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Revi si on: Novem ber 201 1 Hy per M edia Playe r U se r M an u al[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue d es Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1 003 Lausanne, Switze rla nd T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 2 Disclaimer THE SPEC IFICATIO NS A ND INFORM ATION RE GARDING THE PRO DUCTS IN TH IS M ANUAL ARE SUBJEC T TO CH ANGE WITHO UT NOT ICE . ALL ST AT EMENT S, IN FORM ATI ON, A ND R ECOMM EN D[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 3 Tab le of C onte nts Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 4 Introd uction The S pin etiX H yp er Media Play ers are the f irst ap plia nce ra ng e dedica ted to t he prof ess iona l dig ital s ign age in du stry , r elied on worldw id e by end - us [...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 5 How does i t work? Spi neti X HM Ps simpl if y th e publi shi ng an d main tenan ce of your di g ital si gna ge pr oject . Connecte d to d igit a l di splays through H DMI and VGA, an HMP i[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 6 HMP’ s can access vari ous sources and ren der them wi thin the s ame project Easy I ns t allat ion and low maint ena n ce In hi gh - availa bility env ironments where u ptime mus t be gu[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 7 When connected to a local n etwork v ia the RJ45 connector, the H MP automatica lly d etects and configures the righ t p ara meters w i tho ut the need o f speci al net wor k config uratio [...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 8 Fu ll C o nn ecti vity The H MP conn ects to dig ital displa ys via on board H DMI and VGA conne cti ons. B oth conn ectors are simu ltaneou sly a ctive, allowin g you to drive two mon itor[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 9 In sta lla tion Integra tors a nd electricia ns w ill appr eciate the sma ll amou nt of ca bling required to connect th e HMP u nit, a nd its lightw eight form fact or: the HMP100 can b e u[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 10 Power u p you r Hyper Med ia Pla yer 1. Ch eck you r disp lay is correctly connected. The HMP ca n driv e a digita l disp lay th roug h HDMI or VGA connectors . 2. Us e the corr ect video [...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 11 At the en d of the booting process , th e screen wil l s tart dis play ing th e anima ted Spin etiX logo. This is the def ault con tent. Th e L E D (‘SYS ’ Led on H MP20 0) blinks regu[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 12 Up da ting firmw are Sp inetiX regu larl y pu blis hes new f irmwa re vers ions for th e HM Ps. Thes e new vers ions are f ree to al l cus tomers an d improv e the performa nces a nd relia[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 13 Upd ate failed Updating f irm ware If th e c heck for upd ates proc edu re r eported th at upd ates a re a va ilable for your HMP, an Update Now butt on appear s in the pag e. Simp ly clic[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 14 Firm ware tab with “ check f or updat es” button S et tin gs t ab Res et an HMP to fac tory defau lt setti ng s This proced ure d epend s on the H MP ty pe an d on the firmw are imp ro[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 15 Get C onne cted Gettin g s tarted Thi s secti on exp lai ns ho w to ac cess an HMP unit fo r the firs t time via th e network. This i s required in order to acces s Con trol Center (the bu[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 16 The browse r should c onnec t to Co ntrol Cent er and display the foll owing page: Cong ratul ations. You ca n now explore t he con fi gurati on interf ace of your Hyper Media Player. Trou[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 17 Ch eckin g the H MP config u ratio n Your HMP has a b uil t - in On Sc re en Di splay w hich i s trigg ered via a br ief pre ss of t he push b utton. 1. Connect a screen thr ough a V GA, H[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 18 Fix ed IP c onfigu ratio n This tutorial expla ins how to man ually config ure an HMP to c on nect to a specif ic n etwork with a f ixed IP a ddress . Note th a t t his procedu re ass umes[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 19 C ontrol C e nte r over v iew Contro l Center landi ng page for HM P100 a nd HMP200 Set Di spl ay settin gs 1. Sel ect Display Settings fro m t he l eft menu ( under Admini stratio n. ) 2.[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 20 Con trolli ng the d i s pla y power The HMP is cap able o f cont rolling the po wer mo de of the di s play whe n the di s pl ay is conne cte d using VGA o r DV I. If the "E nable disp[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 21 Use a USB dri ve w ith an HMP US B s torag e can be us ed in stea d of th e onb oard stora ge of the pl ay er, if desir ed. 1. In Co ntro l Cent er, ope n the Media Sources pag e (und er A[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 22 Using a netw ork ser ver w ith HMP Thi s s e ctio n explai ns how to config ure your HMP uni t to use a ne twork server a s con tent sou rce. The H MP ca n u se a n H TTP s erver as the so[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 23 Pull mode Se ttin g up t he pull mode Pull mode can be use d in a bidi r ec tiona l mann er to auto matically publis h fil es to the H MP. Ea ch time the HM P h as been sched uled to u pda[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 24 Configur e network crede ntials for remote serv ers This section expla ins how to conf igur e networ k cr eden tials for r emote s erver s ac cess ed by you r HM P. 1. In t he m ain page o[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 25 Con trol u ser rig hts Thi s s e ctio n explai ns ho w to manage acce ss rig hts for your HM P. T he HMP offe rs thre e lev els o f secu rit y: • Adminis trat ive Serv er: Controls the a[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 26 Us ing th e HMP to c o n trol ex terna l ap plia nc es The S pinetiX HMP can control ex ternal applian ces usin g its serial port (R S 232) interfa ce. Th is type of interfa ce is al so pr[...]
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Spinet iX S A, Rue des Terrea ux 1 7, CH - 1003 Lausanne, Sw itzerl and T +4 1 21 341 15 50 | F +41 21 311 19 56 | info @ spinetix. com | w ww.spi netix .co m 27 Conf iguring the protoco ls The drop do wn menu b elow sho ws the c onfigur ation o f an HMP when c ert ain pr otoc ol file s are sele cted • No protoco l fil es, the RS 232 interf a ce [...]