Dynacord Speaker manual


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As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto Dynacord Speaker. A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoDynacord Speaker vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual Dynacord Speaker você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual Dynacord Speaker, e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual Dynacord Speaker deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo Dynacord Speaker
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo Dynacord Speaker
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo Dynacord Speaker
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque Dynacord Speaker não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos Dynacord Speaker e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço Dynacord na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas Dynacord Speaker, como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo Dynacord Speaker, uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual Dynacord Speaker. Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1

    L oudspeak er Sy s t ems MORE THAN 60 YEARS OF PRO AUDIO EXPERIENCE Mo bile A udio | C on cer t So und | Fi xed I nst allat ion | Pr o Enter t ain ment English dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 1 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 1 09.07.10 12:12 09.07.10 12:12[...]

  • Página 2

    C ONTENTS Cont ents 2 PRODUCTS D - L ite Se ri es 12 - 4 5 Var iL ine 4 6 - 61 CXM 1 5 62 - 6 4 AM 1 2 65 Powe rM a x 5 6 6 - 6 9 Xa 2 Sy ste m 70 - 77 Co br a Sy stem 78 - 9 5 Al pha S yste m 9 6 - 9 9 INTRODUCTION Co nten ts 02 - 0 3 Hi stor y 0 4 - 0 5 Mil es ton es 0 6 - 07 Manufa cturing 0 8 - 09 Bo sc h Pro duc ti on Sy ste m 10 - 11 dc louds[...]

  • Página 3

    C ONTENTS 3 APPLICA TIONS GUIDE D - L ite Se ri es 107 - 111 Var iL ine 111 - 11 4 Power Ma x 5 114 Xa 2 Sy ste m 115 Co br a -2 Syste m 116 - 11 7 Co br a - 4 Sys tem 117 - 119 TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONS D - L ite Se ri es 100 - 101 Var iL ine 102 CXM 1 5 103 AM 1 2 1 03 Power Ma x 5 104 Xa 2 Sy ste m 104 Cobra Sy ste m 1 05 Alpha Syst em 105 dc lo[...]

  • Página 4

    H IST OR Y 4 German Engineering Ex cellence F OR MORE THAN 60 YEARS, DYNA CORD HAS BEEN ONE OF THE MOST INNOV A TIVE AND SUCCESSFUL MANUF A CTURERS OF PROFESSION AL AUDIO EQUIPMEN T . dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 4 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 4 09.07.10 12:13 09.07.10 12:13[...]

  • Página 5

    H IST OR Y 5 In 1945 Werner Pint ernagel, who w as an e ngi ne er , fo un ded a wor ksh op for t he re pai r of ra dio devi ce s in th e Lowe r Bav ar ian town of Pi lst ing . Th e devel opm ent an d man uf ac ture o f aud io am pli fi ers, whi ch he b eg an at t he sa me t ime , be ca me a pa r tic ula r pa ssio n. These pio neerin g e xperie nce[...]

  • Página 6

    M ILEST ONES 6 Miles t ones THE CONST ANTL Y EXP ANDING PRODUCT RANGE YIELDED MANY PRO AUDIO MILEST ONES. dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 6 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 6 09.07.10 12:13 09.07.10 12:13[...]

  • Página 7

    M ILEST ONES 7 A hig h de gre e of in nova tion , un co mpr omi sin g qu alit y, except ion al us er - fri end lin es s and t ru ely leg end ar y r eli abil it y and v alu e rete nti on have fo r over 6 0 ye ars d ef in ed t he br an d DY NACO RD. • the fi r st ge ner ati ons of p rofe ssi onal mixing amplifi e rs [Em inent , Gi gant] • the ?[...]

  • Página 8

    B OSCH P R ODUCTION S YST EMS 8 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 8 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 8 09.07.10 12:13 09.07.10 12:13[...]

  • Página 9

    B OSCH P R ODUCTION S YSTEM 9 Wit h th e intr od uc tio n of th e Bos ch Pr odu c tio n Syste m (BP S) at the St ra ubi ng wor ks , th e br an d DYN ACOR D is fur t her e nh anc ing it s a lrea dy le gen da r y rep ut atio n for the h ig hes t pro du ct ion q ual it y and r eli abil it y . Qu alit y with s ystem i s as sure d by the B P S wor ldwid[...]

  • Página 10

    M ANUFACTURING 10 Measur ement Hall P ART OF THE NEW INVESTMENT INVOL VED THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMMISSIONIN G OF WHA T A T 600 SQUARE METRES IS ONE OF THE WORLD’S LARGEST A UDIO MEASUREMENT HALL S. Sin ce S ept emb er 2 0 0 6 , DY NACO RD h as b elo nge d to th e BO SCH c on cer n’s Sec uri ty Techn olo g y department . The p rodu ct ion fa cil[...]

  • Página 11

    M ANUFACTURING 11 mea su reme nt halls . A reve rb er ation t ime be low on e se con d allow s for me as urem ent s und er re alis tic con dition s. On e of the p ar t icular s tren gt hs of th e br and DY NAC O RD is t he fa ct t hat over t he ma ny year s of its hi stor y profoun d know -h ow, coverin g the ent ire sign al ch ain fro m the mi xer[...]

  • Página 12

    12 D- LITE S ERIES dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 12 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 12 09.07.10 12:13 09.07.10 12:13[...]

  • Página 13

    13 D-L IT E S ERIES · D 8 · D 8 A · D 11 A · D 12 / D 12 W · D 12 T / D 12 T W · D 12 R / D 12 RW · D 12- 3 · D 15 - 3 · Sub 1 12 · Sub 1 15 · Sub 1 18 · Power Sub 112 · Power Sub 212 · Power Sub 312 · Power Sub 315 · D-L i t e 1 000 S y st e m · D-L i t e 2 000 S y st e m · D-L it e active one · D-L it e active two · D-L it e a[...]

  • Página 14

    D-L IT E S ERIES 14 D-L it e Series L OUDSPEAKER SYSTEMS D 8 D 11A D 8W D 12 D 8A D 12W dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 14 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 14 09.07.10 12:13 09.07.10 12:13[...]

  • Página 15

    D-L IT E S ERIES 15 D 12RW D 12T D 12-3 D 12TW D 15-3 D 12R The fu ll - ran ge sp eake rs of t he D - Lite ser ies a re ex tr eme ly li ght , mec ha nic all y du ra ble p oly pr opyl ene c ab in ets f or professional portable and fixed installation sound reinforcement ap pli cat ion s in sm al l to med iu m- si zed venue s. The wid e rang e of moun[...]

  • Página 16

    D-L IT E S ERIES 16 POWERSUB 112 SUB 112 POWERSUB 212 SUB 118 SUB 115 POWERSUB 312 D-L it e Series L OUDSPEAKER SYSTEMS dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 16 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 16 09.07.10 12:14 09.07.10 12:14[...]

  • Página 17

    D-L IT E S ERIES 17 Su ita ble a cti ve an d pas si ve su bwoo fer s implemented as vented direct-radiating enclosures permit flexible syst em configurations. The ref le x sys tems of t hes e subs , when compare d with conv entiona l bas s ref lex por t s, are cha racte rized by le ss f low lo ss and le ss w ind noise . High s ound pre ssu re lev e[...]

  • Página 18

    D 8 AND D 8W D 8 and D 8W FULLRANGE CABINET 18 The D 8 is a ve r y compa ct, light wei ght and mech anica lly ver y rob ust 8 “ / 1 “ tw o- way the rmopl ast ic cab inet fo r profe ssio nal sound rei nforcement applications. dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 18 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 18 09.07.10 12:15 09.07.10 12:15[...]

  • Página 19

    D 8 AND D 8W 19 It is r ema rka ble i n it s cla ss for the ve r y h igh s oun d pr ess ure leve ls it is c ap ab le of ac hiev ing a s well a s it s out s tan din g aud io performance. Th e wide r ang e of mo unting a cce s so - ri e s availab le for th e enc losur e and its t a stefull y unde rst ated s t yling pe rmit it s conv enie nt use eve n[...]

  • Página 20

    D 8A 20 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 20 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 20 09.07.10 12:15 09.07.10 12:15[...]

  • Página 21

    Th e D 8A i s the p owere d ver sio n of th e D 8 offe ri ng int egr ate d Cla ss D p ower am pli fi ers , an ele c tro nic c ros sover a nd l oud sp ea ker equaliza tion. For th e low an d high fre que nc y ra nge s, 2 x 2 0 0 W / R MS a re ava ila- ble . The m a ximum ove ra ll amp lifi er out put c ome s to 8 0 0 W IH F- A . The Lin e input i s[...]

  • Página 22

    D 11A 22 Dis t or sion-fr ee, clear sound at peak lev els dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 22 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 22 09.07.10 12:15 09.07.10 12:15[...]

  • Página 23

    D 11A 23 D 11A POWERED FULLRANGE CABINET A D F U L L R A N G E C A B I N E T T Th e D 11A is a c onven ien tly eq uip pe d powe red 1 2“ / 1“ full - rang e box of feri ng int egr ate d Cla ss D p ower am pli fi ers , an ele c tro nic c ros sover a nd l oud s- peaker equalization. For th e low an d high fre que nc y ra nge s 2 x 20 0 W / R M S a[...]

  • Página 24

    D 12 · D 12W · D 12T · D 12T W · D 12R · D 12RW 24 Weighing a m ere 16 kg, t he D 12 t wo- way full-r ange c abine t with it s pol ypro pyle ne e n - closure h as an e xt remel y linear f reque ncy resp onse an d is nota ble for it s pow er ful, natur al repro duct ion of t he voi ce as we ll as it s tra nspare nt resolu tion t hrough out the [...]

  • Página 25

    D 12 · D 12W · D 12T · D 12T W · D 12R · D 12RW 25 Th e 12 “ DL 12 B FH hi gh - powe r tr an sdu ce r cover s th e bas s an d mid ra nge u p to 1 . 5 kHz , w hils t in the h ig h- fre qu en cy r ang e, an N D -2 ne ody miu m dr iver i s cou ple d wit h a lar ge - form at co nst ant Q ho rn wit h an 8 0 ° x 4 0 ° cove ra ge pat ter n , the [...]

  • Página 26

    D 12-3 26 D 12-3 FULLRANGE CABINET DYN ACOR D‘s t ra dit ion al an d po pul ar 12 “ / th ree -w ay con ce pt expe ri en ces a f ur th er d ra mat ic imp rove me nt in p er fo rm anc e wit h the i ntr odu c tion o f the D 1 2- 3 . Wit h its vo lumino us ba ss r e - pro duc tion a nd it s unco lore d, extremely low-distortion vocal reproduction, [...]

  • Página 27

    D 12-3 27 Uncolor ed, e xtr emely lo w -dis t or tion v ocal r eproduction dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 27 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 27 09.07.10 12:16 09.07.10 12:16[...]

  • Página 28

    D 15-3 28 D 15-3 FULLRANGE CABINET 15 - 3 de si gns a re am ong t he cla ss ics o f pro au di o hist or y. Wit h jus t suc h a des ign to whi ch an ultr a- mo der n t wist ha s b ee n ad ded , the D 15 -3 se ts n ew st and ard s in the a rea of p rofe ssio nal p oly pro - pyle ne enc losure s, re co nciling th e highe st p ossib le soun d pre ssur [...]

  • Página 29

    D 15-3 29 15-3 DESIGNS ARE AMONG THE CLASSICS OF PRO AUDIO HIST ORY . M O N G T H E DIO HIST OR Y 29 Y. dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 29 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 29 09.07.10 12:16 09.07.10 12:16[...]

  • Página 30

    S UB 112 30 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 30 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 30 09.07.10 12:16 09.07.10 12:16[...]

  • Página 31

    S UB 112 31 Sub 112 SUBWOOFER Th e DYN ACOR D Su b 112 is a vented, direc t-r adiating cabinet equipped with a high-power DYN ACO RD D ND12 S 4 0 0 ne od ymi um woofe r bo ast ing p ower h an dlin g of 4 0 0 W (rat ed) an d 16 0 0 W (pea k). The c onic al ve nt sys tem res ults in le ss f low los s an d lower a ir nois e than con ventional vent ed [...]

  • Página 32

    S UB 115 AND S UB 118 32 Sub 115 and Sub 118 SUBWOOFER The S ub 115 is a ve nted d ire ct- r adi ati ng enc los ure w ith a n Elec tr o -Voice E VS 15 S woof er, which of fe rs hi gh powe r han dli ng. As a re fl e x sys tem the H igh -S pe ed La minar Vent (HS L V ) is use d. Com pare d to con- vent iona l ba ss ref le x vent s, a irf low l os s [...]

  • Página 33

    S UB 115 AND S UB 118 33 D 12- 3 or D 15 - 3 , the S ub 115 an d Sub 118 ar e equip pe d with hi - cut fi lters to a llow th eir sim ple a nd un - problematic con nec tion in parallel with the t o ps. Th e Sub 115 ha s th e sam e st ylin g and fo otpr int a s the a ct ive 3 - ch anne l Power Sub 315 an d is the refore the i dea l choic e to giv e p[...]

  • Página 34

    S UB 115 AND S UB 118 34 Sub 115 and Sub 118 SUBWOOFER Like t he Su b 115, t he Su b 118 is im pl eme nte d as a di rec t - ra diat ing vent ed su bwoofe r wit h a Hig h - Sp ee d La min ar Vent . Of fering extremely high power han dling (70 0 W R M S and 2 8 0 0 W pe ak p ower) , th e DY N ACO R D LFS 1870 0 low f req uen cy dr ive r gen er ates a[...]

  • Página 35

    P o w erSub 112 POWERED SUBW OOFER Th e Power Su b 112 is the i de al bas s ext ens ion fo r power ed full - r an ge ca bin et s suc h as t he D 8A . It is ve r y light a nd de spite it s ex t - remely comp act dimensio ns provides a ver y power ful an d dee p ba ss foun datio n. T he ve nted de sig n give s the Powe r Sub 112 a ve r y m usic al , [...]

  • Página 36

    P OWER S UB 212 36 Th e Power Su b 212 is a n extremely compact, high-powered subwo ofer w ith 2 x 12 “ dr iver s a n d a 2 x 20 0 W R M S / 2 x 4 0 0 W IHF-A C las s D powe r amp lif ie r . Th e integr ated s tere o cro sso ver als o supp or t s th e cre ation o f ac tive thre e -w ay sys tems wi th mon o sub and a ct ive full - ra nge c abin et[...]

  • Página 37

    P OWER S UB 312 37 Th e Power Su b 312 powe re d 12 “ subwo ofer , whi ch is e qui ppe d with an integrated three- channel Cla ss D p ower am pli fi er wi th a tot al ou tpu t of 13 0 0 W / RM S, wa s spe ci ally c on cei ved to p er mit the s wif t an d sim pl e cre atio n of a subwo ofer s atel lite sy stem . A s sate llites , tw o pa ssi ve lo[...]

  • Página 38

    P OWER S UB 315 38 • act ive t wo- way C las s D amplif ic ation • 100 0 W Su b + 2x 5 0 0 W T op • switchab le cros sove r freque ncie s • High - Sp eed L amina r bas s-re fl ex design • LFS 10 08 hi gh-p ower wo ofer • ex terna l subwo ofer o utpu t • Voice Co il T r acking Prote cti on dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 38 dc lo[...]

  • Página 39

    P OWER S UB 315 P o w erSub 315 POWERED SUBW OOFER Th e Power Su b 315 is a n powe red ve nte d subwo ofer feat uri ng th e novel H igh - S pee d L ami nar Ven t des ign . Weighing a m ere 4 5 k g , the light- weight e nclo sure ac comm odate s all th e ele ct ronic s a nd au dio pro ce s- sor s in additio n to the sw itchab le ster eo cr oss over [...]

  • Página 40

    D-L IT E 1000 40 D-L it e 1000 S YSTEM Th e D - L ite 10 0 0 sy ste m is a conv inc ing a nswe r to th e ce ntr al de man d of e nter t ain er s, m obi le DJs , sm all er b and s an d oth er use rs o f mob ile a udi o sys tem s, whic h is fo r a syst em th at is a s com pa ct a s pos sib le an d as l igh t as p ossi bl e but c ap ab le no net he le[...]

  • Página 41

    D-L IT E 2000 41 D-L it e 2000 S YSTEM Th e D - L ite 2 0 0 0 sys tem h as be en s pec ial ly de sig ne d to me et the v ar iou s ne ed s of so lo en ter - tai ne rs , mob ile D Js an d sm all bands. Ea sy h andlin g — than ks to the ult ra - com pac t an d lightwe ight co nst ru cti on of the e nclo sure s — and p ower f ul, tr ansp are nt sou[...]

  • Página 42

    A CTIVE THREE - WAY SYS TEM COMBINATIONS 42 E x trem ely c omp ac t sel f power ed 3 - wa y s y s t e m s c a n b e s e t u p v e r y ea sil y by using th e powe red to p ca bine ts toget her wit h the p owere d subs fe aturing b uilt-in cros sover s. T his co nfigu ratio n me ets ev en the highe st de man ds of sou nd qua lity a nd intelligib ilit[...]

  • Página 43

    43 A CTIVE THREE - WAY SYS TEM COMBINATIONS System components: • 2 x D 8 A • 1 x Power Sub 21 2 System components: • 2 x D 11 A • 2 x Power Sub 21 2 System components: • 2 x D 8 A • 2 x Power Sub 11 2 D-L i t e ac tive one, featu ring one mon o doub le 12 “ sub woofe r for smaller applications . D-L i t e ac tive two , fe at urin g tw[...]

  • Página 44

    Accessories D-Lit e SERIES A CCESSORIES 44 BS-35 F212 WMK -10 FB... EBK M10 TC-T V MB... RMA PM- T V VPM 1500 / PCL 880 880 TC-02 FB- T V SH... TMA PCL M10 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 44 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 44 09.07.10 12:18 09.07.10 12:18[...]

  • Página 45

    A CCESSORIES 45 ACCESSORIES To p D 8 D 8W D 8A D 11A D 12 D 12 W D 12T D 12TW D 12R D 12RW D 12-3 D 15-3 Color Black White Black Black Black White Black White Black White Black Black Dust Cover SH... SH-D 8 F01U119025 SH-D 12 F01U118994 SH-D 15 F01U119006 F 212 Monitor F eet --- F01U100802 --- MB D 8 UMH U-Bracke t MB D 8 UMH / F01U119020 MB D 8W U[...]

  • Página 46

    46 V ARI L INE dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 46 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 46 09.07.10 12:18 09.07.10 12:18[...]

  • Página 47

    47 V ARI L INE · V L 62 / V L 62 W · V L 26 2 / VL 2 62 W · VL 122 · VL 15 2 · VL 21 2 · SUB 18 · SUB 28 Va r i L i n e dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 47 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 47 09.07.10 12:18 09.07.10 12:18[...]

  • Página 48

    V ARI L INE 48 V ariL ine MUL TIFUNCTIONAL SPEAKER LINE VL 62 VL 262W VL 62W VL 122 VL 262 VL 152 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 48 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 48 09.07.10 12:18 09.07.10 12:18[...]

  • Página 49

    V ARI L INE 49 Professional sound reinforcement requires maximum performance and hig h sou nd p re ssu re le vels f or a wi de va rie ty of t our ing a nd in st all atio n ap pli - cati ons. Univ ers al loudsp eaker f uncti onalit y is the refore e spe cially imp or tant , maki ng it pos sible to re act wit hout dif f icult y to changi ng dem ands [...]

  • Página 50

    C OMPONENTS 50 Com ponents V ariLine CROSSOVERS Throughout the VariLine series, only selected components o f the hig he st qu ali ty a re us ed . The se in clud e not onl y the cr oss - over s and si gnal p roc es sor s but als o DY N ACO R D‘s innov ativ e pro - t e c t i v e circuit s: the indiv idual lou d- speaker components are saf eguar - d[...]

  • Página 51

    C OMPONENTS 51 LOUDSPEAKERS Var iLi ne l oud sp ea kers a re equipped with extrem ely lo w - distortion, state -of -the -ar t dr iver s th at prov id e not o nly a linear f requency response but als o a wid e dyn am ic ra nge a nd hig h powe r han dli ng . Th e 6“, 12“ a nd 15“ tr ans duc er s are armed with neodymium magnets – wh ich, in c[...]

  • Página 52

    VL 62 AND VL 262 52 52 52 • top qualit y so und reinfo rcement fo r spee ch and music • the ater fro nt fill • multimedia applications • satellite a nd del ay sys tems dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 52 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 52 09.07.10 12:19 09.07.10 12:19[...]

  • Página 53

    VL 62 AND VL 262 VL 62 and VL 262 T WO-WA Y FULLRANGE CABINETS Th e mod el s VL 6 2 and V L 2 62 are ex tr eme ly c omp ac t , two - w ay full ran ge c abin et s sui tab le for a wid e va rie ty of m ob ile an d installation applications. The ir ver y high sen sitivit y (9 4 dB / 9 7 dB @ 1 W / 1 m ) a nd powe r han dling make the m st and ou t in [...]

  • Página 54

    VL 122, VL 152 AND VL 212 54 • top qualit y so und reinfo rcement fo r spee ch and music • high powere d monitoring • front and si de fill • club sy stems wi th subwo ofer s • delay systems VL 122, VL 152 and VL 212 HIGH-POWER T WO-W A Y CABINETS 2 1 2 f orcement f or spe ech and mu sic t orin g u bwoofers VL 152 an d d d V V V L L L L 2 [...]

  • Página 55

    VL 122, VL 152 AND VL 212 Th e 12 “ and 1 5“ Var iL ine mo del s are h igh - p ower , two - w ay cabinets equipped ex clusively with high-quality neodymium components. The y are al so rem ar kabl y light for the ir cla s s. A lso not ab le are t heir ver y high power h andling c ap acit y, low disto r tion a nd imp res sive ma x i- mu m SPL . L[...]

  • Página 56

    SUB 18 AND SUB 28 56 WK 600 - FOR SUB 28 WK 500 - FOR SUB18 SUB 18 and SUB 28 SUBWOOFER Th e vente d SU B 18 a nd S UB 2 8 direct radiators have been des ign ed for s ubwoo fer us e in active multi-way syst ems. Th e supe ri or tr ansi ent re spo nse of the c la ssic b a ss re fl ex construction also m akes th em suit able fo r me dium to lar ge b[...]

  • Página 57

    SUB 18 AND SUB 28 57 Th ese a re mo unte d on th e bac k to prov ide ea s y and c onve nient transpor t . Th e SU B 28 is s witcha ble b et wee n 1 x 4 Ω and 2 x 8 Ω o pe rati on, in whic h ca se t he sig nal fo r Subwo ofer A is on pi ns 1 + / 1 -, an d that fo r Subwo ofer B o n pins 2+ / 2-, o f the Speakon connectors. When driven by D Y NAC[...]

  • Página 58

    SUB 18 AND VL 122 58 SUB 18 and VL 122 S YSTEM OPTIMIZED F A CTOR Y PRESETS INCLUDING FIR- TUNE LINEARIZA TION ARE AV AILABLE F OR DSP 600, P 64 AND Po werH AMPLIFIERS WITH RCM-26 UNDER IRIS-NET . A com bi nati on wi th a hi gh powe r han dli ng c ap aci ty i n ac tive two - o r th ree - w ay ope ra tio n prov idi ng su ita ble s oun d rein forc e [...]

  • Página 59

    SUB 28 AND VL 212 59 SUB 28 and VL 212 S YSTEM A com bi nati on wi th a hi gh powe r han dli ng c ap aci ty i n ac tive two - o r th ree - w ay ope ra tio n. Id eall y suited to u se a s a front- of- hou se PA system in me dium -s ized venu es c alling fo r ma xim um soun d pre ssu re in the l ow- mid fre qu enc y ra nge. E ac h loud spe aker is re[...]

  • Página 60

    Accessories V ARILINE A CCESSORIES 60 WMK -10 FB... EBK M10 TC-T V MB... MB UMH RMA PM- TV TC-02 FB- T V SH... TMA PCL M10 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 60 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 60 09.07.10 12:20 09.07.10 12:20[...]

  • Página 61

    A CCESSORIES 61 ACCESSORIES T op VL 62 VL 62W VL 262 VL 122 VL 152 VL 212 Color Black White Black Black Black Blac k Dust Cover SH... SH- VL 62 F01U119026 SH-VL 62 F01U119026 SH-VL 262 F01U119017 SH-VL 122 F01U119018 SH-VL 152 F01U119019 SH-VL 212 F01U119028 EBK M10 EBK M10 F01U100849 EBK M10 F01U100849 EBK M10 F01U100849 EBK M10 F01U100849 EBK M10[...]

  • Página 62

    62 M ONITOR S PEAK ERS dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 62 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 62 09.07.10 12:20 09.07.10 12:20[...]

  • Página 63

    63 M ONITOR S PEAK ERS · CXM 1 5 / CXM 15 W · AM 1 2 Moni tor Speak ers dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 63 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 63 09.07.10 12:20 09.07.10 12:20[...]

  • Página 64

    CXM 15 / CXM 15W 64 CXM 15 / CXM 15W COA XIAL MONIT OR SPEAKER CABINET • Co ax ial M onitor 15“ / 1.4“ 2- Way • 102 dB SP L / 1 W / 1m • Ma x . 135 dB S PL / 1 m • Light Weig ht 19 kg • Switcha ble to B iamp M ode • FI R and II R Pre set s av ailab le Th e DYN ACOR D CXM 15 i s a lig htwe igh t wedge fo r pro fes sion al monitoring [...]

  • Página 65

    AM 12 65 AM 12 POWERED 2-W A Y CABINET Th e pe r fec t pl ug & pl ay mo nito r sol uti on for a g rea t many a pp lic ati ons , the A M 12 i s arm ed w ith a DY N AC O R D L FT 3 0 0 8 12 “ woofe r an d a con sta nt dir ec tiv ity h or n for the m idr an ge an d hig h freq uen cie s. Th e integr ated f ull- r ange C la ss H powe r amp lifi er[...]

  • Página 66

    66 P OWER M AX 5 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 66 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 66 09.07.10 12:20 09.07.10 12:20[...]

  • Página 67

    67 P OWER M AX 5 · F 15 0 · F 8 Powe r M a x 5 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 67 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 67 09.07.10 12:20 09.07.10 12:20[...]

  • Página 68

    P OWER M AX 5 68 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 68 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 68 09.07.10 12:20 09.07.10 12:20[...]

  • Página 69

    P OWER M AX 5 69 Th e PowerM a x 5 syst em in cl ude s two 1 5” 2- way c ab ine ts F 1 50 , two 18 “ subwo ofe rs F 8 , one s yste m powe r amp li fi e r PM 26 0 0 , four sys tem c ab les a nd t wo lo uds pe aker sta nd p ole s, m akin g it a re ady fo r operation, high- performance sound reinf orcement sy stem in active 2-wa y con fi gu ra t[...]

  • Página 70

    70 X A 2 S YS TEMS dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 70 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 70 09.07.10 12:20 09.07.10 12:20[...]

  • Página 71

    71 X A 2 S YS TEMS · FX 12 · FX 20 Xa 2 S yst em dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 71 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 71 09.07.10 12:21 09.07.10 12:21[...]

  • Página 72

    X A 2 S YSTEM 72 In a wor ld o f exces s and m as s production, quality, functionality and design remain decisiv e fac to rs . We at DYN ACOR D deve lop a nd m anu fa ct ure f ir st- cla ss p rod uc t s – „M ad e in G er many “ – th at not o nly s upp ly d eta ile d, opt imi zed s olu tio ns to re al pro bl ems e nc oun tere d in d ay- to -[...]

  • Página 73

    X A 2 S YSTEM 73 OPTIMIZED F A CTOR Y PRESETS INCLUDING FIR- TUNE LINEARIZA TION ARE AV AILABLE F OR DSP 600, P 64 AND Po werH AMPLIFIERS WITH RCM-26 UNDER IRIS-NET . R- T U NE L L I I N N E E A A R R I I Z Z A A T T I I O O N N A A R R E A MPLIFIE R R S S W W I I T T H H R R C C M M - 2 2 6 6 prob lem atic an d com plex r ig ging req uirem ent s s[...]

  • Página 74

    C OMPONENTS 74 Com ponents X A 2 SYSTEM THREADED ADAPTER Any a dditio nal full - ran ge ca binet s or sm alle r tops t hat may b e required as front - or side-fills can be m ounte d se cur ely o n top of t he F X 20 to s ave sp ace a nd a lso ai m ed using th e PC L 8 0 0 or V PM 15 0 0 Thre ad ed p ole s, whi ch are av aila ble as accessories. CON[...]

  • Página 75

    C OMPONENTS 75 SUB UNIT The Pl anar Wav eguid e Ba s shor n F X 20 i s arm ed w ith an E lec tr o -Voice heav y- dut y E V X 18 0 B 18 “ woo fer . SPECIAL ACCESSORIES Wit h the FG 6 0 0 Fly ing G rid , which i s availa ble a s an a cce s sor y , the F X 1 2 c an be f lown s afe ly and swif tl y from a t ru ss o r att ach ed to a geni e ( se e Cob[...]

  • Página 76

    FX 12 76 FX 12 2-W A Y HI-POWER T OP Th e FX 12 i s a full y hor n - loa de d an d coa xia l two - way, hig h -p ower top c over ing a b an dwid th of 10 0 H z to 19 k Hz wi th a ma xim um s oun d pre ss ure le vel of 1 3 4 dB / 1m . Th e freq uen cy r ang e from 1 k Hz upwa rds is tr an sduc ed by a n eo dy - mium N D 6 - 8 d ri ver wit h a 3 “ [...]

  • Página 77

    FX 20 77 FX 20 PLANAR WA VEGUIDE SUB T o ge ne ra te th e max imu m pos sib le so un d pre ssu re, t he F X 2 0 subwo ofer fe ature s a Plan ar Wavegu ide b as s hor n an d a hig h - powe r E V X 18 0 B 18 “ woo fer. It co vers a b an dwidt h from 3 0 H z to 150 H z wit h a ma xim um sou nd pre ss ure leve l of 132 d B / 1 m. T wo of th es e Plan[...]

  • Página 78

    78 C OBRA S YSTEM dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 78 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 78 09.07.10 12:21 09.07.10 12:21[...]

  • Página 79

    79 C OBRA S YSTEM · Cobra- T op · Cobra-Su b · Cobra-4 T op · Cobra-4 F ar · Cobra-PWH · PWH 28 · Cobra- 2 Sy ste m · Cobra-4 S yst em Cobra Sy stem dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 79 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 79 09.07.10 12:21 09.07.10 12:21[...]

  • Página 80

    COBRA-4 F AR Sy st em Components COBRA COMP ACT LINE-ARRA Y SYSTEM In th e event s so und r einfo rce me nt business, among rental companies an d in pr ofes sio nal c on cer t s oun d ap plic at ion s, t wo qui te di ffe ren t lou ds pe aker c onc ep ts h ave se cur ed the ir own n ich es : hor n - loa ded sys tem s, wh ich a re not abl e for their[...]

  • Página 81

    COBRA-PWH PWH 28 S YSTEM C OMPONENTS 81 COBRA-4 TOP whic h far m ore is ex pe cte d in ter ms of sou nd qua lity, line ar rays h ave es ta blish ed fo r them sel ves a s ec ure pos ition in t he ma rket . Th ank s to the ex trem ely wi de hor izont al r adiati on pat tern o f line ar rays , co mbine d with t heir sh allow a nd pr eci sel y defi ne[...]

  • Página 82


  • Página 83

    FIR T UNE S YSTEM D RIVES 83 For the v ar iou s sys tem s, specific pr econfigured‚system dri ves‘ ar e avai lab le, w hic h in the ir m axi mum c onf ig ur atio n wit h Power H powe r amp lifi ers o r DS P 6 0 0 or a P 6 4 m atr ix un de r IR IS - N et inc lu de even r emo te su per vis ion an d con tro l, an d DS P pr ese ts w ith FIR f ilte[...]

  • Página 84

    S YSTEM C OMPONENTS 84 COBRA- TOP Th e fl yab le pa s sive t hree - way FULL -R ANGE / MI D- HIGH com po- nent in t he C obr a-2 sys tem. A r me d with a 15“ E lec tr o -Voice E V X 15 5 spe aker fo r the l ow freq uen cy r an - ge, a c oa xia l midr ang e line -ar r ay com pos ed o f four C 8 co n i ca l mi d- ra nge dr ive rs , and a D H 2 T t [...]

  • Página 85

    S YSTEM C OMPONENTS 85 COBRA-SUB Fly abl e subwo ofer wit h a ba ss -re fl ex de sign a rm ed wit h an El ec tro -Voi ce 18 “ E V X 18 0 B dri ver . Wi th gro oves to enha nce s ta cking s tab ilit y and four A N C R A f lyin g tra cks fo r fl own sub -ar r ays inclu ded in t he de liver y . dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 85 dc loudspeaker[...]

  • Página 86

    S YSTEM C OMPONENTS 86 COBRA-4 F AR Th e fl yab le ac ti ve thre e -w ay far- fi eld M I D - H IG H co mpo nent in t he Co br a- 4 s ystem . Id entic all y equip - pe d in the l ow and m idr ange to the C ob ra - 4 top b ut featur ing a 5° ver t ic al high fre que ncy lin e ar ray, com pos ed of t hre e Ele ct ro -Voic e DH 2 T tit anium dr iver s[...]

  • Página 87

    S YSTEM C OMPONENTS 87 COBRA-PWH A pla nar wa vegui de ho rn sub woofe r ar me d with a n Ele ctr o -Voice 18 “ E V X 18 0 B dri ver fo r ba ss re pro - duc tio n in the C ob ra -2 and Co br a- 4 sys tems that is p ar t icular ly p ower ful and c a rr ies e sp eci ally f ar . dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 87 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010[...]

  • Página 88

    R IGGING A CCESSORIES 06 05 02 88 Th e FG 60 0 Fl yin g Gr id is sui tab le for a ll th e cab ine ts i n the Co br a (and FX ) ser ies t hat a re equipped wi th airlin e profiles for rigging. Th e com plete fl ight s ystem c onsis ts of th e FG 6 0 0 Fl ying G ri d and t he SE- 6 0 0 St ra p E x tensio n. E ach o f the se a cce ss or y items is su[...]

  • Página 89

    R IGGING A CCESSORIES 89 07 01 08 03 09 Rigging Accessories C SW 25 - We dge S et (2 x Wed ge 2, 5°) WS - 0 4 - Web bing Str a p 4 m ( 1 -3 C ab inet s) WS - 0 8 - Web bing Str a p 8 m ( 4 - 8 C ab inet s) 07 02 08 09 TC- 0 4 - T ru ss C lam p, 2 “ , M12 R ing N ut FG 60 0 - Flying G ri d, T Ü V app rove d SE 6 0 0 - Stra p E x tensi on for FG [...]

  • Página 90

    S YSTEM R ACK S 90 Sy st em Rac k s 90 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 90 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 90 09.07.10 12:22 09.07.10 12:22[...]

  • Página 91

    S YSTEM R ACK S 91 F ac tor y- ass em ble d Syst em Ra ck s are av ail abl e wit h DS P cont rol ler, power am pli fi e rs a nd a n AF pan el a s well a s an AC pa ne l mou nte d at th e rea r wit h a 32 A p ower s upp ly co nn ec tor. Natur all y the r ack s ca n be c onf igure d free ly to suit the a pplic ati on or th e req uirem ents o f the c[...]

  • Página 92

    C OBRA -2 S YSTEM 92 Th e Cob r a-2 s yste m is d esi gne d to pr ovid e hig h - qu ali ty s oun d reinf orcement for even ts in sma ll to me diu m - size d ma rqu ee s or hal ls cove ri ng di st anc es of u p to 4 0 met er s and a rea s up to 1 , 0 0 0 square meters. Th e sys tem pro duc es a m a ximum sou nd pre ss ure lev el of 137 d B L and 137[...]

  • Página 93

    C OBRA -2 S YSTEM 93 OPTIMIZED F A CTOR Y PRESETS INCLUDING FIR- TUNE LINEARIZA TION ARE AV AILABLE F OR DSP 600, P 64 AND Po werH AMPLIFIERS WITH RCM-26 UNDER IRIS-NET dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 93 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 93 09.07.10 12:22 09.07.10 12:22[...]

  • Página 94

    C OBRA -4 S YSTEM Th e ac tive 4 -w ay Co br a - 4 Syste m in it s s tan da rd co nfi guration is de sig ned fo r th rows of up to 8 0 met er s in me diu m -s ize d ma rqu ee s, hal ls an d op en - air ve nu es . It is c ap abl e of gen er ating at a FOH p osit ion 3 0 m eter s dist ant a sou nd pre ss ure lev el of 110 dB in the mi d- high fre qu[...]

  • Página 95

    C OBRA -4 S YSTEM 95 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 95 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 95 09.07.10 12:22 09.07.10 12:22[...]

  • Página 96

    96 A LPHA S YS TEMS dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 96 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 96 09.07.10 12:22 09.07.10 12:22[...]

  • Página 97

    97 A LPHA S YS TEMS · X-1 · B-3 Alpha S yst em dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 97 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 97 09.07.10 12:22 09.07.10 12:22[...]

  • Página 98

    A LPHA X -1 AND A LPHA B-3 Alpha B-3 2 x 18” PWH SUBWOOFER-S YSTEM Th e Alp ha B - 3 sy ste m is a 2 x 18 “ PWH s ubwoo fer sy ste m emp loyi ng Plan ar Waveg uid e tec hn olo gy. A PW H ho rn i s a plan ar wav eguid e hor n with a H elm holt z re so nator pla ced in side th e wave gui de. T he res ulting 6 to 7 dB g ain in S PL in the l ow fre[...]

  • Página 99

    A LPHA X -1 AND A LPHA B-3 99 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 99 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 99 09.07.10 12:23 09.07.10 12:23[...]

  • Página 100

    T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS 100 D-Lite SERIES T ype / Name D 8 / D 8W D 8A D 11A D 12 / D 12W Cabinet F ullrange Fullrange F ullrange Fullrange Confi guration Passive 2-W ay Pow ered 2-Wa y Powered 2-Wa y Passive 2-W ay Components 8“ / 1“ 8“ / 1“ 12“ / 1“ 12“ / 1“ Impedance 8 Ohms --- --- 8 Ohms Rated Po wer RMS 250 W 200 W HF 200 W[...]

  • Página 101

    T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS 101 D-Lite SERIES T ype / Name Sub 112 Sub 115 Sub 118 Cabinet Subwoof er Subwoofer Subw oofer Confi guration V ented - Direct Radiat or V ented - Direct Radiator V ented - Direct Radiator Components 1 x 12“ 1 x 15“ 1 x 18“ Impedance 8 Ohms 8 Ohms 8 Ohms Rated Po wer RMS 400 W 400 W 700 W Peak Po wer 1600 W 1600 W [...]

  • Página 102

    T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS 102 V ariLine TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONS VariL ine T ype / Name VL 62 / VL 62W VL 262 / VL 262W VL 122 VL 152 VL 212 Cabinet F ullrange Fullrange F ullrange Fullrange F ullrange Confi guration Passive 2-W ay Passive 2-W ay Passive 2-W ay or Active 2-W ay Passive 2-W ay or Active 2-W ay Passive 2-W ay or Active 2-W ay Comp[...]

  • Página 103

    T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS 103 AM 12 TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONS CXM 15 / CXM 15W TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONS CXM 15 / CXM 15W T ype / Name CXM 15 CXM 15W Cabinet Coaxial Monitor Coaxial Monitor Confi guration Passive 2-W ay or Active 2-W ay Passive 2-W ay or Active 2-W ay Components 15“ / 1.4“ 15“ / 1.4“ Impedance 8 Ohms 8 Ohms Rated Po wer R[...]

  • Página 104

    T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS 104 Xa 2 S YSTEM TEC HNICAL SPECIFICA TIONS Po werMax 5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONS Pow erMax 5 T ype / Name F 150 F 8 Cabinet F ullrange Subwoofer Confi guration Passive 2-W ay Vent ed - Direct Radiator Components 15“ / 1“ 1 x 18“ Impedance 8 Ohms 8 Ohms Rated Po wer RMS 400 W 500 W Peak Po wer 800 W 1000 W SPL 1 W [...]

  • Página 105

    T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS 105 Alpha S YSTEM TEC HNICAL SPECIFICA TIONS Cobra SY STEM TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONS Cobra SYSTEM T ype / Name Cobra- T op Cobra-4 T op Cobra-4 F ar Cobra-Sub Cobra-PWH PWH 28 Cabinet F ullrange Fullrange F ullrange Sub woofer Subwoof er Subwoofer Confi guration Passive 3-W ay Active 3-W ay Active 3-W ay Vent ed - Direct[...]

  • Página 106

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 106 Application Guide dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 106 dc loudspeaker_en_reprint062010.indd 106 09.07.10 12:23 09.07.10 12:23[...]

  • Página 107

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 107 D-Lit e SERIES APPLICA TION GUIDE D-Lite activ e one PLUS CL UBS, MOBILE D Js Confi guration Active 3-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 2 x D 8A, 2 x PowerSub 212 Amplifi ers internal Controllers - Cables XLR - XLR Accessories 2 x VPM 1500 Horizontal Coverage 2 x 90° T otal Amp Power 3200 W T ypical Distance 15 - 20m Options - Comments[...]

  • Página 108

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 108 D-Lit e SERIES APPLICA TION GUIDE D-Lite activ e four MUSICIANS, SMALL CL UBS Confi guration Active 3-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 2 x D 11A, 2 x PowerSub 212 Amplifi ers internal Controllers - Cables XLR - XLR Accessories 2 x VPM 1500 Horizontal Coverage 2 x 80° T otal Amp Power 3200 W T ypical Distance 15 - 20 m Options - Commen[...]

  • Página 109

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 109 D-Lite LIVE B ANDS, MEDIUM CLUBS Confi guration Fullrange Cabinet T ypes 2 x D 15-3, 2 x Sub 118 Amplifi ers PowerMate 1000 Controllers - Cables - Accessories 2 x VPM 1500 Horizontal Coverage 2 x 80° T otal Amp Power 2 x 700 W T ypical Distance 15 - 20 m Options - Comments one added T op or one added Sub can be driven on [...]

  • Página 110

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 110 D-Lit e SERIES APPLICA TION GUIDE D-Lite LIVE B ANDS, MEDIUM CLUBS Xa4000 Xa4000 Confi guration Active 2-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 2 x D 15-3, 2 x Sub 118 Amplifi ers 2 x Xa 4000 Controllers - Cables - Accessories 2 x VPM 1500 Horizontal Coverage 2 x 90° T otal Amp Power 2 x 1100 W Sub + 2 x 900 W T op T ypical Distance 15 - 20[...]

  • Página 111

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 111 D-Lite MUSICIANS, MOBILE DJ‘S Confi guration Active 2-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 2 x D 12 or 2 x D 12-3, 2 x Sub 115 Amplifi ers PowerSub 315 Controllers - Cables - Accessories 2 x BS 35 Horizontal Coverage 2 x 80° T otal Amp Power 2 x 500 W Top, 2 x 500W Sub T ypical Distance 15 - 20 m Options 2 additional D 12 Comments - Var[...]

  • Página 112

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 112 V ariLine APPLICA TION GUIDE VariL ine CLUB, BARS, BIS TRO Confi guration Active 2-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 8 x VL 62, PowerSub 315 Amplifi ers int er grated Controllers - Cables - Accessories 8 x WMK 10 (Wall-Mount Kit) Horizontal Coverage each cabinet 90° T otal Amp Power 2 x 500 W Top, 1000 W Sub T ypical Distance T ops 5 -[...]

  • Página 113

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 113 VariL ine COMP ACT CLUB P A-SY STEM Confi guration Active 2-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 2 x VL 122, 2 x SUB 18 Amplifi ers 2 x Xa 4000 Controllers - Cables - Accessories 2 x FB-VL 122, 2 x PCL M10 or 2 x TC-02 Horizontal Coverage each cabinet 90° T otal Amp Power 2 x 1100 W Sub, 2 x 900 W T op T ypical Distance 10 - 20 m Options [...]

  • Página 114

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 114 VariL ine HI-POWER P A SYS TEM Confi guration Active 3-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 4 x VL 212, 6 x SUB 28 Amplifi ers 2 x H 5000, 2 x H 2500 Controllers 4 x RCM-26 Module Cables 6 x 4-pole long, 8 x 4-pole short Accessories - Horizontal Coverage 80° or 180° (rotable Horns) T otal Amp Power 4 x 3000 W Sub (2.7 Ohms) 2 x 2500 W Mi[...]

  • Página 115

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 115 Xa 2 HI-POWER P A-SY STEM, LIVE BANDS Confi guration Active 2-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 4 x FX 12 + 6 x FX 20 Amplifi ers 2 x Xa 4000 Controllers integrated Cables 4 x 4-pole long, 2 x 4-pole short Accessories TC-04, CSST Horizontal Coverage 160° or 80° T otal Amp Power 2 x 2000 W = 4000 W T ypical Distance 25 - 35 m Options F[...]

  • Página 116

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 116 COBRA-2 APPLICA TION GUIDE COBRA-2 COMP ACT LINE-ARRA Y SYS TEM FOR SMALLER VENUES Confi guration Active 2-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 4 x Cobra-T op, 4 x Cobra-PWH Amplifi ers 2 x LX 3000 Controllers DSP 260 or DSP 600 Cables 4 x 4-pole long, 4 x 4-pole short Accessories CSW 25 Horizontal Coverage 2 x 120° T otal Amp Power 4 x 1[...]

  • Página 117

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 117 COBRA-4 LINE-ARRA Y SY STEM F OR MID-SIZED VENUES Confi guration Active 4-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 2 x Cobra-4 Far , 4 x Cobra-4 T op, 8 x Cobra-PWH Amplifi ers 4 x LX 3000 Controllers 2 x DSP 260 or DSP 600 Cables 6 x 8-pole long, 8 x 8-pole short Accessories Rigging Straps CSST , CSSM Horizontal Coverage 2 x 120° T otal Amp [...]

  • Página 118

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 118 COBRA-4 APPLICA TION GUIDE COBRA-4 LINE-ARRA Y SY STEM F OR LARGER VENUES Confi guration Active 4-W ay Cabinet T ypes 4 x Cobra-4 Far , 8 x Cobra-T op, 12-16 x Cobra-PWH Amplifi ers 8 x LX 3000 Controllers 4 x DSP 260 or DSP 600 Cables 12 x 8-pole long, 16 x 8-pole short Accessories - Horizontal Coverage 2 x 120° T otal A[...]

  • Página 119

    A PPLICATION G UIDE 119 COBRA-4 LINE-ARRA Y SY STEM F OR LARGER VENUES Confi guration Active 2-Wa y Cabinet T ypes 4 x Cobra-4 Far , 8 x Cobra-T op, 6 x PWH 28 Amplifi ers 10 x H 5000 Controllers 10 x RCM-26 Cables 12 x 8-pole long, 16 x 8-pole short Accessories - Horizontal Coverage 2 x 120° T otal Amp Power 20 x 2500 = 50 kW T ypical Distance [...]

  • Página 120

    © Bo sch S ecur ity S ys tems , In c. · A rt .N r . F01U1 6 4 8 8 3 · Printe d in Ge rma ny (ER D/D R) · 60 0 0/ 07 /10 · Subje ct to cha nge wi tho ut pri o r not ice! www .dy nac or d. co m AMERICAS HEADQUARTERS AMERICAS Bo sc h Se cur it y Sys tem s, I nc . 12 0 0 0 Po r tl an d Ave S out h, Bu rn sv ille , M N 55 3 3 7 , U SA US A–T e l:[...]