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2 4 - p i n D o t M a trix Pri n ter ® Setup Guide R e ad B e fo r e Us i ng t he P r i n t e r . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 S e t t i n g Up t he P r i n t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 U s i ng O n l i ne G u i d e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 3 S a f e t y a n d E n v i r o n m e n t a l I n fo r m a t i o n . . 2 3 4014326 [...]
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Where to Find Information Setup Guide (this man ual) Expl ain s ho w to se t up the pr inter an d i nsta ll t he p rin ter s oftw are. Reference Gu ide (online guide) Provide s detailed in formation on t he printer’ s functions, opt ional products, print er software , troublesho oting, and technica l speci ficat ion s. You c an vi ew th is guid e[...]
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1 All rights reserved. No part of this publ ication ma y be reproduced, stored i n a retri eval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mecha nical, photocopyi ng, reco rdin g, or ot herw ise, w ithou t the p rior wr itten perm issio n of SEIK O EP SON CORP ORAT ION. The infor mat ion con taine d herein is des igned on ly fo[...]
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2 Read Before Using the Print er Read Before Using the Printer This gu ide consists of thre e chapters. The first and the second chapters describ e how to set up your pr inter and instal l th e printer software. The l ast chapter provides det ailed safety and environmenta l informat ion. Be s ure to fo llow t he instructi ons careful ly to en sure [...]
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Setting Up the Printer 3 1 Setting Up the Printer Foll ow the instru ctio ns i n th is ch apter to u np ack an d se t up your printe r. 1-1 Unpacking the Printer Besides the i tems shown in the i llustration below, the printer box should inc lude an EPSON pr inter softwa re CD-ROM and a Notice Sheet. Note: Depending on your printer model, the power[...]
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4 Settin g Up the P rinter c Caution: There are several models of the printer designed for different voltages, and it is not possible to adjust the printer for use with another voltage. If the label on the back of the printer does not show the correct voltage for your country, contact your d ealer. You must remove all protective mat erials packed a[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 5 Note for French-spea king users: Placez l’imprimante près d’une prise d e courant où la fiche peut être débranchée facilement. ❏ Avoid electric al outlets co ntrolled by wall switches or automatic t imers. An int errupti on in powe r can erase informati on in the memory of your prin ter or computer. Also av oid o[...]
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6 Settin g Up the P rinter 1-3 Assembling the Printer Follow th e steps in t his secti on to atta ch the pap er guide a nd ins tall th e ribb on c artri dge . Attaching the paper guide Follow th ese steps to att ach the paper guide: 1. Open the pr inter co ver by holdi ng the fi nger grip s on both ends of t he cove r and liftin g it up.[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 7 2. Slide the edge guide of the paper gui de slightly to the center. Hold the pap er gu ide ho riz onta lly with both hand s, and s lide the slots on b oth sides of it onto the mounting pegs in the pr inter as s hown below . T hen lowe r the p ape r gu ide un til it locks in to place. 3. Close the p rinter cover.[...]
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8 Settin g Up the P rinter Installing the Ribbon Car tridge EPSON re commends the use of genui ne EPSON ribbon cartridg es (S015139/S0 15066 for black, S01 5067 for c olor). Pr oducts not manufactured by EPSON may cause damage to your printer, whic h is not co vere d by E PSON ’s wa rra ntie s. Follow th ese steps to inst all the ri bbon cart rid[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 9 3. Open the pape r bai l. 4. Slide the p rint head to the pos ition shown i n the il lustra tion belo w. w Warni ng: Never move the print head while the printer is tu rned on; this can damage the pri nter.[...]
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10 Settin g Up the P rinter 5. Remove the new rib bon cart ridge f rom the pac kage and t urn the ribb on-tig htening knob in the dire ction of the arrow t o remove a ny slack fr om the ribb on so it is easier to install . 6. H old the ri bbon cart ridg e with the part whe re the ribb on is expo sed fac ing do wn and the ribbon -tigh tenin g knob f[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 11 7. Turn the ri bbon-ti ghtening kn ob again to remove any slac k in the ribbon so th at the ribbon mov es freely. 8. Close the paper bail and the print er cover.[...]
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12 Settin g Up the P rinter 1-4 Connecting the Printer to Your Computer Your pr inter incl udes bot h an IEEE -1284-compat ible par allel interfa ce and a USB (Universal Serial B us) interf ace. Also a Ty pe-B optional interface sl ot is prov ided in case y our computer requires a diffe rent type o f prin ter i nter face . See the Refe rence Guid e[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 13 2. Plug the pa rallel cabl e connector secur ely in to the printer ’s para lle l in terf ace p ort. 3. Squeeze the wire c lips together u ntil th ey lock in pla ce on both sides of the connector. 4. Plug the ot her end of the cabl e into the co mputer’s paral lel inte rfa ce po rt.[...]
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14 Settin g Up the P rinter Using th e USB inter face To connect t he printer to a USB port, you need a standard, shielded USB ca ble. Note: ❏ In order to connect your computer v ia the USB interface, your computer must be a Windows Me, 98, or 2000 pre-installed model that is equipped with a USB port. ❏ If you use a USB hub, it is recommended t[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 15 1-5 Plugging in the Printer Follow these st eps to plug in the printe r: 1. Make sure the printer is tur ned off. The printer is off when the powe r swi tch is p ress ed do wn to the ❍ si de. 2. Check the label o n the back of t he printer to make sure th e voltage requi red by the printe r matches that of your el ectric[...]
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16 Settin g Up the P rinter 1-6 Installing the Printer Software After you connect the pr inter to your computer , you need to instal l the soft ware includ ed in th e EPSON printe r soft ware CD-ROM shi pped with your pr inter. ❏ Printer d river The printe r driver is the sof tware that r uns, or “dri ves,” you r printer. With i t, you can ma[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 17 ❏ If the New Hardware Found screen or any other wizard appea rs when you turn on your computer, click Cancel . ❏ If the Digital Signature Not Found s creen appears, click Yes . If you click No , you must reinstall the printer driver as described below. ❏ Installation time varies depending on your computer. 1. Make su[...]
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18 Settin g Up the P rinter For DOS programs To co nt rol the p rin ter fro m DO S a ppli cat ion p rog rams , yo u nee d to selec t the print er you are u sing or another avai lable p rinter from the pr int er lis t of your a ppli cat ion. Choose the EPSON printer a t the appr opriate step i n the instal lation or set up procedure. If the list in [...]
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Setting Up the Printer 19 1-7 Options By adding options, such as a cut -sheet feeder or aut omatic sheet alignment unit , you can further expand your printer’s versat ility. Optional interface cards are al so availa ble to supp lement your prin ter ’s buil t-in in ter faces . If you purch ase op tion s, se e “Opt ions and Consumables” in th[...]
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20 Using Online Guides 2 Using Online Guides This chapter describes how to us e the two onl ine guides: the Reference Guide and the Quick Guid e . System Requirements Your system must meet the following r equirements necessar y for you to use t he online gui des. System R equi rement s System Windows Me/98/95, o r Windows 2000/NT 4.0 CPU i486/25 MH[...]
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Using Onlin e Guides 21 Using the Reference Guide The Reference Guide provid es you with d eta ile d inf orma tio n on printer o peration such as paper hand ling and t roubleshooti ng. You can vi ew this gu ide dire ctly fr om the CD-ROM tha t comes with the pr inter, or insta ll it on your computer and view it from the hard di sk. Viewing the Re f[...]
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22 Using Online Guides Installing an d viewin g the Refe rence G uide from the hard disk To in stall the Reference Guide on your hard disk, fo llow steps 1 and 2 in the p revious sectio n. Then, click Install Re fere nce G uide in the dialo g box that appear s, and follow t he on-screen inst ructions. When th e in stal lati on i s com ple te, th e [...]
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Safety and Environmen tal Information 23 3 Safety and Environmental Information This chapter contain s the safet y and e nvironment al inform ation about your print er. Hot Parts Caution Symbol Important Safety Instructions Read all of these s afety inst ructions b efore using the printe r. In addit ion, foll ow al l warn ings and in struc tion s m[...]
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24 Safety and Environmen tal Information ❏ If you us e an extensio n cord with the p rinter, make sure the total am pere rating of al l devi ces plugged int o the extens ion cord doe s not exc eed th e c ord’s ampe re ratin g. A lso , mak e sure the total amper e of all device s plugged i nto the w all outlet does not exceed the wal l outlet’[...]
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Safety and Environmen tal Information 25 For United Kingdom Users Use of options Epson (UK) L imited shall no t be liabl e against any damages or problems ari sing fro m the use of any options or c onsumable products ot her than those designated as Original EPSON Products o r EPSO N Approved Products by Ep son (UK) L imited. Safety information w Wa[...]
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26 Safety and Environmen tal Information The brown wi re must be connec ted to the t erminal in the plug marked with the letter L . If damag e occurs to th e plug, replace the c ord set or consult a qua lified e lect ricia n.[...]
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2001 Janua ry EPSON OVERSEAS MARKE TING LOCATIONS Epson America, Inc. 3840 Kilroy Air port Way Long Beach, CA 90806 Phone: (562) 98 1-3840 Fax: ( 562) 2 90-5220 EPSON UK LTD. Campus 100, Maylands Avenu e, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 7TJ, U.K. Phone: (+44) 0 1442 261144 Fax: (+44) 014 42 227227 EPSON DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Zülpicher Straße 6, 40549 Düs[...]
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Printed in J ap an 0 1.XX -XX[...]