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Marshall E lectronics V-R653SB-IMD High Definition T riple LCD Monitor with In-Monitor Displ ay Operating Instr uctions[...]
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2 Contents Product O verview ...................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .................. 3 Features ........................... ....................... [...]
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3 Product Over view The V-R653 SB-IMD is a triple 6.5” L CD m onitor with HD- SDI inputs an d In-Mon itor Displa y functional ity – a c ost-effec tive "all-in-one" s olution f or post-produc tion houses , broadc asters, and m obile units. T his full y integrated a pproac h eliminates the need f or additiona l or separat e Under M onit[...]
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4 Install ation and Initial Set up ■ Unpacking Carefull y unpack the V-R 653SB- IMD monitor and ver ify that the f ollowing item s are inc luded: • V-R653SB-IM D Moni tor • V-PS12-6.6 A Power Suppl y with 2-Pin T wist Lock Connector • Operating Instructions Inspect the u nit for an y phys ical dam age that ma y have occurred d uring shi ppi[...]
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5 Top and Front Panel Featur es Power But ton Turn the m onitor on b y press ing the power b utton. In the ON stat e, the L ED above the p ower butto n will illuminate green. Men u Navigat ion Buttons Use the M enu , ↑ , ↓ , and Se lect buttons t o displa y and navigate the on-sc reen m enu (See M ain Menu and Navig ation – Page 8) . User-Def[...]
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6 Rear Panel Features HD-SDI Input and Outp ut Each screen has one H D-SDI in put and on e active loop-through o utput. N ote: No mor e than 4 sc reens should be c onnected in one loop. Power Inp ut Connect the 12VDC in put to the 2-P in twist lock power input c onnector. Power can b e suppl ied from the included power supp ly, or f rom a variet y [...]
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7 Compatible Input Format s The f ollowing SDI stan dards are su pported b y the V- R653SB-IM D: 525i, 625i 1035i/60, 1 035i/59.94 1080i/60, 1 080i/59.94, 1 080i/50 1080psF/24, 1080psF/2 3.98 720p/60, 72 0p/59.94, 7 20p/50 On-Screen Menu STRUCTURE OVERVIEW Marker 16:9 Off, 95%, 93%, 90%, 8 8%, 80%, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, 4:3, 14:9, 13:9 Marker 4:3 Off, 95[...]
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8 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) MAIN MENU AND NA VIG AT ION Access and n avigate t he main m enu us ing the 4 m enu buttons or th e RotoM enu™ k nob: Using the m enu butto ns • Press the M ENU button to enter t he main m enu. • Use the ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ and ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ buttons t o scr oll through the m ain menu or each subm enu. • Press t[...]
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9 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) MARKER SETUP SUBMENU Use the Mark er Setup s ubm enu to select vari ous t ypes of mark ers and settings in 4:3 or 16:9 m ode. ■ 16:9 Ma rkers Use this set ting to super impose o ne of 10 m ark ers on the scr een when i n 16:9 mode. T his setting is disab led when the aspect ratio is s et to 4:3, or when Pixel-to- P[...]
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10 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) MARKER SETUP SUBMENU (continued ) ■ 4:3 Markers Use this set ting to super impose o ne of 5 m arkers on the screen w hen in 4:3 m ode. T his setting is disabled when the aspect ratio is s et to 16: 9, or when Pixel-to- Pixel m ode is enabled. • Off (No Mar ker) • 95% Safe Are a • 93% Safe Are a • 90% Safe [...]
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11 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) VIDEO CONFIGURAT ION SUBMENU Use the Vide o Conf iguration subm enu to se lect variou s video set tings, such as color tem perature, m onochro m e mode, or blue-onl y mode. ■ Monochrome Mode Use this set ting to enabl e m onochrom e mode. Onl y the lum inance of the im age wil l be displa yed as a gra yscale pictu[...]
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12 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) VIDEO CONFIGURAT ION SUBMENU (continued) ■ Pixel-to-Pixel Mode Use this set ting to enabl e Pixel-to- Pixel m ode. This m ode bypasses the m onitor ’s internal sc aling f unction and displa ys incom ing images in their native res olution and aspect ratio, with a one- to-one m apping of i ncom ing im age pixels t[...]
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13 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) VIDEO CONFIGURAT ION SUBMENU (continued) ■ A spec t Ratio Settings (continued) ■ Curtain Color Use this set ting to choos e the d efault color d ispla yed on the s creen when no video input is pres ent. Ava ilable colors are blue , red , g reen , w hite , and blac k . 4:3 Mode 16:9 Mode 16:9 Centered Mode Scaled[...]
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14 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) COLOR CONFIGURATION SUB MENU Use the Col or Conf iguration subm enu to adj ust the col or tem perature of the display. ■ Ctemp/Gamma Use this set ting to choos e one of three color tem perat ure / gam ma pres ets: • D55 (5500 K) • D65 (6500 K) • D93 (9300 K) • Linear (No gamm a applied) ■ Red, Green, a n[...]
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15 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) SYSTEM CONFIGURAT ION SUBMENU Use the S ystem C onfiguration subm enu to c ontrol vari ous system param eters. ■ Gray Levels Use the Gra y Levels m enu option t o view 25 6 levels of flat f ield gra y. This feature is useful for color tem perature comparison a nd calibr ation. T he input must be disco nnected f or[...]
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16 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) SYSTEM CONFIGURAT ION SUBMENU (continued) ■ Saving and Loading Use r Presets Use the S AVE CONFIG a nd LOAD CONFIG menus to save curre nt settings t o on e of 6 presets , or load a preset. Each Preset sa ves all monit or settings ex cept for IMD c onfig uration. • Use the LOAD CONFIG menu to lo ad one of presets[...]
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17 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) DEINTERLACER SUBMENU Use the Dei nterlacer s ubmenu t o control t he type of deinterlac ing perfor med on i nterlaced input signa ls. ■ Deinterlacer Mode User the D einterlacer Mo de opt ion to set the type of de interlacing a lgorithm used: • In Auto m ode, the de interlacer defaults to Mo tion Ada ptive m ode [...]
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18 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) DEINTERLACER SUBMENU (contin ued) ■ Film Mode Film m ode uses specia lized algorit hms to correctl y deinterlace cont ent that or iginated in either 24f ps or 25fps . Film Mode is autom aticall y entered whene ver a f ilm-to-video c adence is d etected in th e content. F ilm c adence detec tion is active whene ver[...]
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19 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) OSD CONFIGURATION SUBMENU Use the OSD C onfigura tion s ubmenu to sel ect a variet y of inform ation to be displayed on the scr een. ■ IMD State Use this set ting to turn t he IMD text displa y on or off. T his setting af fects both fixed string IMD text a nd rem ote IMD text comm ands ( see IM D Config uration Su[...]
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20 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) OSD CONFIGURATION SUBMENU (con tinued) ■ OSD Tally Use this set ting to choos e how tal ly is displa yed on the s creen. The a vailable O SD Tall y options d epend o n the T ally Source selec ted in the IM D Conf iguration s ubmenu ( s ee page 22 ). W hen the Tally Source is set to Sta ndard (c ontact clos ure), O[...]
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21 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) OSD CONFIGURATION SUBMENU (con tinued) ■ LED Tall y Use this set ting to enabl e or disab le the LED T ally. W hen enabled , the red and green LEDs bes ide each d ispla y will respond to ta lly comm ands, acc ording to the T ally Sour ce setting ( se e page 24 ) . NOT E: Only red and gr een tally LEDs are ava ilab[...]
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22 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) IMD CONFIGURATION SUBMENU ■ Overview The V-R653 SB-IMD feat ures an I n-Monitor D ispla y (IMD) with th e abilit y to displa y on-screen text and tall y in three colors. IMD text, color, a nd alignm ent can be as signed to each s creen local ly using m enu options (s ee belo w). Alternatel y, IMD text an d tall y [...]
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23 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) IMD CONFIGURATION SUBMENU (con tinued) ■ IMD ID # The IMD ID # identifies each sc reen to the co ntrolling dev ice. W hen using the T SL protoco l, the ID # of each screen should be m anuall y set in conjunc tion with the c ontro lling device. W hen using the Im age Video protoc ol, the ID # ma y be set autom atic[...]
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24 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) IMD CONFIGURATION SUBMENU (con tinued) ■ Tally Source The V-R653 SB-IMD tal ly (OSD an d LED) can be cont rolled in a v ariety of d ifferent wa ys. Use the T ally Sourc e setting to choose ho w tall y is controlled: Standard Use the Sta ndard sett ing to contr ol tall y via contact c losure on t he HD-15 t ally in[...]
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25 On-Screen M enu (c ontinue d) SERVICE SUBMENU ■ Overview The Servic e subm enu displa ys the status of the serial interfac e, for troubles hooting or de bugging purposes onl y. Contact Mars hall Electr onics f or further inform ation. The f ollowing inform ation is disp layed: • Serial Char acters Rx: T otal number of characters received by [...]
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26 Specifications ■ PANEL Screen Size 6.5” Diagonal Display Area (h x v) 132.096 x 99.072 mm Aspect Ratio 4:3 Na tive (4:3/16:9 Modes) Pixels 1024 x RGB x 768 Color Depth 18-bi t (262,144 Colors) Viewing Angle (h x v) 160° x 160° Brightness 650 cd/ m 2 Contrast Ratio 500:1 Dot Pitch (h x v) 0.043 x 0.129 mm Pixel Pitch (h x v) 0.129 x 0.129 m[...]
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27 Specifica tions (cont inued) Maintenance ■ Screen Clea ning Periodicall y clean the s creen surf ace using am m onia-free clean ing wipes (Mar shall P art No. V-HW P-K ). A c lean m icro- fiber cloth ca n also be us ed us ing only no n-abrasive and amm onia-f ree cleaning a gents. Do n ot use pap er towels. Paper towel f ibers are c oarse and [...]
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28 Marshall Electr onics , Inc. 1910 East Maple Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245 Tel: (800) 800-6608 / (310) 333-0606 • Fax : 310-333-0688 www.LCD Racks.com • sales@lcdracks.com V2.0[...]