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MS4980 Area Imaging S canner Installation and User's Gu ide[...]
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Disclaime r Honeywell Int ernational I nc. (“HII ”) reserves the r ight to make c hanges in specificat ions and other inf ormation co ntained in t his document without prior notice, and the reader shoul d in all cases consult HII to determine whether an y such changes hav e been made. The informat ion in this publi cation does not represent a c[...]
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iii T able of Cont ents Introduct ion Product Overview ............................................................................................. 1 Base Kit ............................................................................................................ 2 Optional Acc e ssories ........................................................[...]
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iv Applications and Protoc ols ............................................................................. 27 Configura tion and Upgr ades Configurati on Modes ...................................................................................... 29 Upgrading the Firmware ...........................................................................[...]
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1 Introduction Product O verview The MS4980 is a high perform ance area imagin g bar code sc anner packe d into a small yet rugge d form fact or. The scanner fe atures a high - r esolution CMO S imaging sensor to deliver exc ellent om nidirection al 1D, PDF4 17 and 2D bar code scan performa nce, optica l character r ecognition (O CR) and image c ap[...]
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2 Basic Kit Part # Description MS4980 Area I maging Bar C ode Scanner 00 - 02544 Met roSelect ® S ingle - Line Conf iguration G uide* 00 - 05252 Ar ea Imaging Bar Code Scanner Supplemental C onfigurati on Guide* 70 - 79037 MS 4980 Scanner I nstallatio n and User ’ s Gui de * *Available for download from www.honeywellaidc.com Optional Accessor ie[...]
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3 Sca nner Compone nts Figure 1. Scanner Components Item No. Description Button Camera Image r Infrared Sens or (IR) Targeting Window Area Illuminat ion Cable Connect ion (15- pin HD - 22 D- t ype connector) M3 Mounting Hol es White LED Blue LED Maintenan ce Smudges and dirt on the unit’ s windo w can inter[...]
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4 Cable Installation Important : I f the cable is not f ully attached, the unit ma y power intermitt entl y. Figure 2. Cable Installati on 1. Insert the 15 - p in D - t ype connector end of the cable int o the socket on the MS4980. 2. Rotate the t wo scre ws clockwise to t ighten. 3. Gently pul l on the cable st rain relief t o insure the c able is[...]
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5 Labels Every scanner has a label loc ated on the un derside of the unit. The label contains import ant informat ion such as t he unit’s date of manufactur e, serial number, CE an d caution infor mation. Figure 4 provides an example of the label. Figure 4 . Label Example Caution : To maintain c ompliance with applicable s tandards, all circuits [...]
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7 Installation RS232 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the 15 - pin socket end of t he cable into the 1 5- pin D- Typ e connector on t he MS4980 (see page 4) . 3. Connect the 9 - pin D - type connec tor of the communic ation cable t o the proper COM port of the host devic e. 4. Plug the po wer supply int o the po wer jack on the Po werLink cabl [...]
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8 Keyboar d Wedge 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the 15 - pin socket end of t he cable into the 1 5- pin D- Typ e connector on t he MS4980 (see page 4) . 3. Disconnect the keyboard f rom the host device. 4. Connect the “ Y” ends of the communicatio n cable to the keyboard and keyboard port on the host device. I f necessar y, use the male/[...]
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9 USB (Power ed by t he Host De vice) 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the 15 - pin socket end of t he USB cable into the 1 5- pin D- Typ e connector on t he MS4980 (see page 4). 3. Plug the USB end of the cable i nto the host’s USB por t . 4. Turn on the ho st device. 5. The MS4980 will start to init ializ e. The white and bl ue LED will alt[...]
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10 USB (Power ed by Ext ernal Power Su pply) 1. Turn off the host device. 2. Plug the 15 - pin socket end of t he cable into the 1 5- pin D- Type connector on t he MS4980 (see page 4). 3. Plug the USB end of the cabl e into the host’s USB port . 4. Plug the po wer supply i nto the po wer jack on the Po werLink cable . 5. Check the AC i nput requi[...]
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11 Mounting Specifi cations The MS4980 has three M3 x 0.5 mm t hreaded insert s on the bottom of t he scanner for mount ing with scr ews. Figure 10.[...]
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12 Mounting General Gui delin es • Avoid specul ar reflections , caused by am bient and int ernal light sources. • The bar code s hould be slight ly off perpen dicular to t he axis of the scanner. • To reduce spe cular reflect ions the ske w angle can var y significa ntly depending on t he applicat ion such as: ambi ent illumi nation sour ces[...]
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13 Operation Modes of Oper ation The MS4980 supp orts two standar d modes of operation for s canning bar c odes, automatic activ ation and ma nual activ ation scanning. Scanning while in the automatic activ ation mode ca n occur in eit her one of two co nfigurable opt ions, pass - throug h or presentat ion. Both t he pass - throug h and the pre[...]
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14 Manual Activation Decodes ALL 1D, PDF and 2D matr ix codes Scanning Met hod: 1. Press the butt on one time to a ctivate lin ear targetin g . 2. Align th e linear targeting li ne over the des ired bar code. Note: When scan ning 1D program ming bar code s, the bar code must be presented t o the scanner i n the correct or ientation, see [...]
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15 Audible I ndicator s When the MS4980 is in operat ion, it provides audible fe edback. These s ounds indicate the st atus of the s canner. Eight settings are av ailable for the tone of t he beep (normal, six alternat e tones and no ton e). To change t he tone, refer to t he MetroSelect Single - Line C onfigurati on Guide, PN 00 - 025 44 , or Metr[...]
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16 Visual Indi cators The scanner h as blue and white LED indicators on either side of t he button on the top of the unit. W hen the scanner is on, the intensit y of the LED and the f lashing or stationary act ivity of the LEDs , indicat es the status of the c urrent scan and the di agn ostic scanner. No LEDs are Illuminated The LEDs will not be il[...]
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17 Failure M odes Long Razzberry Tone – During Power Up Failed to initia lize or conf igure the sc anner. If the sc anner does not resp ond after reconfigurati on, retur n the scanner for rep air. Short Razzberry Tone – During Scanning An Invalid bar code has been scanned when in configurati on mode.[...]
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18 Field of View Figure 14. MS4980 Field of Vi ew Specificat ions are subject to can without notice.[...]
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19 Depth of Field Minimum Bar Cod e Element Width 1D PDF A B C D E F mm .132 .190 . 264 .330 . 190 .381 mils 5.2 7. 5 10.4 13 7. 5 15 Figure 15. Depth of Field Note : Standard m odels ship with the abilit y to read all 1D, P DF and 2D bar codes. Decodi ng and functio nal capabilit y is limited a nd units will not support ke y features includ ing, b[...]
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20 IR Activat ion Ra ng e The MS4980 scann er has a built in o bject det ection sensor t hat instantl y turns on the scanner when an object is pr esented within the scan ner’s IR act ivation area. Figure 16. IR Activation Area Specificat ions are subject to can without notice.[...]
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21 T roubleshooting Guide The follo wing guide is for r eference purp oses only. Cont act a customer service representativ e to preserve th e limited warranty terms , see page 45 . All Interfaces Symptoms Possible Causes S olution No LEDs, beep or illumination . No power is being supplied to t he scanner. Check transfor mer, outlet an d power strip[...]
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22 Symptoms Possible Causes S olution The unit po wers up, but does not bee p when bar code is scanne d. The beeper is dis abled and no tone is selec ted. Enable the bee per and select a tone. The unit po wers up, but does not scan and/or beep. The bar code s ymbology trying to be sca nned is not enabled. UPC/EAN, Co de 39, interleaved 2 o f 5, Cod[...]
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23 Symptoms Possible Causes S olution The unit beeps at some bar codes and NOT for others of t he same bar code symbology. The bar code m ay have been printed in correctly. Check i f it is a check digit/charac ter/or bord er problem. The scanner is not configured c orrectly for this type of bar code. Check if check digits are set properly. The mini[...]
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24 Symptoms Possible Causes S olution The unit scans but the data is not correct. The scanner a nd host may not be confi gured for the same interf ace parameters. Check that the scanner and t he host are config ured for the same interfac e parameters. The follo wing item is only rel evant for an RS 232 interfac e. The unit po wers up OK and scans O[...]
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25 Design Specif ications Operatio nal Light Source: LED 645 nm ± 7.5 nm Pulse Duration: Up to 4 mS (Default) Maximum Output of LED: 2.63 mW Depth of Scan Field: 40 mm – 300 mm ( 1.57" – 11.8") for 0.33 mm (13 mil) Field of View: 40 mm x 30 mm ( 1.57" x 1.18" ) @ 40mm (1.57") from Face 250 mm x 187.5 mm ( 9.84" x [...]
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26 Elect r ical Input Voltage: 5.2 VDC ± 0.25V RS232, USB w/ Power Jack , Keyboard Wedge USB Host Powered Power: Peak 2.1 W (Typical) 1.9 W (Typical) Operating 1.7 W (Typical) 1.7 W (Typical) Idle 1.2 W (Typical) 1.2 W (Typical) Current: Peak 398 mA (Typical) 360 mA (Typical) Operating 331 mA (Typical) 317 mA (Typical) Idle 230 mA (Typical[...]
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27 Applications and Protocol s The model number on each scann er includes t he scanner num ber . Scanner Version Identifier Communicati on Protocol(s) MS4980 124 Interfaces sup ported inclu de: • RS232 (TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS) • Keyboard Wed ge • USB USB is co nfigurable for Keyboard Emulation Mode, Bi -Directional Serial Emulation Mode o[...]
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29 Configuration and Upgrades Configur ation M odes The MS4980 has three modes of configurati on. • Bar Codes The MS4980 can be co nfigured b y scanning the bar codes inclu ded in the Metro Select Singl e - Line Confi guration Gui de or the Area I maging Supplemental C onfigurati on Guide shipped with the area i mager. The manuals are avai lable [...]
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30 Upgradin g the Firmwar e The MS4980 scann er is part of Hone ywell’s line of s canners with flash upgradeable f irmware. T he upgrade pr ocess requir es a new firm ware file supplied to t he customer by a c ustomer servi ce represent ative and the MetroSet2 soft ware . A persona l computer runn ing Windows 9 5 or greater with an available [...]
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31 Scanner and Cable T erminations Scanner Pi nout RS232 Keyboar d Wedge 15 - pin, D - t ype 15 - pin, D - t ype Pin Function Pin Function 1 Reserved 1 PC Data 2 Reserved 2 KB Clock 3 Reserved 3 KB Data 4 Reserved 4 Reserved 5 Reserved 5 Reserved 6 Ground 6 Ground 7 TXD 7 Reserved 8 RXD 8 Jump to Pin 11 9 Reserved 9 PC Clock 10 Reserved 10 Host Pow[...]
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32 USB wi thout Pow er Jack USB wi th Power Jack 15 - pin, D - t ype 15 - pin, D - t ype Pin Function Pin Function 1 Reserved 1 Reserved 2 Reserved 2 Reserved 3 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 USB D - 4 USB D - 5 USB D + 5 USB D + 6 Ground 6 Ground 7 Reserved 7 Reserved 8 Reserved 8 Jump to Pin 11 9 Reserved 9 Reserved 10 Host Power(+5V) 10 Host Power(+5V) 1[...]
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33 Cable Co nnector C onfigurat ions (H ost End) RS232 PowerLink Cable PN 52-52557x-3 Pin Function 9-Pin D- Type Connector 1 Shield Ground 2 RS232 Trans mit Output 3 RS232 Receiv e Input 4 No Connect 5 Power/Signa l Ground 6 Reserved 7 CTS Input 8 RTS Output 9 5VDC Host USB PowerLink Cable PN 52-52559 x -3 Pin Function Non-Locking, Type A 1 PC +5V [...]
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34 Keyboard Wedge PowerLink Ca ble PN 52-52558x-3 Pin Function 5-Pin DIN, Female 1 Keyboard Cloc k 2 Keyboard Dat a 3 No Connect 4 Power Ground 5 +5 Volts DC Pin Function 6-Pin DIN, Male 1 PC Data 2 No Connect 3 Power Ground 4 +5 Volts DC 5 PC Clock 6 No Connect A n adapter cable with a 5 - pin DIN male co nnector on on e end and a 6 - pin mini DIN[...]
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35 Limited W arranty Honeywell Int ernational I nc. ("HI I") warrants i ts products an d optional accessories t o be free from de fects in mater ials and workm anship and t o co nform to HII’s published sp ecifications applicable t o the products purchased at the time of ship ment. This warranty does not cover any HII product which i s [...]
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36 All provisio ns of this Lim ited Warrant y are separ ate and sever able, which m eans that if any provi sion is held i nvalid and une nforceable, such determi nation shall not affect t he validity of enforceabili ty of the ot her provisions hereof. Use of any peripherals n ot provided b y the manufactur er may resu lt in damage not covered by th[...]
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37 Regulatory Com pliance Safety ITE Equipment IEC 60950 - 1, EN 60950 -1 LED Class 1 LED Product : IEC 60825 - 1: 1993+A1+A2, EN 60825 - 1:1994+ A1+A2 Caution Use of controls or adjustment s or performan ce of procedur es other than t hose specified her ein may result in hazardous r adiation ex posure. Under no circumstanc es should the cust omer [...]
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38 Wenn Sie dies tun, können Si e sich einer gef ährlichen Lic ht emitti erender Diodenstrahl un g aussetz en. Der Ei nsatz optisc her Geräte mi t dieser Laserausrüstu ng erhöht das Risiko einer Sehschädig ung. Attenzione L'utilizzo di s istemi di co ntrollo , di regolazioni o di procedim enti divers i da quelli descritti ne l presente M[...]
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39 This device co mplies with par t 15 of the F CC Rules. Operati on is subject t o the following t wo conditions: ( 1) This devic e may not cause h armful inter ference, and (2) this devic e must accept an y interferenc e received, inc luding int erference that may cause undes ired operati on. Notice This Class A di gital apparat us complies with [...]
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40 Changes or modificat ions not expr essly approv ed by the part y responsible for compliance c ould void the us er’s authori ty to operat e the equipment . Class B Devices The follow ing is applicabl e when the scann er cable is less than 3 meters (9.8 feet) in l ength when f ully extended: Les instructi ons ci - dessou s s’appliqu ent aux ca[...]
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41 Patents Fo r patent informat ion, please r efer to www.h oneywellai dc.com/patent s.[...]
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43 Index A AC ........................................... 2, 26 accessories ................................... 2 adapter .................................... 2, 34 audible indic ator .............. 13 – 17, 30 B bar code .................... 19, 21 – 24, 29 beep .................... 13 – 17, 21 – 24, 30 blue LED .......................... [...]
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44 R razz ........................... 13 – 17, 21 – 24 repair ........................................... 36 RMA ............................................ 36 RS232 ........................ see interfac e S safety ........................................... 37 service ......................................... 36 specificat ions ..............[...]
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45 C ustomer Support Technical Assist ance If you need assi stance install ing or troubl eshooti ng your devi ce, please call your distributor or the nearest t echnical supp ort off ice: North America/Canad a Telephone: ( 800) 782 - 4263 E- mail: hsmnasupp ort@hone ywell.com Latin America Telephone: ( 803) 835 - 8000 Telephone: ( 800) 782 - 4263 E-[...]
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46 Product S ervice an d Repair Honeywell Int ernational I nc. provid es service f or all its prod ucts through s ervice centers throu ghout the world. To obtain warranty or non - warranty service, contact the ap propriate loc ation belo w to obtain a Retur n Material Authorization number (RMA #) bef ore returnin g the produc t. North America Telep[...]
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Honeywell Sca nning & Mobility 9680 Old Baile s Road Fort Mill , SC 29707 www.honey wellaidc.com 70 - 79037 Rev D 2 /1 1[...]