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HD108 HD178 HD290 DLP™ Projector Users Manual v1.0[...]
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2 FCC Warning Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC R ules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection agai nst harmful interference in a re sidential installation. This equipm ent genera tes, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy a[...]
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3 T A B LE OF CONTENTS Safety Warnings 4 Introduction 5 Positioning the projector 7 Choosing the aspect ratio 8 Video connectors 8 Connecting a video device 9 Composite (RCA) video connection 9 S-video conne ction 9 Component (RCA) connection 9 SCART RGB connection 9 Digital connections 10 DVI connection 10 HDMI connection 10 Computer connections 1[...]
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4 Important Operating Considerations for Safe ty Place the projector in a horizontal position no greater than 15 degrees off axis. Locate the projector in a well-ve ntilated area w ith out any obstructions to intake or exhaust vents. Do not place the projector on a tablecloth or other soft covering that m ay bl ock the vents. Locate[...]
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5 Introduction Congratulations and thank you for your ex cellent choice of a superior digital image projection device. Your new Knoll projector is specifically designed for hom e ci nema applications. The projector sets a high standard using the latest DLP™ techno logy a nd new DNX vi deo processing from P i xelworks™. W hether you are watching[...]
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6 Com ponent RCA S-Video Rear Connector Panel 12 -volt DC output HDM I M1/DA/DVI Com posi te RCA RS -2 32 (not on HD108) The projector provides the follow i ng co nnect i on options: • M1 -DA/DVI (Digital Visual Interface) • HDMI™ (High Definition Multim ed ia In terface) • Component (RCA) • SCART RGB (you must enable this connector, see [...]
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7 Setting up the Projector There are a number of factors to consider when determ i ni ng where to set up the proj ecto r, including the size and shape of your screen, t he locati on of your power outlets, and the distance between the projector and the rest of your equipm ent. But here are some general guidelines. NOTE: To ensure adequate cable acce[...]
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8 HD108 Projectio n Throw D istance 16:9 Video Scr ee n : Screen Diagon a l 92" 103" 106" 110" 122.5" 146.75" Minimu m Distance 142" 158" 163" 169" 188" 225" Maximum Distanc e 170" 190" 195" 203" 22 6" 271" Screen offset 12.6" 14.1" 14.5" 15&quo[...]
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9 Video Connectors Com p onent RCA S-Video 12 -volt DC output HDM I M1/DA/DVI Com posi te RCA RS -2 32 (not on HD108) The first step for connecting video is determ i ning what type of output connectors your video Component RCA devi ce has. If the r e is m ore than o ne output, se lect the one with the highest quality. The best quality ranking, with[...]
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10 Compo site (RCA ) video c onnection Plug the composite video cable’s yellow conn ector into the video -o ut connector on the v i deo device. Plug the other yellow connector into the yellow Composite connector on the proj ecto r. S-video conn ection If your video device uses a round, four-pr ong S-vid eo connector, plug the S-video cable into t[...]
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11 Compu t er conn ections You can connect a computer’s VGA connector to the M1 -DA/DVI i nput on the proj ector using an M1 -A cabl e. RS -232 c onnections ( HD17 8 and HD29 0 only) You can control the projector from an L CD control panel or com pu ter by connecting an RS- 232 cable to the projector’s Serial control conn ector. Displaying an i[...]
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12 Your projector has been factory optim i zed for adjust Picture m enu o pti ons excellent performance no m atte r what the source. including Aspect Ratio However, if you wish to make further changes you can optimize the image using on screen menus. Adj ust the Contr ast, Brightness, Color, Tint, or Aspect Ratio in the Picture menu. See page17 for[...]
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13 The f ollowing tables sho w common problems. In some cases, more than one possible solution is provided. Try the solutions in the order they are pres ented. When the problem is solved, y ou c an skip the additional solutions.[...]
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15 Still need assistance? If you need assistance, visit our website at www .kno ll systems.com , or call us. See the User’s Guide for support contact information. This pr o duct is backed by a limited warranty . An ex tend ed warranty plan may be purchased from your retailer or dealer. W hen send i ng the projector in for repair, w e recomm e nd [...]
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16 Optimizing video images Your projector has been factory optim i zed for very good perform ance no m att er what the source. However, if you wish to make further changes you can optimize the i mage u si ng onscreen m enu s. For g eneral information on using the m enu s, see page 1 6. • Adjust the Keystone, Contrast, Brightness, Color, or Tint i[...]
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17 The menus are grouped by usage: • The Picture menu provides im age adjustments. • The Settings menu provides set -u p type adjustm ents that are n ot changed often. • The Source Info menu provides a read -only di splay of i nformation about the projector and source. Certain menu items m a y not be vi sible or m a y be grayed depending upon[...]
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18 Presets Presets : This allo ws you to custom ize se ttings and save the settings to be restored later. To restore the factory default settings, choose Factory Reset in the Settings>Service menu. To set a preset for the current source, adj ust the i m ag e, select Save Settings i n the Preset s menu, then choose Save User 1, 2, or 3. You can r[...]
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19 Color Space : th i s option applies to computer and Color spa ce com po nent vi deo sources. It allows you to select a color space that has been specifically tuned for the input signal. When Auto is selected, the projector automatically determines the standard. To choose a different setting, turn off Auto, then c hoose RGB for computer sources, [...]
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20 W hen Autosourc e is not checked, the proj ecto r defaults to Component initially, then defaults to whatever the last active source w as when the projector was powered down. To display anot her source, you m ust m an ual ly select one by pressing the Source button on the remote or keypad. This cycles through all the sources that are selected i n[...]
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21 Custom key: allows you to assign a different function to the Custom key on the rem ote , allo wing you to quickly and easily use the effect. Highlight an Custom Key effect and press Select to choose a d i fferent one. • Blank Screen : displays a solid blank i mage. • Freeze : takes a snapshot of the proj e cted image. If you’re watching vi[...]
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22 Maintenan c e Cleaning the lens 1 Apply a non-abrasive cam era l ens cleaner t o a soft, dry cloth. • Avoi d using an ex cessive a m ou nt of cleaner, and don’t apply the cleane r directly to the lens. Abrasive cleaners, solvents or other harsh chem i cal s might scratch the lens. 2 Lightly wipe the cleaning c l oth o ver the lens i n a circ[...]
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23 The lamp housing is designed to contain thes e f ragments, but use caution when rem ovi ng the lamp housing. Before replacing the lamp, clea n t he lam p co m pa rt m en t and dispose of cleaning m ate ria ls. Make sure to wash your hands afte r lam p repl acement. This product has a lam p, which contains a very small amount of m e rcury. Di spo[...]
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24 Remote control discrete codes You can use these codes to program another rem ote t o learn the proj e ctor’s remote functions. To activate discrete m o de, pr ess and hold the Custom butt on on the rem ote fo r 10 seconds. The backlight blinks twice when discrete m od e is entere d. The rem ote bu ttons are now rem ap ped to new functions as l[...]
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25 Supported video formats Connector Signal Type Supported formats HDMI M1 - DA Digital RGB and YCrCb Digital RGB video via M1- to -DVI cable Analog RGB video via M1- to -VESA cable YPrPb video via M1- to - Component adapt er 480i/50Hz/60H z 480p/50Hz/60Hz 576i/50Hz/60Hz 576p/50Hz/60Hz 720p/50Hz/60Hz 1080i/50Hz/60Hz 1080i/50Hz (Australia) Analog Co[...]
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26 RS232 COMM AND FORM A T All comm and s consi st of 3 alpha characters followed by a request, all enc l osed in parentheses. The request can be a read request (indicated by a “?”) or a w r ite request (indicated by 1 to 4 ASCII digits). A read request form a t (AAA?) where ( starts th e comm and AAA denotes the comm and ? den otes the read re[...]
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27 Supported commands Function Command Range Default Auto Ceiling Enable ACL 0-1 0 Auto Color Space Enable A CS 0-1 1 Auto Im a ge AIM 0 -1 0 Aspect Ratio ARZ 0-4 1 0 = Nati ve 1 = 4:3 2 = 16:9 3 = Lett erbox 4 = Natur al W ide Auto Power Enable APO 0- 1 0 Auto Source Enable ASC 0-1 1 Auto Video Standard Enable AVS 0- 1 1 Blank BLK 0 -1 0 Blank Scr[...]
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28 SUPPORTED COMMANDS (CONTINUED) Function Command Range Def ault Language LAN 0- 11 0 0 = Engli sh 1 = F rench 2 = Ger m an 3 = Italian 4 = Japa nese 5 = Korea n 6 = Nor wegian 7 = Portug uese 8 = Russi an 9 = Chi nese Simplified 10= Spani sh 11 - Chin ese Trad i tional Noise Reduction Mode NRE 0-1 0 0 = Off 1 = Auto Noise Reduction Level NRL 8- 2[...]
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29 SUPPORTED COMMANDS (CONTINUED) Function Command Range Def ault Total Number of Strike TSA 0-65535 0 Attempts Vertical Position VPS 0- 100 50 Video Standard VSU 0-9 0 0 = Auto 1 = NTSC 2 = PAL 5 = SECAM W hite Peaking W PK 0- 10 1 Save User I Preset USI 0-1 0 Save User 2 Preset US2 0-1 0 Save User 3 Preset US3 0-1 0 Logo Capture Enable CAP 0- 1 0[...]
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30 LIMITED WA RR ANT Y Knoll Systems, Inc. (“Knoll”) warrants that each HD102, HD178 and HD290 (“the Product”) sold hereunder will conform to and function in accordance with the written s pecifications of Knoll . Said limited warranty shall apply only to the first person or entity that purchases the Product for personal or business use and [...]