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Kramer Ele ctronics, Ltd. USER MANUAL Model: VS-1616SDI 16x16 SDI Video Matrix Switcher[...]
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Contents i Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Started 1 3 Overview 1 4 Operating a Single M achine 3 5 Your SDI Vid eo Matrix Switcher 3 6 Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 6 6.1 Configuring a Standalone SDI Vid eo Matrix Switcher 6 6.2 Assembling a System of Intercon nected Switchers 7 6.3 Setting the Dipswitches 8 6.3.1 Setting the MACHIN[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Contents ii 8.3.1 Understanding the SWITCHING METHOD Settings 32 8.3.2 Configuring a SWITCHING METHOD 33 8.4 Choosing the EXTENDED KEYBOARD Settin g 34 8.5 Setting the STORE/RECALL KEYBOARD Mod e 35 8.6 Choosing What to INDICATE 35 8.7 Choosing the C OMMUNI CATION Settin g 36 8.8 Setting the IR REMOTE Control 37 8[...]
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Contents iii Figures Figure 1: Default Dipswitch Setup on a Single Machine 3 Figure 2: VS-1616SDI 16x16 SDI Video Matrix Switcher 4 Figure 3: Configuring a Stand Alone 16x16 VS-1616SDI Switcher 6 Figure 4: Assembling a System of In terconnected Switchers 8 Figure 5: Rear Panel Dipswitches 9 Figure 6: Connecting a PC to Four Switchers 12 Figure 7: C[...]
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Introduction 1 1 Introduction Welcome to Kra mer Electronics! Since 1 981, Kr amer Electronics has been providing a world of unique, crea tive, and affordable solutions to the vast range of proble ms that confront the video, a udio, and presen tation professional on a d aily basis. In recent years, we have red esigned and upgraded most of our line,[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Overview 2 A main advantage o f the VS-161 6SDI is that it forms part of the series of 16x16 matrix switchers t hat includes, b ut is not limited to, VS-1616 A (a 16x16 analog ba lanced stereo audio matrix switcher), VS-1 616V (a 16x16 analog video matrix switcher), VS-16 16AD (a 16x16 digital audio matrix switche[...]
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Operating a Single Machine 3 To achieve the best p erformance: Use only good q uality connection cables 1 to avoid interference , deterioratio n in signal quality due to p oor matching, and ele vated noise levels (often as sociated with low quali ty cables). Avoid interference from neighbo ring electrical appliances th at may adversely infl[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 4 Figure 2: VS-1616SDI 16x16 SDI Vid eo Matrix Switcher[...]
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Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 5 Table 2: Front Panel VS-1616SDI 16x16 SDI Video Matrix Switcher Features # Fe a tu re Fu n c ti o n 1 I R Re ce ive r The red LED is illuminat ed when receiv ing signals from the Kramer Infra-red remote control tra nsmitter 2 Power Switch Illuminated switch supplying power to the unit 3 ALL Button Pressing ALL follo[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 6 6 Installing the SD I Video Ma trix S witcher To install the VS-16 16SDI , connect the following 1 to the rear p anel, as required: Power cord Video input and outp ut cables Control Interface cab les between switcher unit s, or PC ( or other controller), a s s[...]
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Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 7 6.2 Assembling a S ystem of Int erconnected Sw itchers A major ad vantage of the VS-16 16SDI is that it belongs to t he series of 16x16 matrix switchers a nd, as such, can i nterconnect with other switchers in the series. This series i ncludes, b ut is not limited to, VS-1 616A (a 16x16 analog balanced ste[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 8 Figure 4: Assembling a System of Interconnected Switchers Refer to section 6.3 for details of how to set the dips witches, and to section 6.4 for details of ho w to control this group o f interconnected varied -format 16x16 series s witchers, and other config urat[...]
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Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 9 Figure 5: Rear Panel Dipswitches Table 4: Dipswitch Definitions Di p s wi tc h # Fu n c ti o n : 1-4 Set the MACH INE # (see Table 5 in s ection 6.3.1) 5 Enables (ON) or dis ables (OFF) th e Follow-SYSTE M mode 6 Enables (ON) or dis ables (OFF) th e SLAVE mode in a multi-chan nel configuration 7 Disabl[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 10 DI PSW IT CH MA C HI NE # 1 2 3 4 10 OFF ON OFF ON 11 ON ON OFF ON 12 OFF OFF ON ON 13 ON OFF ON ON 14 OFF ON ON ON 15 ON ON ON ON 6.3.2 Understanding the SYSTEM Mode The terms aud io-follow-video 1 and audio b reakaway 2 are well known. Sometimes signals o ther than aud[...]
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Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 11 VS-1616 SDI unit is the Slave ( w ith DIP 6 set ON enabling the Sla ve mode). On the Slave VS-16 16SDI unit, the M ATRIX and ST ATUS Displays do not illuminate and the ST ATUS Display sho ws the following message: K e yb o a r d L O C KED However, the STAT US Display on t he Slave VS-1616 SDI unit dynamic[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 12 The RS-232 da isy chain switcher arr angement is transparent . This lets you arrange the switchers (fro m the series of 16 x16 matrix switchers) according to your require ments, and not accord ing to a fixed sequence d ependent on the MACHINE #. Figure 6: Connecting a PC[...]
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Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 13 You can connect any of t he follo wing: A VS-1616 SDI unit with any matrix switcher that forms part of the series of 16x16 matrix switchers, usi ng a Null-mode m adapter (see section ) or without using a Null-mode m adapter (see section The PC’s DB9 COM port to a VS-1616[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 14 2 . S e t DI P 7 O F F ( e n a bl i n g Nu l l - m od e m a da p t e r u s e 2 ) on t h e V S - 1 6 16 S D I u n i t . Con n ec ti ng t o a D B9 COM P or t wit ho ut a N u ll -mo d e m Adapter To connect the PC ’s DB9 COM p ort to a VS-1616SDI u nit, witho ut u[...]
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Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 15 6.4.2 Connecting the RS-485 Control Interface Figure 8 defines the RS-485 co nnector PINOUT for external RS-485 control. T he RS-485 connector is also used (if req uired) for vertical s ync: Figure 8: RS-485 Connector PINOUT To connect an RS -485 connector o n a VS-1616SDI unit to an RS-485 connector on o[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 16 To the PC via a Kra mer Tools VP-43 xl Interface Conve rter (connect the PC’s DB 9 COM po rt to the “RS-232 in” DB9 F port on the VP-43xl . Nex t, connect the RS-485 port on the VP- 43xl to the RS-485 po rts on the switchers b y connecting the “A” ter minal[...]
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Installing the SDI Video Matrix Switcher 17 6.5 Configuring the S ync On the VS-161 6SDI , you can select one of t he following, as the sync input: EXTERNAL SYNC ANALOG BNC co nnector INT# 1 DI GITAL BNC connector MTX (Sync fro m Matrix) RS-485 Terminal Block connector , when using multiple machines 1 Configure the sync via the SWIT CHI[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 18 Figure 11: Keyboard Extension (EXT. KEYS) Connector To use the Keyboar d Extension, activate the e xtended KEY BOARD setting Menu command, as sect ion 8.4 describes. 7 Operating You r SDI Video Matrix S witcher Operate your VS-1 616SDI via: The front panel butto [...]
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Operating Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 19 Figure 12: Default Startup Status Display Sequence 7.2 Using the Front Panel Buttons You can switch (see section 7.2.2) and clear (see section 7.2.3) : One input to one outpu t Several inputs to several o utputs One input to all outputs 7.2.1 Confirming the Settings Choose to work in t[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 20 Toggling Between the AT ONCE and CONFIRM Modes To toggle bet ween the AT ONCE (d efault) mode and the CO NFIRM mode, press the TAKE butto n. In CONFIRM mode: Actions req uire user confirmation and the TAKE LED lights. In AT ONCE mode: Actions do not require user [...]
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Operating Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 21 o u t # x f r om i n # y W h e re x i s th e ou tp u t n u m be r an d y i s t h e in pu t n um be r Pressing an OUT-IN co mbination when your VS-161 6SDI operates in the CONFIRM mode (a nd the TAKE LED is li t), requires user c onfirmation. To switch one input to o ne output (CONFI RM mode): 1 . R e p ea[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 22 2 . P r e s s th e a p p r o pr i a t e I N b u t t on . Th e M A TR I X D i s pl a y s h ow s t he 2 b l i n ki n g d ig i t s , r ep r e s en t i n g th e in pu t n um b e r an d t h e TA K E L ED bli nk s. Th e S TA T U S D i s pl a y s h ow s 1 t h e m es s ag e: o u[...]
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Operating Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 23 Th e M A TR I X D i s pl a y s h ow s t he i de n ti c a l 2 n on - bl in ki ng d i g i ts ( r e pr e s en t i n g t h at in p u t n um b e r ) f or a l l o u t pu t s . 7.2.3 Clearing 1 Outputs You can clear (dele te): One output (see sectio n Several outputs (see sec tion 7.2.3.[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 24 W h e re x i s th e ou tp u t n u m be r 3 . P r e s s th e TA KE b u t t on t o c o n f i rm t h e a c t i on . Th e i n pu t i s c l ea r ed a n d t h e TA KE L ED l i g h ts . Th e M A TR I X D is pla y do e s n ot s h o w a n y I n pu t # in i ts p l ac e. Cl[...]
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Operating Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 25 Th e M A TR I X D i s pl a y s h ow s t he s et s o f 2 b li n k i n g d ig i t s , r ep r e s e n ti n g th e p r e s en t i n pu t n u m be r f o r ea ch sp e c i f i c ou t p u t. 6 . A f te r com pl et in g th e se qu e n ce , p re ss t h e TA K E but to n to c on f i r m t h e a c t io n s . Th e i n[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your SDI Video Matrix Switcher 26 Storing Setups To store a setting, do the following: 1 . P r e s s th e S T O b u t to n . Th e D i s pl a y s s h o w t h e m ess ag es : E n te r S E TU P n um b e r u s e tw o d ig i t # 0 1 - 99 S t or e # x y W h e re x y a re t h e O U T b u t t on s . 2 . [...]
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Using the MENU Command Sequence 27 b a s is . F or ex am pl e, t o e n te r t h e # 1 4, p r e s s # 1 f o l low e d b y # 4 ( n o t # 14 ) . To e nt er t h e # 3 , pr e s s # 3 f o l l ow e d b y t h e TA KE b u t to n 1 . Th e m em or y r e ca lls th e s e tu p. Th e MA TRI X Dis play sh o w s the bl in kin g s et u p and t h e TA KE L ED bl in k[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Using the MENU Command Sequence 28 O per at io na l Cont rol Set up Co m ma nds Re vi ew t he current setup by pressi ng t he TAK E butt on seve ral tim es (as requi red). Pressi n g t he TA KE butt on le ts you see how a com m a nd is setup w ithout chang in g it C han ge the current state by pressi ng t h e TA K[...]
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Using the MENU Command Sequence 29 8.1 Locking and Unloc king the Front Panel To prevent changin g the settings acciden tally or tampering with the unit via the front panel butto ns, lock 1 your VS-16 16SDI . Unlocking r eleases the protection mechanism. To lock the VS-161 6SDI : 1 . P r e s s th e M E NU bu tt on on ce . Th e M A TR I X D i s [...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Using the MENU Command Sequence 30 1 . P r e s s th e TA KE b u t to n tw ice . Th e f r on t pan el u n l oc k s an d t h e s am e me ss a g es s h ow a s in s te ps 1 an d 2 a b ov e . 8.2 Choosing the System M odes The terms aud io-follow-video 1 and audio b reakaway 2 are well known. Sometimes signals o ther t[...]
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Using the MENU Command Sequence 31 2 . P r e s s th e TA KE b u t to n . Th e D i s pl a y s s h o w t h e m ess ag es : s et U N I T fo l lo w SY S T E M? P r es s T AKE to e xe cu t e c u r ren t : b r e ak a wa y 3 . P r e s s th e TA KE b u t to n a g a i n . Th e M A TR I X D i s pl a y m o m en t a r il y s h ow s th is m es s age , f ol l ow[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Using the MENU Command Sequence 32 8.3.1 Understanding the SWITCHING METHOD Settings Setting the VS-161 6SDI unit as a Stand -Alone UNIT provides a choice o f 4 SWITCHIN G METHOD settings: NoVIS - switching occur s immediately after co mpletion of front panel or dr y- contact op eration o r immediately after r[...]
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Using the MENU Command Sequence 33 Connect the RS-485 terminal block co nnectors 1 between each switcher in the multi- switcher system Connect and set the vi deo ref ere nc e signal on one of the video units to EXT (external sync) or INT# 1 (internal sync) Set the vid eo ref eren ce on the other video units to the MTX (SYNC fro m Matrix[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Using the MENU Command Sequence 34 3 . P r e s s an O U T bu tt on f rom 1 , 2 , 3 o r 4 . F or ex a m pl e , OU T bu t to n # 3 t o s et t h e i n t e rn a l s y nc c on f i g ur ati on . Th e T A K E L E D b l i n k s a n d t h e M A TR I X D i s pl ay s h ow s th e m es s ag e: P r es s T AKE to c on f ig u r e[...]
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Using the MENU Command Sequence 35 8.5 Setting the STO RE/REC ALL KEYBOARD Mo de Choose one of these STORE/RECALL KEYBO ARD mode s: At ONCE mode in which setups are stored/recalled immediately without the need for user confir mation CONFIRM mode in which storing/recallin g setups require user confirmation. The CON FIRM mode is the de fault [...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Using the MENU Command Sequence 36 To scroll the s witcher setup (instead of s howing the IN/OU T range), do the following: 1 . P r e s s th e M E NU bu tt on u n t i l y ou re a c h t h e “ Wha t to I N DIC A TE ” c o m m an d. Th e M A TR I X D i s pl a y s h ow s t he m ess ag e: wh a t t o I N D I C A T E [...]
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Using the MENU Command Sequence 37 S w i tc h e r r e s p on s e c h a ng e d Cu rr en t: N o r e p l y 8.8 Setting the IR REM OTE Control Set the IR REMOT E control to enable remote control o f the VS-161 6SDI 16x16 Video Matrix Switcher , usin g the Kramer RC-IR2 I nfra-Red R em ote Con tr ol Dev ice 1 . Ref er to th e RC-IR 2 Infr a-R ed Rem ote[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Using the MENU Command Sequence 38 Table 7: Summary of Basic RC-IR2 Operations To execute this c ommand: Press the followin g keys in this se quence: Switch an Input to a n Output # k ey (for the output) + # key (for the in put) 1 Store/Recall a setup SHIFT + STO/RCL + # key (for the s etup) 8.9 Choosing the AUTO [...]
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Using the MENU Command Sequence 39 1 . P r e s s th e M E NU bu tt on u n t i l y ou re a c h t h e I d en t i f y in g t h e MA CH IN E c o m m an d. Th e M A TR I X D i s pl a y s h ow s t he m ess ag e: i d e n ti fy MA C H I N E y e s - > T AKE , n e x t - > M E N U 2 . P r e s s th e TA KE b u t to n . Th e M A TR I X D i s pl a y ( a s [...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Upgrading Flash Memory 40 4 . P r e s s th e TA KE b u t to n a g a i n . Th e D i s pl a y s s h o w t h e m ess ag es : R e s e t to f ac t or y d e f aul t c o n fi rm b y p r es s i n g O U T # 7 WA RN IN G ! ! !! ! 5 . P r e s s th e OU T # 7 . Th e m ac hi n e re s e ts t o t h e f a c to r y d e f a u lt an[...]
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Upgrading Flash Memory 41 9.2 Upgrading the Firm ware 1 . I n s t al l an d ru n t h e K - Se n d e r p rog ra m o n y ou r PC. 2 . O p en t h e K - Se n d er p r og r a m . Th e F i l e C O M P o rt S e n de r w i n d ow o p e n s . 3 . C h oos e t he a pp r op r i a te C O M p or t . B e s u re th at “ 96 00 Ba u d rat e” i s c h os e n . C l[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Upgrading Flash Memory 42 1 0 . A ft e r a f ew s ec on d s t h e F L A SH m em ory i s e ra s e d a n d t h e M A TR I X D i s pl a y s h ow s t h e f oll ow in g m ess ag e: R e ad y f or re c e i v in g S t ar t t r a n sm is s i on f r om PC N o te : I f u pg ra di n g the f ir m wa r e o n m or e th an on e V[...]
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Technical Specifications 43 10 Technical Specification s Table 8 includes the tec hnical specificatio ns: Table 8: Technical Specifications of the VS-1616SDI Video Matrix Switcher Inputs: 16 SMPTE-259 M Serial Video, 75 o n BNC conn ectors Outputs: 16 reclocked S MPTE-259M Serial Vid eo, 75 on BNC connectors Reference Input: Analog loop thr[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Hex Codes 44 Table 9: Hex Table for the VS-1616SDI Video Matrix Switcher OUT 16 OUT 15 OUT 14 OUT 13 OUT 12 OUT 11 OUT 10 OUT 9 OUT 8 OUT 7 OUT 6 OUT 5 OUT 4 OUT 3 OUT 2 OUT 1 F E D C ?[...]
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ASCII Protocol: General 45 12 ASCII Protocol: Genera l The ASCII pr otocol has three ba sic commands: Y for co nnect, T for recall, P for store. Before using the ASCII proto col, you need to select it fro m the machine’ s front panel: 1 . P r e s s th e M E NU bu tt on u n t i l y ou g et t o “ s et c om m u n ic a t i on p r o t o c ol ” . 2[...]
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KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY ASCII Protocol: Description 46 “T” co mm and : REC ALL A SET UP . Format: ** T s# !! where s# is the set up number (1 to 99) to recall. Example : **T13!! recalls setup number 13. “P” co mm and : ST ORE A SET UP . Format: ** P s# !! where s# is the set up number (up to 9 9) that stores the presen t status o[...]
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Kramer Electron ics, Ltd. Web site: www.kramerelectronics.co m E-mail: info@kramerel.com P/N: 2900-002063 REV 2 For the latest in formation on ou r products and a list o f Kramer distributors, visi t our Web site: www.kra merelectr onics.com where updates to this user manua l may be foun d. We welcome you r questions, co mments and feedback. Cautio[...]