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T able of Con ten ts INTRODUCTION ............................................... 2 ?[...]
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F or ew or d ?[...]
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Figure 1. Id e ntification A. Directional Switch [...]
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The information contained herein is deemed accurate as of 5/27/2008 and represents our most recent product specifications. Due to our ongoing improvement efforts, this information may not accurately describe items previously purchased. PAGE 1 OF[...]
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The information contained herein is deemed accurate as of 5/27/2008 and represents our most recent product specifications. Due to our ongoing improvement efforts, this information may not accurately describe items previously purchased. PAGE 2 OF[...]
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The information contained herein is deemed accurate as of 5/27/2008 and represents our most recent product specifications. Due to our ongoing improvement efforts, this information may not accurately describe items previously purchased. PAGE 3 OF 3[...]
Página 9
Saf et y Ins truct ion s fo r Mach inery !,7!93 53% (%!2).' 02/4%#4)/. 7(%. /0%2!4).' -!#().%29 B VX]^cZgn cd^hZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ]ZVg^c adhh# 7%!2 02/0%2 !0[...]
Página 10
/.,9 !,,/7 42!).%$ !.$ 02/0 %2,9 350%26)3%$ 0%23/..%, 4/ /0%2!4% -!#().%29 BV`Z hjgZ deZgVi^dc ^chigjXi^dch VgZ hV[Z VcY XaZVgan jcYZghiddY# +%%0 #(),$2%.[...]
Página 11
No li s t o f safet y guidelines ca n be compl ete. E ver y shop en vironment is differe nt. Alway s consider safet y first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use this and other machiner y wit h caution and re spe ct . Fai lur[...]
Página 12
Serious p ersonal injury could occur if you connect the machine to power b efore com - pleting the setup proces s. DO NOT connect the machine to the p ower until instruc ted later in this ma nual. 1 1 0 / 2 20 V Operat ion SE CTION 2 : CIR[...]
Página 13
Wear safet y glas ses dur- ing the e ntire setup p ro - cess ! Th is mac hi ne pr e s en t s se r io us inj ur y ha z a r d s to untraine d users. Re ad through this entire manu - al to b ecome familiar with the controls and op era - tions [...]
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In v ent or y [...]
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Workbench Load M achine Data S hee t [...]
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Mo unting ?[...]
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Hard wa r e Reco gn iti on Cha r t[...]
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T est R un & Break In ?[...]
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Ba sic Cont rol s [...]
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Longitudinal T ravel Handwhe els : Cross T ravel Handwh eel : [...]
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Spi nd le H ei ght 2. ?[...]
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D ept h Stop Heads to ck Heig ht [...]
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He^cYaZEjaaZn >YaZgEjaaZn BdidgEjaaZn ( ' & 6 7 9 ) 8 Speed Ch anges ?[...]
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Gra duat ed Dial s [...]
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SE CTION 5 : A C CE SSO RIE S H26 8 9 — R - 8 Quick C hange C ollet Set [...]
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G2 8 61— Fac e Mill G40 51 — Carbid e Inse r t for Face Mill ?[...]
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SE CTION 6 : MAINT EN ANC E Alwa ys disconnec t power to t h e m ac hi n e b e fo re per forming m aintenance. Failure to do this may result in se rious pe rson - a l i n j u r y. ?[...]
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Points requiring periodic lubrication are: • The main column. ?[...]
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Operation and Work Results ?[...]
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The spring’s tail is located on the perim- eter of the spring housing. This part may be sharp! Use leather gloves or a heavy shop towel to cover the tail while loading or unloading return spring pressure. Failure to use such precautions may[...]
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SE CTION 8 : WIRING Electr ical Safety Ins truct ion s 1. PRINTED INFORMATION. ?[...]
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Hot Neutral Ground 110 VAC < L 7a Li <c <gdjcY <gdjcY &% + ' && , ( . * & &' - ) FWD/OFF/REV SWITCH (Both Sides Shown) ' ' & 110V/220V MOTOR (Prewired 220V) & O& K& J& O&[...]
Página 39
Mai n P ar ts Break do wn 1 0 0 0 Ser ies * + , , - . && '' '( +% +& +' +( -* &(& &(' &-, &' &( &) &) &* &, &- &. '% '%"& '%&q[...]
Página 40
REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1001 P33581001 DRAW BAR 7/16-20 X 402MM 1055 P33581055 GRADUATED DIAL 1002 P33581002 SPINDLE LOCK NUT 1056 P33581056 SPACER 1003 P33581003 SPINDLE PULLEY 1057 P33581057 NAME PLATE 1004 P33581004 B[...]
Página 41
Mai n P ar ts Li st (con ti nued) REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1101 P33581101 COLUMN GEAR COVER 1145 PSS31M SET SCREW M5-.8 X 8 1102 P33581102 LIMIT PLATE 1146 P33581146 KNURLED SCREW M5-.8 X 12 1103 P33581103 SPRING COVER 11[...]
Página 42
Ba se P ar ts Break do wn 1 0 0 0 Ser ies '%& '%& '%' '%' '%( '%( '%( '%( '%) '%* '%+ '%, '%- '%. '&% '&& '&' '&a[...]
Página 43
Ba se P ar ts Li st REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1201 P33581201 TABLE HANDLE WHEEL 1222 P33581222 LEFT FLANGE 1202 P33581202 DIAL CLUTCH 1223 P33581223 LEAD SCREW NUT 1203 P8103 THRUST BEARING 8103 1224 P33581224 LONGITUDIN[...]
Página 44
Label Brea k do wn an d Li st Safety labels warn about machine hazards and ways to prevent injury. The owner of this machine MUST maintain the original location and readability of the labels on the machine. If any label is removed or becomes[...]
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I 6E: 6ADC< :9<:H " "EA: 6H: 9D CDI HI 6EA: ;DA9 6ADC< 9 DII:9 A>C: ;DA9 6ADC< 9 DII:9 A>C: '2) : :, 9 ) .$5 342) !, ) .# 0 / "/ 8 "%, ,).'(!- 7 ! EaV X Z HiVbe =ZgZ C V b Z TTTTTTTTTT[...]
Página 47
W AR R AN T Y AND RET URNS <g^ooan >cYjhig^Va ! >cX# lVggVcih ZkZ g n egdYjXi ^i hZaah [dg V eZg^dY d[ YEAR id i]Z dg^^cVa ejgX]VhZg [gdb i]Z YViZ d[ ejgX]VhZ# I]^h lVggVc i n Y dZh cdi Veean id YZ[ Z Xih YjZ Y^gZXian dg ^cY^gZXi an [...]
Página 48
"UY $IRECT AND 3AVE WITH 'RIZZLY ® n 4RUSTED 0ROVEN AND A 'REAT 6ALUE /2 s 3%#52% /2$%2).' s /2$%23 3()00%$ 7)4(). (/523 s %-!),2%30/.3%7)4(). /.%(/52 6ISIT /UR 7EBSITE 4ODAY!ND $ISCOVER 7HY 'RIZZLY ® ?[...]