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Desi gnJet ColorPro Series HP Wide-Format Printers HP Design Jet Co lorPr o Series: Gettin g Start ed Gu ide Getting S tarted Guide HP DesignJet ColorPr o CAD (C7777A) HP DesignJet ColorPr o GA (C7778A)[...]
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HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 2 Acknowled gments HP ColorSmart II, HP PhotoREt I I and HP Z oomSmar t Scaling T echnology ar e trademarks of Hewlett- Packard C ompany . Microsoft is a U.S. r egistered trademar k of Mi crosoft Corpora tion. W indows is a tr ade mark of M i crosoft Corporation. Adobe is a U. S. register ed[...]
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Con tents HP DesignJet Col orPro Series: G etting S tarted Gu ide 3 Contents Step 1 – Unpack the P rinter 4 Step 2 – Remove All Tapes f rom the P rinter 5 Step 3 – Connect Cables 5 Step 4 – Ins tall Ink Cart ridg es 5 Step 5 – Install Printheads 6 Step 6 – Ins ert P aper in Tray 2 7 Step 7 – Ins ert P aper in Tray 3 9 Step 8 – Insta[...]
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Step 1 – U npack the Printer HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 4 S tep 1 – Unpack t he Printer 1. Check that the following items are included with the printer: a. Power C ord b. Four HP N o. 10 I nk Cartridges (black, cyan, magenta and yellow) c. Four HP N o. 10 Printheads (black, cyan, magenta and yellow) d. Extended T [...]
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Step 2 – Remove Al l Tapes from the Printer HP DesignJet Col orPro Series: G etting S tarted Gu ide 5 S t ep 2 – Rem ove A ll T ape s from t he Prin ter 1. Remove the four tapes se curing the printer . Open the top cover and remove the fifth tape from the ins ide of the printer . S tep 3 – Connect Cables 1. Ensure that the c omputer is turned[...]
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Step 5 – Inst all Printheads HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 6 3. Remove all four ink cartridges from their packaging and insert each ink cartridge int o its own color-coded slots. Make s ure that each cartr idge is pressed firm ly into place. S tep 5 – Insta ll Pri nth eads In the online edition, click to see a video [...]
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Step 6 – Insert Paper in Tray 2 HP DesignJet Col orPro Series: G etting S tarted Gu ide 7 Insert e ach printhea d into its own color-coded s ocket. Pu sh the pr inth e ad s down firmly . 4. Close the printhead latch. Be sure that the hook on the print head la tch catc hes t he ca rriage lock. Note: Y ou may have to use some force to close the pri[...]
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Step 6 – I nsert Paper in Tray 2 HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 8 2. If you a re loading A3-size or T a bloid-size paper , unlock the tray lock, extend the tray and r e-lock the tray . 3. Unpac k the Paper Length and W idth guides. 4. Insert the Paper Length guide into the slot of the paper size you wish to loa d. 5. In[...]
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Step 7 – Insert Paper in Tray 3 HP DesignJet Col orPro Series: G etting S tarted Gu ide 9 8. Repl ace T ray 1. If T ray 2 is extended, plac e the Extended T ray Cover over the tr ay . 9. On the Contr ol Panel, press [Menu] until P APE R HANDLING MENU appear s. 10.Press [ Item] to s elect TR A Y 2 TYPE= 1 1.P ress [V alue] to select the media type[...]
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Step 8 – I nst all the Printer Software HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 10 3. Unpac k the Paper Length and W idth guides. 4. Insert the Paper Length guide into the slot of the paper size you wish to loa d. 5. Insert the Paper W idth guide into the slot of the paper size you wish to loa d. 6. Load paper by aligning the pa[...]
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Step 9 – Change the Language Displayed on the Printer’s Control Panel HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide 11 For the HP DesignJet Color Pro CAD printer , soft ware supplie d includes: • ADI driver for AutoCAD • HP-GL/2 dr iver for W indows applications Follow the instruc tions s upplied with the printer software. S t ep 9 ?[...]
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Step 10 – Install Additional Memory HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 12 • Leave the memory expansion module in the antistatic bag until you are ready to install it. • If possible, use an anti s tatic wrist strap and a grounding mat. • Before you remove the memory expans ion module from the antistatic bag, touch a gr[...]
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About HP Customer Care HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide 13 About HP Customer Care As your strategic support partner , we make it our business to help keep your bus iness running s moothly . HP Customer Care of fers award-winning support t o ens ure you get the most from your HP DesignJet. HP Customer C are provides comprehensive,[...]
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HP Suppl ies HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 14 - T he c able you ar e using ( by part number ) and where you purchas ed it. - T he type of inter face used on your printer (parallel, or network). - T he softwa re name and ve rsion you a re curre ntly using. - T he information (base firmware ver sion, and so on) displayed i[...]
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HP Suppl ies HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide 15 HP P rem ium In kjet Pap er C1855A U.S. 1 1x17, 100 sheets C1856A European A3, 100 s h eets 51634Y U.S. Letter size, 200 s heets 51634Z European A4 size, 200 sheets HP P rem ium Heavyweight I nkjet Pap er C1852A U.S. Letter size, 100 s heets C1853A European A4 size, 100 sheets HP P[...]
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Printer Specificat ions HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 16 Addressing Label s 92296L 99.1 x 38. 1mm Addressing Labels 92296M 99.1 x 33. 8mm Addressing Labels 92296N 63.5 x 38. 1mm Addressing Labels 92296P 100 x 51mm Addres sing Labels 92296R 199.6 x 289mm, Full Sheet L abels C4296A 99.1 x 67. 7mm, Parcel Labels C4297A 63.5[...]
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Printer Specifications HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide 17 Memory 4 Mbytes on main board T wo 72-pin SIMM s lots for additional memory (EDO, 60ns) expansion up to a total of 76 Mbytes Pape r Hand ling Standard input capacity of 400 sheets through two tr ays of 150 sheet and 250 s heet capacity . Standard output capacity of 150 sh[...]
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Printer Specificat ions HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 18 Connectivity / Network Management HP DesignJet ColorPr o CAD : Network-capable printer for DOS a nd W indows environments HP-GL/2 and AutoCAD Driver Support for W i ndow s NT 4.0, W indows 3.1x/95/98 Centronics parallel, IEEE 1284 compliant One network interface sl[...]
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Printer Specifications HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide 19 Media S ize/T ype Paper : Super B 13 x 19 in. , U.S. T abloid 1 1 x 17 in., U.S. Legal 8.5 x 14 in., U. S. Letter 8.5 x 1 1 in. , European A3 297 x 420 mm, A4 210 x 297 mm, B4 257 x 364 mm T ransparencies : U. S. Letter 8.5 x 1 1 in., European A 4 210 x 297 mm Envelope: U[...]
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Printer Specificat ions HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 20 System Requir ements HP D esi gnJet C olorPr o GA Minimum: M acintosh Sys te m 7.6.1 or later: P ow er PC – 48Mb R AM W indows 95/98: Pentium, 48Mb RAM W indows NT 4. 0: Pentium, 64Mb RAM 150Mb free hard disk space for 1 1"x17" (279mm x 432mm) or A3 siz[...]
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Printer Specifications HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide 21 Brands and product names listed are trademar ks or registered tradema rks of their respe ctive c ompanies. Inf ormation in this document is subject t o change without notice. Di me nsi o ns W ith pape r tray clos ed: 685 mm (26. 97 in.) W x 610 mm (24.02 in.) D x 337 mm ([...]
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Hewlett-Packard Limited Warrant y Statement HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 22 Hewlett-Packard L i mited W arranty S tatement HP Product Duration of Limited W arranty Software 90 Days Ink C artridges 90 Days Printhea ds 1 Y ear Pr inte r 1 Y ear A. Exte nt of Limit ed W arr anty 1. Hew lett-Packard ( HP) warrants t o the e[...]
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Hewlett-Packard Limited Warrant y Statement HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide 23 product, at HP’ s option. 6. If HP is unable to repair or replace , as applicable, a defective product which is cover ed by HP’ s warr anty , HP shall, within a reas onable time after being notif ied of the defect, refund the purchas e price for t[...]
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Hewlett-Packard Limited Warrant y Statement HP Desig nJet Colo rPro S eries: Ge tting S tarted Guid e 24 DIRE CT , INDIREC T , SP ECIA L, I NCIDENT AL , OR CONSEQUE NTIAL DAMAGES, WHETH ER BASE D ON CONTR ACT , TOR T , OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEOR Y AND WHETHER ADVI SED OF THE POSSI BI LITY OF SUCH DAM AGES. D. Local La w 1. Th is W arranty St at ement[...]
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Regula tory Notices HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide 25 Regulatory Notices Note that additional notices appear in the appendix at the back of this docume nt. Sa fet y I n for mat io n A l w ays fol low basi c safety preca utions when us ing this product to re duce risk of i njury from fire o r el ectric shock. 1. Use only a gr ou[...]
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Appendi x—Regu latory Notices HP DesignJet Co lorPro S eries: G etting S tarted G uide: App endix— 1 Appe ndix—Regu lato ry Not ices FCC Regulations The U. S. Federal Communications Commi s sion (in 47 cfr 15.105) has specified that the f ollowing notices be brought to the attention of users of this product. Pr oduct Ide ntif ication N umb er[...]
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Appendi x—Regu latory Notices HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide: Appendi x—2 • Increase s eparati on betwee n equipment and r eceiver . • Connect equipment to an outlet on a circuit diff erent from that to which the r eceive i s connected. • Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician. When connected to L A[...]
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Appendi x—Regu latory Notices HP DesignJet Co lorPro S eries: G etting S tarted G uide: App endix— 3 VCCI Class A and Clas s B (Jap an) EMI s tatemen t (Korea) EM I sta te ment ( T aiwa n)[...]
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Appendi x—Regu latory Notices HP DesignJet ColorPro Series: Getting Started Guide: Appendi x—4 LED s C las sif ica tion Ener gy Cons umption Energy Star is a US regist er ed ser v ice m ark of United States Environmental Proctection Agency Geräuschem iss i on (Germany) LpA < 70 dB , am Ar beitsplatz, im Normalbetrieb, nac h DIN 45635 T . 19[...]
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Declaration of Conformity HP DesignJet Co lorPro S eries: G etting S tarted G uide: App endix— 5 Declaratio n of Con form ity[...]