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Cat. No. 14-1164 OWNER’S MA NUAL Please r ead befo re using this equ ipment . Micro-37 Voice-Activated Microcassette Tape Recorder 14-1164.fm Page 1 Wednesday, Novem ber 25, 1998 1 :20 PM[...]
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2 FEA TURES Your O ptimu s Micro -37 Voic e-Activ ated Microc assette T ape Rec order is ideal for quick note-t aking. I ts ul tra-small size makes it easy to slip i nto a pocket o r brief- case. Yo u can use i t at sc hool, at bus iness conferen ces, for dictatio n in the office, or anyw here on the go! You c an start r ecord- ing manua lly or set[...]
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3 External M icrophone Jack — lets you use an e xternal mi cropho ne, so yo u can exten d yo ur re cordi ng r a nge. Earphone Jac k — lets yo u use an optiona l earphone to liste n to a tape privately . Quick Record — lets you instan tly chang e from play ba ck t o reco r d. Tape Speed Sw itch — lets you rec ord at normal or slo w speed. Sl[...]
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4 We re comm end y ou wri te y our r eco rder ’s serial nu mber here. The num ber is inside the reco rder’s batt ery comp artment. Serial N umber: __ ________ __ 14-1164.fm Page 4 Wednesday, Novem ber 25, 1998 1 :20 PM[...]
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5 CONTEN TS Preparation .... ........... ................. ............ 6 Bef ore Y ou Be gin ................. ........... . 6 Connecti ng to P ow er ................ ....... 6 Using Bat teries ........................ . 7 Using A C P ower ................ ..... 10 Using V ehicle Batte r y P ow er .. 12 Connecti ng an Earphone .............. 14 Li[...]
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6 PREP ARA TION BEFORE Y OU BEGIN To protec t the Micro-3 7 during sh ipment, a piece of p aper is attac hed to the casset te door. R emove this paper b efore y ou use the Mic ro-37. CONNECTING T O P O WE R You can po wer your M icro-37 from any of the foll owing: • Inte r nal batte r y p ower • A C power (w ith an op tion al AC adapter) • Y [...]
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7 Using Batte ries You can use two AA batteries (not sup- plied) t o power your M icro-37. W e reco m- mend alkali ne batteries , such as Ra- dioShac k Cat. No. 23-552. Cautions: • Use on ly fre sh bat ter ies of the required siz e and re commend ed typ e. • Ne ver le av e dead or wea k batteries in the Micr o-37. Batte ries ca n leak che m- ic[...]
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8 Follow th ese steps to insta ll bat teries. 1. Slide the battery compartment cov er i n the direc tion of the arro w until it stops , then lif t up the cov er . Caution: The ba ttery compartment cov er is attac hed to the recorder . D o not try to remo v e it. 2. Insert the batteries into the compart- ment as indicate d b y the po larity sym- bol[...]
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9 Notes: • If the r e cord/batte r y indic ator to the right of the EAR jac k does not lig ht or lights diml y during man ual recordin g, repl ace t he bat ter i es. • If you do not pla n to us e the Mic ro-37 f or se ver al da ys, or if y ou plan to use only A C or vehicle bat te r y power , remo v e the b atteries. 14-1164.fm Page 9 Wednesday[...]
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10 U s i n g AC Po w e r To powe r the Micro-3 7 from an AC outle t, you ne ed an AC adapte r (not supplie d), such a s Cat. No. 273 -1654B. Cautions: • Y ou must use an AC ada pter tha t sup - pli es 3 volts DC p o wer and delivers at least 200 milli amps . The center ti p of the adapte r barrel pl ug must be set to positiv e, a nd the pl ug mu [...]
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11 Follow these st eps to po wer the Mic ro-37 from sta ndard AC power. 1. Set the A C adapter’ s v oltage s witch to 3V . 2. A ttach the 2. 3 5 mm out er diam ete r/0. 7 mm in ner d iam eter barr el pl ug t o the A C adapter’ s cord with th e tip set to positiv e (+). 3. Insert the barrel plu g into th e Micro- 37’s DC3V jack. This disc onne[...]
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12 Using V ehicle Battery P o wer To pow er the Micr o-37 from your v ehicle’ s battery, you ne ed a DC ada pter (no t sup- plied), s uch as Cat. No. 27 0-1560. Cautions: • Y ou must use a D C ad apte r t hat s up- pli es 3 volts DC p o wer and delivers at least 200 milli amps . The center ti p of its b arrel plug m ust be set to pos itiv e , a[...]
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13 Follow these st eps to po wer the Mic ro-37 from yo ur vehicl e’s ba ttery. 1. Set the DC ad apter’ s v oltage s witch to 3V . 2. A ttach the 2. 3 5 mm out er diam ete r/0. 7 mm inne r diamete r barre l plu g with the tip set to positiv e (+). 3. Insert the barrel plu g into th e Micro- 37’s DC3V jac k. This di sconnec ts the internal batt[...]
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14 CONNECTING AN EARPHONE You can use an optiona l mono earphone with a s ubmini ( 3 / 32 -inc h) pl ug to li sten to a tape in privac y. Notes: • Y ou c an a ls o u se a n e arphone to mo n- itor w hat the rec order pic ks up throug h the internal micr ophone or an e xter nal microp hone . • Y our l ocal Radi oShac k store car r ies a wide s e[...]
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15 Listening Saf el y To pr otect yo ur hearing , foll ow thes e guideli nes wh en you us e an e arphone. • Se t the v olume t o the lo west settin g bef ore y ou begi n li stening. After yo u begin l isteni ng, adjus t the v olume to a comf or tabl e listeni ng le vel. • Do not list en at e xtremely h igh v olume le vels . Extended high-v olum[...]
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16 CONNECTING AN EXTERNAL MICROPHONE You can us e an op tio nal microph one w ith a submin i ( 3 / 32 -inc h) plug to extend the re- cordi ng ra nge. Y our l ocal Ra dio Shack store c arries a wide sele ction of micro- phones . Insert the mic rophone’s plug i nto the re- corder’s MIC ja ck. The buil t-in microp hone auto matica lly disc on nec [...]
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17 OPERA TION LO ADING A MICROCASSETTE T APE Note: We recom mend MC-60 mi croca s- sette ta pes for up to 2 hou rs of re cording/ playba ck time , or M C-90 mic rocas sette tapes f or up to 3 hours of recordi ng/play- back ti me. Follow these step s to load a m icrocas sette tape. 1. Use a pencil to turn the cass ette’ s hub and rem o ve any tape[...]
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18 2. Lift the la tch t o open th e cass ette co m- partment door . 3. Insert the microcassett e into the door’ s guides so the micro cassette ’ s open edge f aces out . Note: An arro w on the cassette com- partment sho ws the t ape tr av el direc- tion. Be s ure the tape ’ s full reel i s in the oppo site dire ction from the arro w . 4. Clos[...]
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19 RECORDING You can record ma nually or use v oice- acti- vated rec ording. Whe n you use th e voice activa ting fe ature, r ecording begins w hen the record er picks u p soun d and stops a few se conds af ter the sound sto ps. Follow th ese steps to record . 1. Load the micr ocassett e tape . 2. Set SPEED on the side of t he reco rder as follows:[...]
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20 • F or better sound qua lity , set SPEED to 2.4 . Thi s setting allo ws 60 min- utes of total reco rding/p la ybac k time on an M C-60 tape , or 90 min- utes on an MC-9 0 tape . 3. Set MIC SENS/V O X as follows: • T o manually star t and sto p rec ord- ing, set MIC SENS/V O X to MIC SENS . • T o use v oice-ac tiv ated re cording, set MIC S[...]
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21 4. Press REC to begin recordin g. Both REC and PL A Y loc k down, an d the record/b attery indicator to the right of the EAR jac k lights . If MIC S ENS/V O X is set to MIC SENS , recordin g begi ns imm ediately . If MIC SENS/V O X is set to VOX , recording begins a nd the re co rd/b atte r y indi cator lights s teadil y only whe n the recorder [...]
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22 Note: T o pause record ing, slid e P A USE/OFF to PA U S E . T o resume recordin g, slide P A USE/OF F to OFF . 5. If y ou se t MIC SENS/V O X to VOX , adjust V OLUME to set the sound le vel at which recording beg ins. The higher the V OLUME setting, the lo wer the sound le v el needed to sta r t VOX recordin g. If y ou set MIC SEN S/V OX to MIC[...]
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23 PLA YING A T A PE 1. Load the micr ocassett e tape . 2. Set SPEED to the spe ed used when the tape was recorded. 3. T o listen to the tape at normal spee d, set NORMAL/F .PLA Y to NORMAL . T o listen to the tape at ab out 25% f aster than n ormal speed, s et NOR- MAL/F .PLA Y to F. P L AY . 4. Press PLA Y . SPEED NORMAL F.PLAY 2.4 1.2 MIC SENS V[...]
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24 5. Adjust V OLUME to a com f or tabl e lis- tening l e vel. 6. Press ST O P to stop p la ybac k. Rewindi ng/F ast-Forwar ding Slide REV REW/FF CUE to REV RE W to rap- idly rewi nd a ta pe, or to FF CUE to fast-for- ward a tap e. To sl ide REV REW/FF CUE to th e desired positio n, press the side of th e switch opp o- site the side marked wi th th[...]
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25 Caution: To protect the tape-h andling parts, pres s ST OP or slid e REV REW/ FF CUE to the center when the tape reaches the end. If yo u slide REV REW/FF CUE to REV REW or FF CUE durin g play back, you can he ar the tape at a faster spee d as it fast- for- wards or rewin ds. When you rele ase th e switc h, the re corder r esume s norm al play- [...]
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26 USING THE T APE COUNTER You ca n us e the t ape count er t o mark loca - tion s of sp ecifi c sec tions of tape so you ca n easily return to th em. Press the reset butto n next to th e tape counter t o set the co unter to 000 at the be - ginning of a t ape. As the tape plays or records , note the counte r reading at the position(s ) to which y o[...]
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27 T APE TIPS ST ORING CASSET TE TA P E S Do not expos e microca ssette tapes to hig h tempera tures , hi gh hu mi dity, dust or di rt, or motors, transformers , or oth er sourc es with stro ng magn etic fiel d s. PREVENTING A CCIDEN T AL ERASURE Most m icrocass ette ta pes have an erase- protecti on tab for eac h side of t he tape. To prot ect yo [...]
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28 Caution: Removi ng the er ase- prot ecti on tabs d oes not prev ent a tape f rom b eing eras ed by a bu lk tape e raser. ERASING A CASSETTE TA P E If you no lo nger want a r ecordin g, you can recor d ov er it or er ase i t . To recor d over a m icrocas sette tap e, be sure the e rase-pr otection ta bs are in plac e. Then si mply record as usual[...]
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29 CARE Your O ptimu s Micro -37 Voic e-Activ ated Microc assette T ape Record er is an e xam- ple of s uperior design an d craftsm anship. The f ollowing s uggestio ns wil l help yo u care for your recorder s o you can e njoy it for years . • K eep the recorde r dry . If it gets wet, wipe it dry immedia tely . Liq uids ca n contain miner als tha[...]
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30 Modify ing or tamp ering with th e recorder’ s inte rnal com ponents can cause a mal func- tion an d might invalida te the re corder’s warra nty. If yo ur re cord er is n ot op erat ing as it sh oul d, tak e it to your lo cal Ra - dioShac k store fo r assista nce. CLEANING THE T APE-HANDLI NG P ARTS Dirt, dust, or pa rticl es of the t ape’[...]
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31 3. Use a co tton s w ab dipped in tap e head cl eaning solution or den atured alcoho l to gen tly cl ea n th e rec ord /pl a y- back hea d, pinc h rol ler , cap stan a nd tape guides . 4. Press STOP to release t he tap e-han- dling p ar ts. Then clo se the c assette compartment co v er and recon nect power . Note: For e asier c leaning, you c an[...]
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32 SPECIFICA TIO NS T ape T ype ...................... ..... Microcasset te T racks ........ 2 T r ac ks, 1 Chann el Monaur al Drive System ..................... Capstan Driv e T ape Speed ... 2.4 cm/se c. (15/16 ips) and 1.2 cm/s ec. (15/32 ips) Record ing Ti me (with MC-6 0 Micr ocas sett e): 2.4 cm/ sec. ............... 30 m in. per sid e 1.2 cm[...]
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33 V ehicle Battery ............... 12V with DC Adapter (C at. No . 270-1560) T ypical Cass ette Re cordin g Time (with Alka line Batteri es) ............. 17 Hours Dimensi ons (HWD) ....... 4.8 × 2.5 × 0.9 in . (122 × 64 × 24 mm) W eigh t (with batteries ) ....... 5.6 o z. (160 g) Specific ation s are typi cal; indi vidua l units might var y. [...]
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34 NO TES 14-1164.fm Page 34 Wednesday, November 25, 1998 1:20 PM[...]
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35 Limited Ninet y-Day W arranty This pr oduct is warrant ed by Ra dioSha ck again st man- ufacturing defects in m ater ial a nd wor kmans hip un der normal use f or nine ty (90 ) da ys from th e dat e of pu r- chase from RadioSh ack company-owned store s and author ized RadioS hack franchisees and dealer s. EX- CEPT AS PR O VIDED HEREIN, RadioShac[...]
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Ra dioS hack A Division o f T andy Corporation Fort W or th, T exas 76102 E2-2403 -01 7A8 Printed in China (Continu ed) New or recondit ioned par t s and produc ts may be used in the perfor mance of warran ty ser vice. Repaire d o r re pl ac ed p ar ts and pr odu cts a re warranted f or t he rema inde r of th e origi nal w arranty period . Y o u wi[...]