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INSTALLATION/OWNER'S MANUAL CD Receiver with Detachable Face XHD6430 READY[...]
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2 TYPICAL FRONT-LOAD DIN MOUNTING METHOD Please read entire manual before installation. Before You Start • Disconnectnegative batteryterminal. Consulta qualifiedtechnician forinstructions. • Avoidinstalling theunit whereit wouldbe subjecttohigh temperatures,?[...]
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3 FUSE Whenreplacing thefuse, makesure newfuseisthe correcttype andamperage. Usingan incorrectfuse coulddamage theradio. TheXHD6430 usesone 10amp ATMfuselocated besidethe wiringconnector. XHD6430 INSTALLATION Wiring Diagram Antenna Connector Ste[...]
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4 TheXHD6430 allowsplayback ofyour favoriteMP3 andWMAfiles recordedon CD-R andCD-RW discs.Its powerfulon-board DSPprocessor decodesthecompressed audiowhile maintainingnear-CD soundquality. Aninternal SRAMbufferprovides ESP (ElectronicSk[...]
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5 Control Locations - Remote Key9 Mute/ EndCall Key0 /Display T alk Key8 /T ag Key7 Preset4 /Play /Pause Preset1 /Repeat Band/ ESC/ Key* Tune/ TrackDown 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mode Power( )/Select VolumeUp Audio/ Menu Tune?[...]
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6 General Operation XHD6430 OPERATION Faceplate Removal Semi-Permanent Faceplate Installation Power On/Off Mode Auxiliary Input Steering Wheel Interface Input Volume Mute Reset Display Set the Clock Press RELEASE andpull awayfrom theleft sidetoremove. Tore-install, insertrig[...]
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7 XHD6430 OPERATION General Operation Setup Menu Menu Function Options Action Auto Station Store AUTO STORE Press SELECT to seekandsave 6strongstations inthe currentband. (Tuner mode only) Delete Tags DELETE TAGS Press SELECT to permanentlydeleteall iTunestags[...]
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8 XHD6430 OPERATION Press ESC toexit anymenu adjustmentmode. Press AUDIO/MENU momentarilyto selectbetween Bass, Treble,Balance, Fader,EQ, Subwoofer*and SourceVolume Level. Press AUDIO/MENU until BASS appears,then rotate the volume knob left/right toadju[...]
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9 XHD6430 OPERATION Analog and Digital Tuning Seek Tuning Manual Tuning Scan Tuning Band Storing and Recalling Station Presets Thefollowing tuningfunctions willaccess bothanalog and digitalstations. Referto the HD SEEK mode section onpage 10for instruct[...]
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10 XHD6430 OPERATION Display HD Seek Mode Whenthe unitis tunedto an analog station ,press DISP to togglethe displaybetween thefollowing options: Whenthe unitis tunedto an HD Radio station ,press DISP to togglethe displaybetween thefollowing[...]
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11 XHD6430 OPERATION TheiTunes T aggingfeature ofthe XHD6430allows theuser to"T ag" songsthat areplaying onHD Radio™stationsand enablesthem tobe purchasedlater throughiTunes ® . With thetouch ofa buttonthe unitwill reme[...]
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12 XHD6430 OPERATION iTunes ® Tagging Device Compatibility with iTunes Tagging Compatiblewith •*iPhone 3GS •*iPhone 3G •*iPhone •*iPod touch(2nd generation) •iPod nano(4th generation) •iPod classic •*iPod touch(1st generation) •iPod nano(3rd g[...]
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13 XHD6430 OPERATION Insert CD Eject CD Track Select Fast Forward and Reverse Pause Repeat Random Intro CD-R/CD-RW Compatibility Withthe labelfacing up,insert astandard sizeCDinto the CDslot. TheCD willautomatically beginplayback. Press EJECT toeject theCD. [...]
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14 CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files Playing an MP3/WMA Disc Displaying Information Title Icon Artist Icon Folder Icon File Icon Character Support Whenan MP3/WMAencoded discis firstinserted, “CDPLAY” willappear inthe display.Dependi[...]
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15 XHD6430 OPERATION CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files Folder/File Search Mode Folder/File Navigation Navigating Note Press SELECT toenter thefolder/file searchmode. Thehead unitwill readthe CD,and alist offoldersand filesfrom the CDwill bedi[...]
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16 CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files XHD6430 OPERATION Folder Access Repeat Random Intro Press to selectthe previousfolder. Press toselect thenext folder. Note: Folder accessis onlyavailable onMP3/WMA discs recordedwith morethan onefolder. [...]
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17 XHD6430 OPERATION CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files Thefollowing typesof discs/filesare compatible: •CD-ROM (ISO),CD-R, CD-RW •CD-DA •MP3 data •WMA data Thefollowing typesof discs/filesare notcompatible: •WMA filesthat areprotected?[...]
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18 CD Player Operation - MP3/WMA Files XHD6430 OPERATION Aninternal bufferprovides ESP(Electronic SkipProtection) tovirtually eliminateskipping. Whenplaying adisc recordedwith regularaudio files (CD-DAor .WAV)andMP3/WMA files,the unitwill play[...]
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19 XHD6430 OPERATION PlayMP3/WMA filesfrom mostmass storagedevices by connectingthem tothe XHD6430'sUSB port. Whena USBdevice isfirst connected,“READING” will appearin thedisplay andplayback willbegin momentarily. Dependingon the[...]
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20 Whena fileis accessed,the clockand elapsedtimewill bedisplayed. Press DISP momentarilyto selectfile name (default),song title,artist, tracknumber orclock &elapsed time. "NOTITLE" willbe displayedif nosong titleinfor[...]
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21 XHD6430 OPERATION USB Operation - MP3/WMA Files Maximumcharacter displayinformation •Track name– 32character maximum •Directory name– 32character maximum •*Song title– 30character maximum •*Artist name– 30character maximum *Songtit[...]
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22 OnlyMP3 fileswith filenameextension (.mp3)can beplayed. Onl yWMAfi les withfi len ame exte nsi on(.w ma) canbe played. Do notattempt toplay non-MP3/WMAfiles withthe MP3/WMAextension. 8kHz~ 48kHz 32kHz~ 48kHz 32kbps~ 320kbpsconstant V[...]
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23 XHD6430 OPERATION Operation of iPod TheXHD6430 featuresa directUSB controlsystem for iPod.To playmusic froman iPoddevice, connecttheUSB cable(included withyour iPoddevice) tothe XHD6430USB port.Once connected,READING willappear i[...]
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24 Press ll toskip tothe beginningof thenext song. Press nn toreturn tothe beginningof thecurrent song. Pressing nn againskips tothe beginningof theprevious song. Pressand hold ll or nn tofast forwardor reversea song. Press l / II to[...]
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25 XHD6430 OPERATION Bluetooth ® Operation (Optional) Overview Connectinga Bluetoothdevice requiresfirst installingand connectingthe Dual BTM60 Bluetoothinterface module(sold separately).When connectedto aDualBluetooth ready headunit, theBTM60 supportsthe?[...]
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26 Bluetooth ® Operation (Optional) XHD6430 OPERATION Function Description Making a Phone Call Press once. "EnterNumber"will beshown, thenan "_"will appearon thedisplay. Inputthe desiredphone numberusing the0-9, *,#buttons onthe remot[...]
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27 XHD6430 OPERATION Bluetooth ® Operation (Optional) Bluetooth ® Setup Menu *Seepage7forSetupMenunavigation. Function Description Redial Menu Toenter lastnumber dialingmode, press ,then press a second time.The headunit willdisplay "REDIALMENU." Pre[...]
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28 Bluetooth ® Operation (Optional) XHD6430 OPERATION Bluetooth Streaming Audio Operation TheXHD6430 supportsA2DP (advancedaudio distributionprofile) wirelessstreaming audiofrom yourBluetooth mobiledevice directlyto yourheadunit. Youcan alsocontrol yourm[...]
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29 XHD6430 OPERATION Problem Cause Action Unit will not turn on (no power) Yellowwire notconnected orincorrect voltageRed wirenot connectedor incorrectvoltage Checkconnections forproper voltage(11~16VDC) Blackwire notconnected Check connectiontoground Fuse[...]
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30 XHD6430 OPERATION Thiswarranty givesyou specificlegal rights. Youmay alsohave otherrights whichvary from state to state. DualElectronics Corp.warrants thisproduct to theoriginal purchaserto befree fromdefects in materialand workmanshipfo[...]
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31 XHD6430 OPERATION FCC Compliance Thisdevice complieswith Part15 ofthe FCCRules.Operation issubject tothe following twoconditions: (1)this devicemay notcause harmfulinterference, and (2)this devicemust acceptany interferencereceived, in[...]
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