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P T1 700MX / P T1 785P To u c h S cr een M onitor USER ’S GUIDE www.planar .com[...]
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The information contained in this docum ent is subject to change without notice. This document contains propriet ary information that is protected by cop yright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, translated to another lan - guage or stored in a retrieval s ystem, or transmitted by any mea ns, electronic, mechanica[...]
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1 T able of Content s Usage No tice ........................................................................... 3 Precautions ..................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ............................................................................. 4 About PT 1 7 00MX / PT1785P[...]
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2 A ppendi x ................................................................................ 19 Troubles hooting ............................................................................................ 19 War ning Signal .............................................................................................. 20 No Si gnal ...............[...]
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3 Usage Notice W arning - T o prevent the r isk of fire or s hock hazards, do no t expos e this produc t to rai n or m oisture . W arning - Pleas e do not open or disa ssem ble the pr oduct as this ma y cause elec tric shoc k . Precauti ons Follow all warni ngs, pr ecaut ions an d mainte nance as rec ommend ed in this user ’ s manu al to maxim iz[...]
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4 Introduction A bout PT1700M X / PT1785P The PT 170 0 MX / PT 1785 P is a 17 ” flat pane l screen wi th an acti ve matr ix, thin - f ilm t ransis tor ( TFT ) liq uid cr ystal dis pla y (LCD ) . This unit is to be us ed as c omm ercial and l ight indus trial equ ipment on ly . Features include: D irect Analog s ignal input Active m atrix [...]
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5 T ouch Scr een for PT1700MX 5- wire resist ive touc h scree n for f inger and s tylus inpu t Surface: Ant i - glare trea tment Interface: D ua l RS - 232 Seri al/USB c ontroll er Durabilit y: 35 m illion touche s at a si ngle poin t Hardness of surf ac e: 3 H T ypical Operating f orce: 4 0g~ 200g when usin g a silic on rub[...]
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6 Package Overview LCD D ispla y Power Cord VGA S ignal Cab le USB Cab le (A to B) Audio - i n Cable RS - 232 Cable (PT1700 MX onl y) Landing Strip DC Power S uppl y (sold sep arately) User’s Guide Cable Co ver Cable C over Sc rew[...]
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7 Inst al lation Produc t O ver view ► Front V iew PT1700MX PT 1785P ► PT1700M X B ottom Vi e w (Without S ta nd) ► PT1785 P B ottom Vie w (With o u t S tand)[...]
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8 St art Y our I nst allatio n 1. La y t he display fl at on a n ev en su rfa ce. 2. Rem ove t he sta nd back co ver b y pulli ng in th e dir ecti on of the arr ow as seen in s tep 2 diagram. 3. Move the stand int o positi on as seen in s tep 3 diag ram. 4. Conne ct the cabl es to the app ropriat e connecto rs as se en in Step 4 diag ram. Use step [...]
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9 5. Take the optional cable cov er and sc rew from the acce ssor y box. Posit ion a ll cabl es unde r the cover li p as seen in the step 5 diagra m. 6. Usi ng a Ph ilips Hea d scre wdri ver, inser t the screw ( CBM M 3x6) into th e cab le cover an d mo nitor as s een in t h e st ep 6 di agram . 7. R e - att ach the stand back cover to the stand b [...]
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10 Connecti ng the Displa y (Figure 1 1.1) To setup th is dis pla y , pleas e ref er to th e fo llowi ng fig ure a nd proc edur es . 1. Be sure all equi pm ent is turned off. 2. Connect t he A C p ower cord to the p ower con nector o n the m onitor and the other e nd into a n electr ical out let ( 1 1 .1 ). 3. Connect t he D - SU B cab le fr o m th[...]
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11 (Figure 1 1 .1) ► PT17 00M X ► PT1785P[...]
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12 Kensi ngton Se curit y Slot The m onitor can be s ecure d to your des k or any other fixed obj ect with Kens ingt on lock secur ity products. The Kens ington lock is not incl uded.[...]
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13 V ES A M ount Y our M onitor This m on itor conf orm s to the V ESA Flat Panel Mo un ting Phy sical Mounti ng Interf ace stand ard wh ich d efines a ph ysica l moun tin g inte rfac e for f lat pane l monit ors , and co rres pond ing with the s tand ards of f lat pa nel m on itor m oun ting devi ces, such a s wall and t able a rms. Th e VESA m ou[...]
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14 Remov e the Deskst and 1. Rem ov e stand back cove r . 2. Remove hinge cover 3. Remov e 4 screws and then remov e hinge.[...]
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15 User Controls Side Panel Cont rols OSD K e y Menu off stat us Menu on st atus Menu appear M enu disap pear / retur n to main item Brightnes s Main item select up / A djust up Mut e Main item select down / A djust down Enter / Select sub- ite m fu nct ion Power O n / O ff[...]
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16 How to Use the OSD Menus 1. Press the “ MENU ” button to pop up the “on - s creen m enu” and press “U p” or “Do wn” button to select among the s ix func tions in t he m ain menu. 2. Choose the adjustm ent ite ms b y pres sing the “Enter ” button. 3. Adjust th e value of the adj ustment item s b y pressing th e “Up” or “[...]
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17 (c.) W hen the “UP” or “Down” button is release d, the pre vious s etting will be s aved and exit the “ Lock /Unlock ” menu autom aticall y . Please n ote: a. W hen the OSD Lock func tion is selec ted, th is indic ates that a ll the buttons ex cept “p ower” b utt on are now disa bl ed. b. W hen the Power Loc k f unction is sel ec[...]
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18 On -Screen Display Menus Mai n OS D Menu: ITEM CONTENT Contr ast The m oni tor lum ina nce l evel c ontr ol. Brigh tnes s T he m onitor bac kl ight leve l c ontr ol. Auto Adjus t Fi ne - tune the imag e to ful l sc reen autom at icall y . Left/R ight Movi ng scr een image hori zonta l posi tion t o left or r igh t. Up/Do wn Moving s creen i m ag[...]
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19 Appendix T roubl eshoot ing If you are experienc ing tr ouble wit h the d ispl ay , refer to the f ollowing . If the problem persists, pleas e contact y our local dealer or our s ervice center. Proble m: No image appears on scr een. Check that all the I/O and p ower con nectors are correc tly an d well connecte d as des cribed in the “Ins [...]
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20 W arning Si gna l If y o u see warning m essages on your scr een, this means tha t the d ispla y cannot rece ive a c lean si gnal from the c omputer grap hics card. Below ar e the thre e kinds o f W arning Signal . Pleas e check the cable connecti ons or co ntact your loc al deal er or our ser vice center for m ore inform ation. No Signa l This [...]
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21 Produc t Dimens ions PT1700M X[...]
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22 PT1785P[...]
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23 Comp a tibili t y Modes Mode Resolution H- Freq uency (KHz) V - Frequency (Hz) IB M VGA 720x 400 31.47 70 IB M VGA 640x 480 31.47 60 VESA VGA 640x480 37.86 72 VESA VGA 640X480 37.5 0 75 VESA SVGA 800x600 35.16 56 VESA SVGA 800x600 37.88 60 VESA SVGA 800x600 48.08 72 VESA SVGA 800x600 46.88 75 VESA XGA 1024x768 48.36 60 VESA XGA 1024x768 56.48 70[...]
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24 T ouch Scr een Dri ver Inst allatio n The PT1 700 MX is avai l abl e w ith b oth RS232 a nd USB conne c tio n s. The tou ch dri ver is loca ted at w ww. pl anar.c om /supp ort for these oper atin g syste ms: W indows ® 7 /8 , VI STA, X P, 2000 , ME, 98, NT 4.0, CE , X P Embedded , Linux k ernel 2.6.x (32 bit & 64 bit) , App le ® Mac OS . T[...]
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25 PT1700MX Optional Calibration Tool Install: If y ou w ou ld lik e to us e t he O pti onal Cali brat ion T ool , f ollo w the instr uc tions below. Pl ea se note: the calibra tion tool suppo rts W indow s ® 7 /8 , VI STA, X P and XP Embedded op erat ing s y stem s via U SB o nl y. 1. Visit www.planar.com/support . 2. Sele ct the monitor siz e an[...]
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26 PT 1785P Calibration Instruction s: C alibrating the touc h scr een in W indows 7 /8 : 1. T ap the Start b utton, Co ntrol Panel and then Har dware an d Soun d. 2. Under T ablet PC Sett ings, tap Ca librate the scr een for pen or touch input. 3. On the Dis pla y tab, under Displa y options, tap Calibra te and th en Yes to allow the pr ogram to m[...]
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28 PT1 700M X / PT1785P Dri ver Install Instructions: If you are us ing a PC running Windows ® 7 /8 , VIST A , X P , 2000 , M E, 98, NT4.0, follow the instructions be low: 1. Pow er on t he PC . 2. Be sure the U SB or the RS - 232 Ser ial c abl e is c onn ecte d from t he PC to the LCD display . 3. Visit www.pla nar.com /support . 4. Follow t he s[...]
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29 Custom ( PT1 7 85P excl uded ) : 1. Power o n the c ompu ter. 2. Make s ure tha t the RS 232 or U SB c able is c onnec t ed to th e com puter . 3. Follow the step - by - step in stru ctions found in the zipped fil e at www.plan ar.com /support . If you are us ing a PC running Windows ® CE, fol low the instruc ti ons b el ow : 1. Po wer o n the [...]
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30 PLEASE NOTE! Don’t plug in both t he RS - 232 and USB c ables! Doing so may cause a dr iver c onfli ct, m aki ng your t ouch scr een i noper ab l e.[...]
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31 T ech nical Supp ort Cables and A ccessories To f ind cab l es and ac cessories for your Planar m onitor, touch scr een or oth er Planar pr oducts visit our o nline stor e at www. Plan arOnline. com . T echnica l Support Visit Planar a t http://www .planar .com/support for op erations manuals touch scr een dri vers, warra nty infor mation an d a[...]
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32 Planar Systems, Inc . Customer Service 24x7 Onli ne Techni cal Supp ort: http://www .planar.com/support 1195 N W Compto n Dri ve Beaverton, O R 97006 - 1992 Te l: 1- 866 - PLANAR1 (866 - 752 - 6271) or +1 503 - 748 - 5799 outside th e United St ates. Hours: 24 hours a day , 7 days a week © 20 14 Planar S y s tems, Inc. 4/ 14 P l anar is a regis[...]