HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000 manual


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As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000. A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoHP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000 vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000 você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000, e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000 deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000 não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000 e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço HP (Hewlett-Packard) na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000, como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000, uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual HP (Hewlett-Packard) sx2000. Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1

    User Ser vice Gu ide HP In tegr ity Su perdome/ sx200 0 Serv er Seco nd Edi tion Manufacturi ng P a rt Number : A9834-9001B September 2006[...]

  • Página 2

    2 Legal Noti c es Copyright 2006 Hew lett-Packard Develop men t Com pany , L.P . The i nform at ion c ont ai ned h ere in is s ubj ec t to cha nge wi thout n oti ce. The only w arrant ies for H P pr oducts and s er vices a re set forth in the ex press w arranty st a tements accom panying such p roducts and s ervices. No thing he rein should be con [...]

  • Página 3

    Con t en ts 3 1. Over view Ser v er Histor y and Specif i cat ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ser v er Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 P ower Syst em [...]

  • Página 4

    Con tents 4 Hard ware Correct ed Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Glo bal S hared M emory E rrror s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Hard ware Uncor rect able Errors . . . . . .[...]

  • Página 5

    Con t en ts 5 Ins tallin g and V erify ing the PDCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03 V olta ge Che c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Removi ng th e EMI P anels . . . [...]

  • Página 6

    Con tents 6 Booti ng Re d Hat En terpri se Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 Booti ng Su SE Li nux En t erpr ise Serv er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 66 Shut t ing Do w n Lin ux . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Página 7

    Con t en ts 7 P owerin g Off the Syst em Usi ng the pe Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Tur n ing On Hous ekeepi n g P ower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 P oweri n g On the Syst em Usi ng th e pe Comman d . . . [...]

  • Página 8

    Con tents 8[...]

  • Página 9

    Ta b l e s 9 T able 1-1. HSO LED Stat us Indica tor Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 T able 1-2. Supported P rocessor s and Minim um Fir mware V ersion Requir ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 T able 2-1. Server Component D imensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Página 10

    Ta b l e s 10[...]

  • Página 11

    Fig u re s 11 Fi gure 1- 1. Superdome Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Fi gure 1- 2. U GU Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fi gure 1- 3. M ana gement Process or . .[...]

  • Página 12

    Fig u re s 12 Fi gure 3- 31. P ow er Supply Indi c ator LED Deta il . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 09 Fi gure 3- 32. Re moving Front EMI Pa nel Sc rew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Fi gure 3- 33. Re moving the Bac k EMI Pa nel . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Página 13

    Fig u re s 13 Fi gure C-1 6. Pow er Status F i rst Wi nd o w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6 Fi gure C-1 7. Pow er Status W indow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 6 Fi gure D-1. Ca ble Cut outs and Caster Locati ons . . [...]

  • Página 14

    Fig u re s 14[...]

  • Página 15

    15 Ab out T hi s Doc u me nt This document c ontains a syst em overvi ew , s ystem s pecific paramete r s, how to inst all the system, and operat ing system specific s for the s y stem.[...]

  • Página 16

    16 Intende d Audience Th is doc ument is in tend e d for HP t rain ed Cust omer Suppo rt C on sult ants . Do c u me nt Or g ani z at io n This do cu m ent is orga nized as follow s: Chapte r 1 This cha pt er pre sent s an hist oric al view of th e Superd ome ser ver f amily , descri b es the various s erver compo n ents, and desc r ibes h ow the se[...]

  • Página 17

    17 Ty pogra phic Conven tions The follow ing ty p ograph ic conve nti on s are use d in th is public ation . W ARNING A wa rn in g l ists requ ire ment s th at you mus t me et to a vo id pe rsonal inj ury . CA UTION A c au tion p rovid es in formatio n r eq uir ed to avoid losin g d ata o r avoid losing sy stem functio nality . IMPOR T ANT P ro vid[...]

  • Página 18

    18 Re la ted I nfo rma t ion Y o u ca n fin d oth e r inf o rm a tion o n HP serv er ha r d ware man agem e nt , Mic ro so f t® Wind o ws ®, a nd di agn os tic support to ol s at the follow i ng W eb sit es . Web S ite fo r HP T e chnical Documen tation: http:// d ocs.hp.com This is th e main W eb site for H P tech nic al doc um en tation. This s[...]

  • Página 19

    19 Publ ishing Hi story The pu blish ing histor y of th is doc um e n t inclu d es the followi ng ed itions. U pda te s are m ad e to this docu m e nt on an unscheduled as ne eded bas is . The upd a tes con s ist of a complet e replace ment manual and perti nent W eb-bas ed or CD documen tation . Fi rst Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Página 20

    20 HP Encourages Y our Comments HP welc omes yo ur feedb a c k on t hi s publ i cat i on . Addre s s y our comme n ts to edit @pr esskit .rsn.h p.c om an d note that you w ill no t rec eive an im media te repl y . All comme nts a re apprecia ted.[...]

  • Página 21

    Chapter 1 21 1 Overview The H P s uperscala ble sx2000 proc essor ch ipset is the new chipset fo r the Superdo me h igh-end p latform. It suppor ts up t o 128 P A-RIS C or Intel Itanium 2 processor s and provides an enter prise server up grade path for the Superdo me line o f syste m s. Th e sx2000 p rovide s the final majo r hard ware upgr ad e to[...]

  • Página 22

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w 22 - A new cell board - A n ew system back plane and it’s powe r board - A new I/O backplanes and it ’ s power bo ar d - New I/O - backplane c ables - And the addition of a redundant, hot swap pable c lo ck sourc e .[...]

  • Página 23

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Server H istory and Specifi cations 23 Ser ver His tory and Specificati ons Super dome was intr odu ced as the ne w platfor m architecture for HP high -end se rvers in 2000-200 4. Sup er dome re pr esen ted the fir st coll abo rat ive h ard war e de sig n ef fort be tw een t rad it iona l HP a nd Conv ex tec hnologi es . Superd[...]

  • Página 24

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Server Co m ponents 24 Ser ver Componen ts A Supe rdo m e syst em con sist s of the fo llo win g type s of ca bine t ass emb lies: At least one Superdome l eft cabin et . The Superdome cabin et s co nta i n all of the proces so r s , memory , and cor e devic es of the syst em. They also house most (usual l y all) of t he syst [...]

  • Página 25

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Server Components 25 When the P A du al -c ore o r the IA dual-c ore proc es sor s are used, the CPU cou nts are dou bled by the use of the dual -die pr oces sors , as supporte d on th e Itanium cell boards. Up to 128 processo rs can be suppo rted. F igu re 1-1 S up er dome Ca bi net Blo wers Backplane Cables Util ities I/O Cha[...]

  • Página 26

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w P ower System 26 Po w e r S y s t e m The power subsys tem consi sts of th e fol lo win g compo nent s: - 1 or 2 P ower Di stribut ion Component Assembly (PD C A) - 1 Front End P o wer Supply (FEPS) - Up to 6 Bulk P ower Supp lie s (B PS ) - 1 power board per cell - An HIOB po wer sy stem - Backplane power bric k s - P ow er m[...]

  • Página 27

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Po w er System 27 - Inline connector: Mennekes ME532C6-16, 3 -phase, 5-wir e, 32 Am ps , 450/475 V , VDE c ertified, colo r red,IEC309-1, IEC309-2, grounded at 6:00 o'clock. - P anel-m o unt receptacle: Me nnekes ME 532R6-1276, 3-phas e, 5-wir e, 32 Am p , 450/475 V , VDE c ertified, color red, IEC30 9-1, IEC309-2, grounde[...]

  • Página 28

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Cooli ng System 28 Cooling System The Su perdome has fou r blower s and fiv e I/O fans per cabin et. These co mponents are all h ot-sw ap devi ces . All hav e LEDs in dicati n g the c u rrent s tatus . These LEDs a r e self -en planatio n. T emperat ure mon itori n g occur s for the follow ing : - Inle t air for t emper ature [...]

  • Página 29

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Cooli ng System 29 If the failure ca uses a tran sition to N - I/O or ma in fans in a CPU c abinet, the c abinet is im mediately powered off . If the failu re cau ses a transitio n to N- I/O fans in an IOX cabinet, the I/O backp lanes cont ained in th e I/O Chassis Enclosu re (ICE) contain i ng that fan group are immediat el y [...]

  • Página 30

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Utili ties Subsyst em 30 Util ities S ubsyste m The S uperdo me u tilitie s subs ystem is com prised of a numbe r of hard w are an d firm w a re c ompo nents loc ated thro ug hout th e Su p erd o m e syste m. Platform Management The s x2000 plat form ma nageme nt subs ystem consists o f a n umber of har dw are an d firmware co[...]

  • Página 31

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Utili ties Subsyst em 31 - Su p p o rts U S B fo r key bo a rd an d m o use at bo ot - Supports VGA du ri ng boot - Enables global shared me mo ry (GSM) - Supp orts PCI 2 .3, PCI-X 1.0, an d PCI-X 2.0 UGUY Ever y cabin e t co nta ins one U GU Y . Ref er to Figu re 1-2. The U GU Y p lug s into the HU CB. It is not ho t swa ppabl[...]

  • Página 32

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Utili ties Subsyst em 32 - Status LEDs for the SBA cable OL*, the cel l OL*, and the I/O backplane OL* PM3 F u nc ti on al it y The PM3 performs the fol low i n g func tion s : 1) FEPS contr ol an d monitorin g. F or eac h of th e BPSs in th e FEPS . Super d ome has six B PS and the UG U Y se nds 5 V to the BP S for use by the[...]

  • Página 33

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Utili ties Subsyst em 33 -The ability to process and s tore log en tries (chassi s cod es) - Console function s to every partiti on - OL* functions - Vi rtual f r ont panel and s y stem aler t notifi cat ion - The abilit y to conne ct to the MP for maint enance, e ither locally or r emot e ly - The abilit y to r un d iagnosti c[...]

  • Página 34

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Utili ties Subsyst em 34 HUC B The H UCB, sho wn in Fig ure 1-4, i s t he back plane of th e ut ility su bsystem . It provi d es c able dis tribution for all the utility signals except the cloc ks . It also prov ides the custom er LAN inter face and serial p orts. The SM S con nects to the HUC B . The sys tem ty pe sw itch is [...]

  • Página 35

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Backp l ane (Fabr ic) 35 Backpl ane (F abric ) The s ystem backplan e as sembly prov ides the followi ng f unction ality in an sx2000 s ystem: - Interfac es the CLU sub syste m to the sys te m back pl ane and ce ll mo d ules - Houses the system cro ssbar switc h f abrics and cell m o dule s - Prov ides s witch fabric i nterconn[...]

  • Página 36

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Backpl ane (F abric) 36 an ad ditional c rossbar in a sec ond ba ckplane for a dual ba ckplane c onfigura tion. T he conn ection is through a high-spe ed cable inter face to the seco nd backp lane. This 12-c able high -spe ed int erfac e replac es the fl ex cable inte r face pr eviously used on the Superdome system. Ba ck plan[...]

  • Página 37

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Backp l ane (Fabr ic) 37 Syste m Clo ck Distr i bution The following syst em compon ents rec eive t h e syst em clock are t he ei ght c ell board s that plug into to the bac kplane, the si x XBC cr ossbar swit ch c hips on th e system backpl a ne. Two bac kplane clock po wer dete c tors – one for each 8- w a y s ine c lock po[...]

  • Página 38

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Backpl ane (F abric) 38 The H SO c onnects to t he syst em bac kplane th rough an HM ZD2X 10 right-an gle recep tacle. sx2000 RC S Module The sx2000 RCS module su ppl ies clocks to the Su perd om e sx2000 back plan e, commu nic ates clock alarm to the RPM, and ac cepts contr o l in put fro m the RPM . It has an I2C EEP ROM o n[...]

  • Página 39

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Backp l ane (Fabr ic) 39 If on e of the HSOs ou t puts do es not ha v e t he c or re c t a mpl i t ude t hen t h e RCS u se s the other one as t he source of clock s and se nds an alar m sig nal to the RPM in dicat ing wh ich oscillat or failed. The gr een LE D is lit o n the good HSO and the yellow LED is lit on the failed HSO[...]

  • Página 40

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Backpl ane (F abric) 40 The b ackplan e has two slot s for pow er supply modules . The pow er s upply c onnector for each slot has a 1-bit slot a ddre s s t o i den tify the sl ot . The address bi t for power supply sl ot 0 i s gr ounded. The address b i t for s lot 1 is fl oating on t he backp l ane . The power supply module [...]

  • Página 41

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w CPUs and Memories 41 CPUs and Me mor ies The cell pro vide s the p roc es sin g and m emor y resou rces requir e d by each sx2000 system config uration. Each cell is comp r ise s the fol low ing co m pon e nts : four p roc e sso r mo d ule so ck ets, a single cell ( or co her en cy ) controller ASIC , a hig h-speed cross bar in[...]

  • Página 42

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w CPUs and Memories 42 The remote I/O lin k provi des a self-cor recting , h ig h-s peed communi cat i on pat hwa y between the cell and the I/O subsyste m thr o ugh a pair of cables. Sustain ed I/O bandw idth is 5.5 GBs for a 50 perce nt inbou nd and outb oun d mix, and roug hly 4.2 GBs for a range of mixes . The CC interfaces [...]

  • Página 43

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w CPUs and Memories 43 platfo rms ma y su pport DIMM s ba sed on non m ono lithic (or s tacked) DR AMs, w hich a re inc ompat ible with the sx2000. T here is no su pport f or the u se o f the older SDRAM D IMMs d esigned fo r Sup erdome. Cell mem ory is illu str ated in Figu re 1-9. F igure 1-9 Cell Memory DIMM s are named acc or[...]

  • Página 44

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w CPUs and Memories 44 indu stry-sta ndar d DIM M. T his in crease in height allows the DIM M to accomm odate twi ce as m any DRA Ms as an indu stry-st andard DIMM and to p rovide redundant address and contr ol signal c o n tacts not a vailab le on indu str y-sta ndar d DD R2 DI MM s . Memo ry Int er c o nne ct MID bus data is t[...]

  • Página 45

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w CPUs and Memories 45 - Cellma p (across cell s) - Link (ac r oss fabrics) Memo ry Ban k Attr ib ute T able The M BAT inte rleaving is d one on a p er -cell bas is be fore th e par tition is re ndezvous ed. The c ell ma p an d fabric inte r le aving are done af ter th e par titio n ha s rende zvo u se d . SDR A M on the cell boa[...]

  • Página 46

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w CPUs and Memories 46 Memo ry Er ror Pr ot ectio n All of t he CC cache lin es are pr otected in memor y by an error correction code (ECC). The sx 2 000 memory ECC schem e is sig nific ant ly differ en t from the sx100 0 mem o r y EC C sche me. An ECC code wo rd is con tain ed in each pair of 144-bi t chun ks . The memory data [...]

  • Página 47

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w CPUs and Memories 47 Platform Dependant Hardware The platform depe nden t hardware's (PDH ) includes fun cti onality that is required by bo th sy stem and managemen t fir mware. F eatures provided by the PDH p rovide th e follo wing fea tures : - An interface that is capable of passi ng mult ip le forms of informatio n bet[...]

  • Página 48

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w I/O Su bsyst em 48 I/O Subsyste m The sx2000 I/O backplan e (SIOBP) is an update of the sx1000 I/O backp lane, with a new set of chips that increas e the board’s internal ba ndwidth and support th e newer PC I-X 2.0 protocol. Th e sx2000 I/O b ackplane uses m ost of the sam e mech anical par ts as the sx 1000 I/O ba ck pla n[...]

  • Página 49

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w I/O S ubsystem 49 SB A Ch ip: CC - t o - R o p e s The SBA c hip communicates with the CC on the cell b oard v i a a pair of h i gh-s peed s eria l uni di re ctional link s known a s H S S or E-links. Eac h un idirectional E-lin k consists o f 20 serial 8b/10b e ncoded different ial data bits operatin g at 2.36 GT/s. This yield[...]

  • Página 50

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w I/O Su bsyst em 50 PC I S lot s F or m axim um per f orma nce and availa bility , ea ch PCI slot is sourc ed by its ow n LBA chip an d is sup ported b y its own por tion o f a hot-plu g controll er . All slots are designed to Revision 2.2 of t he PCI spec i ficat i on and Revision 2.0a of t he PCI-X s pecification and can supp[...]

  • Página 51

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w I/O S ubsystem 51 togeth er 5.V +3 . 3 V auxilar y will be on whene ver AC is applie d. The S I OBP F PGA is respons ible for ensu ring that each volt age is s ta ble befor e enab ling t h e next voltage. The pow er -down se quence is t h e opposi te o f the powe r -up seque nce, tu rning o ff t he 3.3 V vo ltage first a nd fi [...]

  • Página 52

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w New Server Cabling 52 New Se rver Cabli ng Most of the Sup erdome cab les remain u nc hanged exc ept three cable s d esigned for the sx 2000 to improve d ata rate and elec trical perfo rmance: n n M-lin k cab le, two types (lengths ) of L-lin k cable, and a c lock cable . M-Link Cable The M-link cable (A9834-2002A ) is the pri[...]

  • Página 53

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w New Ser ver Cabli ng 53 Fi gure 1 -1 1 Backplane Cables[...]

  • Página 54

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Fir m ware 54 Fir m w are The newer Inte l Itanium® P rocesso r firmwa re c onsists of ma ny c omponents loosel y c oupl ed by a sin g le framew ork . These comp one nts are individu ally linked bina ry image s that are boun d toge ther at run time. Internall y , th e firmwar e emplo ys a software da tabas e called a devic e [...]

  • Página 55

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Server Configur ati ons 55 Ser ver Config ur ati ons Refer to the HP Syste m Partitions Guid e (5 990-8170A ) for extensive det ails on the to pic of proper conf i gurations . Al so , an inte r active pr ogram found o n the PC SMS , t itled “S uperdome Par tition s Revisited, ” can be ve r y use f ul . Ba s ic Co nf igur at[...]

  • Página 56

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Serv e r E rrors 56 Server E rrors T o s upport high availabi lity (HA) , the new ch ipset has inc luded funct ionalit y to d o err or corr ection, detectio n and rec ov e ry . Err ors in the ne w chip set are divid e d into the foll ow ing categor ies: - Pr otection domain acces s - Ha rd ware co rre ct abl e - Glo bal share [...]

  • Página 57

    Chapter 1 Ov ervie w Server Err ors 57 ar e opened between PDs when it is es tablishe d that the PDs are u p and commu nication between the m is open. W hen there is a failur e in GSM, the goal is to clos e the shari ng windows betwee n those two cell s bu t not to af fect sh arin g w i n dows t o ot h er cell s. Ther e are two methods to detect GS[...]

  • Página 58

    Chapter 1 Over vi e w Serv e r E rrors 58 1. Dete cti on is the har dwa re c hec ks t h at reali ze an erro r has occu rre d. 2. Tra nsaction handling mo difies ho w the h ardware treats t he t mansacti on wi t h the de t ected error . 3. Log gin g is stori ng t he er ror indica t io n in t h e pri mar y er r or mode register , which s et s t h e e[...]

  • Página 59

    Chapter 2 59 2 Syst em Specificat ions The following specific ations ar e based o n ASHRAE Class 1. Class 1 is a control led computer room envi ronmen t, in which produ cts a re s ubject to c ontro lled tem pera ture an d h umidity ex tremes. Th roug hout this c hapter each s pecifica tion is defin ed as thoro ughly as poss ible t o ens ure th at a[...]

  • Página 60

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Dime nsio ns and W eights 60 Dimensions a nd W eig hts This se c tio n co nt a ins s erve r comp on ent d im e nsion s and we igh t s for the sys tem . Component D imensions T ab le 2-1 list s the dimen sions for th e cabine t an d compon ents. T able 2- 2 list th e dimens ions for opti on al I/O expa ns io n ( IOX) [...]

  • Página 61

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Dime nsions and W eigh ts 61 Componen t W eights T ab le 2-3 lists t he ser v e r an d comp onent we i ghts . T able 2-4 li s t s th e wei ght s fo r opti on a l I/O ex pansi on (IOX) cab inets. NO TE Refer to the appr opriat e documents t o det ermine the w eight of the S upport M anagement Statio n (S MS) and any c[...]

  • Página 62

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Dime nsio ns and W eights 62 Shippi ng D imensi ons an d W eigh ts T ab le 2- 5 list s the dime n sio ns and we igh ts of the Su ppor t Mana gem e nt Sta t io n and a sing le cabine t wi th shi ppi ng p alle t. T a ble 2-5 M iscellan eous D imens ions an d W eights Equi pmen t Widt h (in / c m) De pth/ Leng th (in / [...]

  • Página 63

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Electri cal Specificati ons 63 Elect ric al Spe cifi catio ns The following specific ations ar e based o n ASHRAE Class 1. Class 1 is a control led computer room envi ronmen t, in which produ cts a re s ubject to c ontro lled tem pera ture an d h umidity ex tremes. Th roug hout this c hapter each s pecifica tion is d[...]

  • Página 64

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Electri cal Specificat i ons 64 NO TE A q ualifie d e lectr ician m ust wi re the PD CA recepta cle to site po we r us ing coppe r wire and in complian ce with a ll local code s . All branch circ uits use d w ith in a com p le x must be conn ected toge the r to form a com mo n gr ou nd . All powe r sour ces su ch as [...]

  • Página 65

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Electri cal Specificati ons 65 Fi gure 2 -1 PDCA Locations Syst em P ower Require ments T ab le 2-8 and T able 2-9 l ist the a c pow e r requir ements for an H P Inte grity Sup erdome/ sx2000 s ystem. T hese tab les pr ov ide i nformati on to h elp determin e the amount o f ac pow er ne eded for yo u r computer room.[...]

  • Página 66

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Electri cal Specificat i ons 66 W ARNING Bewa re of sh ock h azar d. W he n con nect ing or rem ovin g inp ut p o wer w iri ng, alw a ys co nnec t th e gr ound wi re first and di scon nect it l as t. Com po n en t P o w er Re q u ire ments T ab le 2-8 and T able 2-9 l ist the a c pow e r requir ements for an H P Inte[...]

  • Página 67

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Electri cal Specificati ons 67 I/O Ex p ansion Cabin e t P o wer Co rd s T ab le 2 -1 2 li s t s t he p ow e r cord s for th e I/O ex p a nsi on cab in et . T abl e 2 - 10 I /O Expa nsio n Cab inet P ow er Re quir eme n ts ( Wi th ou t Sup port Management S t ation) Requirement V alue Nom inal input vo ltag e 200/20 [...]

  • Página 68

    Chapter 2 System Specifications En vir onmental Requi r ements 68 Envi ronm ent al Requ ir e m en ts This sec tion provid e s th e env iron mental, pow er dissip ati on, nois e emiss ion, and air flow sp ecifica tions. T e mperat ure and H umidi ty Spe cif icatio ns NO TE The values in T able 2-14 meet or exceed all AS HRAE specifi cations . P ower[...]

  • Página 69

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Envi ronment al Requi rements 69 W ARNING D o not co nnect a 3 80 to 415 V ac supp ly to a 4-wi re PDCA. Th is is a safet y hazard and wil l re sult in da mag e to t he p ro duct . L ine -to-l ine or p ha se-t o-pha se voltag e measured a t 380 to 415 V ac must a lways be connected using a 5-wir e P DCA. T a ble 2-15[...]

  • Página 70

    Chapter 2 System Specifications En vir onmental Requi r ements 70 b . Thes e nu mbe rs are val id only for the specifi c c o nf igur a tio ns sho w n. An y up g rade s may re quire a change to t he break er size. A 5-wir e sourc e utilize s a 4-pole breaker , and a 4-wir e source utilize s a 3-pole breaker . Th e pro t ect iv e ear th (PE ) gr ound[...]

  • Página 71

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Envi ronment al Requi rements 71 b . Thes e nu mbe rs are val id only for the specifi c c o nf igur a tio ns sho w n. An y up g rade s may re quire a change to t he break er size. A 5-wir e sourc e utilize s a 4-pole breaker , and a 4-wir e source utilize s a 3-pole breaker . Th e pro t ect iv e ear th (PE ) gr ound [...]

  • Página 72

    Chapter 2 System Specifications En vir onmental Requi r ements 72 Acou stic Noi se Spe cif icatio n The a coustic noise s pecific ations ar e as fo llows: • 8.2 b el (s oun d po we r l ev el ) • 65 . 1 dBA (sound pres sure lev el at operator posit ion) These levels ar e appropri ate for dedicate d computer room envi ronment s, not of fice envir[...]

  • Página 73

    Chapter 2 System Specifications Envi ronment al Requi rements 73 Airflow HP Integ rity Supe rdom e /sx2000 systems r eq uir e the cabinet air intak e temper ature to be betwe en 15 ο C an d 32 ο C (59 ο F and 89.6 ο F) a t 2900 CF M. Figur e 2-2 illus trate s the locatio n of the inlet and o utl et air duct s on a single cab ine t. NO TE Approx[...]

  • Página 74

    Chapter 2 System Specifications En vir onmental Requi r ements 74 T a b le 2-17 P hysical Environm ental Sp ecifications Co ndit ion Vo l t a g e 200–240 V ac Airf low , Nom inal b Airf low , Maximum at 32 o C a, b a. Derate maxim um dry bulb tem pe rature 1o C/300 m above 900 m . b . The s ystem dev iate s slig h tly fr om f ront t o top and r e[...]

  • Página 75

    Chapter 3 75 3 Ins talling the System This chap ter des cribe s ins tallati on of an HP Integ rit y Superdo m e/ sx200 0 system. Insta llers mus t have receive d adequ ate train ing, be kn owled geable abo ut th e produ ct, a nd have a good overall backgrou nd in elec troni cs and cu stomer h ardw are inst allati on.[...]

  • Página 76

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Int roduction 76 In tr odu c tio n The in s tr uc t io ns i n th is c ha pt er a re wr i tt en for C us t omer Su ppor t Cons ult a nts (CS C) who are ex pe r ien c ed a t installin g co mplex sys tems. It provi des d etails ab out each ste p in the insta llation p r ocess. Some s teps m ust be perfor med before othe[...]

  • Página 77

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 77 Un p a c k i n g a nd I ns p ec t in g th e Sys te m This section desc rib es what to do before unpacki n g the serv er and how to unpac k the sys te m itself . W ARNING D o not att empt to move the c abinet, ei ther packed o r unpacked, up o r down an in c l ine o f mor e t[...]

  • Página 78

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 78 Inspecti ng the Ship ping Contai ners fo r Dama ge HP shipp ing conta in ers a re des igned to protec t their contents u nder normal shipping con ditions . After the equi pment arrives at t he c ustomer si te , carefull y ins pect each c arton for signs of shipping damage. W[...]

  • Página 79

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 79 F igure 3 -1 Normal T ilt Indicator F igure 3 -2 Abnormal T ilt Indicator NO TE If the tilt indicator shows that an abnormal shippi n g condit io n has occurred, write “po ssi b l e hidden damage” on the bill of ladin g and keep the packagin g . Retain ing bands Tilt ind[...]

  • Página 80

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 80 Ins pect i on Pr ecau tion s • Wh en the shipment a rriv es, c hec k each c ontain er agains t th e carrier' s bill of lading . Insp ect the exter ior of each c ontai ner immedi atel y for mishan dling or dama ge du ring transit . If any of the con tainer s are damag [...]

  • Página 81

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 81 Unp ack ing th e Cabi net W ARNING U se three pe o p le to unpack t he cabinet saf ely . HP re c omm e n d s re m o vin g the car db o ard sh i ppi ng co n tain er b efo r e movi n g the ca b ine t i nt o the co m p u ter room. NO TE If unpack in g the cabin e t in the com p[...]

  • Página 82

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 82 Fi gure 3 -4 Cutt ing P olystrap Bands Step 3. Li ft the cardboa rd corrug ated top cap off of the shipping box. Step 4. Remove the corr ugated s leeves sur roundi n g the c a binet. CA UTION Cut the plast ic wr app ing mat er ial of f rathe r than pull it off . Pul ling the[...]

  • Página 83

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 83 F igure 3 -5 R emoving the R amps from the P allet Ramps[...]

  • Página 84

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 84 Step 7. Rem ove the plastic an ti- stat ic bag by lifting it stra igh t up off the cab ine t. If the cab inet or any compon ents a re damag ed, fol low t he cla ims pro c edure. Some da mage can be repair ed by repl acing the da maged part . If extensi ve damage i s fo u nd,[...]

  • Página 85

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 85 Step 3. V e ri fy th at th e I/O cha s sis mo un ting sc rews are i n p l ace and se cure ( Fi gure 3-7) . Inspe ct all com pon e nts for signs of shiftin g during sh ipm ent o r any signs of dam age. Fi gure 3 -7 I/O Chassis Mounting Screws Moving the Ca binet Off the Palle[...]

  • Página 86

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 86 Figure 3 -8 Ship ping Strap Loca tio n Step 2. Remove the pall et mounting b racket s and pads on t he si de of th e pall et whe r e the r amp slot s ar e locat ed (Fig ure 3-9). Fi gure 3 -9 Removing the Mounting Brackets Shippin g strap[...]

  • Página 87

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 87 WA R N I N G Do not r emove the bo lts on t he mounti ng bracket s that a ttach t o t h e pa l let. These bo lts prev en t the cabi n et fr o m rolling of f the back o f the pallet. Step 3. On th e oth er s ide of t he pa llet, remove only the bo lt o n each moun ting bracke[...]

  • Página 88

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 88 Step 5. Care f ul ly ro ll the ca b ine t d ow n th e ra mp (Fig ur e 3- 1 1) . F igure 3-11 Roll in g the C abine t Down the Ra mp Step 6. Unpack any oth er cabinets that were shipp ed . Un pack ing th e PDCA At lea st on e power distr ibuti on cont rol assembl y (PDC A ) i[...]

  • Página 89

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 89 Ret urni ng Equipm en t If the equ ip m ent is f ound to be dam ag ed, use the or igin al p ack ing mat er ial to re pa ckage the cab inet for ship m ent. If the p ack ing ma ter ial is not availab le, contact the local HP Sale s and Su p por t Off ice regar ding shi pment. [...]

  • Página 90

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Unpac king and I nspect i ng the System 90 W ARNING D o not attempt to push the loade d cabinet up the ramp onto th e pallet. Three peo ple are r equired to p u sh the cabinet u p t he ramp and positio n it on the pa llet. I nspect th e co ndi tion of th e load ing a nd un loadi ng ra mp bef ore us e. Repacka ging T [...]

  • Página 91

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 91 Setti ng Up the System After a si te h as b een pr epare d, the system h as be en unpac ked, and a ll co mpon ents h ave been i nspected, the system can be p repared f or boot ing . Movin g th e Sys tem a nd Rel ated Equipme nt to the Insta llatio n Site Carefu lly move the cabin ets and re[...]

  • Página 92

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 92 This car dbo ard p rote c ts the ho us ing baffle dur ing shipping. If it is not rem ov e d, the f ans wil l not wor k proper ly . Fi gure 3 -13 Removing Protective Cardboard fro m the Housing NO TE Double -check that th e prot ectiv e cardboa rd h as been remove d. Step 3. Using the h and[...]

  • Página 93

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 93 Step 4. Using the h andle s on the hou sing labeled B l ower 0 Blower 1 , part n umber A5 201-62030, alig n the edg e of the housing ov er th e edge at the top fr on t o f the c a binet , a n d sli de i t i n to p lac e u nti l the con nec t ors at the bac k of each housin g are fully mated[...]

  • Página 94

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 94 Step 7. Ti ghten the thu m bsc rews at the front of each b lower . Step 8. If r equ ir ed, insta ll ho usi ngs on any othe r ca binets that we re sh ip p ed wit h the sys te m . Atta chin g th e Side Sk ins an d Bl ower Si de Bez els Two cosm e tic side pa nels affix to the le ft and righ [...]

  • Página 95

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 95 Step 3. Attach th e sk in wi t hou t th e l ap jo i nt (Front) over the top bracket and under the bottom brack e t and gen t ly sli de the sk i n into posit i on . Fi gure 3 -18 Attaching the Front Side Skins Step 4. Push the s id e skin s toge ther , ma k i ng sure the skins over l ap at t[...]

  • Página 96

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 96 Step 1. Pl ace the side bez el sligh t l y above the blower hou sin g frame . Fi gure 3 -19 Attaching the Side Bezels Step 2. Align the lo wer bezel tabs t o th e slot s in the side pan els. Step 3. Lowe r the b eze l so t he bezel t op li p f its sec u rely on th e blower housing fr ame a[...]

  • Página 97

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 97 Step 6. T o secu re the s ide be zels to the side s kins, attach the bl ower bracket lo cks (HP pa rt num ber A5201-00268) to the front and back blowe rs using a T -20 driver . Ther e are t wo blower bracke t loc ks on th e fron t blowers and two on the rea r . Atta chin g t he Le vel ing F[...]

  • Página 98

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 98 NO TE The proc edure in t his s ection req uires two peo ple and mu s t be perfor med with the f ront met al ch ass i s door open. T o install the fron t door ass embl y: Step 1. Open t he door , u nsnap the s c reen, an d remove al l th e filter s held in pl ace with V elcro . Step 2. Rem[...]

  • Página 99

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 99 F igure 3 -2 2 Installin g the Upper F ront Door Assembl y Step 6. F eed the g roun ding s trap throug h the d oor an d a ttach it to the ca binet. Step 7. Insert the shou ld er studs on the upper door bezel into the holes on the front door metal c has sis . Step 8. Usin g a T -10 driver , [...]

  • Página 100

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 100 Fi gure 3 -2 3 Installing the Rear Blower Bezel Step 3. Align the bezel o ver th e nu ts th at are attach e d to the brack et at the rear of th e cabine t. Step 4. Usin g a T -20 dr iver , ti ghten th e two c aptive sc rews on the l ower flange of the bez e l. NO TE Tighte n the scre ws s[...]

  • Página 101

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 101 Fi gure 3 -2 4 I nstall ing the Front Blower Bez el Step 3. Align the bezel o ver th e nu ts th at are attach e d to the br acket at the fron t of the ca bine t. Step 4. Usin g a T -20 dr iver , ti ghten th e two c aptive sc rews on the l ower flange of the bez e l. NO TE Tighte n the scre[...]

  • Página 102

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 102 • Required method of g roundin g is to connec t the green power c ord safet y ground to the s ite g r ound poi nt. Thi s i s ac com pli sh ed th ro ug h th e p o we r cor d re cep ta cle w ir ing. H P d o es not re com m e nd ca b ine t grou ndin g. C ab inet gr ou ndin g shou ld be tre[...]

  • Página 103

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 103 In stall ing and V erif ying t he PDC A All sys tems a re deliv ered w ith th e appr opriate cable plu g for o ption s 6 an d 7 (Fig ure 3-25 o n page 104). Chec k the vol tage s at t h e recept ac le pr ior to pl ugging in t he PDC A plug. • T o ver ify the prop er wiring for a 4- wire [...]

  • Página 104

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 104 Fi gure 3 -2 5 PDCA Assembly for Options 6 and 7 Figure 3-26 A 4-Wire Co nnect or L2 L1 L3 PE[...]

  • Página 105

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 105 Figure 3-27 A 5-Wire Co nnect or Use the foll owin g pr ocedur e to install the PDC A : W ARNING Ma ke sure t he ci rcui t break er on t h e PDCA is OFF . Step 1. Re m o ve the re ar PDC A b ez el by re mo v ing th e f our re t aini ng screw s . Step 2. Run the power cord down throug h the[...]

  • Página 106

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 106 Figure 3 -28 I nst a lling the P DCA Step 4. Using a T -20 drive r , attac h the fou r sc rews that ho ld the PDCA in plac e. Step 5. If requ ir ed, r ep eat ste p 2 th roug h step 4 for th e se con d P D CA. Step 6. Re-insta ll the r ear P DC A beze l. CA UTION D o n ot measu re v ol t a[...]

  • Página 107

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 107 Figure 3 -29 Check ing P DCA T e st P oin ts (5-Wire ) T able 3-3 4- and 5-Wire V oltage Ranges 4- Wire 5-Wi re L2 to L3: 200-24 0 V L1 to N: 2 00-240 V L2 to L1: 200-24 0 V L2 to N: 2 00-240 V L1 to L3: 200-24 0 V L3 to N: 2 00-240 V N t o Gro u nd : a a. Neutr al to groun d voltage ca n [...]

  • Página 108

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 108 Vo l t a g e C h e c k The v oltag e ch eck en sures that all phas es (an d neutral, for i nternat ional systems ) are wired c orrec tly f or the cabi net and tha t the AC input voltag e is withi n lim its . NO TE If a UPS is used , refer to app lica ble UPS d ocume n tation for infor m a[...]

  • Página 109

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 109 WA R N I N G SHOCK HAZARD Ris k of sho ck ha zard whi l e tes t ing p rim ar y po wer . Use pr op erly in sulated pr o bes . Be su re to r eplace access c ove r wh e n finished testing pr imary power . Step 10. Set the ser v er power to ON . Step 11. Chec k t ha t the indica t or LED on ea[...]

  • Página 110

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 110 Removi ng the EMI P ane ls Rem ove the front and back elec tr oma gnetic inter ferenc e (EM I) pa nels to acc ess p orts and to visu ally c he ck whether components are in pl ace and the LEDs are properly ill uminated when power is applied to the sys tem. T o remo ve the front an d back E[...]

  • Página 111

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 111 Fi gure 3 -3 3 R emovin g the Back EMI P anel Step 4. Use the handle p rovid ed to gently remo v e th e EMI p an el an d set it aside. Conn ecting the C able s The I/O cables a re at tac h ed and tied i nside t he cabi n et. When the syst em is ins t alled, th ese c ables mu st be untied, [...]

  • Página 112

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 112 Figure 3 -34 Cab le La beling Ro ut ing the I / O C a b les Routin g the cab les i s a si gnific ant t ask in the i nsta llation p rocess. Ef ficient cable routin g is imp ortant not only for the ini tial ins tallation , bu t also to aid in f utu re se rv ice call s. Neatn ess counts . Th[...]

  • Página 113

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S ystem 113 Fi gure 3 -35 Routing I / O Cables Use t he fol lowing procedure a nd guidel ines t o rou te c ables t hro ugh the cable gro omer at the b ottom rear of the cab inet. Step 1. Remove the cabl e acce ss plat e at the bot tom of the groomer . Step 2. Beginn ing a t the fro nt o f the cabine t[...]

  • Página 114

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Setting U p the S yst em 114 Step 3. Conn ect the mana gement p r ocesso r cabl es last. Step 4. Reatt ach t he cab le ac c ess plat e at the b ottom of the c able groome r . Step 5. Reatt a c h the cabl e gro omer kic k pl ate a t the back of the cabinet. Step 6. Sli p the L bracke ts un der t he power cord on the r[...]

  • Página 115

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Inst alling t he Support Management Station 115 Insta lling the Support Manag ement St ation The Sup port Ma nag emen t Sta tio n (SMS) shi ps in one of t wo w ays: rack-mou n ted in t he ca binet or s ep ara t el y in b oxes for install ation in th e field . F or field i nstalla tion, see the In stallat ion G uide t[...]

  • Página 116

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Confi gurin g the Event Informati on T ools 116 Con f igu rin g t he Even t Informat ion T ools Ther e are t hree tool s in cluded i n the Ev ent Informati on T ool s (EIT) bundle fo r the Su pport Management Statio n (SMS). Th ey are the Consol e Logger , t h e IPMI Log Acqui r er and t he IPMI Ev ent V iew er . The[...]

  • Página 117

    Chapter 3 Installing the System T urning On Housekeeping P o wer 117 T urnin g On Ho usekeepi ng P owe r Use t he fol lowing procedure t o turn o n housekeepi ng power to th e system: Step 1. V erify tha t the a c voltag e at the in put so urce is with in speci ficati on s for each cabi net be ing installe d. Step 2. Ensur e that: • The ac breake[...]

  • Página 118

    Chapter 3 Installing the System T urning On Housekeeping P o wer 118 Figure 3 -36 F ront P a nel wit h Housek eeping (HKP ) P o wer O n and Pre s ent LE Ds Step 5. Examine the bulk power s upply (BPS) LEDs (F ig u re 3 - 37). When on, t h e bre a kers on th e PD C A dis t ri bu t e ac pow er t o t he BPSs . P ower is pre se n t a t th e BPS s when [...]

  • Página 119

    Chapter 3 Installing the System T urning On Housekeeping P o wer 119 Fig ur e 3 -3 7 B P S L E Ds BPS LEDs[...]

  • Página 120

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Connect ing t h e MP to the Customer LA N 120 Connect ing the MP to t he Custo m er LA N This section di scus s es ho w to co n nect, set u p, an d ver ify t h e management process or (MP) t o the customer LAN . LAN informati on inc ludes the MP networ k name (host n ame), the MP IP add ress , the subnet mask, and ga[...]

  • Página 121

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Connect ing the M P to the Customer LAN 121 Setti ng the Cu stom er IP Addr ess NO TE The default IP addres s for the cust omer LAN port on the MP is 192.168.1. 1. T o set th e customer LAN IP address: Step 1. Fr om the MP Co m mand Menu prompt ( MP:CM> ), en ter lc (for LAN con figur ation ). The scr een dis pl a[...]

  • Página 122

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Connect ing t h e MP to the Customer LA N 122 This is the host na me for the cu stom er LA N . Y ou can us e any nam e you lik e. The nam e can be up to 64 charac ters lon g , and can incl ude al phanumerics , dash (-), u nder s c ore (_), period (.), or space . H P rec ommen d s that the name be a derivati ve of the[...]

  • Página 123

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Booting and V erifying t he System 123 Bo oti ng a nd V e r if y in g th e S yst e m After ins talling the sys te m , ver if y that the proper hard ware is ins talle d and bo ot ed. This section de scribes h ow to powe r on th e cab inet a nd bo ot and tes t eac h parti tion. A console wi ndow mu st be open for e a c[...]

  • Página 124

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Booting and V erifyi ng the Syst em 124 The M P Main Menu appears a s shown in Figure 3-42. F igu re 3 - 42 Main MP Menu Step 3. Repea t the first two s teps fo r each par t ition r equ ired. Step 4. In o n e window bring u p the c ommand prompt by enter ing cm at the MP > prompt as shown in Figure 3-43. F igure 3[...]

  • Página 125

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Booting and V erifying t he System 125 F igure 3-44 MP Virt ual Fron t P anel Step 6. Fr om the VFP menu, ent er s t o select the whole s ystem, o r enter the pa rtition number to s elect a particul ar p artition. An o utput simi lar to that sho wn in Figu re 3 -45 ap pear s . In th is e xample, n o sta tus i s li st[...]

  • Página 126

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Booting and V erifyi ng the Syst em 126 Fi gure 3 -4 6 MP Console Option P ow ering On t he Sy stem 4 8 V Su pply Step 1. Swi tch on the 4 8V su pply from eac h cabi net fro n t panel. If the complex has an IOX c abinet, pow e r on this cabinet fir st. In a large com ple x, pow er on cabin ets in o ne of the two foll[...]

  • Página 127

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Booting and V erifying t he System 127 Boot i ng t h e HP I ntegrity Su p erd ome/sx20 00 to a EFI Shell Af te r p o w e rin g o n or us in g the C M bo comm an d , all part itio n con sole wind o ws w ill show activity wh ile the firmwar e is initialize d and will st op mom entar ily at an EFI Boot Man age r men u ([...]

  • Página 128

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Booting and V erifyi ng the Syst em 128 F igure 3 - 48 EFI Shell Prompt NO TE If autoboot is enabled for an nP artiti on, you must inter r u pt it to stop the boot process at the EFI f irmw are con sole . At th is point, the Virtual Fron t P an el indica tes tha t each par tition is at syste m firmware con sole as in[...]

  • Página 129

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Booting and V erifying t he System 129 Figure 3-49 H P Integ rity Su perdo me/sx 2000 P ar titions a t System Firmw are Con sole V erify ing t he System Use the foll owin g procedu r e to verify the system: Step 1. From th e CM > prompt, ent er ps t o observe the powe r stat u s . A st a tus screen simi lar to the[...]

  • Página 130

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Booting and V erifyi ng the Syst em 130 Step 2. At the S elect Dev ice : pr ompt, enter b then the ca bin et number t o ch eck the po wer sta tus of t he cabinet. Obse rve Po wer Sw itc h: on and Pow er: en abled as show n in Figur e 3-51 . Fi gure 3 -5 1 P ower Statu s Window Figure 3-51 show s that cells a re inst [...]

  • Página 131

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Booting and V erifying t he System 131 IMPOR T ANT An aste r isk (*) appear s in the MP colum n only for cabinet 0; th at is, the cabinet cont a inin g the MP . Only cab inet 0 conta ins th e MP . V erify that there is an asterisk (*) for each of th e cells in stalled in the cabine t by compar ing what is in the Cell[...]

  • Página 132

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Runnin g JET So f tware 132 Running JET Software Ensur e that the network diagnos t i c is enabled at the MP prompt; MP:CM>nd . T his nee d s t o b e pe rf o r m ed i n order to run scan and to do firmware updates to the syste m. The JTAG Utilit y for Scan T ests (JUS T) Explo ration Tool, or JE T , collec ts syst[...]

  • Página 133

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Offline Diagno stic En vir onment (ODE) 133 Offl ine Diag nostic Env ironment (O DE) Now that scan has been run, yo u can run all the appropr iate diagnost ics for this syst em. S ee the ap propr i a te diagn ostic d ocum enta tion f o r i nstructio ns.[...]

  • Página 134

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Attachi ng the Rear Kick Plates 134 Atta ching t he Re ar Kick Plat es Kick plates prote c t cables from acc ide ntal ly being disco nn ected or dama ge d and add an attrac tive cosm eti c touch to th e cabinet. Y ou nee d to atta ch thre e metal k ick plat es to the bottom re ar of the cabi ne t. T o inst all the ki[...]

  • Página 135

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Per forming a Vi sual In spection and Completing the I nstallation 135 P erf orming a Vis ual Insp ecti on and Com pl eting t he In stal lation After booting the system , ca refully insp ect it and reinstall the EMI pan els. Her e are t he s teps r equire d to perfo rm a final ins pectio n an d comple te th e ins tal[...]

  • Página 136

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Per fo r mi ng a V isual Inspecti on and Completing t he I nstallati on 136 Step 4. Reinst all the front E MI p ane l (Fig ur e 3 -55) . Fi gure 3 -5 5 Front EMI P anel Flange and Cabinet Holes a. Hook the flange at the lower corners of the EM I pane l into the holes on the cabinet. b. Position th e pane l at th e to[...]

  • Página 137

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Per forming a Vi sual In spection and Completing the I nstallation 137 a. Ali gn th e lip ins ide the c abinet wi th the lip on the EM I pan e l. Fi gure 3-56 Re inst al ling the Back EMI P an el b. Push th e EMI panel up a nd in. T h e EMI gaske t may hav e to b e compre s sed at the top of the enclos ure to get the[...]

  • Página 138

    Chapter 3 Installing the System Conduct i ng a Post I nstall at ion Check 138 Conducti ng a P ost Instal l ation Check After th e system has been i nstalled i n a c omputer room an d verifie d, conduct the post i nstallatio n chec k. Before turning the system ov er to th e customer , inspect t he s ystem vi sually a nd c lean up the i nstallat ion [...]

  • Página 139

    Chapter 4 139 4 Bo oting and S h utti ng Down the Ope r at ing Sys tem This ch a pt er pr es ents proc edu res for b o ot ing an oper ati n g sy stem (O S ) on an nP a rt i tion (h ardw a r e partition) and pr oc edures for s hutting do w n the OS .[...]

  • Página 140

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Operati ng Systems Supported on Cell-bas ed HP Servers 140 Oper at ing Sys tems Suppo r ted on C e ll-bas ed HP Ser v ers HP supports n P artitions on ce ll-based HP 9000 se rvers an d cell-bas ed HP I n tegrity servers. The follo wing list desc ribes t he OSes s u pported on cell-b ased s[...]

  • Página 141

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System System Boot Configu r at io n Opti ons 141 System B oot C onfigur atio n O ptions This section b ri efly di s cusses t he system boot option s you can config ure on cel l-ba sed ser v ers . Y ou can conf i gure boot opt ion s that ar e spec ific t o eac h n Pa rtit ion in t h e serv er c om[...]

  • Página 142

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em System B oot Configur at ion Options 142 Man ager u tility ) to manag e boot optio ns fo r your syst em d isk. The Open VMS I64 B oot M ana ger ( BOOT_O PTI ONS.COM ) uti lity is a menu-bas ed util ity a nd is e asier to use than EF I. T o conf igure O penVM S I64 bootin g on Fibre Channel[...]

  • Página 143

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System System Boot Configu r at io n Opti ons 143 T o set th e ACPI co n figurat ion valu e, iss ue the a cpicon fig value command at the EFI Sh el l, where value is eith er defa ult or windo ws . Then res et the n Pa rtition by i ssuing t he rese t EFI She ll comman d for the se ttin g to take ef[...]

  • Página 144

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em System B oot Configur at ion Options 144 CA UTION An nPar titio n on an HP Inte g rity ser ver cann ot boot H P-UX vir tu al partit ion s wh en in nPars boot m ode. Likewis e, an nP art ition on an H P Integrit y se rver cann ot bo ot an operat ing system outside of a v irtual pa rtit ion [...]

  • Página 145

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booti ng and Shutt ing D own HP- UX 145 Bo ot in g an d Sh u tt in g Do wn HP- UX This section pr esents p rocedu res f or boot ing an d shut ting dow n HP-UX on cell -bas ed HP se rve rs an d a proc edu re f or addi n g HP-UX t o the b oo t opti ons list o n HP Integ rity server s. • T o[...]

  • Página 146

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do wn H P-UX 146 T o add a n HP-UX b oot option when lo g ged in t o HP-UX, use the se tboot command. F or det ails , ref e r t o th e s e tboot (1M) manpage. Step 1. Acce s s the EFI Shell enviro nment. Log in to the man ageme nt pro cesso r , a nd en ter CO to ac[...]

  • Página 147

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booti ng and Shutt ing D own HP- UX 147 CA UTION A CPI Configu r ation fo r HP-UX Must Be de fault On ce ll-base d HP Inte gr ity ser vers, to boot th e H P-U X O S , an nPartiti on AC PI confi gur atio n valu e mu st be set to def ault . At th e EFI Shell interfa ce, enter the acpiconfig c[...]

  • Página 148

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do wn H P-UX 148 HP-UX Booti n g (EFI Shell ) Fr om the EFI Shell e n vironment, to boot HP-UX on a device fi rst access the E FI System Par tition f or the root device (for exampl e fs0 : ) an d then ente r H PUX t o initiate the load e r . The EF I She ll is avai[...]

  • Página 149

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booti ng and Shutt ing D own HP- UX 149 T o b o ot the HP-UX OS , do not type anyth i ng durin g the 10- secon d period giv en for stoppi ng at the HPUX.E FI loade r . Shell> map Device mapping table fs0 : Acpi(000222F0,269)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun8,Lun0)/HD(Part1,Sig72550000) blk0 : Acpi(0002[...]

  • Página 150

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do wn H P-UX 150 Step 4. Boot to t he HP-UX Boot Loader prompt ( HPUX> ) b y pressing an y key wi thin th e 10 sec onds g iven for inter rupting the HP- UX b o ot p rocess. Y ou will use the HPUX.E FI load er t o bo ot HP-UX in single - user mode in the ne xt st[...]

  • Página 151

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booti ng and Shutt ing D own HP- UX 151 Step 1. Acce s s the EFI Shell enviro nment for the nP artition on which you w a nt to b oot H P-UX in L VM-mainten ance mo de. Log in to the man ageme nt pro cesso r , a nd en ter CO to acc e ss the C o nsole list. Se lect th e nPartitio n co ns ol e[...]

  • Página 152

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do wn H P-UX 152 Log in to the management pr ocessor for the ser v er and u se the Cons ole menu t o ac cess t he syst em con sole. Acces sing the cons ole thr ough the MP enables you to mai ntain con sole acce ss to the sy stem af ter HP- UX h as sh ut dow n. Step[...]

  • Página 153

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booti ng and Shutt ing D own HP O penVMS I64 153 Boo ting and Shutting Down HP OpenVMS I6 4 This sect ion presents pr ocedur es fo r boot i ng and shutt i ng dow n HP OpenVMS I64 on cell - ba s ed HP Int egri t y ser vers an d procedures for a dding H P OpenVMS to t he boot options l ist. ?[...]

  • Página 154

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do wn H P OpenVMS I64 154 T o confi gure b ooting o n Fibre Channel dev ices , you must u se th e OpenVMS I64 B oot Manager uti lity ( BOO T_O PTIONS .COM ). F or m ore info rma tion o n this utility and othe r rest ric tio ns, refe r to t he HP Op enV MS for Inte [...]

  • Página 155

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booti ng and Shutt ing D own HP O penVMS I64 155 T o exit th e EFI environ m ent, pr ess ^B ( Control +B ); th is e xits th e nPartition conso le a nd retur ns to the mana geme nt proc es s or Main Menu. T o exit the manage ment proc es so r , enter X at the Main Menu. Boo tin g HP Ope nV M[...]

  • Página 156

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do wn H P OpenVMS I64 156 Boot ing HP OpenVMS (EF I Shell) Fr om the EFI Shell e n vironment, to b oot HP O penVMS on a device fi r st acces s the EFI System P artiti on for the r oot devic e (fo r example f s0: ), and enter e fi vmsvms _loade r to initiat e th [...]

  • Página 157

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booti ng and Shutt ing D own HP O penVMS I64 157 Log in to the management proce ssor (MP) for the server and use the Console menu to access the system c onsole . Accessin g the consol e through th e MP enables you to mainta in console a ccess to the syste m after HP Op e nVMS h as shu t dow[...]

  • Página 158

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do w n Micr osof t Wind ows 158 Bo oti ng an d Sh ut ting Do wn Mi cros of t Win do ws This section pr esents p r ocedures f or boot ing an d shutting down the Mic r osof t W indows O S on cel l-based HP Integri t y serv ers and a procedure for adding Wi ndows to t[...]

  • Página 159

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booti ng and Shu tting Do w n Micr osoft Windo ws 159 Addi ng a Micros o f t Wi nd ows Boo t Opt io n This proce dur e adds the Micros oft Win d ow s item to the boot option s li st. Step 1. Acce s s the EFI Shell enviro nment. Log in to the man ageme nt pro cesso r , a nd en ter CO to ac c[...]

  • Página 160

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do w n Micr osof t Wind ows 160 Step 6. Press Q to q uit the NVRBO OT utility , an d exi t the con sole an d man agement proces sor inter faces if you a re fi nished using them. T o exit th e EFI environ m ent p r ess ^B ( Contr o l+B ) ; this exits t he system c o[...]

  • Página 161

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booti ng and Shu tting Do w n Micr osoft Windo ws 161 Step 3. Press Enter t o ini tiat e bo ot ing using the c hosen boot opt i on. Step 4. When W indows be gins l oading, wait for the Spec ial Administ ration Console (SAC) t o be come available. The SA C inter face provides a tex t-bas ed [...]

  • Página 162

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do w n Micr osof t Wind ows 162 /a Abort a s ystem s h utdown. /t xxx S e t th e timeo ut pe riod be fore shutdo wn to xxx sec onds. T h e tim eo ut p eri od can ran ge from 0–6 00, with a defau lt of 30. Refer to the he lp shutdo wn Window s com m and f or d et [...]

  • Página 163

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booting and Shutt ing Do wn Li nux 163 Boot ing and Shutting Down Linux This section pr esents p r ocedures f or boot ing an d shutting down the Li n ux OS on c ell -based HP Integ rity ser vers an d a procedur e for adding Linu x to t he boot options l ist. • T o de te rmi ne whet h er t[...]

  • Página 164

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do wn Linux 164 See “Boot Opti ons List” on p age 1 41 for addit io nal infor m ation abo ut saving, restoring, and creatin g boot option s. NO TE On HP Integ r ity s ervers , the O S instal ler automati c ally adds an entry to the boot options l ist. Addi ng a[...]

  • Página 165

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booting and Shutt ing Do wn Li nux 165 Booti ng Red H a t Enterprise Linux Y ou can boot t h e Red Hat En terprise Li nux OS on HP Integ rit y servers usi ng ei t h e r of the methods des c ribed in this se ction . Ref er to “Sh ut ting Down L inu x” o n p age 1 67 for detail s on shut [...]

  • Página 166

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do wn Linux 166 Fr om the system console , se lec t the EFI Shell entr y fro m the EFI Boot Ma nag er men u t o a c c ess t h e shell. Step 2. Acce s s the EFI Sy stem P artiti on for th e Red Hat Enterpr ise Li nux boo t device . Use the ma p EFI She ll com m and [...]

  • Página 167

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own t he Operating System Booting and Shutt ing Do wn Li nux 167 Refer t o the procedure “ Booting SuSE Linux En terprise S erver (EF I Shell)” on page 167 for det ail s . After ch oosing t he fil e syste m for th e boot device (for example, fs0: ) , you can ini tiate the Li nux load e r from the E FI Sh el l pr[...]

  • Página 168

    Chapter 4 Booting and Shutting D own the O perating Syst em Booti ng and Shut t i ng Do wn Linux 168 Use the PE command at th e mana gement pr oces s or Command Men u to man u ally pow er on or power off server hardwa r e, as needed . -r Reboot af ter shut down. -c Cancel an already running shutdow n. time When t o shut down (r equired). Y ou can s[...]

  • Página 169

    Appendi x A 169 A sx2000 LED s[...]

  • Página 170

    A ppe ndi x A sx2000 LEDs 170 Ta b l e A - 1 F r o n t P a n e l L E D s LE D Driv en By St at e Mea ni ng 48V G ood PM O n (green ) 48V is go od HKP Good PM On (g reen ) Housekeepi ng is good. MP Pres ent PM O n ( gree n) MP is ins talle d in thi s cabine t Cabine t# PM Numeric Das h Flash ing Cab inet nu mbe r Invalid cabinet ID Locat e fe ature [...]

  • Página 171

    Appendi x A sx2000 LEDs 171 T able A-2 P ow er an d OL* LEDs LED Location Dri ven By Sta te M ean ing Cell Power Chas sis besid e cell, and on cell Cell LP M On G reen HKP , PWR_G OOD Cell Attent ion Chas sis beside cell CLU On Y e llow Cell OL * PDHC P ost C e l l PDHC 0x0 oxf 0xe->0x 1 PD HC P o st or ru n st at e PM Po st O n the UGUYboa rd, [...]

  • Página 172

    A ppe ndi x A sx2000 LEDs 172 Fig ur e A -1 U ti lit i es LE D s Hot swap osc illator s (HSO) System Back plane RPM On Green On Y e llow HSO Su pply runn ing HSO clo c k f ault T able A-3 OL* LED States Descri ption P ower (Green) OL* (Y ello w) Normal ope ration (powere d) On Off F aul t detec ted, pow e r on On F lash ing Slot selec ted, power on[...]

  • Página 173

    Appendi x A sx2000 LEDs 173 Fi gure A -2 PDH Status A label will be place d on the outsid e of the SDCP B Fram e to indic ated PD H Sta tus, DC/ DC C o nver ter fault s that shu tdown the sx2000 ce ll, and loss of DC/DC Co nverter Redun dancy . Figure A-2 il lustrates the label and tabl e A-4 descr ibes each LED . Note: The P ow er Good LED is a Bi[...]

  • Página 174

    A ppe ndi x A sx2000 LEDs 174[...]

  • Página 175

    Appendi x B 175 B Management Process or Commands This Appendix summa rizes the Managemen t Processor commands . Notice t h at in the examples h erein, MP i s us ed as the command prompt. The term Guardi an Serv i ce Pr oces s or has been changed t o Managemen t Proc essor , but s ome c ode alr eady writ t en uses the old term.[...]

  • Página 176

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP Co m m an d : BO 176 MP Comma n d : BO BO - Bo ot partition • A ccess level— Single PD user • Scope— parti tion This comma nd b oots th e s pecifie d par tition. It ensu res that al l the cells assi gned to the targ et par tition have valid complex pr ofiles an d the n rele ases Bo ot-Is-B lo[...]

  • Página 177

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP Co m ma n d : CA 177 MP Comma n d : CA CA - Co n figure Asynchro nous & Modem P arameters • A cc ess le ve l— Op e rat or • Scope—Comple x This command all ows t h e ope r ator t o configu re t he loca l an d remot e consol e ports . The pa rameter s that can be config u red are t he baud r[...]

  • Página 178

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP Co m m an d : CC 178 MP Comma n d : CC CC - Co mp lex Configuratio n • A cc e ss leve l— Adm inis trator • Scope—Comple x This com ma n d per form s an ini tial out of th e box comp le x conf igu rat ion. The sys tem can be config ured as either a sin gle (user sp ecif ied) cell in p artition[...]

  • Página 179

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C ommand: C P 179 MP Comma n d : CP CP - Cel l s Assi gned by P ar tition • A cc ess L ev e l - Single Partition Use r •S c o p e - C o m p l e x The cp com m an d displays a tab le of cells assi gned to par titi ons and arrang e d by cabinet s. This is fo r disp lay o nly , no co nfigu rat ion is [...]

  • Página 180

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: DA TE 180 MP Comma n d : DA TE D A T E C omm and - S et Da te and Tim e. • A cc e ss leve l— Adm inis trator • Scope—Comple x This command cha nges the val ue of the real time cl oc k chip on t he MP . Ex ampl e B-5 DA T E[...]

  • Página 181

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP Co m ma n d : DC 181 MP Comma n d : DC DC - Defaul t Config u ration • A cc ess le ve l— Adm inis tratrix • Scope—Comple x This comm and r esets som e or al l of the config uratio n para met ers to their def ault v alues. The clock s etting is not effe cted b y th e DC command . The example b e[...]

  • Página 182

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP Co m m an d : DF 182 MP Comma n d : DF DF - Disp l a y F R UI D • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r • Scope—Comple x This com m an d dis plays the F R UID da ta of the sp e cified FR U . FRU info r m atio n fo r the SB C, BPS , and proc es sors a re “ constru c ted, ” beca use the[...]

  • Página 183

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP Co mmand: D I 183 MP Comma n d : DI DI - Disco nnect Remote or L AN Console • A cc ess le ve l— Op e rat or • Scope—Comple x Thi s c ommand initi a tes separat e remote c onso le or LAN consol e disconnec t se quences . F or t he remo t e consol e , the modem control lines are d e-asser ted, fo[...]

  • Página 184

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP Co m m an d : DL 184 MP Comma n d : DL DL - Di sable LAN Access • A cc e ss leve l— Adm inis trator • Scope—Comple x This comman d disa bles Telnet LA N ac cess . Disab ling T elnet ac cess k ills all of th e curre nt T eln et c o nnec tions and ca u ses fu tu re te l ne t co n nect io n re q[...]

  • Página 185

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C omma n d: EL 185 MP Comma n d: EL DL - E n able LAN Access • A cc e ss leve l— Adm inis trator • Scope—Comple x This comm an d enables T e ln et LAN acc ess. Example B-10 EL Command MP:CM> el Enable telnet acces s? (Y/[N]) y -> Tel net a ccess enabled. MP:CM> • See also: DI, DL Not[...]

  • Página 186

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP Co m m an d : HE 186 MP Comma nd : HE HE - Hel p Menu •S c o p e — N / A • A ccess level— Single PD user This comman d dis plays a list of all MP comman ds ava ilable to the level of the MP access (Admin istrato r , Opera tor , or Sin gle PD user). Th e comm a nds tha t a re available in m an[...]

  • Página 187

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C ommand: H E 187 Exam pl e B - 1 1 H E Com m an d[...]

  • Página 188

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: ID 188 MP Comma nd : ID ID - Co nfigu re Complex Identif ication • A cc ess le ve l— Op e rat or • Scope—Comple x This comma nd c onfig ures th e c ompl e x ide ntifica tion informa tion. T he comple x ide ntificat ion informat ion inclu des the fo l lowing: • model n u mber •m[...]

  • Página 189

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP Co mmand: I O 189 MP Comma nd : IO IO - Di s pla y Connectivity Between Cells and I/O • A cc ess le ve l— Sinf le Partition User • Scope—Comple x This comman d dis plays a ma pping of th e co nnectivi ty be tween cells an d I/O. • Example: MP:CM> io ---------- --------------- -+ Cabine t |[...]

  • Página 190

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: IT 190 MP Comma nd : IT IT - V ie w / C o n f ig ure I na c t i vi ty Tim eo ut Par am et e r s • A cc ess le ve l— Op e rat or • Scope—Comple x This com m an d se ts the two inac tiv ity time -o uts. The ses sion in activity timeou t pre vents a session to a partitio n to be inadv[...]

  • Página 191

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP Comm a nd: LC 191 MP Comma nd : LC LC - L AN C onfi gurat ion • A cc e ss leve l— Adm inis trator • Scope—Comple x This command di s plays and modi fie s the LAN confi guratio ns. The I P addres s, Hostname , Subnet mas k, and Gate w ay addres s can be modified wit h this command. Example B-14 [...]

  • Página 192

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: LS 192 MP Comma nd : LS LS - LA N Sta tus • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r • Scope—Comple x Th is co mm a n d dis p lay s al l p a ra m e t e r s and cu rr en t conn e cti o n sta tu s of th e L A N inte rf a c e. Exa mple B-15 LS Co m mand[...]

  • Página 193

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP Co mmand: MA 193 MP Comma nd : MA MA - Mai n M enu • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r •S c o p e — N / A The c omma nd ta kes the sp ecific us er fr om the Comm and menu and return s the u ser to the main menu. Only th e user t hat en ters the c ommand is return ed to his priv at e mai[...]

  • Página 194

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP Co m m an d : ND 194 MP Comma n d : ND ND - Netw ork Dia gno stics • A cc e ss leve l— Adm inis trator • Scope—Comple x This comm an d enable s/d isabl es network diagn ostics. This will enable or dis able the E ther ne t acce ss to MP Ethern et por ts other t h an t he mai n t el n et por t [...]

  • Página 195

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C ommand: PD 195 MP Comma n d: PD PD - S et Default P arti tion • A cc ess le ve l— Op e rat or • Scope—Comple x This com m an d se ts the d efau lt p arti tion. If a defau lt partit io n alread y exis ts, then thi s com m and ove rr id es the prev io usl y defin ed parti tion . S et tin g the [...]

  • Página 196

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: PE 196 MP Comma n d: PE PE - Po wer Entity • A cc ess le ve l— Op e rat or • Scope—Comple x This com ma n d tur ns po we r on/ o ff to the sp ecifie d entity . If ther e is a defa ult pa r titio n define d then th e target ed en ti t y must be a member of that partition . In the ca[...]

  • Página 197

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C omma nd: PE 197 I - IO Chassis P - P ar tition Se le ct De v ice : p # Na me --- ---- 0) Partition 0 1) Partition 1 2) Partition 2 3) Partition 3 Select a pa rt ition nu mbe r: 0 The pow er state is OFF for part itio n 0. In what state d o you want the power ? (ON / OF F ) on [spudome] MP:CM> • [...]

  • Página 198

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: PS 198 MP Comma n d: PS PS - P owe r a nd Con figur at i on St at us • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r • Scope— Cabinet This comman d dis plays the status of th e spec ified h ardware. Th is com man d adds new inform ation fr om prev ious versio ns of t h e PS c ommand in[...]

  • Página 199

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C omma nd: PS 199 Example B -20 PS Command[...]

  • Página 200

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP Co m m an d : RE 200 MP Comma n d : RE RE - Reset E n tity • A cc ess le ve l— Op e rat or • Scope—Comple x This command reset s the specif ied ent ity . Care should be exer cised when resetti ng entiti es because of t he side ef fects . Resettin g an entity has the foll owin g sid e effects [...]

  • Página 201

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP Comm a nd: RL 201 MP Comma n d : RL RL - Re - key Compl ex Pr ofil e Lo ck • A cc ess le ve l— Op e rat or • Scope—Comple x This co mma nd r e-keys th e c omplex profi l e l oc k. It shou l d on l y b e u se d t o r eco v er fr om the erro r caused by t h e holde r of the lock t ermin ating be [...]

  • Página 202

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP Co m m an d : RR 202 MP Comma n d : RR RR - Reset P a rtition f or Re-configuration • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r • Scope— P ar tition This c ommand resets the spe cified part ition bu t does not a utom atically boot it . The util ity system resets each cel l that is a member of[...]

  • Página 203

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C ommand: R S 203 MP Comma n d : RS RS - Reset P artition • A ccess level— Single PD user • Scope— P ar tition This c omma nd resets and boot s the specifie d part ition. Th e utilit y system r esets e ach cell that is a membe r of the spe cifie d p arti tion. Onc e all cell s have com p lete d[...]

  • Página 204

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: SA 204 MP Comma nd : SA SA - Set Access P arame ters • A cc e ss leve l— Adm inis trator • Scope—Comple x This com ma n d modif ie s th e enab le m ent of int erfaces includin g telne t, SSH , mode m , netw or k diagno sti cs , IPMI LAN , web console , etc . • Example: [spudome] [...]

  • Página 205

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C ommand: SO 205 MP Comma nd : SO SO - Security Options and Access Control Configuration • A cc e ss leve l— Adm inis trator • Scope—Comple x This com m an d mod ifie s th e sec ur ity o p tio ns an d acce ss contr ol to the MP handle r . The param e te rs that ca n be modified are: • Login t[...]

  • Página 206

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP Com mand : SYSREV 206 MP Comma n d: SY SREV SYSREV - Display S y stem and Manageab ility Firmw are Revisions • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r • Scope—Comple x This com m an d will d isplay the f irmwar e rev isio ns of all of the e ntit ie s in the com p lex. • Example: MP:CM>[...]

  • Página 207

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP Comm a nd: TC 207 MP Comma nd : TC TC - T OC Parti t io n • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r • Scope— P ar tition This com ma n d tran sfe rs th e con tr ol (TOC ) of the sp ecifie d partitio n . T he SI N C on each cell in the spe cifie d part itio n ass er ts th e sy s_ init signa l [...]

  • Página 208

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: TE 208 MP Comma nd : TE TE - T ell • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r • Scope—Comple x This comman d tre ats all character s follow ing th e TE as a m essage that is br oadcast w hen the <CR> is pressed. The messa ge size is limited to 80 charact ers. Any extr a char[...]

  • Página 209

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C ommand: V M 209 MP Comma n d: VM VM - V oltag e Margin • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r • Scope— Cabinet The com m and adju sts the volt age of all ma rg inab le sup plie s with in a ran ge of +/- 5% No res e t is re quir e d fo r t he com ma nd to be com e effe ct ive. Example B-2[...]

  • Página 210

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: W HO 210 MP Comma nd : WH O WHO - Display L ist of Connected Users • A cc ess le ve l— Single Partition U se r • Scope—Comple x This command displa ys the login name of the c on n ec t ed con so le cl i ent user and the port on which they are connec ted. F or LAN c o ns ol e cli en[...]

  • Página 211

    Appendi x B Management P r ocessor Commands MP C ommand: XD 211 MP Comma nd : XD XD - Diag nostic and Re set of M P • A cc ess le ve l— Op e rat or • Scope—Comple x This comman d tests certain funct ions o f the SBC and SBCH boards. Some of the tests are destr uctive and sh ould not be perfor med on a system runnin g the opera tin g syst em[...]

  • Página 212

    A ppe ndi x B Management Processor C om mands MP C omma nd: XD 212[...]

  • Página 213

    Appendi x C 213 C P owering the System O n and O ff This a ppen dix provides procedures t o s h ut dow n and bring u p a s y s tem. Chose th e a ppr opr ia t e section for the desir ed tas k. Not all steps in a procedure ma y appl y . F or example , if you are chec ki n g the confi g u r a tion as outline d in “Checking System Co nfigu ra tio n?[...]

  • Página 214

    A ppe ndi x C P owering the S y stem On and Off Shuttin g Down t h e System 214 Shutting Down the Sy stem Use t his pr oc edure w h enever t h e syst em must be s hut down. Che c king S ystem Config urat ion T o ch ec k th e curre n t system co n fi g ur atio n, in pr e pa ra t i on for shutdown, per form the following proce du r e: Step 1. Open a [...]

  • Página 215

    Appendi x C P owering the System On and O f f Shutti ng Down the System 215 F igure C-2 Main MP Me nu Step 3. In voke t he Com m a nd Menu by en teri ng cm at the MP prompt. Step 4. Make sure that no one else is usi ng the system by enter i ng who at th e CM prompt. O nly one user shou ld be seen, as ind icated in Figur e C-3. F igure C -3 Checking[...]

  • Página 216

    A ppe ndi x C P owering the S y stem On and Off Shuttin g Down t h e System 216 Step 5. Read the an d s ave the c urrent sys tem configurat ion by enterin g cp and the CM pr ompt. Cabinet and partit io n info rma tion sho u ld be displaye d as in Fig ur e C- 4. Figure C -4 Ch ecking C urre nt Syst em Co nfigura t ion Step 6. Go b ack to the Ma in M[...]

  • Página 217

    Appendi x C P owering the System On and O f f Shutti ng Down the System 217 Step 8. Fr om the VFP , enter s t o select th e whol e system or enter the par tition number to select a particul ar partitio n. Y ou s hould see a n output similar to that s hown in F igure C-6. Fi gure C -6 Example of P artition State Step 9. Enter ctrl +B to exit the Vir[...]

  • Página 218

    A ppe ndi x C P owering the S y stem On and Off Shuttin g Down t h e System 218 • Win dows: Lo g in as Admi nis t rator . F r om the Special Admin is tration Console ( S AC> prompt) en te r cm d to start a new com m an d pro m pt. Pre ss Esc+T ab to s witch to th e chan nel for the comma nd pr ompt and log in. Step 3. At t he conso le prompt, [...]

  • Página 219

    Appendi x C P owering the System On and O f f Shutti ng Down the System 219 Step 6. Read the Cell P DH Con tro ller status to de term in e if the part itio n is at B IB. Fi gure C -9 Using t h e de -s Command Step 7. Repeat step 1 thro ugh step 6 for each partition. P ow ering Off the Sys tem Using the pe Comm and P erform the followi ng steps to p[...]

  • Página 220

    A ppe ndi x C P owering the S y stem On and Off Shuttin g Down t h e System 220 Step 1. Fr om the Comman d Menu, en t er pe (Fig ure C-10 ). F igure C-10 P ower Enti ty Command Step 2. Enter t he number of the cabinet to power off . In Figure C-1 0, the number is 0. Step 3. When prompted for t he state of the cabinet power , ente r off . Step 4. En[...]

  • Página 221

    Appendi x C P owering the System On and O f f Shutti ng Down the System 221 Step 5. Enter b a t t he s e le c t de vice pr ompt t o select en s ur e t h at t h e c a b i net p ower is o ff. The outpu t should be similar to that in Figure C-12. The Power switch sho uld be on , but the P ower sho uld be no t enable d . F igure C -12 P ower Status Sec[...]

  • Página 222

    A ppe ndi x C P owering the S y stem On and Off T urning On Housekeeping P o wer 222 T urnin g On Ho usekeepi ng P owe r Use t he fol lowing procedure t o turn o n housekeepi ng power to th e system: Step 1. V erify tha t the a c voltag e at the in put so urce is with in speci ficati on s for each cabi net be ing installe d. Step 2. Ensur e that: ?[...]

  • Página 223

    Appendi x C P owering the System On and O f f T urning On Housekeeping P o wer 223 Fi gure C -1 3 Front P anel Display with Housekeeping (HKP) P ower On, and Pr es ent LEDs Step 5. Examine the bulk power suppply (BPS) LEDs (Figure C-14) . When on , the breakers on the PDC A distrib ute power to the BPSs . P ower is p resent a t the BPSs when : • [...]

  • Página 224

    A ppe ndi x C P owering the S y stem On and Off T urning On Housekeeping P o wer 224 Fig ur e C -14 B PS L E Ds BPS LEDs[...]

  • Página 225

    Appendi x C P owering the System On and O f f Po w ering On t he System Using the p e C ommand 225 P ow e ring On t he Sy stem Us ing th e pe Co m m an d This section de scribes h ow to p ower o n the s ystem. U se the follow ing pr oc edures whenev er t he s ystem n eeds to b e power ed on. Step 1. Fr om the Comman d Menu, ente r the pe c ommand. [...]

  • Página 226

    A ppe ndi x C P owering the S y stem On and Off P owering On the System Using the pe Command 226 Step 4. From th e CM > prompt, ent er ps t o observ e the powe r stat u s . The status screen sho wn in Fig ure C-16 appears . F igure C -16 P ower Status F irst Window Step 5. At the Sele ct Devi ce prompt, enter B then the cabinet numb er to che ck[...]

  • Página 227

    Appendi x D 227 D Te m p l a t e s This app endix contains blan k floor pl an grid s and eq uipm e nt tem plate s. Combine the ne c essar y numb er of floo r plan g rid sheets to c reate a scaled v ersion of the computer room f loor plan.[...]

  • Página 228

    A ppe ndi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 228 Te m p l a t e s This sect ion co ntains blan k floor plan grid s and equip ment temp lates. Com bine the ne cessa ry numb er of flo or plan grid s heets t o create a scal ed v er sion of the comput er ro om floor p lan. Figur e D-1 illu str ates the lo cat io ns requ ired for the cable cu to uts.[...]

  • Página 229

    Appendi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 229 Figure D-3 on page 231 illus trate s the ove rall dim ens ions requ ired for an SD64 complex . Fi gure D -1 C able Cutouts and Caster Location s[...]

  • Página 230

    A ppe ndi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 230 Figure D -2 SD1 6 and S D32 S p ace R equirem ents[...]

  • Página 231

    Appendi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 231 Figure D -3 SD64 S pace Re quirement s E q u i p m e n t Fo o t p r i n t Te m p l a t e s Equip ment f ootprin t templ ates are drawn t o the same scale as t he floor plan grid (1/4 inch = 1 foot ). These templa t es are prov ide d to show basic equi pmen t dimensi on s and space requ i remen t s f[...]

  • Página 232

    A ppe ndi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 232 NO TE Photoc opying t ypically c hanges t he sc a le of copied dr awing s. If any templ ates are copi ed, t h en all temp lates and floo r plan gr ids m ust also be copie d . Co m p u t er Room L ayout Pl an Use the foll owin g pr ocedu r e to crea te a computer room la y out plan : Step 1. Remove[...]

  • Página 233

    Appendi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 233 F igure D -4 Computer Fl oor T emplate[...]

  • Página 234

    A ppe ndi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 234 F igure D -5 Computer Fl oor T emplate[...]

  • Página 235

    Appendi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 235 F igure D -6 Computer Fl oor T emplate[...]

  • Página 236

    A ppe ndi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 236 F igure D -7 Computer Fl oor T emplate[...]

  • Página 237

    Appendi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 237 F igure D -8 Computer Fl oor T emplate[...]

  • Página 238

    A ppe ndi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 238 Fi gure D -9 SD32 and SD64, and I/O Expansion Cabinet T emplates[...]

  • Página 239

    Appendi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 239 Fi gure D -10 SD32 and SD64, and I/O Expansion Cabinet T emplates[...]

  • Página 240

    A ppe ndi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 240 Fi gure D -11 SD32 and SD64, and I/O Expansion Cabinet T emplates[...]

  • Página 241

    Appendi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 241 Fi gure D -12 SD32 and SD64, and I/O Expansion Cabinet T emplates[...]

  • Página 242

    A ppe ndi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 242 Fi gure D -13 SD32 and SD64, and I/O Expansion Cabinet T emplates[...]

  • Página 243

    Appendi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 243 Fi gure D -14 SD32 and SD64, and I/O Expansion Cabinet T emplates[...]

  • Página 244

    A ppe ndi x D Te m p l a t e s Te m p l a t e s 244[...]

  • Página 245

    245 Index A ac power volt age ch ec k , 108 wi ri ng che c k , 10 1 ac po w e r ve r i f ica t ion 4-wire P DCA , 103 5-wire P DCA , 103 AC0 P resent LED , 118 , 223 AC1 P resent LED , 118 , 223 acoustic no ise sp ecificatio ns sound power level , 72 soun d pr essu re lev el , 72 Ame ric an Soci ety of Hea ting, Re frige r atin g and Air -Conditi o[...]

  • Página 246

    Index 246 inte r fer ence communi c at ions , 76 in vent ory ch ec k , 77 IP addre s s defaul t values , 121 LAN conf igurat ion scr een , 121 sett i ng pri v ate and c u stomer LAN , 121 J JTAG utility for scan test JUST , 132 JUST JTAG u tility f or sc an te st , 132 K ki ck p l a te s atta ching to cabin e t , 13 4 show n on cab ine t , 134 L LA[...]

  • Página 247

    Index 247 W wiring che ck , 101 wrist str ap usag e , 76[...]