at th a t i s i nt en de d t o b e e a sy to re ad , ye t t e c h n ic al en ou gh f o r t ho se w h o n ee d t o k no w a ll th e d et ai ls . Fo r f ea tu r e d es cri pt io ns, th is is do ne b y d e vo ti ng th e l ef t s i d e of each page to 1) an overall module picture, 2) a block [...]
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Mono Input Channel 1 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls p. 12[...]
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Fr ont Panel Features Mono Input channel features are identical for both the X 18R and the X 20R. The X 18R has 14 Mono inputs and the X 20R has 12 Mono inputs. Line Input (Mic Pad) With this switch in the UP position, the input preamp circuit is set up to accept a m ic -l e v el s i gn al . T hi s s i gn al i s br ou g h t i n v i a t he X L R m i[...]
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Mono Input Channel 1 p. 14 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls[...]
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Front Panel Features Equalizer (EQ) M an y a ud i o s ig n a ls co m i ng in t o th e c o ns ol e r e qu ir e s o me de g r e e o f c o r r ec t i v e EQ in o r d er to be par t of a good-sounding mix. The X 18R & X 20R offer a ver y useful and great-sound - ing EQ section on each channel. The input EQ consists of four bands: High, High-mid, Lo[...]
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p. 16 Mono Input Channel 1 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls[...]
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AUX Send Features Six auxiliar y Sends are a vailable for creating individual output mixes. These can be used to drive effects processors, pro vide monitor mixes, create broadcast or alternate sound reinfor cement mix es, or for other special requir ements. NO TE: Normally , the signal feeding the Aux Sends is derived after the chan fader (Post-Fad[...]
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p. 18 Mono Input Channel 1 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Controls Block Diagram[...]
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Bus Assignment Featur es T he bu s a ss ig n me nt s e ct io n o ff e r s c on s id er ab l e f le x i bi li t y fo r cr ea ti n g w ha t e v en t ua ll y b ec om e s th e m a i n o ut p ut mi x . T w o s te r eo s u bg r ou p s ar e a v ai la b le f o r c r ea t i ng su b m ix es o r separate stereo mixes. All assignments are derived post-fader , [...]
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Mono Input Channel 1 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Rear Panel Block Diagram Connectors p. 20[...]
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Mono Input Channel 1 Rear Panel Features 48 V P hantom P o wer + 48 v ol t s DC is a pp l i ed eq u al l y (t hr u c ur r e n t- li m i ti ng r e s is to r s ) t o b o t h p in s 2 a nd 3 on the mic-input XLR connector . This feature is used with condenser microphones and active direct box es that requir e an external DC voltage (phantom power) in [...]
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Stereo Input Channel 1 p. 22 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls[...]
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Fr ont Panel Features The Stereo Input channel features are ver y similar to the Mono Input channels. The X 18R has 2 Stereo inputs, and the X 20R has and 4 Stereo inputs. On both models, the Stereo inputs are l oc a te d t o t he le f t o f t h e m as t e r section, and to the right of the Mono inputs. They can be treated as Mono/or Stereo input c[...]
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Stereo Input Channel 1 p. 24 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls[...]
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Fr ont Panel Features Ster eo EQ The Stereo Input channel has two parallel EQ circuits that are controlled by the same set of knobs. High Fr equency — HF Boost / Cut 15 dB boost and cut. Shelving @ 12 kHz. High Mid— HM Fr equency Continuously sweepable between 400 Hz and 8 kHz. Boost / Cut 15 dB boost and cut. Bell cur ve with a BW of appr ox 1[...]
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Stereo Input Channel 2 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls p. 26[...]
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AUX Send Features Six auxiliar y sends are a vailable for creating individual output mixes. These can be used to drive effects processors, provide monitor mixes, create broadcast or alternate sound rein - for cement mixes, or for other special requir ements. NO TE: The default PRE setting for the Auxes is pre-fader , but post-mute , post-inser t, a[...]
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Stereo Input Channel 2 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls p. 28[...]
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Bus Assignment Features The bus assignment section offers considerable flexibility for creating what eventually becomes the main output mix. T w o stereo subgroups are available for creating submixes or separate stereo mix es. When the channel is being used as a stereo input, Left/Right, Groups 1/2, Groups 3/4 and bus assignments are configured as [...]
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Stereo Input Channel 2 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Rear Panel Block Diagram p. 30[...]
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Stereo Input Channel 2 Rear Panel Features +48 V On +48 volts DC is applied equally (thru current-limiting resistors) to pins 2 and 3 on both the L & R mic-input XLR connectors. This feature is used with condenser micr o - ph on es a nd a cti v e d ir ec t b ox es th at r eq ui re an e xte rn al DC v ol ta ge ( pha nt om pow er) in order to ope[...]
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Master Section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls p. 32[...]
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Master Section 3 Fr ont Panel Features The X 18R & X 20R ha ve a comprehensiv e output section, including meters, master level controls and a flexible group assignment section. Headphone Control Section In normal use , the headphones are used to monitor the Solo system. The Solo system is made up of anything that is PFL ’ d (pre-fader -listen[...]
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Master Section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Controls Block Diagram p. 34[...]
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Fr ont Panel Features 12 V Lamp Jack A T N C ja c k is a v ai la b l e f o r a tt a c hi ng a g oo s e- ne c k la mp . T he ce n te r c o n ne ct i o n i s 1 2 V olts DC and the outer connection is ground. A medium or high-intensity incandescent or LED 12V DC Littlite can be used. The output voltage is current limited to prev ent faulty bulbs or mi[...]
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Master Section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls p. 36[...]
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Fr ont Panel Features AUX OUT 1-2 Lev el Control This is the master stereo output lev el control for the AUX 1/2 pair . Aux 1-2 AFL This button assigns the AUX 1/2 stereo pair to the solo system. Since it is AFL, the signal is monitored after the AUX insert and master lev el contr ol. Auxes 1 & 2 show up in stereo in the system (1 on the left a[...]
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Master section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Module Block Diagram Controls p. 38[...]
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Fr ont Panel Features GROUP Assignment Section T he X 1 8 R a nd X 20 R o f f er a fl ex i b le gr o u p a ss i g nm en t a rr a ng em e n t. E a ch of t he f ou r Gr oups can be directly assigned to Left, Right and Mono buses, in any combination. M - Mono assignments for Groups 1, 2, 3 & 4 Each of the four groups has a Mono assignment button f[...]
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Master Section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Block Diagram Controls p. 40[...]
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Front Panel Featur es MONIT OR Output Section T he X 1 8 R a nd X 20 R o f f er a n e xt e n si v e m o n it or i n g s ys t e m w hi c h ca n b e us ed f or s e v er a l alternate mix and remote listening purposes. The main L/R & M mixes, the Groups, Auxes 1&2, the T ape IN, and the Solo system can all be routed to the Monitor outs. Like t[...]
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Master Section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Block Diagram Controls Module p. 42[...]
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Fr ont Panel Features MONIT OR Output Section SOURCE SELECT T he So u r ce se l e ct po rt io n o f t he M on it o r sy st e m al lo ws y ou t o a ss i g n t he p ri ma ry m ix buses to the Monitor outputs. NO TE: All buses are monitored pre-fader (post-inser t) NO TE: All selected sources are added (summed) together . T APE IN Assigns the T APE IN[...]
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Master Section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual p. 44 Block Diagram Controls Module[...]
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Fr ont Panel Features Mono PK/SIG LED Green/Red - Flashes to indicate the Mono master level. Green during normal oper - ation and red to indicate ov erload either at the mix amp or at the fader . Left/Right PK/SIG LED Green/Red - Flashes to indicate the summed Left/Right master levels. Green dur - ing normal operation and red to indicate overload e[...]
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Master Section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Block Diagram- Groups Main Outputs Bus Inputs Block Diagram- Main Mix Buses p. 46[...]
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Master Section 3 Rear Panel Features Left, Right and Mono Bus Inputs These three female XLRs are used to bring external signals directly into the Left, Right and Mono mix buses. Useful for linking multiple mix ers together or to introduce addi - tional signals into the main mix. Balanced in, Nominal level is +4 dBu Gr oup 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bus Inputs[...]
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Master Section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual Rear Panel Block Diagram p. 48[...]
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Master Section 3 Rear Panel Features Aux Insert 1 Thru 6 This switching 1/4” TRS jack allows an external processor or EQ to be inser ted into the si gn al p ath of t he Au x ci r cui t. 1/3 Oct a v e EQ s or f ee db ac k su pp re ss or s ar e co mmo nl y used here if the Aux send is used for on stage monitors. The tip carries the SEND signal fr o[...]
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Master Section 3 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual A C Inlet Information And W arnings Solo Link Connectors Tie Mix ers T og ether Block Diagram- T ape Input Block Diagram- Alt And Monitor Output p. 50 Rear Panel[...]
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Master Section 3 Rear Panel Features T ape (Line) In The Left and Right T ape inputs are available as both 1/4” TRS and RC A jacks. Both sets of inputs can be used simultaneously , (the signals will add together). The TRS jacks are balanced, +4 dBu inputs and the RC A jacks are unbalanced -10 dBV inputs. Alt Out T he Le f t an d R i gh t AL T ( A[...]
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Connector Pinouts Le vels And Info Connector Pinouts Main P anel p. 52 Specifications 4 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual[...]
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Specifications 4 Specifications Fr equency Response +0/-1 dB 20Hz-20kHz ref 1 kHz (an y input to any output) THD an y output < 0.01% THD 20 Hz - 20kHz@ +15 dBu out Noise mic ein: better than –128 dBu 20Hz to 20kHz 150 Ohm source, 60 dB gain Bus Noise: better than -85 dBu Crossta lk channel mute > 90 dB, channel routing > 80 dB channel fa[...]
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User Notes 5 X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual p. 54[...]
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User Notes 5 p. 55[...]
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X 18R ™ / X 20R ™ Owner’ s Manual V ersion 1.0 August 2008 Crest P/N 31700059 Crest Audio 5022 Hwy . 493 North Meridian, MS 39305 www .crestaudio.com[...]