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2 FEA TURES © 19 97 T andy Corp orat ion . All Righ ts Res erv ed . Conc ertma te and Optimu s are registe red tr adema rks us ed by T andy Cor pora tion. Rad ioS hac k is a t rad emar k us ed by T andy Co rp or at ion . Your Optimus Concertmat e 970 Porta- ble E lectr o nic Keyboa r d is a state-of- the-art musi c a l in s trum ent with ma ny exc[...]
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3 To fully enjoy the feat ures and func- tions of t his electronic ke y b oard, please read this manual caref ully and comp let ely. Note: T his owner’s manua l explai ns how to use this el ectronic keyboard. It does not teach music. We recomme nd you write your Concertmate 970’s serial n um b er here. T he number is on the bot t o m of t he C [...]
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4 CONTEN TS Prep arati on .... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .. ..... . 5 Connecting Power ................ .. ............ .. ............... .......................... .................. 5 Usin g Bat teri es ... ... ..... .... ... .... ... .... ..... ... ...[...]
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5 PREPARA T ION CONNECTING POWER You can power your Con certmate 970 i n an y of t hes e wa ys . • Internal ba tteries (see “Using Bat- ter ie s”) • Standard A C power using an optional A C adapter (see “ Using AC Power” on Pa g e 6) • A vehi cle’s c igarette li ght er soc ket using an op tional D C adapter (see “Using V ehicle Ba[...]
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6 Using A C P ower You can power your Con certmate 970 from standard AC po wer using a 9-volt AC adapt er (not supplied), suc h as Ra- dioShack Cat. No. 273-1656. Cautio ns : • Y ou mu st use an AC adapter that supplies 9 v olts and del ivers at least 800 m illiam ps. Its center tip must be set to negative, and its plug must co r rectly fit the C[...]
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7 1. Plug the 5.5 mm outer dia m eter/ 2.1 mm inner diameter barrel plug into the cable so it reads – TIP . 2. Set the adapter ’s voltage switch to 9 volt s. 3. Insert the adapter ’s barrel plug in to the DC 9V jack on the b ack of t he C o nc er t ma t e 97 0. 4. Plug the o ther end of the ad apter into the v e hicle’s cigarette lighter so[...]
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8 CONNECTING AN EXTERNAL AMPLIFIER To amplify your Concertm at e 970’ s sound, you can c o nnect i t to an ex ter- nal amp li fier (not suppl ied) using an audio cable wit h a 1 / 4 -i nch plug (not supplied). To connec t an e x ternal ampl i fier to your keyboard, insert the cable’ s 1 / 4 - inch plug into t he PHONES/OUTPUT jack on the back o[...]
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9 A LOOK AT Y OUR KE YBOARD UNDERSTANDING THE CONTROLS READING TH E DISPL AY The Concertmat e 970’s display lets you vi ew t h e keyboard’s sound, rhythm , and juke box settings. 00. (decimal on the right) — shows the juke box setting. See “Using the Juke Box” on Page 1 1. .00 (decimal on the left) — s hows the sound set t ing . See “[...]
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10 OPE R AT ION BASIC OP E R AT I ON 1. T o turn on t he Concertmate 9 70, set POWER/MODE to NORMAL . The POWER/MODE in di cator ligh ts. Note: T o sa ve power , the key- board automat ical ly turns off after about 6 minutes if you do not press a key . T o turn t he keybo a r d on again, set POWER/MODE to OFF then back to NORM AL . (T o cancel the [...]
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11 USING THE J UKE BOX You can sit back and listen t o the 20 tunes that come prerecorded in the juke box, or you can turn off a song’s melody a nd play al ong on the key- board. Playi ng B ack a Juke Box Tu n e 1. Press JUKE BOX . Th e JU KE BO X indicator lights and the number of the current juke box tune app ears on the display . Note: The Con[...]
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12 2. Press MELODY ON/OFF to tu rn off t he m e lo dy . 3. Press ST ART/STOP to start playi ng the tune. 4. Adjust the tempo and vo lume as desired. 5. Play along with the tune on the keyboard. Note: Y ou can turn the melod y on or off by repea ti n g Step 2 even while the current tune i s playing. USING T HE PRESET SOUNDS Your Concert mate 970 can[...]
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13 Selec ting/P laying a Pr eset Soun d 1. Press SOUND . The SOU ND i ndi - cator lights and the c urrent sound’s number appea rs on the display . Note: The Concertmate 970 auto- matically selects t he sound PIANO (No. 00) whe n you turn the power on. 2. T o p lay a different s o und, choo s e a preset sound from the 100 SOUNDS list and enter its[...]
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14 Per cussion Sou nds PERCUSSI ON (No. 99) lets you play the 35 different percussion soun ds shown be- low. The symbol for e ach pe r cussion sound app ears abov e each percuss i on key. Note: When you select the Fingered or Conc ert Chord mo de, the key s in the lower 1 1 / 2 octaves bec ome the accompani ment keys and do not produce percu s si o[...]
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15 Keybo ard Split Sounds The Keyb oard Split preset sound s (90- 96) let you play two instrum ent soun ds independent l y on opp osite halves of the keyboard. The inst rument listed first in the s ound’s name plays on the left half of t he k eyboa rd (belo w m iddle C). The instrument li sted second play s on the right half of the keyboard (abo [...]
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16 2. T o select a d if ferent rh ythm, choose an auto-rhy t hm f rom the 50 RHYTHM list and ent er its two- digit num ber on the keypad. Notes : • Precede a single-digit n umber with 0. F or example, to select FUNKY POP (No. 05), press 0 the n 5 . • If you incorrectly en t er the f i rst or second digit of the rhythm, press RHYTHM t o clear yo[...]
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17 Usin g FILL-IN The FILL-IN f eature l et s you i nsert a short (1- to 2-measure) variation in the beat pattern of a selected auto-rhythm . Simply press and release SYNCHRO/ FILL- IN while t he auto-rhythm is pl ay- ing. The Concertmate 970 i nserts a 1- to 2- measure variation , then the ori ginal rhythm autom at i c a ll y resu m es at t he end[...]
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18 The num ber of ac companime nt keys you press det ermines the ty pe of chord that plays. The f ol lowing t able shows the type of chord that plays when you press one, two, three, or four accom- paniment ke ys at the same time. The lowest note you play dete r min es the key o f the chord. F or example , if the lowest note is C, the keyboa r d pla[...]
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19 Stan da rd Fin gerin g The sta ndard fingering me t hod uses standa r d f orm a t ions of three or f our notes, and lets the experienced musician play a wider variety of accompani men t chords. You can play the f o ll owing 15 chord t ypes on your Concertmate 970, in any key, us- ing the standard fingering method. Notes: • T o produce a 7, m 7[...]
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20 Note : S ee “S tand ard Fingering Cho r d Chart” on P a ge 25 for a l ist of all t he chords you can play on y our Concert- mate 970 us ing standard fingering ac - companim ent. Follow these st eps to start standa r d fingering auto accompa nim ent. 1. Set POWER/MODE to FINGERED . 2. Select and enter an auto-rhythm . 3. T o start the auto-rh[...]
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21 SPEC IAL FE ATURES CHANGING KEYS The Con certmate 97 0 auto m aticall y selects the key of midd l e C each time you turn it on . For a dded flexibilit y as you m a ke mu- sic, the Conc ert mat e 970 lets you change (transpose) the musical key i n which it pl ays. 1. Press an d hold SOUND , then press an d release RHYTHM. The disp lay shows the c[...]
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22 T UNING T HE KEYBOARD Although your Co nc ertmate 970 n ever goes out of tune, it does let you a djust its pitch to matc h other instrumen ts or mu si ca l re co rdi ng s. Note: Y ou cannot tune the key board while the juke box mode is turne d on. 1. Press an d hold SOUND , then press and relea se JUKE BOX . The display shows the current pitc h [...]
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23 T ROUBLES HOO TING If the Con c ertm at e 970 is not performi ng as it sho ul d, t hese suggestions m ight help. If you still cannot solve the problem , t a k e t he keyboard to your l ocal RadioShack store for as sistance. T rouble Possibl e Cause Remedy No sound, even if keys are presse d. The key board has turned off automatically . Set PO WE[...]
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24 CARE AND MAINTENA NCE Your Optim us Conc ertmate 970 P ort able Elect ronic K eyboard is an ex am ple o f su- perior design and craf t sm anship. The following sugge stions will help you care for your Co ncert mate 97 0 so you can en j oy it for y ears. Keep the Concertmate 970 dry. If i t gets wet, wipe i t dry immediately. Liquids m ight conta[...]
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25 STANDARD FINGERING CHORD CHART M m7 m 7 C C /D D D /E E F F /G G G /A A A /B B dim7 Chord Type Root 42-4 032.fm Page 2 5 W edne sday , Aug us t 11, 19 99 4:45 P M[...]
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26 M7 m7-5 dim aug C C /D D D /E E F F /G G G /A A sus4 Chord Type Root 42-4 032.fm Page 2 6 W edne sday , Aug us t 11, 19 99 4:45 P M[...]
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27 7sus4 m add9 mM7 7 C C /D D D /E E F F /G G G /A A A /B B add9 Chord Type Root -5 42-4 032.fm Page 2 7 W edne sday , Aug us t 11, 19 99 4:45 P M[...]
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28 SPECIFICATIONS Number of Keys ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .. 61 Polyphonic Sound . .................... .......................... .......................... ... 12-note (Max.) Preset T ones ......................................................... .. .....[...]
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29 SONGBOOK SONGS LEVELS O F DIFFICULT Y SCORE EXAMPLE Note: Each score shows the starting beat cou nt and the introductory phrase. No . Title N o. Title 00 Ser en ade “Ei ne Klei ne Nac htmusik ” 10 Jin g le B el ls 01 T winkl e T wink le Li ttle Star 1 1 O Chri stmas T ree 02 Ach Du Lieb er Au g usti n 12 Y a nkee Doodle 03 Amazin g Gr ace 13[...]
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30 NOTES 42-4 032.fm Page 3 0 W edne sday , Aug us t 11, 19 99 4:45 P M[...]
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31 42-4 032.fm Page 3 1 W edne sday , Aug us t 11, 19 99 4:45 P M[...]
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Ra dioS ha ck A Divisi o n of T andy Corporation Fort Worth, T exa s 76102 6A7 Printed in Mexico Lim it ed One-Y ear W arrant y This pr oduct is warrant ed by Ra dioShack a g ainst man ufacturin g defec ts in materia l and wo r k man- ship und er no rmal use for one (1 ) year from the date of purchas e from RadioSha ck company - o wned store s and [...]