FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD manual


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As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD. A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoFujiFilm FinePix S2800HD vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD, e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço FujiFilm na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD, como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD, uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual FujiFilm FinePix S2800HD. Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1

    DIGIT AL CAMERA FINEPIX S2800HD Series Owner ’ s Manual Thank you for your p urchase of this product. This manua l describes how to u se your FU JIF ILM FinePix S 2800 HD series digita l camera and the su pplied s o ft w a r e . B e s u r e t h a t y o u h a v e r e a d and underst ood it s con ten ts before usi ng the camera. For information on [...]

  • Página 2

    ii For Y o u r S a fe t y • Read Instruc tion s: All the s afe t y and operating in struc tions s hould be read be fore the ap plian ce is oper- ated. • Retain Inst ruc tions: The safe ty and operating in struc tions s hould be retain ed for f utu re referen ce. • Heed Warning s: All warning s on the app liance a nd in th e op erat ing in - s[...]

  • Página 3

    iii For Your S afe t y Power Lin es: An ou tsi de ante nna s ys- tem sho uld n ot be l oc ated i n the vicinity of ov erhead power lines or othe r ele c tri c ligh t or po wer ci rcuit s, o r wh e r e i t c a n fa l l i n t o s u c h p o w e r lines or circuits. When installing an out sid e antenn a sy stem , ex tre me c a r e s h o u l d b e t a k[...]

  • Página 4

    iv For Your S afe t y Be sur e to read t his n otes be for e usi ng Safety Notes • Make sure t hat you us e you r cam era co rrec t ly. Read th ese S afe t y Notes a nd your Own er’s M anua l caref ully b efore u se. • Af ter rea ding t hes e Saf et y Note s, s tore th em in a sa fe pl ace. Ab out t he I con s Th e icons s how n bel ow are us[...]

  • Página 5

    v For Your S afe t y WARNING WAR NI NG Do not heat, ch ange or take ap art th e batter y. Do not drop or sub jec t the bat- te ry t o im pa c ts . Do n ot s to re t he b at te r y wi th me t al li c pr od uc t s. D o not u se ch ar ge r s oth er t ha n th e sp ec i  e d mo de l to c ha rg e th e ba tt er y. Any of t hes e ac ti ons c an ca use t[...]

  • Página 6

    vi For Your S afe t y Powe r Sup pl y an d Bat te r y * Confirm your b atter y t ype b efore read- ing t he fol low ing de scr ipti ons . The followi ng explains proper use of bat ter ies a nd ho w to prol ong t hei r life . Incor re ct u se of b at teri es c an cause shor ter batter y life, as well as leak age, e xces sive heat ,  re or e xp lo[...]

  • Página 7

    vii For Your S afe t y • D o not s tore ba tte rie s in wa rm or humi d pla ces. • K eep t he bat te ries o ut o f reach of babies and small children. • Ma ke sure that th e bat ter y p ola rit y ( C and D ) is correc t . • Do n ot use n ew wi th us ed ba t ter- ies. Do not u se charged a nd dis- charg ed b at ter ies to get her. • D o no[...]

  • Página 8

    viii For Your S afe t y • Do not ta ke apa r t the AC p ower ada pter. Doi ng so co uld b e da n- gerous. • Do n ot use t he AC po wer ad apter in a hot a nd humi d pla ce. • Do no t subje c t the AC p ower adap ter to s tron g sho ck s. • T he AC p ower a dapte r may emi t a hummi ng. T his is no rmal . • I f u se d ne a r a r a d i o, t[...]

  • Página 9

    ix About This Manual Before u sing the camera, r ead thi s manua l and the warning s on pages ii–viii. For i nforma tion on spe- ci c topics, con sult the sour ces below . Memor y Car ds Pictures can be stor ed in the camera’ s in ternal memor y o r o n o p t i o n a l S D a n d S D H C m e m o r y c a r d s . I n t h i s manual, SD memory c[...]

  • Página 10

    x Camer a Q & A Find it ems by ta sk. Camera S etup Camera Setup Que st ion Question Key phr as e Key phrase See p age See page How do I set the camera clo ck? Date and time 1 4 Can I set the clock to local time when I travel? Time di erence 1 0 2 How do I keep the display from turning o a uto mat ic all y ? Auto po wer o 101 How do I [...]

  • Página 11

    xi Camera Q & A T ak ing Pic tu res Ta k i n g P i c t u r e s Que st ion Question Key phr as e Key phrase See p age See page How can I avoid blurred pic tures ? Dual IS mode 1 7 How can I make good p or trait s ? Intelligen t F ace Detec tion 3 1 Can the camera automatically a djust set tings for di erent scenes ? M mode 15 Can I choose my [...]

  • Página 12

    xii Camera Q & A Viewi ng Pict ure s Viewing P ict ures Que st ion Question Key phr as e Key phrase See p age See page How do I view my pic tures ? Single-f rame playb ack 45 How do I delete the current picture ? The b button 20 Can I selec t other pic tures for deletion ? Deleting pic tures 52 Can I zoom in on pic tures during playback? Playba[...]

  • Página 13

    xiii For Y ou r Saf et y ................................................................................. ii IMPO RT ANT SAFE T Y IN STR UC TI ONS ...................................... ii Saf et y Note s .................................................................................... iv Abo ut Th is Ma nua l ..................................[...]

  • Página 14

    xiv T a ble of Contents Mor e on Playb ack More on P layback Playb ack O ptio ns ........................................................................... 45 Playb ack Zoo m .............................................................................. 46 I Fa vor ites: R ating Pi ct ures ....................................................4 6 Vi[...]

  • Página 15

    xv T a ble of Contents Usin g the M enu s: Play bac k Mod e .......................................... 83 Using t he F - Mod e Men u .......................................................... 83 F -M ode M enu O ptio ns ............................................................. 83 I SLIDE SH OW ...................................................[...]

  • Página 16

    xv i[...]

  • Página 17

    1 Before Y ou Begin Introduct ion Symb ols a nd Con ventions Sy mbols a nd C onv entions The following symbols ar e used in this ma nual: 3 Caution : This informa tion should be re ad before u se to en sure c orrect operation. 1 Note : Poi nts to no te when u sing the camera. 2 Tip : Additiona l informa tion that ma y be helpful when using the ca m[...]

  • Página 18

    2 Introduction Parts of t he Camera Part s of the Camera For mor e informa tion, ref er to the page li sted to the rig ht of eac h item. 11 Flash po p -u p but ton ............................. 37 12 Microphone ......................................... 5 4, 91 13 Sp eaker ................................................... 56, 92 14 Lens ..........[...]

  • Página 19

    3 Before Y ou Begin Introduction 22 Bat ter y- chamber latch .................. 8 23 EVF / LCD (d isplay select ion ) but ton .... 5 24 a (playback) bu t ton ................ 20, 45 25 F (photo mode) bu tton ............ 7 1 , 83 26 T er minal cover ................... 57 , 59 , 69 27 Mem or y card slot ........................... 1 1 28 Conn ec to[...]

  • Página 20

    4 Introduction Camera D isp lays Camera Displays The following i ndicat ors may a ppear duri ng shooting and pla yback. T he indica tors di spla yed var y with camera setting s. ■ ■ Shoo ting Shooting SET ISO AUTO ( 800 ) ISO AUTO ( 800 ) 9 9 N N F 2. 8 50 P 4:3 10 : 00 AM 12 / 31 / 2050 12 / 31 / 2050 * * a : indicates that no m emor y c ard i[...]

  • Página 21

    5 Before Y ou Begin Introduction Th e Ele c tr on ic Vi ew  nd er (E VF) The elec tronic view  nder provides the same inform ation as the monit or , and can be used when bright l ight - ing conditions make the di splay in the monitor di cu l t t o se e . T o sw i t ch be tw ee n t he m on it or a n d e le ctr o ni c view  nder, pr ess t[...]

  • Página 22

    6 Introduction The Mod e Dial The Mode Di al T o selec t a shooting mode, align the mode ic on with the mark nex t to the mode dial. P , S , A , M : Selec t fo r full contro l over cam- era set tings, in cluding aper ture ( M and A ) and/or shut ter spee d ( M and S ) (p g. 26). C (CU S TO M) : Re call s tored set t ings for modes P , S , A , and M[...]

  • Página 23

    Fir st St eps 7 The Strap and Lens Ca p Attac hing t he Strap Attac hing t he Strap Attach the strap to the two str ap eyelets as shown belo w . 3 Caution T o avoid dropping the camera, be sure the strap is cor- rec t ly s ec ured . The Len s Cap The Lens Cap Attach the lens cap a s shown. T o avoid los ing the lens cap , pass the s upplied string [...]

  • Página 24

    8 Insert ing the Batteries The camera takes fou r A A alkaline , lithi um, or rech argea ble Ni- MH batteries. A set of four al kaline bat - teries i s suppl ied with the camera. Inser t the batteries in the camera as descri be d below . 1 Open the batter y -chamb er cover . Slide the ba t tery- cham- ber lat ch in the dir ec tion shown and open th[...]

  • Página 25

    Fir st St eps 9 Inser ting the Bat teries 3 Close the batter y- chamber cover . Close the ba t tery- cham- ber cov er and slide it i n until the l atc h clicks into place . 3 Caution Do not use force. If the batter y- chamber cover does not close, check that the batteries are in the correct or ientation and try again . 2 Ti p: Using a n AC Power Ad[...]

  • Página 26

    10 Insert ing a Memor y Card Although the camera can st ore pictures in i nte rnal memory , SD memory cards ( sold separat ely) ca n be used to stor e additional pictures. When no memory card is inserted , a appears in the monit or and in tern al memor y is used for r ecordi ng and pla yback . Not e that because ca mera malfunction could ca use int[...]

  • Página 27

    Fir st St eps 11 Inser ting a Memor y Card ■ ■ Inse rt ing a Me mor y Card Inse r ting a Me mor y Card 1 Open the batter y -chamb er cover . 1 Note Be su re the camera i s o before op ening the b atter y - chamber cover . 2 Insert the memor y card. Holding the memory card in the orien tation shown below , slide it i n until it c lick s int o[...]

  • Página 28

    12 Inser ting a Memor y Card 3 Cautions • Do not tu rn the ca mera o  o r rem ove the me mor y card w hile t he me mor y card is b ein g forma tte d or da ta are b ein g record ed to or del eted f rom the ca rd . F ailure to obser ve this precaution could damage the card. • Format memor y cards before  rst use, and be sure to reformat all[...]

  • Página 29

    Fir st St eps 13 T urning the Camera on and O Shooti ng Mode Shooting Mode Slide the G switch in the direc tio n shown below . The lens will extend aut omatically . Slide the G swit ch to tu rn the camera o . 2 Ti p: Switc hi ng to Play ba ck Mo de Press the a button to star t playb ack . Press the shutter but ton half way to r eturn to shoot[...]

  • Página 30

    14 Basic Setup A langu age -selec tion dialog is di spla yed the  rst time the camera is tu rned on. Set up the camera as described below (for in formation on r eset ting the clock or c hanging la nguages, see page 96) . 1 Choose a language. SET NO START MENU 1.1 Press the selector up, do wn, lef t, or right t o highlig ht a lan- guage. 1. 2 Pre[...]

  • Página 31

    15 Ba sic P hoto gr ap hy and P layb ac k T aking Pictures in M (Scene Recognition) Mode This section describes how to take pictures i n M mode. 1 T urn the camera on. Slide the G swit ch to tu rn the camera on. 2 Select M mo de. Rotat e the mode dial t o M . M In this mode, the ca mera au- tomatically analy zes the com- position and sele ct s a sc[...]

  • Página 32

    16 T a king Pictu res in M (Sc ene Recognition) Mode 3 Check the battery level. Check the battery level in the displ ay . qw Ind ic ator Indic ator Des cr ip tio n Description NO ICON Bat teries are par tially discharged . q B (re d) Bat teries are low . Replace as soon as possibl e. w A (blinks re d) Bat teries are exhausted. T urn cam - era o [...]

  • Página 33

    17 Ba sic P hoto gr ap hy and P layb ac k T a king Pictu res in M (Sc ene Recognition) Mode Ho ldi ng t he Ca mer a Hold the camera s teady with both hands and brace your elbows against your sides. Shaking or unsteady hands can blur your sh ots . T o prevent pic tures that are out of focus or too dark (un- d e r e x p o s e d ) , k e e p y o u r ?[...]

  • Página 34

    18 T a king Pictu res in M (Sc ene Recognition) Mode Silent Mode I n s i t u a t i o n s i n w h i c h c a m e r a s o u n d s o r l i g h t s m a y be unwelc ome, hold the DISP /BACK but ton down u ntil o is displayed ( note that silen t mode is not available during movie or v oice memo playback) . The c amera speaker and AF-assist illuminator/ se[...]

  • Página 35

    19 Ba sic P hoto gr ap hy and P layb ac k T a king Pictu res in M (Sc ene Recognition) Mode 6 Shoot. Smoothly pr ess the shutter button the rest of the way do wn to tak e the pic ture. 2 Ti p: The Shu tte r But to n The shut ter but ton has two p ositions. Pressi ng the shut ter button half way ( q ) sets focus and e xposure; to shoot, press the sh[...]

  • Página 36

    20 Viewing P ict ures Pictures can be viewed in the monit or . W hen taking important phot ographs, take a t est shot and check the res ults. 1 Press the a but ton. The most recent picture wil l be displa yed in the monit or . 100-0001 100-0001 2 View additional pictures . Pr ess the selec tor righ t to view pic tures i n the order rec orded, lef t[...]

  • Página 37

    21 More on P hotography Shooting Mode Choose a shooting mode ac cor ding to the sc ene or ty pe of subject. T o choose a shooting mode , rota te the mode dial t o the desired setting (pg. 6) . The following modes are a vailable: M M SCENE R ECOGNITION SCE N E R ECO GN ITI O N The camera autom atically an aly zes the c omposi- tion and selec ts the [...]

  • Página 38

    22 Shooti ng Mo de Sce ne Scene Des cr ip tio n Description D NATURAL LIGHT Capture natur al light indo ors , under low li ght, or where th e  ash can not b e use d. C NATUR AL & N Ge t goo d result s with ba ckli t subjec t s and other di  cult ligh ting. The camera tak es two shots: one witho ut the  ash an d one wi th. B B ZOOM BR A[...]

  • Página 39

    23 More on P hotography Shooti ng Mo de D D Natura l Light Natura l Light Captur e natu ral light i ndoors, under low ligh t, or where the  a sh can not be used. The  ash turn s o and sensitivity is raised t o reduc e blur . C C Natura l & Natura l & N N This mode helps en sure good res ults with backlit subject s and in othe r sit[...]

  • Página 40

    24 Shooti ng Mo de N N MOT ION PANORAMA MO TION P ANORAMA In this mode , you can take u p to thr ee pic tures and join the m together to f orm a panorama. U se of a tripod is rec ommended to as sist in c omposing o verlapping s hots. 1 Rota te the mode dia l to N . 2 Press the selector up t o selec t a f rame. P ress the selec tor left or right to [...]

  • Página 41

    25 More on P hotography Shooti ng Mo de 3 Cautions • Panoramas are cre ated from multiple fr ames. Th e camera m ay in some cases be una ble to stit ch the frames together p er fec tly . • T he desired results may not be achieved with mov- ing subjec ts, subjec t s close to the camera, unvar ying subjec ts such as the sk y or a  eld o f gras[...]

  • Página 42

    26 Shooti ng Mo de In this mode, the camera sets e xposure automa ti- cally . If desir ed, you can choose di erent combi- nation s of shutter speed and aper ture that wil l produc e the same exposure (pr ogram shif t) . 3 Caution If the subject is out side the me- tering ra nge of the camera, the shut ter spee d and aper ture dis- p l a y s w i [...]

  • Página 43

    27 More on P hotography Shooti ng Mo de 1 Rota te the mode dia l to S . 2 Pres s the d but ton. Shutter s pee d and aper ture wi ll be displa yed. F 2. 8 S 80 SET Shutter speed 3 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to choose the shutter s pe ed. 4 Pres s the d but ton t o exit to shoot - ing mode. 5 T ake pic tures. If the c orrect e xposur e can not [...]

  • Página 44

    28 Shooti ng Mo de A A : APERTURE PRIO RIT Y AE : APERTUR E PRIORIT Y AE In this mode , you choose the aper ture whi le the camera adjusts shutter s pe ed for optima l exp osur e. 1 Rota te the mode dia l to A . 2 Pres s the d but ton. Shutter s pee d and aper ture wi ll be displa yed. F 2. 8 A 80 SET Aper ture 3 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to[...]

  • Página 45

    29 More on P hotography Shooti ng Mo de 1 Rota te the mode dia l to M . 2 Pres s the d but ton. Shutter s pee d and aper ture wi ll be displa yed. F 2. 8 M 80 SET Shutter speed Aper ture 3 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to choose the shutter s pe ed. 4 Press the selector lef t or right t o choose the aper ture . 5 Pres s the d but ton t o exit to[...]

  • Página 46

    30 Shooti ng Mo de C C : CUST OM MODE : CUST OM MODE In P , S , A , and M modes, the K CUS TOM SE T option in the shooting menu (pg. 7 6) can be used to sav e curren t camera and men u set tings. These set tings ar e recalled whenever the mode di al is ro tat ed to C (cu s - tom mode ) . Men u /set ti ng Menu/setting Se tt in gs s aved Settings sav[...]

  • Página 47

    31 More on P hotography Intelligent F ace Detection and Red -Eye Remo val Int elligen t F ace Det ec tion allows the camera t o autom atically det ec t human face s and set focus and exposure f or a face anywhere in the frame for sho ts that empha size por trait subjects . Choose for grou p por tr aits (in horizon tal or vertical orienta tions ) to[...]

  • Página 48

    32 Intelligent Face Detection an d Red- Eye Removal 3 Foc us. Pres s the shutter button halfway to set f ocus and exp osur e for the subject in the green border . 3 Caution If n o f ac e i s de te ct ed wh e n th e sh utt e r b u tt on i s pressed half way (p g. 1 09) , the camera will fo cus on the subjec t at the cen ter of the display and red- e[...]

  • Página 49

    33 More on P hotography Intelligent Face Detection an d Red- Eye Removal Bli nk Detect ion Bli nk Detect ion If an option othe r than OFF is s elected for A IMA GE DISP . (pg. 98) , a warning wil l be displa yed if the camera detects subjec ts who may ha ve blin ked when the pic ture wa s taken. If ZOOM (CON TI N U - OUS) is selec ted, y ou can pre[...]

  • Página 50

    34 Foc u s Lo c k T o compose pho tograph s with o -cent er subjec ts: 1 P osition the subjec t in the focus fr ame. 2 Foc us. Pres s the shutter button halfway to set fo- cus and exposure . Focus and exposur e will rem ain locked while the sh ut ter button is pressed ha lf way (AF / AE lock). Press half way Repeat st eps 1 and 2 as desi red to [...]

  • Página 51

    35 More on P hotography Focus Lock Autofoc us Although the camera boasts a high-precision autof o - cus sys tem, it may be unable to focus on the subject s l i s t e d b e l o w . I f t h e c a m e r a i s u n a b l e t o f o c u s u s i n g autofocus, use focus lock (p g. 34) to focus on another subjec t at the same distance and then recompose the[...]

  • Página 52

    36 F Macro and Super Macro Modes ( Close- ups ) For close-ups, press the selector lef t ( F ) to c hoose from the macro option s shown below . Choose f rom F (macr o mode) , G (s uper macro mode) , or H ( macro mode o ) When macro mode i s in e ec t, the camera focuses on s ubjec ts near the cen ter of the frame . Use the zoom con trol t o co[...]

  • Página 53

    37 More on P hotography N Using the F lash (In telligent F lash ) When the  ash is used, the camera ’s In telligent F lash syste m instantly a nalyzes the scene based on such factors as the brigh tness of the subject, its p osition in the frame , and its distance from the came ra. Fla sh output and sens itivit y are adj usted t o ensu re that [...]

  • Página 54

    38 N Using the Flash (Intellig ent Flash) 3 Foc us. Pr ess the shutter button halfway to focus. If the  ash will  re, p will b e displayed when the shutter button is pr essed half way . At slow s hut ter s pee ds, k w i l l a p p e a r i n t h e dis play t o warn that pictures ma y be blurred; u se of a tripod is recom mended. 4 Shoot. Pr ess[...]

  • Página 55

    39 More on P hotography I Con tinuous Shooting (Burst Mode ) Captur e motion in a series of pictures. 1 Choose a c ontinuous shooting mode. Pres s the I but ton t o displa y con tinuous s hooting options. Pr ess the selec - tor u p or down to hig hligh t the desired option and pr ess MENU/OK . Mod e Mode Des cr ip ti on Description J (T O P 2 0 Q )[...]

  • Página 56

    40 I Cont inuous Shooting (Burst Mode ) 2 Foc us. Pr ess the shutter button half way t o focus. 3 Shoot. Pictures wil l be taken while the sh ut ter button i s pressed. Shooting end s when the shutter button is r eleased, memory is full, or the selected number of shots has been take n. 1 Notes • Focus and exp osure ar e determined by the  rs t[...]

  • Página 57

    41 More on P hotography The fr ame is d ispla yed as sho wn at righ t. The com position can be ad- just ed using the zoom cont rol . 3 F ocus and sho ot. The fr amed are a will be en la rg ed t o cr ea t e a ful l-si zed p ictur e. 2 Tip: Int elligent Face Detection Intelligen t F ace Detection will not detec t faces outside the selec ted frame. 3 [...]

  • Página 58

    42 c Instant Zoom ■ ■ Dig ital Zoo m Digital Zoom 1 E nable digital zo om. Select ON for the D DIGIT AL Z OOM op- tion in the setup men u (pg. 1 00). 2 Choose a subject. F rame the subjec t in the ce nte r of the displa y using digit al zoo m. 3 P ress the selec tor down ( c ). The camera will zoom t o the maximum opti- cal zoom position with t[...]

  • Página 59

    43 More on P hotography d Exp os ur e C om pe ns at io n Use exposur e com pensation when phot ographing very bright, very dark, or high- contrast s ubjec ts . 1 Press the d but ton. The exp osu re indica tor wi ll be displ ayed. F 2. 8 P 80 SET E xp osure in dica tor 2 Choose a value. Pr ess the selec tor lef t or right. The e ec t is visi ble [...]

  • Página 60

    44 d Exp os ur e C ompe ns at io n Choosing an Exposure Compensation Value • Backlit subject s : choose values from + 2 / 3 EV t o + 1 2 / 3 E V (for an explanation of the term “E V ” , see the Gl ossar y on page 1 1 8) • Highly re ec tive subjects or very bright scenes (e .g., snow  elds) : + 1 E V • Sc ene s tha t are m os tly s k[...]

  • Página 61

    45 More on P layback Pl a yback Opti ons T o view the most recent picture in the mon itor , press the a button. 100-0001 100-0001 Pr ess the selec tor righ t to view pictures in the order r ecorded, left to view pic - tures i n reverse or der . Keep the selector pressed t o scroll rapidly t o the desired frame . Ch oos in g a Di sp lay For ma t Pre[...]

  • Página 62

    46 Pla yb ack Op tio ns Playback Zoom Play bac k Zo om Select T to z oom in on pic tures di splay ed in sin- gle-f rame playbac k ; selec t W t o z oom ou t. Wh en the picture is zoomed in, the selector can be used to view a reas of the i mage not curr ently vis ible in the display . Navigation window shows portion of image curren tly displayed in [...]

  • Página 63

    47 More on P layback Pla yb ack Op tio ns Viewing Photo Informatio n Viewing Photo Informat ion T o view or hide the photo inform ation li sted below in single-frame playback, press d . : STD : : : OFF ISO 400 1/250 F 3.5 2 3 - 1 12 / 31 / 2050 10 : 00 AM 100- 0001 4:3 N q Image qualit y and size, w Sens itivit y, e Shutter speed/ aper ture, r Fine[...]

  • Página 64

    48 Pla yb ack Op tio ns Mult i- Frame Playback Multi- Fr ame P lay back T o c h a n g e t h e n u m b e r o f i m a g e s d i s - play ed during pla yback , selec t W . Select W to increas e the number of pictures dis played to two, nine, or a hundred. 100-0001 100-0001 10 : 00 AM 10 : 00 AM 12/ 31 / 2050 12/ 31 / 2050 N N 4:3 4:3 Select T to reduc[...]

  • Página 65

    49 More on P layback Cre at e book s f rom you r favorite pho tos. Creati ng a PhotoBook Creati ng a PhotoBook k PhotoBook Assist 1 Select k PHOT OBOOK ASSIST in the pla y- back men u. 2 Highlight NEW BOOK . 3 Press MENU / OK t o display the n ew book d ial og. 4 Choose pictures for the new book . • SELEC T FROM ALL : Choose from all the pic ture[...]

  • Página 66

    50 k PhotoBo ok Assist 8 Press MENU / OK . The new bo ok will be added to the li st in the photobook assist m enu. 3 Cautions • Photobook s can contain up to 300 pic tures. • Book s that contain no photos are aut omatically deleted. PhotoBook s Phot obo ok s can be copied to a computer us ing the supplied MyF inePix Studio soft ware. Viewing Ph[...]

  • Página 67

    51 More on P layback b Image Search Sear ch for pictures by da te , subject, scene,  le t yp e, and ra ting. 1 Select b IMA GE SEARCH in the pla yback menu. 2 Hig hlight one of the f ollowing option s and press MENU /OK : Op tio n Option Des c ri pti on Description BY DATE Find all pic tures t aken on a sel ec ted date. BY FACE Find all p ic tur[...]

  • Página 68

    52 A Deleting Pictures The ERASE option in the pla yback menu can be used to delet e still pictures and movies, incr easi ng the amoun t of space a vailable on the memory card or in in terna l memor y (for in formation on deleti ng pictures in sing le -frame playback, see page 20) . Note th at d ele ted pic tu res ca n not be re covere d. Copy impo[...]

  • Página 69

    53 More on P layback A Delet ing Pi ctur es ■ ■ ALL FRAMES : De leti ng All Im ages ALL FRAMES : De leti ng All Ima ges Selecting ALL FR AMES displays the c on rmation sho wn at right. Hig hligh t OK and press MENU /OK to delet e all unpr otected pic tures. IT MA Y T AKE A WHILE ERASE ALL OK? SET OK CANCEL The dialog shown at rig ht is di sp[...]

  • Página 70

    54 Movies 1 Rotat e the mode dial t o F (m o v i e mode) . STANDBY STANDBY 12 s Time available is di splayed in monit or 2 Pres s the F but ton and selec t a frame size from the O QU ALITY menu. Choo se c ( 1 280 × 72 0 pixel s ) for an aspect r atio of 1 6 : 9 (High De nition ), a ( 6 40 × 4 80 pixel s) for high-quality s tandard de nition[...]

  • Página 71

    55 Movies Avoiding Blurred Pictures I f t he s u b j ec t i s p o or l y l it , b l u rr in g ca u se d b y ca me r a shake can be reduced using the L DUA L IS MODE option in the setup menu (pg. 9 6) . In B mode, blu r caused by subjec t movement is also reduced (dual I S mode) . Sensi tiv it y is ra ise d wh en dual IS is in e e c t . N ot e t [...]

  • Página 72

    56 a Viewing Mo vies During playbac k (pg. 4 5 ), movies ar e displa yed in the monit or as shown a t right. The following operation s can be per formed while a movie is d ispla yed: 100-006 100-006 PLAY 12 / 31 / 2050 12 / 31 / 2050 10 : 00 AM 10 : 00 AM Op era tio n Operation Des cr ip tio n Description Sta r t /pa us e playbac k Pre ss th e se l[...]

  • Página 73

    57 Con ne ct i on s Viewing P ict ures on T V Connect the camera to a T V to sho w pic tures t o a grou p. 1 T urn the camera o . 2 Con nec t the supplied U SB-A / V cable as shown below . Connect yellow plug to video-in jack Connect white plug to audio-in jack Insert into U SB-A/ V cable c onnector HDMI An HDMI cable (available from third-par t[...]

  • Página 74

    58 Viewing Pic tures on T V 3 T une the televis ion to the video or HDMI in put ch annel. See the documentation s upplied with the televi sion for detai ls. 4 Press a for about a second t o turn the camera on. The camera monit or turns o and pic tures and movies ar e played back on the T V . Note that the ca mera volume c ontrol s hav e no e [...]

  • Página 75

    59 Con ne ct i on s Prin ting Pictures via USB If the print er su ppor t s PictBridge, the camera ca n be connec ted di rec tly to the pri nte r and pictures can be print ed without  rst b eing c opied to a c omputer . Note th at depending on the print er , not all the functions described b elow ma y be suppor ted. Connecting the Camera C onn ec[...]

  • Página 76

    60 Printing Pictures via USB 2 Ti p: Prin tin g the Da te of Reco rd ing T o pr int the dat e of recording on pictures, press DISP / BACK in steps 1 – 2 to display the PictBridge menu (se e “Printing the DPOF Print Order ,” below ). Pr ess the se - lec tor up or down t o highlig ht PRINT WITH D A TE s and press MENU/OK t o r e t u r n t o t h[...]

  • Página 77

    61 Con ne ct i on s Printing Pictures via USB 4 Press MENU/OK to star t printi ng. During Printing The mess age shown at right is di splayed during prin ting. Press DISP /BACK t o c a n c e l b e - fore all pictures are printed (depending on the pr inter , printing ma y end before the current picture has printed). If printing i s int errupted, pr e[...]

  • Página 78

    62 Printing Pictures via USB The K PRINT ORD ER (DPOF) option in the play- back F -mode menu can be used to cre ate a d igi- tal “ print or der” for PictBridge - com patible prin ters (pg. 5 9) or devic es that s uppor t DPOF . DPOF DPOF ( D igital P rin t O rder F ormat) i s standar d t h a t a l l o w s p i c t u r e s t o b e p r i n t e d f[...]

  • Página 79

    63 Con ne ct i on s Printing Pictures via USB 2 Pr ess the selec tor up or down t o choose the number of c opies ( up to 99) . T o remo ve a picture from the order , press the selector down un til the num- ber of copies is 0. T ot al number of prints Number of copies SHEETS DPOF: 00001 01 PRINT ORDER ( DPOF ) SET FRAME 2 Ti p: Intell ige nt Face De[...]

  • Página 80

    64 Printing Pictures via USB 1 Notes • Remove the memory card t o creat e or modif y a print order for the pictures in internal memory. • Print orders can contain a maximum of 999 pic tures. • I f a memor y card is inserted contai ning a print orde r cre- ated by another camera, the message shown at right will be d is pla yed. Pr es sin g MEN[...]

  • Página 81

    65 Con ne ct i on s Viewing P ict ures on a Co mputer The supplied sof t ware ca n be used to copy pictures t o a com puter , where they can be stor ed, viewed, orga nized, and prin ted. Befor e proceeding, instal l the sof t ware as described below . Do NOT connect the camer a to the c omputer until inst allation is c omplete . Insta lli ng the So[...]

  • Página 82

    66 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer 2 S tar t the comput er . Log in t o an acc ount with ad mini strator privileges before pr oceeding. 3 Exit any applica tions tha t may be runn ing and insert the installer C D in a CD -ROM drive. Win dows 7/Win dows V ist a If an Au t oP la y di al og i s d i sp la ye d, cl ic k SETUP . EXE . A “ User Acc ount [...]

  • Página 83

    67 Con ne ct i on s Viewing Pic tures on a Computer Maci ntosh: In stal ling Fine PixViewe r Macintosh: Installing FinePixViewer 1 Con rm that th e computer meet s the following sys tem requirements: CPU CPU PowerPC or Intel OS OS Pre- inst alled ver sions of M ac OS X versio n 1 0.3.9 – 10.6 (for the latest info rmatio n, visit htt p:/ /www .[...]

  • Página 84

    68 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer 4 Remove the in staller CD from the CD- ROM drive. No te tha t you ma y be unable to r emove the CD if Safari is runn ing; if nec essar y , quit Safari befor e removi ng the CD. S t ore the instal ler CD in a dry location out of dir ec t sunl ight in ca se you need to re-install the soft ware. The vers ion number [...]

  • Página 85

    69 Con ne ct i on s Viewing Pic tures on a Computer 1 If the pictures you wis h to c opy are st ored on a memor y card , insert the card in to the came ra (pg. 1 1 ) . If no card i s inserted, pictures will be copied from in te rnal memory. 1 Note Windows user s may require the Windows CD when star ting the s of t ware for the  rst time. 3 Cauti[...]

  • Página 86

    70 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer 3 Cautions • If a memor y card containing a large number of images is inser ted, there may be a delay before the sof t ware s t a rt s a n d y o u m a y b e u n a b l e t o i m p o rt o r s a v e i m - ages. Use a memor y card reader to transfer pictures. • Make sure that the c omputer does not display a mes- [...]

  • Página 87

    71 Menus Using the Menus: Shooting Mode The F -mode and shooting menus c ontai n set tings for a wide range of s hooting condition s. Using t he Using the F F - Mode Menu -M o de Me n u 1 Pres s the F button to di splay the F - mode menu. 2 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to highl ight the desi red menu it em. 3 Press the selector right t o dis pl[...]

  • Página 88

    72 Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode F F - Mode Menu O ptions - Mode Menu Opt ions Men u ite m Menu item Des c ri pti on Description Op tio ns Options De fau lt Default N N IS O ISO A d j u st I S O se ns it iv i ty . C ho o se hi g h er va l ue s w h en th e s u b- ject is poorly lit. AUTO / AU TO (40 0) / AU TO (8 00) / 64 / 10 0 / 200 / 400 / 800 [...]

  • Página 89

    73 Menus Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode Choose the size a nd aspec t ratio at which stil l pic - tures a re rec orded. Large pictures can be print ed at lar ge sizes with no d rop in qua lit y; small pic - tures require less m emor y, allowing more pi c tures to be rec orded. Opt io n Option Pri nt s at si zes u p to Pri nt s at si zes u p to O 4 [...]

  • Página 90

    74 Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode T T IMAGE QUALIT Y IMAGE QUALIT Y Choose how muc h image  les are compr essed. Select FIN E (l ow compression) for higher image qualit y , NORMAL (high c ompression ) to incr ease the number of pictures tha t can be stored. P P FIN EPIX COLOR FINE PIX COLOR Enha nce c ontrast and color satu ration or take pic -[...]

  • Página 91

    75 Menus Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode Using t he Shooting Me nu Using the Shoot ing Menu 1 Press MENU/OK to di splay the s hoot - ing menu. 2 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to highl ight the desi red menu it em. 3 Press the selector right t o dis play op- tions for the hig hligh ted item. 4 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to highl ight the de[...]

  • Página 92

    76 Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode Shooti ng Menu Opt ions Sho otin g Me nu Op tion s Men u ite m Menu item Des c ri pti on Description Op tio ns Options De fau lt Default A A S CENE P OSITI ON SCENE POSITION Choos e a scene for SP mode (pg. 2 1 ). D / C / B / K / L / M / N / O / H / P / Q / R / S / U / V / W D B B S ELF-TIMER SELF-TIMER T ake pic [...]

  • Página 93

    77 Menus Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode Choose the duration f or the self-timer . The self- timer is a vailable in a ll shooting modes. • S 10 S E C : Choose for self -p or traits or for group por traits that include the pho tographer . • R 2 SEC : Choose t o avoid bl ur caused by the ca m- era moving when the s hut te r but ton is pr essed. ?[...]

  • Página 94

    78 Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode Intelligent F ace Detection Because it ensures that the faces of por tr ait subject s will be in focus, Intelligent F a ce Detection ( pg. 3 1 ) is recommended when using th e s elf-timer for group por trait s or self-por trait s. T o use the self-timer with Intelligen t F ace Detection, s elec t S 10 S E C or R 2[...]

  • Página 95

    79 Menus Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode For na tural colors, choose a setting that m atc hes the ligh t sourc e (f or an explana tion of “white ba l- ance ,” see the Glossar y on page 1 1 8) . Opt io n Option Des cr ip tio n Description AUTO W hite balance adjusted automatically . h Measure a value for white balanc e. i For subjec ts in direc [...]

  • Página 96

    80 Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode F F FOCUSIN G FOC USING Choose how the camera focu ses. • u CO NTINUOUS AF : The camera cont inually ad justs focus to r e e c t changes i n the distance t o the sub- jec t even when the sh ut ter button is no t pressed ( not e that thi s increa ses the drain on the battery) . Int elligen t F ace Det ec tion [...]

  • Página 97

    81 Menus Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode This option c ontrol s how the camera select s the focus area when Intelligent F a ce Detec tion is o (pg. 3 1 ). Regar dless of the option selected, the camera will f ocus on the subject in the cent er of the monit or when macro mode is on (pg. 36 ) . • r CENTER : The camera focuses on the subject in t[...]

  • Página 98

    82 Using the Menus: Shooti ng Mode H H SHARPN ESS SHARP NESS Choose whether t o sharpen or sof ten outlines. • HARD : Use for sha rp outlines when phot ograph- ing such subje c ts as buildings and tex t. • STA NDARD : S tandard s harpness. Best choice in most situation s. • SOFT : Use for soft outlines in por traits and similar subj ec ts . I[...]

  • Página 99

    83 Menus Using the Menus : Pla yback Mode The F -mode and playback me nus ar e used to ma nage the pic tures i n int ernal memory or on the memor y card. Using t he Using the F F - Mode Menu -M o de Me n u 1 Pres s the a but ton t o ent er play- back mode. 2 Pres s the F button to di splay the F - mode menu. 3 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to hi[...]

  • Página 100

    84 Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode I I SLID E SHOW SLIDE SHO W View pic tures in a n autom ated sl ide show . Choose the typ e of show and pr ess MENU /OK to start. Pres s DISP /BACK at an y time during the s how to view on-screen help . When a movie is di splay ed, movie play- back will begin a utoma tically , and the slide show wi ll con tinue wh[...]

  • Página 101

    85 Menus Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode Using t he Playback Menu Using the Playback Menu 1 Pres s the a but ton t o ent er play- back mode. 2 Press MENU/OK to display the play- back men u. 3 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to highl ight the desi red menu it em. 4 Press the selector right t o dis play op- tions for the hi ghligh ted item. 5 Pr ess[...]

  • Página 102

    86 Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode B B RE D EYE R EMOV AL RE D EYE R EMOV AL If the curren t picture is mark ed with a g icon t o indicat e that it was ta ken with Int ellige nt F ace De - tection, this option ca n be used to remov e red- eye. The camera will a nalyze the image; if r ed -eye is detected, the image wil l be processed to cr eat e a c[...]

  • Página 103

    87 Menus Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode C C IMAGE ROT A TE IMA GE ROT A TE By default, pictures taken i n tall orienta tion are dis played in wide orien tation. Use th is option t o dis play pictures in the c orrec t orienta tion in the monit or . It has no e ec t on pic tures dis played on a comput er or othe r device. 1 Notes • Prot ec ted [...]

  • Página 104

    88 Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode D D PROTECT PROTEC T Pr otect pic tures from ac cidental deletion. The follo wing options ar e available . ■ ■ FRAME FR AM E Pr ot ect selected pi ctures. 1 Press the selector lef t or right t o dis- play the des ired picture. PROTECT OK? YES CANCEL UNPROTECT OK? YES CANCEL P ictu re not pr ot ect ed Pr ot ect[...]

  • Página 105

    89 Menus Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode 1 Pr ess the selec tor up or do wn to highlight a INTERNAL MEMORY y b CARD (c opy pictures from int ernal me mor y to the memory card) or b CARD y a INTERNAL MEMOR Y ( copy pictures from a memor y card to in tern al mem- or y) . 2 Press the selector right t o dis play op- tions for the hi ghligh ted item. 3 [...]

  • Página 106

    90 Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode ■ ■ FRAME FR AM E Copy selected frames . 100-0001 100-0001 COPY OK? YES CANCEL 1 Press the selector lef t or right t o dis- play the des ired picture. 2 Press MENU/OK to c opy the pic ture . 3 Repeat step s 1 – 2 to copy add itional images. Press DISP / BACK to exit when the operation is c omplete. ■ ■ A[...]

  • Página 107

    91 Menus Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode F F VOICE ME MO VOICE ME MO T o add a voice memo t o a still picture, select F VO IC E M E M O af ter dis playing the picture in playbac k mode. 1 Note V oice memos can not be added to mo vies or protect- ed pic tures. Remove protection from pic tures before recording voic e memos (pg. 8 8) . 1 Hold the came[...]

  • Página 108

    92 Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode Play ing Voi ce Mem os Pictures with voice memos are indicated by a q icon duri ng playback. T o p lay the voic e memo, press the selec tor down. T o pause, press the selec tor down again; to end playback, press the selec tor up. Press the s e l e c t o r l e f t t o r e w i n d , r i g h t t o f a s t f o r w a r[...]

  • Página 109

    93 Menus Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode G CROP CROP T o creat e a cropped copy of a picture , play the picture back and select G CRO P in t h e p l ay b a c k m e n u (pg. 85 ). 1 Use the zoom c ontrol t o zoom in and out and use the selec tor t o scroll the picture un til the desir ed por tion is di splay ed (to exit t o single- frame playback wi[...]

  • Página 110

    94 Using the Menus: Playb ack Mode O O RES IZE RESIZE T o creat e a sma ll copy of a picture , play the picture back and select O RESIZE i n t he p la yba c k me n u (pg. 85 ). 1 Press the selector up or down to highlight a ST ANDARD or b SMALL . 2 Press MENU/OK t o s e l e c t t h e h i g h - ligh ted option. 3 Press MENU/OK t o copy the picture a[...]

  • Página 111

    95 Menus 1 Display the setup menu. 1.1 Pres s MENU/OK to display the menu for the cu rrent mode . 1. 2 Pr ess the selec tor up or down to highlight M SET - UP . 1. 3 Press the selector right t o dis - play the setup me nu. 2 Choose a page. 2. 1 Pres s the selec tor lef t or right t o choose a page. 2.2 Pres s the selec tor down t o en- ter the me n[...]

  • Página 112

    96 The Setup Menu Setup Me nu Opt ions Setup Menu O ptions Men u ite m Menu item Des c ri pti on Description Op tio ns Options De fau lt Default C A A IMAGE D ISP . IMAG E DIS P . Choos e how lon g pic tures are disp layed af ter sho oting (pg. 98) . CONT / 3 SEC / 1.5 SE C / ZOOM / OFF 1. 5 S E C B B FRA ME NO. FRA ME NO. Choos e how  le s are [...]

  • Página 113

    97 Menus The Setup Menu Men u ite m Menu item Des c ri pti on Description Op tio ns Options De fau lt Default Y J J LCD BRIGH TNESS LCD BRIGHTNESS Control the b rightne ss of the disp lay (p g. 1 0 0). –5 – +5 0 K K FORM AT FORM AT Forma t int ernal me mor y or memory cards (pg. 1 0 1 ). — — L L a a Choos e a language ( pg. 14 ). See p age [...]

  • Página 114

    98 The Setup Menu A A IMAGE DI SP . IMA GE DISP . Choose an option ot her than OFF to di splay pictures in the monit or af ter shooti ng. Pictures can be dis- play ed for 1 . 5 s ( 1 . 5 SEC ), 3 s ( 3 SEC ), or unti l the MENU/OK button is pr essed ( CON T I NU O US and ZO OM ( CONTINUOUS ) ). I f CONTINUOUS i s selec ted, the d but ton c an b e u[...]

  • Página 115

    99 Menus The Setup Menu B B FRA ME NO. FRA ME NO. New pictures are stor ed in image  les named using a four - digit  le number as - s i g ne d b y a d d i n g o n e t o t h e l a st  l e n u m b e r u s e d. Th e  l e n u m be r i s d i s p l a y ed du r i ng p l ay b ac k a s sh o w n at r i gh t . B B F RAM E NO. c ontr ols whether ?[...]

  • Página 116

    10 0 The Setup Menu D D DIG IT AL ZOOM DIG IT AL ZOOM If ON i s selected, selecting T at the ma ximum optical z oom p osition wil l trigger digital z oom, fur ther magn if ying the image. T o cancel digita l zoom, z oom out to the mini mum digita l zoom position and select W . Zo o m indicat or Zo o m i nd i c at o r, DIGIT AL ZOO M on Zo o m i nd [...]

  • Página 117

    101 Menus The Setup Menu K FORM A T FOR M A T Forma t int erna l memor y or a memor y card. If a memor y card i s inse r ted in the camera, b wi ll be dis played in the form at dialog and thi s option will forma t the memor y card. If no memory card is inser ted, a will be displa yed and this op tion will forma t int ernal me mor y . Pr ess the sel[...]

  • Página 118

    102 The Setup Menu N N TIM E DIFFE RE NCE TIME D IFFE RE NCE When travel ling, use thi s option to swit ch the camera clock in stantly from your home time z one to the local time at you r destination. 1 Sp ecif y the di erence bet ween loc al time and your home time zone. 1.1 Pr ess the selec tor up or down to highlight g LOC AL . 1. 2 Press the[...]

  • Página 119

    103 Menus The Setup Menu 1 Selecting P DISCHA RGE displays a con rmation dia log. Press MENU /OK . 2 Press the selector lef t or right t o highlight OK . 3 Press MENU/OK to begin discharging the bat teries. W hen the bat teries are ful ly discha rged, the battery level indica tor wil l blink r ed and the camera will turn o . T o canc el the p[...]

  • Página 120

    10 4 T ech nic al N ot es Option al A cc essor ies The camera suppor ts a wide range of acc essories from FU JIFILM and other ma nufac turers. FINEPIX S2800HD Series ■ ■ Compute r Rela ted Computer Re lated ■ ■ Audi o/ Visua l Audio/ Visual ■ ■ Printing Prin ti ng St andard T V (avai lable from third-par t y suppliers) PictBridge-compat[...]

  • Página 121

    105 T ech nic al N ot es Optional Acc essor ies Accessories from FUJI FI LM Accessories from F UJIFI LM The following option al acc essories are a vailable from F U JIFILM. For the la test inform ation on the ac ces- sories avail able in your r egion, check with you r local FU JIFILM r epresen tative or vi sit http:/ /w ww.fujifilm. com/ products/ [...]

  • Página 122

    10 6 Caring for the Ca mera T o ensur e con tinued enjoymen t of the product, obser ve the followi ng precautions. Storage an d Use Storage and Use I f t h e c a m e r a w i ll n o t b e us e d f o r a n e x t e n d e d p e - riod, remo ve the battery and memor y card. Do not stor e or use the camera in location s that ar e: • exp osed to rai n, [...]

  • Página 123

    107 T roubleshooting Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Power an d Bat te r y Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Power supply The camera does not turn on. The b at teries are ex hausted . Ins er t fresh or f ully -charg ed spare b at teries. 8 The b at teries are not in th e correc t or ienta - tion. R[...]

  • Página 124

    10 8 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Men us an d Di sp lays Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Menus and disp lays are not in English. English is not se lec ted fo r the L a optio n in the setu p menu. Select ENGLIS H .1 4 , 9 7 Shooting Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut[...]

  • Página 125

    10 9 T roubleshooting Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Intelligent Fac e Detection F ace dete ct ion not available. Intelligent F ace Detec tio n is not available in the curren t shooting mode. Choos e a di erent shooting mode. 2 1 No f ace is detected. The sub j[...]

  • Página 126

    11 0 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Problem images Pic tures are blurred. The lens is dirt y . Cle an the lens. 1 06 Th e lens is blo cked . Ke ep obj ec t s away fro m the lens . 1 7 s is displayed dur ing sho oting and th e fo - cus fr ame is displaye d in red. [...]

  • Página 127

    111 T roubleshooting Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Playbac k Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Pict ures Pic tures are grainy . The p ic tures were taken w ith a di erent make or model of camera. —— Playb ack zo om unavailable. The p ic ture has b een resize d or crop pe d to a or is from [...]

  • Página 128

    112 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Connections Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page TV Monitor is o  . T he c amera is conn ec ted to a T V. View pic ture s on the T V . 57 No pic t ure or sound. The c amer a is not prop erly conne c ted. Connec t th e camer a correc tl y . 57 An A / V c able was [...]

  • Página 129

    113 T roubleshooting Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Miscellaneous Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c au se So lut io n Solution Pag e Page Nothing happ ens when the shu t ter but- ton is presse d. T emporary camera malfunction. Remove and reins er t the b atteri es or discon - nec t and re connec t th e AC power adapter/ DC c oupl er .[...]

  • Página 130

    114 W arning Messages and Displa ys The following warn ings ar e dis played in the monit or: Warn in g War n in g Des c ri pti on Description So lut io n Solution B (red) Bat terie s are low. Insert f resh or fu lly- charge d spare bat teries . A (blink s re d) B at teries are ex hausted . k Slow shut ter spe ed . Pict ure may be blur red. Use the [...]

  • Página 131

    115 T roubleshooting Warning Messages and D isplays Warn in g War n in g Des c ri pti on Description So lut io n Solution BUSY The m emor y card is incor rec tly fo rmat ted . Use the c amer a to format the m emor y c ard (p g. 1 01 ). CAR D E RRO R The m emor y card is not fo rmat ted for us e in the cam era . Format th e memor y card ( pg. 10 1 )[...]

  • Página 132

    11 6 Warning Messages and D isplays Warn in g War n in g Des c ri pti on Description So lut io n Solution FRA ME NO. FULL Th e camer a has run out o f fram e numbers (cur- ren t frame n umber i s 999-9999) . Format th e memo r y card an d sele c t RENEW for the B FRA ME N O. option in the M SET-UP menu. T ake a pic ture to reset fr ame numb ering t[...]

  • Página 133

    117 T roubleshooting Warning Messages and D isplays Warn in g War n in g Des c ri pti on Description So lut io n Solution PRESS A ND HOL D THE DI SP BUT TON TO DEACTIVA TE SI LENT MODE An at tempt was made to adjus t the vo lume with th e camer a in silent mo de. Exi t silent mod e before a djustin g the volum e. COMMUNI CATIO N ERRO R A connec tio[...]

  • Página 134

    11 8 Appendix Glos sary Digital zoom : Unlike optical zoom, digital zoom do es not incre ase the amount of visible detail. Instead, details vis - ible using optical zoom are simply enlarged, producing a slightly “grain y ” image. DPOF ( D igital P rin t O rder F or mat): A standard that allows pic tures to be printed f rom “print orders” st[...]

  • Página 135

    11 9 Appendix Internal Memory /Memory Card Capacity The following table s hows the recor ding time or nu mber of pic tures a vailable a t di eren t image siz es. All  g ures ar e appro ximat e;  le size varies with the sc ene rec orded, produc ing wide variation s in the number of  les that can be stor ed. The number of exposures or len[...]

  • Página 136

    12 0 Spec i cations Sys te m Model Digi tal Cam era FinePix S280 0HD s eries E ec tive pixels 14 m i l l i o n CCD 1 / 2.3 -in. , square -pi xel CC D wit h primar y colo r  lter Stor age m ed ia • Int ernal memory (a pprox. 23 MB) • SD/S DHC memory cards ( see page 1 0) File s ys te m Compliant with D esign Ru le for C amer a F ile Sys[...]

  • Página 137

    121 Appendix Speci  cations Sys te m Meteri ng 256-se gment t hr ough - t he - l ens ( T T L) metering; MULTI, SPOT , AVER AGE Exposure c ontrol Programme d AE, shut ter-priorit y AE, ap er ture- prior it y AE, and manual exp osure Exposure compensat ion – 2 EV – + 2 EV in increment s of 1 / 3 EV ( P , S , an d A modes ) Sce ne m od es D (NA[...]

  • Página 138

    12 2 Speci  cations Sys te m Fla sh Manual p op - up  ash with CCD -me tered auto  ash contro l ( using mo nit or pre - as hes ); e  e ctive range when sensit ivit y is set to AUTO is app rox. 40 cm – 8 m/1 .3 f t .– 26. 2 f t. ( wide angle ) or 2.5 m– 4. 4 m /8. 2 f t .– 1 4.4 f t. ( telephoto ); e e c tive ran ge in macr[...]

  • Página 139

    12 3 Appendix Speci  cations Input/output terminals A / V OUT (audio/video output) N TSC or P AL out put wit h monaural s ound HDMI out put HDM I Mini Connec tor Digital input/ output USB 2.0 High Spe ed; shares A / V OU T connec tor Power s up ply/oth er Power s ou rce s • AA alk aline bat terie s (× 4) • A A lithium b atteri es (× 4; ava[...]

  • Página 140

    124 Speci  cations Colo r T el evis ion Sys tem s NTSC ( N ational T elevision S ystem C ommittee) is a c olor televis ion telecasting speci cation adopted mainly in the U.S. A ., Canada, and Jap an. P AL ( P hase A lternation by L ine ) is a c olor television system adopted mainly in Eur op ean countries and China. Notices • Speci catio[...]

  • Página 141

    12 5 Memo[...]

  • Página 142

    7-3, AKASAKA 9-CHOME, MINA TO-KU, TOKYO 107-0052, JAP AN http://www .fujifilm.com[...]