Honda PCX (2010) manual


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Bom manual de uso

As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto Honda PCX (2010). A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoHonda PCX (2010) vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual Honda PCX (2010) você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual Honda PCX (2010), e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual Honda PCX (2010) deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo Honda PCX (2010)
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo Honda PCX (2010)
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo Honda PCX (2010)
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque Honda PCX (2010) não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos Honda PCX (2010) e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço Honda na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas Honda PCX (2010), como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo Honda PCX (2010), uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual Honda PCX (2010). Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1

    Honda Motor Co., Lt d. 2010 OW NER ’S MA NUA L M AN U AL D E L P RO P I E TAR I O Honda PCX USO E MANUTENZ IONE 10/02/17 16:49:52 32KWN600_001[...]

  • Página 2

    Pay special at tent ion t o t he saf ety messages that appea r t hrough out t he ma nual. T hese messages are f u lly explained in t he ‘‘A Few Wor ds A bout Saf et y’’ sect ion which a ppears be f ore the Co nte nts pa ge . T h i sm a n u a ls h o u l db ec o n s i d e r e da p e r m a n e n t p a r t o f t h e s c o o t e r a n ds h o u l[...]

  • Página 3

    A ll inf ormat i on in t his publicat ion is based on t he lat est product ion inf or mat i on av ailable a t t he t ime of approv al f o r print ing . Honda Mot or Co.,L t d. r eserv es t he right t o make changes at any t ime w it hout not ice and w it hout incurr ing any obligat i on. No part of t h is publication may be r eproduced w it hout w [...]

  • Página 4

    T he scooter presents you a challenge t o master the machine, a challenge to ad venture. Y ou ride t hroug h th e wind, linked to t h e road by a ve hicle t hat re sponds t o y our comma nds as no othe r does. Unlike a n aut omobile, the re is no met al cage a round y ou. L ike a n a irplane, a pr e- ride inspe ction and r egular maint enance are e[...]

  • Página 5

    T he f ollowing code in t his manua l indicat es t he count ry . T he illustr ations here in are ba sed on the type . T he spec if i cation s m ay vary with each lo cale. E F ED U KO UK Fran ce European dire ct sales A ustr alia New Z eala nd Ko re a ED 10/02/17 16:50:11 32KWN600_005[...]

  • Página 6

    T he se signa l wor ds mean: Your saf ety, and the saf ety of o thers , is very imp ortant. And oper ati ng thi s sc ooter saf el y is an import ant re sponsibility. T o help you make inf or med decisions about saf et y, w e have pr ovided operating procedures and other inf ormat ion on labe ls and in this manua l. T his inf ormation aler ts you to[...]

  • Página 7

    T his ent ire manua l is f illed wit h import ant saf et y inf ormation – – pleas e rea d it ca ref ully. –– such a s Import ant Saf ety R eminder s or Impor ta nt Saf et y Preca utions. –– such as S coot er Saf et y. –– how to use this scooter correctly and saf ely. Saf et y Headings Saf et y Sect ion Inst r uct ions You WILL be KI[...]

  • Página 8


  • Página 9


  • Página 10


  • Página 11

    − T h e r ei sm u c ht h a ty o uc a nd ot op r o t e c t yourself when you ride. Y ou’ll f ind many helpf ul recomme ndat ions t hrough out th is manual. Following ar e a f ew t hat we consider t o be most import ant . Y our scoote r can provide many yea rs of service a nd pleasure if you take respons ibility f or your own sa f ety an d unders[...]

  • Página 12

    F o ry o u rs a f e t y ,w es t r o n g l yr e c o m m e n d that you alw ays w ear an approved motorcycle helmet, eye prot ection, boots, gloves, t rousers, and a long-sleeved shirt or jac ket w hene ver you ride . A lthoug h complete prot ection is not possible, w ear ing proper gea r ca n r educe the chance of injury when you ride. Follow ing ar[...]

  • Página 13

    Y our h elmet is y our mos t impor t ant piece of riding ge ar beca use it of f ers t he best prot ection against he ad injuries. A helmet should f it yo ur head comf orta bly and securely. A bright -col oured helmet can make you m ore n oticeable in t raf f ic, as c an ref lective strips . A n open-f ace helmet of f ers some prot ection, but a f u[...]

  • Página 14

    Shoes sho uld be close-f itting, h ave low he els and of f e r ankle prot ect ion. Wear gloves. Clothe s should be close-f itt ing. ALWAYS w ea r a h el m e t. Y ou should a lso wea r a f ace shie ld or goggles. We ar br ight or re f lective clot hing. 4 10/02/17 16:51:21 32KWN600_014[...]

  • Página 15

    Y our scoote r has been de signed t o carr y you, one pa ssenger a nd a limit ed amount of cargo . When you add cargo or carry a passenger , you may f eel some dif f erence during acce lera tion a nd braking. But so long as you keep your scooter well-maintained, wit h good t yre s and bra kes, y ou can saf ely carr y loa ds wit hin t he given limit[...]

  • Página 16

    Follow ing ar e th e load limit s f or your scoot er: Includes t he w eight of t he ride r, passe nger, a ll cargo a nd all accessor ies Glove box: weigh t limit : Center com part ment: wei gh t li mi t: Putt ing t oo much w eight in indiv idual st ora ge compar tment s ca n also a f f ect sta bility and handling. So be sure to st ay wit hin t he l[...]

  • Página 17

    Follow t hese guidel ines whenever you carry a passe nger or ca rgo: Check tha t both ty res are properly inf lated (p age ). If yo u w ish to carry more cargo, check with your Hond a dealer f or advice, and be sure to read the inf ormati on regard ing accessories on page . Improperly loa ding your scoot er ca n af f ect its st abilit y and h andli[...]

  • Página 18

    Make sur e the a ccessory does not obscure a ny lights, reduce ground clearance a nd banking angle, limit susp ensio n travel or steering t ravel, al ter your riding posit ion or inte rf ere w it h operat ing any contr ols. Modif y ing your scoot er or using non-Honda accessorie s can make your scoot er unsaf e. Bef ore you co nside r ma king a ny [...]

  • Página 19

    D on o tp u l lat r a i l e ro rs i d e c a rw i t hy o u r scooter. T his scoot er wa s not designed f or these attachments, a nd their use can seriously impair your scoot er’s handling. We strongly advise you not t o remove any original equipment or modif y y our scooter in any way that would chan ge its design or operat ion. Such cha nges coul[...]

  • Página 20

    〈〉 T he re is a specif ic symbol on each label. T he meanin gs of each symbol and label are as f ollows. T he f ollow ing pa ges descr ibe t he la bel mean ings. Som e labels warn you of potent ial hazar ds tha t could cause serious inj ury. Others provide important saf ety inf ormation. R ea d t his inf ormat ion ca ref ully and don’ t remov[...]

  • Página 21

    R ead inst ruct ions cont ained in Ow ner’s Manual ca ref ully. R ead inst ruct ions cont ained in Sh op Manua l care f ully . I nt h ei n t e r e s t o f s a f e t y ,t a k et h em o t o r c y c l et ob es e r v i c e do n l yb ya Honda dea ler. Y ou W IL L be K IL L ED or SE R IOUSL Y HUR T if yo u don’t f o llow instr uctions. Y ou CA N be K[...]

  • Página 22

    A CCESSOR IES A ND LOA DING T he sa f ety st abilit y and ha ndling of t his motor cycle m a yb ea f f e c t e db yt h ea d d i t i o no f a c c e s s o r i e sa n d luggage. Read carefull y the in struc tion s con taine d in use r’ s manual a nd insta llat ion guide bef ore inst alling a ny accessory . T he t ot al w eight of accessorie s a nd l[...]

  • Página 23

    Col d tyre p ressure: [Drive r only] Fro nt Re ar [Driver and pa ssenger] Fro nt Re ar T yr e size: Fro nt Re ar T y re br and: Fro nt Re ar 13 TYRE INFORMATION LABEL 90/90-14M/C 46P 100/90-14M/C 57P SS-560F SS-560R 200 kPa (2.00 kgf/ cm , 29 psi) 200 kPa (2.00 kgf/ cm , 29 psi) 250 kPa (2.50 kgf/ cm , 36 psi) 225 kPa (2.25 kgf/ cm , 33 psi) IRC 10[...]

  • Página 24

    〈〉 For your protection , always wear helmet and protective gear . UNL EA DED PET R OL ONL Y Do not exceed . Do not exceed . 14 SAFET Y REMIND ER LABEL FUEL LABEL CARGO LIMIT LABEL CARGO LIMIT LABEL E, F, ED t ype only 10 kg (22 lb) 1.0 kg (2.2 lb) 10/02/17 16:52:26 32KWN600_024[...]

  • Página 25

    T urn signal swit ch Rear brake lever Rearv iew mirror Rearv iew mirror Ho rn b utto n Fro nt b rak e l ever Front brake f luid reserv oir Fuel lid and seat opener swit ch Start but ton Instrument s and indicators T hrottle grip Id ling S top s witch CBS brake f luid reservoir Glove box Headlight dimmer swi tch Ignition swit ch Shutt er PA RT S L O[...]

  • Página 26

    Ba ttery T ool kit Docum ent co mpar tm ent Passenger f ootpeg Fus e b ox Oil f ill cap/dipstick 16 10/02/17 16:52:34 32KWN600_026[...]

  • Página 27

    Side stand Fuel f ill cap Center stand Helmet holder Air c lea ne r Passenger f ootpeg Spark plug Coolant reserve t ank Center compartment 17 10/02/17 16:52:37 32KWN600_027[...]

  • Página 28

    T h ei n d i c a t o r sa r ec o n t a i n e di nt h e instr ument panel. T heir f unct ions ar e described in t he t ables on t he f ollowing pages. (1) Mo de s witch (2) H igh coolan t t emperature indi cator (3) L ef t t urn signa l indicat or (4) Speedom et er (5) R ight t urn signal indica tor (6) Odome te r/T ripmete r/F uel ga uge display (7[...]

  • Página 29

    − R esets t he tripmet er or selects t he operation mode: tripmeter or odometer (page ). Mode swit ch L ights w hen the coolant is over the s pecif ied te mperat ur e. If the indica tor goe s on w hile riding, stop t he engine a nd check t he r eser ve t ank coola nt level. R ead pages and do not ride t he scooter until the problem has been corre[...]

  • Página 30

    L ef t t urn signal indica to r (green) Flashes when the lef t turn signal operates. Speedometer Shows riding speed. T his show s your speed i n ki lomet ers per hour (km/h) and/or mil es per hour ( mph) depending on the type. T he speedom eter needl e w ill swing t o t he maximum scale on t he dial once w hen the ignition switch is tur ned ON. (3)[...]

  • Página 31

    R ight t urn signa l indicat or (green) Fla shes w hen t he r ight t urn signa l opera tes. Odometer Shows a ccumulate d mileage (page ). T he display include s the f ollowing f unctions; Tr i p m e t er Fu el g au g e Shows a pproxima te f uel supply av ailable ( page ). Shows mileage pe r t rip (p age ). Lights when there is any abno rmali ty in [...]

  • Página 32

    L ight s wh en th e hea dlight is on high be am. High bea m indicat or ( blue) ST A ND BY indicator (amber) Flashes when the Idling Stop system is activated (page ). If you get o f f th e scoote r ( wit hout sitt ing) while the engin e is st opping by the Idling St op syste m, the ST A ND BY indicat or wil l go out, a nd f or about 3 minut es lat e[...]

  • Página 33

    When the ig ni tion switc h is turn ed ON , the display will tempor ar ily show all t he modes and digital segments so you can make sure the liquid cr yst al dis play is f unctioning properly. Init ial Displ ay 23 10/02/17 16:53:11 32KWN600_033[...]

  • Página 34

    T he displ ay ( ) has t hree f un ctions, odometer, tripmeter and f uel gauge. P u s ht h em o d es w i t c h( )t os e l e c tt h e ‘‘ODO’’ or ‘‘T R IP’’ mode. E type: Odometer and tripmeter read in miles. Except E t ype: Odometer and t ripmeter rea d in kilomet ers. (1) (2) 2 1 (1) Odometer/T ripmeter/F uel gauge display (2) Mod e [...]

  • Página 35

    T o res et the tripm eter, pu sh and ho ld the mode sw it ch f or more t ha n 2 seconds, w ith the display in the ‘‘T R IP’’ mode. (2) (2) Mod e switch 25 Tripmeter reset 10/02/17 16:53:21 32KWN600_035[...]

  • Página 36

    T he f uel g auge liquid cryst al display ( ) shows the approxima te av ailable f uel in a gradua te d displa y. W h en a ll segm ents up to F ( ) ar e on, t he f uel ta nk is f ull. T he f uel tank capac ity is: When t here is only one segment ( ) lef t, f uel will be low a nd you should ref uel a s soon as possible. T he amount of f uel lef t in [...]

  • Página 37

    T his scoot er is e quipped w ith a Combined Brake System. Op erating the rear brake lever applies t he re ar brake and a por tion of the f ro nt brake. F or f ull braking e ffe c t i v e n e s s , u s e b o t h t h e fro n t a n d r e a r brake leve r simultane ously, as you w ould wit h a conv ent ional scoot er br aking sys tem. A s w it h a con[...]

  • Página 38

    T he recom mended br ake f luid is Honda DOT 3 or DOT 4 bra ke f luid f r om a se aled conta iner, or an equiv alent . Other Checks: Make sur e th ere a re no f luid leaks. Check f or d eterioration or cracks in the hoses an d f itti ng s. Front Brake Fluid L evel: Wit h t he scooter in a n upr ight posit ion, check the f lui d level. It should be [...]

  • Página 39

    CBS Brake Fluid L evel: Wit h t he scooter in a n upr ight posit ion, check the f luid level. It should be between t h e U P P E R( )a n d L O W E R( ) l e v e l marks. If the level is at or below the L OWER level mark, check the brake pads f o rw e a r( p a g e ) . Wor n pa ds should be rep laced. If the pa ds are not w orn, have your brake system[...]

  • Página 40

    −− Place t he scooter on it s cente r sta nd. Ad ju st me n t: A djust the f reeplay of t he brake lever with the f ron t wheel pointed straight ahead. Measur e t he dist ance th e r ear bra ke lever ( ) moves bef ore the brake starts to take hol d. Freeplay at the t ip of t he brake lever should be: 2. 1. (1) 1 (1) Rear brake lever R ear Brak [...]

  • Página 41

    If a djustment is necessa ry, t urn t he r ear brake adjust ing nut ( ). A pply the brake sev eral times a nd check f or f ree whee l rotatio n af ter the brak e lever is released. If proper adjust ment cannot be obt ained by th is met hod, see your Honda dea ler. A djust by tur ning t he rear br ake adjust ing nut a ha lf -turn at a t ime. Ma ke s[...]

  • Página 42

    Make sure th e brake arm, spring and f a stener s are in good condit ion. L ubricate t he brake cable with a commercia lly a vaila ble cable lubricant to prevent prem at ure wear an d corros ion . Check t he brake ca ble f or kinks or signs of wear that cou ld cause stickin g or f ailu re. Af ter ad ju stme nt, pus h the brak e arm ( ) to co nfirm [...]

  • Página 43

    T he owner must properly maint ain the coolant to p reve nt f re ezing, ov erhe at ing, and corr osion. Use only hig h qualit y ethylene glycol ant if r eeze containing corrosion protect ion inhibit ors specif ically recommende d f or use in a luminum engines. (SEE A NT IFR EEZE CONT A INER L A BEL ) . Use only low-miner al dr inking w ate r o r di[...]

  • Página 44

    If the r eserve t ank is empty, or if coolant loss is e xcessiv e, check f or leaks and see your Honda dea ler f or r epair . Open t he seat (page ) and check t he coolant level in t he reserve tank while the engine is at t he norma l ope rat ing tempe rat ure wi th the scoot er in an upright position. I f t he coola nt le vel is below t he LOWER l[...]

  • Página 45

    T he f uel t ank is locat ed be hind t he f uel lid. Fuel ta nk capacit y is: Open the f uel lid ( ) ( page ). R emove t h ef u e lf i l lc a p( )b yt u r n i n gi t counter clockwise . Af ter re f u el ing , be sure to tig hten the f uel f ill cap f ir mly by t urning it clockw ise. Mak e s ure that the arr ow mark s ( ) on the f uel f ill ca p an[...]

  • Página 46

    If ‘‘spa rk knock’’ or ‘‘p inking’’ occurs at a stea dy engine speed under normal loa d, change bra nds of pet r ol. If spar k knock or pinking pe rsist s, consult your Hon da deale r. Fa ilure to do so is conside red misuse, and damage ca used by misuse is not cove red by Honda’s L i mited W a rra nty . Use unleaded pe tro l w it[...]

  • Página 47

    If you decide to use a pet rol containing a l c o h o l( g a s o h o l ) ,b es u r ei t ’ so c t a n er a t i n g is at lea st a s high as t hat r ecommende d by Honda. T here a re t wo t ypes of ‘‘gasohol’’: o ne con tain in g eth ano l, an d the o ther conta ining met hanol. Do not use petrol that con tains m ore than 10 % ethanol . Do [...]

  • Página 48

    − − R einst all t he oil f ill cap/dipst ick. Check fo r o i l l e a k s . R unning the engine with insuf f icient oil pressur e may ca use serious engine da mage. Sta rt t he engine an d let it id le f or 3 5 minute s. Stop t he engine a nd put the scoo te r on it s cente r st and on lev el ground. Check the engine oil level each day bef ore r[...]

  • Página 49

    T o saf ely opera te your scoot er, y our tyres must be t he proper t ype a nd size, in good co ndi tion with ad equ ate tr ead , and cor rectl y inf lated f or the load you are carrying . T he f o llowing pages give more d etailed inf orma- tion on how and w hen to check y our air pressure, how to inspect your t yres f o r damage , a nd wh at t o [...]

  • Página 50

    − − − T he r ecommended ‘‘cold’’ ty re pre ssures are: Whenever you check the tyre pressures, y o us h o u l da l s oe x a m i n et h et y r et r e a d sa n d sidewa lls f or w ear , da mage , a nd f oreign objects: L ook f or : Bumps o r bulg es in t he side of the t yre o r t h et r e a d .R e p l a c et h et y r ei f y o uf i n da [...]

  • Página 51

    R eplace tyres immediately when the wear in dic ator ( ) ap pears at on the tyre . (1) (2) 1 (1) Wear indicat or ( 2 )W e a ri n d i c a t o rl o c a t i o nm a r k T read W ear 41 10/02/17 16:54:49 32KWN600_051[...]

  • Página 52

    If a tyre is punc tured or damaged , you should re place it, not repair it. A s discussed below, a t yre that i s repaired, either tempor arily or per manent ly, will h ave low er speed and perf ormance limits than a new tyre . A temporary repai r, suc h as an external tube less t yr e plug, ma y not be sa f e f or normal speeds a nd riding conditi[...]

  • Página 53

    Whenever you replace a t yre, use one that is equivalent t o t he origin al and be sure the wheel is balanced af ter the new tyre is insta lled. T he t yres that came on your scoot er wer e des igne d t o ma t ch t he pe rf or man ce capabilit ies of your scoot er and provide t he best combination of handling, braking, durabilit y a nd comf or t. T[...]

  • Página 54

    Do not inst a ll a tube inside a t ubeless t yre on t his scoot er. Exce ssive hea t build-up can cause t he t ube t o burst . Use only t ubeless tyr es on t his scoot er . T he rims a re designe d f or t ubeless t yre s, and during ha rd accele rat ion or br aking, a t ube-t ype t yr e could slip o n the rim a nd ca us e the tyre to rapi dly de f [...]

  • Página 55

    LO CK (Steering lock) OFF SEA T FUE L ON Ke y c an be removed Ke y c an be removed K ey ca nnot be removed K ey ca nnot be removed T he ignit ion swit ch ( ) is on the righ t side below th e st eering st em. Ste ering is locked. Engine and ligh ts cannot be operat ed. Engine and ligh ts ca nnot be opera te d. Fuel lid a nd seat opener switch can be[...]

  • Página 56

    Close th e f uel lid unt il it locks. Make sur e the f uel lid is secure bef ore riding. Close th e F uel L id: Open t he f uel lid ( ). In sert the i gni tion key ( ) an d turn it to the position of ‘‘SEA T F UEL ’’ ( ). Open the Fuel Lid: Push the ‘‘F UEL ’’ ( ) side of the f uel lid and seat opener swit ch. If t he i gniti on swi[...]

  • Página 57

    Open the Seat: T ur n t he ha ndlebar point ed str aight ahead. Close t he seat, low er a nd push down unt il it lock s. Make sure t he seat is secure bef ore riding. Close th e Seat : Open the seat ( ). Push th e ‘‘SEA T ’’ ( ) side of the f uel lid and seat opener sw itch ( ). In sert the i gni tion key ( ) an d turn it to the position of[...]

  • Página 58

    T he start bu tton is nex t to the thro ttle gr ip . When the start bu tton is pre ssed , the start er motor cranks the engine. Se e page f or the st ar ting proce dure. Pu sh the Idl ing Stop swi tch to ac tivate or de activ ate the Idl ing Stop sy ste m. R ef er t o t he ‘‘ ’’ o n page . (1) (2) 52 68 (1) Star t butto n (2) Id lin g Sto p[...]

  • Página 59

    Pu sh the dim mer switc h to (H I) to select high be am or to (L O) t o select low be am. Mo ve to to sig nal a le f t turn , to signal a right t urn. Pr ess t o t urn signal of f . Press the butt on t o sound t he hor n. (1) (3) (2) (1) Headlight dimmer swit ch (2) Ho rn button (3) T urn signal swit ch Headlight Dimmer Sw it ch ( ) H o rn B u tton[...]

  • Página 60

    T he steering can be loc ked when the ignit ion sw it ch ( ) is in t he ‘‘L OCK ’’ position. T o l ock the ste eri ng, turn th e han dl ebar s all the way to th e lef t or ri gh t, turn th e ig niti on key ( ) t o L OCK w hile push ing in. R emove the key. T o unlock t he st ee ring, tur n t he key t o OFF while pushing in. Do not t urn th [...]

  • Página 61

    〈〉 〈〉 T o open t he shut t er, align the project ion of the shu tter key with the slo t of the shu tter, and t urn th e shut ter key clockw ise. T he ignit ion swit ch o f t hi s scoot er is equipped w it h a shutt er. A f ter parking t he scoot er , clos e t he shut t er f or t he f t prevention. T o close the sh utt er, i gnition key ( ) [...]

  • Página 62

    Engine wil l stop by Idling Stop syst em, a f e w seconds a f ter the scooter is stopped, with the throttl e ( ) c om ple tel y clo sed. Wh ile Idling St op syst em is w orking, t he ST A ND BY indicator ( ) f la shes a nd th e headlig ht s get dark. En gin e will start, when the thro ttle is opened. You ca n chan ge the Id li ng Stop syste m mode [...]

  • Página 63

    Follow ings are requir ement s f or t he Idling Stop syst em to operat e properly. Bef ore ri ding Put t he side st and up. Wa rm up the e ngine. Idling Stop sy ste m does not oper ate , if t he engine is not warmed u p. Pu sh the Idli ng Sto p switch to the ‘‘ ’’. R ide t he scooter at proper riding posit ion. Id lin g Sto p sys tem is des[...]

  • Página 64

    R est art t he Engine Check t he ST A ND BY indicat or . If it is not f lashing, you can’t re st art t he e ngine with t he Id ling St op system, ev en if you op en the th rottle . If you ge t of f t he scoot er (w ithout sitt ing) while the engine is stopping by the Idling Stop syst em, t he ST A ND BY indica tor will go out , and f or abo ut 3 [...]

  • Página 65

    A lwa ys f ollow t he precaut ions of Idling St op system described below. Do not leav e t he scoot er wh ile t he engine is stopped by t he Idling Stop syst em. When you leave t he scooter, always t ake the ignition ke y ( ) wit h you. Do not push dow n on t he seat w hile th e engine is st opped by t he Idling St op system. For exa mple, push t h[...]

  • Página 66

    Do not put excessiv e luggage in t he cent er compar tment . L uggage int er f ere with the seat to c los e. Idling Stop syste m does not operat e without closing the seat completely. 56 10/02/17 16:56:17 32KWN600_066[...]

  • Página 67

    When t he Idling Stop syste m does not operate properly, perf orm the f ollowings. Engine is cold. Wa rm up t he e ngine. T hro ttle is no t closed complet ely. Close the t hrot tle completely. Did not r ide th e scooter a f t er engine star t. Engine does not st op by Id ling Stop syst em Id lin g Stop s witch i s at ‘‘ ’’. Pu sh th e I dl[...]

  • Página 68

    S itti ng wron g position. R ide th e scoot er in proper r iding posit ion. Id lin g Sto p sys tem is des ign ed not to work when no loa d on the seat. Excessive lugga ge in the cen ter co mpar tmen t. L uggage inter f ere w ith the seat t o close complet ely. T ake out some luggage f r om the cen ter com partm en t to clo se the seat complete ly. [...]

  • Página 69

    When t he ST AND BY indica tor does not f lash, perf orm the f ollowings. R iding in wr ong position. Le ft th e s co ot er fo r m o re t h a n 3 minute s. R ide t he scoot er in pr oper r iding position. Id lin g Sto p sy ste m i s de sig ned n ot to work when no l oad on the seat. T he Idling St op syst em will be cancelle d, if you get of f t he[...]

  • Página 70

    ST A ND BY indicat or f lashes , but engine does not st art , per f orm the f ollowings. Engine does not start even open the thro ttle Low (o r dea d) ba ttery or batter y lead is loose. Ch eck the batte ry an d b atter y termi nal s. I f ba ttery is weak , c harge the batte ry. Sy mpt om Possible cause W hat t o do 60 10/02/17 16:56:47 32KWN600_07[...]

  • Página 71

    T he he lmet holde r ( ) is on t he le f t side below t he seat. T he helmet holder is designed to secure your he lmet while parked. Open the seat (page ). R out e t he helmet w ir e ( ) t hro ugh t he helmet D-ring ( ) a nd hook th e loops of t he hel met wire onto the hel met hol de r. Close the seat and l ock it secu r ely. T h eh e l m e tw i r[...]

  • Página 72

    Never excee d the maximum w eight limit ; handling a nd stabi lity may be sev erel y a ffe c te d . T he c ente r compar t ment may become heat ed by th e e ngine. Do not stor e f ood and oth er a rt icl es w hich ar e f lamma ble or susc eptible to heat damage in th is co mpar tmen t. Do not direct wa ter unde r pressur e against the cen ter co mp[...]

  • Página 73

    Open the seat (page ). T he document bag ( ) is in t he document com part ment ( ) in t he center compart ment ( ). T his owner ’s manual an d othe r document s should be stor ed in the document bag. When washing y our sc ooter, be caref ul not to f l ood thi s are a with water . (1) (3) (2) 2 1 3 47 (1) Docu ment bag (2) Document compart ment (3[...]

  • Página 74

    Never excee d the maximum w eight limit ; handling a nd stabi lity may be sev erel y a ffe c te d . When w ashing y our scooter be care f ul not to f l ood thi s are a with water . T he glove box ( ) is provided below t he handleba r. T o open t he glove box, pull t he knob ( ) up. Make sure t he box lid ( ) is closed bef or e riding. Do n ot store[...]

  • Página 75

    Vert ical adjus tment can be made by turnin g the screw ( ) in or out as necessary. Obey local law s and re gulat ions. ( ( A A ) ) ( ( B B ) ) 1 (1) (1) Screw (A) Up (B) Down HEA DL IGHT A IM V ER T ICA L AD J US TME N T 65 10/02/17 16:57:15 32KWN600_075[...]

  • Página 76

    Slightly open t he re ta ining paw ls and t hen push them out . In sert the cli p i nto the ho le . Ligh tly pres s do wn on the cente r pin to lock the clip. R emo val: Press down on the center pin to release the lo ck . Pull out t he clip f rom the hole. Insta llation: CL IP 66 10/02/17 16:57:21 32KWN600_076[...]

  • Página 77

    − − − − − − − − − − − − Engine oil lev el add engine oil if requir ed (page ). Check f or le aks. Fuel level f ill f uel tank when necessary (page ). C heck f or leak s. For y our saf ety , it i s very i mportant to take a f ew momen ts bef ore each ride t o walk around y our scooter and check its condition. If you detect a [...]

  • Página 78

    A lways f ollow t he pr oper st art ing pr ocedure described be low. Y our scoot er’s exha ust contains poisonous carbon monoxid e gas. High leve ls of carbon monoxide can colle ct r apidly in enclose d are as such a s a gar age . Do n ot run t he engi ne with the garage door closed. Even wit h th e door open, run the engin e only long enough to [...]

  • Página 79

    L ock the rear wheel by squeezin g the rear brake lever ( ). T his scooter has a f uel-inject ed engine with an aut omat ic choke. F ollow t he procedure indicat ed below. Place t he scooter on it s cente r sta nd. T he elect ric sta rt er w ill only w ork w hen t he rear brake lever is squeezed and t he side stand is up. 1. 2. (1) 1 (1) Rear brake[...]

  • Página 80

    T ur n the ign itio n s witch ( ) to ON. Conf irm the f ollowing: T he PGM-F I malf unction indicat or la mp (M IL) is O FF. T he h igh coola nt t empera ture i ndicat or is OFF. T he engine w ill not s ta rt if t he t hrot tle is f ully open (beca use th e elect ronic contr ol module cut s of f t he f uel supply). With the th ro ttle com ple tely [...]

  • Página 81

    A llow t he engine t o war m up bef o re riding ( See , page ). Do no t ‘‘ BLIP ’’ the thr ottl e (op en an d c los e rapid ly) as the scooter will move f orward suddenly, causing possible loss of cont rol. Do not le av e th e scoot er un at te nded w hile the engine is wa rming up. T o use the Id lin g Sto p sy stem , pus h the Id lin g St[...]

  • Página 82

    − If the en gine f ails t o start af t er r epeated attem pts, it may be f loo ded . Op en the th rottle f ul ly . Press t he st art but ton f or 5 seconds. Follow t he norma l sta rting pr ocedure . If t he e ngine st ar ts w it h unst able idle, op en the th rottle sl ig htly . If t he engine doe s not st ar t, w ait f or 10 seconds, th en f ol[...]

  • Página 83

    Help assure your scooter ’s f ut ure relia bility and perf orm ance by paying extra attention to h ow you r ide dur ing t he f irst 500 km (3 00 miles). During t his pe riod, av oid f ull-throt t le st art s and rapid accelerati on. R UNNING-IN 73 10/02/17 16:58:02 32KWN600_083[...]

  • Página 84

    − R eview Scooter Saf et y (pages ) bef ore you rid e. bef ore moving the scooter of f the cent er st and. T he rear wheel must be locked w hen moving the scoot er of f the center st and or loss of cont rol may r esult . Make sure f lammable ma ter ials such a s dr y grass or leaves do not come in contact with the exha ust syst em w hen riding, i[...]

  • Página 85

    and push it f orward and of f t he center sta nd. keeping at least one f oot on the gr ound to steady the scooter. 2. 3. St and on t he lef t side of t he scoot er Mount t he scoot er f rom t he l ef t side 75 10/02/17 16:58:12 32KWN600_085[...]

  • Página 86

    indicate your direct ion w it h the t urn signal s, a nd check fo r s afe t r a ffi c c o n d i ti o n s . Grasp t he handlebars f irmly w ith bot h hands. Never at t empt one-ha nded oper at ion; loss of vehicle cont rol could result . R elease the rear brake lever ( ). 4. 5. (1) 1 (1) Rear brake lever Bef o re st art ing of f , 76 10/02/17 16:58:[...]

  • Página 87

    op en the thro ttle ( ) gradua lly; t he scoot er w ill move f orw ard. Do not ‘ ‘B L IP’ ’ the thr ottl e (op en an d close rapidly) as the scoote r will move f orwar d suddenly, causing possible loss of contr ol. cl ose the throttl e. 6. 7. 2 (2) (2) Throttl e T o accelerat e, To de c e l e ra te, OPEN CL OSE 77 10/02/17 16:58:21 32KWN600[...]

  • Página 88

    Both f ront a nd rea r br akes should be applied t oget her . Independe nt use of only the f ront or re ar brake reduces stopping perf ormance. Exce ssive brak e appli cation may cause either w he el t o lock, reducing cont rol of the scoot er. coordinat ion of t he t hrot tle ( ) a nd f ront and rear brakes ( ) is most import ant . 8. 3 2 (2) (3) [...]

  • Página 89

    open t he thr ott le gradua lly to a ccelerat e t he scooter. close t he thr ot tle ( ) f ully, and slow t he scooter down by apply ing both f ront and rear brakes ( ) at the same tim e. 9. 10. 2 3 (2) (3) (3) (2) T hrottle (3) Front and rear brakes Af te r c om pl eti ng th e tu rn , W hen approaching a corner or t u rn, 79 10/02/17 16:58:30 32KWN[...]

  • Página 90

    close t h et h r o t t l e( )f u l l ya n da p p l yb o t h brakes ( ) to slow t he scoot er. A void continuous use of th e brakes, w hich may res ult in over heat ing and reduct ion of braking e f f iciency. 11. 2 3 (2) (3) (3) (3) Front and rear brakes (2) Throttl e W hen desc ending a st eep gr ade, 80 10/02/17 16:58:35 32KWN600_090[...]

  • Página 91

    be especia lly caut ious. Wh en r iding in w et or ra iny condit ions or on loose sur f a ces, t he abilit y to maneuve r and st op will be reduce d. For your saf ety: Ex erci se extreme caution when braking, a cceler at ing or t urning. R ide at slower speeds a nd allow f or extr a stopping dist ance. K eep t he scooter as upright as possibl e . U[...]

  • Página 92

    T o r esta rt th e engine, open t he t hrot tle . Engine will not st art wit h out riding in proper posit ion. Make sur e th e engine is st ar ted. Wh en st ar ting on a hill, re lease t he br ake lever af te r maki ng sure t he f eeling of scooter moving. If the engine does not st ar t ev en ope n t he thro ttle, the battery may disc harg e. See y[...]

  • Página 93

    Af ter stop pin g the sc oote r turn the ignition switc h to t he ‘‘OFF ’’ posit ion and remove the key. Use the center stand to support t he scooter w hile par ked. L ock the steer ing t o help prevent thef t (page ). Park the scooter on f irm, level ground t o prev ent it f rom f alling over. I f y o u m u s t p a r ko nas l i g h t i n c[...]

  • Página 94

    NA ME: A DDR ESS: PHONE NO: A lways lock t he st eering and never leave the key in the ig niti on swi tch. T hi s sounds simple but people do f orget . Be sure the regi strati on in f o rm ati on f or your s cooter i s acc urate and curren t. Park your scoot er i n a locke d gara ge whenever possible. Use an addi t ional an ti-thef t devic e of goo[...]

  • Página 95

    A well-maint aine d scooter is esse ntia l f or saf e, economica l a nd t rouble -f ree riding. It will a lso help re duce air pollution. T o help you pr operly ca re f or your scoot er, the f ollow ing pa ges include a Maint ena nce Schedule a nd a Maint ena nce R ecor d f or regula rly sch eduled maint ena nce. If your scooter overturns or become[...]

  • Página 96

    − T his sect ion includes inst ruct ions on some imp ortant maintenance tasks. Y ou can perf orm s ome of t he se tasks wit h the tools provided if you have basic mechanical skills. Other tasks that are more dif f icult and requi re special tools are best perf ormed by prof essiona ls. W heel r emova l should normally be handle d only by a Honda [...]

  • Página 97

    Make sur e t he e ngine is of f bef ore you begin any mainte nance or repa irs. T his will he lp e liminat e sev era l pot ent ial hazards: Be su re there is adeq uate venti la tio n whenever you operate the engin e. L et t he engine and exha ust syst em cool bef ore t ouching. Do not run t he engine unless inst ruct e d to do so. R ead t he instru[...]

  • Página 98

    ** * Perf orm the Pre- ride Inspec tion ( page ) at eac h scheduled ma inte nance period. I: I NSPECT AND CLEA N, ADJUST , LUBRICAT E OR R EPL ACE IF NECESSARY C: CL EA N R: R EPL A CE A : A DJUST L : L UBR ICA T E T he f ollowing it em s r equire some m echanica l kn owledge. Cert ain it em s ( part icular ly t hose ma rked and ) m ay requir[...]

  • Página 99


  • Página 100

    × × − − − − − − − − → ↓ 1,000 km 1,000 mi MONT H 12 7.5 18 I I I I I I I I I I I 8 5 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 2.5 6 I I I I I I I I I I 1 0.6 I I I I I DRIV E BEL T FINA L DR IVE OIL B ATTER Y BR A K E FL UID BRA K E SHOES/PA DS WEA R BR A K E SY ST E M BR AK E L IGHT SW IT CH BRA K E L OCK OPER A T ION HEA DL IGHT A IM CL[...]

  • Página 101

    T he t ool kit ( ) is in the tool kit compart ment ( ) under t he sea t (p age ). Some roa dside r epairs, minor a djustment s and parts replacemen t can be perf ormed with the tool s c ontai ned in the ki t. Sta ndard/Phillips scre wdriv er Screw driv er h andle S p a r kp l u gw r e n c h Helmet w ire T ool ba g (2) 1 (1) 24 7 (1) T ool kit (2) T[...]

  • Página 102

    T he f ram e and engine seri al numb ers are requir ed w hen regist er ing your scoot er. T h e ym a ya l s ob er e q u i r e db yy o u rd e a l e r when orderi ng repl acemen t parts. R ecor d t he n umbers he re f or y our ref erence. FR AME NO. ENGINE NO. T he f r ame number ( ) is sta mped on the rear of t he f rame b elow the seat. T he e ngin[...]

  • Página 103

    Y ou will need the key number if you ever have t o replace a key. Store the plate in a saf e place. T hi s sc ooter has two key s ( ) an d a key number p lat e ( ). T o reproduce keys, bri ng all keys, key number plat e and s coote r to your Honda dealer. (1) (2) 1 2 (1) K ey (2) K ey number plat e 93 10/02/17 16:59:53 32KWN600_103[...]

  • Página 104

    T he co lour la bel ( ) is attac hed to the cente r compar tment ( page ). It is h elpf ul w hen or der ing rep laceme nt part s. R ec ord th e colour a nd code here f or your ref erence. COL OUR CODE (1) 1 62 (1) Colour label C O LO U R LAB E L 94 10/02/17 16:59:57 32KWN600_104[...]

  • Página 105

    Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . R emove th e air cleane r housing cov er ( ) by re moving t he scr ews ( ). R emove and discard t he air cleaner element ( ). T hor oughly clea n t he inside of t he a ir cleaner housing ( ). Insta ll th e new air cleane r eleme nt. Use t he Hon da G enuine a ir cl ean er elemen t or a[...]

  • Página 106

    Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . R emove t he crankc ase breather tub e ( ) f r om the air cleaner housing and drain deposits into a suit able cont ainer . R eins tall the cran kcas e breather tube. Serv ice mor e f requent ly wh en ri ding in r ain, at f u ll thro ttle, o r af ter the sco oter is washed or overt urne[...]

  • Página 107

    Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . SG or higher exce pt oils labeled as energy conservi ng on the circular API service label JASO T 903 sta ndard Vi sc os i ty AP I classif ication Y our scooter does not need oil additives. Use t he r ecommende d oil. MB Do not use A PI SH or h igher oils displaying a circular A PI ‘?[...]

  • Página 108

    V iscosit y grade of engine oi l should be based on averag e atmospheri c temp erat ure in your r iding are a. T he f ollow ing prov ides a guide t o the select ion of t he pr oper gr ade or viscosit y of oil t o be used a t var ious atmosph eric temperatures. JA SO T 903 st anda rd T he JA SO T 903 sta ndar d is an inde x f or engine oils f or 4-s[...]

  • Página 109

    Engine o il quali ty is th e chie f f act or af f ect ing engine serv ice lif e. Change th e engi ne oil as specif ied in the maintenanc e schedule ( page ). Wh en running in very dust y condit ions, o il changes sh ould be per f ormed more f requently t han specif ied in t he maint enance schedule . Please dispo se of u sed engine oil in a manne r[...]

  • Página 110

    − − Fil l the cra nkca se with the re co mme nde d grade o il; approxima tely: Place a n o il dra in p an under th e crankc ase. R emove the oil f il l cap/ dipstick, oil dr ain b olt ( ) a nd se aling washer ( ). Check t hat the sealing washer on the drain bolt is in good condit ion and insta ll the bol t . R eplace t he sealing washer every o[...]

  • Página 111

    Clean the oil strainer screen. Drain t he e ngine oil (pa ge ). Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . R emove the oi l strainer sc reen cap ( ). T he spr ing ( ) and oil str ainer scree n ( ) will come out when t he oil strainer screen cap is removed. Check that the oil str ainer screen, sealin g rubber and O-ring ( ) are [...]

  • Página 112

    − − If a t orque wr ench is not used f or t his insta llat ion, see your Hon da deale r a s soon as possible to v erif y proper assembly. Fil l the cra nkca se with the re co mme nde d grade o il; approxima tely: I n s t a l lt h eo i ls t r a i n e rs c r e e n ,s p r i n ga n d oil str ainer scree n cap. Oil str ainer scre en cap t orque : St[...]

  • Página 113

    Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . R ecommende d plugs: Sta ndard: Never use a spar k plug wit h an impr oper heat ra nge. Sev ere engine da mage could result. R emove t he plu g mai ntenance li d ( ) by removi ng the screw ( ). 1. (2) (1) 1 2 87 (1) Plug maintenance lid (2) Screw SPA R K P L UG 103 CPR7EA -9 (NGK) 10/0[...]

  • Página 114

    −− Disconnect the spar k plug ca p ( ) f rom the spar k plug. Inspec t the electrodes and center porcelain f or deposit s, er osion or carbon f ouling. If the er osion or deposit is he avy, replace t he plug. Clean a carbon or wet - f ouled plug with a plug cleaner, otherwise use a w ire br ush. C h e c kt h es p a r kp l u gg a p( )u s i n ga [...]

  • Página 115

    Make sure t he plug wa sher i s in good condition. With the pl ug washe r attach ed, thread the spar k plug in by hand to pr event cross-t hrea ding. T ight en t he spa rk plug: If th e old plug is good: 1/8 turn af t er it seats. If inst alling a new plug, t ight en it tw ice to prevent loosening : Install the removed parts in t he reverse order o[...]

  • Página 116

    Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Coolant s hould be r eplace d by a Honda dealer, unless t he own er has proper t ools and service data and is mechani call y qualif ied. R ef er t o an of f icial Honda Shop Manual. A lways add c oolan t t o t he reserve tank. Do n o ta t t e m p tt oa d dc o o l a n tb yr e m o v i n [...]

  • Página 117

    − Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Check t he f ront f ork a ssembly by locking th e f ro nt bra ke and pumping the f ork up and dow n vigorously. Suspension act ion should be smoot h and t here must be no oil leaka ge. Check f or smooth rot at ion of t he t hrot tle grip f rom t he f ully open t o t he f ully close[...]

  • Página 118

    Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Perf orm t he f ollowing maintenance in accord ance with the mai ntenance sc hedul e. Funct ional Ch eck: Check the side st and spr ing ( ) f or damage or loss of te nsion and t h e side st and ass embly f or f reedom of moveme nt. Check t he side st and ignit ion cut -of f system: Pla[...]

  • Página 119

    〈〉 Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . Brake pad wear depen ds upo n the severity of usage, t he ty pe o f r iding, a nd roa d conditions . (Gene ral ly, t he pad s will w ear f a ste r on wet a nd dirty roads.) Inspect the pads at each r egular maint enance inte rva l (pa ge ). Check t he w ea r indi cat or ma rks ([...]

  • Página 120

    〈〉 Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . When the brake service is necessary, see your Honda dealer . Use only Honda Genuine Par ts or it s equiv alent . T he rear brake is equipped w it h a br ake wea r indica tor . Wh en the br ake is ap plied, an arr ow ( ) attac hed to the brak e arm ( ) mov es toward a ref erence [...]

  • Página 121

    Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . It is not nec essar y to ch eck the batte ry electrolyte level or add distilled water as t he battery is a maintenance-f ree (sealed) type. If your batt ery seems w eak and/or is leaking ele ctr olyt e ( causing har d st art ing or other elect rical t roubles), contact your Honda dea l[...]

  • Página 122

    R emo val: Headlight s sta y on af ter th e e ngine is stopped by t he Idling Stop syst em. T h eb a t t e r ym a yd i s c h a r g ea n dy o um a yn o t be able t o r est art engi ne. When the batt ery is wea k, swi tch the Idli ng Sto p switc h to ‘‘ ’’ a nd do not to us e th e Idling St op system. See your Honda dealer t o check the ba tt[...]

  • Página 123

    − + + − − + Remo ve the batter y ( ). Disconnect t he ne gat ive ( ) te rminal le ad ( ) f ro m the batte ry f ir st, then disconnect t he positive ( ) te rmina l le ad () . Insta llation: R eins tall in the rever se order of removal. Be sure to connect t he po sitiv e ( ) term in al f irs t, then th e neg ati ve ( ) term ina l. Check a[...]

  • Página 124

    Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . W h e n fr e q u e n t fu s e fa i l u r e o c c u rs , i t usually indicat es a short circuit or an over load in the elect rical syst em. See your Honda dea ler f or r epair . Never use a f use wit h a dif f e rent ra ting f rom t hat speci f ied. Serious damag e to the electrical s y[...]

  • Página 125

    Fuse Box: Pull ou t t he old f use and in sta ll a new f use. O p e nt h ef u s eb o xc o v e r( ) . Remo ve the batter y cov er (pag e ). T h ef u s eb o x( )i sl o c a t e dn e a r t h eb a t t e r y . Th e s p e c i fi e d fu s e s a re : Main f use 1 Main f use 2 Sub f use T he spare f us es ( ) are located in the f use box. Close t he f use bo[...]

  • Página 126

    Re fe r t o t h e S a fe t y P r e c a u ti o n s o n p a g e . T he light bulb becomes v ery hot w hile the light is ON, and re mains ho t f or a w hile a f t e ri ti st u r n e dO F F .B es u r et ol e ti tc o o l down bef ore se rvicing. Be sur e to tu rn the ig ni tion switc h OFF whe n repla cing th e bulb. Do not use bulbs ot her than th ose [...]

  • Página 127

    Pull back t he r ubber dust cove r ( ). Insta ll t he rubber dust cov er w ith its ‘‘T OP’’ ma rk ( ) f acing up. T ur n the bulb ( ) count erclockw ise, and remove it. R emove th e bulb f rom the connect or ( ). Ins tall a n ew bulb in the reverse ord er of removal . 4. 3. 2. 1. (1) (4) (2) (3) 4 2 1 3 (1) R ubber dust cover (2) Bul b (3) [...]

  • Página 128

    Ins tall a n ew bulb in the reverse ord er of removal . Pull out t he bulb ( ) wit hout tur ning. T ur n the socket ( ) count erclockw ise, and remove it. T he right and lef t posit ion light bulbs replacem ent can be done in the sam e way. 1. 2. 3. (1) (2) 1 2 (1) Soc ket (2) Bul b Posit ion L ight Bulb 118 10/02/17 17:02:33 32KWN600_128[...]

  • Página 129

    Re mo ve th e sc r e ws ( ). While th e rear c over ( ) pressing as illustr ation, unhook the prongs ( ), f rom the f ron t side of t he rear cover. R emove the rear cover. 1. 2. 3. (1) (2) (3) (3) (2) (3) (3) 1 2 3 (3) (1) Screws (2) Rear cover (3) Pron gs Brak e/T ail L ig ht Bulb 119 10/02/17 17:02:38 32KWN600_129[...]

  • Página 130

    T ur n the socket ( ) count erclockw ise, and remove it. Slightly pre ss the bulb ( ) and turn it counter clockwise . Ins tall a n ew bulb in the reverse ord er of removal . 4. 5. 6. 5 (4) (5) 4 (4) Soc ket (5) Bul b 120 10/02/17 17:02:43 32KWN600_130[...]

  • Página 131

    Use only t he a mber bulb. Ins tall a n ew bulb in the reverse ord er of removal . Slightly pre ss the bulb ( ) and turn it counter clockwise . T ur n the socket ( ) count erclockw ise, and remove it. T he right a nd lef t t urn sign al bulbs replacem ent can be done in the sam e way. 1. 2. 3. (2) (1) 1 2 (2) Bul b (1) Soc ket F ron t T urn Sig nal[...]

  • Página 132

    T he right a nd lef t t urn sign al bulbs replacem ent can be done in the sam e way. R emove t he t urn signa l a ssembly ( ) by removi ng the screws ( ). Use only t he a mber bulb. Ins tall a n ew bulb in the reverse ord er of removal . Slightly pre ss the bulb ( ) and turn it counter clockwise . Unhook the hoo k ( ) a nd remov e the turn s ign al[...]

  • Página 133

    R emove th e license light cove r ( ). Pull out t he bulb ( ) wit hout tur ning. Ins tall a n ew bulb in the reverse ord er of removal . Re mo ve th e sc r e ws ( ). 1. 2. 3. 4. (2) (3) 2 3 1 (1) (1) Screws (2) L icense light cover (3) Bul b Li c e n s e Li g h t B u l b 123 10/02/17 17:03:02 32KWN600_133[...]

  • Página 134

    We recommend a voiding the use of high pres sure w at er spr ay ( typ ica l in c oin- operat ed car washes). Clean t he plastic parts usin g a cloth or sponge dampened w ith a solution of mild dete rge nt and wat er . Rub th e soiled area gent ly r insing it f re quent ly w it h f resh water. Avoid cleani ng produ cts that are not specif ically des[...]

  • Página 135

    After c le a n in g, ri n se th e sc oo te r thor oughly wit h plent y of clea n wat er. Str ong dete rgent res idue can corr ode alloy pa rts . Dry th e scoot er, st art t he engine and le t it run f or several m inu tes. T est t he bra kes bef ore riding t he scoot er. Sever al applica tions may be necessar y to rest ore norma l braking per f or [...]

  • Página 136

    A f ter w ashing y our scoot er, consider using a commer cially-av ailable spray cleaner / polish or quali ty liqui d or pa st e wa x t o f inish the job. Use only a non-a brasiv e polish or wax made specif ically f or mot orcycles or auto mobiles. A ppl y th e polish or wa x according t o the instr uctions on t he conta iner. R oad Sa lt used on r[...]

  • Página 137

    A luminum ma y cor rode f rom cont act w it h dirt , mud, or roa d salt . Clean t he wheels af t er riding thr oug h any of th ese substa nces. U se a w et sponge and mild de terge nt. Avoi d stiff bru shes , s teel wool , o r cleaner s conta ining abra sives or ch emical compounds. A f ter w ash ing, r inse w ith plen ty of wat er and dry with a c[...]

  • Página 138

    Empty the f uel tank into an a pproved petr ol cont aine r u sing a commer cially availab le hand sip hon or an equival ent me thod. S pray the in sid e of the tan k with an ae rosol rust -inhibit ing oil. R einst all t he f uel f ill cap on the ta nk. Exten ded storage , such as f o r winter , requi re s that y ou take certain steps t o reduce t h[...]

  • Página 139

    − T o prev ent rust ing in t he cylinder, perf orm the f ollowing: R emove th e spa rk plug cap f rom t he spark plug. Using ta pe or s tr ing, secur e the cap to any conven ient plastic bod y part so tha t it is posit ioned a wa y f rom the spar k plug. R emove the spark plug f rom the engine and stor e it in a saf e pl ace. Do not conne ct t he[...]

  • Página 140

    Uncover and clean the scooter. Change t he e ngine oil if mor e th an 4 mo nths have pa ssed sin ce the s tart of stora ge. Char ge th e bat te ry a s requir ed. Inst all t he ba ttery . Drain a ny excess aerosol r ust-inh ibiting oil f rom t he f uel t ank. F ill th e f ue l t ank with f resh petrol. Perf orm all Pr e-r ide Inspect ion che cks (pa[...]

  • Página 141

    Person al saf ety is yo ur f irst priority af t er a crash. If you or anyone els e has been injured, t ake t ime t o a ssess t he sever ity of the injuries a nd whet he r it is sa f e t o continue riding. Ca ll f or emergency assist ance if ne eded. A lso f ollow a pplicable laws and regulations if another person or vehicle is invol ved in the cras[...]

  • Página 142

    Overall length Over all w idth Overall height Wheelbase Engine oil A f ter draining A f ter disasse mbly Fue l ta nk T r ansmission oil A f ter dr aining A f ter disasse mbly Cooling syst em capa city Passe nger capaci ty Maxim um weight cap acity SPECIF ICA T IONS DIMENSIONS CA PA CIT IES 132 1,305 mm (51.4 in ) 1,090 mm (42.9 in ) 740 mm (29.1 in[...]

  • Página 143

    ×× −− ± Bore a nd stroke Com pressi on ratio Displacement Spark plug Sta ndard S p a r kp l u gg a p Idle speed ENGINE 133 52.4 57.9 mm (2.06 2.28 in ) 11.0 : 1 125 cm (7.6 cu-i n) CPR7EA -9 (NGK) 0.80 0.90 mm (0.031 0.035 in ) 1,700 100 min (rpm) 10/02/17 17:03:58 32KWN600_143[...]

  • Página 144

    − Caste r Tr ai l T yr e size, f ront T yre size, rea r Ty re t y p e Primar y re duction Fina l reduct ion CHA SSIS A ND SUSPENSION POW ER T R A NSMISSION 134 27°00’ 86 mm (3.4 in ) 90/90-14M/C 46P SS-560F 100/90-14M/C 57P SS-560R bias -ply, tubel ess VB e l t 11.271 IRC IRC 10/02/17 17:04:05 32KWN600_144[...]

  • Página 145

    − −× − −× −× −× − Ba ttery Generat or Headlight Brake /T a il light T ur n signal light Fr ont Re ar Position light L icense light Main f use 1 Main f use 2 Sub f use EL ECT RICA L LI G H TS FU SE 135 12V 6Ah (10HR) / 6.3Ah (20HR) 0.308 kW / 5,000 min (rpm) 12V 35/30W 2 12V 21/5W 12V 21W 2 12V 21W 2 12V 5W 2 12V 5W 10A 30A 10A, 15[...]

  • Página 146

    T he catalytic converter must operate at a high t emper at ure f or t he ch emical rea ctions to t ake place. It can set on f ire any combustible ma te rials t hat come ne ar it . Park your scoot er aw ay f rom h igh grasses, dry leav es, or ot her f lammables. A def ec tive catalytic converter con tributes to a ir pollut ion, and ca n impair your [...]