Ericsson BusinessPhone manual


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Bom manual de uso

As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto Ericsson BusinessPhone. A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoEricsson BusinessPhone vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual Ericsson BusinessPhone você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual Ericsson BusinessPhone, e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual Ericsson BusinessPhone deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo Ericsson BusinessPhone
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo Ericsson BusinessPhone
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo Ericsson BusinessPhone
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque Ericsson BusinessPhone não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos Ericsson BusinessPhone e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço Ericsson na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas Ericsson BusinessPhone, como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo Ericsson BusinessPhone, uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual Ericsson BusinessPhone. Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1

    busin ess ph o n e’ s your business Installa tion Guid e CALL CENTRE SUPERVISOR Standard Edition Call C entre Manage ment[...]

  • Página 2

    Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2C ii BUSINESSPHONE CALL CENTRE SUPER V ISOR - ST ANDARD INST ALLA TION GUIDE EN/LZTB S 102 063/S R2C Copyright © 2000. Er icsson Austri a AG . All rights rese rved. This docume nt contai ns propri etary inf ormation whi ch is pr otected by copyri ght. [...]

  • Página 3

    Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2C iii : H OFRPHWRWKH%XVLQHVV3KRQH &DOO&HQWUH6XSHUYLVRU Busin essPhone Call Ce ntre Supe rvisor is a Wind ows base d applica tion that e nables you to efficien tly manage and monit or the Busin essPhone Call Centr e funct ions T[...]

  • Página 4

    :HOFRPHWRWKH%XVL QHVV3KRQH&DOO&HQWU H6XSHUYLVRU Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2C iv[...]

  • Página 5

    Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2A 7DEOH RI  &RQW HQWV v :HOFRPHWRW KH%XVLQHVV3KRQH &DOO&HQWU H6XSHUYLVRU ,QWURGXFWLRQ What’ s new in Release 2 .4 ............. .............. .......... .............. .............. ......... .............. ..... [...]

  • Página 6

    7 DEOH RI&RQWHQWV Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2A vi Initial Checks ............... .............. .............. ......... .............. .......... .............. .............. ........ 34 Start Up .... ..... ..... ......... ..... .... ..... ......... ..... ..... .... .[...]

  • Página 7

    Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2A 7DEOH RI  &RQW HQWV vii Default Printe r and Reports... ......... .............. .............. .......... .............. .............. ......... ... 54 Display Units ........... ......... .............. .............. .......... ..........[...]

  • Página 8

    7 DEOH RI&RQWHQWV Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2A viii[...]

  • Página 9

    ,QWURGXFWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 9 ,QWURGXFWLRQ The CCS runs on a PC which receives data from the Bus inessPhon e 150 or Busi- nessPho ne 250/50 exchan ge via a n RS232 int erface ( V.24). The system software is ins tall ed b y tra nsf erring th e syst em f iles from the[...]

  • Página 10

    &'520'HOLYHUHG ZLW K&&63DFNDJH Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 10 &'520'HOLYHUHGZ LWK&&63DFNDJH You w ill fin d a great vari ety of info rmat ion on the CD-RO M w hich c ons ists not only of CCS softwa re and [...]

  • Página 11

    &'520' HOLYHUHGZ LWK&&63DFNDJH Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 11 Instal lation of CCS Doc umenation If you want to prov ide each CCS us er with the document ation you ha ve the op tion to ins tall the comp lete ran ge of d ocumenta tion fi les o[...]

  • Página 12

    &'520'HOLYHUHG ZLW K&&63DFNDJH Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 12 Standard PC Specificat ion for Usi ng Documentati on on CD-ROM • 100% IBM compatible PC • CPU 486 DX2 66 MHz proce ssor • 8 MB R AM (16 MB recommende d) • B us m ouse • S[...]

  • Página 13

    %DVLF+DUGZ DUH5H TXLUHPHQWV Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 13 %DVLF+DUGZ D UH5HTXLUHPHQW V ([FKDQJH 5HTXLUHPHQW V CCS 2.4 supp orts Busi nessPhon e 150 as wel l as Busi nessPhone 50/250 (up to V4.0 ). Th e inst alla tion s crip t no w inc ludes the optio ns: (a) Busi[...]

  • Página 14

    %DVLF+DUGZ DUH5HTXLU HPHQWV Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 14 Number of Agents 1-10 Adaptati on Unit - 10 11-2 0 Adapta tion Unit - 20 21-3 0 Adapta tion Unit - 30 31-4 0 Adapta tion Unit - 40 The a daptati on unit i s fitt ed to the para llel po rt. I f the ada ptation unit [...]

  • Página 15

    %DVLF6RIWZ DUH5HTXLUH PHQWV Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 15 %DVLF6RIWZ DUH5HTXLUHPHQW V The PC sho uld be prepar ed for inst allati on usin g the manufact urer’s instruct ions to form at th e hard disk a nd in stal l MS Win dows 3.11 (W ind ows fo r Work - groups) o[...]

  • Página 16

    3&,QVWDO ODWLRQ3URFHGXUHV Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 16 3&,QVW DOODWLRQ3URFHGXUHV The PC shoul d be prep are d for inst alla tio n using the man ufac ture r’s in struc tion s to forma t the h ard disk a nd ins tall Wi ndow s if ne cessa ry. Fo r best perf [...]

  • Página 17

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIWZ DUH,QVWDOODWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 17 $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIWZ DUH,QVW DOODWLRQ The syst em is divi ded into two parts , the Datab ase Engine and the CCS itself . Each part is instal led separ ately. The D ataba se eng ine mu st be in sta lled b e[...]

  • Página 18

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIW Z DUH,QVWDOODW LRQ Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 18 The Borl and Data base Engin e setup-rou tines has now been s tarted. Follow t he instal lation i nstructi ons and ent er the par ameters r equested a s necessa ry When the BDE instal lation ha s finishe d,[...]

  • Página 19

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIWZ DUH,QVWDOODWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 19[...]

  • Página 20

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIW Z DUH,QVWDOODW LRQ Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 20 %XVLQHVV3KRQH&DOO&HQWU H6XSHUYLVRU To inst all the CCS applica tion sof tware: Click on "install software " Click on “install ccs stand ard” . The i nstal lati on wiz ard will[...]

  • Página 21

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIWZ DUH,QVWDOODWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 21 Prior to inst alli ng th e Appli cati on the insta ll prog ram wi ll pre pare the In stall Shie ld Wizar d and sear ch for i nstal led compon ents. If the Borland Dat abase is no t found th en a war ning mess[...]

  • Página 22

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIW Z DUH,QVWDOODW LRQ Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 22 Durin g Inst allati on the Instal l Shie ld Wiza rd wil l displ ay mes sage d ialog s as re- qui red. Ente r the inf ormation necess ary and c ontinue i nstal lation by clicki ng Next on the cur rent di alo[...]

  • Página 23

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIWZ DUH,QVWDOODWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 23 During i nstal lation y ou will be require d to se t the fo llowin g parame ters: You may ch oose to inst all eit her t he Program fi les , the Data files or both, Pro- gram an d Data files . 1HZ ,QVW DOOD[...]

  • Página 24

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIW Z DUH,QVWDOODW LRQ Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 24 8SJUDGH'DWDEDVHIURP&&69[ WR&&69[ If you in stall CCS V2.x and you have an in stalled CCS V1.x on your Compute r’s hard-di sk, you shoul d upgrade the [...]

  • Página 25

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIWZ DUH,QVWDOODWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 25 The conve rsion pr ogram will automatical ly find t he versi on 1.x dat abase if defau lt lo cat ions w ere us ed, o the rwise you will h ave to iden tify th e lo cati on. If the CCS V1.x Datab ase i s not f [...]

  • Página 26

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIW Z DUH,QVWDOODW LRQ Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 26 Click Close to co mplete the Conv ersion. Restart the Syste m At the e nd of the CCS setup (CCS V1.x and CCS V2.x wit h or witho ut Databas e upgrade ) you will b e asked if you want to r estart y our compu[...]

  • Página 27

    $ SSOLFDWLRQ6RIWZ DUH,QVWDOODWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 27 • If you hav e not chosen the defaul t directo ries then : Do not restar t your c ompute r. I nstea d, foll ow the in struc tion s in the Post Instal - lation Configurat ion se ction.[...]

  • Página 28

    3RV W,Q VWDOOD WLRQ& RQ ILJX UDWLR Q Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 28 3RVW,QVW DOODWLRQ&RQILJXUDWLRQ When the CCS has bee n instal led, and be fore you run the CCS up for the first time, cha nges will need to be made to th e system i f you have not chos en the [...]

  • Página 29

    3RVW,QVWDOODWLRQ&RQILJXUDWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 29 6HWWLQJ$OLDVHV The util ity is acc essed via an Icon in the E ricsson CCS Pro gram Group whi ch has been cre ated by t he setup p rogram. If you ar e not famili ar with t he Borland Da- tabase Configur ati[...]

  • Página 30

    3RV W,Q VWDOOD WLRQ& RQ ILJX UDWLR Q Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 30 Click t he Aliases tab to open the Aliase s page The pag e comprises a list of al l current Aliases on th e left of th e page and th e cur- rent al ias pa ramete rs for th e sele cted (Highl ighte d) A[...]

  • Página 31

    3RVW,QVWDOODWLRQ&RQILJXUDWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 31 To change an Alias: Select the requir ed Alias i n the list Change the Alias p arameters a s required Example For Exam ple, if the install ation of th e CCS was d one to a dr ive other than the C: drive but[...]

  • Página 32

    ,QLWL DO6WD UW8S Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 32 ,QLWLDO6 W DUW8S Once the inst allati on is com plete using def ault set tings, o r aft er Post Install ation is compl ete follo wing instal lati on using non defaul t setting s, the Initia l Start Up phas e can be ca r[...]

  • Página 33

    ,QLWL DO6WD UW8S Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 33 • via W indows taskbar : Click St art on the task bar Point to Programs Point to Ericsson CCS Windows for Workg roups 3.11 In Wind ows for Wo rkgrou ps 3.11 you c an see th e Ericsson CCS Progr am Group in the MS File Ma na[...]

  • Página 34

    ,QLWL DO6WD UW8S Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 34 ,QLWLDO &KHFNV It is su gges ted that a minimu m confi gur ation is be c arrie d out by t he ins tallat ion enginee r to ensu re that t he syst em is worki ng and disp laying ac curate a nd rele- vant d ata . To en abl[...]

  • Página 35

    /DQJXDJH8SGDWH Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 35 /DQJXDJH8S GDWH After a co mple te inst alla tio n (Eng lish v ersi on) it is po ssib le to u pda te the CCS syste m with diff erent la nguages. The language settings are use r dependent , which mea ns t hat eac h user can be a[...]

  • Página 36

    /DQJXDJH8SGDWH Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 36 Note: Germa n and Span ish In tro ap plica tion will show d irec tly th e read me file and th e fold er wi th setu p file s belo ngi ng to t he alre ady c hosen langu age. Please read the readme fi le and the n click on setup.exe [...]

  • Página 37

    *HQHUDO Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 37 *HQH UDO The CCS Inf ormation Di splay sy stem can ha ndle the pr esentat ion of mess ages on both p hysic al Di splay Units and Sc reen D ispl ay Un its. Screen Display Unit s are ‘virt ual’ Displ ay Units and messages sent t o Screen [...]

  • Página 38

    *HQHUD O Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 38 'LVSOD8QLW'ULYHUV The CCS is shipp ed with the following dr ivers t o support the sta ndard Inf orma- tion D isp lay Un its th at ca n be d eliv ere d with the sy stem . Datali ne- 20 Single L ine Singl e Colour ( DL20) Si[...]

  • Página 39

    *HQHUDO Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 39 Design The disp lay is i ntended fo r indoor use, an d can be wal l mounted o r suspende d from a ce iling. The softwar e used in t his dis play is a dumb-mode te rminal pro- gram (120 0 bauds or 9600 bau ds), designe d to inte rface wi th [...]

  • Página 40

    ,QVWDOOLQJD 'LVSOD 8QLW Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 40 ,QVW DOOLQJD'LVSOD 8QLW When c onne cting Infor matio n Dis play u nits, rememb er tha t only Info rmat ion Display s which us e the same d river c an be conne cted onto a single link. For in[...]

  • Página 41

    ,QVWDOOLQJD 'LVSOD 8QLW Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 41 25 way D Type Conn ector Connect t he sleev e pin of t he 3.5mm plug to the cabl e shield . Connect the othe r end of t he shiel d to PIN 7 of the DB25 conn ector. Connect t he data-out signal fr om the displa[...]

  • Página 42

    ,QVWDOOLQJD 'LVSOD 8QLW Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 42 &RQQHFWLQ J0X OWLSOH8QLWV When mo re than one unit is be ing use d the conne ction s must be rep eated in mul - ti dro p mode i.e. r eceive of all Dis play Units in the s ystem is conn ected to the t[...]

  • Página 43

    'LVSOD 8QLW&RQQHFWLRQ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 43 'LVSOD 8QLW&RQQHFWLRQ Befor e any me ssage s can b e sent t o a Disp lay U nit, t he Dis play U nit mu st be co r- rectly conn ected to the syst em. Informa tion Display Unit Connec tion is carr[...]

  • Página 44

    'LVSOD 8QLW&RQQHFWLRQ Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 44 0DQDJHPHQW)XQFWLRQV The four contro l buttons situate d at the bottom rig ht of t he page prov ide acces s to Test , New, Edit and Del ete funct ion.[...]

  • Página 45

    $ GGLQJD1HZ 'LVSOD 8QLW Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 45 $ GGLQJD1HZ 'LVSOD 8QLW The para meters needed to set up a Display Unit are ent ered via the Add a N ew Display Unit Dialo g. The Dialo g is acce ssed fr om the Displ ay Unit Con nection D[...]

  • Página 46

    $ GGLQJD1HZ 'LVSOD 8QLW Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 46 'LVSOD8QLW7 SH The D ispla y Uni t typ e re fers to the a ctual typ e of un it th at is to be c onnec ted . The ty pe sel ected must ma tch t he act ual ty pe of th e Dis play U nit. To sel ec[...]

  • Página 47

    $ GGLQJD1HZ 'LVSOD 8QLW Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 47 %DXG5DWH If addi ng a ph ysica l Disp lay Un it you mu st set th e Bau d Rate for the tr ansfe r be- tween the PC a nd the n ew unit. The Baud Rat e list shows a ll the support ed Baud Rates fo r the typ[...]

  • Página 48

    $ GGLQJD1HZ 'LVSOD 8QLW Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 48 7 HVWLQJ&RQQHFW LRQV The Test butto n allows you to test the con nection be tween the CCS a nd a Display Unit. To carr y out a test: Select the Disp lay Unit t o test in the grid Click the T est bu t[...]

  • Página 49

    $ GGLQJD1HZ 'LVSOD 8QLW Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 49 '/6LQJOH&ROR XU,QIRUPDWLRQ'LVSOD The DL20 is a si ngle-li ne, single -sided di splay with 20 alp hanumeri c charact ers, using r ed ligh t emitti ng diod es. 7 HFKQLFDOGD[...]

  • Página 50

    $ GGLQJD1HZ 'LVSOD 8QLW Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 50 '/0XOWLFRORXU,QIRUPDWLRQ'LVSOD The DL20 is a si ngle-li ne, single-s ided disp lay with 20 al phanumeric c haracter s, using l ight emit ting diod es. The DL 20 Multicolou r combin[...]

  • Página 51

    $ GGLQJD1HZ 'LVSOD 8QLW Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 51 '%6LQJOH& RORXU, QIRUPDWLR Q'LVSOD The DB320 Sin gle colour is a sing le-side d display with 3 line s. Each line has 20 alphanume ric char acters, using red light emitt i[...]

  • Página 52

    $ GGLQJD1HZ 'LVSOD 8QLW Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 52 '%0XOWLFRO RXU ,QIRUPDWLRQ'LVSOD The DB320 Mult icolour is a si ngle-si ded displ ay with 3 l ines. Each line has 20 alphanu meric char acters, using li ght emitti ng diodes . T[...]

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    7 URXEOH6KRRWLQJ7LSV Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 53 7 URXEOH6KRRWLQJ7LS V 9[' 9 LUWXDO 'HYLFH'UL YHU6HWWLQJV The Call Cent re Super visor uses wha t is cal led a ‘v irtual device driver’ , or ‘VxD’, t o control communic ations[...]

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    7 URXEOH6KRRWLQJ7 LSV Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 54 'HIDXOW3ULQWHUDQ G5HSRUWV Crysta l Reports Run Time require s a DEFAULT PRINTER to be configured on the PC. If you at tempt to gene rate a repor t in the MIS wit hout h aving a defaul t printe r conf igured[...]

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    7 URXEOH6KRRWLQJ7LSV Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 55 0LVVLQ J$ &'4 XHX HVRU $ JH QW* URX S V Often, when l ogging onto the C all Centre Su pervis or , a user will not be a ble to view det ails fo r certa in ACD Queues or Age nt Groups, e ither i n th[...]

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    7 URXEOH6KRRWLQJ7 LSV Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 56 1R'DW DLQ5HSRUW V The CCS ca nnot dist inguish b etween ti me format s as a.m. and p.m. Th e CCS does not know the dif ference between ti me after mi dnight and a fternoon . If CCS generat es Repor ts for t[...]

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    ,QVWDOODWLRQ$SSHQG L[ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 57 ,QVW DOODWLRQ$ SSHQGL[ &RQQHFWLRQEHWZ HHQ3&DQG([FKDQJH Note: Configur e in the Bu sinessPh one which V.24 port do yo u have use d. Use a fre e V.24 port of CPU-D_ or one of AUX board. CPU-D_ : 3 V.24 [...]

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    ,QV WDOOD WLRQ $ S SHQG L[ Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 58 &RQQHFWLRQEHWZ HHQ3&DQG'LVSOD 8QLW Note: The defaul t port for the connectio n is COM 2, however, it is possi ble to configu re any availab le port f or th e connecti on of the Displ ay Uni[...]

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    ,QVWDOODWLRQ$SSHQG L[ Busines sPhone Ca ll Ce ntre Sup erviso r - Stan dard Install ation Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 59 6HWWLQJV,Q %XVLQHVV3KRQH([FKDQJHIRU&DOO &HQWUH6XSHUYL VRU &DEOH&RQQHFWLRQ %HWZ HHQWKH%XVL QHVV3KRQH([FKDQJHDQG3& • ASB 15001 RPM 603 308/x (X = length) • ASB[...]

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    ,QV WDOOD WLRQ $ S SHQG L[ Busine ssPhone Call C entre S upervis or - Sta ndard Instal lati on Gu ide EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B 60 Connect ion betwee n the Busines sPhone exchang e’s V.24 port (CMU or AUX unit) and PC COM por t. Use max. 1 5 m, then use a line drive r.[...]

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    © Ericsson Austria 03/2000 EN/LZTBS 102 063/S R2C Communicat ion is our bus iness Ericsson’s 100,000 employees are active in more than 130 countries. Their combined expertise in fixed and mobile phones and infocom systems makes Ericsson a world leading suppli er in tele- communications. Ericsson’s Information on demand Database can be addresse[...]