Roberts Gorden 225 250 manual


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Bom manual de uso

As regras impõem ao revendedor a obrigação de fornecer ao comprador o manual com o produto Roberts Gorden 225 250. A falta de manual ou informações incorretas fornecidas ao consumidor são a base de uma queixa por não conformidade do produto com o contrato. De acordo com a lei, pode anexar o manual em uma outra forma de que em papel, o que é frequentemente utilizado, anexando uma forma gráfica ou manual electrónicoRoberts Gorden 225 250 vídeos instrutivos para os usuários. A condição é uma forma legível e compreensível.

O que é a instrução?

A palavra vem do latim "Instructio" ou instruir. Portanto, no manual Roberts Gorden 225 250 você pode encontrar uma descrição das fases do processo. O objetivo do manual é instruir, facilitar o arranque, a utilização do equipamento ou a execução de determinadas tarefas. O manual é uma coleção de informações sobre o objeto / serviço, um guia.

Infelizmente, pequenos usuários tomam o tempo para ler o manual Roberts Gorden 225 250, e um bom manual não só permite conhecer uma série de funcionalidades adicionais do dispositivo, mas evita a formação da maioria das falhas.

Então, o que deve conter o manual perfeito?

Primeiro, o manual Roberts Gorden 225 250 deve conte:
- dados técnicos do dispositivo Roberts Gorden 225 250
- nome do fabricante e ano de fabricação do dispositivo Roberts Gorden 225 250
- instruções de utilização, regulação e manutenção do dispositivo Roberts Gorden 225 250
- sinais de segurança e certificados que comprovam a conformidade com as normas pertinentes

Por que você não ler manuais?

Normalmente, isso é devido à falta de tempo e à certeza quanto à funcionalidade específica do dispositivo adquirido. Infelizmente, a mesma ligação e o arranque Roberts Gorden 225 250 não são suficientes. O manual contém uma série de orientações sobre funcionalidades específicas, a segurança, os métodos de manutenção (mesmo sobre produtos que devem ser usados), possíveis defeitos Roberts Gorden 225 250 e formas de resolver problemas comuns durante o uso. No final, no manual podemos encontrar as coordenadas do serviço Roberts Gorden na ausência da eficácia das soluções propostas. Atualmente, muito apreciados são manuais na forma de animações interessantes e vídeos de instrução que de uma forma melhor do que o o folheto falam ao usuário. Este tipo de manual é a chance que o usuário percorrer todo o vídeo instrutivo, sem ignorar especificações e descrições técnicas complicadas Roberts Gorden 225 250, como para a versão papel.

Por que ler manuais?

Primeiro de tudo, contem a resposta sobre a construção, as possibilidades do dispositivo Roberts Gorden 225 250, uso dos acessórios individuais e uma gama de informações para desfrutar plenamente todos os recursos e facilidades.

Após a compra bem sucedida de um equipamento / dispositivo, é bom ter um momento para se familiarizar com cada parte do manual Roberts Gorden 225 250. Atualmente, são cuidadosamente preparados e traduzidos para sejam não só compreensíveis para os usuários, mas para cumprir a sua função básica de informação

Índice do manual

  • Página 1

    Installation, Operation & Ser vice Manual Models UHA[S] 150, 17 5, 200, 22 5 250, 30 0, 350, 40 0 P/N 1 1 1 1 0 1NA 06/08 Re v . E UHA-Series T ubular Unit Heaters (Standard Range) W ARNING FOR Y OUR SAFETY If you smell g as: 1 . Open windo ws. 2. DO NO T tr y t o light any appliance. 3. DO NO T use electrical switc hes. 4. DO NO T use any tele[...]

  • Página 2


  • Página 3

    © 200 8 Ro b er ts-Gor don LLC All rights r eser v ed. N o par t of this w or k co v ered b y the copyrights herein ma y b e r eprod u ced or copied in any f or m or b y an y means - graphic, electronic , or mechanical, incl u ding photocop ying , recor ding, taping or inf or mation stor age and retrie v al sy stems - w itho u t the w ritt en per [...]

  • Página 4


  • Página 5

    TABLE OF FIGURES F igur e 1: Insta llation Clear ances and Cl earanc es to C ombus tibl es ................. ....................... ................. 4 Fi gure 2: Su spension Methods ......... ....................... ................. 6 Fi gure 3: V ent and R oof Detail ................ ...................... ............ 9 Fi gure 4: St andard V [...]

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  • Página 7

    SECTION 1: H EATER S AFETY 1 SECTION 1: HEATER SAFETY Y our Saf et y is Impor t ant to Us! This s ymbol is used thr oughout the manua l to noti fy you of possib le fir e, el ectrical or b urn hazar ds. Ple ase pay special at tention when r eading and f ollow ing the warnings in these sections . Inst allation, Ser vice and Annual Inspecti on of heat[...]

  • Página 8

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 2 SECTION 2: INSTALLER R ESPONSIBILITY The inst aller is r esponsib le f or the f ollow ing: • T o instal l the heat er , as well as the gas and electrical suppli es, in accor dance with appli cable specif ications and codes. R ober ts-Gor don recommends the install er c[...]

  • Página 9

    SECTION 3: C RITICAL C ONS IDERATION S 3 SECTION 3: CRITICAL CONSI DERATIONS 3.1 Basic Inf ormation UHA[S] heat ers hav e automatic igniti on bur ner s for ON/OFF operati on only . 3.2 Location and Suspension All models: • Must be inst alled indoor s. • Must be installed in a le v el posit ion wit h horizont al dischar ge. • Ma y be mount ed [...]

  • Página 10

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 4 Fig ure 1: Inst allation Clear ances and Clear ances to Comb ustibles W ARNING Fire Hazard Some objects will catch fire or explode when placed close to heater . Keep all flammable objects, liquids and vapor s the required clearances to combustibles awa y from heater . Fa[...]

  • Página 11

    SECTION 4: N ATI ONAL S TANDARDS AND A PPLICABLE C ODES 5 SECTION 4: NATIONAL STANDARDS AND APPLICABLE CODES 4.1 Gas Codes The type of g as appearing on the n ame plat e must be the type of gas used. Install ation must comply w ith nat ional and local codes and req uirements of the loca l gas company . Unit ed States: R ef er t o NFP A 54/ANSI Z223[...]

  • Página 12

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 6 SECTION 5: MAJOR COMPONENTS 5.1 General Heater s ar e designed f or install ation abov e 6' (1 .8 m). T hese heat ers m ust be inst alled w i thi n the heated spac e. Duct deliv er y sy stems ar e not per mit ted w ith axial f an units. W hen handling or suppor ting[...]

  • Página 13

    SECTION 6: V ENTING 7 SECTION 6: V ENTING 6.1 V enting This heat er must be vent ed in accordance w ith the rules cont ained in this manual and with th e fol low ing national codes a nd an y stat e, pr ovincial o r local codes which ma y appl y : United Stat es: R ef er t o NFP A 54/ANSI Z223.1 - lat est re vision, National F uel Gas Code; Canada: [...]

  • Página 14

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 8 6.2.2 Separ ated Combust ion Heater s (Models UHAS 1 50 - 40 0) The heat ers ar e designed t o be inst alled as separat ed combustion heat ers . The vent and air intak e are run as separat e pipes to the w all or roof terminals. See P age 1 2, F i gur e 8 . As an opt ion[...]

  • Página 15

    SECTION 6: V ENTING 9 6.7 V ent Mater i al V ent material ma y be single wall 26 g a. (minimum) ga l vaniz ed steel o r equal thic kness stain less steel . Comple t el y s eal all joints, refer to P age 7 , Section 6.2 . If penetrat ing a combustib le wall or ro of, a list ed thimb le wi th 2" ( 5 cm) clearance must be used. W here local codes[...]

  • Página 16

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 10 Fig ure 5: Standar d V ented Heat er - Common V ertical V ent T ermination Roof 1 8" (46 cm) Min. T ype "B" vent cap (7" or 8") may be used. (These are not a vailable from R ober ts-Gordon.) Roof Flashing Appro ved Thimble (If Applicable) T ype [...]

  • Página 17

    SECTION 6: V ENTING 11 F igure 6: Separ ated Combusti on Heater - V er tical and Horizontal V ent T erminati on F igure 7: Concentr ic V ent Bo x V ent T er mination Listed Thimble through Comb ustible W all V ent 1 2" (31 cm) Minimum from w all to v ent termination. Air Intak e Condensat e T rap to Drain (Optional) 1 2" (31 cm) Minimum f[...]

  • Página 18

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 12 Fig ure 8: Concentri c V er tical and Ho riz ontal V ent T erm ination - Separ ated Comb ustion Heate r V ent Air Int ake* Concentric V ent Box V er tical Option 1 0' (3 m) Maximum Horizontal Option Concentric V ent Box V ent Comb ustion Air T er minal V ent T er m[...]

  • Página 19

    SECTION 7: A IR S UPPLY 13 SECTION 7: AIR SUPPLY 7 .1 Separat ed Combustion Install ation W hen inst alled as a separat ed combustion heat er (UHAS), the air f or combustion is dra wn in from outside the buildi ng. It is impor tant t o ensure that ther e is adeq uate space ar ound heater t o pro vide air f or the axi al air distribut ion f an. 7 .2[...]

  • Página 20

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 14 SECTION 8: GAS PIPING It is impor t ant that the gas supply pipe an d the electrical connecti ons do not support any of the heater’ s weight. A gas met er is connected t o the ser vice pipe by th e gas s upply company . An e xisting meter should be check ed, pr efer a[...]

  • Página 21

    SECTION 9: W IRING 15 SECTION 9: W IRING All heat er models requir e constant 1 20 V 60 Hz 1Ø pow er supply . Chec k heat er(s) r ating plat e f or electrical r ating f or pr oper circui t sizi ng . F or ser v icing , a disconnect s witch of pr oper electrical rati ng should be inst alled in the vi cinit y of t he heater . All heat ers are equi pp[...]

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  • Página 23

    SECTION 9: W IRING 17 9.4 UHA[S] Series Ladder W iri ng Diagr am NO TE: F or field w ir ing in to ser vice juncti on bo x, or if any of the original w ire suppli ed with the heat er must be replaced, it must be r eplaced w ith w iring mate rial ha ving a t emperatur e rating of at least 1 05°C and 600 vol ts. F or supply connections use No . 1 4 A[...]

  • Página 24

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 18 9.5 Electr ical Connection t o the Heater Not e: Junction bo x is not pr ov ided w ith heat er . Conduit can al so be at tached direc tly to heate r with w ir e junction made withi n the heater cabinet. BX Connect or Junction Bo x Fle xible C onduit Burner Connect w ire[...]

  • Página 25

    SECTION 1 0 : O PER ATION AN D M AINTENANCE 19 SECTION 1 0: OPERATION AND MAINT ENANC E Inst allation, service, and annual inspect ion of t he heat er must be done by a con tractor qualifi ed in the inst allation and ser vice of g as-fir ed heating equipment. Read this man ual car efully be f ore inst allation, opera tion, or ser vice of this equip[...]

  • Página 26

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 20 F igur e 1 0: Aut omatic Bur ner Contro l Sequence Fig ure 1 1: Gas V alve for Models UHA[S] 150 - 40 0 If at an y st age the flame f ails , the control w ill retry f or ignition. The contr ol has four trial s f or igniti on bef ore a on e hour loc k out. ½PSI I N C O [...]

  • Página 27

    SECTION 1 0 : O PER ATION AN D M AINTENANCE 21 1 0.2.2 Start-Up the Gas V alve (All Gases) 1 Check Bur ner Gas Pr essure 1 . R emo ve the plug in t he outlet (burner) pre ssure test point and connect a pressur e tap and a man omet er . 2. With the b ur ner f ir ing , measure the pr essure on the manomet er . T o adjust the burner pressur e,[...]

  • Página 28

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 22 SECTION 1 1: USER INSTRUCTIONS 1 1 .1 User Instr uctions The UHA[S] Series heat ers ar e fully automati c and operat e from the e xternal contro ls fit ted on si te. 1 1 .2 Heat er Operat ion When the heat er has been sw itched on by the thermostat inst alled on site , [...]

  • Página 29

    SECTION 1 1: U SER I NSTRUCTIONS 23 W ARNING FOR Y OUR SAFETY If you smell g as: 1 . Open windo ws. 2. DO NO T tr y t o light any appliance. 3. DO NO T use electrical switc hes. 4. DO NO T use any telephone in your b uilding. 5. Leav e the building. 6. Immediatel y call your local gas supplier af ter leaving the build ing. F ollow the gas supplier?[...]

  • Página 30

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 24 SECTION 1 2: SERVICING 1 2.1 Servicing Instr uctions Af ter s tar t-up , the h eater w ill r equir e maint enance t o be carried out annually . If the heater i s used in a dir ty or dusty area, mor e frequent main tenance ma y be necessary . NO TE 1 : Af ter an y m aint[...]

  • Página 31

    SECTION 1 2: S ERVI CING 25 1 2.8 Maintenanc e Chec klist Installat i on Code and Annu al Inspec tions: All install ations and ser vice of R O BER TS GORDON ® equipment must be perf or med by a contrac tor qualif ied in the i nstal lation and service equipment sold and supplied b y Rober ts-Gor don and conform to al l requir ements set f or t h in[...]

  • Página 32

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 26 Burner Observ ation W indow Make sure i t is clean and free of crac ks or holes . Clean and r eplace as r equired. Flue Blo wer Scr oll, Wheel and Motor Compr essed air or a v acuum cleaner ma y be used to clean dust and dir t. Inshot Bur ners and Orif ices Clear of obs[...]

  • Página 33

    SECTION 1 3: T ROUBL ESHOOT ING 27 SECTION 1 3: T ROUB LESHOOTING 1 3.1 General Ens u re pr oper air flo w clearance f or axial fan. Open lo uv er s slightly . Replace axial f an if it does not operate . If pro b lems persist, contact Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www Heater Operating TROUBLESHOO T ENDS. N o Replace limit s w itch. The limit[...]

  • Página 34

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 28 1 3.2 T rouble shooting For A utomatic Igni tion Burner S ystems If pro b lems persist, contact Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www Heater Operating TROUBLESHOO T ENDS. N o T race fa u lt in s u per v ision sy stem. See Tr o ub leshooting for Flame S u per v ision [...]

  • Página 35

    SECTION 1 3: T ROUBL ESHOOT ING 29 1 3.3 T roub leshooting fo r Flame Supervision S yst em NO TE: Minim um f lame pr obe curr ent 1 μ A DC. T y pical f lame pr obe current 3- 5 μ A DC . Repair or r eplace as necessary . If pro b lems persist, contact Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www Replace ignition contr ol. Use General Tr o ub leshootin[...]

  • Página 36

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 30 1 3.4 T rouble shooting for Gas V alves 1 3.5 T rouble shooting for Flu e Blo wer V al v e fa u lty . Replace w ith one of correct type. Fa u lt else w her e. Corr ect press u r e pro b lem. If pro b lems persist, contact Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www V al v [...]

  • Página 37

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 31 SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT PARTS See warnings and not es on P age 24, Section 1 2 bef ore remo ving or r eplacing parts. Burner Components All serviceabl e b ur ner par ts are accessed b y the door on the side of the heat er . Remov e the sheetmet al scre ws. 1 4.1 Gas V alve R emov e the g as supply pipe at the [...]

  • Página 38

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 32 1 4.2 Burner Compartment 1 4.2.1 Burner Inject ors Remo ve fle xible air duct from spigot Remo ve access plate Remo ve scre ws and pull of f burner cover View ing por t for f lame probe View ing por t for ignition electr ode Flame probe Burner compar tment cov er Rubber[...]

  • Página 39

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 33 1 4.3 Ignition Electr ode and Flame Pr obe Description P art N umber Q ty . Spark E l ectrode 90427 41 1 1 A utomatic Ignition F lame P robe 90439300 1 T ransformer 90436900K 1 Ignition Module 90434008 1 Inshot Burners UHA[S] 150 9200000 1 7 Inshot Burners UHA[S] 175 9200000 1 8 Inshot Burners UHA[S] 200 920 000[...]

  • Página 40

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 34 1 4.4 Heat Ex changer The standar d heat e x changer assembly i s compossed of multiple t ubu lar heat ex changers in models UHA[S]1 50 - UHA[S]400, there i s a four pass exc hange. 1 4.5 Louv ers and Louv er Spring The louv ers f or standar d range models UHA[ S ]1 50 [...]

  • Página 41

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 35 1 4.6 Flue Blow er IT IS IMPOR T ANT THA T ONL Y THE CORRECT FLUE BL O WER SPECIFIED FOR EA CH MODEL TYPE IS USED WHEN REPLA CING THESE ITEMS. C arry out a st ar t-up af te r w orking on or c hanging an flue b low er . See P age 22, Secti on 1 1 . MODEL UHA[S] 15 0 - 17 5 UHA[S] 20 0 - 3 00 UHA[S] 350 - 40 0 Flu[...]

  • Página 42

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 36 1 4.7 Pr essure S witch P ull of f 3 wa y connector . Spring open plastic clips of mounting cr adle. R eplace with cor rect type of press ure s witch f or model. The pr essure s witc hes are col or coded for each pr essur e set ting . C arr y out a commissio n af ter w [...]

  • Página 43

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 37 1 4.9.1 F an Remo val and R eplacement 1 4.9.2 T o Replace the F an Assembly • T o repl ace the f an assemb ly , r ev erse the pr ocedure sho wn abov e. • Check that t he f an blades ar e free t o rotat e bef ore turning on the po wer t o the fan. • Strictly comply wi th the color code of the f an w ir es [...]

  • Página 44

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 38 SECTION 1 5: SPECIF ICATIONS 1 5.1 Standar d (Models 1 50 - 40 0) UHA[S] Series Dimension Data Model UHA[S] 15 0 UHA[S] 175 UHA[S] 20 0 UHA[S] 225 UHA[S] 250 UHA[S] 300 UHA[S] 350 UHA[S] 40 0 A Width in (cm) 42.4 (1 08) 42.4 (1 08) 42. 4 (1 08) 42.4 (1 08) 42.4 (1 08) 5[...]

  • Página 45

    SECTION 1 5: S PECIF ICATIONS 39 1 5.2 General T echnical Data T able (Al l Models) *Do not e x ceed the maximum le ngth of flue s tated or heater ma y not oper ate pr operly . 1 5.3 T echnical Data T able ( All Models) Model UHA[S] 15 0 UHA[S] 175 UHA[S] 20 0 UHA[S] 225 UHA[S] 250 UHA[S] 30 0 UHA[S] 350 UHA[S] 40 0 F ull Loa d Amps @ 1 1 5 V A 5.8[...]

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  • Página 47

    SECTION 1 6: T HE ROBERTS GORDON ® COMB A T ® UHA-S ER IES W ARRANTY 41 SECTION 1 6: THE R OBER TS GORDON ® COMBA T ® UHA -SERIES W ARR ANTY RO BERTS-GORDON WILL P A Y FOR: Within 24 mont hs from date of purchase by b uyer or 27 months from date of shi pment by R o ber ts-Gordon (whichever comes first), replacement p ar ts will be pro v ided fr[...]

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  • Página 52

    10 ' (3 m) W ARNING © 2007 Roberts-Gordon, LLC Printed in U .S.A. P/N 91 040031 Rev B At tach this inf ormation to the w all near the ROBERTS GORDON ® heater Read the Installation, Operation and Service Manual thor oughly bef ore installation, operation or service. OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS 1 . STOP! Read all safety instructions[...]