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3-210-379- 11 (1) © 2007 Sony Corporation Digital HD Video Camera Recorder Operati ng Guide HDR-SR 5E/SR7E/SR8E For details on th e advanced operat ions, please refer to “Hand ycam Han dbook” (PD F).[...]
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2 Read this first Befo re oper atin g the unit, pleas e read this manua l thorough ly, and ret ain it for futur e refere nce. To reduce f ire or shock hazard , do not ex pose th e unit t o rain or moisture. Replace the battery with th e specified type o nly. Otherwise, fire or injury may resu lt. A mou lded plug comply ing with BS 1363 is fitted to[...]
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3 • When connecting your camcorder to another device with communication cables , be sure to insert the connector plug in the correct way. Pushing the plug forcibly into the terminal will damage the terminal and may result in a malfunction of your camcorder. On recording • Before st arting to record, tes t the record ing function to make sure th[...]
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4 Table of Content s Read this fi rst ........ ....... ...... .......... ...... .......... ...... ....... .......... ...... .......... ..... 2 Notes on u se ..... ......... ..... ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... 2 Step 1: Checking supplied ite ms ........ .......... ...... .......... .....[...]
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5 Gettin g Started Gettin g Started Step 1: Check ing su ppli ed ite ms Make sure that you have th e followin g item s suppl ied wi th yo ur cam corde r. The numb er in the p arent he ses ind icat es the numb er of t hat ite m s upp lie d. AC Adaptor (1) (p. 6) Mains lead (1) (p. 6) Hand yc am St ati on ( 1) ( p. 6 ) Component v ideo cable (1) (p .[...]
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6 Step 2: Charg ing th e batt ery pack You can charge the “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack (H series) a fter attaching it to your camcorder. b Notes • Your camcor der operates only with an “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack ( H series). 1 Connect the AC Adaptor to the DC IN jack on the Handycam Stati on. Be sure th at the v mark on the DC plug is facin[...]
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7 Gettin g Started To char ge the ba tte ry pack us ing on ly the AC Adap tor Slide the POWER switch to OFF (CHG), then connect t he AC Adap tor dir ectly to the DC IN ja ck on the ca mcorde r. Chargi ng time: Approxima te time (min .) require d when you fully cha rge a comp letely exh austed battery pa ck. Record ing/Pla yback time: App roxim ate [...]
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8 Step 3 : Tu rning the power on, a nd se tting the dat e and ti me 1 While pressing the green button, slide the POWER switch repeatedly in the direction of the arrow until the respective lamp light s up. (Movie): To re cord mo vies (Still): To record stil l images • When you turn on (Still) lamp, the screen aspect ratio is changed to 4:3 automat[...]
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9 Gettin g Started Step 4: P repa ring for re cord ing Open th e LCD pane l 90 degr ees to the camcorde r ( 1 ), th en rota te it t o the best angle to reco rd or pl ay ( 2 ). You can vi ew imag es us ing th e vi ewfind er to avoid we aring down the battery, or whe n the im age s een on t he LCD scre en is p oor. Fasten t he grip belt and ho ld you[...]
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10 Recording/ Playback Reco rding 1 Slide the POW ER switch C until the respective lamp lights up. Press the gree n button onl y when the POW ER switch C is in the OFF (CHG) po sition. • (Movie): To record movies • (Still) : To record still images 2 Start recording. Press STA RT/STOP A (or D ). To stop recording, press START/STOP A (or D ) agai[...]
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11 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back z Tip s • You can chec k the free hard di sk space by pressing (HOME) B t (MANAGE HDD/MEMORY) t [ INF O]. • You can capture up to 3 still images by pre ssing PHOTO E during movie recording. • The maximum continuous recordable time is approximately 13 hours. • When a movi e file exceeds 2 GB, the next movie file is [...]
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12 Playba ck 1 Slide the POW ER switch D to t urn on your cam corder. 2 Press (VIEW IMAGES) C (or A ). The VISUAL INDEX scree n appear s on the LCD screen (It may t ake some ti me to displa y the thum bnails). • Press (Film Roll Index) B to display the (Film Roll Index) screen. See “Handycam Handbook” (PDF) for details. 3 Start playback. Touc[...]
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13 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back To adju st th e soun d volume o f movies When pl aying b ack a movie , touch (OPTION) t tab t [VOLUME] , then adju st the volume with / . z Tip s • When playback from the selected movie reache s the last movie , the s creen re turns to the I NDEX screen. • i appears with the image on the tab that was most recently play[...]
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14 Parts and functi ons used f or the camc ord er The nu mbers in ( ) are ref ere nce pa ges. 1 Power zoom lever To use the zoo m, move the power zo om lever. Mov e the power z oom lever slight ly for a slow er zoom. M ove it further for a faster zoom . You ca n magnify st ill images from about 1.1 to 5 times t he orig inal si ze (Pla yback zoom). [...]
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15 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back 5 Viewfind er lens adjustment lev er (9) (HDR-SR7E/SR8E) 6 ACCES S lam p (Har d dis k) When t he ACCESS lamp is lit or flash ing, your cam corder is w riting/re ading data. 7 (flash) button You can sele ct t he setti ngs for t he fl ash. 8 REMOTE j ack Connec t other option al ac cessories. 9 DC IN ja ck (6 ) 0 Hook for a [...]
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16 eg DISP/BAT T INFO button You can swit ch th e sc reen displ ay w hen you press while the power is set to on. When yo u press while the po wer is set to OFF (CHG) , you can ch eck th e remain ing batt ery. eh RE SET butt on To in itia liz e the se ttin gs (R ese t), pre ss RESE T to init ializ e all the se ttin gs, includin g settings for date a[...]
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17 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Indic ators dis playe d duri ng reco rdi ng/pl ayback Recordi ng mov ies Recording still imag es Viewin g movi es Viewing st ill images A Recor din g qual ity ( HD/S D) and Recording mo de (XP/HQ/SP/LP) B HOM E button C Remaini ng bat tery (a pprox.) D Record ing status ([STBY ] (standb y) or [REC] (re cording) ) E Counte [...]
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18 X VISUAL INDEX button Followi ng indicato rs appear during record ing/p laybac k to indi cate the sett ings of your camc order. Upper le ft Center Upper right Bottom * HDR-SR7E /SR8E b Notes • The recordi ng date and time is recorde d automatically on the hard disk and “Memory Stick Duo.” They are not displayed while recording. However, yo[...]
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19 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Perfor ming vari ous func tion s - “ HOME” and “ OPTION” You can chang e the recordi ng function s and the oper atin g settings fo r your co nvenien ce. For de tails , see “Hand ycam Han dbook” (PDF ). 1 Turn on your camcorder, then press (HOME) A (or B ). 2 Touch the desir ed cat egory. 3 Touch the desire d se[...]
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20 b Notes • When the item you want is not on the scre en, touch another tab. If you cannot find the item anywhere, the function is not available under the current situation. • The tabs and items that appear on the screen depend on the recording/playback status of your camcorder at the time. • Some items appear without a tab. • The (OPTION)[...]
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21 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Items you can set only on the OPTION MENU will be described belo w. SOUND/DISP SET * 2 [VO LU ME] * 1 , [BEEP] * 1 , [LCD BRIGHT], [LCD BL LEVEL], [LCD COLO R], [ VF B .LI GHT ] * 3 OUTPUT SETTINGS [TV TYPE], [DISP OUTPUT], [COMPONENT] CLOCK/ L ANG [CLO CK SET ] * 1 , [AREA SET], [SUMMERTIME], [ LANGUAGE SET ] * 1 GEN ERA [...]
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22 Saving imag es Due to the lim ited ca paci ty of t he int ernal hard disk, m ake sure that you save the image dat a to so me typ e of ext ernal me dia such as a DVD-R or a computer . You can save the images reco rded on th e camco rde r as des cri bed be low. By using “Pi cture Motio n Browser” on the supplied C D-ROM , you can save i mages [...]
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23 Enjoyi ng with a compute r Enjoying with a com puter Viewi ng “Han dycam Hand book ” (PDF) For details on using your camcorder, see “Han dycam Ha ndbook” (PDF). To view “H and ycam Han dbook” (PDF), you need t o install A dobe Rea der on your comput er. 1 Turn on the comput er. 2 Place the CD-ROM (sup plied) in the disc drive of your[...]
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24 What yo u ca n do wit h a Win dows comput er When you ins tall the “Pi cture Mot ion Browse r” on a Window s compu ter from the supplie d CD-ROM, you c an enjoy the followi ng operat ions. x Creating a disc with ima ges taken with your ca mcorder by one simp le operatio n By pressing DISC BURN on t he Handyca m Station (p. 16), you can sa ve[...]
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25 Enjoyi ng with a compute r DVD burn er (CD-ROM d rive is necessary fo r installation ) b Not es • Even in a computer environment where the operations are guaranteed, frames may be dropped from movies with HD (high definiti on) image qual ity, resul ti ng in uneven playback. However, imported images an d images on discs created subsequently wil[...]
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26 9 Click [Next] on the connection confirmation screen of the computer. b Notes • Even if a screen prompting you to restart your computer appears, you do not need to restart it at this time. Click [NO], and continue installing the software. • The authentica tion may take time. 10 Follow the o n-screen instru ctions to install the software. One[...]
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27 Enjoyi ng with a compute r After you instal l the software, sh ortcut icons f or “Pictu re Motion Br owser” an d “Pic ture M oti on Br owser Guid e” ar e created on t he desk top. For the basic operation of “P icture M otion Browser ,” see “P ictur e Motion Br owser Guide.” To imp ort the imag es to th e comp uter, etc. , connec [...]
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28 2 Click [Safe ly remove USB Ma ss Storage Device]. 3 Click [OK] (Wind ows 2000 only). 4 Touch [END] on the scree n of your camcorder. 5 Touch [YES ] on t he screen of your camcorder. 6 Disconnec t the USB cable fr om the Handycam Statio n and the comput er. b Notes • Do not disconnect the USB cable while the ACCESS l amp is lit. • Before tur[...]
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29 Troubles hooting Troubleshoo ting Trou bles hooti ng If you run into any problems using yo ur camcorde r, use th e follow ing table t o trouble shoot th e probl em. If the p roblem persists, disconnect th e power sou rce and contac t your Sony dea ler. Notes before send ing y our ca mcor der for repair • Your camcor der may be r equired to i n[...]
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30 You cannot ma ke new recordi ng during this pe riod. • T he hard disk of th e camcorde r is full. Delete unn ecessary im ages (p. 22). • T otal number of movie scenes or still images ex ceeds th e recordabl e capaci ty of your camc order. Delete unnecessary images (p . 22) . The recordi ng stops. • T he temperat ure of your camco rder is e[...]
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31 Troubles hooting (Warning on the hard d isk of the camcorder)* Fast flashing • An er ror may have occurre d with the hard disk driv e in your camcord er. (Warni ng on the hard dis k of the camcorder)* Fast flashing • The hard di sk of t he c amc orde r i s fu lly reco rd ed . • An er ror may have occurre d with the hard disk driv e in your[...]
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32 Additio nal Inform ation Precau tio ns On use an d care • Do not use or store the camcorder and accessories i n the following locations: – Anywhere extremely hot, cold or humid. Never leave them exposed to te mperatures above 60°C (140°F), su ch as under di rect sunlight, near heaters or in a car parked in th e sun. They may malfunction or[...]
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33 Additi onal Info rmation – Leaving the casing in contact with rubber or vinyl objects for a long period of time. About c are and st orage of th e lens • Wipe t he surface of th e lens clean with a soft cloth in t he followin g instances: – When there are fingerprints on the lens surface. – In hot or humid locations – When the lens is e[...]
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34 Specif ica tions System Video compression format AVCHD (HD)/M PEG2 (SD)/J PEG (Still images) Audio compression format Dolby Digital 2/5.1ch Dolby Digital 5.1 Creator Video signal PAL co lor, CCIR stan dar ds 1080/50i specification Hard disk HDR-SR5E: 40 GB HDR-SR7E: 60 GB HDR-SR8E: 100 GB When measuring media capacity, 1 GB equals 1 billion byte[...]
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35 Additi onal Info rmation Input /Out put conn ecto rs Audio/Video output 10-pin connector Video signal: 1 Vp-p, 75 Ω (ohms) Luminance signal: 1 Vp-p, 75 Ω (ohms) Chrominance sign al: 0.3 Vp-p, 75 Ω (ohms) Audio signal: 327 mV (a t load impedance 47 k Ω (kilohms)), Output imped ance with less than 2.2 k Ω (kilohms) COMPONENT OUT jack Y: 1 Vp-[...]
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36 Oper ating t emper ature 0 °C to + 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) Stora ge temp eratur e -20 °C to + 60 °C (-4 °F to + 140 °F) Dimen sio ns (a ppro x.) 48 × 29 × 81 mm (1 15/16 × 1 3/16 × 3 1/4 in.) (w/h/d) excluding the projecting parts Mass (app rox.) 170 g (6.0 oz) excluding the mains lead * See the label on the AC Adaptor for other spec[...]
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Printed on 70% or more recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)- free vegetable oil bas ed ink. Printed in Japan GB Addition al inform ation on t his produc t and answer s to frequent ly asked que stions can be found at o ur Custom er Supp ort We bsite.[...]