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MO DE L G0 555 / G0 555P UL TIM A T E 1 4 " B A NDS A W O WNER'S M ANU AL W AR N[...]
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This manual provides critical safety instructions on the proper setup, operation, maintenance, and service of this machine/tool. Save this document, refer to it often, and use it to instruct other operators. Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this manual may result in fire or serious personal injury—including amputation, e[...]
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T able of Cont en ts INTRODUCTION ............................................... 2 [...]
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Id entificat ion T o r ed uc e t h e ri sk of serious injury when using th is ma chi ne , re ad an d un d e rs t a nd t hi s e nt i r e manual b efore b eginnin g any op erations. A. ?[...]
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model G0555/G0555P ul tima te 14" BaNdSa W Product Dimensions: Weight ...................................................................................................................................................[...]
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Blade Information Standard Blade Length ..............................................................................................................................................93 1 ⁄ 2 " Blade Length Range ...[...]
Página 8
F or Y our Own Safety , Read Inst ru ctio n Man ual Bef ore Op era ti ng thi s Mac h ine The purpose of safet y sy mbols is to attrac t you r at tention to pos sible haz ardous conditions. This ma nual uses a series of symbo[...]
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DISCONNECTING POWER SUPPLY. Always dis- connect machine from power supply before ser- vicing, adjusting, or changing cutting tools (bits, blades, cutters, etc.).?[...]
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A dd iti on al S a fety f or Band sa w s B LADE CONDITION . ?[...]
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SE CTION 2 : P O WE R SU P P L Y Availability Before install ing the machine, consider the avail- ability and pro ximity of the required power supply circuit. If an existing circuit d oes not meet the requirements for thi[...]
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Improper connection of the equipment - grounding wire c an result in a ris k of electric shoc k. The wire with green insula tion ( with or without yellow stripes ) is the equipment - grounding wire. If repair or replac[...]
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Voltage Conversion [...]
Página 14
Th is m ach ine pr es en ts se ri ous inju r y ha z ar ds to untrained use rs. Read through this entire manu- al to become familiar with the controls and op era - tions before star ting t he machin e ! SE CTION 3 : SET UP [...]
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Hard wa re Rec ogn it io n Ch ar t[...]
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In ven t or y The follo wing is a description of the main comp o- nents shipped with your machine. La y the compo - nents out to inv entory them. If any non- proprietary parts are missing ( e . g. a nut or a washer ) , [...]
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The unpainted sur faces of your machine are coated with a heav y-dut y rust prev entativ e that pre vents c orrosion during shipm ent and storage . This rust prev entativ e works extremely well , but it will t ak e a [...]
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Site Conside rations Figure 7 . Dust Hose 30 1 ⁄ 4 " 28" Weight Load Ref er to the Machine Dat a She et for the weight[...]
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Ass em bly Some met al p arts may ha ve sharp edge s that can cause minor injury . Please exam- ine t he e dges of all metal pa r t s BE FO R E ha nd lin g them and b e careful WH ILE handling t hem. T o assemble th e b[...]
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4. Figure 11 ?[...]
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12. ?[...]
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15. ?[...]
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Bl ade C en ter Tr a c k i n g [...]
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Figure 24. Dus t Co ll ectio n DO N OT operate this bands aw without an ade - quate dus t collect ion sy s[...]
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P o w er Co nnecti on After you hav e c ompleted all pre vious s etup instructions and circuit requirements, the machine is ready to be connected to the p ow er supply . T o a void unexpected star tups or propert y dam[...]
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4. OFF 5. [...]
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5. ?[...]
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6. 7. ?[...]
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4. ?[...]
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T able Ti lt Cal i brat io n [...]
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Al i gn i ng T ab le ?[...]
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Al i gn i ng Fen ce ?[...]
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SE CTION 4 : O P E RA TIONS Operat ion Ov er v ie w The purpose of this o verview is to pro vide the nov- ice machine operator with a basic understanding of how the mac hine is used during operation, so the machine c o[...]
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Dis abl i ng & Lo cki ng Switch Figure 42. The O N/OF F switch can be d isabled and loc k ed by inser ting a padlock thr[...]
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T able Ti lt Note : W hen tilting the [...]
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Bl ade Sp eed [...]
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Bl ade Inf or ma tio n [...]
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Tooth Pitch ?[...]
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Bl ade Chan ge Alwa ys disconne ct p ower to th e ma c hi n e w he n ch ang ing b la de s . Fail ur e to do this may r esult in serious personal injury . Bandsaw blad es are sh arp and can quickly cut fingers and hand[...]
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C ut ti ng Opti on s [...]
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C ut ti ng Cu r v es [...]
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SE CTION 5 : A C CE SS ORIE S Some aftermarket a ccessories ca n b e installed on this machine th at could cause it to function improp erly , incr easing the risk of serious pe rsonal[...]
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Figure 54. SHOP FOX ® G7 31 5Z — Sup er H e av y- Du t y S H O P F OX ® Mobile Base [...]
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Revie w the troubleshooting and pro cedures in this sec tion if a problem develops with your mac hine . If y ou need replacement parts or additional help with a procedure, call our T echni cal Suppor t at (5 70 ) 546 -[...]
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V - Be lt T ension ?[...]
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Repl ac in g V - Belt T ools Ne eded Qt y ?[...]
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Wheel Al ig nmen t ?[...]
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Figure 64. 4. [...]
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Upper Wheel Lateral Adjustment ?[...]
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Bl ade L ea d [...]
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Bl ade T ens io ner ?[...]
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SHOCK HAZARD. Working on wiring that is con- nected to a power source is extremely dangerous. Touching electrified parts will result in personal injury including but not limited to severe burns, electrocution, or death[...]
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REA D EL EC T RI C AL S AFE T Y ON P A GE 55 ! ON OFF Neutral Hot Ground 1 10 V AC 220 V AC 5-15 Plug (Pre-wired) Motor Pre-wired for 1 10V Motor Rewired for 220V Start/Stop Switch Ground Ground 4 2 1 3 Hot Hot Ground [...]
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M ain SE CTION 9 : P ARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 11V2 12 13 14V2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 26 25 27 28 29 30A 30A-1 31 32 33A 34 35 35-1 35-2 35-3 38 39 40 41 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 55 55 56 56 5[...]
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Mai n P arts L is t REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 P0555001 BASE (G555) 45 P0555045 LOWER WHEEL ASSEMBLY 1 P0555P001 BASE (G0555P) 46 P0555009 SHAFT WASHER 30 X 8 X 3MM 2 PB80M HEX BOLT M16-2 X 55 47 P[...]
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Mai n P arts L is t REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 106 PB26M HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 30 129 P0555129 ECCENTRIC SHAFT 108 P0555108 POINTER 130A PSS31M SET SCREW M5-.8 X 8 109 PFS03M FLANGE SCREW M5-.8 X 6 130[...]
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St and REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 201 P0555201 STAND TOP (G0555) 208 PFN02M FLANGE NUT M6-1 201 P0555P201 STAND TOP (G0555P) 209 P0555209 UPPER STAND BRACE (G0555) 202 PCB06M CARRIAGE BOLT M8-1.25 X 1[...]
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Lab els Safety labels help reduce the risk of serious injury caused by machine hazards. If any label comes off or becomes unreadable, the owner of this machine MUST replace it in the original location before resuming op[...]
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CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Street _____________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _________________________ Zip _____________________ Phone # ____________________ Email ________________________ Invoice # ___[...]
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T APE ALONG EDGES- -PLE ASE D O NOT ST APLE FOLD ALONG DOTTED LINE FOLD ALONG DOTTED LINE GRI ZZ L Y IND USTRI AL , I NC. P .O. BO X 20 69 BEL LINGHAM, W A 98227 - 20 69 Pla ce Stamp Here N a m e _______________________________ S t r e e t_______________________________ C i ty ______________ S t a t e______Z i p ______ Send a Grizzly Catalog to a f[...]
Página 67
W A RRA NT Y AN D RET URN S Grizzly Industrial, I nc. wa rrants e very product it sells for a period of 1 y ear to the original purc haser from the dat e of purchase. This warranty does not apply t o defects d ue direct ly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence, accidents, repairs or alte rations or lack of maint enance. This is Grizzly’ s so[...]
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B uy D ir ect and S ave with G r izzl y ® – Tr usted, Pr oven and a Gr eat V alue ! ~Since 1983~ ORDER 24 HOURS A DA Y! 1-800-523-4777 Visit Our Website Today For Current Specials![...]